<roh> he also is on freenode 'wpwrak'
<roh> argh
<roh> wpwrak: people playing with scpi. i pointed them to ahrt/tmc
<wpwrak> good ! free advertisement ;-)
<roh> hehe.. i am happy to help people find each other in the foss community
<roh> especially if it serves my own (mostly not even evil) interrests ;) (in this case more foss sw for scopes)
<wpwrak> heh :) yeah, it's surprising how little seems to be around for this
<wpwrak> now .. let's see what happens when i try to restart X after that ubuntu upgrade ...
<wpwrak> hmm. after some fighting, the system boots at least. lost one of my screens, though :-(
<wpwrak> and xpdf still crashes. usrp2_fft works. phew. that's the one i currently need the most.
<roh> wpwrak: still using xpdf?
<wpwrak> roh: got anything leaner and quicker ? :)
<roh> i use evince
<wpwrak> evice uses a lot of screen real estate
<roh> press f11
<wpwrak> haha :)
<roh> ;)
<wpwrak> i wonder what happens if i check out an old git revision, git mv the files to a different place, then try to go back up to the present. will git let me do this ? will the moved files have their ancestry unbroken ? will this bring the world to an end even before LHC gets a chance to ? soon, we'll know ...
<kristianpaul> (will git let me do this ?) i think i will
<kristianpaul> s/i/it
<larsc> the history will be semi broken
<wpwrak> kristianpaul: yeah, it usually assumes you know where your foot is in relation to your projectiles :)
<larsc> but you can always go back
<kristianpaul> phew..
<wpwrak> larsc: what i'm trying to do is to produce the same effect as if i had made the git mv in the past. in particular, then tracing the ancestors of the moved files, one should get back to the original ones. (i.e., it would be nice if this didn't detail schhist)
<wpwrak> s/then/when/
<larsc> git log on a moved file will usualy not have the history before the move
<kristianpaul> and after?
<wpwrak> yeah, it's a bit more complicated. i stitch it together from .... (looking) ...
<kristianpaul> larsc: so the history just dissaper? in my current "git time"
<wpwrak> from  git diff-tree
<kristianpaul> but if i got back some commits before i guess i can see it?
<larsc> kristianpaul: you can still see it, when you display the whole history
<larsc> just not in the history of that one file
<kristianpaul> good
<wpwrak> hmm. git seems to apply the changes to HEAD even if they've been made to an older revision
<wpwrak> ah well. i'll just copy then.
<wpwrak> ah .. maybe not ... confused HEAD and master
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: Updates CAM processes of various sub-projects http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/125055b
<wpwrak> naw, easier to just copy. the other thing doesn't feel right.
<wpwrak> grmbl. ubuntu introduced yet another little nuisance change: directory<TAB> completes to directory<spc> instead of directory/  luckily, there's complete -r to bin all that junk ...
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: add zgv, MPlayer, brainless http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/f521ceb
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb-sil/: moved C8051F326-related material out of atusb/ http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/2642b9e
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: moved atusb/fw3/ to atusb/fw/ http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/78cfc8f
<qi-bot> [commit] Werner Almesberger: atusb/fw/Makefile (CFLAGS): simplify -I../fw/include to -Iinclude http://qi-hw.com/p/ben-wpan/313fb7c
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: create pango.modules when system first boot http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/a7d0746
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: update nanonote-files version http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/78ccf86
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: touch utmp for byobu, add -b ~/ ~/ to mc params http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/3ab2a4f
<qi-bot> [commit] Xiangfu Liu: remove custum banner, focus on 100% upstream, http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-xburst/0031274
<kyak> mirko is so not here -\ i have these commits, burning my hands!
<larsc> use some cold water
<kyak> xiangfu: why is it only necessary to set g_ether.host_addr via fw_setenv bootargs? what about g_ether.dev_addr? What's the difference between the two?
<xiangfu> kyak: the usb ether gadget driver will create two device. NANONTOE:/dev/usb0   PC:/dev/usb0
<xiangfu> the g_ether.host_addr == PC:/dev/usb0   g_ether.dev_addr == NANONOTE:/dev/usb0
<xiangfu> since we only want PC:/dev/usb0 have static mac address. so only needs setup g_ether.host_addr
<kyak> oh, ok! it's intersting that developers decided to have two mac addresses
<kyak> what could it possibly be used for?
<xiangfu> did you saw the email from Ruben? if someone using mac system. once mac address changed. mac system think there is another new device. then re-configure that device. all the setting are lost. :)
<kyak> yeah i know
<kyak> same is in linux without appropriate settings, it would name devices usb0/1/2 etc
<kyak> i mean, what's the need of two mac addresses?
<xiangfu> oh. sorry for mis-understand
<xiangfu> it is not two mac addresses. there are two NICs.
<kyak> or is it because there is actually networks emualted between g_ether.dev_addr and g_ether.host_addr?
<kyak> therefore they can't have the same mac
<kyak> ok, but if the second NIC is on PC, why it's mac address is set up via Ben?
<kyak> it's pretty confusing. The ether gadget driver on PC has such settings, too
<kyak> what would happen if they contradict?
<xiangfu> hmm... think about as Ben is a NIC. that is why mac address can setup by Ben.
<xiangfu> if you plus a NIC to your PC, there is a mac address from NIC. if you plus a Ben to your PC, there is a mac address from usb0 (which is set by Linux inside ben)
<kyak> ok, it's more clear now
<kyak> basically, there are two NICs in Ben :)
<xiangfu> kyak: yes.
<xiangfu> I have test setup same mac address on both NICs.  ssh works fine not 'ping'
<xiangfu> ping will give all packet loss.
<xiangfu> kyak ^
<kyak> hm. shouldn't work at all, theoretically :)
<kyak> if it's two same macs on the network
<kyak> xiangfu: try to clear arp cache on both ben and PC
<kyak> ok, this is all just a speculation. I ahve no idea how ether gadget driver works
<xiangfu> hmm.. the mac address only works in local network. not through gateway, right?
<kyak> right
<xiangfu> if PC:/dev/usb0 and NN:/dev/usb0 have same mac address. I can understand why 'ping' not working. don't understand why 'ssh' works fine.
<kyak> me too. Have you restarted the ssh connection? Are you sure you are not ssh'ing to localhost? ;)
<kyak> xiangfu: is the internet connection on Ben working fine at the same time?
<xiangfu> works fine.
<kyak> are you using bridge or NAT?
<xiangfu> NAT
<kyak> maybe that's the thing? Ben appears to be behind the NAT for you
<kyak> could debug it with tcpdump on Ben's side
<kyak> to see what mac address Ben sees when you try to ping it or when ssh'ing to it
<xiangfu> kyak: I think there some differents in Ben and PC. in the arp table. it's only record target IP -- MAC. not itself.
<xiangfu> so the mac address for itself(system) is meaningless.
<kyak> ok, so at least the arp table is correct
<xiangfu> yes.
<xiangfu> in bnn: -- e6:ff:a4:c0:4d:0f
<xiangfu> in  pc: -- e6:ff:a4:c0:4d:0f
<xiangfu> 101 is nanonote ip address.  100 is pc ip address.
<xiangfu> I think the mac problem happens where there are a 'switcher' . like three nanonotes and one pc connect to switcher, all nanonotes have same mac address. then there is problem.
<kyak> yup, i just started to think about the same
<kyak> duplicate macs is onyl a problem, when more than one _other_ hosts have same mac. Your own mac, which could be the same, doesn't count :)
<kyak> but then, why is ping not working?
<kyak> could be some other problems
<xiangfu> ping is working. I mis type the ip address.
<xiangfu> type wrong ip address.
<kyak> all right :)
<kyak> is it to be released?
<xiangfu> no. still not fix 'gnuplot' and 'plplot' compile problem.
<xiangfu> kyak: but maybe you can try 'opkg upgrade' for update 'gmenu2x' and 'nanonote-files' :)
<xiangfu> kyak:  back online later. see you
<kyak> hm. it seems that it's time we start increasing the PKG_RELEASE number, so that opkg upgrade will notice it
<jow_laptop> yes indeed
<mirko> kyak: pong
<kyak> mirko: gnop
<mirko> kyak: "07:49 < kyak> mirko is so not here -\ i have these commits, burning my hands!"
<kyak> mirko: yeah, let me find it in scrollback
<kyak> mirko: i already adapted all qt4 ports to work with TARGET_INCDIRS+=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include in qmake.mk :) So if you could review this change and commit it, this would be great!
<kyak> earlier, i said
<kyak> it seems that QMAKE_INCDIR_QT is not designed to hold multiple directories
<kyak> this is the patch, basically
<mirko> ok, let me take a look...
<kyak> but actually, having the first three directories in TARGET_INCDIRS ($(STAGING_DIR)/include $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/include $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/include) is not necessary
<mirko> kyak: was that the reason, why QtCore, QtGui was appeneded to the toolchain-paths, but not to the stagingdir-path?
<kyak> yep
<kyak> it gets appended only to the last directory of TARGET_INCDIRS
<mirko> grrrr
<mirko> thank you! :)
<mirko> kyak: same with LIBDIR - e.g. "-L"-flags?
<kyak> np :")
<mirko> *LIBDIRS
<kyak> yes, should be the same there. But i didn't notice any problem with it. I thought it is because all libs are installed in one palce?
<kyak> i guess it just appends -lQtNetwork etc and it works
<mirko> 11 TARGET_INCDIRS+=$(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/include $(STAGING_DIR)/include $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/include $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include
<mirko> 12 TARGET_LIBDIRS+= $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/lib $(STAGING_DIR)/lib $(TOOLCHAIN_DIR)/usr/lib $(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib
<mirko> that way it should work, right?
<kyak> yes, it will work like this
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: freedroid: add icon http://qi-hw.com/p/gmenu2x/b218991
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: update apps to profit from the latest changes in qt4 http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/598a81d
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: kinyin: it builds now http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/6ae0610
<qi-bot> [commit] kyak: w3m: add PKG_RELEASE http://qi-hw.com/p/openwrt-packages/c19e786
<kristianpaul> damn
<kristianpaul> power failure yday, and isp modem malfuction today :-/
<qbject> Hey all.
<M_Rojas> Hi
<cmw> does anyone know where i could purchase a Spectec SDW-823 for my Ben NanoNote?
<tuxbrain> maybe on pulster.eu still have some.
<urandom__> they seem to have some http://www.pulster.de/engl/index.html
<urandom__> it isnt very cheap though
<cmw> yeah but i can understand why... they seem to be ultra rare
<cmw> they only except wiretransfer, im guessing people have used them before and they
<cmw> legitimate?
<tuxbrain> I have use it, it works but it's still buggy and don't hold your breath for further development
<wpwrak> roh: hmm, does mail.openmoko.org have a problem with relaying ? i'm getting timeouts trying to send things through it
<wpwrak> roh: and it may have been unusually slow already more than half a day ago
<wpwrak> rjeffries: did you already send the missing files to paula ? i tried to reply but it seems my mail relay is malfunctioning
<viric> Hey qi people
<viric> Do you know of any mobile phone that can act as walkie-talkie?
<viric> is that forbidden by law, maybe?
<wpwrak> rjeffries: well, let me try another relay ...
<Jay7> viric: any nokia with Push-to-talk in network which support it
<wpwrak> viric: i've seen push-to-talk services
<viric> but they all depend on a network deployed?
<Jay7> yes
<Jay7> network should have support
<viric> hm
<Jay7> I see no prob with software implementation in 3G network
<viric> is that broadly deployed?
<Jay7> but haven't seen any..
<Jay7> viric: iirc, european networks should have it
<viric> hm I read it works over GPRS
<Jay7> yes
<Jay7> voip over gprs
<viric> it's more for speaking to a big number of listeners
<Jay7> but you know that vendor lock-ins :)
<viric> what I meant was some kind of p2p radio link
<viric> Jay7: yes yes.
<viric> good. I'm quite sure 'push-to-talk' is not what I want then :)
<viric> I meant of some readio link independant of the network.
<wpwrak> viric: probably easier to get a walkie-talkie and carry two devices :)
<viric> I see :)
<Jay7> mobile phone with walkie-talkie glued together :)
<viric> I'd like a single device like so.
<viric> I'm still asking google for a device like that. Do you come up with some words that would keep away PTT?
<wpwrak> roh: hmm, or is it the hoster ? lists.en.qi-hardware.com also responds very reluctantly. i can reach other sites without trouble, so i don't think the problem is at my end