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lekernel: you were talking about the Mixxeo board, right? who picked the slow flash? and the ftdi chip? (and who did the "bad design" for this board ?)
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no, it's another board for some physics experiment
of course mixxeo will use the same FTDI connections as the M1 - I'm not looking for trouble :)
the board was already designed this way when I got it
oh ok
does someone have a flickernoise binary (latest version with MIDI USB support) that I can flash on my M1?
I think the web storage of releases is down
bios and bitstream are easy for me to generate, flickernoise has tons of dependencies I would like to skip the big xiangfu script part :)
it's just that there is too much dependencies :p
generating the bitstream is just "make bitstream" and you're done
(ok it's long)
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lekernel: how sure are you of the clock-to-data synchronization ? i was thinking that, if we have a fairly regular pattern, perhaps an array of 1024 counters, indexed by the received pattern, could be used to gather statistics
e.g., the all black pattern would have two high counts (for the "mostly high" and the "mostly low" pattern), plus a number of small counts, most of which would be the errors.
that in turn should allow determining how the errors differ from the expected pattern
hmm, that's an idea
e.g., whether it's a shift of the whole pattern, whether one bit moved, etc.
good idea
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a bit tricky to implement since you need BRAM and then do 1 read + 1 write at different addresses at every cycle
(different addresses because the read will take one cycle)
how many counters could you have without using difficult structures ?
let's say, 16 bit counters
so you're using the two ports to do that, and then you also need read capability in the system clock domain
alternatively, you could try reading using bitstream readback :)
that's enough for about one second even when things are very very bad. 10 seconds or more if they're a bit more civilized
assuming bitstream readback is a real third "hidden" port and won't do weird things if you access the BRAM from the design at the same time
with < 1024 counters, you'd just hash or mask. as long as the data is more or less the same, you still get the same results. but it's of course more involved.
hmm, isn't "doing weird things" one of the mottoes of xilinx ? :)
why not do that with the TFTP solution by the way?
you mean retrieval ?
use the existing design that can send raw data from one channel to the computer with TFTP then do the processing with software
could simply be keystroke, like 0 and 1. it's not as if you'd need to do this continuously
well, maybe you do. but we'd find out about that when seeing the first results. if it's all noise, maybe it needs deeper analysis.
but already 1 second should contain hundreds of error patterns
you could probably use two brams, use one to count the even words and one to count the odd ones and then just sum them up in sw
why do you want to do this in gateware?
ah yes, that would make it single-cycle
what's wrong with sending the frames with TFTP?
ah, i see. you'd record to DRAM.
and then send the buffer. yes. that's an option.
with a single ASMI port with 3 slots, and run the SoC at 83MHz again
or maybe not that suspicious since I sometimes get WER = 0
over 600ms
and that's only less than 3 frames, less than 50ms
(WER = 0 for a while) ah, interesting. so it's very bursty.
the WER counter resets every 2**24 words which is about 600ms with a 25MHz pixel clock
what's the prefered way of installing python3.3 on Ubuntu (which already has python3.2)? compiling the python3.3 from sources?
and you actually get lots of zeros or values under 5, at least with the resistors
i suppose the capture could also be extended to capture more data. maybe 64 MB. that should be ...58 frames (assuming each pixel occupies 30 bits)
it's only one channel
ah yes, silly me
each pixel is 10 bits + 6 bits of padding to align them to byte boundaries
116 frames then. more than a second :)
you should try running the current dvidebug stuff first
I have changed things in the core and haven't tested it for a while
sound good. but first, breakfast with a lot of coffee :)
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lekernel: when you write (lambda a: a[27:29] == 3, self.wishbone2csr.wishbone) < it means bits [29:27] (in verilog syntax) of transaction address are 3'b011 ??
which would mean then ... 0x1800 0000 ??
wpwrak: what's the range() operator doing when applied to a fader in FPN again?
I mean, what's the difference between fader1 and range(fader1)
fader1 = fader(...) gets you the fader device
var = range(fader1) defines how the device's values are interpreted
ok, I've done so far things like fader1 = fader(1, 0)
see also: cd flickernoise/src/compiler/doc && make && make again && xpdf midi.pdf
oh ok :)
(i had to look it up myself - been a long time ;-)
arg flash and ram have shared address bus on the Nexys3 board
basically foo = fader(...) or such maps control elements to functions. and bar = range(...) binds those functions to variables
that will lead to poor mibuild device file :/
does mibuild/migen even support bus sharing ? :)
I will implement it inside the "submodule"
I will call the block "Memory" and then do the differenciation ram/flash inside the Memory submodule
so all flash/ram pads will be "Memory" pads
wpwrak: well internally it is all connected to the same bus anyway
wpwrak: does the below(var, value) still work?
per_frame=warp = warp + if (below(kick,0), 0.5*treb, 0);
the below ought to work, yes
hum ok
I don't get how to send commands to the Micron np8p128a13t1760e flash
there are addr[] data[] buses, we, ce, oe etc but I don't see any "control" bus
and the datasheet gives a list of "commands"
how the hell do I send any command?
Fallenou: all regression tests pass, so below() works :)
the regression tests also check the patches
[flickernoise] wpwrak pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/xX7I_w
flickernoise/master 3c4e04f Werner Almesberger: test/fold: fix "nothign" typos
now it's perfect :)
ok thanks
Fallenou, upper bound is exclusive so it's bits 27 and 28
and the address (a signal) is in 32 bit words
so the first address to match becomes 0x60000000 in bytes
wpwrak, all bus sharing needs a special core, no matter which language they are written in. then you'd have that special "bus shared" interface in the mibuild description.
that's roughly how i imagined it. sharing rarely comes for free :)
ok so it's bits 29 and 30 for CPU access (byte access)
* Fallenou
is having troubles with PLL_ADV stuff for Nexys3 since clk is 100 MHz instead of 50 MHz on that board
Fallenou, you should make a combined flash/psram core
something is wrong in the dynamic calculous
lekernel: yes that's what I thought
I suppose the controls are similar
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then you just assert the proper chip enable depending on one address bit
in the datasheet they don't say when the address is latched for a READ they only say it for a write
it could be asynchronous access?
like NOR?
hum maybe
To perform a READ operation, RST# and WE# must be de-asserted while CE# and OE#
are asserted. CE# is the device select control. When asserted, it enables the Flash
memory data is driven onto the I/O bus.
memory device. OE# is the data output control. When asserted, the addressed Flash
that's all
just be wary of the 135ns address-to-data delay
Fallenou: what's the output frequency?
I think I need to change in m1crg.v the 4*f_mult and 4*f_div by 2*f_mult and 2*f_div
yes it works, bitstream is now generated :)
somehow the PLL_ADV seems to multiply the input clock internally and then divide it for the output
you can try to boot the board with just the flash to start with
it was too much multiplied at the entry I guess so that the internal oscillator of the PLL could not survive such a frequency
see if you get any serial output and BIOS prompt
then add the PSRAM
all you need is read only flash which is trivial... just take the existing norflash core
yes read only flash
18:10 < lekernel> just be wary of the 135ns address-to-data delay < IIUC I need to wait for OE# (what's the # for? negation ?) and that's all, right?
before latching the data_out
"Leon Chua, who is considered to be the father of non-linear circuit theory, has argued that all 2-terminal non-volatile memory devices including phase change memory should be considered memristors."
ah, those self-serving wikipedia edits ... :-)
if you're just reading, hold OE# constant
# is negation yes
I don't understand the norFlash python file at all :o
and just wait for a couple cycles after the address is changed
the timeline stuff and the rd_timing
it's simple - address and data of wb are sent to the flash, all the time
of 12 is the rd_timing it seems
when a wb request arrives, you need to wait rd_timing cycles for the "wb address -> flash address pins -> flash read delay -> flash data pins -> wb data" process to complete
so you ack the wb request with delay
I think you can probably take the norflash core as-is, maybe adjust rd_timing and a couple details, and it would work
os timeline() is a tool to be able to act upon a start event (strobe+cyc) and then do stuff after x sys_clk cycles and then y sys_clk cycles etc ?
I like how Micron always says "Easy BGA" instead of "BGA"
almost sounds orwellian
Fast Spartan6 (Fastan 6 ?)
win 18
wow, Chua's paper is so full of academic BS. I'm glad I don't have a PhD.
"the periodic table of circuit elements" lol
oh, original norflash was already 16 bits access
lekernel: in m1's mibuild "python style" ucf file, the pads for flash addr and flash data, are they from MSB to LSB or the other way round ?
first one is lsb
arg :(
I've put MSB first, damn it
have to rewrite all the pads :)
or change the order of the Cat( ) in norFlash/__init__.py maybe ...
better do it cleanly and invert that list
and heh
it's python :)
l = [those pads you have written]
print(list(reversed(l))) and you're done
with just a bit of copy paste
yes I just did that with a python cmdline :)
hum I think I forgot to clock the flash
it seems the flash clk is directly hooked to one of the FPGA IO
there is no clock
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except for spi which you don't use
would be cool to parameterize lm32 with verilog parameters instead of that messy and non-reentrant include
[milkymist-ng] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/IbCjOQ
milkymist-ng/master 3eb41f7 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: Simplify system ID
antgreen: how do you write your code to Nexys3 Flash? You have some kind of "FPGA<->Flash" bridge? (like fjmem.bit)
or do you still use an embedded ROM?
Fallenou: I don't yet. The only external memory I'm using is the pseudo-static RAM device
Yes, also embedded memory
I have my initial bootloader in embedded memory
oh, ok
it downloads srec programs into psram and executes from there
do you know if there is any easy way to write something to Flash?
any tool? something?
only on windows :-(
The Flash chip does not even seem to be on the JTAG chain :o
if I had a flash controller, then I could create one easily
that would be a good next project
I'm leaving on a 4 day trip business tomorrow, and always get lots done then
fits in less than 16K if you trim it down
yes, that's where my bootloader lives
and it runs in BRAM RAM as well
hehe - that stack exchange question was asked by a moxie user
does the lm32 have a bus watchdog, or something that looks for unmapped memory accesses?
there is an exception vector for when the wb error signal is asserted
19:54 < lekernel> Fallenou, you can put the BIOS in BRAM < yes, I think I will do that for now to validate the rest of the soc
but then I will really need to put a program in flash :)
no, you sfl-boot or net-boot directly to PSRAM
and completely ignore the flash
oh, why not yes
having the bios download application to RAM
and put the bios in ROM
[mibuild] sbourdeauducq pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/0pEemQ
mibuild/master e272e68 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: platforms/papilio_pro: swap tx/rx to be consistent with M1
what is sfl-boot?
oh, serial line
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[migen] sbourdeauducq pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/woQIkQ
migen/master 5208baa Sebastien Bourdeauducq: bus/wishbone/SRAM: support init and read_only
migen/master 7ada015 Sebastien Bourdeauducq: bus/csr/SRAM: support init
hmm .. is the infrastructure for the dvidumper even around anymore ? the dma controls have changed completely and as far as i can tell, dvisampler now stores pixels, not raw patterns
don't worry, there's a lot more badness where that came from :)
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ftdi stuff is like raspberry pi, two devices with a large open source-ish community and no one to get things right
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in many "communities" there's sub-"community" of "makers" and one of "followers". sometimes, there's hardly a difference between them. in other cases, there's a rather sharp divide.
finally found the right options, but for some reason the it would only write the first 128 bytes of the 256 from my backup ....
gee, so many surprises :)
don't worry, the writes that go slightly wrong will only change undocumented bits that completely alter the function of the device
this is kinda fun :) in an iain banks, the wasp factory kind of way. well, from the perspective of the one watching the wasp struggle towards the inevitable, of course.
indeed, when you erase the eeprom and then attempt to flash it from a backup file, it reads a word from the eeprom that was just erased to determine its size
very clever :)
don't worry, that's just a minor detour. you'll get back to the real road to hell quickly enough.
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ah, you are right
though it was just ftdi_set_eeprom_buf() ignoring its size parameters. finally got my original backup written correctly.
the amount of bugs in ftdi chips and libftdi is quite impressive
use the windows tool - I hate to say it but, libftdi / the ftdi_eeprom tool is completely fucking broken