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<horizontally> i'll just paste here. probably most relevant here anyway
<horizontally> 13:33:57 < horizontally> i've had this on hold while i took care of finals and stuff. but back to the photoresist exposure enclosure setup
<horizontally> 13:34:07 < horizontally> i want to spincoat SU-8 ( to ~20nm - ~200nm thickness
<horizontally> 13:34:31 < horizontally> i noticed that they list a "polymer shrinkage" of 7.5%, which is alarmingly high to me
<horizontally> 13:34:42 < horizontally> in addition, they list the viscosity of the photoresist
<horizontally> 13:34:51 < horizontally> if i know the viscosity and i know the desired thickness of my photoresist film while acknowledging that the photoresist does shrink when baked before exposure to UV, can i figure out how fast and how i have to spin it?
<azonenberg> horizontally: Well, first off
<azonenberg> I hope you have good funding :p
<azonenberg> SU-8 is NOT cheap
<azonenberg> also, su8 is usually used much thicker
<azonenberg> like, micron to tens of microns thickness
<azonenberg> But yes, given viscosity and spin speed you can compute thickness
<azonenberg> this is for psin coating in general, not just su8
<horizontally> azonenberg: a professor bought too much of it by accident a while ago
<horizontally> if i spin it really fast i should be able to get it to the right thickness right? or rather, if i spin for long enough?
<horizontally> well hmm, spin fast and long i guess
<horizontally> the duration determines uniformity i presume
<horizontally> and the spin rate determines how quickly mass is inertially forced away from the center
<azonenberg> horizontally: lol, lucky you having extra SU8
<azonenberg> My guess is, you will not be able to get much submicron
<azonenberg> the stuff is very viscous
<azonenberg> You might want to look and see if they have a solvent you can dilute it with to go thinner
<azonenberg> Thats what i do with my resist actually
<azonenberg> its extremely thick and meant for printed circuit boards
<azonenberg> so i dilute it to 50% v/v with acetone
<azonenberg> and spincoat that
<azonenberg> Also
<azonenberg> I'm thinking of ordering a photomask from laserlab that's 12.5um design rule
<azonenberg> do contact and projection litho off it
<azonenberg> see just how far i can push my process
<horizontally> and how would you verify the thickness of something?
<horizontally> when you dilute it, does that result in patchier coating?
<smeding> with a hammer
<horizontally> or rather the thickness + uniformity of thickness
<horizontally> i don't want any patchiness compromising the process
<azonenberg> horizontally: I have not seen nonuniformity from dilution as long as it was mixed thoroughly
<azonenberg> its a solution, not a suspension
<azonenberg> and in terms of verifying thickness, i'm used to working with films that are transparent and relatively thin
<azonenberg> so you can use diffraction
<azonenberg> sorry, interference
<azonenberg> given the known refractive index and color you can compute thickness
<bart416> xray > colour chart :P
<azonenberg> Well ok, a full spectrum is better
<horizontally> xrays don't destroy the polymer?
<azonenberg> horizontally: Depends on the energy level
<azonenberg> but i think unexposed su8 might be affected
<horizontally> but it's all past UV, why does it depend on the energy level at that point?
<bart416> horizontally, nothing you have access to under normal conditions will be powerful enough for that
<azonenberg> once its developed it should be fine
<horizontally> hmm
<bart416> It might count as exposure though
<bart416> Behaviour is rather unpredictable in that aspect I fear
<bart416> But considering SU8's properties in general it's probably resistant to radiation damage as well :P
<horizontally> oh good
<azonenberg> My guess is, it would be exposed by it
<bart416> horizontally, xray diffraction generally doesn't cause much radiation damage
<bart416> Only under very specific conditions you end up with intense radiation
<bart416> + those setups are in heavily restricted laboratories anyway
<bart416> So who cares :)
<azonenberg> bart416: oh, xray diffraction
<azonenberg> i thought you meant high intensity radiation from like a medical xray system
<azonenberg> Which might be powerful enough
<azonenberg> Because i've heard of SU8 being exposed by synchotron x-ray emisions
<smeding> heh
<smeding> EUV exposing systems are hilariously complicated
<azonenberg> (intentionally)
<azonenberg> That wasnt EUV
<azonenberg> it was hard x-ray
<smeding> i know, it's a bit further
<smeding> :p
<smeding> still, i was reminded of it
<azonenberg> wouldnt surprise me if the setup was maskless lol
<azonenberg> just reflect the beam off a moving mirror onto the sample :p
<smeding> have you heard of the ASMI rigs for EUV exposure
<azonenberg> i've heard of ASML
<azonenberg> and i'm sure they do EUV
<azonenberg> but no, i havent heard of any specific apparatus
<smeding> the EUV lasers use a stream of droplets of molten tin, track them with 3 cameras, then fire an IR laser at them to produce the EUV
<azonenberg> lol
<smeding> the optics are all reflective because you can't really do lenses for EUV
<azonenberg> sounds... difficult
<smeding> it's all very silly
<azonenberg> i remember having heard the molten-tin part
<azonenberg> why are people even pursuing euv?
<azonenberg> vs stuff like e-beam
<azonenberg> which already exists and has the resolution
<azonenberg> you just need to make it faster
<azonenberg> say, multiple electron guns
<smeding> EUV exists too, now
<smeding> they're running tests with it at Imec i think
<azonenberg> it exists
<azonenberg> but is not nearly as established
<azonenberg> they use e-beam direct write for mask fab now
<azonenberg> nobody uses euv in production afaik
<smeding> i haven't heard of much use for e-beam either though
<smeding> i know a company in Delft is using our uni cleanroom for developing devices for it
<azonenberg> ebeam is not used much in wafer fab
<azonenberg> but they make masks with it all the time
<smeding> but so far they just seem to have cost a lot of money
<smeding> and fired their board of directors iirc
<azonenberg> it's pretty much the de facto standard for producing photomasks i think
<azonenberg> sputter chrome over glass blank, spin on PR, ebeam expose, develop, etch chrome, strip resist