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<headius[m]> Hmm
<kares[m]> well I am not sure about the cleanup ... can we do such breaking changes - for 9.3 ?
<kares[m]> current behavior using javax.script: `ScriptException` -> `org.jruby.embed.EvalFailedException` -> `RaiseException`
<kares[m]> proposal is to skip `EvalFailedException` (or `ParseFailedException`) wrapping for good
<kares[m]> nashorn goes even further and often just raises it's own custom `NashornException` (not wrapped in a `javax.script.ScriptException`)
<kares[m]> * nashorn goes even further and often just throws it's own custom `NashornException` (not wrapped in a `javax.script.ScriptException`)
<headius[m]> I think changing that top level exception would be going too far, but reducing useless layers below it seems like it would be okay for 9.3
<kares[m]> sounds good to me - that was my thinking
<headius[m]> The implementation hasn't been updated in a very long time, so I think it is fair to make some minor modifications to better match how other languages work in 223
<headius[m]> I mean, if someone's using 223 to embed jruby, they are probably doing it because they're also embedding other languages that way
<headius[m]> Matching better would be good
<kares[m]> follow up: let's skip the intermediate `EvalFailedException` for javax.script APIs but I guess we can not for JRuby's
<kares[m]> `ScriptingContainer` can we?
<kares[m]> (slightly complicates things since both delegate to the same embed layer: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/blob/master/core/src/main/java/org/jruby/embed/internal/EmbedRubyObjectAdapterImpl.java#L151-L153)
<headius[m]> Ah that is a good point
<headius[m]> Hmm
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<headius[m]> ok took care of some other discussion and looking at this now
<headius[m]> kares: crazy idea, can we extend ScriptException?
<headius[m]> it would mean we require 223 libs in place to use regular embedding, so that is a point against
<headius[m]> but it would eliminate the extra layer without breaking embed API
<headius[m]> ah drat... checked exceptions
<headius[m]> curses
<headius[m]> that would be a big API breakage
<headius[m]> another possibility might be adding new entry points
<headius[m]> [boc_tothefuture](https://matrix.to/#/@boc_tothefuture:matrix.org): did you manage to put together a reduced case?