sb0: I added a print(sig.huid) to the loop, and they are always in the same order, so I guess it only worked because of some stange side effects.
sb0: what isn't sorted the same way each time is the result of _bins()
ok, thanks for the heads-up... will continue a bit on the video mixer now, and then fix that, unless you beat me to it
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you know the code much better than I do
but I sent you a pull request on github for some other things
for some reason github doesn't send me notifications for those
if (key < 0): ==> if key < 0:
it's not C :)
hi !
does anyone here knows the difference-between/reason-for libgcc1 and libgcc2?
it (afaik) seems (obiously) undocumented anywhere
btw for shifting registers there is << and >>
they do arithmetic shifts though - your Cat(Replicate(0, n), reg[-n:]) does a logical shift
[migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 3 new commits to master: http://git.io/gfoRTg
migen/master 72579a6 Lars-Peter Clausen: Add support for negative slice indices...
it was not in the "lm32 specific" directory of libgcc anyway
ok so I can get a generic one
ok got it
copy pastig those things really is not clean :(
but that will do it ...
Gurty has joined #milkymist
anyone knows how to fix the fpga editor segfault at startup bug?
s/fix/work around
with a message
Wind/U Error (193): X-Resource: DefaultGUIFontSpec (-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-p-*-*-*) does not fully specify a font set for this locale
but I'm not sure if that's related, the segfault happens several seconds later
and it prints "Release 14.4 - fpga_editor P.49d (lin64)" after ...
can you enable core dumps and get the dump (and then the stack trace) ?
maybe by miracle the binary is not stripped :)
hm, I get /opt/Xilinx/14.4/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/_fpga_editor: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
0x00007fffe265c722 in wuGetTextExtent ()
from /opt/Xilinx/14.4/ISE_DS/ISE//lib/lin64/libgdi50.so
motif is already a steaming pile of crap... but wind/u + motif ... omg
larsc, yeah you need to install openmotif ...
maybe I'm terrible wrong here but, isn't it possible to use the 32 bit version, even on a 64 bit system ?
"These messages are brought to you by a questionable toolkit called Wind/U that is used to port Windows software to operating systems. Most of these messages can be ignored without lasting effect on the quality of your life. The last line, however, is a real problem. As it turns out, the toolkit ports the deficiencies in standard conformance from the Microsoft world to the target system: It cannot handle the standard display coordinates
of 0.0. "
ok, it took like half a minute to start, but it does not crash
in part 2 he explains how to add logic elements and nets
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mumptai has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
thanks !
meh, it seems only a limited number of clocks may enter a IOB
can't find doc about that though
let's see what xdl says
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and the IODELAY CLK is limited to 180MHz, which, if you are using the ISERDES in single ended mode, in turn limits your data rate to 720Mbps to be able to route all clocks
welcome to fpga slowland
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meh, yes, if I read the xdl right there are only 2 local clock distribution networks in a IOB
and if you use the IOSERDES, you use them all for CLK0 and CLKDIV...
and if you want to use the variable IODELAY, then you must have CLK=CLKDIV, which limits it to 180MHz
meanwhile, NVIDIA ships GPUs with 5000+MHz IO...
but they don't have useless routing switches and use 28 nm technology
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I can see in the linux file you linked :
couldn't they think of a more confusing behaviour? just lost 2+ hours to this :(
(what you connect at one *output* of BUFPLL alters what another output does)
isn't it that a part of the design is being optimized out ?
like the lock signal
it may optimize away the BUFPLL, but then it connects the LOCK signal to 0
in the end, what you see is if you disconnect the output of BUFPLL, what happens to another output changes
if for whatever reason, they have to remove BUFPLLs with a disconnected output, it would have been much better to connect LOCK to the PLL LOCKED input instead of 0 ...
yes it would make more sens
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lol, wow
Also, i think i know that guy
(the OP)
he went to my school and was talking to me a year or so ago about doing HDMI on an Atlys