any experience using the Andor IXon Ultra 897 with Grabber? does it work?
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whitequark, sb0: if elif elif chains are taking copies of complex test conditions and duplicating them
if i can describe how i think if elif elif chains get turned into casez, can you confirm?
i believe they are done by creating intermediary assignments to temporary variables, representing each individual test of the if and elif conditions
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and the casez statements are then chained together, so that the 1st casez is simply the 1st if test
however the 2nd casez is created from the INVERSION of the 1st if test ANDed with the 2nd if test
and the 3rd casez is created from the inversion of the 1st *AND* 2nd if test, ANDed with the 3rd if test
and so on
this is done not by using the intermediate assignments
it's done by **COPYING** the **ENTIRE** if (or elif) expression
the way to "avoid" this is by manually assigning the if/elif tests to a temporary intermediate signal with *zero* boolean logic in it
you're not describing what happens accurately (see e.g. `python3 examples/alu.py generate` for a representative example) and in any case it's not necessary to "avoid" this
with m.Else():
whitequark: simple comparisons result in non-duplication
complex comparisons result in duplication.
with m.If(self.sel == 0b00):
will not result in duplication
with m.If(self.in_a.s == self.in_b.s):
with m.Elif(self.in_a.m >= self.in_b.m):
will result in duplication
why is not necessary to "avoid" duplication?
why would it be necessary?
i don't have confidence that the duplicated expressions would be optimised out
i do
plus it makes the tools work harder than necessary
and it makes it much harder to understand the yosys "show" output
which i am using as a critical tool to ensure the correctness of the auto-generated code
you should not rely on the yosys graphviz output as a critical tool to ensure correctness; if you do, something is seriously broken with your workflow
but besides that
there's no duplication in RTLIL emitted by nmigen; any duplication from if statements that you can see appears inside yosys' write_verilog
i suspect it would be almost impossible to actually verify the output by visual inspection once it has gone through an optimisation phase
write_verilog's the culprit? hm, darn.
that would mean needing to perform temporary assignment of the if/elif to single-signal boolean combinatorial logic prior to handing over to write_verilog
you don't need it
a potential fix would be to update write_verilog to take the amount of times a signal is mentioned inside an RTLIL process into account
but, that'd actually make write_verilog output less readable in many cases, so i'm not very interested in it
a more appropriate fix would be to reduce rtlil processes to $dff cells, which map to much simpler verilog processes in write_verilog
and have that as the default verilog output mode
i don't mind putting things into intermediate signals. i had a couple of cases where there were actual identical expressions duplicated in different if elif elif action blocks
which i'd missed when writing the code, and only spotted when looking at the graph
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whitequark, sb0: btw, there's something in the commercial world colloquially known as "spongeing": the act of taking advantage of software libre projects.
i've applied for a NLnet EU grant. if it comes through (or we receive other funds) i'd like to make sure that you receive some of that money.
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lkcl: thanks! what is your grant/commercial project about?
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sb0: enhanced privacy and trust, through full transparency, of both software *and* hardware, for an embedded SoC capable of being used in mobile-class devices
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