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<bart416> azonenberg, our professor digital circuit design adviced me to go TTL anyway
<bart416> And told me to get the book Digital Integrated Electronics by Herbert Taub
<bart416> In other words, I just ordered it heh
<horizontally> did you check ?
<bart416> dunno
<bart416> University library also has the book
<bart416> But I want to design this over the winter break
<bart416> VTech is in the news again...
<bart416> Somebody is trying to beat the highscore
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<azonenberg> bart416: Somebody's shooting them up *again*?
<bart416> yeah
<bart416> Current score: 2
<azonenberg> You'd think they would have locked down a bit
<bart416> High score: 32
<azonenberg> Two wounded or two fatalities?
<bart416> Two fatalities
<bart416> A cop and somebody else
<azonenberg> And I bet campus security still doesnt carry firearms
<bart416> Honnestly all firearms should be banned on campus
<bart416> I don't even get the need for firearms at all for most people
<azonenberg> On the contrary, the bad guys will have them anyway
<bart416> Especially pistols
<bart416> How much shootings happen in Europe per year?
<azonenberg> Its pretty hard to lock down all entrances to something as large as a suburban college campus
<azonenberg> So you want to be ready in case something does happen
<azonenberg> I mean, a skilled shooter is going to be piling up the bodies very rapidly
<azonenberg> Say, crowded auditorium or lecture hall with a semiauto
<azonenberg> Two in the chest, one in the head, three seconds per kill
<azonenberg> Three to four kills per magazine
<azonenberg> plus at most five seconds to change
<azonenberg> In 90 seconds you have over ten bodies and the cops are four minutes off
<bart416> Yeah, then again you assume a person can get a semiautomatic weapon legally
<bart416> That's not the case here
<bart416> And illegally it's almost impossible to get as well
<azonenberg> Do you have drug cartels over there that you can buy from?
<azonenberg> I figured as much
<bart416> Not really no
<azonenberg> Its easier to get them illegally
<bart416> Our police doesn't have to investigate shootings or arrest protesters all the time
<azonenberg> Therefore, you can either sit down and get shot, or be prepared to fight back
<smeding> it's not entirely a matter of availability
<bart416> + drugs isn't strictly illegal
<smeding> though i think it helps
<smeding> it's also a matter of culture
<bart416> So they have time to get rid of all the illegal arms trade going on
<azonenberg> bart416: Well, around here drugs fund the arms trade :p
<bart416> Only some robers manage to get AK-47s, and those are very rare
<bart416> 1-2 cases / year
<azonenberg> The Mexican cartels have AKs all the time but i think most of the really nasty stuff is near the border
<azonenberg> But they smuggle pistols up north to arm the dealers
<bart416> Here there never has been a "omg we need guns to defend ourselves" mentality
<soul-d> here people with guns are by definition bad people
<bart416> Well realising that if we make firearms easy to get that more things will happen with them
<azonenberg> Well, around here there is no room for doubt that the bad guys are armed
<soul-d> almost all *
<azonenberg> So the question is, do you want the good guys to be too?
<soul-d> no
<bart416> Only police and military have the serious weapons.
<bart416> Pistols are near impossible to get
<soul-d> onliy police etc
<bart416> And hunting rifles are only slow loading ones
<bart416> Nothing semi automatic
<azonenberg> bart416: I'm talking campus security carrying pistols
<azonenberg> That would help with the initial response time significantly
<bart416> That's an accident waiting to happen
<azonenberg> get eyes and a weapon on scene quickly
<azonenberg> My guess is, campus security could respond to any location inside 90 seconds
<azonenberg> With an expert shooter you'd have around fifteen bodies already
<soul-d> here density of people v.s guns is low
<azonenberg> So do you want to wait another ten minutes for SWAT?
<bart416> You don't want armed guards walking around potentially drunk students
<soul-d> sure since i don't trust the next person with a fun
<azonenberg> Might make those students behave better
<soul-d> gun *
<azonenberg> And you need people to be trained better
<bart416> Here the police for example employs a simple system around students
<azonenberg> There is no doubt about that, most cops are not at all qualified
<soul-d> if you want to live in a 1984 world sure
<bart416> No lethal weapons
<soul-d> but a guard
<soul-d> next to every person
<azonenberg> soul-d: College campuses are, right now, soft targets
<azonenberg> You know nobody is armed
<azonenberg> So if you want a high body count you go there vs say a mall or movie theater
<bart416> Tazers sometimes
<azonenberg> where you might find a legal CCW holder
<soul-d> yes
<azonenberg> The question is, why has nobody fixed that?
<soul-d> but you are working on fear
<soul-d> wich is just stupid
<bart416> The fix is easy, ban weapons
<azonenberg> bart416: Good luck
<bart416> Oh, that's already the case here
<azonenberg> It'd work about as well as banning marijuana
<bart416> So not much luck needed
<azonenberg> my guess is they're about as easy to get
<bart416> Marijuana is pretty much legal here lol
<bart416> Police won't arrest you if you have a few grams on you
<azonenberg> bart416: Point is, there is so much out there that its impossible to get it all off the streets
<azonenberg> same thing with illegal weapons
<azonenberg> So again, the question is whether you want to fight back or sit back and get shot
<bart416> The issue is your fear response culture
<azonenberg> Because "the bad guys have guns" is a given
<soul-d> and they will use them
<bart416> Due to the lack of weapons here less people get shot
<soul-d> is you have a gun
<bart416> Look at the armed crime rate
<azonenberg> soul-d: You're saying if campus security was armed we'd have *more* mass shootings?
<azonenberg> It would act as a deterrent
<bart416> Its far lower than in the US
<azonenberg> as well as reducing the number of fatalities once someone does snap
<bart416> While we're far more densly populated
<azonenberg> bart416: like i said, less drug crime
<bart416> Well, people who snap here have a knife at most
<bart416> Cause they can't get a gun
<azonenberg> bart416: So then you get people using explosives
<azonenberg> Even worse
<soul-d> and that you won't fix by allowing guns
<azonenberg> Look at all of what the IRA was doing
<bart416> Last serious attempt at terrorism in Belgium has been decades lol
<azonenberg> you're telling me banning guns stopped them?
<azonenberg> bart416: I'm talking britain
<bart416> Britain is not the same as mainland Europe
<azonenberg> Their situation is more directly comparable to the USA
<soul-d> we din't dig the canal for nothing
<bart416> azonenberg, not really
<bart416> Most police officers in the UK aren't even armed
<bart416> Still, far lower crime rate
<azonenberg> bart416: I'd be willing to bet that if you somehow managed to get all the guns off the street in a major city in the USA
<azonenberg> You'd just see stabbings skyrocket
<bart416> That's a mentality problem with your fear culture
<azonenberg> The drug dealers are still fighting over their turf
<azonenberg> They'd just change weapons
<bart416> You all feel the need to cary weapons
<bart416> If you had people weapons they'll fight each other no matter what
<soul-d> i think there was a good bbc
<soul-d> on it
<soul-d> documentary
<azonenberg> bart416: The drug dealers will fight each other no matter what, with sticks and stones if necessary :p
<bart416> Well, ever considered that the police will have an easier time getting rid of them if they're not armed as well?
<azonenberg> There's a motorcycle gang on the other end of town and i know for a fact that most of them carry knives openly
<azonenberg> Would not at all be surprised if most have concealed handguns too
<soul-d> so
<soul-d> din't you want people to carry weapons
<soul-d> or only certain people ?
<soul-d> egg police
<azonenberg> In this particular case, campus security as a minimum
<soul-d> well go to that gang
<azonenberg> Obviously you would want to have stricter training requirements
<soul-d> ask for security probably nice people
<bart416> Generally most motorcyclist gangs are filled with softies heh
<azonenberg> Because i can say for a fact that most people with handgun permits, and probably most police, are not qualified
<azonenberg> couldnt shoot a fish in a barrel
<soul-d> but just 10 ago you wantend campus
<azonenberg> And certainly not an active shooter without endangering bystanders
<soul-d> to carry guns
<azonenberg> soul-d: I was saying, train them better and THEN arm them
<soul-d> sorry the wage is to low for such jobs
<bart416> The thing is, most people with these weapons are not trained at all
<soul-d> you never get enough trained people
<bart416> You're suggesting regular people can get them
<bart416> These people do not receive training
<bart416> Additionally these people are also capable of snapping and just shooting random by standers
<azonenberg> bart416: I do not support restrictions (beyond criminal and psych background checks) on who *can* purchase a weapon
<soul-d> and people with newfound powers will abuse them :)
<azonenberg> however i also support mandating much stronger training than is in place now
<bart416> Here if somebody snaps at most they'll punch you
<bart416> In the US they have a concealed weapon and they can use it
<azonenberg> If you want the gov't to trust you with a car, you have to pass a test
<azonenberg> etc
<azonenberg> And the "purchase a handgun" test should involve probably 40+ hours of range time including shoot/no-shoot drills
<soul-d> same here for weapons but we had a schooting for a crazy kid
<soul-d> he was member of club and all
<soul-d> all legal
<soul-d> and also shot 6 people
<azonenberg> soul-d: Those are very rare, and better psych background checking would have probably helped
<azonenberg> Most of these lunatics were obviously losing it
<soul-d> yes would cause he was crazy
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<azonenberg> First, weed out the psychopaths and criminals
<azonenberg> Then make sure the rest know what they're doing
<soul-d> to many people still and again if you want to live in a 1984 world
<azonenberg> You're saying we dont already?
<soul-d> where sombody with a gun is checking your every move
<azonenberg> Phone companies are recording every keystroke on your smartphone
<soul-d> doesn't mean you have to make it worse
<azonenberg> It's common knowledge that NSA did, and probably still does, tap phone calls whenever and wherever it wants
<azonenberg> And if the civilians are armed too, it will at least increase the odds of stopping the nutjob
<soul-d> true netherlands is actualy most phone tapped country
<bart416> <azonenberg> Phone companies are recording every keystroke on your smartphone <-- Not really
<azonenberg> soul-d: Whats your source on that?
<soul-d> but also increases amount of nutjobs
<soul-d> with guns
<azonenberg> I wasnt aware that intelligence published stats
<bart416> Not a single phone company here pre installs Carrier IQ on their phones
<azonenberg> bart416: cIQ is the first tool like that *to be detected*
<azonenberg> how many other carriers have something similar that wasnt found yet?
<soul-d> it's probably a geustimate
<bart416> Actually many are known
<azonenberg> I'm willing to bet, all of them
<bart416> + it's against EU privacy policy :)
<azonenberg> Tapping civilians w/o warrants also violates federal law
<azonenberg> Did that stop them?
<azonenberg> Big Brother is watching, get over it
<bart416> Oh but why don't you use your guns to defend your rights?
<soul-d> in that news source
<azonenberg> I'm not furrywolf here advocating a violent revolution
<bart416> Like the general excuse given to own guns
<azonenberg> I just wnat to be able to fight back if somebody starts shooting at me
<soul-d> it says only 2000 telephone taps where placed in usa where 1700 where placed in netherlands a day ( sounds to farfected to me on 200mln people )
<bart416> + honnestly I could do more damage with something I could build in the electronics lab in an afternoon than with an automatic machine gun
<soul-d> 200 on a year
<azonenberg> soul-d: 2000 taps? Not even remotely close
<azonenberg> there are more, i'm quite sure of that
<soul-d> yeah now i reread it sounds to few to be true
<azonenberg> bart416: Full auto is just stupid
<azonenberg> if you want to do damage you want a semi
<azonenberg> Even a bolt action if you're good enough with it
<bart416> I could still cause way more damage
<azonenberg> Depedns on what your skills are, i guess
<azonenberg> I have no clue how to build an explosive device :p
<azonenberg> but i can get pretty good accuracy with a rifle at 200m
<azonenberg> Back to my original point though... campus security at my school could probably get anywhere within 60-90 seconds on a top priority call
<bart416> We have no campus security
<azonenberg> local cops at least five minuts and county swat probably ten
<bart416> And the last time somebody died on campus was a suicide over three decades ago
<azonenberg> bart416: And when was the last time you had a student mugged by the locals?
<bart416> On campus?
<azonenberg> Within a block or two
<azonenberg> campus security keeps them off the campus proper
<bart416> Our campus is on the border of the city so hard to tell in terms of blocks :P
<azonenberg> And we havent had fatalities here since a suicide about five years ago and that was the first in a long time
<soul-d> most campuses here are not near blocks usaly
<bart416> I'd have to say it's been a few years as well
<bart416> + European cities don't really have blocks lol
<bart416> You'd probably get lost here
<bart416> The campus is spread all over city
<azonenberg> But every month or two we have someone get jumped by a bunch of locals
<azonenberg> Rarely, if ever, do they present a gun
<azonenberg> usually it's knives or fists
<bart416> The worst that has happened here was a rapist in a park nearby a few years ago
<azonenberg> They want their drug money, they know students have laptops and other things worth selling
<azonenberg> So they go take it
<azonenberg> The stupidest part IMO is that they always surrender without a fight
<bart416> Here they realise they'l be surrounded by a bunch of students and get beaten into he hospital
<bart416> *the
<azonenberg> That happened once
<azonenberg> For the first time in years one of the students fought back
<azonenberg> broke the nose of one attacker and the rest fled
<azonenberg> not sure if any of them were caught
<bart416> They sometimes try it on the places we go out
<bart416> Lets just say if it's spotted the criminals don't get far
<soul-d> usa in general is just weird probably has something to do with teaching kids overconfidence
<azonenberg> soul-d: overconfidence? These guys are sheep
<azonenberg> they do whatever the guy says even if they're bigger than he is and he doenst show a weapon
<azonenberg> We had a guy hand over his laptop to an unarmed twelve-year-old :p
<azonenberg> I am not kidding
<bart416> Like somebody started a fight in the bar we're normally at
<bart416> We "escorted" him outside
<bart416> And showed his head that a plastic trash can cause a concussion :p
<bart416> *can can
<azonenberg> lol
<bart416> And then handed him over to the police
<bart416> lol "safe" green energy
<azonenberg> Also, lol @ campus security stats
<bart416> A wind turbine in scotland exploded due to huricane strength winds
<azonenberg> they dont list any one of the off-campus incidents from the last year
<bart416> + nobody bothers to steal phones here anymore
<bart416> They get locked within hours anyway
<bart416> So they become completely useless
<azonenberg> ipod, phone, laptop are all top targets for these guys
<azonenberg> So, one must ask the question - why do the students sit down and take it?
<bart416> Your fear mentality
<azonenberg> Just a minut ago you were saying that made us all carry guns
<soul-d> watch adam curtis documantary's
<azonenberg> now you're saying it makes people not fight back?
<soul-d> it will explain
<bart416> It does both
<soul-d> you fear
<soul-d> everyone
<soul-d> trust no other person
<azonenberg> Because i can guarantee that if i ever was approached by a would-be mugger I would fight with whatever i had on me
<azonenberg> even if i had to club him with my flashlight
<azonenberg> Even if overpowered in the end, i'd know that he had to fight for whatever he got
<soul-d> they look for the weak ofcourse and not someone that might struggle
<soul-d> and in the moment yo never realy know id probably choose the one that ensures my saftey first
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<azonenberg> soul-d: That's assuming they managed to get close enough, I generally look over my shoulder and maintain good situational awareness
<azonenberg> Most of the folks who get jumped have headphones on
<azonenberg> and are completely oblivious to their surroundings
<soul-d> sure i do that
<soul-d> indeed
<azonenberg> But a surprising number of people dont
<azonenberg> You're broadcasting two pieces of information
<azonenberg> first, you are carrying an ipod or similar device that is easily sellable on the black market, easy to conceal, and relatively valuable
<azonenberg> Second, you can't hear the guy coming
<soul-d> here there is a trend with openly playing their music in small boxes on them or somthing
<soul-d> but those people are hazard in trafic also already
<azonenberg> Lol, yeah
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<soul-d> also most on tv in usa
<soul-d> is violence
<soul-d> at least leass hassle about that then a tit that shows a bit skin or a skin colored suit
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> Yeah, i dont get why popular culture considers it more acceptable to show murdering someone than sleeping with them
<soul-d> not even that but nakedness in general is worse then violence acts
<bart416> soul-d, religious based values...
<bart416> lol, somebody hijacked a germanium diode to make a point contact transistor :')
<bart416> That's weak, we've used a giant block of germanium for that in the electronics lab
<bart416> material "sample" lol
<bart416> It's a pretty heavy slab
<bart416> Remarkable current capacity actually lol
<soul-d> hehe
<soul-d> iran showed the drone they catched
<bart416> Though that might be more related to the size of the thing than anything else
<bart416> Yeah, it's not a wood and paper fake for once!
<soul-d> i believe iran before i do usa
<soul-d> almost blindly
<bart416> Iran hasn't had the best believable news report history
<bart416> Their new revolutionary assault craft was what we'd classify as WWII era fighters...
<bart416> The only reason western jets wouldn't be able to shoot them is cause they crash before they get in range or they're too slow
<soul-d> from same sources as nuclear info i geuss ?
<bart416> Official Iran newsreports lol
<bart416> They were actually proud to demonstrate it...
<soul-d> don't think they are top of art but they probably can get their hands on rusian stuff
<bart416> Hence why it was funny :)
<soul-d> and rusian stuff
<soul-d> is better then new jets we are making
<soul-d> joint strike fightwer
<bart416> JSF is a joke
<bart416> They made it into a joke
<bart416> US needs to stop this entire management outsourcement capitalism bullshit
<bart416> + Space program is the source of many revolutionary aircraft designs
<bart416> So getting rid of NASA funding is like running towards your own goal and scoring
<soul-d> doesn't make enoguh profit for certain people
<soul-d> war is bussiness
<bart416> Honnestly we could have been standing on the moon decades ago if it wasn't for greed
<bart416> *mars