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The best bit about the abc pdr engine is that it gives near minimal, relevant counterexample traces
No weird induction traces
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[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #374: Bad error message when using Signal in add_clock_constraint not actually used in the design - https://git.io/Jf3BM
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[nmigen] whitequark commented on issue #374: Bad error message when using Signal in add_clock_constraint not actually used in the design - https://git.io/Jf3RE
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so i just discovered how [get_ports foo[1]] works in vivado
in spite of tcl using [ as a special character
you can try and guess
Uh... A reader macro
they made every integer a command that returns itself, bracketed, as a string
Or similar. An interception before the tcl layer
That is a good point which I could not even access through my disbelief
Oh this is like that ruby bare strings hack
That makes slightly more sense
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#vivadotrivia it seems to accept arbitrary length (or at least very long) positive integers, but the largest negative integer it will accept is 2^32-1
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daveshah: why do you know this.
I just tried it now
I was curious about
oh ok good. i was wondering about it too
<sorear> there are _quite a few_ integers
but assumed it doesn't support negative integers
It even seems to support hex
because why would you want negative bits in ports?
pretty sure both Verilog and VHDL support them
no idea why you'd want them though
maybe for fixed point stuff
and even if they aren't used for ports, I guess tcl is used for introspection and stuff too
hmm, looks like Vivado's regexes are a bit loose
Vivado% 0xcursed
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daveshah: do you recall if ISE prj files are tcl?
Haven't used ISE for about 5 years so can't remember I'm afraid
vhdl work "../array920/FD9CE.vhd"
vhdl work "../array920/capture.vhd"
vhdl work "../array920/Tx_frame.vhd"
vhdl work "../array920/FD32CE.vhd"
that's not very... anything, in fact
it could be valid tcl
it does have a tcl interface
so... maybe?
(also, ISE 9.2i, which is not yet old enough to vote but close)
Sarayan: nope, not tcl, something custom
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±7] https://git.io/Jf3zu
[nmigen/nmigen] whitequark 6cee280 - plat, vendor: systematically escape net and file names in Tcl.
[nmigen] whitequark closed issue #375: Net names are not escaped properly for vivado tcl - https://git.io/JfO3L
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