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<azonenberg> horizontally: So i can now theoretically hit 350nm :p
<horizontally> 350nm what?
<azonenberg> Realistically i dont think i'll be able to go quite that small with my optics
<azonenberg> Half pitch
<azonenberg> 12.5um design rule on a photomask from laserlab
<soul-d> oh yeah now you mention optics how do you actualy make the image smaller :P
<azonenberg> times 40x reduction
<horizontally> what are you designing again? comb drive?
<azonenberg> horizontally: Oh, i wouldnt make a comb drive that small
<soul-d> is it magnifer optics or some microscope optics ?
<azonenberg> This is just projecting
<azonenberg> soul-d: Microscope objective
<azonenberg> I'm going to buy a commercial photomask rather than printing my own, just to see how well it works
<azonenberg> Its gonna cost me $100ish but be 10x16 inches
<azonenberg> so i plan to shove a ton of small masks onto it
<azonenberg> and cut it up
<azonenberg> So theoretically, 12.5um design rule * 40x reduction is on the order of 350nm (i think the actual number was 330)
<azonenberg> Realistically, i do not think i can go that small
<azonenberg> But 1 micron range is definitely doable
<azonenberg> We'll find out in a few weeks when i have the time to work on it
<azonenberg> Just finished my last final, now i just have to catch up on grading and i can get back to the lab
<soul-d> is it same priciple with that objective as with an hand held loupe ?
<azonenberg> its just a magnifying lens
<azonenberg> i'm using the microscope because its a pre-existing optical column with everything lined up
<azonenberg> In thoery
<azonenberg> theory*
<soul-d> so how does the light come in play in setup
<azonenberg> i put the mask on top of the camera port
<azonenberg> and put the light behind it
<azonenberg> so the light goes throough the mask, throguh the objective, nad is focused on the sample
<soul-d> yah i played with the loupe but distance of light source is critical also that paralel thingy
<soul-d> of the light or you get fuzzy image
<azonenberg> Thats the nice thing about the microscope
<azonenberg> everything is already the right distance
<azonenberg> The one problem is that my stage is screwed up
<azonenberg> it's not exactly perpendicular to the optical axis
<azonenberg> they're off by a fraction of a degree
<azonenberg> so i cant focus the entire field at once
<azonenberg> i need to correct that and havent had time to figure out the best way
<soul-d> k but then at least i know it's worth playing with these objectives as cheap alternative
<soul-d> also found cheap good working 40x
<azonenberg> I've hit 20 microns using a cheap Amscope 40x objective
<azonenberg> sorry, a 10x
<azonenberg> The 40x is flaky
<azonenberg> i also dont know if 12.5um on the input image is going to be too small
<azonenberg> But as a minimum 25 to 50 should resolve
<azonenberg> which, shrunk 10x, is 2.5 to 5 um
<azonenberg> So i am very confident i can go at least that far
<azonenberg> but maybe down to 1.25 with the 10x obj
<azonenberg> wit hthe 40x, divide those numbers by 4
<azonenberg> those last numbers are far more questionable
<soul-d> now i have 40x i can use the 10x's for other stuff :)
<azonenberg> i'll be at the limit of my optics
<azonenberg> I can *see* features that small
<azonenberg> so its not at the diffraction limit
<azonenberg> but it'll be close
<azonenberg> If i go at all submicron i will be impressed
<soul-d> i can at least take pictures trough it so :) thats nice
<azonenberg> :)
<azonenberg> What kind of CS major am i? :P
<azonenberg> i'm sitting here grading homework on computer architecture while chatting IC fab with you guys
<soul-d> if you had a 3d printer
<soul-d> printing a focus thingy would be trivial
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> i wish
<azonenberg> getting that kind of accuracy is nontrivial
<azonenberg> you show me a 3d printer that can make parts to +/-5um tolerances
<azonenberg> in a rigid material that wont flex
<azonenberg> and i will buy it on sight
<soul-d> i mean probably good enough for home usage for the 10x objective :P
<azonenberg> No idea
<soul-d> din't yiu see the link btw
<soul-d> of tineyst 3d printer ?
<azonenberg> nope
<azonenberg> I never bought into those things
<azonenberg> i prefer doing bulk micromachining ;)
<soul-d> no it's a ted talk just to present technology
<soul-d> he suclpts at nm
<soul-d> made some bridge
<soul-d> in 3d
<soul-d> although his english and presentation overal is quite bad :P
<azonenberg> Will check it out later
<azonenberg> right now i'm about to hit the sack
<azonenberg> its only 1900 but i'm on a crazy sleep schedule :p
<soul-d> k i don't have a sleep shedule realy :)
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