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<fzakaria1> Here is the full stacktrace with the system property:
<fzakaria1> aha! it's when I `--dev
<fzakaria1> * aha! it's when I `--dev`
<fzakaria1> I will file a bug
<headius[m]> Haha, I think that has been reported but I did not get a good repro
<headius[m]> Nice! NixOS?
<headius[m]> lopex: yeah it needs to be built under nine or higher now
<headius[m]> Almost all the dependencies have been set up for modules
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<fzakaria1> (sorry was busy with dinner)
<fzakaria1> yea NixOS or Nix + Debian
<fzakaria1> Should be straightforward repro; seems to be tied to the --dev flag
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<fzakaria1> Please let me know if there's more to give you a reproduction aside from what's given.
<fzakaria1> If I must I can craft you a `shell.nix` file which sets it up, but I suspect the failure to find a reproduction before had more to do with the culprit of `--dev` flag
<headius[m]> That is interesting
<headius[m]> Thank you this is probably enough
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<tracylucky[m]> Hi guys, I am using jruby, when I run my rake task, I got the following error
<tracylucky[m]> load error: common/load_framework -- java.lang.StackOverflowError: null (LoadError)
<tracylucky[m]> org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:974:in `require'
<tracylucky[m]> could someone help me take a look? thanks
<headius[m]> Oh neat a stack overflow
<headius[m]> Could you use gist.github.com to paste the full output? Might need -w to get the whole trace
<headius[m]> -d may help too
<tracylucky[m]> ok, thanks
<headius[m]> Usually not hard to diagnose. Probably will have you open an issue but show me what you got
<tracylucky[m]> 😂ok
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<tracylucky[m]> headius:
<headius[m]> Ok looking
<headius[m]> Is this something I could run myself?
<headius[m]> tracylucky: doesn't seem like all the trace is there, try with -d
<headius[m]> Load error tends to hide the underlying error without -d
<tracylucky[m]> -d doesn't work for rake headius
<headius[m]> Oh try `jruby -d -S rake ...`
<tracylucky[m]> updated headius
<headius[m]> Ok thanks
<headius[m]> Sorry, late night here
<headius[m]> Okay I think the best option here is to open an issue, and if you can provide a small repository that will let me reproduce it should be very quick to find a fix
<headius[m]> tracylucky: sorry for the inconvenience, but if I can reproduce it locally I should be able to find a fix and a workaround fairly quickly
<tracylucky[m]> OK,I'll create a issue for it, have a nice dream
<headius[m]> Thanks! I'll have a look in the morning
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<tracylucky[m]> ignore my issue headius it is caused by test-unit gem
<rdubya[m]> headius: Happy Birthday! I forgot we share a birthday until I saw somebody post it on twitter lol
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<fzakaria1> Aw happy birthday!
<fzakaria1> 👏 🎆
subbu|away is now known as subbu
<headius[m]> rdubya: oh yeah, us and Jimi Hendrix and Scott Joplin! Happy birthday to you as well!
<headius[m]> fzakaria: Thank you!
<rdubya[m]> headius: I didn't realize that
<headius[m]> tracylucky: oh weird, can you explain how?
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<headius[m]> tracylucky: I'm glad you got past it in any case!
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