<byteit101[m]> I know why, but this surprises me: RangeError (too big for byte: 255)
<byteit101[m]> [255].to_java(:byte)
<chrisseaton[m]> Yeah all Java integers are signed!
<lopex[m]> here's the answer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT__Nrr3PNI
<lopex[m]> really good tak I think
<lopex[m]> chrisseaton: I liked when he says wrt segfault, invalid derf, etc, "this cannot happen"
<lopex[m]> he seemed to be the driving force for that back then
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<byteit101[m]> `java.util.ArrayList.java_send :getClass` => NPE. Is this attempt to break through the 4th wall justified in an NPE or should that be a ruby error/issue to file?
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