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<Noxz> 'za acquired
<Noxz> the cute girl at the shoppe gave us the pie this time, finally asked what my pup's name was.. I shoulda asked what her name is
<mircea_popescu> why didn;t you ?
<diginet> huh
<Noxz> because there were lots of other workers around and I didn't want it to come off like that in front of others
<Noxz> also, I have seen her smoke cigs in the back.. and I dont want to kiss an ashtray
<Noxz> I'm not looking for a girl that is chasing a 5 minute buzz
<mircea_popescu> it's just a name.
<Noxz> but, I mean, she works at a pizza shop
<mircea_popescu> not a marriage contract.
<Noxz> heh
<Noxz> I am looking for a unicorn
<mircea_popescu> oh, you already have a wife ?
<Noxz> it's not that, it's what I want
<Noxz> like a magenta hair raver rocker girl who will cook, clean, and do my laundry for me, while also having a career (doesnt work at a pizza shop)
<mircea_popescu> "unicorn" is what boring fat dykes insist is what a couple looking for a soubrette should be saying.
<Noxz> my boss' boss' boss' boss told me I should hire a maid and a cook,t hen I can get with that magenta haired girl at subway/pizza shoppe
<diginet> what the hell is a unicorn?
<mircea_popescu> diginet a hot young girl that's into fucking you and your wife.
<Noxz> diginet, dream girl, more or less
<Noxz> they hardly exist, but they are out there
<Noxz> and when you find one, you gotta keep a hold
<mircea_popescu> why ? she'll bruise.
<Noxz> wait until the end
<Noxz> you kinda gotta watch it all
<diginet> Noxz: so you want a maid you don't have to pay
<diginet> who also gives you money
<mircea_popescu> hey, that's how angela got married in malizia!
<diginet> sounds pretty misogynistic. crazy idea: a partner who you value and respect
<Noxz> diginet, I never said I wont work
<mircea_popescu> diginet and who is obedient.
<Noxz> more so I want her to be super intillegent, I think I missed part of my specs, and it was like: need a PhD
<diginet> the idea that you are specifically preoccupied with her "cleaning and cooking" for you is clearly mired in misognyistic tropes
<Noxz> I just dont want to fucking do it anymore
<Noxz> I do it currently
<mircea_popescu> lol.
<Noxz> not like I am incapable
<Noxz> I make some decent meals
<Noxz> I know I just got a take'n'bake pizza, but it's $10 tuesdays
<mircea_popescu> diginet how do you figure girl cleaning is woman hating ?
<Noxz> plus I am on-call, if I get a call while cooking I would be supe rbummed
<diginet> mircea_popescu: the idea of wanting a set of walking holes that cleans for you is pretty misogynistic
<mircea_popescu> he's not propose she clean with her guts or anything.
<mircea_popescu> diginet because ?
<mircea_popescu> it's pretty myopic, for sure. but that's something else.
<Noxz> I want a partner that will help me with my science experiments
<diginet> is that not self-explanatory?
<Noxz> PhD in chemistry
<mircea_popescu> it is not, no.
<diginet> women are individuals, not accessories
<mircea_popescu> you think some chick wanting a walking wallet is androgynistic ? it's just... a limited view.
<mircea_popescu> women can be great accessories, and there's no shame in that.
<mircea_popescu> better be great or something than be "an individual" ie, jack shit.
<diginet> that's a pretty gross outlook
<mircea_popescu> whyssat ?
<diginet> honestly if you don't know, you're beyond help
<mircea_popescu> help ? don't get over yourself here.
<mircea_popescu> keep to the unasumming basics.
<Noxz> anyways.. the least she could do is not smoke
<Noxz> ;)
<mircea_popescu> i've had slavegirls that were smokers. gave it up.
<diginet> "slavegirls"
<mircea_popescu> it's not you know, a lifetime commitment.
<diginet> wha tthe fuck
<mircea_popescu> diginet no quotes.
<diginet> I'm quoting you
<mircea_popescu> it's a lifestyle, you know.
<Noxz> are we talking bdsm or what
<mircea_popescu> some people have wives, some people have girlfriends. some people keep slaves.
<mircea_popescu> sort-of.
<Noxz> alright, yeah, I can follow
<Noxz> I'm into lockpicking.. sort of fantasies
<mircea_popescu> in that terminology it'd be "tpe"
<Noxz> had to look that up, honestly..
<mircea_popescu> "total power exchange"
<Noxz> there was one bdsm chick who was into me untill we had a real conversation (met at a rave so hard to get to know each other at such a place.. but basically introduced herself by showing me the tri-bdsm thingie tattoo)
<mircea_popescu> so did you ask her name ?
<Noxz> oh, yeah, we exchanged that sorta info
<Noxz> facebook friends
<mircea_popescu> cool.
<Noxz> it was the day after first starting to shave my head and she was into that
<Noxz> she like scratched me a bit
<Noxz> anyways..
<mircea_popescu> it's remarkably popular, huh.
<Noxz> I was interested in other PR at the start.. but knowing I'll be working towards a SEM.. why not use PMMA?
<Noxz> certainly simple enough
<Noxz> would love to get my hands on SU-8 at some point
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<Noxz> I have my eye on a DC powered diaphragm pump that, new, gets to below 2torr, and is stated as used for roughing pumps (from mfgr) for their turbos..
<Noxz> not great speed, 1.2 cubic meters/hour
<Noxz> but I would trust it, and no oil
<Noxz> I sent a message asking if they properly tested it and have photo proof of what vacuum it pulls
<Noxz> otherwise a rebuild kit would be needed,w hcih looks to cost as much as what the pump is listed for, currently
<Noxz> and stated that if not, I may offer a lower price since it is unverified beyond turning it on
<Noxz> also means I would need a power supply (relatively simple, like 4A 24v) and the speed controller (since it is DC) can be a range, either 0-10v analog or a PWM
<Noxz> Not exactly an ideal vacuum as a backing pump, but suitable per the docs of the turbo that should be available at some point, I haven't seen the kid list it yet though
<Noxz> also says for pumping dry noncorrosive gases.. so maybe not ideal for my chem stuffs
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<Noxz> turbo states 1*10^-8 mbar when used with diaphragm pump (-10 when used with rotary).. that seems like a decent amount
<Noxz> 7.5*10^-9 torr
<Noxz> within the UHV range
<sync> yeah, but look at the mass flow
<Noxz> volume flow rate, of, nitrogen? 210 l/s
<Noxz> mean free path of 1km+ at that vacuum
<pie_> volume flow rates are dumb :(
<Noxz> well, mass flow rates arent listed from what I can tell
<pie_> yeah damn marketing numbers :(
<pie_> or idk :P
<Noxz> Ooo, kid started adding more items onto ebay, so likely the turbo soon, let's see if it's a deal or not
<nmz787> wouldn't volume be fine assuming you started at STP?
<pie_> i actually have no idea what im talking about xD
<Noxz> hehe
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