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<BrentBXR> want to see my latest project
<azonenberg> Sure
<BrentBXR> i have a small
<BrentBXR> preview
<BrentBXR> k one sec
<azonenberg> And anyway, right now i've done all of the dumb obvious parts of the design
<azonenberg> Now i have to do the parts that actually involve thinking about what i want the thing to do lol
<BrentBXR> :)
<BrentBXR> whatever you decide im sure will be fine
<BrentBXR> have you heard of the OBLS
<azonenberg> A little small ot see much
<azonenberg> to*
<azonenberg> what does it do
<BrentBXR> lol i know
<azonenberg> looks like a single big QFP and a bunch of support stuff
<BrentBXR> 13 opams; 216MIPS
<azonenberg> interesting, DSP of some sort?
<BrentBXR> lol yep
<BrentBXR> its part of a plguin
<azonenberg> very nice
<BrentBXR> for the bus pirate
<BrentBXR> have you heard of it
<azonenberg> I've heard of the bus pirate, yes
<BrentBXR> basicly an analog multi-tool
<azonenberg> interesting
<BrentBXR> its the firmware that will make it
<BrentBXR> brb
<azonenberg> So, in terms of extra stuff to put on the board
<azonenberg> i added four looped LVDS pairs
<azonenberg> one will be routed "properly" and the rest with various distortions to observe how that affects signal integrity
<azonenberg> and one 10-pin 0.5mm ribbon cable header which will have 3.3V power and four differential pairs for talking to external devices
<azonenberg> can also be used as GPIO
<BrentBXR> oh man; sounds awesome
<BrentBXR> ok ill brb for real this time
<azonenberg> Schematic done, i think, passes a quick DRC
<azonenberg> time to do layout
<azonenberg> might have to draw up footprints for some of the parts though lol
<BrentBXR> which parts
<BrentBXR> well shoot you use aicap
<azonenberg> the ribbon cable header, i think, is the only one i havent used before
<BrentBXR> oh
<BrentBXR> hm
<BrentBXR> how big do you think the PCB will be?
<BrentBXR> i would be fine with just a header if need be
<azonenberg> Let me do all of the footprints first and we'll see
<BrentBXR> i mena headers
<BrentBXR> k
<azonenberg> oh, and the reset button
<azonenberg> thats a part i havent used since i left expresspcb
<azonenberg> but its four pads and will be quick lol
<BrentBXR> lol
<azonenberg> Let me see, are my 1uf caps 0805 or 0603?
* azonenberg walks over to lab to check
<azonenberg> 0805 it looks
<azonenberg> well i was trying to upload a screenshot but imgur is borked *uploads elsewhere*
<azonenberg> This is minus the two switches
<azonenberg> and the ribbon
<azonenberg> And all of the traces
<azonenberg> just to give a rough idea of how many parts there are
<azonenberg> it will get a lot more compact when i move most of the caps to the back side
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