<sgrove> @hcarty I managed to figure it out, thank you!
@hcarty: I still disagree with that
hcarty: please don't
<Skilly> okay, just tried it out with 4.11 but Go-to-definition across files still doesn't work sadly @hcarty :/ thanks for trying though!
<Skilly> @hcarty thanks for letting me know, sadly uni requires 4.04 and ocamllisp needs >= 4.06
<shawn> @hcarty do those plugins play nice with `esy`?
hcarty: mirror/cache, yes, but it is subject to retroactive changes in opam-repository
hcarty: I wasn't able to set up the cygwin stuff (some old install still lying around messing things up), but with arctumn's help I got it working well on WSL :)
hcarty: I found a way to disable it, but it involved editing the shell scripts in .opam which is not great since it can create issues with multiple opam processes.
<hcarty> Leonidas: If there isn't a way to disable it for single packages, that seems like a good feature request for opam
<hcarty> Sure thing! This should be in a FAQ somewhere, where it can get appropriately argued and bikeshed'd
<hcarty> Indeed
<hcarty> No problem re: typos 😃
<hcarty> sin x reads more clearly than x |> sin, but read myinput |> process_input |> archive_result reads more clearly (to me at least!) than archive_result (process_input (read myinput))
<hcarty> ZirconiumX: All in my experience - |> is most useful when there would be a lot of ( ... ) nesting and the steps read well sequentially. I find @@ to be less generally useful.
<hcarty> Or the update details. Spiros can probably offer some guidance if you ask though
<hcarty> As Perry suggested. PRs are likely to be welcome. I think most of what's there is generated but I'm not at all familiar with the repo
<hcarty> The developer is working at Jane Street now
<hcarty> gtrak: I don't think it's abandoned but I'm pretty sure it's not actively developed
<Perry> @hcarty I think the most important thing (which I often suck at) is being really nice to everyone else in such a discussion. It makes it easier. But I won't claim to being a paragon on this, I often get frustrated and post too quickly.
<hcarty> takanuva: Good luck - it sounds like a very useful addition!
<hcarty> @Perry Agreed that they sap a lot of energy. It's a (difficult) question of spending the energy now vs later.
hcarty: I'll open an issue then; thank you
<Perry> @hcarty That's why I'm interested in making sure the default font is relatively large. I have vision problems so I sympathize with people with that constraint. But the wider topic is, steenuil is right, such discussions sap people's energy, even if they're necessary.
<hcarty> Font sizes matter a lot of users with usability constraints/concerns. These kinds of core topics are worth spending time on up-front
Thank you, hcarty ! The cohttp looks interesting. And, by the way, what's the best way to parse a JSON response?
ok thanks companion_cube thanks hcarty[m]
hi hcarty[m] thanks for the hint. How do I add a flag to the compilation if I am using oasis?
sh0t: I'm not sure of the exact flag spelling, but I think you need to add `-thread` or maybe `-threads` to that command
ocurl is pretty low-level so a GET request takes more steps than one might expect. Along with that, though, it provides an impressive/overwhelming level of flexibility
@remix2000:matrix.org: ocurl (pretty close binding to the C libcurl API) and cohttp. I think ocamlnet has something as well
hcarty[m]: but that will fail when it comes to release tarballs
Leonidas: It's possible. One (relatively) simple approach is to use SSH keys for access to the private repositories.
Leonidas: I'll update the README more thoroughly after hcarty submits his lwt bindings.
rgr[m]: Well, I am working at the company, so sort-of. But I'll add you and hcarty anyway :-)
That vim mode is hcarty's work!
This code raises an assertion with Faraday 0.3.0 (from opam) - any thoughts on what I'm doing incorrectly here? http://vpaste.net/RhXNs
hcarty: it will be in opam anyway, as a library
orbifx: Even if that isn't your primary mode of distribution
orbifx: It makes sense to have it in opam too, in part because it would then be included in future compiler compatibility and regression testing
flux: There have been a few "opam bundle"-like efforts. It would be pretty nice to have something like that available.
FWIW it looks like opam 2 will do what I was looking/hoping for (opam install . --deps-only)
Does opam have a way to say "install the dependencies list in this opam file/these opam files" without creating a pin?
is hcarty here?
companion_cube: containers 1.0 is looking quite promising! :-)
companion_cube: \o
seliopou: Hello
hcarty, yes you're right. I just found out by hacking my way into the channel-stuff that it is to abstract to handle from C. File descriptors seems way more sane. Thanks
KV: Maybe by going through the Unix module
dmbaturin: Fair point
hcarty: Well, if I want to get it into fedora repos, I'm not sure if writing the spec file to their guidelines is easier than adapting an existing SRPM, but we'll see.
The source RPMs may provide a good starting point
There are/were RPMs available somewhere I thought... maybe for CentOS/RHEL
dmbaturin: I've definitely done that or its equivalent before... a missing aspcud is bordering on dangerous for opam
hcarty: I guess it's not nearly as embarassing as that time when for some odd reason (which has to do with aspcud not installed on my desktop) "opam install lwt" installed ridiculously old Lwt and I was wondering where's my ppx extension. ;)
hcarty: Oh, good to know.
Lwt is playing nicely from a fresh switch
dmbaturin and Drup: FWIW, the issue was on my end - I had a broken opam switch and the host wasn't properly identified as win32. So invalid signals were checked in Lwt.
Maybe from C's assert
dmbaturin: Possibly, or some edge-case from cross-compilation
hcarty: Well, it may also be Lwt being insufficiently cross-platform there.
cheater: assert can be used the same way and is probably the more appropriate tool in this example
dmbaturin: Yeah, I think this has something to do with static linking + cross compilation (using MXE + opam-cross-windows)... but I'm not certain
Drup: Mine is, for better or worse, growing by bits and pieces
hcarty: that's probably what i was looking for
Drup: Any chance you know what could cause "Lwt_unix.on_signal: unavailable signal" with Lwt on Windows? Happens immediately when starting a program.
1 + failwith "Ooops I need to put a number here"
cheater: If you want something that works more or less the same way but maybe simpler conceptually you can use failwith
So maybe it's not doing much cleanup
emacs-fb: Looks like caml_sys_exit(foo) doesn't do much beyond calling exit(foo)
In that case it may require a manual call to flush the buffered output
hcarty: Called that -- didn't print the string :-/
Algebr``: The pointer itself or the thing it's pointing to? Warning: I'm not 100% sure in either case :-)
s/I'm //
octachron: I'm sounds like a play on ctors
companion_cube: I was going to add that one, but I was worried it would add controvesy to the PR :-)
companion_cube: I'm impressed by (and thankful/hopeful for) your PR patience
But the whole discussion around the unboxed PR makes it seem like that wasn't true
I honestly had thought it was this way already - I thought there were discussions about single-constructor variants being optimized away without any special code
Annotation of the type definition
Algebr``: It requires annotation IIRC
Drup: Hooray for Lwt-powered Format
justin_smith: I did a lot of weather and GIS data wrangling in school and at a previous job using OCaml. It's nice for that kind of thing - not nearly the library support that Python has, but sooo much better to maintain over time
hcarty: kind of makes sense, I'd assume it's neccessary for the big money applications, but that won't be open source for obvious reasons
justin_smith: Number crunching definitely happens in OCaml. I think most of it is behind closed doors though.
Sounds good
hcarty: yeah, but i released initially as deprecated due to reconsideration since 2.6.0, and never linked it from the manual index. should probably add a link to the PR at least. this deprecation message is before the 2.7.0 style
companion_cube: \o
aantron: The module is marked as deprecated but not mentioned in the 3.0.0 tracking issue
o/ hcarty
aantron: Is the deprecation of Lwt_result based on the discussion around the Lwt_opt(ion) PR?
Drup: Thank you! I knew there was some syntax difference I was missing
Drup: Aaaaaah
hcarty: with type .. and type ...
A direct conversion gives an error
Is it possible to use a first-class module with multiple type substitutions? The local module equivalent to: module M : S with type a = t1 with type b = t2
If only someone would propose such an addition in OCaml. And respond to comments, updating as the discussion moves along.
companion_cube: :-)
But I agree, efficient is the desire
companion_cube: Borrowing is differently difficult in its accessibility, at least in Rust as it exists now
Rust is pretty amazing. If/when usability is improved to the point where borrowing becomes accessible for beginners it will be pretty fantastic
No laughter here re:swift. My initial impression of the language when it was first shown was that they've done a lot right with it.
Hopefully OCaml will progress similarly over those five years
rgrinberg: Rust is wonderful, and my hope is in five years it will be as usable as OCaml is now for quickly writing code
rgrinberg: There are tasks on the oasis forge by Sylvain to move completely over to github from the forge
companion_cube: Thanks for the effort toward a camlp4-less oasis!
hcarty: AFAIK, they have --short-paths understand this convention now. And possibly support in ocamldep
rgrinberg: There's some basic support there in 4.03 or 4.04 isn't there? Or maybe just for short-name selection
I'm quite sure it's not that simple as far as the actual compilation process goes
[@@@ocaml.module Foo] in the file myfile.ml
Unless we do something with attributes maybe
The compiler says that foo.ml -> module Fooo
companion_cube: Good point, thanks
hcarty: well \n does not belong in the line
And you only need packs/aliases if you want the definition of Foo.Baz and Foo.Bar to live in different files
With packs you always link everything in the pack
-no-alias-deps goes with aliases
Bluddy[m]: You use packs OR aliases
companion_cube: I'm not sure why \n would come after the eol position, but perhaps there's a definition which states that \n is after the end of the line
hcarty, companion_cube: so if I'm making a library and I want Foo.Baz and Foo.Bar to both be available, I have to use packs? And then, when I'm a user using the library and I want to use Foo.Baz, I compile with -no-alias-deps to reduce my footprint? Or is something missing here (because I know Jane Street had to change their code to make this work).
Doesn't look like it
companion_cube: Will do. Re.split Re.(compile @@ char '\n') "a\nb" = ["a"; "b"], which is what I would expect
Unrelated to the compilation discussion: (Re.split Re.(compile eol) "a\nb") = ["a"; "\nb"] --- this is not what I would have expected
Bluddy[m]: -no-alias-deps is a way to have something similar to packs but without requiring linking of unused aliased modules
hcarty: So when you create a module that contains aliases to other modules, and compile with -no-dep-aliases, what gets created?
Bluddy[m]: packs and module aliases are two ways we can have Foo.Bar and Baz.Bar not have linking conflicts due to bothing having a 'Bar' module
chsn: objects or polymorphic variants
chsn: It's not named tuples - it's an object
hcarty: how does that give me 'named tuples' ?
chsn: let f x = object method x = x end
Bluddy[m]: hcarty : 1) are tuples 'named', i.e. do they have fields x, y, or is it just Float * Float; hcarty: can you point me to an example?
chsn: Or objects
chsn: Not with record types
hcarty: yes, I was referring to this vaguely above. It needs to be the default. In every build system.
I'm not sure if this is coming in 2.0, but allowing local switches to share a compiler would save a lot of potential pain with local switches
When I run into opam hell it's usually due to (a) pins that I created and forgot about or (b) missing version constraints after a dependency's new API-breaking version
companion_cube: Yeah, the reasoning makes sense. Format has been Super Popular more recently
companion_cube: Small complaint, not a real issue with the library
companion_cube: print vs pp ....
hcarty: But then you use a simple flip function: let flip f x y = f y x. You can even curry it if you need to with `let flipmap = flip List.map`. No need to add a tax to every invocation of map.
you mean hcarty ?
Bluddy[m]: Everyone knows it, but it is nice to be able to put the list first as companion_cube said
hcarty: everyone knows where the function is in List.map. If I need to swap arguments, I'll use a simple argument swapping combinator.
Bluddy[m]: Agreed that List.map ~f is nice. As for why not Containers - mostly naming differences w/other (dbuenzli) libraries
Using dep/deps in myocamlbuild.ml doesn't work because it doesn't know how to build/handle a "foo.txt" file
How can I tell ocamlbuild that some code depends on a static file? I'm using ppx_blob and want to tell ocamlbuild that it needs to copy/'ln -s' the included file
hcarty: thanks! and thank you for your contributions
I still haven't had time to test the Z submodule
seliopou: Congratulations on a first angstrom release!
hongbo`: That should give you show_u, show_v, pp_u, pp_v
hcarty: thanks
hongbo`: Yes, you only need it once, as you wrote the example
hongbo`: From a quick test in utop it looks like you do not
companion_cube: And, hopefully, if scale beyond that is required ... opam
hcarty definitely doesn't. there was actually a controversial patch to opam a while back that hard-coded the URI of a chaching server, and (hopefully) it was rejected
seliopou: I thought opam.ocaml.org did some kind of automatic mirroring of upstream packages... I may be remembering that incorrectly though
that's hcarty actually :P
Bluddy[m]: ocamllint could probably be extended to support that if it doesn't already
Bluddy[m]: Yeah, I've put up a gist or two which shouldn't be terribly out of date. That's just the inner workings though - there's a (hopefully) more user-friendly layer available as well
I would like to do some testing against other language implementations of msgpack to see how speed compares. Haven't had time yet though.
hcarty (IRC): I've already found some version of it using the power of google. Looks good so far.
Bluddy[m]: No repo yet - need to get a bit more polish in place, put it through an internal review and write the whole thing up. The current plan is an early August release.
Bluddy[m]: before hcarty's pr (which was great), it did not deal with ints at all, now it relies on ocp-endian for dealing with such things
hcarty: how so? Do you have the repo up?
Bluddy[m]: The msgpack-angstrom implementation is already reasonably performant... depends on the data you're processing
I'd never used a parser combinator library before
companion_cube: Not sure - I started this as an experiment because (a) ocaml-msgpack is very slow for large messages and (b) learn a bit of angstrom
Bluddy[m]: It's extacted from Coq code and, unfortunately, comes with each byte parsed as an 8-element bool tuple
I wonder, how much slower than a handwritten parser do you get, hcarty?
Bluddy[m]: angstrom
hcarty: you're parsing msgpack using what library?
companion_cube: Parsing msgpack
seliopou: I haven't tried the Z submodule yet but I'll try today
hcarty: you gotta use the Z submodule and then lift stuff with z to parse
Admittedly much easier to read when broken up with sane newlines
let f x = begin if x then begin 1 end else begin 0 end end --- clear as mud! :-)
Kind of like ocamllint
That may be something which could be enforced with a ppx
For the low, low cost of "begin"
companion_cube: If you're willing to pay the matching "begin" price then you can have it all, right now
companion_cube: You can't nest let now without adding "in"
companion_cube: I sometimes wonder if an 'end' after toplevel 'let's would help, particularly when starting out with the language
Is there a .tar.gz download available anywhere for the 1.11 cryptokit release?
companion_cube: Ah, implicits... one day
ocamlscript is (almost) very nice as well, aside from the camlp4 dependency. It makes simple projects very easy to create with little to no external configuration.
lostman: With more recent versions maybe?
Tooling is definitely too complicated. Need opam + oasis + merlin + ocp-indent + editor configuration is a lot to ask from someone maybe interested in the language.
companion_cube: And VS Code, which has quite nice OCaml support at this point
And that!
pseudony1ous: gasche's answer of "parameterized type" is the term to search for/understand
pseudony1ous: If you want to constrain that type to only have a router socket then your fix is the right one
hcarty: Thanks. Do you know where it's documented? I couldn't find it in the OCaml manual
jgw25: So if you link a.ml first and b.ml second, then everything in A is run in order, followed by everything in B
jgw25: Link order, then order inside of the module definitions
open but silence warnings about shadowing
It doesn't cover all of the latest language features but the parts it does cover are described well
upbeatfx: I really like the caltech/Jason Hickey book as an introductory text
hcarty, Drup -- ah, forgot this works differently in irc
@hcarty Thanks, I'll look into that book, @Drup & @hcarty Is there a recommended book for someone coming from procedural/imperative languages? I may start with RWO, it's longer but it covers far more than ThinkOCaml
upbeatfx: RWO has good information on functors. So does the manual and courses.cms.caltech.edu/cs134/cs134b/book.pdf
Nash_: Lots of other editors provide at least basic syntax highlighting support
Nash_: The best/most complete IDE-ish support is currently available in vim, emacs, atom and VS Code
apache2: There were a few projects adding support. They're all fairly out of date I think
rgrinberg: Based on very simple, stupid tests it's faster too (which makes sense, it eliminates recursion)
hcarty: \o/
Not sure what will come of it yet
rgrinberg: Still very much a WIP
rgrinberg: I've hacked in some streaming support too
seliopou: Only 322 encodings/second with 10 megabyte blobs on the same system, though :-)
gasche: It's also eliminating lots of `compose` calls
As I said last week, I'm quite happy with angstrom
gasche: A big match over the first tag byte
hcarty: what does the change look like?
s/lots/lots of/
seliopou: ~23k encodings per second -> ~122k encodings/second
seliopou: For a somewhat pathological case (lots embedded tiny maps/arrays), your optimization suggestion of sticking all of the msgpack tag bits into a big match/function case was tremendously successful
gasche: Self-employment seems to always be an ugly thing to manage
hcarty: so Patreon knows a bit about US taxation and otherwise it directs you to VAT-style forms that are supposed to tax some form of consumption
gasche: There are platforms like patreon which have, presumably, made some effort to figure out the legality of an arrangement like that
gasche: Agreed, that's totally fair
hcarty: I don't think your msgpack parser particularly readable, in the sense that it seems less readable that a declarative description of the format
Writing ELF and PE parsers for angstrom seems like a fun project
"nice" in this case meaning easy to use and efficient
cnu-: angstrom is very nice for that kind of parsing
I'm off, have a good night!
Please ping me in the PR when you bring the changes in and I'll test msgpack again
Ha, excellent :-)
hcarty so i sortof rewrote angstrom today and got an even bigger performance gain
Drup: No, it's mainly something like ppx_deriving which needs to touch lots of internal structure
hcarty: we have a compatibility layer in place now, and we can expand it for the next releases
hcarty: for the small things in ppx, it should not be an issue
But if something that is strongly tied to a specific OCaml version is anywhere in the chain of dependencies then OCaml vNext will be out of reach until those packages are updated
gasche: In cases where that is an option, though, it seems like a good idea
gasche: ppx makes that rather difficult when the internals shift and values/constructors get renamed between versions
rgrinberg: And thank you for looking at it if you have time
Drup: Thanks
hcarty: "opam pin add -e foo 2.3.0"
Is it possible to change the version constraints for a single package locally?
rgrinberg: I'd like to use 4.03.0, but outside of that I'd like to (continue to) move my code away from a mix of `Ok and Ok
hcarty: i'll have a look at this today. out of curiousity, why do you need ppx_driving 4.0?
They compile in the same switch
rgrinberg: Not sure - I haven't tried to use a Jane St deriver + a ppx_deriving deriver together
hcarty: seemed like that was the case. Did you compile the ppx_deriving exporter?