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<daviddias> Morning everyone :)
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<daviddias> dignifiedquire, just had a realisation about the TCP socket hang ups
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<haad_> morning
<Kubuxu> \o
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<ianopolous> morning!
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<haad_> daviddias: any updates on js-ipfs? I'm still getting the "node.encoded() is not a function" from DAGService.
<haad_> daviddias: it's on line 21 in dag-service.js. if I change that to: 'var data = node//.encoded();' it runs through. however, in that case ipfs.object.put returns:
<haad_> "{ key: '12209568/122095686dd8c52fed859d3a1eddf8900a98d047d91c8241c6c190764ae62ad866ba.data' }"
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<haad_> also, ipfs.object.put, when using js-ipfs instead of js-ipfs-api, doesn't return promises (it works only with callbacks)
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<jon_ross> r0kk3rz: "carefully controlling the bootstrapping process" sounds not too safe. I want to be able to guarantee that the network is private and only trusted nodes are accepted.
<daviddias> haad_: the promisse API is only on js-ipfs-api, that is correct
<daviddias> on the node.encoded()
<daviddias> I've never been able to replicate your error, unfortunately
<daviddias> but we did made a lot of changes recently, across all deps
<daviddias> can you do a fresh install and make sure you are using all the latest?
<haad_> daviddias: I did
<daviddias> during the weekend?
<haad_> just now
<daviddias> oh
<daviddias> can you make a test case for it?
<daviddias> when you run the tests, does it break?
<r0kk3rz> jon_ross correct, trivial to 'hack' if you know the IP of a node in the network
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<haad_> daviddias: am I using it wrong?
<daviddias> yep, that's it
<daviddias> expect a dagNode
<daviddias> expects*
<daviddias> you are passing a Buffer to it
<haad_> ooooh
<haad_> wait
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<haad_> are you saying js-ipfs won't have the API parity with js-ipfs-api?
<daviddias> it will
<daviddias> there is no core spec
<haad_> daviddias: are you waiting for a core spec before you implement it? ie. is that a blocker for that to happen?
<daviddias> you might have heard me mention https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/issues/110
<daviddias> haad_: it is a blocker in the sense that js-ipfs-api interface was designed by several people on the principle of 'rule of thumb, works for now'
<haad_> daviddias: I have but wasn't sure where that is on your timeline
<daviddias> there were a ton of pieces that didn't exist before js-ipfs itself (like creation of dag nodes)
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<daviddias> haad_: it was supposed to be pre- 25th of April
<haad_> ok
<haad_> daviddias: and what's blocking it currently? people not having time to work on it?
<daviddias> yes, that
* daviddias needs to run now, will be back in 1 hour
<ansuz> rip
<haad_> daviddias: I feel getting the js-ipfs and js-ipfs-api on API parity is hugely important for testing it in a "real world" use case. as of today, I'd need to change a big chunk of code to try out js-ipfs, and then at some point revert back to core api, which doesn't sound awesome.
<haad_> daviddias: that being said, I want to try to get this working with orbit-db, so is there an example of the usage of the dagNode or ipfs-object-put that I could follow?
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<haad_> voxelot: thanks!
<haad_> ok, that works. however, it returns: '{ key: '12203849/122038491bda727a9db8c36fcafd7a54b3550683266c5aceaf2560983bc0dc26cbe0.data' }'
<haad_> how do I get that to a hash?
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<voxelot> ohh that's not a very fun return
<voxelot> 122038491bda727a9db8c36fcafd7a54b3550683266c5aceaf2560983bc0dc26cbe0
<voxelot> is the buffer of the multihash, need to .toString()
<haad_> voxelot: where can I do that?
<voxelot> think you will have to make something yourself :(
<voxelot> peer id does something similar in the pretty print function https://github.com/diasdavid/js-peer-id/blob/master/src/index.js#L29
<haad_> oh :/
<haad_> that's where the roads ends for me...
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<dignifiedquire> good morning lovely people ☀️
<voxelot> haad_:i'm working on a hack
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<voxelot> though having the multihash as string of the byte array of a buffer is not fun
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<voxelot> morning dignifiedquire :)
<dignifiedquire> voxelot: daviddias haad_ there is a big issues at the moment related to how we use mulithashes in different forms atm
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<dignifiedquire> as often keys are buffers, which do not easily translate to a multihash in base58 encoding, and things are pretty mixed around the code base
<dignifiedquire> lets talk about this when daviddias is back and figure out a path on how to clean this up and make sure that these are used consistently in the apis + things do not blow up if one or the other is passed
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<voxelot> haas_: you could do this for now, although its ugly
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<haad_> voxelot: works!! nice!
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: can you ping me when you are back please
<ipfsbot> [webui] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #373: Update i18next to version 3.0.0
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<daviddias> dignifiedquire: multihashes different forms ?
<daviddias> Where is that happening ?
<daviddias> It should always be on the serialized protobuf
<dignifiedquire> block.key is a buffer for example and if you call toString on it it's not base58 encoded
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<daviddias> Because it is not b58 encoded
<daviddias> Multihash is the key
<daviddias> B58 is a representation
<dignifiedquire> yes but we are not consistent in the representation
<daviddias> Walking home :) 3 mins
<dignifiedquire> sometimes we use a buffer
<dignifiedquire> sometimes a hex string
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<dignifiedquire> sometimes the base58 as a string
<daviddias> Ok, let's see
<dignifiedquire> and this can bite you very bad as for example base58.encode(new Buffer('hexstring', 'hex')) !== base58.encode('hexstring')
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* dignifiedquire dreams of having types
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<daviddias> Got it
<daviddias> Yeah, not sure where that is, but we shouldn't pass strings to b58.encode
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<dignifiedquire> it's kind of hard to enforce that though, my idea is that we stop using bs58 directly and always use a key object, which has different to string methods including toBs58 and fromBS58
<dignifiedquire> something like a Multihash object
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* daviddias is at home :)
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire force-pushed feat/bitswap from 2320cdf to 89de3fd: https://git.io/vwjRp
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap cb8b3e4 Friedel Ziegelmayer: start integration of bitswap
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap ea3a92c Friedel Ziegelmayer: Implement http commands
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap d608cb6 Friedel Ziegelmayer: bitswap: implement cli basics
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<daviddias> ah, dignifiedquire one thing I found is that the error from spdy
<daviddias> happens when we close the socket and spdy was still performing its internal handshake
<daviddias> (sending the settings frame, etc)
<dignifiedquire> interesting
<dignifiedquire> getting those errors now locally as well on the bitswap branch :/
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<daviddias> what did you change?
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<baccenfutter> what is the best way in go to resoved the dependency tree of any given source package?
<baccenfutter> is there a dependency graph for go-ipfs somewhere?
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: just rebased onto master and updated deps
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-libp2p-ipfs-0.3.6 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vremP
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/greenkeeper-libp2p-ipfs-0.3.6 6b84b65 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update libp2p-ipfs to version 0.3.6...
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid deleted greenkeeper-libp2p-ipfs-0.3.6 at 6b84b65: https://git.io/vreYS
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: seems like adding some delays of half a second resolves the issues as it gives the sockets enough time to finish their handshakes
<dignifiedquire> at least locally
<daviddias> exactly
<daviddias> that is what I'm doing for the bitswap test network generation
<daviddias> voxelot: are you around?
<daviddias> you will like to know that :)
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] dignifiedquire tagged v3.0.3 at d1b06e4: https://git.io/vreZy
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-ipfs-api-3.0.3 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrenB
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/greenkeeper-ipfs-api-3.0.3 9a9b5dd greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update ipfs-api to version 3.0.3...
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: could you CR https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs-bitswap/pull/11
<dignifiedquire> sure
<daviddias> thank you ;)
<daviddias> :)
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #203: ipfs-api@3.0.3 breaks build
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: left some more comments :)
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: what about a version that works in the browser? are we missing anything crucial for that?
<daviddias> nothing other than it won't be a single function
<daviddias> how do you want to design those tests?
<daviddias> when it is browser, only browser assertions?
<dignifiedquire> first phase I would like to have a set of node.js nodes for the node.js tests and a set of browser nodes for the browser tests, ideally with the exact same api so the tests using don't need to be written twice
<dignifiedquire> using the memory blob store should make that also easier I think
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: any idea what this is about:
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<daviddias> that seems like old code
<daviddias> should be unixFSEngine.Importer
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: re: bitswap test network - What I was thinking is that we can use the same util func to spawn a bunch of bitswap Node.js nodes and then have a similar one that receives the peerInfos through some Karma enabled pipe and creates browser nodes with websockets and dials to all of the previous Node.js created nodes
<daviddias> ah, exactly, that is requiring the data-importing
<daviddias> now it is known as unixfs-engine
<daviddias> let's get this one cleaned up and merged
<dignifiedquire> yeah
<dignifiedquire> voxelot: where art though
<daviddias> and by doing so, removing data-importing completely
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to feat/bitswap: https://git.io/vreWa
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap e9d2499 Friedel Ziegelmayer: more test fixes
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire closed pull request #203: ipfs-api@3.0.3 breaks build
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: merged
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<dignifiedquire> lets do the browser one seperate
<daviddias> sounds good :D
* daviddias
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: I'm planning after lunch to do the edits to the NYC and Boston videos, are you waiting in anything from me, right now? Just so that I reorg prioritites :)
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: not immediately, as voxelot is not around I'm going to finish the code edits for the files pr so I can merge this, I want to get bitswap in
<dignifiedquire> I would also like to have a call with you about the multihash business mentioned earlier
<daviddias> ok, sounds good, we can make it today
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire created files-core-fix (+3 new commits): https://git.io/vreBu
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 9e84ef8 nginnever: files add, cat, get core + cli
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 233eb45 Friedel Ziegelmayer: code review fixes
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 8df6248 nginnever: updated get command / libp2p
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire opened pull request #204: Files core fix (master...files-core-fix) https://git.io/vreB5
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to files-core-fix: https://git.io/vreBd
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 18479ee Friedel Ziegelmayer: chore: update deps
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: voxelot https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/pull/204
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to files-core-fix: https://git.io/vreEe
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 3809d5b Friedel Ziegelmayer: remove try catch
<daviddias> awesome, are tests passing for you localy?
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire force-pushed files-core-fix from 3809d5b to aae2259: https://git.io/vreEC
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix aae2259 Friedel Ziegelmayer: code review fixes
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: yep, just updated some things that should make travis happy in theory
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: so waiting for the result of that
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to files-core-fix: https://git.io/vreuc
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 46d9e6a Friedel Ziegelmayer: fix(files:add): simplify checkPath
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to files-core-fix: https://git.io/vreub
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 7f89bfb Friedel Ziegelmayer: fix(files:get): simplify checkArgs
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to files-core-fix: https://git.io/vrezq
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/files-core-fix 56f965d Friedel Ziegelmayer: test(http-api): give socket closing more time
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: pushed moaar fixes, lets hope for the best
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<daviddias> i like when the coveralls check bubble appears
<daviddias> it means that travis is on a good path
<dignifiedquire> yeah was thinking the exact same thing :D
<daviddias> :D
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: circle is green and one of the travis tests as well :)
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<daviddias> almost there :)
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<dignifiedquire> greeeeeeeeen
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* dignifiedquire dances on the tables
* ansuz flips tables
<ansuz> D:
* dignifiedquire dances on flipped tables
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: going to merge this PR finally :)
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire deleted files-core-fix at 56f965d: https://git.io/vreaX
<daviddias> I'm seeing that http-api tests are run twice
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire closed pull request #197: files add, cat, get core + cli (master...files-core) https://git.io/vwxoD
<daviddias> right, coverage
<daviddias> awesome! :D
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] diasdavid deleted files-core at 41e1289: https://git.io/vreaF
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: what's the plan for `ipfs cat` as a command?
<daviddias> as a command?
<daviddias> ipfs cat === jsipfs files cat
<daviddias> because cat, get and add are really files specific commands
<dignifiedquire> okay
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<dignifiedquire> haad_: by the way you should be able to just wrap js-ipfs with js-ipfs-api to get the same api for most commands
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: any idea why I get these randomly?
<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire force-pushed feat/bitswap from e9d2499 to afd63fa: https://git.io/vwjRp
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap 4cdd052 Friedel Ziegelmayer: bitswap: implement cli basics
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap 588018c Friedel Ziegelmayer: start integration of bitswap
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap b52e7f1 Friedel Ziegelmayer: Implement http commands
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: while running tests?
<dignifiedquire> yeah tests are failing for me locally with that
<daviddias> Never got one of those. You mean that currently master fails with that to you, or your bitswap branch?
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<dignifiedquire> bitswap, haven't checked master
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to feat/bitswap: https://git.io/vrer2
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap e9c3f99 Friedel Ziegelmayer: test(core:bitswap): add file test
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to feat/bitswap: https://git.io/vreoU
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap f6e0f94 Friedel Ziegelmayer: test: increase goOffline delay
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: free for that talk? need sth else to think about then tests that time out
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<daviddias> In 10 mins
<dignifiedquire> sure
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] dignifiedquire pushed 1 new commit to feat/bitswap: https://git.io/vre6Z
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/feat/bitswap f367feb Friedel Ziegelmayer: fix(http:object): proper handling of empty args
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<dignifiedquire> daviddias: poing
<daviddias> beep boop
<daviddias> let's chat
<richardlitt> Where is the IPNS spec // paper?
<richardlitt> The link in ipfs/specs#README.md is broken.
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<richardlitt> Also - anyone have any idea how to debug a ruby script? I am having some issues.
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: https://circleci.com/gh/ipfs/js-ipfs/248
<daviddias> richardlitt: there is none, the link is a place holder
<richardlitt> daviddias: That's.... pretty unclear? It shouldn't be a link. :P
<richardlitt> Where do I catch up on IPNS, then?
<richardlitt> also, good morning! o///
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<richardlitt> Going with https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/1716 for now, I guess.
<richardlitt> dignifiedquire: If you've got more time, there's a few more PRs on github.com/ipfs/http-api-spec/pulls.
<richardlitt> They should all be very quick to check, one commit each.
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<dignifiedquire> richardlitt: will check it out later
<richardlitt> dignifiedquire: cool
<richardlitt> Short sprint hangout in 2 hours!
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<richardlitt> Curious: how am I supposed to know where gx or gx-go are, just by knowing the names?
<richardlitt> Got this error: "Upgrade or install gx-go using your package manager or run `make gxgo_upgrade`"
<richardlitt> Which doesn't tell me how to install gx-go, or how to find install instructions.
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<richardlitt> Raising these issues here: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/2635
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<dignifiedquire> richardlitt: done
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<voxelot> dignifiedquire, daviddias: sorry fell back asleep like a normal American time zoner :D
<voxelot> catching up now
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt opened pull request #2643: Linted object diff help text (master...docs/lint-diff-text) https://git.io/vrebZ
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<dignifiedquire> voxelot: no worries, sleep is important
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt opened pull request #2644: Update shell link to allow wget (master...feature/update-sh-link) https://git.io/vreAC
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<richardlitt> Man, I am killing it today.
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<richardlitt> How could I get `bar baz/ giraffe` by typing `ls foo`?
<richardlitt> I can't figure out the syntax wherein ls prints out three vars like that
<oed> Is there a way to disable double saving of files, i.e. I'm downloading a large file, but the blocks also gets saved in ~/.ipfs
<richardlitt> oed: Not at the moment. We're planning to do that at some point.
<richardlitt> You could only save it in blocks using `ipfs get`, I think
<oed> that's to bad, I'm trying to use ipfs to distribute wikipedia to a bunch of old laptops
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<tundracomp> oed; Why do you need to download the file then?
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<tundracomp> Wouldn't Wikipedia be a perfect match for being served through ipfs directly?
<oed> sure, but right now it is not
<oed> the computers will problably not have internet access in the future so it will be offline wikipedia
<oed> Is my best bet to use a torrent then?
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<voxelot> oed: you can still serve the ipfs blocks offline to browser or get the files back with 'get' from blocks to OS with ipfs
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<oed> But the blocks and the files won't fit on the computer together. Am I missing something?
<voxelot> just serve them directly to the browser from ipfs blocks?
<oed> won't work that way since offline wikipedia is using a custom format and to browse a standalone application called kiwix is used
<voxelot> ohh yeah that will be a problem :(
<oed> but most torrent clients won't do that kind of cache right? So I could use a torrent?
<voxelot> or you could automate a garbage collection to remove the unpinned blocks after you have 'ipfs get <hash>' the file
<noffle> sanity check: sync in ~30? timezones are hard
<oed> voxelot: but then I can't help to seed to other computers using that computer right?
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<voxelot> oed: correct
<oed> so that kind of destroys the point :(
<voxelot> noffle: i believe so, its 25 minutes to 9am PST here
<oed> but thanks for the help :)
<haad_> o/
<voxelot> oed: np, sorry, would be nice to have a way to share the same resources for deconstructed files in blocks as constructed
<voxelot> or to find a way to navigate the blocks with a custom web site
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<whyrusleeping> goood morning
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<richardlitt> morning whyrusleeping
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<richardlitt> sprint starts in five minutes
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<richardlitt> ========== IPFS Sprint Sync for the week! Starts now.============
<richardlitt> Or stream here: http://youtu.be/aPTHYJHWtIw
<richardlitt> Sprint issue: https://github.com/ipfs/pm/issues/105
<richardlitt> ==========================================================
* whyrusleeping waiting for his laptop to boot
<whyrusleeping> for some reason my macbook takes ages to get to the bootloader...
<richardlitt> boot
<richardlitt> daviddias: You coming? :)
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: ping
<richardlitt> Starting now!
<whyrusleeping> alternate wednesdays?
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<Boomerang> Where is your beard richardlitt? ^^
<richardlitt> I ate it. :)
<Boomerang> :)
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<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: those are the secret meetings without you
<whyrusleeping> i love daviddias, "two minutes, a quick bit about what youve been working on"
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<noffle> :D
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<whyrusleeping> bye bye freidel
<dignifiedquire> my internet died :(
<richardlitt> It happens!
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<Kubuxu> Would it be possible to make hash algs pluggable to multihash? Like: val mh = require("multihash"); mh.addHasher(require("multishash-sha256"))
<Kubuxu> jbenet: ^^
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<richardlitt> Thanks everyone!
<richardlitt> ===== IPFS CI discussion =====
<richardlitt> Stream: http://youtu.be/5dH2FWfrGbI
<richardlitt> ==========================
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<richardlitt> haad_: coming?
<haad_> daviddias dignifiedquire voxelot: if I understood correctly, you want to get js-ipfs on the level of js-ipfs-api this week, correct? what's the plan there (take js-ipfs-api and replace http with whatever is equivalent of js-ipfs or something else)? what can I do?
<haad_> richardlitt: no, not to the CI discussion
<haad_> unless you need me
<haad_> ?
<richardlitt> Cool. Nope!
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<noffle> haad_: daviddias: I'm also interested in this
<daviddias> haad_: let's chat after the CI chat :)
<voxelot> haad_: this week i planned to continue work on js-ipfs http for add and cat, and js-ipfs-api get and js-ipfs http, lets do a chat
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<daviddias> goal: converge both
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<haad_> daviddias: ping me when you're done, I'm here
<daviddias> cool :)
<haad_> voxelot: can you point me to the branch/PR where the add/cat is happening for js-ipfs http and where js-ipfs-api get is happening?
<voxelot> haad_: sure i shut down a PR with the HTTP things smashed into the CLI things and the HTTP things were not put together correctly by me in some places so I seperated it out
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<voxelot> i'll go ahead and open up a files/http branch now and show you where i'm at so it doesn't look too hard to find things
<haad_> sounds good
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs-api] gavinmcdermott opened pull request #266: test: extend block coverage (master...test/extend_block_coverage) https://git.io/vrvlx
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<Kubuxu> How about AWS short lived instances for in rush tests? It might be a bit more expensive but will allow for automated machine startup.
<Kubuxu> s/in rush/in case there is queue/
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<Icefoz> Oh snap I just thought of the PERFECT use case for IPFS.
<Icefoz> Linux package distribution.
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] nginnever created file/http from master (+0 new commits): https://git.io/vrv8x
<Kubuxu> Icefoz: ^^
<Icefoz> Awesome.
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<Icefoz> I wonder if one could make an apt plugin or such that could do that...
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<jbenet> <3 everyone
<daviddias> :D
<noffle> <3
<daviddias> haad_: good to chat now?
<jbenet> Icefoz: yeah, there's an old apt-p2p that i've been meaning to rebase onto ipfs
<noffle> daviddias: he's having a smoke, but I think we're good after
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<noffle> mind if I join in?
<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: is it this error? Error: ENFILE: file table overflow, scandir
<daviddias> noffle please do :D
<jbenet> Icefoz: if you want to hack on this, pls do! comment on the ipfs note above with any progress
<whyrusleeping> dignifiedquire: thats not the one i'm seeing right now
<haad_> daviddias: I'm here. do you wanna do a hangout?
<daviddias> In that case, I'm getting coffee then :)
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<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: what are you seeing?
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: voxelot ^^
<noffle> nooo come back
<Icefoz> jbenet: I might try to hack something together just to see if it can be done, I just don't know how to integrate stuff with apt so far.
<Icefoz> Should be pretty easy, at least if you're willing to have a local debian-or-whatever mirror.
<jbenet> yep yep
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: are you joining us?
<Icefoz> Just add each package to ipfs and record the index, and have a URL redirector that will redirect http://whatever/package to http://local-ipfs-proxy/biglonghash
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<Icefoz> I need to figure out how to make ipns work properly.
<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: oh we removed the teamcity script
<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: that's purely our fault atm
<Icefoz> ...oho, the people in that thread already have a more elegant solution. So, huzzah for them.
<Kubuxu> Icefoz: if you are thinking about FUSE, it isn't that good of an idea.
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<Icefoz> Kubuxu: I wasn't... Is that how the pacman implementation works?
<Kubuxu> There is no pacman implementation yet.
<Kubuxu> Nobody got do finalize it yet.
<Icefoz> Well, the test thing they were running, at least.
<Icefoz> Actually, a generic program that proxies HTTP requests into IPFS while doing some name translation would be useful...
<Icefoz> The sticking point is the name translation. :-P
<Kubuxu> IPFS does it itself
<Icefoz> Right, I see now. I'd forgotten.
<Icefoz> (Been a while since I played with this.)
<Icefoz> Well then, should be nigh trivial. Lemme try.
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<Icefoz> Maybe I can convince the local university's computer club to host it... they already have some Linux mirrors.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files rm <path>... - Remove a file.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files write <path> <data> - Write to a mutable file in a given filesystem.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files mv <source> <dest> - Move files.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files cp <source> <dest> - Copy files into mfs.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files ls [<path>] - List directories.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files stat <path> - Display file status.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files mkdir <path> - Make directories.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files flush [<path>] - Flush a given path's data to disk.
<dignifiedquire> ipfs files read <path> - Read a file in a given mfs.
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<cchrysos> Hi, is there someone here who would be willing to look at an out-of-memory error I found in my ipfs daemon's log, today?
<Kubuxu> whyrusleeping: GOTRACEBACK is compile or runtime option?
<whyrusleeping> Kubuxu: runtime
<Kubuxu> also: does ipget use local node if there is one? or how does it work?
<noffle> Kubuxu: local node if it can; fallback to creating one
<noffle> I think that's the current state
<whyrusleeping> i'm not certain that ipget currently builds
<Kubuxu> The built one worked :p
<noffle> it doesn't; gx broke it a while ago
<noffle> still working on that
<noffle> er, when go-ipfs gx-ified a while back
<Kubuxu> I have people that might have want to use it.
<noffle> Kubuxu: awesome! priority++ I'll take a look
<noffle> tell them to write issues etc on the repo
<Kubuxu> Looks like it is quite broken now. At least the 0.0.1 version.
<whyrusleeping> Kubuxu: in a somewhat unrelated note, do you have any compatiblity issues running the ck patchsets lately?
<whyrusleeping> i remember i had a few driver issues with it a few years back
<Kubuxu> No I know of now.
<whyrusleeping> cool, i might have to start using that again
<Kubuxu> Running: -ck, nvidia drivers and it is notebook
<whyrusleeping> yeah, the nvidia ones have always worked (nvidia drivers is actually why i started using arch in the first place)
<whyrusleeping> it was a wireless card issue last time
<Kubuxu> Ahh, I have no additional problems with wireless since I started using ck
<Kubuxu> I have some problems with it since I started using Linux.
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<Kubuxu> Also: which so many projects you might want to run nightly integration build.s
<Kubuxu> s.
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<daviddias> voxelot: dignifiedquire https://pad.riseup.net/p/core-api-spec
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping force-pushed fix/build-process from 78338d9 to 5f624ef: https://git.io/vrvVo
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/build-process 284bb18 Jeromy: add a dist_get script for getting bins from dist.ipfs.io...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/build-process cd11a48 Jeromy: debugging travisCI...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/build-process 4b6828e Jeromy: stricter makefile targets...
<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: what's the difference between "ipfs fileS ls" and "ipfs file ls"
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vrvwO
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master 0f21dcb Richard Littauer: Update shell link to allow wget...
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master a45cbad Jeromy Johnson: Merge pull request #2644 from RichardLitt/feature/update-sh-link...
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<whyrusleeping> dignifiedquire: uh
* whyrusleeping runs 'ipfs file ls --help'
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<Icefoz> Welp the local university's computer club is going to give me a shell account on their Linux repo mirror to try putting it into IPFS.
<Icefoz> So we'll see how that goes.
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vrviT
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master 2c8fdab Jeromy Johnson: Merge pull request #2638 from ipfs/t0170-misc-fixes...
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to fix/build-process: https://git.io/vrvis
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/build-process f2aa109 Jeromy: fix travis.yml...
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<ipfsbot> [js-ipfs] nginnever pushed 1 new commit to file/http: https://git.io/vrvPG
<ipfsbot> js-ipfs/file/http 353bffa nginnever: begin add/cat http-api
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<Icefoz> How possible would it be for ipfs to use files in-place instead of having to copy them?
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<nicolagreco> just got a link to the IETF spec on naming things with hashes https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6920
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<whyrusleeping> Icefoz: theres an open PR that does that
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<whyrusleeping> its just really really tricky
<Icefoz> Fair enough.
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<voxelot> Haas_: i pushed a commit to branch file/http on js-ipfs that has my work on add/cat http-api
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<voxelot> Haad_
<voxelot> i need to write up some things about what works and what does not for each, they are close but there are some issues
<voxelot> haad_ ^
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<tundracomp> Q: What happens when I pin an ipns path (i.e.: `ipfs pin /ipns/QmZ86ow1byeyhNRJEatWxGPJKcnQKG7s51MtbHdxxUddTH`)?
<whyrusleeping> tundracomp: currently, it just resolves it to an ipfs hash and pins that
<tundracomp> That's what I feared :-(
<tundracomp> What's the best way to add + publish on my local machine and have my server mirror that then?
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] RichardLitt created docs/lint-diff-text (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrvHm
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/docs/lint-diff-text b91b623 Richard Littauer: Linted object diff help text...
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<Icefoz> tundracomp: Cron job? :-(
<tundracomp> But won't ipns break then, unless my computer is running?
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<whyrusleeping> tundracomp: what would the best way to do this *without* ipfs be?
<whyrusleeping> something like an rsync daemon?
<tundracomp> Me using scp/rsync to push a directory to my server, every time I change something?
<whyrusleeping> yeah, thats roughly what I would do. so with ipfs, youre just replacing parts of that process
<whyrusleeping> instead of an scp/rsync, youre using 'ipfs get' or similar
<whyrusleeping> the fuse mount gets a little closer
<Icefoz> tundracomp: Check out syncthing maybe?
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<whyrusleeping> but the fuse code needs a little more work to be able to update behind the scenes from network changes
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<jbenet> !pin Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH blog
<pinbot> now pinning /ipfs/Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH
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<tundracomp> So the right answer currently is (in a cron job): resolve ipns, if different than last: pin new, publish new, unpin old ?
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<jbenet> !pin Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH blog
<pinbot> now pinning /ipfs/Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH
<jbenet> pinbot: y u no work
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<whyrusleeping> jbenet: hes working, be patient
<whyrusleeping> (some of the gateways are really dumb and need kicking)
<whyrusleeping> tundracomp: yeah, at least for now
<Icefoz> Hmm, does the ipfs daemon have some way to output logs anywhere?
<whyrusleeping> tundracomp: we do plan on adding support for pinning ipns names and paths though
<whyrusleeping> Icefoz: what sort of logs are you looking to see?
<Icefoz> The equivalent of web server logs, essentially... Just how much particular hashes have been served and to whom.
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<Icefoz> If I'm going to be sticking a Linux package mirror in IPFS I want to see how much people use it, since at least initially my mirror will be the only one.
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<Icefoz> Basically just curious how much it gets used.
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to fix/build-process: https://git.io/vrvd5
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/build-process 1e31839 Jeromy: use repo level bins in test Makefile...
<whyrusleeping> Icefoz: for that, you can check ipfs bitswap stat
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<whyrusleeping> and ipfs stats bw
<Icefoz> Aha
<Icefoz> Thank you!
<whyrusleeping> stats bw has a --proto flag you can use to see only bitswap traffic
<whyrusleeping> 'ipfs stats bw --proto=/ipfs/bitswap'
<whyrusleeping> for other 'logs' you can check 'ipfs log tail'
<whyrusleeping> which are json event logs
<whyrusleeping> and you can also set 'ipfs log level <system> <level>;
<whyrusleeping> to see other more mundane logs
<Icefoz> ...hmm, I might have to dig into the prometheus stuffs.
<Icefoz> Oh!
<whyrusleeping> example: 'ipfs log level all debug'
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<Icefoz> Well there we go then, thank you!
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<pinbot> [host 6] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<pinbot> [host 4] failed to grab refs for /ipfs/Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to fix/build-process: https://git.io/vrvpk
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/fix/build-process db5d730 Jeromy: bump gx version to 0.7.0...
<ipfsbot> [ipfs] RichardLitt pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vrvpg
<ipfsbot> ipfs/master e2d69da Richard Littauer: Small edits...
<ipfsbot> ipfs/master 091488a Richard Littauer: Added the status board...
<ipfsbot> ipfs/master f76fb04 Richard Littauer: Merge pull request #168 from RichardLitt/feature/add-status-board...
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<pinbot> [host 4] failed to pin /ipfs/Qmdgn2PENa3HSKcMGxpuEJFHftQHHmxHUMqfJDs4FL3tbH: unknown ipfs-shell error encoding: text/html - "<html>\r\n<head><title>504 Gateway Time-out</title></head>\r\n<body bgcolor=\"white\">\r\n<center><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1></center>\r\n<hr><center>nginx/1.9.3</center>\r\n</body>\r\n</html>\r\n"
<baccenfutter> what's up with this pinning? I noticed there is also a pin subcommand
<baccenfutter> is it like git fetch?
<ianopolous> Thanks for the roadmap guys, makes for very interesting reading!
<Icefoz> baccenfutter: Pinning saves a resource to your local disk and prevents it from getting GC'ed.
<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vrffM
<ipfsbot> go-ipfs/master 1a6f8c6 Jeromy Johnson: Merge pull request #2584 from ipfs/fix/build-process...
<baccenfutter> ... which makes me notice the entire gc thing for the first time.
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<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: js-ipfs tests are running again, I updated the build steps
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<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: also new teamcity version for you to upgrade :)
<whyrusleeping> yeah... i saw that
<whyrusleeping> i'll get to it, lol
<ianopolous> whyrusleeping: are there plans for IPNS to ever allow publishing from a key that the daemon doesn't have the private key for (i.e. a hash (or pair of hashes) already signed?
<baccenfutter> is there some kind of way to htauth the http gateway or is the idea to build a reverse proxy in-front of it?
<baccenfutter> I think i kinda answered my own question, nevermind...
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<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: any ideas how to make teamcity do proper npm installs? it seems to not install all needed dependencies :( http://ci.i.ipfs.io:8111/viewLog.html?buildId=1379&buildTypeId=jsipfs_Master&tab=buildLog#_state=598,585,518&focus=520
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<daviddias> dignifiedquire: got 2 secs?
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: sure what's up?
<daviddias> dignifiedquire: ^^
<whyrusleeping> dignifiedquire: does 'npm install' not do it?
<whyrusleeping> AFAIK its just running cli commands and not trying to be smart
<dignifiedquire> whyrusleeping: it seems it doesn't install everything :(
<dignifiedquire> it's only taking like 14s
<dignifiedquire> pretty sure that's not right
<whyrusleeping> i changed the npm install step to just be a cli script containing 'npm install'
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<daviddias> dignifiedquire: is it using npm 3?
<dignifiedquire> daviddias: it's using node 6.1.0 so it should not a 100% sure though
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<dignifiedquire> it's too fast
<dignifiedquire> and too little output
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<whyrusleeping> dignifiedquire: its a fast internet connection and no stdout, so it skips the "we're going to make the install take ten times as long with our progress bar" thing
<dignifiedquire> npm is never that fast
<ipfsbot> [webui] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #374: Update eslint-plugin-react to version 5.1.0
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<whyrusleeping> dignifiedquire: but the normal node tests run just fine
<dignifiedquire> I suspect it's using some cached version or sth like this
<dignifiedquire> not sure
<whyrusleeping> hrm... if you want to try things out yourself, its running on the docker image here: https://github.com/whyrusleeping/ipfs-teamcity-docker
<dignifiedquire> hmm will try tomorrow
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<M-8319> hello
<M-8319> how are things going on here ?
<M-8319> anyone here ?
<whyrusleeping> M-8319: there are people here
<whyrusleeping> most of them are shy though
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<ipfsbot> [go-ipfs] whyrusleeping opened pull request #2646: allow bitswap to read multiple messages per stream (master...feat/bitswap-reuse-stream) https://git.io/vrfRR
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