azonenberg, why care about a9, there's nothing special about it
except fashion
and yes you can also get the ppc rtl, but again nothing special to see there (and the code is hairy, not to say messy)
lekernel: a) curiosity
b) it'd be fun to do a security audit :p
i've always wanted to get an 0day in a popular cpu that gives you user-to-kernel priv escalation
what for? there are no professional outcomes of security, except in shitty companies like EADS, accenture, banks, telcos, etc.
what do you mean
anyone doing remotely interesting work is probably on the wrong end of chinese industrial espionage these days
security is overrated
there's lots of interesting professional work in netsec/embeddedsec
davidc__, and where is their money coming from?
the other day I was reading an interview of a hacker complaining about Microsoft's privacy issues with Skype
lekernel: The company I work for? Well, not defense contractors
that person has been a security researcher for EADS for the past 10 years :)
lekernel: a) academia b) those who find the fruits of their work valuable c) those who prefer that is won't fall into the hand of those under b).
go complain about Microsoft privacy policy when your employer for the past 10 years has been making military drones and what not :)