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<azonenberg> bart416: lol
<azonenberg> How big a cube?
<bart416> Good question
<azonenberg> And what kind of multi-fpga system
<bart416> "Come up with ideas" was in the email
<bart416> Signal processing
<azonenberg> Lol
<bart416> No details as of yet
<bart416> This only means one thing
<bart416> The professor himself was too lazy to help his assistants
<bart416> So the assistants decided to crowd source the problem
<azonenberg> lol
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<bart416> They didn't just go for the molcule
<bart416> the damned guys told "fuck this" and entangled an entire diamond??? o_O
<bart416> They're not fucking about lol
<lekernel_> huh?
<bart416> read the article
<bart416> They managed to entangle two visible structures
<lekernel_> yes, I'm reading it :)
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<berndj> well a diamond kinda is a big molecule. not that that's particularly relevant
<bart416> well, in this case it's pretty much only possile due to the remarkable properties of graphite molecules
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<horizontally> azonenberg: if Jan- wasn't taken, would you go out with her?
<azonenberg> Lol :p
<azonenberg> You mean if you ignore the fact that she lives halfway across the planet and isnt interested in half the things I am?
<horizontally> 1st part isn't really a problem. you could get a job in the uk and get to experience life there for a while
<horizontally> 2nd part i don't know if it's true
<azonenberg> All a moot point as she is taken, though :p
<horizontally> ah ha, so you are human
<azonenberg> Biologically? Yes, I am most definitely an H. Sapiens
<horizontally> hahahaha
<bart416> You sure azonenberg?
<bart416> I thought your brain had been replaced by DIY FPGA designs
<azonenberg> bart416: As in, once you get a DNA sample to sequence
<azonenberg> You arent going to be getting any DNA out of an FPGA
<azonenberg> even if it *does* fill half my skull cavity
<bart416> Ahah!
<azonenberg> Actually, i take it back
<azonenberg> xilinx has a 64 bit ID in some of their FPGAs they call "device DNA"
<bart416> I found your weakness!
* bart416 sequences azonenberg's DNA
<azonenberg> But trying to sequence that by gel elecctrophoresis is not likely to produce a useful result
<azonenberg> s/cc/c/
<bart416> It should lead to funny results though!
* azonenberg uses resulting DNA sequence to construct several clones and deploys them to strategic locations around the globe
<azonenberg> where they can grow up and influence public policy in ways that will benefit me
<bart416> Meh, what's the worst that could happen
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