[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping opened pull request #2710: don't return nil multiaddrs from dht messages (master...fix/nil-maddr) https://git.io/vrcGF
cehteh: thanks for reporting :)
[go-ipfs] lgierth created dist-root (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrcZx
go-ipfs/dist-root c24a2e9 Lars Gierth: build: specify a dist.ipfs.io hash...
i gues the fuse stuff has not terribly high priority within the project or?
go-ipfs/dist-root f7fcdba Lars Gierth: build: specify a dist.ipfs.io hash...
[go-ipfs] lgierth force-pushed dist-root from c24a2e9 to f7fcdba: https://git.io/vrcnR
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whyrusleeping: make me thinking, i dont know the code, but since mv and rsync's temporary garble up, maybe 'only' the rename() code in fuse/ipns is borked
[go-ipfs] lgierth force-pushed dist-root from f7fcdba to 864e305: https://git.io/vrcnR
go-ipfs/dist-root 864e305 Lars Gierth: build: specify a dist.ipfs.io hash...
[go-ipfs] lgierth opened pull request #2711: build: specify a dist.ipfs.io hash (master...dist-root) https://git.io/vrcce
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vrcCj
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would adding the -z option (lazy unmounting) make any sense? if something accesses the fuse mounts (linux here) and one kills the daemon there are still lingering mounts left behind, preventing a restart
the only problem i see would be that it could shadow other bugs leaving the filesystem mounted, but all other umount command either do their job, block or report an error
whyrusleeping: still investigating
[go-ipfs] csasarak opened pull request #2713: Added a verbose option for swarm peers. (master...swarm_verbose) https://git.io/vrclK
cehteh: our fuse support needs a lot of love
any help there much appreciated
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jbenet: i am considering that
i am searching since years for a distributed p2p filesystem with oflfine/pinning support
well to be useable for some of my purposes, file encrytion would be nice and pushing data
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is there 'any' way of pushing data currently? if only i want to sens a node a request "please pin ..." not even pushing blocks without consent
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[go-ipfs] lgierth created changelog-0.4.2 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrc4m
go-ipfs/changelog-0.4.2 3ed82aa Lars Gierth: Add changelog for v0.4.2...
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[go-ipfs] lgierth opened pull request #2714: Add changelog for v0.4.2 (master...changelog-0.4.2) https://git.io/vrc40
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cehteh: not yet but we need to build that. if you want to take a stab at designing it, i'll review it
uhm .. i dont know enough about ipfs yet
something like `ipfs push <origin> <diff-spec>` is tricky because we'll need nyms/petnames/remotes for <origin>, and <diff-spec> will be easy if it's just <ref>, but hard if we want the concept of <local-branch>:<remote-branch> ---- we could add branches/tags to ipfs relateively easily now that we have the pinset. we just need to think through it for a
it just needs a kv-store made of ipld objects (pinset but as a kv-storE)
yes, some more key stuff like not only a node has a key, but admins can setup 'zones' and 'roles' or so
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like on my laptop i add a new file and i want it to be pushed somehow to my master server (the raid box)
but there is a lot involved, like laptop might be offline and it should be pushed later
pushing something to some machine directly is somewhat pointless in a more broader sense you rather want some pool defined by public keys where you want to push something
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public keys + signatures (arent there any yet?)
[WIKIPEDIA] List of highest funded crowdfunding projects | "This is an incomplete list of the highest funded crowdfunding projects, either successful or not...."
voxelot #1 is The DAO
so the dao is back in that list? there was some edit war about it -- on some twisted grounds "not crowdfunded because funders can extract funds back", lol
wah .. server crashed
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this is super interesting
i want to invest in The DAO
holy shit
The DAO was launched on 30 April 2016, with a website and a 28-day crowdsale to fund the organization.[3][4] The token sale had raised more than US$34 million by 10 May 2016,[5] and more than US$50 million-worth of Ether (ETH)—the digital value token of the Ethereum network—by 12 May,[4] and over US$100 million by 15 May 2016.
it raised 100 mill in a week?
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this is old news -- it's been all over /r/ethereum, /r/btc (and /r/thedao)
imho, i'd stay away -- it's basically an (aggressive) venture capital fund, where the investement decisions are outsourced to the crowd
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(sorry for offtopic)
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Hey, what's the deal with project-repos.ipfs.io?
I can't load it
[go-ipfs] jbenet created patch-add-link-paths (+2 new commits): https://git.io/vrc6W
go-ipfs/patch-add-link-paths 4d09f29 jbenet: add error checking for nil keys...
daviddias: oh right we have it in core
daviddias: hmm so no timeouts atm, not sure where to best put them, maybe into the block-service? as we want to time out no matter if bitswap or the storage are not responding in a timely manner
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daviddias: ?
I was thinking about that
should the timeout be a propagated error?
should we decrease the refcount on timeout?
Something tells me that the timeout to error should be less that the timeout to decrease the refcount
because there will be racing conditions there
but yeah, block-service seems to be the place to put it
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Yey, I am maintainer go-ipfs-git
congratz Kubuxu :D
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Hi guys!
go-ipfs-git is the go-ipfs archlinux package or something else?
chriscool1, yup, it's AUR package
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Great, congrats Kubuxu!
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chriscool1: it is a build-from-source go-ipfs package
because there is go-ipfs and go-ipfs-git packages in arch
If anyone is using go-ipfs-git or wants to start using it -- I just fixed it, it was broken for like 3 weeks.
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[go-ipfs] Kubuxu pushed 1 new commit to feature/MFSStatsHashOnly: https://git.io/vrCV7
go-ipfs/feature/MFSStatsHashOnly 276a47f Jakub Sztandera: Make format logic look much better...
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Would it be possible(in theory) to implement some sort of listening hashes to which anyone with said hash could 'send' a message or 'listen' for one? Messages wouldn't persist(at least not long) in IPFS system and would be delivered fast(think p2p connection latency). That would allow to create some real-time applications/games. [loose question/I'm not into IPFS internals]
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[go-ipfs] Kubuxu created feature/ConfigEdit-2649 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrCKH
go-ipfs/feature/ConfigEdit-2649 86425ef Jakub Sztandera: Make ipfs config edit run on client...
[go-ipfs] Kubuxu opened pull request #2718: Make ipfs config edit run on client (master...feature/ConfigEdit-2649) https://git.io/vrCKb
Magik6k: there is system like that that is worked on: pub-sub
so this is not a "quickly check it works" type of thing :D
They are both a complete example and also not the most easy to understand thing. Nevertheless the idea is simple. You spawn a Node.js node, then you spawn a browser node, tell the browser to connect to the Node.js and off you go :)
daviddias: alright. I'll work on that tomorrow. will use rest of today to make progress on the UI parts.
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(the amount of things I've to change because 'websockets' were renamed 'ws'..)
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haad_: sounds good. I'm probably able to look more into orbit land tomorrow too and maybe pair with you in somethings
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daviddias: I'll pass that on when whyrusleeping is around.
nonono ws means write stream to me
voxelot: the supreme dictator has decided :P
haha dignifiedquire pointed me to the same websockets bitswap tests last night
want to test some browser -> node.js things
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[js-ipfs-api] Mithgol opened pull request #276: require `bl` version `^1.1.2` in order to fix #275 (master...require-bl) https://git.io/vrWeq
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Hello wizards. I'm just wondering if anyone knows what's the current status of TOR integration for IPFS. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
[js-ipfs-api] diasdavid closed pull request #276: require `bl` version `^1.1.2` in order to fix #275 (master...require-bl) https://git.io/vrWeq
voxelot: how is add, cat and get going?
Is it possible to merge in a fully working `cat` command?
Also, did you extracted the get http-response you are generating? Let's have that ASAP cause whyrusleeping won't be around next week to check it
i have a permanently running ipfs node (on a VPS) and my laptop running ipfs. Is there a way I can tell my laptop to directly connect to the VPS at boot? would this actually be useful?
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mythmon: if you wanna tranfer stuff between your laptop and the vps, it might be quicker in the beginning
check `ipfs bootstrap --help`
can i make bitswap on the VPS not "charge" my laptop for files, so i don't have to trade bytes with it?
[js-ipfs-api] diasdavid pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/vrWJ4
js-ipfs-api/master 397968d David Dias: chore: update contributors
js-ipfs-api/master 271ce1b David Dias: chore: release version v4.0.3
lgierth: my thought isn't much about transfer (i could use rsync for that) so much as having a solid connection to at least one node. maybe that's not something to worry about?
mythmon: not for now -- there will be more bitswap options in the future
i'm basically just pondering what i could do with this setup, I don't have any real requirements
sure why not
the default bootstrap nodes are pretty stable but why not
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[js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-ipfs-api-4.0.3 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrWU8
js-ipfs/greenkeeper-ipfs-api-4.0.3 c2eb405 greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update ipfs-api to version 4.0.3...
neat. i got my VPS's address out of `ipfs id`, and that seems to have worked
voxelot: ping
[js-ipfs] diasdavid opened pull request #226: chore(package): update ipfs-api to version 4.0.3 (master...greenkeeper-ipfs-api-4.0.3) https://git.io/vrWT9
since whyrusleeping availability will be limited very soon
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ahh i did not see that ty!
when does mexico steal whyrusleeping again?
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i could pr just the cat command now so that a version of cat should work everywhere
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i'll try to ping whyrus today about go http
by Friday
ok, sounds good :)
[js-ipfs] diasdavid deleted greenkeeper-ipfs-api-4.0.3 at c2eb405: https://git.io/vrWLb
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voxelot: the commands you're working on for interface-ipfs-core are super important -- can I work on any subset of that with you? I think e.g. haad_ is blocked on these more than anything
I started on blocks, but admittedly it's less important
I could work on 'ls', since you don't seem to tackle that in your PR
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noffle: yeah that would be great!
i could actually use some help with add command, think that was the most important ipfs command when i first started using
i'm making a PR for cat http-api then cat should be mostly good, some CR there would be awesome
voxelot: sure (to both)
yes, add and cat are the most used I'll bet
[js-ipfs] nginnever created cat/http from master (+0 new commits): https://git.io/vrWYS
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voxelot: could you link me to the things you need CR'd?
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whyrusleeping: t0170 is causing lots of pain for dev. I've been sucked into js-ipfs mega task force at the moment, so how about we mark it as a known breakage for now until I can get to it? it's just slowing down go-ipfs devs otherwise
I don't think the underlying cause is indicative of any real problem in the wild, just a symptom of a small network
noffle: yup, just a few, everytime i pull a PR into smaller ones i break something
[go-ipfs] Kubuxu opened pull request #2723: Add CORS headers to Read Only Gateway Default config (master...feature/GatewayCORS) https://git.io/vrWwi
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[go-ipfs] Kubuxu closed pull request #2723: Add CORS headers to Read Only Gateway Default config (master...feature/GatewayCORS) https://git.io/vrWwi
They should be applied also to RO gateway but they aren't.
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[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping force-pushed changelog-0.4.2 from 3ed82aa to ef07b20: https://git.io/vrWop
go-ipfs/changelog-0.4.2 dbdfb72 Lars Gierth: Add changelog for v0.4.2...
go-ipfs/changelog-0.4.2 ef07b20 Jeromy: ipfs version 0.4.2...
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[go-ipfs] Kubuxu created feature/Go1.6IsSupported (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrWik
go-ipfs/feature/Go1.6IsSupported e54d609 Jakub Sztandera: Remove note about Go1.6 not being supported...
[go-ipfs] Kubuxu opened pull request #2724: Remove note about Go1.6 not being supported (master...feature/Go1.6IsSupported) https://git.io/vrWit
richardlitt: Can I repush some of your commits in few PRs to rerun tests on them?/
Kubuxu: of course
[go-ipfs] Kubuxu force-pushed feature/add-default-to-files from 91049ec to f3bd304: https://git.io/vrsss
go-ipfs/feature/add-default-to-files f3bd304 Richard Littauer: Added Default logic to `files` cmd...
[go-ipfs] Kubuxu force-pushed feature/add-defaults-to-add from 9b06067 to 87ec9d5: https://git.io/vrTl9
go-ipfs/feature/add-defaults-to-add 87ec9d5 Richard Littauer: Updated sharness...
Kubuxu: yeah hehe cors needs a lot of love
the gateway as a whole does too
if you're interested, i have a grand master plan :=
one funny bit is that for the readonly api on :8080/api, the api headers apply, not the gateway headers
because technically, :8080/api is not the gateway
[go-ipfs] Kubuxu force-pushed feat/helptext-test from 0529ba9 to 5e0873e: https://git.io/vrGOJ
go-ipfs/feat/helptext-test 3bb44cc Jeromy: add test to enforce helptext on commands...
go-ipfs/feat/helptext-test 5e0873e Jakub Sztandera: Add ProcessHelp call to Helptext test....
lgierth: what is your grand master plan?
make it state machines! :D
* Kubuxu
is close to creating label "waiting on j.benet"
i highly recommend everyone update asap, there are some very big bugfixes in this last release
i'm also updating the install doc on the website now
bumped the go-ipfs-git and reported go-ipfs out of date on Arch
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huh, I got PR #2005 to work on v4.0.1 + discovered that corenet can't send messages to send(probably related to self ping issue)
[js-ipfs] diasdavid created greenkeeper-babel-runtime-6.9.0 (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrlJw
js-ipfs/greenkeeper-babel-runtime-6.9.0 710513e greenkeeperio-bot: chore(package): update babel-runtime to version 6.9.0...
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i am working on distributed video hosting portal just like ipfs.pics, it's in progress ( currently it works only for mp4 videos and size less than 50MB ). i am also replicating the data to my servers and pushing that data to ipfs from those servers. I am trying to figure out a way to replicate the data to viewers repository. please have a look ( https://ipfs.video ) and give suggestions (much needed)
@daviddias: to uniquely identify videos that has same hash, because two users can upload same video with different description, title and tags.
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thank you guys :) i am trying to improve it
daviddias: doesnt your collab access let you do that?
ipfs_intern: you can make that just one hash by having an "upload" object with the metadata, and an "asset" object for the video
^ basically a directory with the video and a description file
^ if you're using UnixFS, anyway.
whyrusleeping: I tried, travis doesn't let me and circle says "ask the repo admin"
(Though it's slightly less convenient for users to download)
now pinning /ipfs/QmS4qugLT2DQtWuCNVNVjGJEE5yHXhZu6GsBKpFoyEZhYY
@r0kk3rz: yes it's playing from the gateway, my server pushes the video to ipfs, then i replicate that data to 2 more servers and add that video to their repository
travis wouldn't let a job hang for 4 hours. it kills them after 10 minutes of no output, i think
richardlitt: exit codes aren't standardized, for the most part
maybe just took a while to build
there are timings on the right side. it says that command only took about 2 seconds, and the whole job only took 27 seconds
travis is a big distributed system and it might just have hung
ok, cool. so hung is different.
from the manpage of xargs: "123 if any invocation of the command exited with status 1-125"
(one second, phone i cant ignore)
(Sorry, back)
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It might just be the awesome_bot command exiting appropriately. Running it again. Thanks mythmon and lgierth
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ipfs_intern: would be cool if ipfs.video could detect if the user is running their own daemon
and serve the video over their local daemon instead of from your servers
ipfs_intern: I'm not 100% sure if this is a good idea, but a "open on my local node" would be nice
Have it link to /ifs/QmVideoPlayer#QmTheVideo, similar to jbenet video player app. Then people can really utilize IPFS to bring the content to their computer.
@whyrusleeping: yes i am working on it, i am trying to figure out a way to replicate data to viewers repository and to fetch video from their local daemon
Also as whyrusleeping said, having it actually stream from localhost:8080 into the page would be neat as well
you don't need to replicate
their local daemon will take care of fetching it once you request it
i gotta catch a train
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lgierth: is that a euphemism?
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alu: hey, update to 0.4.2 and try stuff out
it should be much better overall now
voxelot: got the add response working
okay sec
[go-ipfs] whyrusleeping created fix/receive-loop (+1 new commit): https://git.io/vrlWS
yes i agree, so we can do each 'files' command in their own pr, cat should be good, add should be fairly good, still a lot of options missing from what go has
yeah, I don't like magic headers like this; don't think we document that requirement
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[js-ipfs] greenkeeperio-bot opened pull request #230: babel-runtime@6.9.0 breaks build