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<hxegon> skweek: first thing, get a list of m4a files. That gist has basically what you need, except it lists mp3s
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<hxegon> exercise*
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<hxegon> skweek: if you want Dir['**/*.mp3'] explained in a bit more detail, just ask
<skweek> no its straight foward
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<hxegon> skweek: ok, so now you have a list of m4as, are you using a conversion library or feeding the files to the command line using backticks?
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<hxegon> skweek: I mean feeding it to the ffmpeg command line tool or something
<skweek> i don't want to convert the files, just remove the already converted ones and leave the non-converted ones
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<skweek> say i've started converting m4as, have some but not compelted need to move the converted m4as and leave the non converted m4as
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<hxegon> skweek: aaah, so you now need another list of mp3 files to compare the m4a list too
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<skweek> yes
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<hxegon> skweek: so now, what is the best way to compare? you just need to find any file (without the extension) that appears in both lists.
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<skweek> i'm not sure how to think about it, well I would think about it like if ruby -e "p Dir['**/*.mp3']" and ruby -e "p Dir['**/*.m4a']" are equal remove ruby -e "p Dir['**/*.m4a']"
<skweek> but instead of remove just print
<Ox0dea> >> [1,2,3,4] & [2,3] # skweek
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [2, 3] (https://eval.in/461831)
<Ox0dea> Do you understand what Array#& is doing there?
<hxegon> >> File.basename('something/rad_tunes.mp4')
<ruboto> hxegon # => "rad_tunes.mp4" (https://eval.in/461832)
<hxegon> nope
<skweek> no
<Ox0dea> >> [1,2,3,4] & [2,3,5] # skweek: How about now?
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [2, 3] (https://eval.in/461833)
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<skweek> may I guess, [1,2,3,4] is an array of the numbers 1,2,3,4 and [2,3] is an array being compared to [1,2,3,4]
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<hxegon> skweek: yes, and it returns the elements they have in common, being [2, 3]
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<skweek> ruby -e "p Dir['**/*.m4a']" & ruby -e "p Dir['**/*.mp3']"
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<Ox0dea> skweek: I only used `ruby -e` in the demonstration for convenience; you should be putting your code in a .rb file and executing it that way.
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<hxegon> Is there a File method like basename that precedes the full path? I'd rather not suggest a regex
<eam> dirname
<skweek> i'm kinda of confused, something that looks like inserted into an array.. compared... File.basename('Dir[**/*.m4a*]')
<hxegon> or do a bunch of split('/')[0..-1]bullsh
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<Ox0dea> skweek: File.basename expects a String, not an array of them.
<skweek> ok
<hxegon> skweek: have you used map yet?
<skweek> i've read about it
<hxegon> skweek: one sec
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<hxegon> thanks eam
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<hxegon> >> foo = 'test/file.m4a'; File.dirname(foo) + File.basename(foo)
<ruboto> hxegon # => "testfile.m4a" (https://eval.in/461834)
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<hxegon> skweek: pay no attention to that
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<hxegon> >> foo = 'test/file.m4a'; File.dirname(foo) + '/' + File.basename(foo).split('.')[0]
<ruboto> hxegon # => "test/file" (https://eval.in/461835)
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<hxegon> skweek: there we go.
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<hxegon> skweek: use this with map on the arrays from Dir[...]
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<hxegon> I'm suprised there isn't File.basepath or something
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<eam> hxegon: isn't that what dirname is?
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<hxegon> eam: dirname would just returns test/
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<hxegon> >> File.dirname('one/two/three.txt')
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<ruboto> hxegon # => "one/two" (https://eval.in/461850)
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<hxegon> >> foo = 'foo/bar/baz.mp3'; File.dirname(foo) + '/' + File.basename(foo, '.*') # this is better skweek
<ruboto> hxegon # => "foo/bar/baz" (https://eval.in/461853)
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<skweek> ok
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<Ox0dea> skweek: Time for a fish, then?
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<skweek> I guess this is a bit more involved than I thought it would be... or atleast the time its taken has been greater than the time I have available to dedicate to
<Ox0dea> Busy, busy.
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<Ox0dea> It's really quite easy if you know your tool(s), but that's true of most anything.
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<skweek> :)
<Ox0dea> Bothering about with #dirname and #basename is overkill here, given that you know your inputs will differ only in their extension.
<eam> a poor worker blames their tools but no worker ever thanks them
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<eam> wait, what part of the file was hxegon looking for?
<skweek> I've got a bunch of books on ruby on my book shelve, I should spend more time with them
<eam> if not the filename nor the basename?
<eam> skweek: take them out to a nice coffee shop
<eam> books enjoy that
<Ox0dea> skweek: Do you understand what's going on in that solution?
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<skweek> no, I guess that .map { |f| f.sub /mp3$/, 'm4a' } is what trips me up
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<Ox0dea> skweek: #map "transforms" each element of a collection however you specify.
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<eam> >> [1,2,3].map {|n| n + n}
<ruboto> eam # => [2, 4, 6] (https://eval.in/461859)
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<skweek> does f iterate through the the map and replace mp3 and m4a?
<eam> >> %w{skweek Ox0dea eam}.map {|s| s + "are doing ruby!"}
<ruboto> eam # => ["skweekare doing ruby!", "Ox0deaare doing ruby!", "eamare doing ruby!"] (https://eval.in/461860)
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<Ox0dea> skweek: The "clever" bit is to just "rename" all of the .mp3s to .m4a, and do a set union with the actual .m4as; the elements that appear in both are the ones you want deleted.
<eam> oops, dropped a space
<Ox0dea> >> ?\x20 # Here ya go.
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => " " (https://eval.in/461861)
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<Ox0dea> *set intersection
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<lemur> file_names.group_by { |f| f.split('.')[0] }
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<Ox0dea> lemur: Brittle.
<eam> >> "this example foo".sub /foo$/, "bar"
<ruboto> eam # => "this example bar" (https://eval.in/461862)
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<lemur> file_names.group_by { |f| f.split('.')[0..-1].join('.') }.select { |g| g.size > 1 }
<lemur> -2
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<baweaver> hm
<baweaver> must have had both computers on again.
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<skweek> I think that might not do what I want, in folder /two/files/ thare are *.mp3 and *.m4a, does this remove the files in the array that are in /two/files ?
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<eam> skweek: try it and see!
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<Ox0dea> skweek: I deliberately wrote it so that you could run it without screwing yourself.
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<Ox0dea> It does a dry run; uncomment the last line to burn 'em.
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<Ox0dea> baweaver: It was a single-route to-do app: entries.delete_at(param.to_i) || entries = [false] + entries + [param]
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<Ox0dea> It's shit since entries can't begin with a digit.
<Ox0dea> But that was the only problem with it.
<baweaver> been in LA on vacation, got back last night at around midnight
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<skweek> I see, cool
<baweaver> makes work rather hellish to stay awake for.
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<Ox0dea> It is known.
<Ox0dea> skweek: Do you see?
<skweek> thanks
<skweek> yes
<Ox0dea> skweek: I mustache you a question.
<shevy> baweaver this is why beavers shouldn't party, they just don't wanna go back to that dam work!
<Ox0dea> > dam work
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<baweaver> Well I try not to birch about it
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<Coraline> No sense in chasing your tail
<eam> wood you look at these puns
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<baweaver> Decided to spruce things up a bit
<Coraline> Branching out a bit?
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<baweaver> I know you were pining for it
<shevy> lol
<baweaver> Though I'll leaf it at that.
<Coraline> Are you needling me?
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<Coraline> There's only so much of that that I cone take
<baweaver> Your bark is worse than your bite ;)
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<Coraline> That's the root of the problem for sure.
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<baweaver> It's gotten a bit syruptitious, I agree
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<Coraline> That's what yew think!
<baweaver> (surreptitious)
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<Coraline> (got it)
<Ox0dea> (I missed the opportunity to use "Castor down".)
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<Ox0dea> (> mfw OOC in #ruby)
<baweaver> well that's all I have. Can't find a good one for Oak or Elm or Maple
<Coraline> That was fun
<eam> pretty poplar subject
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<Coraline> I normally reserve my punning for tenderlove
* baweaver high fives eam
<eam> hard to keep going without branching out though
<baweaver> Coraline: I normally reply to his on Twitter.
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<shevy> oh dear
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<shevy> oh ... perhaps deer ... well I am not quite awake
<baweaver> shevy: way to buck the system
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<eam> going against the grain
<Ox0dea> tenderlove: If you're about, could you say why `%d[1 3.14 2ri]` is terrible?
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<tenderlove> is it???
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<Ox0dea> I think not.
<baweaver> was about to say, need more cats for summoning rituals
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<tenderlove> I tried it, but I got a syntax error
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<Ox0dea> tenderlove: Right, I'm considering a proposal.
<mbfff> Question: I am writing a ruby gem and have a couple of questions regarding the standard way to structure classes. 1) I am modeling an API and my module name is that of the service. Then my main class is the object that the API returns a majority of the time.
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<Ox0dea> tenderlove: I tried piggy-backing off your %i code, but I don't know how to incorporate parse_numeric() pursuant to Virtue #1.
* baweaver does not see a question mark
<mbfff> The API also allows users to search for those objects. Should I create a Util class to allow for search/find methods?
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<mbfff> Service::Object.search or Service:Utils.search with results the object or array of ojbects.
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<Ox0dea> mbfff: That'd be a Utils module, surely?
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<Ox0dea> Why not just `Service.search`?
<tenderlove> I'm not sure which production does floats / reals
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<tenderlove> presumably you can just copy the %i code, but change symble_list to be a list of numbers
<mbfff> The guide I have been following always encased classes in a module.
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<tenderlove> ^^^ basically that
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<mbfff> Can I just to Service.search and Then make a separate class for the objects that are returned by search?
<Ox0dea> tenderlove: Sure, I've got all that in place, but there you've got the convenience of dispatching to list_append().
<mbfff> just create*
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<Ox0dea> Er, rb_str_intern(), rather.
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<Ox0dea> I'm sure I'm mistaken, but I don't see how to dispatch to parse_numeric() so conveniently.
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<Ox0dea> Scratch that; I am certainly not mistaken about not seeing that.
<Ox0dea> The trouble, in short, is that parse_numeric() is (extremely) impure.
<tenderlove> ahhh, I see
<tenderlove> parse numeric eats input
<Ox0dea> Does that mean it can't be used in a production rule?
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<tenderlove> tbh, I'm not sure.....
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<tenderlove> I would guess that the parsed number is one of the magic $ variables inside the production
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<tenderlove> and tBLAH is just the token name
<tenderlove> IOW you probably just need that ZARRAY
<tenderlove> and append to it the right $var
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<tenderlove> but I'm *really* guessing
<tenderlove> gtg, dinner time!
<Ox0dea> Huh, I'll give it a shot.
<Ox0dea> tenderlove: Thanks for dropping in.
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<eam> there aren't any sequences which parse to NaN / Infinity, are there?
<Ox0dea> mbfff: Yes: https://eval.in/461864
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<Ox0dea> eam: "Sequences"?
<eam> character sequences
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<eam> you have to calculate it - you can't define a literal
<eam> %d[NaN]
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<Ox0dea> Well, shit. Why you gotta go pokin' holes in it before it's even a thing?
<eam> it's my nature
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<Ox0dea> So... what to do about that?
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<Ox0dea> >> Numeric === Float::NAN
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => true (https://eval.in/461866)
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<eam> you could special case those numeric constants!
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<odigity> I just studied the Dir, IO, File, and File::Stat classes while taking notes. Then I discovered the pathname package in stdlib. Is it worth my time to learn that now, or are the core libraries good enough for most tasks?
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<Ox0dea> odigity: Do you mean the core classes?
<odigity> yes
<eam> odigity: the former are for interacting with files (opening, reading, writing, etc)
<eam> the latter is for manipulating file names as strings
<eam> you'll need both for different use cases
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<havenwood> odigity: FileUtils in the stdlib is along the lines of the former: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/fileutils/rdoc/FileUtils.html
<odigity> eam, but the File class already has lots of those types of methods (dirname, basename, extname, absolute_path, expand_path...)
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<Ox0dea> odigity: You want Pathname for platform-independence.
<Ox0dea> It'll use the appropriate separator in #join, for instance.
<odigity> Ox0dea, File class is not platform-independent? it seems to have platform-specific separator constants and all that jazz
<eam> well, so should File.join, no?
<Ox0dea> Yes, I suppose so.
<odigity> that's my point. seems like a lot of redundancy. even within each class. File has absolute_path, expand_path, realdirpath, realpath... all seem to do about the same thing
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<odigity> I'm trying to build up a cheat sheet for quick reference with simple answers for best tool in different cases, and it's hard to determine that.
<eam> why does Pathname exist, actually?
<Ox0dea> It seems largely vestigial, I agree.
<odigity> eam, now we're getting to the heart of the matter :)
* havenwood grabs a pitchfork
<odigity> if it's vestigial, that's good to know so I can focus my attention on the right answers
<eam> the module name is even redundant
<eam> and it also says the same thing twice
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<Ox0dea> 'Tis a silly class; let's not import it.
<odigity> :)
<havenwood> "All functionality from File, FileTest, and some from Dir and FileUtils is included, in an unsurprising way. It is essentially a facade for all of these, and more."
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<odigity> havenwood, so maybe we have it backwards? Pathname is a newer attempt to clean up the overall I/O API surface area of the core?
<havenwood> odigity: FileUtils has useful stuff. For some fun look at Shell: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib/libdoc/shell/rdoc/Shell.html
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<odigity> havenwood, cool, I'll hit that up after I finish reading File
<eam> I'm reading through Pathname and it appears to conflate a bunch of file operations in inappropriate ways
<odigity> eam, example?
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<eam> a Pathname isn't just syntactic manipulation of a filename in the abstract - it appears to stat() an actual file on your local filesystem as well
<eam> you usually wouldn't want that
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<eam> odigity: the underlying unix interfaces are pretty careful to separate the two concerns
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<eam> an actual filesystem syscall is going to be several orders of magnitude slower than syntactic manipulation of a path string
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<odigity> eam, that seems at odds with the comments I just read, one sec
<odigity> "It does not represent the file itself. A Pathname can be relative or absolute. It’s not until you try to reference the file that it even matters whether the file exists or not.
<odigity> Pathname is immutable. It has no method for destructive update."
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<odigity> it does have an .exist? method that obviously must check the FS, but it seems like the intent is to give you the ability to manipulate names independent of the FS until you're ready to resolve to a file
<eam> that's saying it's only modified inside new()
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<eam> odigity: it does things like tell you the size of the file, and what kind of file it is (directory, etc)
<eam> that can only be done with a syscall
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<odigity> eam, well, in most cases if I'm working with a filename, it's because I plan to use it. so that's not such a downside. and I kind of like the idea of wrapping paths as first-class objects.
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<eam> that's probably the spirit behind the module. I maintain the separation of concerns is a mistake :)
<odigity> now if both String and Pathname had a .to_path method, we'd be in normalization heaven...
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<Ox0dea> eam: *conflation of concerns
<odigity> I figured that's what eam meant
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<Ox0dea> You can't tell me what to do.
<Ox0dea> 2.3.0 $ find -type f -print0 | wc -l --files0-from=- | tail -1
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<Ox0dea> 232362 total
<Ox0dea> That's... a lot.
<eam> Ox0dea: indeed :)
<eam> lack of separation
<Ox0dea> Biggest standard library evar?
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<Ox0dea> No, I'm sure that title goes to Factor's.
<odigity> it's pretty damn big. it's kind of insane and scary, actually. I bet the maintainers wish they could go back and not accept some things for inclusion
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<eam> odigity: Pathname lazy-evals fields like #size - so it does modify itself
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<Ox0dea> Factor's stdlib has a reddit module: https://github.com/slavapestov/factor/tree/master/extra/reddit
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<odigity> Ox0dea, clearly they're abusing the notion of "standard" and should be thrown out of this survey as a fraudulent outlier :)
<odigity> eam, the docs lied to us again!
<eam> in fact, it doesn't just lazy eval, it appears to return current stat() data every access
<Ox0dea> odigity: Well, but, it ships with the distribution?
<odigity> I kind of wish the openssl docs would lie to me. Anything is better than the silent treatment...
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<odigity> eam, that's a little disturbing. remind me to cache the result myself....
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<eam> just use File.stat :)
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<eam> you'll have parity with the entire rest of unix
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<odigity> Ox0dea, if Factor includes a reddit module in their "standard" library, then I have to question the definition of "standard". Just like I question the definition of "canon" when applied to the Star Wars prequels. I know that's technically correct language, but I simply don't accept it. :)
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<Ox0dea> odigity: In that case, I am interested in learning your definition of "standard library".
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<Ox0dea> (I see where you're coming from, mind.)
<eam> well ruby isn't standardized so
<odigity> Pathname was added in 1.9 according to this: http://www.sitepoint.com/rubys-pathname-api/
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<Ox0dea> eam: But there's an ISO spec.
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<eam> is there?
<Ox0dea> There is.
<odigity> Ox0dea, I don't have a good one. it's one of those "I know it when I see it", things. for now, let's define it as "that which the language maintainers call standard, unless it includes a reddit module", with the caveat that it will need revision in the future
<eam> uh oh, based on 1.8.7?
<Ox0dea> Myeah.
<eam> so this isn't standard!
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<odigity> tell the ISO to get their hands off my ruby
<eam> when people tell me not to use => I'm just gonna point at the ISO standard
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<odigity> I thought we're encouraged to use => for the widest compatibility, at least in our gems. (I don't, but I know it's encouraged)
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<Ox0dea> odigity: 1.8.7 is kill.
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<eam> I use it so I can pretend I'm writing perl
<odigity> good
<odigity> I'm on 2.2.3, but I have no one to answer to, so I have that luxury.
<eam> and because, if I'm going to be completely honest, I find foo: :bar rather hard to read
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<Ox0dea> `=>` is shit, and almost entirely responsible for why we can't have `>` and `<` as unary operators.
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<odigity> eam, that's the one use case I dislike. but I'm not about to start sticking => in place there.
<eam> fat comma 4 lyfe
<odigity> Ox0dea, => is still important for literal hashes with non-symbol keys, which are common -- like http headers.
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<Ox0dea> odigity: Most HTTP libraries are agnostic in that regard.
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<Ox0dea> But I take your point.
<odigity> Ox0dea, most HTTP libraries do not document their behavior in that regard. I just spent several days last week reading up on and trying out rest-client and httparty. It was frustrating.
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<odigity> I'm thinking of trying curb, next.
<Ox0dea> I've only just noticed you use two spaces.
<Ox0dea> We can't be friends.
<odigity> Ox0dea, this isn't the first time someone got upset with me about that.
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<Ox0dea> You're an angel if it's the last.
<odigity> I also line up my code into columns based on naturally emergent token patterns. I like visual order.
<VeryBewitching> Ox0dea: When I was taught typing, formally, we were taught to use two spaces after a sentence.
<Ox0dea> VeryBewitching: I know the cause.
<Ox0dea> I broke those particular shackles long ago.
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<odigity> VeryBewitching, I was taught the same, but that's not why I still do it. I do it because I agree with it. I disagree with "punctuation goes in the quote", so I don't do that.
<Ox0dea> Terminal punctuation serves just fine as the separator.
<eam> similarly, I'm using cursive right now with an OCR to IRC program
<odigity> eam, I am impressed
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<Ox0dea> odigity: Punctuation goes outside the quote, lest you risk misquoting.
<odigity> odigity, sometimes I'll need to sign someone else's name on a check for convenience (with their consent), and I get stuck, because I can't remember any cursive other than my own name
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<VeryBewitching> eam: I don't even think I could write cursive characters anymore. It's been about twenty years.
<odigity> ok, back to work
<Ox0dea> Fucking minuscule Ms.
<eam> in fact I cannot either. I can barely print. My hand cramps when I have to fill out a form
<odigity> me too
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<ReallyNotReally> Hi everyone. I’m just learning Ruby and it’s really great so far
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<eam> my teachers said I would never be able to get a good job without cursive
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<Ox0dea> ReallyNotReally: Really?
<odigity> ReallyNotReally, I can't tell if you're serious or not.
<havenwood> odigity: Curb is nice. Maybe give HTTP.rb and Typhoeus a look as well.
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* Ox0dea brings up a few packets of troll food just in case.
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<ReallyNotReally> lol. I figured it would be better than some goofy shit that sounds like I’m 12…wait a min...
<odigity> havenwood, I checked out Typhoeus, seems about as active as curb and roughly equivalent, but with a focus on parallelism, which I don't need right now, and curb is easier to type. :) don't know HTTP.rb
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: Ruby was made for programmer happiness. Is it not making you happy?
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: Be nice.
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<ReallyNotReally> making me happy? Well not really experienced enough yet to say that. Still in undergrad
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<odigity> havenwood, cool, I'll check it out. also, why are there so many damn http gems?
<Ox0dea> odigity: It's 2015.
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<odigity> I had to stop using rest-client because I couldn't make it not follow a redirect. I managed to prevent it in httparty, but it took some work.
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: Are any of the languages you've come across so far great?
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<ReallyNotReally> havenwood, Ruby is so far :)
<odigity> Ox0dea, sure, but usually gems thrive or die depending on their relative superiority to alternatives + momentum. I would have figured that by now only 2-3 would still be active, having succeded in the evolutionary battleground -- not ten.
<Ox0dea> ReallyNotReally: What's your favorite feature?
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: "I’m just learning Ruby and it’s really great so far"
<odigity> maintaining a gem is work. why do the work if your gem isn't better than others in at least a niche if not overall?
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<Ox0dea> odigity: Nepotism, if nothing else.
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: http://ruby-community.com/pages/user_rules
<ReallyNotReally> havenwood: i guess blocks, but maybe its programmer freedom to choose is its best feature ala Perl
<odigity> I'm a big fan of curated selection. gimme good choices, but not more than makes sense. CostCo/Sam's Club have great buying depts that do this, which is why you choose from 3-5 microwaves, not 30. it's a time saver because they do a lot of filtering work for you.
<shevy> odigity it sorta depends a lot of the gem itself and the scope of the project. For instance, I think the prawn gem is fairly nice and I think that it would be best if people support it, if they have to do something related to ruby + pdf; but for many small gems, I feel that the differences to other existing gems that do something fairly similar, is very often just minor, often just a difference in style
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<shevy> let's be honest - a lot of the gems on rubygems.org are quite old
<odigity> You want an ORM? Rails, Sequel, DataMapper. different experiences, all well supported, pick one of three -- not ten.
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<shevy> yeah the ruby web world got a lot of manpower working away at things
<Ox0dea> Curse you, DHH!
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<odigity> You want an app server? thin for evented, puma for threads, unicorn for neither. easy-peasey
<shevy> I knew of only two pdf things in ruby; one was prawn, the other one was fpdf, which was based on the php fpdf, and the style was ugly; https://rubygems.org/gems/fpdf/versions/1.53 last release 2008
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<odigity> You want a web framework? sinatra at the bottom, rails at the top, padrino in the middle, grape for rest APIs, and 2-3 others with traction designed around novel alternate models. all well-differentiated, so the space can handle 5-6 contentders in that case.
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: <3 Glad you're having fun learning!
<Ox0dea> Prawn, ChunkyPNG, Kiba; there are plenty of gems which are plainly the best at what they do.
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<odigity> Ox0dea, yes, exactly. I love those cases -- so much research time saved.
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<shevy> if we could fund more projects like prawn!
<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: This is a good place for code review if you have any questions as you proceed.
<Ox0dea> odigity: Rack is at the bottom there, mind.
<odigity> But not when it comes to http libs, for some damn unknown reason.
<odigity> Ox0dea, good point.
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<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: I've also learned a lot trying to answer questions here.
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<ReallyNotReally> havenwood: Thanks. I think I want to learn enough Ruby to do technical interviews. Things are so much easier to do in this language
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<Ox0dea> ReallyNotReally: How do I create a well and truly immutable String in Ruby? :P
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<Ox0dea> Spoiler: some things are impossible to do in this language.
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<havenwood> Ox0dea: Suggest nicely it not be mutated and wish for the best.
<Ox0dea> havenwood: There is certainly some wisdom to that.
<odigity> I think the ruby community needs to stage an intervention. Invite maintainers from rest-client, faraday, httparty, excon, multipart-post, httpclient, curb, typhoeous, http.rb, and httpi to a panel at a conference, and open with: "WTF?"
<ReallyNotReally> Ox0dea: isn’t that when you would use frozen?
<odigity> Look at the curve of those columns: https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/http_clients
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<odigity> I've never seen such an indecisive toolbox category.
<Ox0dea> ReallyNotReally: Sure, but it's possible to unfreeze things.
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<odigity> (end rant)
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<ReallyNotReally> so which book is liked more? Pickaxe or Well Grounded
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<Ox0dea> odigity: The criticism is valid, but I can only invite you to meditate on Gandhi in these trying times: "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
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<havenwood> ReallyNotReally: I'd think Well-Grounded would make for a better read rather than reference. Be sure to get the second edition.
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<ReallyNotReally> havenwood: I was thinking the same thing. Seems like something I will use. I really haven’t understood OO in Ruby yet..feels complicated
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<havenwood> odigity: rest-client and httparty are Net::HTTP wrappers, curb and typhoeus are libcurl, excon and httpclient are pure ruby, and faraday and httpi are adapters to other clients
<drbrain> mechanize is a wrapper of a Net::HTTP wrapper
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<havenwood> wrapper wrapping inception
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<pontiki> hi
<havenwood> pontiki: hey
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<odigity> havenwood, I knew some but not all of that, thanks. I like the idea of trying curb next because curl is the gold standard; seems like a promising approach, plus speed is nice (though rarely a priority for me)
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<odigity> BTW-I highly recommend looking through pathname, for those who caught the earlier convo. It's pretty damn awesome.
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<odigity> Reading it is giving me the kind of joy I usually get from a great gem -- rarely experience that with the stdlib.
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<odigity> I think it was a python programmer who said "stdlib is where packages go to die". It's quite true.
<odigity> The opposite of decoupling.
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<Rickmasta> Hey guys, I have the following code: http://pastie.org/private/yinn6xh0jua4p6hqb5dq
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<Rickmasta> Whenever I remove the commenting from lines 13,14,15, and 20. It tells me that things are included in the array that are not actuall included.
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<hxegon> back
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<Ox0dea> hxegon: FileUtils.rm Dir['**/*.m4a'] & Dir['**/*.mp3'].map { |f| f.sub /mp3$/, 'm4a' }
<Ox0dea> That's what we ended up with.
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: #include? isn't lying to you: https://eval.in/461868
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<hxegon> Ox0dea: Very nice. with some tweaking I might actually prefer that to the bash version
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: The problem is you're doing mutation all over the place and it's gotten away from you.
<Ox0dea> hxegon: Ooh, could I see the Bash version?
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<hxegon> Ox0dea: sure, give me a sec
<Ox0dea> I like the "anonymity" of my approach.
<Ox0dea> Naming things is hard.
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta?
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<Ox0dea> The mutants have taken him; he will be missed.
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<Rickmasta> Ox0dea: I'm sorry about that.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: No worries.
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<Rickmasta> but when I don't include those statements, I get the correct answer.
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<Rickmasta> Well, kind of. The question asked for unique substrings. My answer was 55, and the correct answer was 53 because two substrings were repeated.
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: For which input, if you don't mind?
<Rickmasta> kincenvizh
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<hxegon> Ox0dea: haven't tested this out, and not honoring the letter of the challenge, but... rm -f **/*.m4a && ls **/*.mp3 | cut -d'.' -f1 | xargs -n 1 ffmpeg -i {}.mp3 -c:a libfaac -vn {}.m4a
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: You are *printing* the correct substrings, but the task was to collect them, yeah?
<hxegon> Ox0dea: I mean he said he was converting nested mp3 files to m4a, so why not do the whole thing right?
<Rickmasta> Nah. The tast was to find the number of unique substrings.
<Ox0dea> hxegon: You're removing all the .m4a files right at the start...
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<Ox0dea> hxegon: Oh... well, yeah, that's one way to go about it, I guess.
<Rickmasta> So I used an array to collect the substrings that I found and compare each new substring with the array to see if it was already counted.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Right, only that didn't go so well, and it's because the `temp` on Line 10 isn't always what you think it is.
<Rickmasta> in kincenvizh "i" and "n" appear twice.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: You know that #slice! is destructive, I trust?
<hxegon> Ox0dea: not that you couldn't do that nicely in ruby... Dir['**/*.mp3'].each { |f| `ffmpeg...
<Rickmasta> what do you mean Ox0dea?
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: #slice! (the "bang" version of #slice) modifies the string in-place.
<Rickmasta> yeah I know
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<Rickmasta> thats why outside of the first loop, it slices once.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: But it's *inside* the first loop.
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<Rickmasta> it doesn't run on the first loop though, because if the if statement around it.
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<Rickmasta> If I'm not mistaken that one is correct barring the "n" and the "i" that it counts twice.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Well, sure, but look at all these empty strings you're collecting.
<Ox0dea> You don't have any duplicates (other than those empties), but you're also missing quite a few.
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<bigmac_> im trying to create a dual repeated_permutation hash '1111'=>'a'
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Would you like to see how I solved it?
<bigmac_> [0,1].repeated_permutation(4).map(&:join)
<bigmac_> ("a".."z").repeated_permutation(1).map(&:join)
<bigmac_> ("a".."z").repeated_permutation(2).map(&:join)
<bigmac_> kinda tricky to explain... i have started a rubyforums thread
<Ox0dea> bigmac_: Too much how.
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<bigmac_> not a accurate example above
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<bigmac_> ("a","b","c").repeated_permutation(1).map(&:join)
<bigmac_> [0,1].repeated_permutation(4).map(&:join)
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<bigmac_> so, the math portion, does not add up, with abc when its depth is 1, so i want to increase
<Rickmasta> temp is added to the collection right after the puts statement. I don't get why the array has empty strings and there aren't any in the puts statement.
<bigmac_> until the math adds up for both repeated_permutation
<bigmac_> ("a","b","c").repeated_permutation(1).map(&:join)
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<bigmac_> ("a","b","c").repeated_permutation(2).map(&:join)
<bigmac_> ("a","b","c").repeated_permutation(3).map(&:join)
<Rickmasta> mind explaining, Ox0dea?
<Ox0dea> >> foo = 'x'; foo.slice!(0); foo # Rickmasta
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "" (https://eval.in/461876)
<bigmac_> until the size is equal to 0,1**4 (depth)
<Ox0dea> bigmac_: Stop.
<bigmac_> ,-)
<bigmac_> can i share my forums post
<hxegon> bigmac_: this is a do-ocracy
<axisys> what is ?: means in regex ? I am reading this URI_PARSER regex which suppose to extract fields from [username[:password]@]hostname
<Ox0dea> axisys: Group, but don't capture.
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<Ox0dea> >> s = 'abc123'; [s =~ /(\d+)/, $1, s =~ /(?:\d+)/, $1] # axisys
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [3, "123", 3, nil] (https://eval.in/461877)
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<axisys> Ox0dea: thanks
<Ox0dea> axisys: Sure thing.
<Rickmasta> Ox0dea: yeah but that's why I'm not doing "foo = foo.slice!(0)"
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Aha, but therein lies the rub!
<Ox0dea> The modification is being made in-place; it's *mutating* the receiver.
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<Rickmasta> isn't foo.slice!(0) the same as foo = foo.slice(0)?
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Not if the string is empty.
<Ox0dea> Most bang methods return nil if they could've but didn't make a change.
<axisys> Ox0dea: URI_REGEX should catch the password correctly if there is no '@' in it .. right?
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<Ox0dea> axisys: URI_REGEX is purposely not capturing anything.
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<Ox0dea> If you meant "match", yes, that pattern matches any number of non-@ characters, including zero.
<axisys> Ox0dea: it is at a later def .. right
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<axisys> Ox0dea: thanks
<Ox0dea> axisys: Happy to help.
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<KlineAcc> is it possible to develop in a vm?
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<KlineAcc> i would like to develop in a virtual machine
<Ox0dea> Why?
<KlineAcc> is this a good idea and is it possible?
<KlineAcc> if so what is a good distribution?\
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: https://eval.in/461888
<Ox0dea> Come, abandon your mutative ways and see the light of functional programming.
<axisys> Ox0dea: what is x for in %r{ .. }x ?
<Rickmasta> I was worried that I would see your program and then know how to do it and not figure it out myself.
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<Rickmasta> But I see your program and mostly have no idea what's going on. haha
<Ox0dea> axisys: It permits the regular expression to span multiple lines, but of course whitespace then becomes insignificant.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Excellent. :P
<Ox0dea> #map is your friend every time.
<Ox0dea> String#[] is really just #slice in disguise.
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<axisys> Ox0dea: ok
<Ox0dea> axisys: It does help with the legibility of complex expressions, don't you think?
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<Rickmasta> I get it.
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<axisys> Ox0dea: big time.. yep
<Ox0dea> axisys: You just have to be mindful to say \s if you do in fact want to match a space.
<Ox0dea> That's bitten me before.
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<axisys> hopefully no user will have a space in their password :-)
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<Ox0dea> I'd do it. :P
<Ox0dea> My Unix password is the Konami code.
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<Ox0dea> As in, I input my password with the Arrow keys...
<axisys> Ox0dea: so you saying URI_REGEX needs improvement?
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<Ox0dea> axisys: When did I say that...?
<axisys> Ox0dea: sorry I misread
<Ox0dea> axisys: /[^@]*/ matches spaces just fine.
<axisys> Ox0dea: right right.. doh
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<Ox0dea> >> [/ /x.match(' '), /\s/x.match(' ')] # axisys
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [#<MatchData "">, #<MatchData " ">] (https://eval.in/461902)
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<Rickmasta> I still can't figure out what is going on in this program. lol
<ducklobster> hi all, i'm vaguely familiar with the to_proc shorthand (&:method) but having some trouble passing a parameter
<ducklobster> [1, 2, 3].map(&:to_s(16))
<ducklobster> how do i pass an argument to the short handed proc?
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: So, for a string of length 3, the substrings (as start->length) are 0->1, 0->2, 0->3, 1->1, 1->2, 2->1.
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<Ox0dea> Do you see a pattern? Try writing it out for a string of length 4 if not.
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<Ox0dea> ducklobster: You can't. :<
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<Ox0dea> And then pretend it's not real.
<Rickmasta> yup I get your program. I also understand why it's better and simpler
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<Rickmasta> but I was just trying to finish my own anyway just for the sake of it.
<ducklobster> Ox0dea: thanks!
<ducklobster> why pretend its not real btw?
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<Ox0dea> ducklobster: You've got a point. Symbol#to_proc really ought to be able to do arguments, huh?
<Ox0dea> >> s = 'foo'; [s.slice!(0), s] # Rickmasta
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => ["f", "oo"] (https://eval.in/461906)
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<Ox0dea> #slice returns what it removed, and then the original receiver is missing those parts; they've been sliced away.
<Ox0dea> *#slice!
<Rickmasta> s = ["f","oo"]
<Rickmasta> ?
* baweaver still doesn't like no-parens
* baweaver thinks it prevents aforementioned useful arg passing
<Rickmasta> blah I meant to type more than that. haha
<Rickmasta> s returns ["f","oo"]?
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: What's happening is that you're mutating a String that's already in the collection.
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* baweaver also tends to use an obscene amount of lambdas
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<Ox0dea> So that when you get to the part of your loop that "generates" that String (ostensibly for the first time), it's actually already in there.
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: I'm only using Arrays to show you more than one value with ruboto.
* baweaver enjoys the third person
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<Rickmasta> ok, I'm gonna start from scratch.
<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: Not completely! :P
<Ox0dea> You cannot shield your eyes forever.
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<Ox0dea> The functional bug is inside you now. <3
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<Ox0dea> Woohoo!
<Rickmasta> wooh!
* baweaver wishes to convey a sense of woo
<Ox0dea> And there was much rejoicing.
<Rickmasta> but I still don't understand why slice didn't work? lol
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* baweaver blows party whistle
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<Ox0dea> Rickmasta: It's #slice! (note the bang) that was giving you trouble.
<Ox0dea> In one place you were using the return value, elsewhere you were using the mutated receiver.
<Ox0dea> As previously demonstrated, those are hardly the same thing.
<Rickmasta> I guess I need to read up more on the bang.
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<n40391> best vm Ubuntu dev environment?
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<abkabkabk> http://imgur.com/HLAfj64 :: We borg now son!
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<havenwood> !kick abkabkabk Desprez Opening
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<Ox0dea> havenwood: That is the most esoteric and erudite kick reason I've ever seen.
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<Ox0dea> It works so well, though.
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<baweaver> you will be assimilated/upgraded/exterminated
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<charany1> hi , I am getting upexpepected end-of-input error with my code : https://gist.github.com/charany1/f761c0f92dc894fa8fe8
<charany1> I have checked that there is a matching end for all do's
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<charany1> can you please help me figure what's wrong with my code.
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<Ox0dea> charany1: `else if` is spelt `elsif` in Ruby.
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<charany1> Ox0dea : thanks a lot ,I've used C and elif in python ,it solved.
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<Ox0dea> charany1: Sure thing. It is a little weird.
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<diprotic> but think of all that time we're saving without that pesky e
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<Ox0dea> >> require 'prime'; 1.prime? # zenspider
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => false (https://eval.in/461946)
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<certainty> havenwood: good one :)
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<al2o3-cr> How can I get the full string from the command line with spaces in without quoting?
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<Ox0dea> al2o3-cr: You're aware that you won't be able to get to it before shell expansion does?
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<al2o3-cr> hmm, thats what i thought
<al2o3-cr> It'll have to be quoted then, ok cheers
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<apeiros> moin
<blubjr> hi apeiros
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<Ox0dea> >> '0xff'.oct
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 255 (https://eval.in/462000)
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<apeiros> o0
<apeiros> I really dislike how invalid input is treated by some core methods
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<Ox0dea> *0o
<apeiros> OO
<Ox0dea> Are you making fun of me?
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<apeiros> -.-
<Ox0dea> > return rb_str_to_inum(str, -8, FALSE);
<Ox0dea> Seems like that should just be changed to `TRUE`?
<apeiros> no. why do you think I do?
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<Ox0dea> Because I can't have the leading 0 I want. :<
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<apeiros> huh? no, o0 is like small-eye/big-eye aka raised eyebrow
<Ox0dea> Yes, I know, but swapping them would've been more pertinent to the octal discussion.
<apeiros> lol
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<apeiros> and people say *I* was a pedant!
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<yorickpeterse> morning
<blubjr> hi yorickpeterse
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<apeiros> moin yorick
<blubjr> hi apeiros
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<frudo> hi..
<ruboto> frudo, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/8f054727fdb7b02e55a9
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<frudo> ohh.
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<frudo> how can we solve this error.
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<apeiros> not sure. try reinstalling libmysqlclient & mysql2 gem
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<frudo> ok
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<bougyman> man I don't know why it's so hard to find people who know chef and want to work in england.
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<ljarvis> oO
<ljarvis> it is?
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<ljarvis> i mean, you can't blame them for the last part
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<cacam9621> hi
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<bougyman> ljarvis: well it's just a contracting gig.
<bougyman> 2-3 months
<bougyman> and they're paying like $100/hour plus expenses.
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<Ox0dea> >> $__=$$/$$;_=$__+$__;__=$__+_;$_=_+_;@_=$__+$_;$-_=_**@_;$___=_*$-_;@__=$-_+$___;''<<$___+_*$_<<@__+@_<<@__+@_*@_<<$-_+__*$_<<$-_<<@__+__<<@__+$__<<@__+__<<@__+$__<<@__+__*$_+$__<<$-_+@_*@_<<$-_+($-_-_*@_)<<$-_+_*__*__<<$-_+$_*$_+$__<<$-_+_*(_+@_)
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "Hey, cacam9621." (https://eval.in/462130)
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<norc> Ox0dea: What is $$? Is that the current PID?
<Ox0dea> >> require 'English'; [$$, $PID, $PROCESS_ID] # norc: Sure is.
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [24152, 24152, 24152] (https://eval.in/462146)
<norc> Ox0dea: Figures. Suddenly the whole snippet becomes obvious and trivial. :p
<Ox0dea> norc: Math is magic.
<Ox0dea> norc: Try this one on for size. https://eval.in/459020
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<shevy> bougyman it's quite weird in general, a dude I went to school up until 18 years of age, is now working at puppet labs (so thus also ruby; actually he resides in Belfast)
<shevy> and spam mails I got, from europe about ruby, also was from UK, that time rails-based :D
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<norc> Shouldn't you be doing something productive, shevy?
<norc> :-)
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<yorickpeterse> look who's talking
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<bougyman> shevy: there's a big demand for infrastructure devs atm.
<bougyman> chef, puppet, ansible, salt.
<bougyman> if you know any of those 4 it's instantly $100k/year+
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<yorickpeterse> I'm very good with salt
<bougyman> or $100/hr consulting
<yorickpeterse> Though I'm not a chef
<norc> yorickpeterse: I didn't like your soup.
<yorickpeterse> ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
<shevy> norc oh but I am, just thinking on which gem to work next
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<bougyman> shevy: know anyone that works at amazon?
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<bougyman> They sent me a job offer yesterday, after a 4 month long interview process.
<shevy> nope not really
<bougyman> I was hoping it would be a crap offer so I could just piss on it.
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<bougyman> but it's so good I have to consider it.
<shevy> hehe
<bougyman> I'd hate to go back to an office 5 days a week.
<shevy> !!!
<yorickpeterse> working in PJs > office
<shevy> !!!!!
<bougyman> but running their linux engineering team would be pretty fucking sweet to have on my resume.
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<norc> shevy: How do you work a gem?
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<Ox0dea> shevy: Your fancy-talk confused the reader.
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<shevy> norc I make some changes, then publish the new variant
<norc> Random gems or ones you use?
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<shevy> primarily my own gems; for other gems, I don't know... the coding style they use is often very different from my style. I was considering forking https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm though, I needed something like that... but I don't know yet
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<Ox0dea> Those comments are the end of method definitions look so stupid.
<Ox0dea> *at the end
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<shevy> I dunno, it sorta depends
<Ox0dea> Which means it's inherently inconsistent.
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<shevy> I am experimenting with things such as:
<shevy> def foo?
<shevy> end; alias foo foo? # === foo
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<shevy> I think matz has some trailing comment in ruby cgi.rb ... lemme try to find it
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<shevy> hmmm
<shevy> not sure who actually added those # comments there... but let me gist cgi/html.rb
<shevy> https://gist.github.com/shevegen/a1f8c235a05bd58cb27b#file-html-rb-L64 - though to be honest, I assume it was the dude who commented ruby-cgi actually, so not matz
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<Ulfalizer> what's the best mailing list to ask about cross-compilation and rbconfig.rb-related stuff?
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<Ulfalizer> i mostly want to verify that i've understood the intended purpose of some variables
<shevy> I think you must ask the ruby forum, which acts as interface: https://www.ruby-forum.com/forum
<Ulfalizer> ok, thanks
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<Ulfalizer> was thinking it might be a bit meta for a general ruby mailing list where people mostly ask about the language itself
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<shevy> well the pool of people who will know a lot about both cross-compilation and rbconfig is fairly small
<shevy> you can try to ask hanmac here perhaps, he wrote a lot of C++ code and ruby-bindings to that code
<bougyman> fpm looks like a good idea. one that i've seen implemented thousands of times.
<bougyman> suse's buildservice seems to be the one that's gotten the most people using
<Ox0dea> Quick, everybody use pacman!
<bougyman> i'd like to see how hard it is to add .xbps to fpm
<adaedra> '< . . .
<bougyman> that could be a good weekend project for me if I ever get a free weekend.
<Ox0dea> Weekends are expensive. :<
<bougyman> this weekend i'm roadtripping all of england and next weekend is rubyconf
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<ChargedLight> Hello. I have the following problem (i am using rvm and 2.2.1 is the only ruby that i have installed)
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ ruby -v
<ChargedLight> ruby 2.2.1p85 (2015-02-26 revision 49769) [x86_64-linux]
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ sudo gem install capistrano
<ChargedLight> net-ssh requires Ruby version >= 2.0.
<ChargedLight> ERROR: Error installing capistrano:
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<adaedra> That's because you're using sudo to install gems.
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<adaedra> ?sudo
<ruboto> I don't know anything about sudo
<adaedra> meh.
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<adaedra> ?root
<ruboto> general advice in system administration: do not and that means never use sudo or root to "fix" things. Only use it if you exactly know why it would work and why it wouldn't work under any circumstances as normal user. Or if you're told to do it.
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<ChargedLight> adaedra, thank you
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<bougyman> ChargedLight: type 'which ruby'
<bougyman> then 'sudo which ruby'
<bougyman> they're different, i'm guessing?
<ChargedLight> indeed
<ChargedLight> thank you guys
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<Ox0dea> ~ $ gem search | grep -c [A-Z]
<Ox0dea> 1925
<Ox0dea> Are they all in the wrong?
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<Ox0dea> For example, SYNner is a pretty great name for a SYN flood package.
<ChargedLight> Ok, another problem: when i type "cap" from the root of my project, i'm getting this - kristof@kristof-note:~/Work/my-project$ cap
<ChargedLight> bash: /usr/bin/cap: No such file or directory
<ChargedLight> I've also made a huge mistake by installing capistrano like "sudo apt-get install capistrano"
<ChargedLight> i think it's related to this
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: Definitely.
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: Ubuntu?
<ChargedLight> yes
<ChargedLight> i've already removed capistrano that wa installed with apt-get
<ChargedLight> but error still present
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: Well, there are things that didn't expect you to do that.
<ChargedLight> Ox0dea, how can i fix that now?
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: $DEITY knows, mate. You'll have to wait for a kinder soul to wander on by.
<Ox0dea> Ubuntu + rvm = pain, and I'm only a masochist for me.
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<ChargedLight> Ox0dea, what is $DEITY ?
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: A variable whose contents are best left unspecified.
<ChargedLight> looks like i'm fucked
<Ox0dea> >> "#$DEITY"
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "" (https://eval.in/462177)
<Ox0dea> Seems so. :P
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<shevy> ChargedLight you are not fucked in principle, you only need to decide what to pick
<Ox0dea> > fucked in principle
<Ox0dea> I love it.
<shevy> mixing apt-get for ruby stuff while using non-ubuntu stuff isn't a great combination
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<ChargedLight> yeah, using ubuntu and linux in general for ~3 months
<shevy> Ox0dea is an archster
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: http://i.imgur.com/Ufbr5ej.gif
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<shevy> Ox0dea you are still so sceptical!
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: In any case, there's always the fine people at Brightbox trying to save folks like you from themselves: https://www.brightbox.com/docs/ruby/ubuntu/
<Ox0dea> That pretty much feels like shoving RubyInstaller down Windows users' throats, but there it is.
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<bougyman> ubuntu + rvm isn't any pain at all.
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<bougyman> just never use sudo.
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<ChargedLight> Ox0dea, if i uninstall rvm and ruby and reinstall it from scratch, will it silve my problem?
<Ox0dea> ?try ChargedLight
<ruboto> ChargedLight, Why don't you try it and see for yourself?
<bougyman> ChargedLight: there's no need for that.
<bougyman> rvm current
<bougyman> what does that tell you?
<shevy> "cap" is part of the capistrano gem and resides in bin/cap at the level of where capistrano is installed; i just did a "gem install capistrano" and "cap --help" works fine
<bougyman> you can paste this stuff by rvm current|curl -F'sprunge=<-' sprunge.us
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ rvm current
<ChargedLight> ruby-2.2.1
<bougyman> though current isn't too long, some of the other one's i'm going to ask for are.
<bougyman> ok, and 'which gem'
<ChargedLight> /home/kristof/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.2.1/bin/gem
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<bougyman> and 'which cap'?
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<Ox0dea> /usr/bin/cap
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ which cap
<ChargedLight> /home/kristof/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/bin/cap
<Ox0dea> It's fixed!
<ChargedLight> no
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ which cap
<ChargedLight> /home/kristof/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/bin/cap
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ cap
<ChargedLight> bash: /usr/bin/cap: No such file or directory
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<Ox0dea> All my midkeks.
<Ox0dea> Well, 80% of them.
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<bougyman> ChargedLight: does Work/ have a .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset ?
<bougyman> and a Gemfile ?
<bougyman> "Work" is a weird name for a project.
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<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work/project-web$ cap
<ChargedLight> bash: /usr/bin/cap: No such file or directory - project-web has Gemfile. I've made a mistake by trying to install capistrano as "sudo apt-get install capistrano" before. It was installed under /usr/bin/cap - then i removed it via sudo ap-get remove capistrano and installed it with gem install. But ubuntu still links to the /usr/bin/cap instead of right place
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<ChargedLight> bougyman, so maybe it will be faster and easier to completely reinstall rvm and ruby>
<Ox0dea> > ubuntu + rvm isn't any pain at all.
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<shevy> ChargedLight why does it try to look at /usr/bin
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: which -a cap
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<shevy> the normal command for when a binary is not found is e. g. this:
<shevy> bash: not-existing-command: command not found
<shevy> so you must use something that attempts to use a hard path
<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work/project-web$ which -a cap
<ChargedLight> /home/kristof/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/bin/cap
<ChargedLight> well, fuck
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: And, just for giggles, `env cap`?
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<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work/project-web$ env cap
<ChargedLight> Stage not set, please call something such as `cap production deploy`, where production is a stage you have defined.
<Ox0dea> Whale, color me flabbergasted.
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: As shevy says, something is invoking `/usr/bin/cap` explicitly.
<ChargedLight> yes, i understand it, but how to figure out what?
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<ChargedLight> and how to fix it
<ChargedLight> it's great that i'm generating loolz for you, but it sould be nice to get some help or advice
<Ox0dea> > You'll have to wait for a kinder soul to wander on by.
<Ox0dea> I'm trying to be that kinder soul, dick.
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: sudo grep -R '/usr/bin/cap' /
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<Ox0dea> It's gotta be in there somewhere, right?
<shevy> ChargedLight if it were my system, the first thing I would do is to get rid of the debian ruby
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<ChargedLight> kristof@kristof-note:~/Work$ sudo grep -R '/usr/bin/cap' /
<ChargedLight> [sudo] password for kristof:
<ChargedLight> /var/log/auth.log:Nov 3 14:59:27 kristof-note sudo: kristof : TTY=pts/16 ; PWD=/home/kristof/Work/project-web ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/rm -rf /usr/bin/cap
<ChargedLight> /var/log/auth.log:Nov 3 15:30:32 kristof-note sudo: kristof : TTY=pts/16 ; PWD=/home/kristof/Work ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/grep -R /usr/bin/cap /
<ChargedLight> grep: /var/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0: No such device or address
<ChargedLight> grep: /var/run/acpid.socket: No such device or address
<ChargedLight> grep: /var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432: No such device or address
<ChargedLight> grep: /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket: No such device or address
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<shevy> ?
<Ox0dea> Ubuntu user.
<shevy> no
<yorickpeterse> explains everything
<shevy> something is fishy
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<yorickpeterse> ChargedLight: stop pasting non Ruby stuff in here
<bougyman> ChargedLight: what the heck are you doing with the sudo stuff still.
<bougyman> you don't need any sudo to use rvm and cap.
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<shevy> how can "sudo grep -R '/usr/bin/cap' /" include "COMMAND=/bin/rm -rf /usr/bin/cap"
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<yorickpeterse> lol
<Ox0dea> shevy: Process execution is an orchestrated endeavor.
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<shevy> heheeh
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<Ox0dea> It's kinda like how asking ObjectSpace for the number of Strings equal to "foo" changes the answer you would otherwise have gotten.
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<ChargedLight> bougyman, if i delete rvm and ruby and reisntall it, will it help me or not?
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<shevy> Ox0dea well you were right when you used http://i.imgur.com/Ufbr5ej.gif
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<Ox0dea> So it seems.
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: Yeah.
<bougyman> ChargedLight: prehaps
<shevy> now I am the sceptical one :(
<shevy> Ox0dea I blame you
<Ox0dea> I blame me too.
<Ox0dea> But I'm not sorry.
<Ox0dea> <3
<TomyLobo> being sceptical is a good thing
<shevy> we still generated an epic line thanks to Ox0dea, which I shall add to my IRC collection: <ChargedLight> it's great that i'm generating loolz for you, but it sould be nice to get some help or advice
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<ChargedLight> you are welcome
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<ChargedLight> it's a pleasure to know that there are people who can become happy because of other people who are newbie or know less
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: How very metacircular.
<ChargedLight> you can add this to your list of epic lines
<shevy> ChargedLight are you saying that your problem is "real"?
<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: That you derive pleasured from my deriving pleasure from your pain is confusing the shit outta me.
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<Ox0dea> > πdeepτme
<Ox0dea> *derived pleasure
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: How did you come to install Capistrano with apt-get?
<ChargedLight> heroin
<Ox0dea> Whale, everything should've gone just fine, then.
<ChargedLight> bad dealer
<Ox0dea> You should endeavor to acquire a higher quality of such.
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: Perturbations?
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<shevy> norc are you ChargedLight
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: For seriouslies, though, that `grep` invocation really would tell you where all the string "/usr/bin/cap" occurs on your system, and that could significantly narrow the search space of possible solutions.
<Ox0dea> You might consider sinking its stderr to reduce the noise, but there shouldn't be unduly many matches.
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<ddv> ChargedLight: what is the problem, sir?
<ddv> why are you using sudo?
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<ChargedLight> ddv, problem was, that i installed capistrano with "apt-get install capistrano" (yes, i am dumb) first. It installed it into /usr/bin/cap. After that i've removed this package and reinstalled it corrently via gem install. But if i try to launch "cap" command the system is trying to find capistrano in /usr/bin/cap instead of correct place. I am currently reinstalling rvm and ruby
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<Ox0dea> ChargedLight: It turns out you probably just needed to say `rvm reset` or some such.
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<arne_> >> "x"
<ruboto> arne_ # => "x" (https://eval.in/462246)
<shevy> Ox0dea he no longer talks to you
<arne_> >> "x"[1]
<ruboto> arne_ # => nil (https://eval.in/462247)
<arne_> >> "x"[1..2]
<ruboto> arne_ # => "" (https://eval.in/462248)
<arne_> is this epected behaviour?
<Ox0dea> arne_: It is. Just a second.
<adaedra> arne_: what did you expect?
<arne_> thought it might be a bug, so i better come here, and tell you guys
<arne_> well, character 0 does not exist, or in my c-understanding it would have to be a terminating character, but since that is not the case in rubies, i would've expected to return nil
<Ox0dea> arne_: This is a nice, concise explanation: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3568281
<Ox0dea> It's for arrays, but the principle remains.
<norc> shevy: you are such a hateful person.
<shevy> arne_ [1] you probably understand, as for the Range, http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/String.html#method-i-5B-5D the two return values are a string or nil
<arne_> so im slicing the SUBSPACE
<Ox0dea> arne_: Aye, that's a good way to look at it.
<gregf_> >> "arne_"[-1] * 10
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<ruboto> gregf_ # => "__________" (https://eval.in/462250)
<Ox0dea> gregf_: How very informative.
<shevy> norc not at all, only sceptical :)
<norc> shevy: about?
<shevy> norc real problems!
<arne_> great, i gonna use this, so i gonna come back and be mad and yell at you guys, if this changes
<norc> shevy: Not sure I understand what you mean.
<ChargedLight> reinstalling rvm and ruby helped, if anyone still ineterested
<adaedra> arne_: don't yell too much, some people are sleeping in here.
<arne_> actually that saves me about 3 lines of code!
<arne_> 4 even
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<Ox0dea> arne_: Put everything on one line like a champ, yeah?
<shevy> 4 lines saved?
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<Ox0dea> arne_: With properly placed parentheses and `and`s, you can even do it without using any semicola.
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<shevy> he could omit the parens
<Ox0dea> Not always.
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<arne_> yeah i know a string is atleast 8 bytes, so when im slicing at 8..x, it will never be nil, always be some kind of string, so i can unpack it, and even if that fails, it will be nil
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<arne_> it's beauty!
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<arne_> what do you guys think of crystal?
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<arne_> not the drug, the language.
<norc> Shame. Could have told some fancy stories.
<arne_> hookers are the greatest
<adaedra> norc, it's time to cook!
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<Ox0dea> arne_: It trades fun for speed (not the drug, the performance), and that's usually a worthwhile trade-off.
<arne_> where does the fun go :(?
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<Ox0dea> Into the transistors. :<
<Ox0dea> Our faces lined up...
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<arne_> well, it really looks just like ruby, so why would it be less fun?
<jmonreal> good day
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<arne_> are talking about the requirement to compile?
<arne_> jmonreal, howdy
<jmonreal> arne_: everything fine, how about you?
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<jmonreal> I have a question regarding parsing json and then assigning values
<arne_> im coding ruby so im happpppppppppy
<norc> shevy: If its any consolation I started reading the damn book. Starting to understand more and more about Ruby. :)
<norc> jmonreal: Go ahead and ask away. If you have a gist to share that could help.
<arne_> Ox0dea, tell me, i need to know!!!!!!!!!
<jmonreal> is there a pretty way to assign a value of the JSON to a variable only if the key of the JSON has a non-empty value
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<jmonreal> thannks norc
<arne_> jmonreal, yes.
<jmonreal> arne_: how would it be?
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<norc> jmonreal: JSON is a serialization format.
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<Ox0dea> > now kith
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<arne_> >> JSON.parse({:herp=>:derp}.to_json)
<ruboto> arne_ # => uninitialized constant JSON (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462253)
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<arne_> >> require 'json';JSON.parse({:herp=>:derp}.to_json)
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<ruboto> arne_ # => {"herp"=>"derp"} (https://eval.in/462254)
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<arne_> wow, didn't know that.
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<Ox0dea> That wasn't particularly illuminating.
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<arne_> Ox0dea, please tell me, what do you meant by saying trading fun for XTC
<Ox0dea> arne_: Is that what I said?
<arne_> kinda.
<Ox0dea> Yeah, kinda.
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<arne_> jmonreal, when having json, you usually have a string, i don't know what you mean by saying "assing something to it"
<jmonreal> norc: I know. I am trying to "fix" a code I am working on. Look at this: http://pastebin.com/17FhgWcD
<ruboto> jmonreal, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/ae4ca85d8eb1bbcb16b8
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<Ox0dea> arne_: Ruby just lets you use the full breadth of your imagination, at least more so than any other extant language of which I'm aware.
<jmonreal> sometimes this array is empty
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<jmonreal> ruboto: ok sorry about that
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Every time you say "a code", $DEITY kills a kitten.
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<Ox0dea> Why do you hate baby cats?
<jmonreal> Ox0dea: jajaja
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<jmonreal> ok
<jmonreal> what am I supposed to say?
<arne_> them codes.
<Papierkorb> all of them?
<jmonreal> jajaja
<jmonreal> did you guys see the line of code?
<Ox0dea> ?guys jmonreal
<ruboto> jmonreal, Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
<jmonreal> ruboto: thanks ruboto
<arne_> :D IRC overdose
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<jmonreal> folks then
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<Ox0dea> ?ruboto jmonreal
<ruboto> jmonreal, I'm the channel bot, linker of the rules, adept of the facts, wielder of the banhammer.
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<jmonreal> what can I do to first check if the array has elements, before trying to get the first element wich is none
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<Ox0dea> jmonreal: You could ask it for its size.
<Ox0dea> But Array also responds to #empty?, so you should probably use that.
<Papierkorb> jmonreal: ask it. no, really, there's Array#empty?
<jmonreal> but as if (array is empty) then ...
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Just like that.
<jmonreal> or there is something to do in the same line
<arne_> >> Array, are you empty?
<ruboto> arne_ # => /tmp/execpad-6b70c1b42107/source-6b70c1b42107:2: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting key ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462256)
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<Ox0dea> >> pardon me array but would you be so kind as to tell me if @you_are_empty
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => nil (https://eval.in/462257)
<Ox0dea> I see. Thank you, array.
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<arne_> clever.
<Ox0dea> No, you.
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<arne_> Ox0dea, and what do you think about rubinius?
<Ox0dea> arne_: It's neat.
<jmonreal> did not got it, but I'll keep looking, thanks folks
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<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Sorry, we got a little carried away there.
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<arne_> jmonreal, if you have any kind of hash or array, you can just check it's empty
<arne_> >> x={:test=>3}; x.keys.empty?
<ruboto> arne_ # => false (https://eval.in/462258)
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<arne_> >> x=[]; x.keys.empty?
<ruboto> arne_ # => undefined method `keys' for []:Array (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462259)
<arne_> >> x=[]; x.empty?
<ruboto> arne_ # => true (https://eval.in/462260)
<arne_> sorry.
<Ox0dea> My sides.
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<arne_> jmonreal, are you sure your json-input is always filled? because the json parser usually doesn't f up
<jmonreal> so something like this: a = x.empty ? 0 : x[key]
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Looks okay, yeah.
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<arne_> jmonreal, you can also ask it, if it has a "key" key
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: You could use Array#fetch with a fallback if you want to keep it in one expression.
<Papierkorb> jmonreal: or, if the value of x[key] will not be nil nor false intentionally, just: a = x[key] || 0
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<arne_> >> x = []; x[:arnold]=:schwarzenegger; x.includes? :arnold
<ruboto> arne_ # => no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462261)
<jmonreal> ok
<jmonreal> thanks folk
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<arne_> >> x={:arny=>:schwarz};x.includes? :arny
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<ruboto> arne_ # => undefined method `includes?' for {:arny=>:schwarz}:Hash (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462262)
<arne_> uh?
<Papierkorb> arne_: -s
<arne_> >> x={:arny=>:schwarz};x.include? :arny
<ruboto> arne_ # => true (https://eval.in/462263)
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<catphish> when receiving a UDP datagram, i currently use UDPSocket#recvfrom, this returns the remote address and data, but is there a way to get the local address?
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<catphish> actually i'm not sure the kernel provides this at all
<Ox0dea> catphish: Shouldn't your instance of UDPSocket know that about itself?
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<catphish> Ox0dea: the UDPSocket instance is bound to, so it doesn't know what addresses packets might arrive to
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<Ox0dea> catphish: Oh, right.
<catphish> i suspect this is more of a standard linux question that a ruby specific one
<Ox0dea> Yeah.
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<Ox0dea> I'm sure the information is accessible, but probably not directly via Ruby's Socket class.
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<Ox0dea> jmonreal: This is just for laughs: https://eval.in/462264
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<Ox0dea> Do not let the palindromic ID trick you into thinking it's a good idea.
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<catphish> that's a complicated bit of hash reading
<Ox0dea> His idea.
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<catphish> is there any reason this is a bad idea?
<catphish> having taken the time to understand it, it looks pretty sane
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<Ox0dea> catphish: It's more expensive than it needs to be in the service of keeping it a single expression chain.
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<arne_> >> [][0..1000]
<ruboto> arne_ # => [] (https://eval.in/462265)
<catphish> i see
<arne_> >> [1][0..1000]
<ruboto> arne_ # => [1] (https://eval.in/462266)
<catphish> Ox0dea: i suppose i'd always prefer to branch it with some if statements
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<Ox0dea> catphish: Well, a ternary would be fine here, but yeah.
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<arne_> so i can cut the subspace between the last element and the last+1 element, but not the one before 0 and -1? isn't that inconsistend?
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<catphish> i actually have a piece of code *nearly* identical to that, except if no disk IO stat is present, it simply doesn't graph it
<Ox0dea> arne_: In both of your examples, elements 0 and -1 are the same dude; there is no subspace between them.
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<arne_> yeah but if there is a space where is no element between the last and last+1 element
<arne_> there should be one inbetween -1 and 0
<arne_> sure -1 references the last element, but still, i feel like this is weird
<Ox0dea> arne_: You're not wrong, technically; it's just that Ruby's slices don't wrap.
<Ox0dea> You can't say `foo[-2..0]` and get what you might want.
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<jmonreal> Ox0dea: how can I check for values returned by JSON.parse? I believe I can not do it with @variable[key1][key2].emtpy
<arne_> jmonreal, yeah you will have to check for the existence of key1 and key2
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<arne_> there is no "cool" way to do it, but to change the format you're getting your information from
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<Ox0dea> arne_: Since when did `rescue nil` become "uncool"?
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<jmonreal> arne_: how would I check for keys?
<arne_> well, that would imply json parse fails, wouldn't it?
<Ox0dea> No, just that the data are missing.
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<arne_> jmonreal, JSON.parse(json_string).has_key?("io_rate")
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<jmonreal> arne_: but the keys exist
<arne_> then, what does not exist?
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<Ox0dea> The values at the keys can be `nil`.
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<jmonreal> arne_: when doing this unless stats["blkio_stats"]["io_service_bytes_recursive"] I get exception
<jmonreal> or unless stats["blkio_stats"]["io_service_bytes_recursive"].empty
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Well, #empty isn't a method on Array.
<jmonreal> and stats its the output of JSON.parse
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<arne_> jmonreal, 1. the method is called empty? with question-mark
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<arne_> and yeah it would still throw an exception of one of those does not exist
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<Ox0dea> >> defined?(nil) # arne_
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "nil" (https://eval.in/462269)
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<Ox0dea> >> defined?(actually_nonexistent_thing)
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => nil (https://eval.in/462270)
<Ox0dea> The difference is subtle.
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<jmonreal> arne_: nop, without question mark
<arne_> >> defined?(defined?)
<ruboto> arne_ # => /tmp/execpad-8557946929f6/source-8557946929f6:2: syntax error, unexpected ')' (https://eval.in/462271)
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<Ox0dea> arne_: `defined?` is a keyword.
<arne_> i see.
<Ox0dea> It's magical.
<arne_> hoped it to be a method
<Ox0dea> Alas, it can't be.
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<Ox0dea> >> Array.instance_methods.grep(/emp/) # jmonreal
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [:empty?] (https://eval.in/462273)
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<arne_> >> jmonreal_head=[];jmonreal_head.empty?
<ruboto> arne_ # => true (https://eval.in/462274)
<jmonreal> not catching up with you folks
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Ruby methods can end with question marks.
<Ox0dea> Most of the ones that "answer a question" do so.
<arne_> >> Array.new.empty?
<ruboto> arne_ # => true (https://eval.in/462275)
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<jmonreal> Ox0dea: that worked arne_
<jmonreal> thanks to you both
<arne_> :) you're welcome
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<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Happy to help.
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<jmonreal> and could I check if a variable has a value or not
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<arne_> jmonreal, with defined?
<Ox0dea> jmonreal: Did you follow along back there and arrive at the proper conclusion that `nil` is a value?
<arne_> without object in front of it
<jmonreal> like variable.defined?
<arne_> no like defined?(variable)
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<arne_> since you cannot ask a variable that does not exists, if it exists
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<jmonreal> I see nil is also a value
<jmonreal> ok thanks
<jmonreal> thanks arne_
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<arne_> but i actually wonder, why isn't every variable defined and nil?
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<arne_> would that cause problems besides being a pain in the ass to debug?
<Ox0dea> Hm?
<arne_> well if i do >> variable_that_does not exist, it would throw an exception
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<Ox0dea> As it ought.
<arne_> why isn't every variable = nil
<arne_> defined or not
<Ox0dea> Because it's sometimes useful to be able to determine whether or not some identifier is actually bound to anything.
<arne_> it's useful but not inuitive, imho
<Ox0dea> #dealwithit
<arne_> but it would be possible to design a language like that, right?
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<arne_> i mean, it wouldn't render something impossible to code
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<Ox0dea> arne_: I mean, yeah; global, instance, and class variables are all implicitly defined in this language.
<arne_> would it?
<Ox0dea> >> [$foo, @bar]
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [nil, nil] (https://eval.in/462276)
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<Papierkorb> arne_: why isn't it intuitive? that would create so much more bugs
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<Ox0dea> Erm, sorry; class variables are not implicitly defined.
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<arne_> [][5] is also not defined, yet it is nil
<Ox0dea> arne_: No, it's just `nil`.
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<arne_> yeah i know that what i said was not correct, but it does not a throw an exception, while it doesn't exist
<Papierkorb> arne_: that creates an empty array and then you fetch the 6th element out of it, which is OOB and by def. is thus 'nil'
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<arne_> and using variable_that_is_not_defined, is nothing else, than accessing it in a hash which doesn't include the key, isn't it?
<Papierkorb> arne_: it does exist. you just created an anonymous variable
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<Ox0dea> arne_: It "has a presence" in ObjectSpace, as it were.
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<Ox0dea> >> foo = []; foo[4] = 2; foo # Maybe this helps?
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [nil, nil, nil, nil, 2] (https://eval.in/462277)
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<arne_> not really since
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<arne_> >> x={}["peter"];x;
<ruboto> arne_ # => nil (https://eval.in/462278)
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<arne_> >> x={};x["peter"];x;
<ruboto> arne_ # => {} (https://eval.in/462279)
<arne_> >> x={};x["peter"]=3;x;
<ruboto> arne_ # => {"peter"=>3} (https://eval.in/462280)
<Ox0dea> You left me at the station.
<Papierkorb> that are three completely different pieces of code Oo
<arne_> well relevant is only the last :D
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<Papierkorb> why?
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<eam> arne_: accessing a key doesn't assign a value -- it's a read only operation
<eam> arne_: do you come from perl, perchance?
<arne_> no, from c
<Ox0dea> arne_: Simply put, `nil` is a "thing"; it is the single instance of the NilClass class. It has just as much right to be considered defined as any other Ruby value.
<eam> in perl, accessing the key will auto-vivify the key
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<ddv> vivify?
<Ox0dea> ddv: Bring to life.
<eam> but in ruby, {} is the same as a {} which has had a ["key"] dereferenced -- it does not change the datastructure
<ddv> nice
<arne_> i understnad that nil is a value, i just find it weird, that accessing non-defined variables throws exceptions, while accessing non-existent key in a array/hash doesn't
<eam> ddv: in perl you have to be careful to test exists($hash{key})
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<eam> because if ($hash{key}) is just like saying $hash{key} = undef
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<Papierkorb> in perl you have to be careful not to accidently implement a brainfuck interpret with an example code
<eam> arne_: yeah - there are alternate hash accessors which will raise if you want
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<eam> >> {}.fetch "key"
<ruboto> eam # => key not found: "key" (KeyError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462281)
<Ox0dea> Papierkorb: I have something to show you.
<eam> this isn't a language thing so much as a how the methods on Hash were implemented thing
<Ox0dea> Though I suppose you already know about what I'm talking.
<eam> (and on Array)
<eam> >> [].fetch 2
<ruboto> eam # => index 2 outside of array bounds: 0...0 (IndexError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462282)
<shevy> snoopy uses the perl programming language
<Papierkorb> Ox0dea: the WAT video? The 31C3 talk about perl by that italian guy?
<Ox0dea> Papierkorb: My non-alphanumeric brainfuck interpreter in Ruby. :P
<eam> arne_: the default [] is more loose I assume to allow techniques which extend the Array/Hash without too much boilerplate
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<Ox0dea> With *no* boilerplate.
<eam> well, it does take some typing right
<Ox0dea> if thing = hash[key]; ... thing ...; end
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<Papierkorb> is code like ^ generally 'accepted' in the community?
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<Ox0dea> Am I being shunned?
<Papierkorb> no, no idea, I'm just asking
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<Ox0dea> Papierkorb: Doesn't it feel good in all the right places to write code like that?
<Papierkorb> stuff like (self.foo ||= {})[bar] = baz isn't so great. in fact, it did something I did not expect
<Ox0dea> Yeah, that's gross.
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<Ox0dea> But utilizing the language's most basic assignment semantics shouldn't be a crime.
<Papierkorb> Ox0dea: if it gets the job done, and is readable with no weird side effects, sure, why not?
<Ox0dea> Papierkorb: You've answered your own question, methinks. :)
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<Ox0dea> Wait, no, you were looking for a box to fit into, yeah?
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<Papierkorb> Well, that's my opinion, but they don't always match the guidelines of the community. Sometimes I just don't care about them as for some I think the reasoning is stupid.
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<Papierkorb> Sometimes, I see why some things are discouraged, and try to avoid it.
<darix> Papierkorb: (self.foo ||= {})[bar] = baz - that is but ugly. make it 2 lines
<darix> tbh
<arne_> is ruby powerful enough to let me tell it, that every variable is defined?
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<arne_> (excpect for just catching the exception)
<Papierkorb> arne_: defined?(the_variable)
<darix> arne_: what problem are you trying to solve actually?
<arne_> curiousity
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<Papierkorb> darix: already done it, also because it was buggy as hell and did not do what I expected it to do. But, this code I ran through Opal (Ruby -> JS), so maybe their compiler messed something up. No idea
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<Ox0dea> arne_: You can use #method_missing to "capture" just about anything.
<arne_> cool.
<Papierkorb> also #const_missing hehe
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<arne_> ohyeah i totally forgot the main object
<arne_> crazy how matz do that.
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<Papierkorb> Also don't forget about Kernel .
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<ruby-lang019> Hello Everyone , I have a question related to coding one facter value, I have coded something like this https://gist.github.com/nicks85/821fb9c652ae6fcb323d, But i am not getting it right ? can someone please help me ?
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<arne_> hi, it's me again. is there a cool way to do [uid].pack("L").first
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<arne_> >> [232323].pack("V").first
<ruboto> arne_ # => undefined method `first' for "\x83\x8B\x03\x00":String (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462347)
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<arne_> nevermind, forget what i was saying
<arne_> i was talking about unpack
<eam> yeah pack returns a string :)
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<eam> I don't see why String doesn't implement #first, though
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<ljarvis> first what?
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<yorickpeterse> first everything
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<ljarvis> the obvious choice
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<rgb-one> How easy is it to retrieve data from a csv file?
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<ljarvis> super easy!
<ljarvis> &ri csv
<`derpy> No results
<ljarvis> &ri CSV
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<skullcrasher> hey there, I have a rest api that send me an object that has a attribute, which itself is an array of json objects
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<skullcrasher> so how do you do it in ruby, that I can have a model for the whole request, that maps the array of json objects, to objects of another model class?
<skullcrasher> I thought more it could work somehow like relations for AR but not backed by database and keys
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<adaedra> Silly bot.
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<adaedra> skullcrasher: rails?
<ljarvis> yeah who created such a monstrosity
<skullcrasher> yes also
<adaedra> ?rails
<ruboto> Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
<skullcrasher> just thought it's a normal ruby thing
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<adaedra> Well, that's how ActiveRecord processes your input.
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<eam> ljarvis: first element, same as [0]
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<ljarvis> eam: i guess, though what [0] has been ambiguous across versions
<eam> sure, but what argument does that present? That [] should go away?
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<eam> if [0] and [-1] exist, probably #first and #last ought to
<ljarvis> no, no argument really just stating
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<charany1> hi , I am getting unexpected tIdentifier error :https://gist.github.com/charany1/d0ac1846b9f757bf5fcd
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<charany1> please help me in figuring out what's wrong with this ?
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<adaedra> Your l.33 is weird
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<adaedra> >> (1..3).cover?2
<ruboto> adaedra # => true (https://eval.in/462367)
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<adaedra> uh, didn't know.
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<charany1> adaedra : can you please help me with this error ? https://gist.github.com/charany1/d0ac1846b9f757bf5fcd
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<jhass> charany1: still, put a space after exclude?
<adaedra> that's what I was looking at and don't see anything.
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<jhass> charany1: also parens for the .include? at least
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<jhass> >> def a?(a); end; a?1 && a?2
<ruboto> jhass # => /tmp/execpad-b13e6a75fa43/source-b13e6a75fa43:2: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keywor ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462373)
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<jhass> >> def a?(a); end; a? 1 && a? 2 # parses but is not what you want
<ruboto> jhass # => /tmp/execpad-0b4918368f35/source-0b4918368f35:2: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keywor ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462376)
<jhass> or doesn't even parse actually, hm
<adaedra> yeah, put parenthesis
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<jhass> >> def a?(a); end; a?(1) && a?(2) # anyway, format it like this
<ruboto> jhass # => nil (https://eval.in/462377)
<adaedra> never too many parenthesis.
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<kith> >> puts "hello world!"
<ruboto> kith # => hello world! ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462391)
<charany1> jhass : thanks , it solved !
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<banister> anyone here speak french?
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<jhass> our offtopic channel has a french hangman
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<adaedra> banister: yes
<banister> adaedra can i message you?
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<adaedra> yes
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<aleaf_> ?
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<adaedra> ok
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<Ulfalizer2> does ruby-forum.com really mirror ruby-talk? i can't see any of the recent postings when i check the archive for ruby-talk.
<Ulfalizer2> i.e., the archive for the mailing list
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<axisys> rvc foo:secret@vcenter.com works but rvc foo:"secret&me"@vcenter.com ignores password.. any suggestion of a workaround.. URI parser is here https://github.com/vmware/rvc/blob/master/lib/rvc/uri_parser.rb
<axisys> not sure why it ignore if sees '&' in password
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<axisys> no one in #rvc channel rlane@vmware.com bounces and post an issue in github and no response
<hxegon> If I'm trying to use a single file from a new BSD licensed repo, do I have to add new BSD in a comment to the file or something?
<axisys> figure rvc (ruby vsphere console) is written in ruby so ask here
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<soahccc> axisys: does it work without quotes? https://gist.github.com/2called-chaos/c64d56f974b0f5500c91
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<alex88> hi guys, someone uses activeadmin? I've customized a user edit form but it uses POST and it should be PATCH, someone had the same issue?
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<hxegon> alex88: are you using activeadmin outside of rails?
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<alex88> nope, inside of it
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<hxegon> alex88: #rubyonrails would probably be more able to help you
<alex88> oh ok
<alex88> thanks
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<hxegon> alex88: no prob, have a nice day
<alex88> you too
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<axisys> soahccc: sorry I was away ...
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<axisys> soahccc: so I am calling rvc from bash and without quote it starts a background process when sees the '&' outside quote
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<soahccc> axisys: then you have to escape accordingly to the environment
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<Ebok> Hey, quick question. If I have a string and I need to split it into every third character and keep the remainder in the last array instance, how is the best route to to this?
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<Ebok> example: string = "Hello" string.scan(/.../) gives me ["Hel"] rather then what I need: ["Hel","lo"]
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<soahccc> Ebok: one way (no idea if it is the best) scan(/.{1,3}/)
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<Ebok> Hm.
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<axisys> soahccc: rvc foo:"secret&me"@vcenter.com does not send the quote to rvc .. it is just bash needs it
<dorei> >> "Hello".scan(/.../)
<ruboto> dorei # => ["Hel"] (https://eval.in/462462)
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<axisys> soahccc: anyway to add a debug to see what rvc sees?
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<Ebok> I'm going to need to look up that syntax to understand it. lol. /./ I get, what is {3,1} translate too?
<soahccc> axisys: I don't know rvc but the fact that they maintain an own URL parser is kinda weird
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<Zarthus> does it need to be a regex, Ebok?
<Ebok> Nope
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<Zarthus> "Hello World!".length.times do |i|; puts "Hello World"[i..i+2]; end could work
<Zarthus> the remainder is i+2 .. string.length
<axisys> soahccc: ^ may be add a debug in there?
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<Ebok> Thanks Zarthus, I think I'll stick with the regex for now though
<dorei> >> "hello".chars.each_slice(3).map(&:join).last
<ruboto> dorei # => "lo" (https://eval.in/462463)
<axisys> can you suggest a better uri handling and I can send them a rquest for fix?
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<hxegon> Ebok: you could also try String.reverse.split('') to get an array of chars and Array#pop
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<soahccc> axisys: I guess they have a reason or they are stupid since ruby has a quite functional URI parser which can parse it as shown in my gist
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<hxegon> Ebok: err, don't reverse. just use Array.shift which is like pop, but takes from the beggining
<axisys> my problem is rvc foo:secret&me@vcenter.com will not work from bash
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<Ebok> Yeah.
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<Ebok> The regex does what I need it to do /.{1,3}/ though so would using an count variable to shovel it into an array during an each iteration.
<axisys> soahccc: this ignores password as well rvc "foo:secret&me@vcenter.com"
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<hxegon> Ebok: foo = "12345".split('') ; until foo.length == 0; p foo.shift 3; end
<Ebok> cool
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<hxegon> foo = "12345".split('') ; until foo.length == 0; p foo.shift(3).join(''); end # for sure a better way to do this
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<hxegon> >> foo = "12345".split('') ; until foo.length == 0; p foo.shift(3).join(''); end # for sure a better way to do this
<ruboto> hxegon # => "123" ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462464)
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<axisys> soahccc: URI.parse(%{"foo:secret&me@vcenter.com"}) fails too
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<soahccc> axisys: well the quotes there are not needed since %{} already is a string but I guess without protocol it's actually not working as inspected
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<soahccc> *expected
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<axisys> soahccc: I guess I can modofy line 73
<axisys> uri = RVC::URIParser.parse str .. change it to something better ?
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<axisys> str is the argument for rvc
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<axisys> uri = URI.parse ?
<soahccc> >> [URI.parse(%{protocol://foo:secret&me@vcenter.com}).userinfo, URI.parse(%{foo:secret&me@vcenter.com}).userinfo]
<ruboto> soahccc # => uninitialized constant URI (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462465)
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<soahccc> >> require "uri" ; [URI.parse(%{protocol://foo:secret&me@vcenter.com}).userinfo, URI.parse(%{foo:secret&me@vcenter.com}).userinfo]
<ruboto> soahccc # => ["foo:secret&me", nil] (https://eval.in/462466)
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<axisys> soahccc: hey.. that looks good.. now I need to split them
<soahccc> axisys: I guess you can try to debug and see what the parse actually returns there (print it to console or something)
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<soahccc> axisys: maybe the parser can parse it but whatever works with it has problems?
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<axisys> soahccc: how do I debug it?
<axisys> embed pry ?
<soahccc> That's a possibility or just print the result to console (puts) and exit
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<axisys> soahccc: ok
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<Ebok> honestly I was hoping there was a string.slice(3) type method tbh
<Ebok> <_<
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<soahccc> Ebok: what are you trying to do anyway? :)
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<Ebok> Oh, I was wondering how to manually put in commas in a string integer without using any other gem.
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<axisys> soahccc: bin/rvc is https://gist.github.com/asifiqbal/31f23e4643bc8686a138 .. it calls /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/rvc-1.8.0/bin/rvc .. how do I tell it to call /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/rvc-1.8.0/bin/rvc2 ?
<Ebok> So I needed to count from the back, and reversed everything >_>
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<axisys> soahccc: i dont want to modify the /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/rvc-1.8.0/bin/rvc since lot of people using it
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<soahccc> axisys: Hmm no idea, call it directly without this wrapper? I would test/modify it in a test environment
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<axisys> soahccc: ok puts str before uri = RVC::URIParser.parse str andI get bad uri
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<axisys> so I think RVC::URIParser.parse is breaking it
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<mcantor> Why do I have a directory .rbenv/versions/2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0? I'm using ruby 2.2.3, but the gem dir is 2.2.0
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<soahccc> mcantor: it's the C api version or something like that
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<mcantor> soahccc: where can I read more about this?
<soahccc> axisys: I think maybe there is something else wrong? That works here http://files.sven.bmonkeys.net/images/Desktopa.rb_2015-11-03_19-48-25.png
<darix> ruby -r rbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"]'
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<mcantor> soahccc: TIL. thanks!
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<axisys> soahccc: does this password work? T#b]zYs&Ap4I
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<soahccc> axisys: nope: lib/ruby/2.1.0/uri/generic.rb:440:in `check_password': bad component(expected user component): T#b]zYs&Ap4I (URI::InvalidComponentError)
<axisys> soahccc: there we go!
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<axisys> so need to try like this? http://user%40example.com:pass%21word@example.com/path/to/input.avi
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<soahccc> axisys: yeah you have to encode the special characters. at least according to the specification. No idea if the end product will be able to work with it
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<axisys> soahccc: but password is unknown..
<soahccc> unknown?
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<axisys> how do I know if there is odd character and then encode it?
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<axisys> or are you saying take the password word and encode it before using it?
<soahccc> axisys: well you either know the password (you need to pass it at some point right?) or you url encode the unknown password
<banister> anyone here speak french?
<axisys> soahccc: yes $_pass in bash has the password
<banister> what does 'bah pour se voir' mean?
<axisys> banister: translate.google.com
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<banister> axisys no shit, it doesn't work in this case, it's clearly some form of french slang
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<Ox0dea> >> require 'uri'; URI.escape '#%<>^`' # axisys
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "%23%25%3C%3E%5E%60" (https://eval.in/462477)
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<axisys> Ox0dea: cool.. let me give that a try
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<soahccc> axisys: you can also urlencode with bash but oh my :D
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<axisys> soahccc: wow!
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<soahccc> banister: "bah" seem to be a sign of hesitation like in "err, nope" and the rest is "to see"... no idea :D
<Ox0dea> Would anyone like to see a magic trick?
<adaedra> No.
<Ox0dea> You lie.
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<adaedra> Ok, first, get out of my mind, mate.
<Ox0dea> And secondly?
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<adaedra> Secondly, there was only one point.
<Ox0dea> The math checks out.
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<adaedra> soahccc: so close, yet so far away.
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<soahccc> adaedra: yeah I know embarrassing... I work for a french company and can't speak a work french :D
<Ox0dea> >> srand File.read($0).size;Object.const_get(Object.constants.sample)[/.{18}$/]
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "Yukihiro Matsumoto" (https://eval.in/462482)
<Ox0dea> Wat?!
<Ox0dea> I.respond_to?(:even?) # => false
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<riceandbeans> if I have a method, def foo (bar, baz, foobar='test'), and I want to check if specifically foobar is set to NOT be 'test' can I not specify it on passing it in like so?
<riceandbeans> foo (bar, baz, foobar='testtest')
<Ox0dea> riceandbeans: It's not entirely clear what you're asking.
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<riceandbeans> ok
<dorei> hello
<riceandbeans> I have a method with required variables and variables with default values
<adaedra> soahccc: well, it doesn't seems too bad. I'm sure most people working for Ikea don't speak swedish, for example.
<Ox0dea> riceandbeans: You want argument guards or something?
<dorei> is there a way to find out which methods at an object were defined via attr_reader / attr_writer ?
<riceandbeans> I want to be able to specify a specific variable being passed in as something, but the number of arguments passed may vary
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<riceandbeans> I may end up just writing a separate method to do the exact same thing for the most part if I can't get it thought
<eam> riceandbeans: you can always set defaults in your own code, outside the method signature
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<Ox0dea> dorei: A neat trick for determining that a method was created via #attr_accessor is to grab hold of the getter and setter as Method objects and compare their #source_location.
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<Ox0dea> dorei: I suppose you could probably finagle that approach into finding the constituent parts.
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<dorei> let me check that
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<eam> def whatevs(*args); arbitrary_logic_on args; end
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<Ox0dea> riceandbeans: It depends on where in the argument list you'd like the required argument to appear.
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<riceandbeans> I don't care, I just want it to work
<riceandbeans> it could be first, last, middle, really don't care where it is if it works
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<Ox0dea> riceandbeans: def foo *args, required: 'bar' ...
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<riceandbeans> ....what?
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<riceandbeans> how do I have pry tell me the ruby version?
<riceandbeans> windows is weird and doesn't recognize ruby with the pathing and it's using an embedded ruby from chef
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<atmosx> pry
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<Ox0dea> dorei: https://eval.in/462487
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<atmosx> riceandbeans: RUBY_VERSION
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<riceandbeans> ruby 2.0.0p645 (2015-04-13) [i386-mingw32]
<riceandbeans> I don't think I can do the required: thing in 2.0
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<Ox0dea> riceandbeans: You can; they're called keyword arguments.
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<riceandbeans> and I don't do () +
<riceandbeans> I do def foo *args, required: 'bar' ?
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<riceandbeans> and that just means the last argument specified is the required one?
<Ox0dea> Somebody needs to read a book.
<Ox0dea> Put the parameter list in parentheses if you want, dude.
<riceandbeans> is there any difference?
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<soahccc> riceandbeans: I only know of one example where parentheses actually make a functional difference and that is calling "super"
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<dorei> Ox0dea: nice trick :) unfortunately it only works with attr_accessor :(
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<Ox0dea> dorei: Yeah. :< I trust the method_source gem would be overkill for your purposes?
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<dorei> Ox0dea: at SO they suggest overriding attr_reader
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<autojack> I am struggling with gem dependencies. I am trying to install a specific version of gem foo. when I do, it fails because something tries to install net-ssh 3.0.1, which requires ruby 2.0.0. yet 'gem dependency -r foo -v myversion' shows that it depends on a handful of things, valid versions of which are already installed.
<autojack> how do I figure out what is trying to install net-ssh?
<autojack> -V and --debug on gem install, annoyingly, do not tell me.
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<worstcase> hi there, any ideas how i could "flip" a array like that: https://gist.github.com/b1nary/6e9416eeaf1e59e3b9e6
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<Ox0dea> worstcase: You want #transpose.
<ytti> [7] pry(main)> (1..9).to_a.each_slice(3).to_a
<ytti> => [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
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<Ox0dea> Eww.
<Ox0dea> ytti: Why assume worstcase has sequential elements?
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<ytti> Ox0dea, i'm not sure what you mean
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<Ox0dea> ytti: Oh, never mind; your suggestion doesn't even do what worstcase was asking for.
<Ox0dea> >> [1,8,6,7,5,3,0,9,1].each_slice(3).to_a.transpose # worstcase
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [[1, 7, 0], [8, 5, 9], [6, 3, 1]] (https://eval.in/462495)
<ytti> oh right
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<worstcase> Ox0dea, sorry was just looking into the docs as you wrote. yeah sounds about right. thanks!
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<hxegon> >> def ransom_text text; acc, chars = [], text.split(''); acc << chars.shift(rand(5)).join until chars.empty?; acc.map(&:capitalize).join; end; ransom_text 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
<ruboto> hxegon # => "THE qUick bRown foX jUMps Over the Lazy dOG." (https://eval.in/462496)
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<hxegon> this whole acc business is killing me
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<Ox0dea> >> srand File.read($0).size;Object.const_get(Object.constants.sample)[/.{18}$/]
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "Yukihiro Matsumoto" (https://eval.in/462498)
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<Ox0dea> Isn't it great?
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<adaedra> Having fun here?
<Ox0dea> That plain-as-day 18 is unfortunate, but the program's length had to be exact.
<Ox0dea> adaedra: It's sort of like a quine but not at all really.
<Ox0dea> Still, parameterizing the randomness on the file size is silly and wonderful.
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<shevy> what the
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<shevy> >> srand File.read($0).size;Object.const_get(Object.constants.sample)[/.{18}$/]
<ruboto> shevy # => "Yukihiro Matsumoto" (https://eval.in/462499)
<Ox0dea> Holy shit! It's deterministic!
<hxegon> 'random' output
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<Ox0dea> hxegon: Hue hue.
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<hxegon> well if its good enough for RSA
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<Ox0dea> hxegon: Did you mean the universe?
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<hxegon> Ox0dea: depends on how you thing of quantom mechanics, unless this is a whoosh moment.
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<Ox0dea> hxegon: The vast majority of our assumptions regarding randomness have turned up misplaced; doesn't Occam suggest that we ought to just extrapolate all the way out?
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<Ox0dea> > Any sufficiently advanced disorganization is indistinguishable from randomness... until you set about organizing it.
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<Ebok> Hm, I'm working with sort_by, and I'm curious. array.sort_by{|str| str.length} gives the smallest to the largest, is there a simple change that would provide the same array but largest to smallest?
<hxegon> Ebok: just do .reverse on the result
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<Ebok> nope, that still fucks it up
<Ebok> I need it to do what I asked.
<Ebok> I guess I'll do it differently if that's not possible
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<hxegon> Ebok: hmm... you can't just do array.sort_by(&:length).reverse ?
<Ox0dea> Come on, hxegon.
<Ox0dea> Ebok: Negate the length.
<Ebok> nope.
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<Ebok> O.o
<Ebok> negate?
<Ox0dea> >> %w[a bb ccc].sort_by { |s| -s.length }
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => ["ccc", "bb", "a"] (https://eval.in/462516)
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<Ebok> Wow
<Ox0dea> Honestly.
<hxegon> Ox0dea: I didn't know you could do that.
<Ebok> lol
<Ebok> xD
<Ebok> That's new
<Ebok> xD
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<Ebok> I love it whenever Ox0 answers me >_> everysingle time I learn something
<Ebok> <3
<hxegon> ^^
<shevy> Ox only shows reallife code
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<eam> hm, sort_by says it does a Schwartzian transform, so wouldn't sort { |a,b| b <=> a } be faster?
<eam> I wonder
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<eam> nope!
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<shevy> dutiful testing
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<eam> looks like #length is a lot more expensive than I would've thought
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<shevy> it costs 3 bucks!
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<Ox0dea> eam: Your predicate there doesn't sort them by length.
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<Ox0dea> I realize now it was just a demonstration of the principle.
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<Ox0dea> { b - a } is ~15% faster than { b <= > a }.
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<Ox0dea> All that matters is the sign.
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<Ox0dea> *<=>
<Ebok> what is a good way to test the efficiency of the code like that?
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<Ox0dea> Ebok: require 'benchmark-ips'
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<Ebok> cool
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<Ox0dea> Ebok: It's pretty great: https://eval.in/462534
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<Ebok> That goes into my cool useful code for later pile
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<Ox0dea> Instead of running some block `n` times and determining how long it took, you calculate how many times it can run in a given time frame.
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<Ox0dea> Ebok: Do you own a private island?
<Ebok> Nope >_>
<Ebok> Why?
<Ox0dea> Well, where are you gonna put that pile?
<Ox0dea> This is #ruby, after all.
<Ebok> lol
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<Ebok> I'm keeping it in the Ox0dea conversations log
<Ebok> :P
<Ox0dea> <3
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<shevy> there are different piles
<shevy> code that is useful - one pile
<shevy> code that is of dubious nature - middle pile
<shevy> code that was written by hanmac or Ox0dea - last pile
<Ox0dea> ^
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<Ebok> xD
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<Ebok> >_>; that's true
<Ebok> also Ox0dea pm
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<pedahzur> Do Ruby networking libraries (such as open-uri and 'net') honor $HTTP_PROXY and $NO_PROXY rules automatically, or does the application using those libraries have to invoke something to make sure their requests go over the defined proxy?
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<Ox0dea> pedahzur: Yes to the former, no the latter.
<pedahzur> Ox0dea: Thanks!
<Ox0dea> pedahzur: You were referring to the environment variables, yeah?
<pedahzur> Ox0dea: yes.
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<pedahzur> Ox0dea: I'm trying to troubleshoot a Berkshelf problem, and I wanted to make sure it was honoring proxy rules. It's throwing a 404 exception, but not telling *what* URL it's failing to load, even in debug mode. :)
<Ox0dea> pedahzur: Debug-printing to the rescue. :P
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<pedahzur> Ox0dea: Explain?
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<Ox0dea> pedahzur: Wherever seems most fitting, print the URL you're about to request before actually requesting it.
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<pedahzur> Ox0dea: Ah. I'll have to dig into the berkshelf code for that. :)
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<Ox0dea> pedahzur: Oh, I see. Well, this is Ruby; you're free to redefine just about anything you please just about any time.
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<pedahzur> heh, this is true.
<Ox0dea> pedahzur: Have you considered watching from the outside instead with some tracing library?
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<Ox0dea> And, well, there's the TracePoint API if you'd prefer to do it from within Ruby, but that could get hairy.
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<pedahzur> Ox0dea: No. Relatively new to Ruby, so much of this is new to me.
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<pedahzur> There are 55 files in berks to dig through...not sure I want to do this. :)
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<Ox0dea> pedahzur: Well, I'm outta here for a while, but maybe I'll be in the mood for some code archaeology when I get back. :P
<pedahzur> Ox0dea: OK. Seems Berks now uses https://github.com/nahi/httpclient Not sure if that supports $PROXY variables.
<Ox0dea> I bet it does.
<Ox0dea> Give it a look-see.
<pedahzur> From an initial grep, it seems it does.
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<fschuindt> How can I pass two parameters to a method, being a string and a block?
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<Ox0dea> fschuindt: def foo arg, &block; ...; end
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<axisys> soahccc: that was a long meeting .. so I used the urlencoded password and now do no get bad uri but incorrect user name or password
<axisys> $ urlencode 'T#b]zXs&Ap4I'
<axisys> T%23b%5DzXs%26Ap4I
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<axisys> rvc foo:T%23b%5DzXs%26Ap4I@vcenter.com
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<axisys> Failed to connect to vcenter.com: InvalidLogin: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password
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<Joshua__> Hello i need help with a problem
<Joshua__> I'm very new to ruby programming and im currently doing codecademy
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<axisys> soahccc: that error message is from line 85
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<Joshua__> but im working on a simple log in program, in the command line, just to kinda let my current skills sink in. I keep encountering a syntax issue.
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<baweaver> Joshua__: error helps too
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<baweaver> also, use two space indentation instead of tabs
<baweaver> no need to indent any of those blocks like that.
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<baweaver> probably that you need 'while do'
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<shevy> now we can have rusy, the updated variant for ruby
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<hxegon> Joshua__: I'm just going to make some comments on that gist real quick...
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<imperator> rubygems 2.5.0 has been released
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<Joshua__> thank you
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<Joshua__> hxegon: thank you
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<darix> shevy: llvm based. should rubinius be similar maybe?
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<hxegon> Joshua__: what is the syntax issue?
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<Joshua__> Okay now the issue is that
<Joshua__> even if my username or password is equal to the username or password i made, it isnt recognizing it
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<Joshua__> how do make ruby find if a string is the same as another?
<edj979> Migrations are pending. To resolve this issue, run: bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development Extracted source (around line #392): 390 391 392 393 394 395 def check_pending!(connection = Base.connection) raise ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError if ActiveRecord::Migrator.needs_migration?(connection) end def load_schema_if_pending! I tried that and it showed the same thing again. I already
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<edj979> joshua try varName == varName2
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<hxegon> >> 'one' == 'one' # Joshua__
<ruboto> hxegon # => true (https://eval.in/462564)
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<edj979> can anyone tell me what i did wrong?
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<hxegon> edj979: you asked a rails question on #ruby instead of #rubyonrails
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<eam> >> '​one' == 'one' # hxegon
<ruboto> eam # => false (https://eval.in/462570)
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<edj979> is anyone here?
<hxegon> eam: ok? yes.
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<edj979> do you know how to fix this?
<edj979> xv
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<hxegon> edj979: I just told you, ask on #rubyonrails
<edj979> Migrations are pending. To resolve this issue, run: bin/rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development Extracted source (around line #392): 390 391 392 393 394 395 def check_pending!(connection = Base.connection) raise ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError if ActiveRecord::Migrator.needs_migration?(connection) end def load_schema_if_pending! I tried that and it showed the same thing again. I already
<edj979> oh
<edj979> sorry
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<shevy> darix no idea, I wish creating new programming languages would be much simpler though
<hxegon> edj979: its ok. Also, mass pasting stuff is not good irc etiquette. use gists or something
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<edj979> When i tried to join it it said i couldn't send messages on that channel. Do you know what thats about?
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<shevy> you must register there
<edj979> how?
<shevy> on #ruby it's free for all
<shevy> don't abandon us :(
<edj979> i have no idea what im doing lol
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<shevy> I would not know how to do it with webchat either; if you use a traditional client then this would help https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration
<shevy> OR
<shevy> you stay with us instead :>
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<adaedra> That's the same way with webchat.
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<hxegon> you have to register with NickServ
<hxegon> edj979: ^
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<edj979> nickserv???
<edj979> how do i talk to nickserv?
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<adaedra> Did you read the p