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<attie> lkcl: nice! that seems like a good candidate if you ever want to try out the formal verification stuff too.
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<lkcl> attie: oo, what formal verification stuff?
<lkcl> attie: answer, yes, definitely
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<attie> lkcl: yosys has a verification thing. I only looked at it briefly, but whitequark has been using it quite a bit and I think I saw that she added some Assume and Assert statements to
<attie> so there seems to be some amount of support for it in nmigen now
<attie> it's on my list of things I want to learn but keep putting off in favor of other things (like finishing my thesis >.<")
<lkcl> whitequark: i'm finding that a group-object (similar to Record except arbitrary and having an eq function) would be extremely beneficial
<lkcl> attie: okaay, cool. we discussed formal verification a few weeks ago, so thank you
<lkcl> ngggh, import * getting in the way agaaaaain. the top imports of a module are what tell you where functions and classes are imported from
<lkcl> if that's "*" people have *no idea* which module to go to, and have to grep potentially *multiple* source code bases to find them
<lkcl> attie: it is... and i had to do "grep -r" to find it
<attie> uh, but it says "from ..formal" right there
<attie> so you go two levels up... and there's
<lkcl> attie: and how would i know that it was *nmigen* that it comes from?
<attie> because it has only nmigen imports?
<attie> . is the local module
<lkcl> in this is example, yes... yet even there, it's mixing ".. import *" with ".. formal import *"
<lkcl> from import log2_int is *great*. i now know that tools has a function called "log2_int"
<attie> I mean, "from x" tells you to look in the package x
<attie> if x starts with ., it's local
<attie> otherwise you look for the module x
<attie> and look in its what it gives you
<lkcl> if there was only the one "import *" it would be "fine" (it's not), the fact that there's 2 means you have to search *two* modules - manually
<attie> I find * import really useful for DSL stuff
<attie> I don't want to specify every syntax element of my DSL in an import statement before being able to code in it!
<lkcl> attie: really, don't do it. it's one of the well-known things about python that causes an awful lot of trouble.
<attie> can you imagine? from migen import Module, Signal, Value, If, Case, ...
<lkcl> attie: there's a script around that can do that
<attie> but that's what * is _for_
<lkcl> attie: yes, that's exactly what we do.
<lkcl> from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Value, Record
<attie> that sounds like hell on earth, but I guess you're welcome to live there if you like the temperature :)
<lkcl> attie: if you've not worked with massive python codebases before, you'll not have experienced quite how much hell "import *" really is.
<lkcl> also, it causes the python interpreter to do vast amounts of unnecessary work.
<attie> it depends what you use it for
<attie> like, I don't usually do things like "from math import *"
<lkcl> there *are* circumstances under which "import *" is appropriate.
<lkcl> attie: there you go... so why do you avoid "from math import *"?
<attie> because I don't want all of math, I only need one or two functions of the lot
<attie> but for migen, I never want only half the language
<lkcl> "import *" is appropriate if you are changing an API or a layout.
<lkcl> sounds maybe like you have very large modules.
<attie> modules as in migen Module?
<attie> yeah I guess
<lkcl> we're subdividing the SoC code down into extremely small self-contained modules
<lkcl> python modules, i mean
<lkcl> each one small enough to only need a few things.
<attie> I don't make python modules out of my migen modules, no
<lkcl> mind you, there's a big difference between migen and nmigen, nmigen has "m.If" and "m.Switch" etc. which helps keep the namespace a lot cleaner.
<lkcl> attie: yehh i am doing very small nmigen modules so as to be able to do visual inspection.
<lkcl> (of the graphviz)
<attie> that a very bad idea?
<lkcl> :)
<lkcl> plus a hell of a lot of unit tests :)
<attie> I mean, small modules are good
<lkcl> attie: 1 sec...
<attie> but looking at the graphviz is not a good way to tell... much of anything
<lkcl> on large modules, you're right, it's not
<attie> do you also look at the callgraph of your C programs to tell if you wrote them right?
<attie> or the basic block flowchart or w/e I guess
<attie> I forget what that's called
<lkcl> attie: hardware's radically different from c
<attie> yeah but it's the same level of abstraction
<attie> looking at the lower level of abstraction is a piss-poor way to validate your code, because it's *more* complex than the original code
<lkcl> so i've been closely inspecting that massive one as a design / debugging aid
<lkcl> and glancing at things like this:
<attie> sometimes looking for a specific element can help in catching where you're going wrong, but if you do it in a targeted manner then the amount of code around it doesn't matter
<lkcl> yeh, i'm certainly not relying on the graphviz only: i'm using gtkwave, the python code, *and* the graphviz all side-by-side
<lkcl> on a 3000x1800 resolution LCD :)
<attie> (I glance at specific wires in my ten thousand line export verilog frequently to check for specific errors, and that works. But module size doesn't affect that.)
<lkcl> the graphviz has helped me to identify where i've failed to connect certain wires to a module, many many times
<attie> but you can't grep it
<lkcl> attie: graphviz side-by-side with the python code :)
<lkcl> in the development of the pipeline, i found that i regularly lost track of the inputs and outputs
<lkcl> forgot to assign an input that needed to be passed through to another stage
<lkcl> could i track that down in the python code?
<lkcl> not a snowball in hell's chance
<lkcl> ... looked at the graphviz... oh look! that register ends there, when it shouldn't! let's have a look at the corresponding python nmigen module...
<lkcl> ah yes, there it is! that's where i forgot to make an eq statement...
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<lkcl> but... butbutbut... it's only been possible / convenient because of the strict splitting down into small, manageable nmigen modules
<lkcl> i couldn't do it otherwise: the graphviz would be absolute hell.
<lkcl> this one's a really good, clean (and useful) example
<attie> oops my connection kicked the bucket there for a bit
<lkcl> it's the actual "add" phase
<lkcl> whoops :)
* attie checks logs
<lkcl> oo, where's the logs for this channel?
<lkcl> ah in the title... :)
<attie> link in the topic~
<attie> yep that
<lkcl> :)
<lkcl> cool, it's real-time too
<attie> [29/03 17:55:12] < attie> | well, I guess if it works for you
<attie> [29/03 17:55:32] < attie> | I could use a motivation to break things up more sometimes
<attie> those were lost I think
<lkcl> the IEEE754 pipeline code i'm developing is so insanely complex i'd be hopelessly lost without the combination of graphviz, gtkwave side-by-side with the python code
<attie> anyway I don't really have any problem tracking down forgotten .eq()s
<attie> same as forgotten .submodule
<lkcl> lol
<attie> it's quite obvious in gtkwave
<attie> "why is this signal not changing??" Ctrl-F "ooh I never assigned it"
<lkcl> i'm new to nmigen, and i used to do gate-level designs
<lkcl> yehhh that quickly goes to hell in a handbasket for a multi-stage pipeline
<attie> why?
<attie> my pipelines are multi-stage too
<attie> each stage has its own signals
<attie> generally I start looking at the output that is not what I want, and then work my way up the assigns
<lkcl> oo, do you have some examples online somewhere?
<attie> pretty much all my code is in here:
<lkcl> will take a look
<attie> it's not documented at all though
<lkcl> no problem
<attie> academic code, just meant to produce a figure that goes into a paper
<lkcl> okaaay, so fmul, you have manual assignments between stages.
<lkcl> r2_varname = r3_varname and so on.
<attie> if you want straightforward pipelines, I guess pr/*
<lkcl> you might find this function useful:;a=blob;f=src/add/;h=033536a62d7778ed942f65d411e89ac6ece34215;hb=b5cc29bb05ba25c95c820e001e76e78bb56cd89a#l225
<attie> gatherkernel and applykernel used to be one bigger pipeline but I broke it in two later
<lkcl> yehyeh. so yes, when the inputs and outputs are in the same location (like in the example) yes it's pretty straightforward and obvious if you missed one
<lkcl> once things get abstracted out however, with each stage in its own class...
<attie> hmm, maybe... I keep thinking of how to make pipelines with backpressure a better thing, but not really hit a good way yet
<lkcl> that's the style that i followed, and to be honest i'm not really at all happy about it
<lkcl> you mean, a buffered pipeline stage?
<lkcl> what dan gisselquist calls a "buffered pipeline"?
<attie> no I mean, how to make the valid/ack more intuitive
<lkcl> ah yes - this is what we've been discussing on libre-riscv-dev now for several weeks
<lkcl> and exactly what i've been working on
<lkcl> 1 sec...
<attie> yeah I guess "the buffered handshake"
<lkcl> there's a buffered *and* unbuffered variant
<lkcl> and a ton of examples
<attie> or rather most of the time I use it unbuffered
<attie> but then insert a SyncFIFO whenever I need a buffer
<lkcl> yes. unbuffered is fine when the chain is not too long
<lkcl> oo must look up what SyncFIFO is
<attie> it's a fwft fifo
<attie> I mean, the fwft is optional
<attie> but it's the bog standard fifo from the library
<attie> just both ends in the same clock domain
<lkcl> got it
<attie> (differentiated from AsyncFIFO)
<lkcl> we created two kinds of pipeline stages: buffered and unbuffered
<attie> but what I really want is first class support for Record to be used the same way as Signal
<lkcl> the unbuffered version chains all its ready/valid signals in a combinatorial block (yet the data is still passed "sync")
<attie> in FIFO and Memory
<lkcl> attie: *sigh* yeeeees :)
<lkcl> attie: been thinking about that, and i feel that a separate "ClassObject" or "SignalGroup" or "ObjectProxy" class would be better
<attie> Record is really a bus-specific thing the way it's implemented
<attie> yeah something like that, but I don't particularly like those names
<lkcl> where it uses python dir() and isinstance to identify what signals have been *arbitrarily* added
<lkcl> lol neither do i: i'm really bad at picking names
<lkcl> i started an experimental version, called it ObjectProxy for lack of a better name
<attie> well Record *is* the good name tbh
<attie> I guess Struct is still free...
<lkcl> except that you can't arbitrarily add a new "thing" to a Record
<lkcl> ah yeah that would be a good choice
<attie> that's not my #1 feature, I'm ok defining the layout
<lkcl> if you could do Record.somenewthing = Signal(5) *after* defining the layout
<attie> just I want the din/dout or dat_r/dat_w to automatically have the fields
<attie> not have to fiddle with .raw_bits() all the time
<lkcl> yehh i'm looking at more advanced use of introspection to hide the manual bits of a pipeline where you need to copy registers from stage to stage
<lkcl> except instead of doing that with individual signals, it can be done on an entire group
<attie> and I feel like my code gets worse from using DIR_M_TO_S/DIR_S_TO_M
<attie> when actually what I have is a payload (multiple signals, all one direction) + stb/ack
<lkcl> yehh the Record Layout direction stuff i can see was really intended for buses
<lkcl> for GPIO
<attie> yeah that's what it's made for, and what I use it for is a bad hack
<lkcl> like an SPI bus, or SD/MMC, or SDRAM.
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<lkcl> because there isn't anything else that does what's really needed
<attie> I've tried a few times to write my own class but never liked the result
<attie> (and frankly I don't want to rewrite all my code)
<attie> (I'm going to throw it all away in 3 months anyway)
<attie> (I hope)
<lkcl> well, i need a break, can we discuss another time, perhaps when whitequark's also around, as it's something we seriously need.
<lkcl> :)
<attie> alright, good talk. see you around!
<lkcl> you too
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