similarly, if you want to receive DDR3 data, sending DQS to local interconnect (as opposed to BUFG) and then to the clock pins of flip-flops seems to work almost as fast as the IN_FIFO and OUT_FIFO of the 7-series
and maybe as fast if you try to optimize
and you don't have to deal with any coregen mess or *_FIFO strange behaviour
but with that solution you have to constraint flip-flop placement
the BUFGs are slow - they max out at 625MHz
so if you want to clock anything faster you should actually not use them
I was looking at it the other day
and deal with the skew in routing
should work fine for small circuits
trying to undestand what you wanted to do for the ddr3 controller
and found like you that bufg was too slow
yes, such circuits need to have manual placement and possibly manual routing of course
but for such interface it not often plug and play and you often have to adapt constraints...
you could try python -> xdl -> NMC hard macro
so it's maybe not more work that for classic solution
then you can make it flexible
assuming xdl actually works, which it doesn't always and xilinx refuses to fix bugs
seems interesting
but I haven't time for the moment to play with that!
and loose time on xilinx bugs ;)
what are the use cases for the new fsm functions?
hmm, I begin to wonder if it would make sense to add an external clock generator chip that replaces the PLL
then you can solve the mentioned 175 ps!!!!! jitter and have a compliant 1080p signal out of (and perhaps into) a s6
(!!!! added because typical clock generator chips have like, 10ps jitter. S6 is always annoying when you want more than subpar performance)
for the fsm:
I want to be able to know in which state the fsm is
or to trigger actions when I'm entering a state or leaving a state
for RX phase detection will be a mess though. the IODELAYS are also massive jitter generators.
why not use regular control signals in fsm.act()?
that is what I was doing before
but with the methods it's easier to code and to read
that's just that I wanted to have all logic out of the fsm
why? FSMs are a convenient way to represent sequential logic
but fsm coding is always a different between designers and between compagnies
with the #2 coding style, you see immediately what happens in each state
for example in some compagnies, you are not allowed to drive logic in the fsm
you don't have to go back and forth in lots of different places of the code
you have to create an output process that will drive signals according to fsm state...
yes I agree with you
jimmythehorn has joined #milkymist
yeah well, some coding styles also mandate that you must use #some_delay before the right hand side of all assignments
some people will never get get the delta-cycle algorithm apparently
So ok for the ongoing, but for the entering/leaving it can still be useful
there's nothing wrong with driving control signals from the same FSM decoder that computes the next state
yeh, sometimes you need to do something at all times before entering/when leaving some state, and ensuring that manually is tedious and sometimes you forget - that's how bugs appear
I know that there is nothing wrong with driving control signals in the fsm, that just some DO254 codings rules that are beginning to pollutes me.... :(
but the entering()/leaving() should have a similar API as act()
maybe when_entering and when_leaving are better names too
and it does something like fsm.comb += If((_state != fsm.SOME_STATE) & (_next_state == fsm.SOME_STATE), some_statement)
same for when_leaving()
ok I see
also think about what happens with delayed_enters - or prevent altogether those functions to be used when the state is in delayed_enters
do you want I try to implement it?
(don't implement things until you need them - and right now, no one uses delayed_enter with when_*)
sure, I can see it as helping your and possibly other designs
please send the patch after :)
ah, the spartan 6 IODELAYs, on top of generating massive jitter and having a PVT factor of 300%, can only delay signals by one bit period maximum
that explains why my HDMI phase detector doesn't work
is there any S6 feature that isn't crippled and a pain to use...
(it's actually even worse than 300%: they are specd for a 'maximum' delay, and then a footnote in the datasheet says 'minimum delay is *typically* 30% of maximum delay')
seems Spartan 6 is not your best friend these days...
oh, and won't the circuit fig 2-22 of ug381 go metastable?
antgreen_ has joined #milkymist
On another topic: I've bought the french magazine "Open Silicium"
and have done a comparaison of the ressources used on the De0 Nano with the OrpSoc and Milkymist-ng: