[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #589: compat.genlib.roundrobin: fix missing imports - https://git.io/JtzIx
[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #589: compat.genlib.roundrobin: fix missing imports - https://git.io/JtzIx
[nmigen] codecov[bot] edited a comment on pull request #589: compat.genlib.roundrobin: fix missing imports - https://git.io/JtzIx
found that curiosity when porting OpenVizsla through the compat layer to nMigen
talking of which.. I've been having to write a fair few extensions to nMigen-soc to port the CSRs from OV and misoc over.. would it be of interest for some of those changes to be aimed upstream to the repo?
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states that no clock can be found... the led does turn on..
basically I get no clocks found in design... does anyone already have experience with these modules?
I wrote a virtual test for it with SPIGatewareTestCase and that works fine
I also wonder why there are two forks one of nmigen; one from m-labs and one from you guys..
From what I heard the answer if "Don't use m-labs and don't ask"
I don't have more details
if -> is
okay, I have an idea why that is but will not ask further and stick with the "official fork" for now..
it's the official version, not a fork :)
nmigen/nmigen == official sanctioned version
*my apologies...
please try building against the git HEAD of nmigen and seeing if that solves the problem (along side using the git HEAD versions of Yosys and nextpnr
if that doesn't solve it, then it's possible there's a bug in Luna, for which you probaly want #luna to ask Kate about what's going on there. From what I can see, though.. there are m.d.sync statements so using the newest tools should solve it
I am indeed not using the git head but some older apio version, as I am to lazy to build it for raspberry pi
the pypi version of nmigen is seriously out of date and will not work
installed luna via requirements and latest repos...