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whitequark: we basically stopped talking about multiclock in in favor of debating the semantics of Past(), but am i right that there's no way to access the smt_clk/global_clock from nmigen at all right now, because it exists in yosys' verilog frontend and not in rtlil, so the actual rtlil emission code would have to change?
smt_clk doesn't exist until write_smt2
(uhh... I think that's how it works last time I looked at it)
cr1901_modern: is that a "yes, you can't reach it from nmigen, so until we change nmigen core to know about it and do sensible things you essentially can't do multiclock"?
You can't reach $global_clock from nmigen right now
I don't remember where global_clock is added in, but it's not an nmigen Signal you can manipulate
i was hoping i could just add attrs={'gclk'} to something but i now see it doesn't work that way
awygle: Disclaimer, this is my "sandbox" code, but if you run make, you can see basically every single thing yosys does to get from Verilog code to smt2 proof
awygle: There's a yosys pass called clk2fflogic
this adds a special type of yosys FF that is currently _undocumented_
$ff cells, yes?
this FF is clocked by the $global_clock
it might be, I don't remember offhand
But that pass is what adds stuff that can be driven by $global_clock
In the SMT backend, there's _always_ one clock, called the smt_clock.
If you don't use the clk2fflogic pass, the net effect is that every always(@clk) block in your code runs on every smt clock tick
and this is what "multiclock on" does in sby is run that pass
which is why it used to be called clk2fflogic but nvm
this "run on every tick" is almost certainly what you don't want unless you have exactly one clock
the clk2fflogic puts all clocks under control of the $global_clock, so the only things that run on every smt_clock tick is the $global_clock
and your clocks become explicit inputs to your design
this is what i want
The main issue w/ multiclock is: since all your clocks become explicit inputs, what prevents the smt solver from just holding one clock indefinitely?
and then any additional phasing requirements, like forward progress, or a phase relationship, has to be defined in terms of $global_clock
err drop phasing, but you get the idea
Right, and last I discussed this, we "couldn't agree" on what constraints should be included to force forward progress
other than "wq didn't want to expose $global_clock and rather wanted to auto-calculate a constraint"
(i'm not sure we should do that at all tbh)
and that's the state of affairs AFAIR right now
but what i wanted to know (and it sounds like i have my answer) is whether there's a way to get to the "must define all relationships manually" state of affairs with nmigen as it is today
Unless something changed since 526. I never did attempt to convert multiclock.v to nmigen, and I forgot what I was trying to accomplish.
and i am pretty sure it's very easy to give a better error message in those cases, but where i'm struggling is in writing a test case that reproduces the errors without using a real platform
it's easy enough to reproduce them with a platform ofc
do you think you could help me figure out the minimal interaction of fragment/instance/elaboratable to get a repro? or alternately, would it be so terrible for a new error message to go in without a unit test?
the risk is that the user gets an error with an incorrect diagnosis, which is worse than an inscrutable error, but not a lot worse imo
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Hi all, I have very basic question on nMigen development. There currently two github repositories ( and with active development. What is the reason for this situation? Are there plans to merge the repositories one day or these two projects will live along together? Your
implementation seems to me more progressive because of CXX support. Michael
The correct repository is the nmigen/nmigen one
mik1234mc: it is likely the other repo will continue to exist but we do not control that repository.
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<dub_dub_11> I think "active development" is quite generous to the m-labs repo if you look at the insights page...
Thanks for the answer, I understand. My concern is if nMigen syntax will remain the same between these two implementation?
who knows... they're free to do whatever they like. We are not associated with them.
<dub_dub_11> there will be a lot of unfixed issues etc if you work from the wrong place and it is something that trips people up so it would be helpful to star the correct repo (nmigen/nmigen) so that google starts showing the right one in searches
So, you think that nmigen/nmigen is the implementation which will be widely accepted by the community? For example in Litex and Lite* ecosystems?
<dub_dub_11> it is the widely accepted implementation
<dub_dub_11> it's the one under active development by everyone who originally contributed to the project when it was based at m-labs/nmigen
<dub_dub_11> Thanks, now, I understand
<dub_dub_11> hmm looks like most tutorials are up to date but the lambda concept wiki has the wrong repo
jfng: ^
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last year I decided to try out nmigen and spent a few weeks playing around with it. While I loved the nmigen works, one of the things that I found interesting was how easy it was to damage my python toolchain during the install / update process - the whole paradigm of how packages are installed, what gets priority and how to detect if one has the proper dependencies seemed incredibly fragile.
dub_dub_11 why was it forked it its own ord and still having the m-labs thing?
<TiltMeSenpai> in my experience, pyenv + poetry has been a pretty reliable way of keeping pip from shooting itself in the foot
<TiltMeSenpai> m-labs did some pretty jackass-y stuff
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<TiltMeSenpai> resulted in the nmigen creators leaving/distancing themselves from m-labs
<TiltMeSenpai> but m-labs, being the jerks they are, are keeping the repo around and pretending they have a relation to nmigen/nmigen
Is nmigen officially an m-labs product, or was that just migen on which it was based?
just migen
Was the m-labs github the original?
I spent some time trying to unpick it and failed.
It looks like 3rd parties might be able to lodge an appeal at this stage.
<TiltMeSenpai> at one point, yes
The copyright file is confusing because it doesn't attribute based on the product.
<TiltMeSenpai> in nmigen/nmigen or?
In nmigen.
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<TiltMeSenpai> m-labs/nmigen is a rouge fork at this point, it should be disregarded
I understand less about github than I thought. Why do both forks seem original and contain the same early stuff?
But github says none of them are forks of eachother.
its not a fork done with github
because forks for example don't carry the issue and pr history over
I've read 3rd party objections have a 4 month time limit. So I'm interested if there is any way to meaningfully object.
object to what?
Registration of the trademark by m-labs.
the objection period is over
<TiltMeSenpai> I think nmigen/nmigen has a valid defense should m-labs try to enforce it but as I understand it, there's nothing that can be done proactively at this point
4 months from november for 3rd part objections, I think.
m-labs got their notice of Notice of Allowance on 2021-01-12
pretty sure that marks the end of the objection period?
The first sentence in the NoA is "No opposition was filed for this published application"
that GitHub issue thread makes me blood boil
<TiltMeSenpai> anyways, should m-labs attempt to enforce their trademark, I would gladly chip in to a legal defense fund for nmigen/nmigen
Bertl is now known as Bertl_oO
<TiltMeSenpai> until that happens, idk if there's anything that can be done
given how the project is licensed, it's not as easy as renaming the repo to change the name.. and I have to side with WQ that it probably wouldn't help anyway so why do so
so yeah.. I'd be glad to chip in for a legal defense
personally my priority would be resolving the issue with as little stress as possible, so i'd recommend changing the name if it comes to that, but i'll support whatever decision wq makes
the end of the official objection period is after 30 days. It is possible to file an objection afterwards, with a petition that will be considered. In any case, it costs $600 per class to object, and since they registered with two classes, it would cost $1200; additional fees may apply if it is a petition to object after the 30 day period.
sorry -- 30 days from publication, which ended in mid-January iirc
seems like a good excuse to come up with a proper weeb name for the project
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[nmigen] newhouseb opened pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
<benzn> this was after i accidentally diffed agains the m-labs one because i wasn't careful 🤦
[nmigen] newhouseb edited pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
[nmigen] codecov[bot] commented on pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
[nmigen] RobertBaruch opened issue #594: Time-0 race condition for simulation -
[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #593: Update UART Example so that acknowledging RX data sets RX ready low. -
<DX-MON> just FYI @benzn, edits don't reflect through to IRC (this channel is bonded with #nmigen on freenode)
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