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<georgie> ok i opened the 2.7 support issue
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<headius[m]> boc_tothefuture: I am woefully uninformed about osgi unfortunately
<headius[m]> What we have has been contributed by folks that know
<headius[m]> georgie: Nice! You might be able to find some simple changes in that list... Look into the code classes like String and Array and especially new methods we could just write in ruby
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<boc_tothefuture[> that might be more fortunate than unfortunate.
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<klobuczek[m]> @he
<klobuczek[m]> * @hedius does ruby-maven support maven-shade-plugin? I cannot access classes relocated with shade from jruby.
<klobuczek[m]> * headius does ruby-maven support maven-shade-plugin? I cannot access classes relocated with shade from jruby.
<headius[m]> klobuczek: I guess you mean does it do any renaming to match the shaded artifacts? I would assume not, but perhaps it is a feature that could be added. It wouldn't be foolproof
<klobuczek[m]> Thank you. Your answer made me understand that I can reference the shaded location: `java_import 'org.neo4j.driver.internal.shaded.io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory'
<klobuczek[m]> `
<klobuczek[m]> * Thank you. Your answer made me understand that I can reference the shaded location: `java_import 'org.neo4j.driver.internal.shaded.io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory' ``
<klobuczek[m]> * Thank you. Your answer made me understand that I can reference the shaded location:
<klobuczek[m]> java_import 'org.neo4j.driver.internal.shaded.io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory'
<headius[m]> Yeah if you intend to always shade that library, use the shaded name or a fallback
<headius[m]> I believe there is an asm.rb
<headius[m]> Er
<headius[m]> asm.rb file in the jruby dist that shows how we fall back for ASM classes
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