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<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> @hartytp is the tec/thermistor connector for thermostat the same on both versions (stm32 and tm4c)? also 4 pin?
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <sb10q> no plans to change it, no last-minute production changes?
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<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
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<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to vendor.altera [+1/-0/±0]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark c8e6ec2 - vendor.altera: add Quartus support. (WIP)
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark synchronize pull request #178: vendor.altera: add Quartus support (WIP) -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing 3d62dac...376180f -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.82% remains the same compared to 3d62dac -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing 3d62dac...c8e6ec2 -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #221: vendor.altera: use buffer primitives -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #223: Consider enums in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #223: Consider enums in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark deleted a comment on issue #223: Consider enums in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on pull request #221: vendor.altera: use buffer primitives -
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<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark ee1ad2d - build.plat: restrict design names to alphanumeric to avoid quoting issues.
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 83.01% (+0.19%) compared to 3d62dac -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Failure. 0% of diff hit (target 82.82%) -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Failure. 82.78% (-0.05%) compared to 3d62dac -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to vendor.altera [+1/-0/±0]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 3c3ab4a - vendor.altera: add Quartus support. (WIP)
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark synchronize pull request #178: vendor.altera: add Quartus support (WIP) -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing ee1ad2d...c8e6ec2 -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing ee1ad2d...3c3ab4a -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.78% remains the same compared to ee1ad2d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 5f9b8ec - vendor.lattice_ecp5: simplify quoting. NFC.
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 59acd5d - vendor.lattice_ice40: fix required tool list for iCECube2. NFC.
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 83.01% (+0.23%) compared to ee1ad2d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing ee1ad2d...5f9b8ec -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.78% remains the same compared to ee1ad2d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 83.01% (+0.23%) compared to 5f9b8ec -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing 5f9b8ec...59acd5d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.78% remains the same compared to 5f9b8ec -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
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<whitequark> the reason default_clk is a thing is because on most boards, (a) you virtually always want to use that specific clock for various reasons (no internal oscillator, poor quality internal oscillator, it's synchronized to some other device), and (b) the frequency of this clock is fixed
<whitequark> but on TinyFPGA AX the frequency of the internal oscillator can only be chosen per design
<mtrbot-ml> [mattermost] <hartytp> @sb10q on the new rev it’s 5pin with a gnd pin for cable screening
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<Dar1us> whitequark: you have a sensiron SCD30 right? ever had it produce obviously nonsensical values? (like 200ppm and I am not a tree)
<whitequark> Dar1us: only NaN sometimes
<whitequark> are you sure clock stretchig works correctly?
<Dar1us> whitequark: hmm OK, mine has done stuff like start at ~200ppm then gone up to over 1000ppm then back to something believable
<Dar1us> whitequark: weell.. I am being lazy and using a pyboard (STM32F4) so I believe it does
<Dar1us> CRCs pass etc
<Dar1us> currently it's running the calibration but that takes a week so zzzz
<whitequark> ah at the start it might give nonsensical values due to warmup
<Dar1us> whitequark: ah OK
<Dar1us> whitequark: guess I'll wait another.. 6 days.. and see if it is more sensible :)
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<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 6414c80 - lib.fifo: add more compatibility shims.
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.96% (+0.18%) compared to 59acd5d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Failure. 66.66% of diff hit (target 82.78%) -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Failure. 82.72% (-0.06%) compared to 59acd5d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
* Dar1us worships at the verilator altar
<whitequark> hm?
<Dar1us> ah just some dumb shit I missed that it picked up straight away
<Dar1us> I'm still not in the habit of using it :(
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<ZirconiumX> whitequark: Trying to test the SDR stuff by building Boneless, but I've got a small stumbling block: how do I specify top-level ports for build()?
<whitequark> you don't
<whitequark> you use platform.request("peripheral")
<whitequark> i'm not sure if boneless would help much
<ZirconiumX> I don't know of much in the way of nMigen code I can test with
<whitequark> mhh, i'll see if i can buy an altera board.
<ZirconiumX> The Terasic boards are pretty good
<whitequark> mhm
<whitequark> now if i can find one in ru...
<whitequark> does de0nano work?
<whitequark> de0cv?
<whitequark> oh, de0nano has some ancient shit cyclone
<whitequark> de10lite?
<whitequark> that's max10
<ZirconiumX> DE-10 Nano
<ZirconiumX> DE0-CV is Cyclone V
<whitequark> de10nano is 1.5x more expensive than ... what is reasonable
<whitequark> also
<whitequark> doesn't it also have some weird SoC with a hard CPU
<ZirconiumX> Yep
<whitequark> i don't like that crap
<whitequark> always a headache
<ZirconiumX> It's so far the only way I've gotten it to load bitstreams
<whitequark> yeah no
<whitequark> i am not going to bothre with booting an OS on it
<whitequark> too much effort
<whitequark> de0cv works too, right?
<whitequark> i can get one
<ZirconiumX> Yep
<whitequark> okay, i'll hav one by 26th or around that
<ZirconiumX> So, for reference
<ZirconiumX> In the DE-10 Nano board you have a comment for investigating programming via USB Blaster II
<whitequark> do i?
<whitequark> oh
<whitequark> yeah i'm not going to bother with blaster
<emily> wrong whitequark clearly
<whitequark> emily.
<whitequark> lol.
<whitequark> ZirconiumX: i'm just going to hook it up to glasgow
<whitequark> and tell quartus to make an svf file
<ZirconiumX> I went to the trouble of setting up Blaster to see if I could get it to work
<whitequark> i think it can do that
<ZirconiumX> Nope.
<ZirconiumX> It can make an SVF I *think*
<whitequark> yeah if it can do that glasgow will probably just work
<ZirconiumX> Let's use an FPGA to bootstrap another FPGA
<whitequark> isn't this computing in a nutshell
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<ZirconiumX> If I'm reading these slightly hairbrained command line help notes
<ZirconiumX> It seems the correct programming command to use depends on whether you have a SoC or FPGA
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 4c582ef - hdl.rec: allow using Enum subclass as shape.
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark closed issue #223: Consider enums in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.97% (+0.24%) compared to 6414c80 -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 100% of diff hit (target 82.72%) -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.73% (+<.01%) compared to 6414c80 -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<ZirconiumX> wq: <-- docs on how to produce SVF
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #220: Prune Yosys-internal attributes in emitted Verilog -
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<cr1901_modern> whitequark: I'm not quite sure I understand what you're getting at, but if I understand correctly: >>
<cr1901_modern> I think my logic was: If other XO2 platforms are ever supported, I don't want to copy/paste the logic that switches between internal oscillator and external oscillator into each platform. Since MachXO2 is special in that regard, keep it in the backend.
<whitequark> how is it special?
<whitequark> ice40 has two internal oscillators
<cr1901_modern> it does?
<whitequark> ice40 ultra, ultralite and ultraplus yeah
<whitequark> hfosc at 48 MHz and lfosc at 10 kHz
<whitequark> ECP5 has OSCG
<cr1901_modern> I didn't know that. Well then...
<cr1901_modern> In omigen, I never really liked the hoops I had to jump through to get logic to switch between an internal an external oscillator working. But it was only one platform.
<whitequark> what kind of hoops?
<cr1901_modern> First off, I needed two additional class variable called osch_clk and osch_freq.
<whitequark> why?
<whitequark> why does that need to be in the platform in the first place?
<whitequark> the reason default_clk exists is that on most boards, there is exactly 1 oscillator that will be used for most designs, and its frequency is well known
<cr1901_modern> So you think there shouldn't be a default clk at all for this board?
<whitequark> well, let's say you write a platform file for TinyFPGA AX
<whitequark> it sets osch_freq to... any value.
<whitequark> why is that value preferred over other values?
<whitequark> if my board has a 100 MHz oscillator, that value is obviously preferred because I'm stuck with it, it's physically on the PCB.
<cr1901_modern> it's not, it should be user settable
<cr1901_modern> (with the caveat that there are a finite set of values supported internally for MachXO2- I have logic to detect whether that's in range that I'll copy over to nmigen)
<whitequark> what's wrong with setting it by manually instantiating OSCH?
<whitequark> sure, that means you have to, well, do it. but you already have to do *something* because you need to specify the frequency
<cr1901_modern> You're also on your own wrt clock domains and creating the reset logic. I wanted to make it as seamless as possible for someone who just wanted a blinky back in omigen days
<cr1901_modern> which is why I was willing to jump through hoops. But _I_ don't have a problem w/ instantiating OSCH
<whitequark> yeah so
<whitequark> hm
<cr1901_modern> (No surprises, reset logic for MachXO2 is similar to ECP5.)
<whitequark> ok, maybe it's fine
<whitequark> i'll need to think about the best way to add OSCH support
* cr1901_modern nods
<whitequark> I guess we could add something like `default_clk = "OSCH"` and `osc_freq = 2.08` etc
<whitequark> by the way all of your code selecting the closest frequency could be replaced with `min(osc_freqs, key=lambda osc_freq: abs(osc_freq - freq))` and a check if it's within 5%
<cr1901_modern> Oh... lol
<cr1901_modern> re: adding variables being "jumping through hoops", I handled four cases: osch_used = {True, False} * default_clk={"OSCH", any other string}. >>
<cr1901_modern> I wanted to be as general as possible, even tho 100% of designs using TinyFPGA Ax in migen will only use OSCH (you could in theory feed another clk on a pin).
<whitequark> osch_used?
<cr1901_modern> internal variable for the platform that's set when the platform detects the OSCH was instantiated
<whitequark> well that's certainly not the business of nmigen
<cr1901_modern> How it's used: <-- don't instantiate more than one OSCH
<whitequark> uh
<whitequark> that doesn't even check for any user-instantiated OSCH
<whitequark> why is it necessary at all?
<cr1901_modern> Because I'm bypassing the platform.request logic of omigen that checks whether you requested a resource already
<cr1901_modern> plat.request("OSCH") gives you a signal that connects to the OSCH. If you run it twice, it should error out w/ a constraint error
<whitequark> oh right
<whitequark> you pretend that it's a resource
<whitequark> which it isn't
<whitequark> yeah no almost all of that isn't needed
<whitequark> hm
<cr1901_modern> Perhaps I should've lead off with this, but what I wanted was: Getting an OSCH: >>
<cr1901_modern> * Is as seamless as getting an I/O pin clk.
<cr1901_modern> * Plays nicely with the default add_missing_domain/reset logic (nicely is subjective)
<cr1901_modern> * Plays nicely with switching the default clk to another clk (pin)
<cr1901_modern> That's "it".
<whitequark> right, so, OSCH should definitely not be a resource
<cr1901_modern> I don't care for how I implemented this, so I'm happy to hear your suggestions and changeds
<cr1901_modern> be back in 5 mins
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] jordens commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] RobertBaruch commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
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<cr1901_modern> back
<whitequark> you could add something like
<whitequark> @property
<whitequark> def default_clk_constraint(self):
<whitequark> if self.default_clk == "OSCG":
<whitequark> return Clock(self.oscg_freq)
<whitequark> return super().default_clk_constraint
<whitequark> and then special-case that value in create_missing_domain()
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<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] RobertBaruch opened issue #224: Enums in Layouts with directions fails -
<cr1901_modern> >special-case that value
<cr1901_modern> By "that value" you mean self.default_clk == "OSCG"?
<whitequark> yeah
<whitequark> cr1901_modern: also, does diamond really not able to infer a constraint from OSCH configuration?
<whitequark> that seems... strange
<cr1901_modern> No, and in fact the diamond manual (or some supplementary PDF) suggests the algorithm I implemented for creating constraints
<whitequark> sigh
<whitequark> ok well
<whitequark> you can place a constraint on any net so that's not a problem either
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #220: Prune Yosys-internal attributes in emitted Verilog -
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<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier> [m-labs/nmigen] whitequark 1976310 - hdl.rec: fix using Enum subclass as shape if direction is specified.
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark closed issue #224: Enums in Layouts with directions fails -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.97% (+0.23%) compared to 4c582ef -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 100% of diff hit (target 82.73%) -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.73% (+0%) compared to 4c582ef -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark opened issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] emilazy commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] RobertBaruch commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] emilazy commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] RobertBaruch commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] emilazy commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #225: Reconsider Signal.range() and Signal.enum() -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] jordens commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] jordens commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] RobertBaruch opened issue #226: Bug relating to Arrays of Arrays -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
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<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] whitequark closed issue #222: Consider arrays in Records -
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<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] dlharmon commented on pull request #212: Xilinx specific MultiReg -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] dlharmon opened pull request #227: Xilinx cdc constraints -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #227: Xilinx cdc constraints -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing 1976310...4db535d -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.73% remains the same compared to 1976310 -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] dlharmon commented on pull request #227: Xilinx cdc constraints -
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<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] dlharmon commented on pull request #227: Vivado CDC constraints -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] dlharmon synchronize pull request #227: Vivado CDC constraints -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. Coverage not affected when comparing 1976310...abad6db -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. 82.73% remains the same compared to 1976310 -
<_whitenotifier> [nmigen] Success. The Travis CI build passed -
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