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electronic_eel has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
electronic_eel has joined #glasgow
<d1b2> <ewen> @SpaimaCarpatilor Last I knew the Glasgow campaign that @esden was going to launch on Crowd Supply was going through another DFM (Design or Manufacturing) refinement, which I think was waiting on prototype boards to arrive for testing. IIRC there was a live stream 3-4 back working on that.
<d1b2> <esden> Yep, currently electronic_eel is working on some changes. I want to have this finished so I can place a prototype order and know exactly what improvements we end up with.
<d1b2> <ewen> FWIW, I think this is the most recent live stream which includes Glasgow updates (2020-06-10):
<d1b2> <esden> I think you got it @ewen 🙂
<pepijndevos> What's the most "I have no clue" uart command possible? I guess -a -M? Do I need to know parity?
_whitelogger has joined #glasgow
<pepijndevos> how do i exit this thig this is worse than vim
<pepijndevos> ah it tells you before it spams the screen
<pepijndevos> W: g.applet.interface.uart: 12232 frame or parity errors detected
<pepijndevos> I feel like I need to get the scope out, but that seems... not really the point of having a glasgow
<pepijndevos> Seems like the polarity might be inverted
<pepijndevos> (I did take the scope out)
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PyroPeter has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
electronic_eel has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
electronic_eel has joined #glasgow
electronic_eel has quit [Client Quit]
electronic_eel has joined #glasgow
Stormwind_mobile has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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<whitequark> pepijndevos: -M needs you to connect Vsense
<_whitenotifier-b> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel pushed 1 commit to wip-revC2 [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-b> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel 7c211cd - revC2: separate current shunt for the INA233
<_whitenotifier-b> [glasgow] electroniceel synchronize pull request #196: WIP revC2 -
<_whitenotifier-b> [glasgow] electroniceel commented on issue #165: Replace ADC with INA233 -
<electronic_eel> esden added the nice section descriptions to the silkscreen in revC2
<electronic_eel> currently the sections for the leds are called "FX2 STATUS" and "FPGA STATUS"
<electronic_eel> I'm not completely happy with that, mainly because the "FX2 STATUS" also contains the ICE-LED (=CDONE)
<electronic_eel> also the user could display something completely different than a status on the user leds, like blinkenlights
<electronic_eel> how about "SYS STATUS" and "USER LEDs" instead?
<esden> electronic_eel: I am fine with "SYS STATUS" the additional issues with FX2 STATUS is that you have to know what the hell FX2 refers to :P
<esden> So yeah that was not a great choice on my end. :/
<electronic_eel> oh, yeah, right
<electronic_eel> there is a label "FX2" on the silkscreen though
<_whitenotifier-b> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel pushed 1 commit to wip-revC2 [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-b> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel b661aa0 - revC2: move C13 and R3 (USB shield) a bit away from the usb-c connector
<_whitenotifier-b> [glasgow] electroniceel synchronize pull request #196: WIP revC2 -
<electronic_eel> esden: any better idea for "USER LEDs" or is that fine with you too?
<esden> Ohh ok, the fact that I labeled the FX2 chip on the board is probably why i chose that name for the LEDs... now it makes sense.
<esden> I think USER LEDs is probably fine, alternative is probably APPLET LEDs but that is longer.
<esden> Or maybe APPLET STATUS even...
<esden> Or APP STATUS?
<esden> not sure... curious if whitequark has an opinion about it. :)
<electronic_eel> APP STATUS is a good idea, I like it
<esden> Tho goal is to make it as self descriptive to a first time user as possible.
<electronic_eel> USER LEDs would also fit this I think, as it is up to the user to decide what they show
<esden> user or the applet developer ... :D
<electronic_eel> often mcu demo boards also often have a bunch of user leds, so the concept is commonly used and the new user probably recognizes it
<esden> yeah that is a good point
<electronic_eel> but let's hear other peoples opinions on this
<electronic_eel> there is no hurry to decide this right now
<electronic_eel> I'm currently trying to get rid of another BOM line - I added one with the commit before, so I now try to compensate...
<whitequark> electronic_eel: USER LEDs are fine im
<whitequark> *imo
<whitequark> instead of FX2 STATUS we could use USB STATUS
<_whitenotifier-b> [glasgow] whitequark commented on issue #165: Replace ADC with INA233 -
<electronic_eel> hmm, isn't USB STATUS a bit misleading? the ICE led is not related to usb, also ERR lights up on voltage errors, which is also not usb related
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
<whitequark> ah hm looks like i haven't seen the latest changes then
<electronic_eel> for the leds it is just a label inside the silkscreen box we already had
<electronic_eel> the labels of the individual leds are the same, also the ordering and placement
<whitequark> mhm
<whitequark> sorry, i don't have much bandwidth left for glasgow right now, let's look at this closely once i finish cxxsim
<whitequark> should be done in a few days
<electronic_eel> no worries, this doesn't need to be decided right now
<_whitenotifier-b> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel pushed 1 commit to wip-revC2 [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-b> [GlasgowEmbedded/glasgow] electroniceel 9564acf - revC2: save one BOM line by replacing 1k resistors with 2k2
<_whitenotifier-b> [glasgow] electroniceel synchronize pull request #196: WIP revC2 -