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<byteit101[m]> hmm, why is PositionAware of a method the line before it's defined? Is it 0-based?
<headius[m]> Yeah it is
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<byteit101[m]> awesome, I'll just add one then
<byteit101[m]> at org.jruby.java.proxies.ConcreteJavaProxy.splitInitialized(ConcreteJavaProxy.java:351)
<byteit101[m]> at rubyobj.Umm.Paintbrush.Balloons.<init>(test.rb:130)
<byteit101[m]> fancy stack traces!
<byteit101[m]> Ok, I think the last major component is for AST/IR fixups
<headius[m]> Oooh nice!
<byteit101[m]> I have AST most of the way, but I need time with enebo to figure it out. Any idea what time he'll be around?
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<headius[m]> I believe he is working this week but I'm not sure in what capacity
<headius[m]> I will mention that you are looking for him
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<enebo[m]> byteit101: howdy...I"M BACK
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<headius[m]> Woohoo
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<byteit101[m]> enebo: yay! give a look to the colorized block of code around https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6422#issuecomment-716337104 That is the AST transform I'm trying to do, except I think I should be doing it in IR instead of how I'm doing it now (https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6422/files#diff-ee5b3e6e296d6bf1315743db55b99867762ade5bdfedec34c19bef47ffc8ae98R357-R418 and
<byteit101[m]> *around the super-splitter headline
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<enebo[m]> I will read up a bit
<enebo[m]> byteit101: so what is the behavior if someone calls super/zsuper explicitly? Error if it cannot match a real constructor?
<enebo[m]> I guess I believe this is any super which exists will appropriately just call the specified constructor on java side assuming it can bind it properly
<enebo[m]> In looking at this current WIP I am guessing this does not work yet? That desugar() method in IRMethod will be null by the time you try and JIT
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<enebo[m]> I am done today but I will see anything written and I will be on in the morning. AST is not where I would like to see this as we would have to retain the AST but a pass for IR might mean thinking quite a bit about accounting for values to super and which instr is for super (since we actually will sometimes just replace super with the method call name when we know it).
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<byteit101[m]> enebo: thanks!, Yes, see https://github.com/jruby/jruby/pull/6422#issuecomment-720055420 for the decompiled bytecode. This does mostly work right now, but yes, that's one reason why I know I need some help
<byteit101[m]> enebo: been testing with https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/tWWwyaCbYJSysxWscQhgiqwh/message.txt and it works as you'd expect today
<byteit101[m]> > I guess I believe this is any super which exists will appropriately just call the specified constructor on java side assuming it can bind it properly
<byteit101[m]> With this work there is nothing to bind to, as we have to pass the args up to the java ctor (the caller of initialize) before resuming the method
<byteit101[m]> see the uninitializedThis discussion on https://logs.jruby.org/jruby/2020-11-02 for the why
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