yes, i like the idea of attaching it to the platform
it seems the logical place
but we may run into limitations of course, we'll see
is there a way to make the verilog export add some kind of prefix to all the module names (except the top)? for various reasons i need to generate verilog for inclusion in larger projects and there can be name conflicts since all the exported modules have the names used in the python code
connect_rpc already does that
but other than that, i don't know of an easy way to do it
i see. i don't think that would work for my application
wait, why not?
lots of toplevel python code?
no, it needs to spit out a verilog file that gets dumped into another fpga project
you can just do write_verilog after yosys is done importing
like it already happens in nmigen anyways
i'm confused. i have a large fpga project which is not mine and to which i want to contribute a module. if any of my submodules are called the name of a module already in that project, it won't work. so i'd like to prefix all my submodule names with something that uniquifies them with respect to the rest of the project.
hang on, i'll approach this a bit differently
so you know how nmigen currently outputs verilog? it emits rtlil, imports it via read_ilang, then exports via write_verilog
what i'm suggesting is that you could have nmigen emit rtlil, import it via connect_rpc, then export via write_verilog. as a side effect of how connect_rpc works, this will add prefixes to the modules, exactly like you want
without any changes to nmigen or yosys or anything else
it's just that i wrote this exact code for connect_rpc, but it's not accessible in any other way.
maybe it should become a separate pass
tpw_rules: does that help?
oh i see, i thought it had to communicate with the rest of the synthesis chain or something. i'll try that out if it becomes a significant problem
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awygle: so about the paper i just linked (which zkms discovered)
do you need an ILA specifically? or do you want introspectability in general?
Eddie has done some work on introspectability/debug too
and if the latter, can it be invasive? because we can implement adding scan chains in yosys
the main thing that's missing there is mapping of registers back to original wires
The big problem with that is can it run fast enough and how much complexity does it add
e.g. if you want to capture raw data coming out of a serdes at full rate then a ILA with a buffer is needed
but for that application you probably aren't going to use microscope-like ILA
If you are on Xilinx you don't even need a scan chain
You can just use readback
that ties you to vendor tools hard
Not if someone implements that separately
and prevents you from using generic nmigen code that can map readback back to signals
fwiw, I have used litescope to look at DDR3 transactions before (just before the gearboxes)
So there are definitely use cases where something faster than a scan chain is needed
Don't you end up getting dangerously close to something like the openbench logic sniffer if you're trying to extract that much info? You're going to need to buffer like crazy.
+ may as well have triggering conditions too at that point.
MadHacker: depends on what you're doing
A buffer of 32 cycles was enough for this case
Then read it out at your leisure
if you trigger once per second it's pretty easy
if you trigger at kHz you probably need an ILA
there is much value in using a number of approaches
for example scan chains don't really work for non fully static designs
wait, no, i'm wrong
scan chains don't work for them if you reuse the register bits for the chain (or use readback?)
(not sure about readback, does xilinx have shadow registers?)
Unless what you're scanning is just a buffer. Snapshot state from read signals into shift register, or even a stack of shift registers?
mwk: ^
Questions about xilinx readback
MadHacker: yeah you can definitely buffer the scan chain
and really nice thinking on using a multilevel shift register
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That works well on Xilinx with hard shift registers (using LUTs as them)
So, trigger (or system clock) clocks snapshot of state into shift reg and push of stack of shift regs, read out at your leisure?
the more i think about this design the more i like it
on xilinx you could actually capture "last n states"
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last... 32?
It's mostly the extra size and routing that worries me
Or 16 if you use the smaller SRLs
that's quite a lot
for routing, hm, you could cascade the registers in hard routing, right?
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so a smart enough pnr could probably lay out the scan chain adjacent to actual regsiters
You can't load them then
right ok, so needs to be tested. still it seems very promising to me
The other problem is that you really want the be doing the scan chain ordering in PnR
When you know how everything is laid out
Yes, definitely for many cases it seems like a good approach
OK, but the chain is always going to affect PNR anyway, since you're going to tie up routing resources at a minimum.
There's no point pretending you can just add it in afterwards.
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so what i'm thinking here is we need some sort of solution for mapping bits of registers at yosys input to bits of registers at pnr output
cxxrtl needs this too
this will also allow yosys to merge or remove registers
MadHacker: yeah but if you connect it up after placement then at least you avoid it having to go all over the place, you can reorder it into a neat line
Anyway, that is a nice extra at some point
Yeah, mapping register bits would be useful for anything readback based too
OK, but again that's still going to affect the original placement. If a chunk of logic is in a region that's tight on long-range routing then suddenly it'll shift when you add in the extra wires. I get your general point that it'd be better to allow it to reorder arbitrarily, but sometimes you've just got to accept that it's a little invasive.
yes definitely
MadHacker: there's going to be at least a small impact
and hopefully a small impact
it's not the right solution for designs that push the FPGA to limits, but many don't
and it only really impacts you routing-wise, not critical path wise
It might result in a more spaced out placement but shouldn't be too big a timing impact
It's like any scope probe, there's no getting away from the fact that a fast probe is going to dump a 20k load onto your signal. The equivalent applies.
It would also be possible to do a combinational simulation to recover all combinational signals too
have you seen the pdf i linked earlier?
Not fully yet no
they're using some sort of C++ backend, which i hope can be cxxrtl in our case as it already exists
well, ok, not quite as it exists, since it needs mapping too
here's something fun i had in mind for cxxrtl
using high -O levels removes the calculations for internal signals, right? that's the point
but you still want them in VCD
so i thought i'd generate "debug info" inspired by DWARF that contains all the elided calculations over, using the state bits
meaning you can get 100% visibility *and* 100% performance with no recompilation of the model
then you could just use the same thing but initialize it with a scan chain
This uses partial reconfiguration to connect a subset of signals to a deeper BRAM based buffer but partially preroutes the signals
Interesting but a lot more arch and tool dependent
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The "route everything interesting into a region" and then separately "build an analyser in the region" steps are nice for that reordering point you made earlier.
Does nextpnr already let us exclude a chunk from use?
Sort of but it's not exposed in the ideal way for something like this
dang things got interesting right after I left to go to sleep
I've had that paper in my 'to read' pile for weeks, shoulda read it oops
Damn timezones, why can't people on the Wrong Side of the planet be awake when I am?
UTC+0 is the only valid timezone, right?
Scan chain would be fine in this specific case definitely. Eventually I'd like to look at DDR2 transactions, so a true ILA might be necessary
Agree that there's no reason to limit ourselves to one approach, in fact I strongly believe we shouldn't
MadHacker: i just stay awake when i need to talk to someone on the other side of planet
my sleep schedule isn't sun-synchronized so it's ok
awygle: so we can build these in parallel, maybe
wq: The "sun-" part feels unnecessary ;-)
Sarayan: well it can be synchronized to US time occasionally
which is distinct from being synchronized to local time
awygle: i'd be happy if you took care of ILA and i could take a look at register mapping and scan chains
unless you have a burning desire to dig into some C++ code
Insert some anime gif subtitled "no no no no no"
I feel much more comfortable with an ILA style approach in terms of implementation anyway, feels like less to fill in before I can be useful.
Fuck, I'm reading a project proposal draft I'm supposed to work on, and I don't understand it
I'm not sure whether it's genius or bullshit, but I tend towards the latter
The scientific vision of the AÇAÍ project is that applying, in a new interdisciplinary synergy, principles from diverse fields of computer science and administrative law can lead to discover a canonical core of essential Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods that is simultaneously (a) maximally parsimoniously versatile, (b) meta-circularly autonomic and (c) cost-effectively certifiable for practical use in critical economic sectors
Not sure if serious
So far my personal record for "not sure if genius or talking nonsense" is like four years, held by someone most of you probably follow on Twitter
My jury is still out
My point being it can be hard to tell
To refine the sensation, I'm not sure if it's "makes sense in his head" or "makes sense in his research domain"
awygle: cool!
i find the C++ parts pretty easy to do, actually
C++ can be easy
It's not the c++ that I find intimidating, it's the rest of it
As usual it's all about knowing what code to write lol
whitequark, you who knows magic and python and C++
I'm building a python module in C++, interfacing with a big program/library we've made. I'd like the install to be single-file (e.g. a .so), but I'd also like to have part of the interfacing to be actually written in python. Do you know how much hybridization can be done? I have no issue with embedding python source code in the .so
Somebody debug my endocrine(?) system and figure out why falling asleep is such a chore lately... sigh. gonna go give it another shot, goodnight
awygle: I have tricks for that, but I have no idea whether they'd work on you
I have a feeling that the limit of hybridization is that classes can either be full-C++ or full-python, but outside that you can actually mix stuff
Sarayan: take a look at cython, perhaps
but i haven't done much with it
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daveshah: what do you want to know about xilinx readback?
the main question was whether there is a shadow register
for a plain FF, yes
for SRL/RAMs, no
That makes sense
also you cannot look into DSPs
so if you have a pipelined multiplier, forget about introspecting its state
I don't quite recall the blockram output register rules, I think if you're using the pipelined version you're likewise screwed
Hmm, that's an advantage for soft scan chain insertion too (which is what most of the discussion was about), probing the DSP/BRAM output should always be fine
and, of course, the whole readback-from-ff thing is completely gone on ultrascale
well the output is easy
the problem is internal pipeline stages
I suppose you'd have to replicate them in an introspectable way somehow
Other than the input registers, the area cost of that seems quite high
one possibiity would be to just record inputs in SRLs and recover state in sw
... or not, clock enables mean that DSP can hold state arbitrarily long, ugh
Using SRLs was the plan
in general
Oh yeah CE is a pain
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wq: ok
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* zignig
has a output pin with a led on it.
I would like to attach N elaboratables to the pin with a muxy thing.
what is the best way to do break before make ?
You don't need to
If you have "a muxy thing", then just use it
no , I don't need , I want to.
the muxy thing is the issue , I can do a 2X with a Mux(switch,a,b) , but I would like an N way.
mux the muxes?
Array, perhaps?
whitequark: +1 for portrait mode LCD.
(sorry, reading tweets on phone and it's easier to type here)
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zignig: That actually seems like a useful thing, hmm
Though I guess the correct tool for the job is probably switch/case
ZirconiumX: not sure, but I think it has a multitude of applications , hence my question
Sure, but generally switch/case *is* a multiplexer
it is also applicable if you have a spi interface and you request a new device, declare a new CS pin and "muxy thing" between devices.
* zignig
continues to battle argparse.
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zignig: right, so if you have three SPI devices, you need a mux that can choose one of them at a time?
I'd just chain two muxes
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hell__: I'm thinking so, just stack the muxes, I also think tha ZirconiumX is right that a switch/case will elaborate to a mux stack anyway.
Sarayan: me for now. mWHAHAHAHA !
hmmm what?
* hell__
panics and hides under dozens of mainboards
>(8:57:02 AM) sarayan: who wins?
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Oh :-)
Forgot by now
afternoon awygle
Evening awygle
Whelp I guess the day is over, back to bed...
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I've started a little project on DSP using (n)migen at https://github.com/chipmuenk/dsp_nmigen. To keep me from doing real work, I updated the migen logo a little for the nmigen logo at