mark4 changed the topic of #forth to: Forth Programming | do drop >in | logged by clog at backup at | If you have two (or more) stacks and speak RPN then you're welcome here! |
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<cheater> mark4: the policy channel is so full of vitriol, wow
<mark4> ya dont say lol
<cheater> fuck
<cheater> tbh i'm glad that's all contained there
<mark4> i think the staff gave up on the policy discussion and are luring and listening
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<cheater> luring?
<crc> Lurking?
<cheater> ah
<cheater> yeah you can't really have a real discussion in there
<mark4> lurking yea i cant type lol
<mark4> fyi :P
<mark4> there was some limited rational thoughts expressed in there. not much tho
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<cheater> yeah sadly not a lot of that
<mark4> my only regret here is that #gentoo is moving to liberia instead of some other network
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<mark4> if bill gates, george soros and jeff beezlebub all offered me their entire personal fortumes i would not set foot on that heteful network
<cmtptr> i don't know why jess isn't banned
<mark4> because of patience maybe?
<mark4> i noticed a number of spite filled haters still opers in there when i thought they should be klined
<cmtptr> she's one of the former staff and is obviously only there to stir up shit and not productively contribute
<crc> jess was +b a few times earlier
<mark4> i think he means perma banned
<cmtptr> oh i missed that part
<mark4> klined
<mark4> she was banned numerous times for short periods
<mark4> sometimes for no apparant reason
<mark4> who knows what she was saying to whome in PM
<crc> Not my channel to worry about :)
<cmtptr> oh well. i feel like i've said everything i have to say to anyone who will listen. tomorrow i'm moving past this clown show
<mark4> yup
<mark4> not my network to worry about
<mark4> well you kind of cant.. it has to move past us lol
<mark4> which it will
<mark4> there are those who will leave. there are those who will stay and there are those who will stay just to disrupt
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<mark4> i wonder if i should post that in there lol
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<cmtptr> lol
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<cheater> mark4: what makes libera hate filled?
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<mark4> read their resignation latters
<cheater> i saw some
<cheater> what's your take?
<mark4> read the chat they are making here, thea ccusations in the policy channel going on right now
<crc> Discussion in the policy channel has settled down and feels more reasonable now
<mark4> my take is is that they do not like having their utopian dicatorship stripped fron them
<mark4> to be expected
<mark4> thats what will happen to the servers in general over time
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<cheater> it's so weird
<cheater> all of it
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<mark4> crc i just got a private message from rasengan thanking me for my eamil earlier and that all policies were under review. i told him not to worry too much about my petition till things have been resolved here....
<mark4> he apprecites the support and the patience
<crc> Sounds good
<mark4> ya
<mark4> he has much bigger fish to fry
<mark4> hopefully not literally :)
<crc> I'm just hoping things settle down soon
<crc> IRC isn't supposed to be stressful :)
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<mark4> heh
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<Bogen85> crc, agreed :D
<mark4> things will settle down eventually
<mark4> you should hang in here dwight, we dont ONLY talk forth :)
<Bogen85> yep :D
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<proteus-guy> nihilazo, Lord_Nightmare why so excited to leave freenode #forth? All it does is split the forth community. If there's an issue on this #forth channel that bothers you then speak up. But let the irc hosting providers deal with their stuff however they like so long as it doesn't hurt #forth. Every one in this channel can act like an adult regardless of what any written policies say. crc is making a bridge between the systems soon enough.
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<KipIngram> That's the smartest thing I've seen in here the last couple of days. This is a great channel - I've truly enjoyed having other Forth appreciators to hang out with. The last couple of days have been bizarre and weird, but they are NOT characteristic of THIS CHANNEL and THESE PEOPLE. The thing is #forth just happens to be on Freenode - WE are #forth; it's what we make it. And as far as I'm concerned we've
<KipIngram> made it something good and I see no reason to let some other people's squabbles spoil that.
<KipIngram> Try to remember that this whole business is being "spun" just like every damn political issue that rolls gets spun. You've got people on this side bending the rhetoric one way and people on the other side bending it the other way - they're all just trying to manipulate us to behave the way they want us to behave.
<KipIngram> I'm over it - I want to talk about forth, like we always do.
<KipIngram> I for one don't want to lose that over a pile of horse poo.
<KipIngram> If bad things start to happen here, then we can leave then. But *we* haven't had problems. There's no reason we need to start having them.
<KipIngram> I just think everyone has gotten way to wound up over something that has actually had no effect on us whatsoever, as far as I can see.
<KipIngram> "too" wound up
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<cbridge> 1621858111 <crc> testing initial version of the bridge (libera side)...
<crc> testing initial version of the bridge (freenode side)...
<cbridge> 1621858166 -!- impomatic( has joined ##forth
<cbridge> 1621858196 -!- impomatic( has joined ##forth
<KipIngram> That looks promising.
<cbridge> 1621858372 <crc> indeed
<cbridge> 1621858379 <KipIngram> :-)
<cbridge> 1621858404 <KipIngram> It's a shame it clutters it up with extra baggage, but at least it's working. Nicely done.
<cbridge> 1621858423 <crc> output will be cleaned up later :)
<cbridge> 1621858450 <KipIngram> Ok. It's also showing up in my highmon buffer, because my nick appears in it.
<cbridge> 1621858454 <KipIngram> That will get annoying.
<cbridge> 1621858501 <KipIngram> Will it be possible for side A to know that stuff I type on side B is FROM me and not TO me?
<cbridge> 1621858576 <KipIngram> You see what I'm saying, right? When I type something here, it gets pumped onto freenode #forth with my nick contained in the content. My client then sees that as someone else mentioning my nick, and flags it into my highmon buffer.
<cbridge> 1621858591 <crc> I can rework the message format to make that clearer
<cbridge> 1621858608 <KipIngram> Highmon is automated - there may be no way to avoid it.
<cbridge> 1621858611 <crc> not sure how to prevent a client from seeing it as a mention though
<cbridge> 1621858619 <KipIngram> If so I'll just have to deal with.
<cbridge> 1621858628 <KipIngram> Right - there's probably no good way to do that.
<cbridge> 1621858695 <KipIngram> The client itself could be made to fix that - after all, it knows I just typed it into another buffer.
<cbridge> 1621858708 <KipIngram> Maybe I can fix it in the source.
<MrMobius> why be connected to both though if there's a bridge?
<cbridge> 1621858731 <KipIngram> Well, good point.
<cbridge> 1621858743 <KipIngram> Once the output is cleaned up that's probably the answer - no need to be in both.
<cbridge> 1621858748 <KipIngram> That will fix it.
<cbridge> 1621858759 <KipIngram> Thanks - that should have been obvious to me. :-)
<cbridge> 1621858768 <KipIngram> It's early - only half a cup of coffee so far.
<cbridge> 1621858770 <crc> heh, same
<MrMobius> hehe, I only know bc one of the calculator channels im in has been bridged to discord for a while
<MrMobius> KipIngram, thought any more about making a calculator?
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<cbridge> <KipIngram> No, not explicitly, though every time it crosses my mind I think what a great project it would be. It would be total coolness to 3d print the case, etc. It's still the key tech that I have the poorest ideas about.
<cbridge> <KipIngram> It's always fun to talk about.
<cbridge> <KipIngram> And keys are important - one of the nicest things about my old HP was how pleasant the key action was.
<cbridge> <KipIngram> Have any of the big vendors ever included a touch screen in their calculator?
<cbridge> <KipIngram> Seems like that would be good for zooming, rotating, and so on.
<cbridge> <crc> casio has a touchscreen graphing calculator iirc
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<KipIngram> crc: Let us know when the bridge is full time up; I'll drop off of libera ##forth then.
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<KipIngram> I'm over all this stuff - I decided on the Burt Cooper approach to the whole thing.
<KipIngram> That's a Mad Men reference, for the unintiated.
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<proteusguy> KipIngram, Mad Men is the best!
<cbridge-libera> <proteusguy> Cool - the bridge works. Nice going crc !
<KipIngram> It was quite good, wasn't it?
<cbridge-libera> -!- KipIngram(~kipingram@ has left ##forth
* cbridge-libera is pleased to see that it seems more stable now
<crc> hmm; I'll need to refine the handling of /me
<cbridge-libera> -!- impomatic( has joined ##forth
<proteusguy> KipIngram, I've watched the entire series 3 times now. Such amazing writing and actors.
<KipIngram> Wow. I've actually not seen the last couple of seasons.
<KipIngram> I thought it wasn't quite as good after season 2 or so, but those first couple of seasons I'd say is some of the best TV ever made.
<KipIngram> I found Draper endlessly fascinating.
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<proteusguy> KipIngram, yeah but it did have a good final show. So few long running series ever get that. I did dig his new French Canadian wife though. :-)
<proteusguy> Oh you have a lot of Mad Men watching to catch up on... haha
<KipIngram> Oh yeah - Megan. Totally hot!
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<mark4> bridge seems to be working
<cbridge-libera> <crc> it's having some timeout issues on the freenode side
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<mark4> aha
<mark4> maybe fn is being ddos'd :)
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<KipIngram> Oh, surely no one would do that... ;-)
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<crc> no, I have a bot in #mecrisp that's pointing people to #mecrisp on that's staying connected w/o problems
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<mark4> maybe we could bridge between their channels there and ours :)
<mark4> as long as that does not keep circulating the same messages through 3 different bots in 3 different channels
<mark4> lol
<crc> it won't do that (it filters out things it posts)
<mark4> kk lol because i could see it going me -> bot a -> to bot b -> bot c -> bot a -> .... ad infinitum lo;
<mark4> lol
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<Zarutian_HTC> crc: only JOINs, and PRIVMSG being sent over via the bridge or?
<crc> Zarutian_HTC: at this point, yes
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<Zarutian_HTC> crc: might want to add QUITs and PARTs too
<crc> yeah. I'll work on that.
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<cmtptr> this is unfortunate since my client is configured to ignore joins, quits, and parts except for active participants
<cmtptr> i guess i can just ignore a pattern that matches joins, quits, and parts messages from cbridge-libera
<cbridge-libera> -!- kluk( has joined ##forth
<crc> how does it determine active participants?
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<cbridge-libera> -!- kluk( has joined ##forth
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<cbridge-libera> -!- kluk( has joined ##forth
<cbridge-libera> -!- kluk( has joined ##forth
<cbridge-libera> -!- kluk( has joined ##forth
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<mark4> erm actually could we silence repeated /joins lolk
<mark4> oh thats what you are talking about maybe :)
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<crc> mark4: I'm looking into that
<mark4> crc ya :)
<mark4> but tbh im prepared to suffer the constant join/leave spam from disconnects more than im prepared to accept the fragmentation of the channel
<mark4> but i will never set foot on that server
<mark4> not ever
<mark4> if freenode goes down permanantly ill find a new home
<crc> I have #forth on hackint and there's also one on oftc :)
<cbridge-libera> <citrons> the
<Bogen85> hmmm... this bot stuff is crazy
<Bogen85> I think I should release a few thousand bots on libera
<cbridge-libera> -!- kluk( has joined ##forth
<cbridge-libera> <crc> kluk: having connection issues?
<cbridge-libera> <kluk> @crc: yes but I don't know why
<Bogen85> ok, this is supposed to be legitimate bot... (cbridge-libera)
<Bogen85> not a spam bot
<cbridge-libera> <kluk> I was told to check my router log files, haven't done it yet...
<crc> Bogen85: yes, cbridge-* is my bot to relay messages between servers
<Bogen85> yeah, I'm looking back through the conservation, understanding now
<Bogen85> the bot should be able to filter some of that (or detect and not repeat)
<Bogen85> similar to what loggers do with repeated messages
<cbridge-libera> <citrons> are they just portscanning the entire IP address space? I got spam on my extremely obscure IRC network
<crc> Bogen85: yes, I'm looking into how to handle that; it'll take a bit of time though; I haven't written anything quite like this before, so don't have words written to detect the duplicates yet. And when I enable quit/part, it'll be a little harder as I'll need to watch more context.
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<cmtptr> @crc> how does it determine active participants? <-- they have to have spoken or done a /me, etc. within some time period. the code is hard to follow for me, i think that time period works out to 80 minutes, but i'm not confident with that nor do i understand why the author thought it needed to be so confusing
<crc> cmtptr: I may be able to do something similar since I am capturing time stamps for each message; I'll look at that
<cmtptr> cool, thanks!
<cmtptr> the only downside is that of course you lose all new /joins
<crc> for the moment, I've set it to ignore JOINs for the moment
<cmtptr> you only see a join when someone who was talking parts and then joins again shortly later
<crc> true
<crc> lots to do still :)
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<cmtptr> crc, i trust you're writing this thing in retro?
<mark4> lol
<crc> yes
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<mark4> at one time, a long time ago there was a BBS dedicated to the forth programming languate
<crc> connection is handled by ii from suckless, the processing is in retro
<mark4> the ***ENTIRE*** bbs was written in dos batch NOT FORTH
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<crc> (replacing `ii` with a similar thing in retro is something I might do later)
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<cmtptr> mark4, that sounds like a nightmare and a half
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<mark4> it was lol
<mark4> they got really really REALLY pissy with my father (who taught me forth) why it wasnt written in forth :)
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<crc> I vaguely recall DOS batch files
<mark4> i wish i did not :P~
<crc> it's not efficient yet (I need to look into using kqueue to watch for changes to the `out` files rather than constantly polling over them), and needs a bunch of refactoring
<cmtptr> :delay 'sleep_0.5 unix:system ; that's interesting
<cmtptr> what if you want to invoke a system command that uses an underscore?
<cmtptr> (sorry i haven't looked into retro much)
<cbridge-libera> <crc> 'sleep\_0.5 s:format
<cmtptr> aah
<cmtptr> yeah, i see what you mean - it's just polling every half-second, could be designed to be event-driven
<Bogen85> crc, could the joins be considered a "log channel" (or something similiar) and if you query the bot you could subscribe to that "log channel"?
<cbridge-libera> <crc> Bogen85, I could probably setup something for that
<mark4> thats a cool idea :)
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<cmtptr> lol
<cmtptr> well that surely won't ruffle feathers
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<mark4[MFNGA]> lol
<mark4[MFNGA]> nah
<crc> [MFNGA] ?
<KipIngram> hahahahahahaha
<KipIngram> We need caps!
<mark4[MFNGA]> Make Freenode Great Again lol
<cbridge-libera> <f-a> lol
<crc> Heh
<cbridge-libera> <f-a> nice bridge
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<cbridge-libera> <dave0> maw
<KipIngram> Hi dave0.
<KipIngram> Holy cow - the sky just "unzipped" and it's raining like mad.
<cbridge-libera> <f-a> weird may here
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<Bogen85> crazy may here too as far as rain
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<cbridge-libera> <dave0> hi robot
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<cbridge-libera> <f-a> mhhh I am not sure relaying part/join messages is worth it
<cbridge-libera> <f-a> (at least, I do not see other bridges doing it)
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<KipIngram> Earlier I heard some talk about handling part/join in a slightly modified way. Don't know if anything is planned there or not, though.
<KipIngram> MrMobius: re: the "building a calculator" thing, I suppose I could consider the work I am doing now as "in that direction"; I am hoping that this particular Forth I'm working on now becomes the basis of all of my future projects.