adrianschmutzler: my target does seem to use it and not return the error, so.. dunno, but I see nothing negative about it being there after testing and I get the error if it isn't (or did, I wasn't testing negative use case of not having it)
I modeled my setup after the x86 targets
with squasfs and how it's setup, DonkeyHotei recommended it that way after helping with it. I use a vfat partition to hold a kernel image
the device has an emmc with mbr
boot process mimics x86 in important ways
still don't understand it, but I lack the enthusiasm to go deeper, so let's postpone it until it breaks for some other reason
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Namidairo: -n wipes the config, what extra does -F do?
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it didn't make sense but afaik, it was the least bad solution that kept compatibility with older images
-F means "force"
which means "if you brick your device, you have been warned"
but it's warning me that my old config isn't expected to work, but *I JUST TOLD IT NOT TO USE THE OLD CONFIG* right in the command line
in this case it's more of a hack indeed, it should be harmless (if you have the right image)
russell--: Namidairo is right, it's a hack, this mechanism is supposed to prevent you from flashing the wrong image, and it has been (ab)used to warn about incompatible changes
so you need both -n and -F
yeah, i know, it just seems stupidly redundant
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Hey zorun. Can you please tell what should be the right advice to the new users on IRC who want to contribute to the wiki?
(fwiw, i never save the old config, my fingers are pre-programmed to type -n on sysupgrades)
russell--: I see :)
backed up configs are good for reference though
PaulFertser: what do you mean?
Namidairo: i pre-backup my configs
zorun: people say the wiki has registration disabled for the new users.
ah, I guess that's because of spam?
so an admin should create the accounts manually
Probably but e.g. do not know how to contact the admin and so the potential contributors are not improving the wiki, and I have no idea what to tell them.
PaulFertser: I can add you as admin if you want to help creating accounts
but I agree it's not a good situation
zorun: please do, I'm frequently available on IRC but I never use the forum, so was not aware of that announcement, and it's also unclear if tmomas is OK with getting requests via e-mail (and not only forum PMs).
PaulFertser: done and thanks!
zorun: thank you!
you should leave the password field empty, the user will receive an email to define it
Got it.
maybe document how to register in https://openwrt.org/wiki/wikirules which is linked from the sidebar under "Contributing to wiki"
zorun: I see you resetted my password, and I received a new one via unencrypted e-mail, and the e-mail doesn't advice me to change it. Is it ok?
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russell--: I'd rather add the information to the new user registration page, let me check if I can do that.
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PaulFertser: err, did I?
zorun: somehow I received an e-mail from the wiki with the new password without doing anything myself, so in a way, yes :)
PaulFertser: ok, I checked the "notify user" box while changing your groups, maybe that's why
Hi all, how could I find out if commit b0ecae504b58bf65627138fe14eb605ad77224c9 of 23 November 2020 has made it into the releases released since then, 19.07.5 and 19.07.6? Github only shows me the most recent 250 commits. Thanks in advance.
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totalnoob75: it hasn't. Usually device support is not backported to bugfix release branches
I figured as much. Thank you.
totalnoob75, some projects that use openwrt might add support for their 19.07 based releases - gluon does this sometimes
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some has to add a pull request there that gets accepted tho
in mt7615_init_wiphy (init.c) and in that mac.c function, replace is_mt7663 with mt7615_firmware_offload
however, even if it works for you in that test, it still needs to be validated before we can enable it
i.e. bring it up on a dfs channel and send a few radar pulses to see if it reacts
i have a SDR that i could use to run that test, but i don't have time to hack up the pulse generator in gnuradio at the moment
ok. is that something i can do with a regular client radio? intel 802.11ac stuff e.g.?
or can i just try bringing up the AP and wait until a radar kicks it out?
ok sdr is software defined radio so i guess i can't do that with regular consumer stuff
If you know you have a radar nearby that would work :)
i used to get kicked off regularly. small civilian airport nearby as well here (few km)
If you know the channel where it happens then worth a try I'd say. Preferrably with an ath10k device working in parallel on the same channel so that you could compare the timestamps.
why ath10k?
i have mt7615 radios up and running, mt76 driver does support dfs on these already
asking out of curiosity, i have a spare ath10k radio if needed
I'd expect ath10k to be better tested in this regard but probably it's just my speculation.
Judging by QCA being interested in certification and having all the tools and directly using the upstream code for that. nbd will correct me if I'm wrong.
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TIL by appending ".patch" to the URL of a GitHub pull request, you can download the whole thing as a patch. I have seen the light.
lipnitsk has joined #openwrt-devel
you didn't know?
Not at all.
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Now it's easier to test kernel updates. :)
nbd: ping
rsalvaterra: yeah. would be even neater if he used patchwork though.
git-pw apply blabla
Yeah. I didn't know about the .patch (and .diff) thingies because I only use GitHub as a remote repository. :P
lipnitsk: pong
lipnitsk: sorry that i didn't respond to your emails, i was too busy
np, just wanted to make sure you were aware and not doing double work
I'm not blocked or anything
fiddling with enabling PPPoe offload on 5.10 on my er-x. Just wanted to sync up and make sure I'm not totally on the wrong path here
I do have my changes published on github, so whenever you are getting ready to post your patches it might be good to sync up
I have quite a bit of understanding to do still to figure out the new nftables flow API and how to add a new path or paths (PPPoE, 6rd, etc), so that will keep me busy for a while
nbd: also thanks for all your amazing work on the mtk eth driver
just a quick heads up, there's going to be some changes to the nftables flow api patch series
pablo (who's doing the upstream work) sent me some new patches
i will have to rework the xt_FLOWOFFLOAD module as well based on that work
yeah I figured you must have been working closely with him
i expect to have it in my staging tree in the next few days
I believe you said you could access some devices, but you couldn't access others.
the issue manifests itself as temporary connectivity loss
e.g. a ping will go through 10 times, then drop for 9, over and over
Ok, so it's something entirely different. #494 is about permanent connectivity loss. :)
so for a few seconds everything is dead, then works again, and if you have more relaxed connections then everything just feels slow. but traffic stops and it's radio related, from what i can tell, since pinging client -> radio breaks, and pinging doesn't run through the server afaik
yeah, was worth the try though.
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how do I create a dropdown menu with the new LuCI js interface?