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<KipIngram> Ok, question for you all. I'm setting up my block/buffer system so that I use a hash to narrow down the list of buffers a block is able to reside in to two, then I can quickly check those two to see if one of them is the one I want. The question regards the case where both of the candidate buffers are occupied, but not by the block that I want. So I'm going to have to replace one of them.
<KipIngram> I'm implementing a simple least-recently used system for that - I'll always replace the block that has sat there untouched for the longest time.
<KipIngram> Here's the question: if the least recently used block has been written to, so I'd have to write it before replacing it, but the more recently used block has not been written (so I could just replace it), which do I do? Should dirty/clean override least recently used?
<KipIngram> I lean toward yes, but I don't have a crystal clear argument as to why.
<KipIngram> I have a nasty feeling that the answer to this question depends on the nature of my current traffic - i.e., it's application dependent.
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<lispmacs> hi, I am working through Moving Forth. I was just wondering if anybody had a particular preference for ICT, vs DCT and SCT? I found ICT as a model kind of appealing, though I can see some performance disadvantages
<KipIngram> I have a strong preference for IDT. I think there are certain things (one is CREATE / DOES> ) that implement more cleanly in IDT.
<Zarutian_HTC> lispmacs: depends on the $NEXT assembler macro
<KipIngram> I'm sorry - ITC.
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<KipIngram> I will say right out, though, that many many people like STC.
<KipIngram> I think it's just almost automatic to regard it as higher performance, but that really depends on the details of the architecture.
<KipIngram> I think people think "Oh, the hardware supports STC, so surely it's best."
<KipIngram> And I think they're likely right in many/most cases.
<KipIngram> Just not in every single one.
<Zarutian_HTC> I like STC on dual stack machines but DCT or ITC otherwise
<remexre> I mostly do DTC, since imo it's nice that colon words are just a special case of code words
<KipIngram> ITC is what I've become most thoroughly familiar with over the years, so my opinion should be considered somewhat biased.
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<remexre> though yeah, I have worried about the branch predictor penalty vs STC
<Zarutian_HTC> the subroutine call opcode often takes up one byte and the absolute address two, so you get lot of three byte instructions
<remexre> heh, I live on aarch64, they're all 4-byte :)
<KipIngram> remexre: That's an interesting point - I think I see what you mean.
<Zarutian_HTC> on avr and others I prefer DTC
<KipIngram> dave0's "NEXT == ret" approach has really impressed me - that's just slick as heck in my opinion.
<Zarutian_HTC> KipIngram: re block: it also depends on how 'expensive' it is to write a block out
<KipIngram> True.
<KipIngram> I'm also thinking of including cuckoo hash at this level and dodging the whole question.
<KipIngram> I.e., there would then be more than two buffers a block could live in.
<KipIngram> There would be four - two from each hash method.
<KipIngram> That mitigates the thrashing prospects quite a bit.
<KipIngram> Best case access time wouldn't be impacted at all, but average access time would be lengthened.
<KipIngram> I suspect writes to disk would be considerably less frequent in that scheme, which is probably enough to make it a win right there.
<KipIngram> More work, though.
<Zarutian_HTC> I do not recall where I read it, might been in Forth Dimensions, that one guy used tape as block storage.
<KipIngram> I think with cuckoo, though, I would have fewer buffers.
<KipIngram> Like instead of 256, it would be 240.
<KipIngram> You'd need to eliminate the "diagonal" of the grid, so that no block got the same buffer # from both hashes.
<Zarutian_HTC> but he had a modified casette 'drive' which could play the casette backwards
<KipIngram> My very first Forth sort of did that - it had a 32 kB randisk and I loaded it from and to cassette.
<lispmacs> I was wondering - author hinted that there were some advanced things that you could do with ITC since everything is an address - but he didn't go into details. I would imagine maybe writing a decompiler might be simpler...? or maybe it would be easier to modify/move-around code...?
<KipIngram> That's not quite the same thing, though.
<KipIngram> There the tape was just for offline storage.
<KipIngram> Well, as I said, I've always found CREATE/DOES> easier and less klunky in ITC.
<KipIngram> I think ITC is just the "closest to the origins" of Forth.
<KipIngram> It really just stands to reason that an additional level of indirection would provide opportunities one could exploit, but I can't give you a full list right now.
<Zarutian_HTC> and it had two sets of heads
<KipIngram> Oh, INTERESTING.
<KipIngram> If you ever run across that again point me at it.
<KipIngram> I may look for that later, just for shoots and grins.
<KipIngram> I like "clever."
<Zarutian_HTC> re ITC: I am still somewhat facinated by opemfirmware fcode bytecode idea
<KipIngram> I also find bytecode an interesting idea.
<KipIngram> I don't think I'm interested in a pure bytecode system, but I keep wondering if it could be "integrated" into an ITC system in some useful way.
<Zarutian_HTC> the idea was that pci devices had fcode drivers in accessible rom
<KipIngram> lispmacs: My ITC system has a second pointer right there by the CFA pointer that points to the "parameter field" of each word.
<Zarutian_HTC> no need to hunt down the driver from a disk or install it
<KipIngram> So, definition points to called CFAs, the PFAs are right by the CFAs, the CFA points to code and the PFA points to the new definition.
<KipIngram> And that structure makes me able to "revector" any word I want.
<KipIngram> I can just change a words PFA pointer to point to a new definition, and that redefines EVERY INSTANCE of that word, everywhere. Even in already compiled definitions.
<KipIngram> In fully traditional Forth systems you have to jump an extra hoop to get that revectoring capability, so you usually only do it with a subset of your words.
<KipIngram> Of course, that's yet another level of indirection I have to thread through.
<KipIngram> Every little bit costs.
<KipIngram> The system still feels plenty snappy to me, though.
<KipIngram> In a traditional ITC system the called definition list is right there immediately following the CFA, instead of there being another pointer involved.
<lispmacs> i feel like from my perspective I wouldn't mind giving up some cycles to make a system more elegant and more hackable, though that might be a hard sell to others
<Zarutian_HTC> re the tape drive: because each block on tape had lengthOfBlock, blockNr, blockData, lengthOfBlock it could seek backwards for the latest version of the block desired
<KipIngram> So the only way you could redefine a word and affect prior usages would be to overwrite the definition with the new one.
<KipIngram> And it might not fit.
<lispmacs> KipIngram: that sounds appealing to me
<KipIngram> It's very clean.
<lispmacs> your approach, I mean
<KipIngram> Well, if you're into elegance as you said, then you're somewhat like me.
<KipIngram> So you might like the same sorts of things.
<KipIngram> I'll show you what my next looks like.
<KipIngram> next_c: geti rrW, rrIP ; Fetch next icell
<KipIngram> radd rrW, rrHB ; Offset -> address
<KipIngram> inci rrIP ; Bump instruction pointer
<KipIngram> geti rrTMP, rrW ; Fetch CFA offset
<KipIngram> radd rrTMP, rrBB ; Offset -> address
<KipIngram> rjmp rrTMP ; Go there
<KipIngram> Those are mostly macro names, but the comments tell you what's going on.
<KipIngram> I have #defines to give Forth VM style register names.
<KipIngram> My system is MacOS, which required those funky additions of rrBB and rrHB - you wouldn't need those steps in a Linux system.
<KipIngram> You'd work with literal addresses, whereas everything stored in my system is offets. I have to add the base address of a region to each one to get the address.
<KipIngram> So try to ignore that part.
<Zarutian_HTC> tape drive: there was another guy that used a diffrent casette recorder and player that took these endless loop one way tapes
<KipIngram> I think the same scheme in a Linux imp would just be missing both of the Offset --> address lines.
<lispmacs> KipIngram: aside from those offset-related instructions, it looks pretty simple
<KipIngram> :-) That's pretty fascinating. Seems like someone tries more or less everything eventually.
<Zarutian_HTC> in that setup each block had servral locations evenly spaced around the tape
<KipIngram> Yes. Compared to traditional FIG next it just has that one extra indirection.
<KipIngram> Oh, but you don't see that here.
<KipIngram> That extra level of indirection would be in the "docol" routine.
<KipIngram> Sorry - so this is a completely traditional NEXT except for the Offset --> address lines.
<KipIngram> And Apple force that on me.
<Zarutian_HTC> so, each block had a version counter field in it
<KipIngram> Yeah, I'm not fully grokking how these versions come into play yet.
<lispmacs> Is there any trouble with "inlining" in a ITC system?
<KipIngram> I used to wonder if you could do something like that endless one way tape with fiber optics.
<KipIngram> Just have a repeater, that receives what comes out of the fiber and continually shoves it back in.
<KipIngram> And however long the fiber was, if you wait a little while any piece of content will come by.
<KipIngram> Just intercept what you need, replace what you want to replace.
<KipIngram> I don't really see any immediate reason why that wouldn't work.
<Zarutian_HTC> the tape the guy used was an hour long one but he could play it back at 4x speed
<KipIngram> A km of fiber would spin every 3 us or so.
<Zarutian_HTC> in extended memory he had a list of block nrs and their version
<KipIngram> And say you worked with 5ns windows - that would store about 600 bits. So not much, I guess. That's probably the problem with it.
<Zarutian_HTC> it meant that at power up he had to play the whole tape through for the system to discover which version nr was highest per block
<KipIngram> Yeah.
<Zarutian_HTC> but it meant that older versions of a block could be overwritten
<KipIngram> Ah, I start to see now.
<Zarutian_HTC> often with a diffrent block alltogether
<KipIngram> That seems to bear some similarity to NAND flash strategies in data storage.
<KipIngram> The write process there is sort of a continuous big loop through the physical storage. Over and over.
<KipIngram> And you update logical to physical mapping however you need to as you go.
<Zarutian_HTC> the neat thing regarding this recorder player was the read head was in front of the ereaser and write head
<KipIngram> Because it was running backward?
<Zarutian_HTC> nope this is the continous loop one
<Zarutian_HTC> the guy figgured that he could record while playing back
<Zarutian_HTC> so he built an decoder and encoder in hardware which meant that the stuff on tape was always being refreshed
<KipIngram> Sure - why not?
<KipIngram> I mean, two different spots on the tape - may as well do two different things. :-)
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<dave0> maw
<KipIngram> hey dave0
<KipIngram> You missed it - I was plugging your
<KipIngram> Forth earlier
<dave0> hey KipIngram
<dave0> oh cool!
<dave0> thanks guy :-)
<Zarutian_HTC> KipIngram: so he experimented with overwriting obsoleted block versions with the block buffer that was least recently used
<KipIngram> Ok.
<Zarutian_HTC> worked suprisingly well
<KipIngram> I think if I rig up this cuckoo-hash equipped block buffer system, then essentially I won't have to write any blocks out until the buffers get around 95% full.
<KipIngram> Which really means that most of the time I'll probably write stuff out when I quit.
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<KipIngram> With how large memories are on computers I can easily have more buffers than I'd ever really use.
<Zarutian_HTC> what I do not get was why there were diy papertape readers but no punches
<KipIngram> Hmmm. Was there just no good cheap way to implement the punches?
<KipIngram> I could easily imagine reading a paper tape on the fly as it's moving, but how would you punch it while it was in motion?
<KipIngram> Just really really QUICKLY?
<KipIngram> Before it had time to move any significant amount?
<KipIngram> Maybe you could punch with a wheel.
<KipIngram> As the wheel rotated (rolled along the paper) the punch heads would come down in well-contained spots.
<KipIngram> If you could control a whole bunch of punch heads around the periphery of the wheel, maybe that could work.
<KipIngram> That would be a lot of punches, though.
<KipIngram> I'm having trouble thinking of anything other than advance/punch, advance/punch... that would be easy to home brew.
<KipIngram> Ah man - got to caught up in this and missed a 4pm time for a phone call.
<KipIngram> I've joined now, though.
<KipIngram> It's too entertaining around here, man.
<KipIngram> So, if I add this cuckoo hash stuff I'm still going to structure things the same at the top-most level:
<KipIngram> : block (block) .0>; ...other stuff... ;
<KipIngram> (block) will be written in assembly and it's job will be to implement the fast "already resident" path.
<KipIngram> Which in this case will be all reads actually, until we start to get full.
<KipIngram> So it will make good use of all the space I provide.
<KipIngram> ...other stuff... will probably be written in Forth, because for whatever reason we're going to have to visit the disk now.
<KipIngram> So not the same premium on speed.
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