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<ruby-lang358> ok ok thanks for the article, it clarifies a little bit the syntax; so how do you add an instance method to an already existing class, such as Object?
<ruby-lang358> i know you can reopen the class def with class Object; def foo(); ... end; end; but this syntax does not seem allowed inside a method
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<ruby-lang358> my aim is to add an instance method to all objects :)
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<ruby-lang358> while with the syntax class << Object then it would add a static method
<havenwood> >> module Kernel; def example; :example end end; Object.instance_methods.grep /example/
<ruboto> havenwood # => [:example] (https://eval.in/462606)
<havenwood> ruby-lang358: I don't really understand the question. Maybe try rephrasing it or show a gist of the code you're looking to modify?
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<eam> I think he's after:
<eam> >> Object.instance_eval { define_method :everywhere, lambda { "yup" } }; [[].everywhere, {}.everywhere]
<ruboto> eam # => ["yup", "yup"] (https://eval.in/462607)
<ruby-lang358> ouch I've to try this one eam
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<eam> question which I don't know: is define_method necessary there?
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<ruby-lang358> @eam that's what I was looking for. Many thanks!
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<pipework> Coraline: May I query you with some ideas regarding the contributor covenant?
<Coraline> Of course
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<momomomomo> contributor covenant pipework ?
<shevy> you can program while cooking!
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<platzhirsch> How do you use erb on the command line? I am running into simple errors like constant Date is not defined
<lagweezle> Oooh I know this! >.<
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<lagweezle> AH! You have to get the binding. Been a while.
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<lagweezle> At least I think that is it...
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<platzhirsch> mhm
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<platzhirsch> this uses a Ruby script anyway, that should work out of the box
<platzhirsch> ohh
<platzhirsch> I see
<platzhirsch> instance eval binding
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<lagweezle> http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.3/Binding.html beasty IIRC is the one that does the heavy lifting.
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<platzhirsch> well, using Time instead of Date works
<lagweezle> platzhirsch: IIRC you can set up the variables in local scope, then ERB.new(<template>).result(binding()) but again, my memory is VERY foggy on this.
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<platzhirsch> lagweezle: I am not using a Ruby script to do the ERB rendering, but the erb command line tool
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<lagweezle> platzhirsch: OH! I have no idea, then, as I was unaware there was such a thing...
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<platzhirsch> no worries :)
<riceandbeans> I have a loop on a variable.each_value that is getting skipped on a certain run, would that mean it's an empty array? if so, is there a good way to check if it's an empty array beforehand?
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<EllisTAA> i might have a contract position, and the guy wants me to create an api for his app. the app is an ios app, so am i correct to assume that if i build a rails api all incoming requests will be taken and forwarded to the ios’ server?
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<riceandbeans> if you're writing an api why do you care if it's ios or droid or anything
<riceandbeans> do the api in whatever you want, rails, sinatra, whatever, long as you can handle rest I'm sure you'll be fine
<TheNet> Is there a way to have an array of objects without preventing those objects from being garbage collected?
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<shevy> what th
<shevy> e
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<shevy> you don't get a lot of control through the GC
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<shevy> you have GC.enable, GC.disable and GC.start
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> >> GC.count
<ruboto> shevy # => 4 (https://eval.in/462626)
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<EllisTAA> riceandbeans: thanks for the response. i am right though when i assume the user will hit the rails api i build and when that api gets hit it will then hit the app’s (ios or droid) backend right?
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<saloaty> can someone please tell me why when in the rails console or irb, i add 3.48 + 0.01 and get 3.4899999999999998
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<weaksauce> saloaty look up floating point precision
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<bit_owl> Is it considered bad to write ruby in functional approach?
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<Radar> bit_owl: example?
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<weaksauce> bit_owl why would you say it would be bad?
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<weaksauce> select map and inject are all functional programming concepts really
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<weaksauce> and those are so common that it's hard to say that it's bad
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<bit_owl> I read from some blog about writing ruby in functional approach. They advice the reader not to use the approach in production code
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<blubjr> why not
<weaksauce> were they doing monads or something?
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<bit_owl> Like using curry, immutable, and so
<weaksauce> link?
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<blubjr> those are good things
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<EasyCo> Functional <3
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<bit_owl> This is the link to the blog
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<bit_owl> I'm still learning about functional, and I think i fall in love with the concepts
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<weaksauce> unless you are on the bleeding edge of performance and the GC pauses are relevant... functional programming is a good thing. but prematurely optimizing things because they might be a problem is not a good way to code
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<EasyCo> What weaksauce said.
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<EasyCo> Also worth checking: https://github.com/tcrayford/Values
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<weaksauce> EasyCo I was actually just talking about this over in swift... they decided to make all collection types value types
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<weaksauce> and prefer structs(lightweight classes with pass by value and copy on write semantics) over classes
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<bit_owl> I also start to use struct instead of hash on some kind of data set
<EasyCo> It's such a simple concept. It's beauty is in its simplicity.
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<weaksauce> indeed. I think it's a good push
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<bit_owl> Did you guys heard about ROM
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<EasyCo> Read only memory?
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<EasyCo> Risk of mutiny?
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<bit_owl> Ruby Object Mapper
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<EasyCo> Damn, that's less exciting than risk of mutiny.
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<bit_owl> lol. You don't like the idea?
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<TheNet> What's the name for the method that creates a class with the given instance variables?
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<TheNet> kind of like a hash
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<TheNet> never mind, found it
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<TheNet> (it's Struct)
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<finisherr> Has anyone had trouble uploading a cookbook because one of it’s dependencies is deteremined to be missing by chef?
<finisherr> I see the dependency declared in the Berksfile and the metadata.rb
<finisherr> and i also see the cookbook in ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks
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<finisherr> wrong channel
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<agent_white> Mmm sup dudes.
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<aps> Hi all. Where can I see the changelog from 2.2.2 -> 2.2.3?
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<aps> never mind, got it
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<webdeveloper> may i ask a question?
<Radar> webdeveloper: yes
<webdeveloper> really?
<Radar> You could even ask more than one question.
<webdeveloper> you're so nice :)
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<webdeveloper> why are names like speakingchode allowed on here?
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<webdeveloper> don't you have children and morals in this channel?
<Radar> Do you have a question about Ruby?
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<Ropeney> webdeveloper: whats wrong with that name?
<webdeveloper> chode is a short and fat penis
<webdeveloper> it's very offensive
<webdeveloper> it's also slang for impotence and incompetence
<Ropeney> or code was taken
<Radar> webdeveloper: Why did you go through the nick list just to find an abusive nice?
<Radar> nick*
<Radar> Did you really seriously read through all 972 nicks?
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<Radar> Or are you logging on two accounts and then trying to cause a scene?
<webdeveloper> ⓘ speaking1ode is now known as speakingchode
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<webdeveloper> i was just about to ask my question until i saw that
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<Radar> Nothing will be done about that user. Please ask your question.
<Radar> The user is not be abusive (other than the nick, which tbh I had to look up) and so let's leave it at that.
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<webdeveloper> so if a user had a nick ihatefags he wouldn't be kicked if he isn't abusive?
<Radar> !kick webdeveloper I asked you to drop it.
webdeveloper was kicked from #ruby by ruboto [I asked you to drop it.]
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<webdeveloper> you kicked the wrong person
<Radar> Sure I did.
<webdeveloper> you're really stupid
<Radar> is that you, govt?
<baweaver> !mute webdeveloper
<Radar> Thanks for the confirmation. I always suspected.
* baweaver is impatient
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* Radar awaits the PM spam
<Radar> Obvious troll is obvious, yet again.
<baweaver> !mute speakingchode
<baweaver> anyways
<baweaver> ruby
<TheNet_> you just wasted all my popcorn :(
<eam> baweaver: impatiens are lovely
<Radar> What a waste of everyone's time. Gives me a nice little chuckle though every time they attempt to do... whatever it is they're doing.
<baweaver> !.mute TheNet_
<baweaver> oh
<baweaver> wait
<baweaver> too ban happy
<baweaver> ignore me
<Radar> baweaver: drop the weapon, sir.
* baweaver sprints off
<eam> I came up with a ruby joke
<baweaver> is it Net::LDAP?
<eam> what's Steve Irwin's least favorite Ruby class?
<eam> baweaver: there's nothing funny about Net::LDAP
<Radar> eam: StringRay?
<eam> Array, yeah
<eam> A-ray
<Radar> crikey that was bad
<eam> yeah it is
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<Guest24850> I have done a service which need to read some properties from a class. Whats the ruby way to force the class to have these properties (kind of interface)?
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<atmosx_> Guest24850: by 'force' you mean create them on the fly?
<atmosx_> Guest24850: or you might be referring to duck-typing, which is usually done in ruby, check if the class supports the message type before using it?!
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<TTilus> Guest24850: you are being way too vague to get any meaningfull answers
<Guest24850> ok
<TTilus> Guest24850: try showing some code and describing your usecase (in non-techical terms)
<Guest24850> ok I will show you :)
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<Guest24850> I need to read some attributes like amount/description on the payable object.
<TTilus> apparently
<Guest24850> I have done a Payable concerns
<Guest24850> im wondering whats the best way to handle this kind of situation
<TTilus> useless? how?
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<Guest24850> I mean the concerns is expecting the object to have the attributes... if you want to use others attributes you will have to override the methods
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<Guest24850> any suggestions to make that better?
<TTilus> so you have class MyPayableThingy; extends ActivePayment::Models::Payable; ...; end
<Guest24850> right
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<Guest24850> check the readme i have done here
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<Guest24850> (Usage)
<TTilus> but your MyPayableThingy has different names for the shipping, tax, amount, whatnot
<TTilus> ok
<Guest24850> right
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<TTilus> ah, include instead of extends, but...
<Guest24850> what do you mean?
<TTilus> then you simply need to modify MyPayableThingy to meet the expectations of https://github.com/jeremymarc/active_payment/blob/master/lib/active_payment/models/sale.rb
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<TTilus> there's no magic in include ActivePayment::Models::Payable
<Guest24850> yes no magic :/
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<Guest24850> its more like a default behavior
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<TTilus> if you need custom implementations of most of the stuff in there, you may very well skip include ActivePayment::Models::Payable and just use it as an example and implement the payable interface yourself
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<Guest24850> so just adding what is required in the readme?
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<TTilus> although having the include has the documentational side of it, it is an explicit statement that you inted this class to be "a payable"
<Guest24850> so what I did is ok
<Guest24850> what about using something like act_as_payable amount: self.price, description: self.description etc. in the class?
<Guest24850> is it possible? is it more the ruby way?
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<TTilus> what's act_as_payable?
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<Guest24850> it could be a magic method which define automatically the methods needs with what you are passing as parameters
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<TTilus> are you writing an app or a library?
<Guest24850> library
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<TTilus> always start with the simplest thing that works for the main usecase
<Guest24850> I mean the library is working now
<Guest24850> just trying to see if I should/can improve this part
<TTilus> are we talking about https://github.com/jeremymarc/active_payment/ ?
<Guest24850> yes
<TTilus> ActivePayment::Models::Payable looks perfectly legit
<TTilus> where's the problem you are trying to solve?
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<Guest24850> first, I got a problem with one app because description was already a method used in my object :)
<Guest24850> so I need to changes method names to make sure they are avail.
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<Guest24850> after, I was not sure it was the "ruby way" of doing that
<Guest24850> but looks like :)
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<TTilus> there's really no "ruby way"
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<TTilus> that's a possibility
<Guest24850> (in this lib you add acts_as_commentable in your models)
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<Guest24850> but the things is for me, I need to read attributes from the model so adding a magic class method will not help i think
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<TTilus> one way is to require your lib user to implement as_payable accessor to return poro-style payable object that ActivePayment::Models::Sale can consume
<Guest24850> something like def as_payable; {amount: price....} end;
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<TTilus> then of course you could have a sample/default implementation that could just be included in user's model if he makes assumptions match
<ElSif> this seems really fun :)
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<TTilus> Guest24850: pretty much, yes, or def as_payable; ::ActivePayment::Models::Payable.new(attr); end
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<Guest24850> what's attr?
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<Guest24850> ok I see
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<Guest24850> do you think that would be better than the current impl?
<TTilus> Guest24850: that's what your lib user is supposed to whip up based on what you document ::ActivePayment::Models::Payable.new nees and what his FinePayableItem class has available
<Guest24850> at least, I will not have any name collisions
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<TTilus> ...unless somebody has as_payable :D
<Guest24850> lol
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<TTilus> in that case your default implementation concern could have name collision check, just to be sure
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<Guest24850> what it should do if there is a collision?
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<TTilus> crash, burn and make a really loud noise
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<Guest24850> lol
<TTilus> no, really
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<Guest24850> oki :)
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<TTilus> you want that kind of stuff to really be all over the face of your library user with explanation of whats wrong and how to work around it
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<Guest24850> ok thanks!
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<TTilus> if you really expect as_payable (or actually to_payable might be more like it) to collide, you need to make that method name configurable
<Guest24850> whats the advantage of returning ::ActivePayment::Models::Payable.new instead of an hash?
<Guest24850> yes that would be the next step
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<Guest24850> for now, I would pretend I havent read that
<TTilus> but i wouldn't bother before there's at least three separate cases of actual collisions happened
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<Guest24850> yep
<TTilus> Guest24850: andvantage is to have encapsulation and separation of concerns, you don't end up implementing stuff that belongs to payable's responsibility in any place else, say Sale, where payable is used
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<Guest24850> so I need to create a new class called Salable
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<Guest24850> thank you for your recommendations
<TTilus> aww, i was just refering to the possibility that if to_payable returns a hash (with no methods) and you end up actually needing processing that would be payable's responsibility, then you are tempted to implement that processing someplace where payable is used, like ActivePayment::Models::Sale
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<TTilus> i wasn't suggesting any new classes
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<atmosx> >> require 'tzinfo'; a = TZInfo::Timezone.get('Europe/Athens'); a.now
<ruboto> atmosx # => cannot load such file -- tzinfo (LoadError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/462737)
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<TTilus> Guest24850: and if you some day judge, you'll need the kinda klass Salable would be, you might want to reconsider the name ;)
<TTilus> Guest24850: np
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<Guest24850> what do you mean?
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<Guest24850> salable instead of payable?
<TTilus> Guest24850: no = no problem (in response to your thanks)
<Guest24850> I got that part lol
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<TTilus> Guest24850: and i did NOT recommend any new classes
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<Guest24850> u said ::ActivePayment::Models::Payable.new
<Guest24850> so it was a suggestion
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<TTilus> Guest24850: technically you already have ::ActivePayment::Models::Payable :)
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<TTilus> just need to make it instantiable
<Guest24850> ah my concern
<Guest24850> yes good idea ;-)
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<TTilus> ...which of course makes it a class, so in that sense, a new class, u got me, i _did_ suggest a new class :D
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<aps> How do I install a particular version (2.2.2) for system ruby?
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<aps> it's an amazon linux machine. And yum install ruby22 installs 2.2.3
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<ddv> aps: by using a version manager
<ddv> aps: rvm/rbenv/chruby etc
<ddv> aps: also there is no reason not to use 2.2.3
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<leyluj> Rubist???
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<leyluj> Anyone in here
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<Bish> hi folkies, can i somehow make not(~) act like a number is unsigned?
<Bish> >> ~(2**32-1)
<ruboto> Bish # => -4294967296 (https://eval.in/462788)
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<yorickpeterse> morning
<Bish> yorickpeterse: good morning!
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<Ox0dea> Bish: Ruby's integers are of arbitrary width, so you'll have to explicitly mask.
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<_lazarevsky_> hello all
<_lazarevsky_> I have a string
<_lazarevsky_> "<span style="visibility:hidden">test-value</span>"
<_lazarevsky_> how can I get the value "test-value" returned?
<_lazarevsky_> what would the XPATH be?
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<_lazarevsky_> or even easier
<_lazarevsky_> "<span style="visibility:hidden">test-value</span>" is just a substring or a biugger string
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<_lazarevsky_> how can I return the "<span style="visibility:hidden">test-value</span>" substring?
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: Are you using a library?
<yorickpeterse> _lazarevsky_: span/text()
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: im not
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: i was gonna use nokogiri but then the string is not a valid html
<_lazarevsky_> yorickpeterse: care to elaborate?
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: It doesn't have to be valid HTML.
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<Ox0dea> It sounds like you're trying to parse HTML with regular expressions. :P
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: well not quite
<_lazarevsky_> the HTML is not a valid html thus I can't parse it
<_lazarevsky_> I was gonna use nokogiri
<_lazarevsky_> but since nokogiri can't parse this thing I thought of using regex
<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: Find some way to do penance.
<canton7> are you sure you're telling nokogiri to parse it as html, and not xml?
<Ox0dea> And then see if yorickpeterse's Oga can handle your crazy HTML.
<yorickpeterse> _lazarevsky_: that's the XPath you'd need to use to get "test-value"
<_lazarevsky_> yorickpeterse: is it
<_lazarevsky_> lemme try that
<yorickpeterse> http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#location-paths -> "child::text() selects all text node children of the context node"
<_lazarevsky_> yorickpeterse: the online ruby parser ( http://rubular.com/) says invalid option
<yorickpeterse> ....
<yorickpeterse> that's not an xpath parser
<yorickpeterse> that's for regular expressions
<_lazarevsky_> oh crap.. of course it is
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<_lazarevsky_> brb, lemme try something first
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<_lazarevsky_> I'llget back to you guys shortly
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: When you get a second: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454
<solars> hi, can anyone tell me how to resolve this error installing the debugger gem? https://gist.github.com/solars/a26061e7da730ebc3464 can't find out what's wrong
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: ...
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: so I'm using the Mail gem
<_lazarevsky_> which converts an email header
<_lazarevsky_> into a Mail Object
<_lazarevsky_> mail.body outputs a string which is not a completely valid html
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<Ox0dea> solars: This doesn't bode well: https://www.google.com/search?q="223%2Fruby_debug.h"
<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: How is it invalid?
<solars> found it, debugger doesn't work in ruby 2
<Ox0dea> solars: Consider pry + byebug.
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<solars> Ox0dea, yep that's what I did, thanks
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<Bish> is there a cool way to do data[x...y].unpack("V").first without using first?
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<Ox0dea> Bish: No, that's just how #unpack works, and it makes sense.
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: it's invalid in that it first shows a textual representation of the html, and only then shows the HTML itself
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<Ox0dea> Unpacking a single value is a pretty common case, granted, but you really want a generalized interface for things like that.
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: That's... not invalid.
<Ox0dea> At least, it's not likely to trip up any decent parser.
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<norc> A method that return either an array or elements or an element depending on the length of a parameter would feel quite eradic imo.
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<Ox0dea> Well, for #unpack, it'd be to do with the template string, not its length, but yeah.
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: ok lemme gist what the Nokogiri::HTML object looks like after I've loaded the email body
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<xwalk> I'm working on an application that's going to be used to manage training for new hires. It'll need user authentication, training document management, and the ability to track stats like courses currently being taken/completed, login times, etc. I'm considering Rails with Refinery to do this. Does this seem feasible with those two?
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: what am I missing here?
<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: It looks like it skipped right over the non-HTML, no?
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<_lazarevsky_> ya but how do I get access to the html bit?
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<_lazarevsky_> I've tried doc.xpath
<_lazarevsky_> doc.css
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<_lazarevsky_> it returns empty arrays
<_lazarevsky_> doc is obciously the Nokogiri object with the body loaded
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<Ox0dea> Nokogiri is extensively documented.
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: ...
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: dude I've been reading the docs.. something else is the problem
<_lazarevsky_> obviously nokogiri did not load the document properly
<_lazarevsky_> but, how did you infer that nokogiri skipped the non-html part of the message.body ?
<_lazarevsky_> did you get that by looking at the gist I posted?
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: Well, yes; the outermost element is "document", whereas it would be "text" if the textual fragment had been included in the parse.
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<_lazarevsky_> ya but then the ONLY element within the document > html > body is <p>
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<Ox0dea> Oh, I see.
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: That <span> you were looking for earlier is the start of the body's HTML content, then?
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<_lazarevsky_> pardon?
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: no it's not the start of it
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<_lazarevsky_> on the contrary, it's at the very end of it
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: With what level of certainty can you say that the textual part will not contain '<'?
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<_lazarevsky_> I can say with 100% certainty that it will contain <
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: I see. Is it also likely that it will contain "<html>", then?
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<_lazarevsky_> not really, no
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: nope
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: only the second part contains <htmL>
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<Ox0dea> >> s = 'foo bar baz <html> ... </html>'; s.slice!(0, s.index('<html')); s # _lazarevsky_
<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: and btw this is why I wanted to use xpath to get the value I wanted.. I kenw it would be such a mission to parse this thing
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "<html> ... </html>" (https://eval.in/462821)
<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: What're you using that lets you use XPath to search a raw string?
<_lazarevsky_> pardon
<_lazarevsky_> I meant Regex
<_lazarevsky_> I meant good ol' regex
<Ulfalizer> is there some way to run some code (or just set a variable in this case) before running a script? more specifically, i want to run ext/nokogiri/extconf.rb but set DESTDIR before it is run. (DESTDIR in turn is used in rbconfig.rb, which is included by mkmf.rb to get build information.)
<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: I don't sell that particular brand of footgun.
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<_lazarevsky_> hahaha
<_lazarevsky_> haaaaahahahha
<_lazarevsky_> good one
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<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: Got all kinds, mind, just not that'n.
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<Ulfalizer> it's for messy cross-compilation reasons
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: aghh.. it's not the only span I got in my strig
<_lazarevsky_> \string*
<_lazarevsky_> but it's a good start
<_lazarevsky_> thanks a milliion mate!
<_lazarevsky_> you totally solved my problem
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<Ox0dea> ♫ We do what we can because we must. ♫
<Ox0dea> _lazarevsky_: Happy to have helped.
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<_lazarevsky_> Ox0dea: I was thinking I could set the text of the span to
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<_lazarevsky_> ##|token-val
<_lazarevsky_> so I'll search for ##
<_lazarevsky_> return that and then delimit on |
<_lazarevsky_> and get the second element of the resulting array
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<_lazarevsky_> that should do the trick
<Ox0dea> It's bodgy, but it should work.
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<dEPy> How do I select only IDs in a table when I have array of array of other fields (like name, surname, ...)
<dEPy> But the whole set of fields must match, for example has to have name 'John', surname 'Doe', age: 10, ...
<Ox0dea> dEPy: Are you writing raw SQL?
<dEPy> Ox0dea: well, no. I can programatically replace field values
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<suchness> I have been using datamapper for the last... 6 years. I am used to being able to do something like User.all.comments to get all the comments of all the users. I am moving to ActiveRecord now, and don't see how to accomplish the same thing. It seems like I can only chain comments after one instance of User, like User.first.comments. Anyone know how I should be doing the ActiveRecord equivilent to User.all.comments?
<Ox0dea> dEPy: Well, if you've got an array of arrays, I assume you don't have keys, in which case you'll have to map by index.
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<dEPy> Ox0dea: I have the data in this format: [ [name: 'John', surname: 'Doe', age: 15]. [...], [...], ... ]
<dEPy> so for each array ofr fields in my main array I need to get id back for that record
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<dEPy> I just realized it's an array of hashes actually :D
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<Ox0dea> dEPy: map { |record| record[:id] }, then.
<dEPy> I don't have IDs :D
<dEPy> I have everything else :)
<Ox0dea> I don't follow.
<dEPy> I have all the data that I mass insert, but now I need to know for each row inserted which ID it was given
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<Ox0dea> dEPy: Then you'll have to query the table...
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<dEPy> Yes, but I don't know how to do that except doing a SELECT for each set of fields. Is there no better way?
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<Ox0dea> dEPy: There's likely some way to ask an auto-incrementing column which value it would use next, and then you'd just do some addition, but that's brittle.
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<dEPy> ugh
<dEPy> Ox0dea: I would preferrably like something like SELECT id FROM table WHERE [name,surname,age] IN [ {...}, {...}, {...} ]
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<Ox0dea> dEPy: There's no guarantee that would map 1-to-1 with the data you've got on hand, though?
<dEPy> It is in my case
<Ox0dea> Famous last words.
<dEPy> :D
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<dEPy> I have this activities table where each row is unique.
<dEPy> It's basically like a log of events for each user. And each event can only happen once.
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<Porfa> hello dear friends
<Ox0dea> dEPy: Right, but what guarantees you don't have two James Smiths aged 23?
<Ox0dea> Porfa!
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<dEPy> Ox0dea: just belive me it's unique.
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<xwalk> #join refinery
<Porfa> life taught me nothing is unique. but i guess digital isn't life, so you are right. i just wanted to say something.
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<dEPy> one row is mostly made out IDs so no clashing there
<Ox0dea> Porfa: Isn't the Antikythera Mechanism unique?
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<purplexed-> What is a normal way of installing a ruby application on windows ? ... I'm trying to avoid using an installer like MSInstall.. so I'm wondering if Chocolatey is a good choice, since it can also install Ruby, if a machine doesn't have it
<dEPy> So is there anything or will I really have to do a select for each field set?
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<Porfa> hey folks, anyone uses OCI8 with ruby? …. why the hell does it spits everything in scientific notation by default?… for instead of "89" i get "0.89E2"
<Porfa> instead of "29" i get "0.29E2" ...
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<Ox0dea> Porfa: That's probably configurable?
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<Porfa> yeah, but it's just weird because i just followed a tutorial, and by default it's giving me this data, no mention on how to change it.
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<Ox0dea> >> '0.89E2'.to_f # Porfa
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 89.0 (https://eval.in/462910)
<adac> Installing ruby via source. I'm wondering which paths I do have to set so that the gems and the bundles do go into an users home directory? BUNDLE_PATH, GEM_PATH, anything else?
<Porfa> Ox0dea: yeah, i'll use that as a wrokaround
<Porfa> thank you =)
<Ox0dea> Sure thing.
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<norc> Ox0dea: You mentioned that post on SO yesterday about some seemingly bizarre String#[] behaviour right?
<Ox0dea> norc: Yeah, why?
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<norc> Would you happen to be able to link it again?
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<norc> Ox0dea: Beautiful thanks.
<Ox0dea> Sure thing.
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<norc> I was particularly interested in this linked post: http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/380637
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<Ox0dea> Yep, that shows pretty concisely why it's the right for slicing to work.
<Ox0dea> *right way
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<adac> Do I have to set a flag for to complie ruby with readline support freinds?
<adac> *friends
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<soahccc> adac: linux, osx or windows?
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<adac> soahccc, ubuntu linux
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<soahccc> then the link is fine :)
<adac> soahccc, wondering where to link to do I rally have to link to the binary?
<adac> tehre is this lib: libreadline6-dev
<adac> which should suffince
<adac> but I'm not sure which path then I have to pass
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<adac> --with-readline-dir
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<Ox0dea> adac: $ ldconfig -p | grep readline
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<soahccc> How do you test for readline support? :) iirc configure did it for me on ubuntu automatically
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<adac> soahccc, maybe if the lib is installed then it does it automagically?
<Ox0dea> Aye, it should've found it there.
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<adac> not tested this yet
<adac> :D
<adac> this were the paths on my local machine you know
<adac> the other stuff happend on docker
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<adac> where this readline lib has not been installed
<Ox0dea> adac: So you've not actually tried to compile it yet?
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<adac> Ox0dea, sure, but without this lib installed with apt-get
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<adac> now installing th lib and try to recompile ruby
<Ox0dea> Should go swimmingly.
<Ox0dea> Ruby's build system goes well out of its way to locate libraries automatically.
<adac> :-) Looking forward to it!
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<Ox0dea> It checks, like, twenty different places for Tk.
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<adac> takes some time docker must rebuild a lot
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<Ox0dea> Consider looking into ccache.
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<Ox0dea> Although that's not terribly relevant if you won't be compiling many things.
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<adac> Ox0dea, kk thanks!
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<Ox0dea> adac: Sure thing.
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<dtordable> hello, anyone
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<havenwood> dtordable: hi
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<Bish> since im always asking stupid questions here: i want to throw an exception if only one of 2 variables is >0, so basicially an xor, they can be both zero or both nonzero, how can i do that in a cool way
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<Bish> >> "".nil? ^ "".nil?
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<ruboto> Bish # => false (https://eval.in/463067)
<Ox0dea> Jesus.
<Bish> im annoying, eh?
<Ox0dea> Why not just `[a, b].one? { |x| x > 0 }`?
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<havenwood> In 2.3: [a, b].one? &:positive
<Bish> hm, that didn't come to my mind, i tried .select but failed horribly
<havenwood> positive?*
<Bish> thank you, .one? is cool.
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<Ox0dea> Bish: There's #all?, #any?, #one?, and #none?, for future reference.
<Bish> what does positive?* do.
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<havenwood> 0.positive? #=> false
<havenwood> 1.positive? #=> true
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<Bish> >> [a, b].one? &:positive?
<ruboto> Bish # => undefined local variable or method `a' for main:Object (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/463068)
<Ox0dea> Dude.
<havenwood> Bish: Ruby 2.3.
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<havenwood> Bish: Also, `a` and `b`.
<Bish> havenwood: what is & like implicit |x| ?
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<Bish> Ox0dea: im really sorry.
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<havenwood> Bish: Yup, along those lines.
<Ox0dea> Bish: I just don't understand what you expected that to do.
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<Bish> magicially work!
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<Ox0dea> What did you think `a` and `b` would magically become
<Ox0dea> +?
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<dtordable> got a question for my beloved hacker
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<Bish> Ox0dea: do you live here? you're always here to help <3
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<dtordable> who said to me in a past of months "learn ruby, man"
<Bish> wise words.
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<Ox0dea> Bish: You're not even counting the times I'm here to hurt.
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<Bish> Ox0dea: so you're karma itself?
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<Bish> dtordable: ask the question, i can't contain it
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<Ox0dea> Bish: Looks like your detector needs recalibrated.
<Bish> i tried to recalibrate myself in holidays, but i got worse :(
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<ddv> Bish: drugs
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<Bish> wish i could've taken drugs, but didn't want to go to jail (been to japan, they're strict :o)
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<ddv> ok
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<soahccc> Bish: you know amsterdam is a nice town too ;)
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<ddv> yeah I live there
<Bish> been to nl too this year, but im not hard enough
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<Bish> i tried "isolator" and it... isolated me.
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<Ox0dea> And they say there's no truth in advertising.
<hashpuppy> is there a better way to write this, where I'm summing multiple json fields: http://pastie.org/pastes/10529131/text?key=uqrqrkcm6chzf6kzgnw1w
<hashpuppy> hash fields
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<Bish> Ox0dea: hyuk hyuk!
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<Ox0dea> hashpuppy: Are you wanting all of the numeric values, or specifically the ones at those two keys?
<hashpuppy> those two keys
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<yaoista> olaaaa
<zotherstupidguy> olaaaaa :)
<Ox0dea> hashpuppy: How do you feel about this? https://eval.in/463082
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<yaoista> holaaaaaa
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<yaoista> como estan jente of word
<hashpuppy> i'm not familiar w/ transpose. let me check that out
<zotherstupidguy> english channel buddy :)
<Ox0dea> hashpuppy: It's matrix transposition.
<zotherstupidguy> is mocking a database connection a good idea?
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<Ox0dea> >> [[:a, 1], [:b, 2]].transpose # hashpuppy
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [[:a, :b], [1, 2]] (https://eval.in/463083)
<yaoista> auch yo no speack englis
<yaoista> is good idea¡¡
<hashpuppy> Ox0dea: thanks
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<Ox0dea> hashpuppy: Sure thing.
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<hashpuppy> that's actually really ncie
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<Ox0dea> hashpuppy: Aye, it's pretty nifty, particularly for things like rotating a grid: https://eval.in/463095
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<havenwood> hashpuppy: Just an aside, but if you have the Hashes narrowed down to just those whose values you want added you can: inject { |memo, h| memo.merge(h) { |_, v_old, v_new| v_old + v_new } }
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<JoshL> are Ruby case statements constant-time dispatch?
<Ox0dea> JoshL: No.
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<JoshL> Ox0dea: thanks!
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<havenwood> >> [{"col1"=>1, "col3"=>7}, {"col1"=>1, "col3"=>2}, {"col1"=>1, "col3"=>1}].inject { |memo, h| memo.merge(h) { |_, v_old, v_new| v_old + v_new } }
<ruboto> havenwood # => {"col1"=>3, "col3"=>10} (https://eval.in/463097)
<Ox0dea> hashpuppy: To add to havenwood's (really good) suggestion, Hash#reject won't convert the Hash to key-value pairs like most of the other Enumerable methods.
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<hashpuppy> havenwood: thanks for the tip
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<Ox0dea> JoshL: I may've jumped the gun in answering your question, but it is the case that Ruby's `checkmatch` bytecode instruction doesn't go out of its way to optimize anything.
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<Ox0dea> The VM emits a `setinlinecache` instruction just before entering a case statement, for what that's worth.
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<Ox0dea> JoshL: https://eval.in/463105
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<JoshL> Ox0dea: Hm. All the documentation equates case statements to a more idiomatic form of multiple if/elsif with ===. Is it actually more performant than a big elsif block or is this just sugar?
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<Ox0dea> It's probably slightly more performant by dint of cache locality.
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<Ox0dea> All of the #=== invocations are done in that loop, but it's the same amount of branching you'd get with a chain of conditionals.
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<JoshL> Ox0dea: Thanks, that's what I was looking for! :)
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<Ox0dea> JoshL: Well, shucks. I'm seeing 7% performance decrease with `case`. :<
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<JoshL> :/
<Bish> >> 5.nonzero?
<ruboto> Bish # => 5 (https://eval.in/463115)
<Bish> is there 5.nonzero?! ?
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<Ox0dea> JoshL: https://eval.in/463116
<havenwood> Bish: Yup, it returned: 5
<Bish> no i mean 5.nonzero?! like x = x.nonzero?
<Ox0dea> Bish: Integers are immutable.
<Bish> qq
<Ox0dea> It's what you want.
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<soahccc> Ox0dea: it's because === is more expensive than regular == but at the end I would still call that micro-optimization... http://www.daniellesucher.com/2013/07/ruby-case-versus-if/
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<Ox0dea> soahccc: #=== and #== can be defined arbitrarily.
<Bish> is there also a deep logic reason why 0.nonzero? is nil and not false?
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: case/when also is O(1) for a subset of operations. check tenderlove's tweets. /me afk :)
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<Bish> i will!
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<imperator> alright you http experts, just hit an obscure issue and wanted your opinion
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<imperator> was using RestClient.put, but was failing, while curl was working
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<imperator> turns out it was bombing because of "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
<imperator> once i set it to an empty string, it worked
<jhass> wat
<jhass> you send "Content-Type: "?
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<imperator> just wondering if it makes sense to use that default on a PUT request
<imperator> jhass, not me, restclient
<jhass> I would expect most sane server implementations to 400 that
<apeiros> jhass: put request
<jhass> still?
<jhass> don't send the header if you have no value for it
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<apeiros> ah, you don't have a problem with the header, but with the header being empty
<jhass> I don't think empty header values are valid anywhere?
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<imperator> well, i have to override restclient, only way i know how to prevent restclient from sending that
<imperator> hm, i suppose i could build the request, delete the header, then execute
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<imperator> jhass, oh, sorry, misunderstood your question
<Ox0dea> jhass: RFC 7230 says it's okay?
<Ox0dea> header-field = field-name ":" OWS field-value OWS
<Ox0dea> field-value = *( field-content / obs-fold )
<jhass> that's why I don't really like rest client, it often seems not well thought through
<Ox0dea> At least, as long as *() means "0 or more", which I imagine it does.
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<Ox0dea> Yeah, 7230 uses 1*() to mean "1 or more".
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<havenwood> jhass: I haven't tried reproducing these results but RestClient sure was slower than the pack by a large margin with excon's benchmarks: https://github.com/httprb/http#another-ruby-http-library-why-should-i-care
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<imperator> aw, man
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<imperator> we chose....poorly
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<philip7899> Hey, anyone have any ideas about this omniauth-facebook and rails issue? I keep getting an error from facebook regarding my redirect-uri, but what's even stranger is that none of my puts are actually going to the terminal, with the exception of the before_action. any ideas? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33523735/facebook-omniauth-login-with-rails-devise-not-working-because-of-error-validatin
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<lacrymology> is it possible to somehow override a method to get if foo resolve to false for certain values of foo (without having to add syntax)
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<Ox0dea> lacrymology: Absolutely.
<Ox0dea> Also, you're not allowed to syntax at all. :P
<Ox0dea> *add syntax
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<shevy> no, don't correct it
<shevy> it reads much better without correction
<shevy> you are not allowed to syntax. period.
<Ox0dea> No syntax for you.
<shevy> I actually don't even understand lacrymology's question
<Ox0dea> I feel like maybe nobu just doesn't want to bother fixing something so complicated for so little gain. :<
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<shevy> what does he mean "without having to add syntax" ... does he mean without having to add code?
<Ox0dea> No idea, but I know what they wanna do.
<shevy> Ox0dea nobu is busy adding foo.?bla thingies
<Ox0dea> Dat .?[] doe.
<shevy> and frozen strings
<shevy> we don't have time for other stuff!
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<shevy> also, refinements are way too limited
<shevy> there should be a tabula rasa state of default ruby
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<Ox0dea> lacrymology: Still about?
<shevy> so that projects can refer to this initial state, rather than any randomly derived modification; the whole refinement implementation so far does not include that at all
<shevy> we totally lost lacrymology
<shevy> he is on his way to idle away :(
<Ox0dea> In case they're not dead: https://eval.in/463150
<shevy> Ox0dea perhaps nobu thinks you are joking :)
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<Ox0dea> No, I suspect that's not it.
<shevy> you need to try it like hanmac
<shevy> he gets his ideas into core
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<Ox0dea> What's his secret?
<shevy> I think the slightly broken english style appeals to japanese hackers so perhaps you should try that too, in your next suggestion
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<Ox0dea> That's maybe a little racist.
<shevy> no, that's german english!
<Ox0dea> I said "Is it a bug?" instead of "Is this a bug?".
<shevy> although in fairness, hanmac knows a LOT
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<Ox0dea> I know an alot.
<Ox0dea> I suppose it's not the same. :<
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<shevy> alots are cuter
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<lacrymology> Ox0dea, shevy: sorry, both about the vague question and leaving
<Ox0dea> lacrymology: You monster.
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<lacrymology> the question was: is it possible to have `if foo 'true' else 'false' end` resolve to 'false' for a non-nil/non-false object foo, by defining some method on foo. In python I'd override foo.__bool__ (py3) or foo.__nonzero__ (py2)
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<shevy> aha
<lacrymology> Right now I've defined foo.to_bool and I'm doing `if foo.to_bool`, I was wondering if it was possible to avoid that
<lacrymology> just as a bit of sugar
<shevy> I think objects in ruby do not have a boolean method/value per se
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<Ox0dea> lacrymology: Whale, you could define a custom #! method, or you could define #coerce, but then you'd have to explicitly compare to `true` or `false`, and that's lame. :<
<shevy> at the last I never saw something like __bool__ in ruby... perhaps this is where python outperforms ruby :)
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<Ox0dea> For a very loose definition of "outperforms", mind.
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<lacrymology> I'm not going to enter this argument
<lacrymology> =P
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<lacrymology> I'm just going to say "namespaces"
<SeeThruHead> anyone using fish shell with rvm? having trouble getting the default to actually be in use on a new shell
<shevy> well he could get behaviour in python that he could not get at ruby, at the same level (if/else checks)
<Ox0dea> lacrymology: Those're one honking great idea.
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<izzol> I guess Rails is the best Ruby framework for the web apps? I will need to create one project ;-)
<Ox0dea> shevy: Well, sure, but pursuant to circumventing a perfectly logical notion of truthiness.
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<shevy> hey wait a moment
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<shevy> "perfectly logical" ... what's with your _____ code!!!
<Ox0dea> Sometimes I'm serious.
<shevy> :D
<Ox0dea> lacrymology: Really, you should just be a little more explicit in your comparison. :P
<shevy> the fish shell is cool
<shevy> unfortunately I am still with bash
<Ox0dea> Xiki is cooler.
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<Ox0dea> Their mascot is missing a few limbs.
<lacrymology> Ox0dea: to_bool is good for me. Honestly, it's for something I wish rails would handle (converting 't', 'true', '1', 'on' to true, etc)
<Ox0dea> Yuck.
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<shevy> lacrymology hahaha I use that too
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<shevy> for yaml files where I am too lazy to write true or false; i just write t and f
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<lacrymology> maybe it's possible to write some kind of middleware on rails that handles the parameters, I've been using it for exactly 15 hours so far
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<shevy> middleware middleware middleware ... rack!
<shevy> you can get an awesome ascii lobster
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<lacrymology> but really.. I'm totally disgusted by ruby's global classes. Most of the rest I can live with but.. what the hell?
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<Sou|cutter> huh? global classes?
<shevy> you mean things like class Object?
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<Ox0dea> I think they just don't realize that modules can and should be used as namespaces.
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<shevy> you can also use a class as namespace
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<Croves> Hi!
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<Croves> So, I'm doing the Ruby course path in CodeAcademy.com and... why everytime at the end of my code, the interpretor returns a 'nill' string?
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<shevy> a nill string?
<Zarthus> can you paste your code?
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<Ox0dea> Croves: Your code is being evaluated in a REPL, whose P stands for "print"; it displays the value of the last expression.
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<Ox0dea> Croves: The `puts` method displays some output and then returns `nil`.
<shevy> but he has a nill!
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<Ox0dea> No, I'm sure they've got a regular-ol' `nil`.
<Croves> That's my code http://pastie.org/10529410
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<Zarthus> Still sounds like an UI bug if it's outside of the scope of what he's written
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<Croves> And here's a screen shot of my result http://imgur.com/ex5Ypsd
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<Ox0dea> Croves: Did you read what I said?
<shevy> >> print 'hi Croves'
<ruboto> shevy # => hi Crovesnil (https://eval.in/463177)
<shevy> see - a nil is there
<Ox0dea> irb(main):001:0> puts 'foo'
<Zarthus> Croves: report it to codeacedemy to let them get it fixed I suppose
<Ox0dea> foo
<Ox0dea> => nil
<Ox0dea> Zarthus: It's not a bug...
<Zarthus> Ox0dea: this is not what the user should be seeing
<Zarthus> Ox0dea: it will confuse new programmers especially
<shevy> I have faith in Croves
<Ox0dea> Zarthus: Good; confusion begets learning.
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<Croves> Ox0dea Yes, I read
<Ox0dea> Croves: Do you understand what is happening?
<Croves> Thank you, shevy
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<Croves> Kind of...
<Croves> The `nill` it's just the return of that method... maybe?!
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<Ox0dea> Croves: Why are you saying "nill"?
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<Croves> Ox0dea Oh, it's NIL
<Croves> With only one L
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<Croves> Didn't realized that...
<Ox0dea> > For all its power, the computer is a harsh taskmaster. Its programs must be correct, and what we wish to say must be said accurately in every detail.
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<Ox0dea> Attention to detail is of paramount importance.
<shevy> it's downcased nil :D
<shevy> >> nil
<ruboto> shevy # => nil (https://eval.in/463178)
<Ox0dea> The capitalization was for emphasis, shevy.
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<Ox0dea> LOLCODE!
<Ox0dea> (Not really; only the keywords.)
<bougyman> LISP ALLOWS IT, TOO
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<bougyman> it actually upcases every function name
<bougyman> and symbol, iirc
<Ox0dea> Only certain dialects.
<shevy> well, as you get older and your eyes become worse, upcasing really helps!
<bougyman> Ox0dea: when I say LISP i mean COMMON-LISP
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<Ox0dea> bougyman: Yes, that's certainly one that does.
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<Ox0dea> (It's slightly infuriating.)
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<Ox0dea> Croves: `4 + 2` *returns* 6, but it doesn't *do* anything else; the `print` method, on the other hand, *does* something, in that it outputs what you told it to, but it *returns* `nil`.
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<Croves> Ox0dea Well, I imagine that in the Ruby core there's something like function print(args) output args return nil
<Ox0dea> Croves: That's right.
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<Croves> LOL please don't spank me
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<Croves> Oh, really...
<Croves> Nice to know... I tough that you guys would make fun of me because of my example
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<rob_> hi, has anyone run webrick in docker and noticed that it doesnt bind to it's usual default port, but instead a random one? is this configurable by an environment variable?
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<Croves> For a beginner, should I use print or puts?
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<rob_> Croves: puts is most common
<Croves> That `nil` in the end is start to bother me.. at least with puts it goes to the other line
<pontiki> Croves: it depends on whether you want a line-feed added to the end of the output
<rob_> print doesn't append a new line to the string it prints
<Ox0dea> Croves: You should use whichever is more appropriate; sometimes you don't want the newline.
<Ox0dea> Croves: For displaying things intended for *you* and not your user (debugging), you should use `p`.
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<Croves> Thanks guys
<Croves> :)
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<rob_> 'p' is equivalent to puts object.inspect. if you install the 'awesome_print' gem and 'require' it then you'll get even nicer output when inspecting data
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<Croves> Nice thing the use of `..` and `...` to indicate closed and open intervals
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<Ox0dea> Croves: Ruby wants you to be happy.
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<Croves> I'm already in love with it, Ox0dea
<Ox0dea> Excellent! <3
<Croves> God, why did I waste so many time of my life with PHP?
<Ox0dea> Ouch.
<shadeslayer> Hah
<Croves> So much time*
<shadeslayer> Should introduce to some of the PHP people I know then xD
<Ox0dea> Croves: It might help to look at that mistake as a sort of reverse-learning: you know so many things not to do. :P
<kashyap> Hi, any hints as to how I can resolve this? Mostly dep issue I guess:
<kashyap> /usr/share/rubygems/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': cannot load such file -- v8 (LoadError)
<Croves> For sure, Ox0dea :)
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<kashyap> I did a `gem install require`, but I doubt that's what it is complaining aobut.
<kashyap> s/aobut/about/
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<Ox0dea> kashyap: You want `gem i therubyracer`.
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<kashyap> Ox0dea: Ah-ha, thank you, let me try.
<Ox0dea> kashyap: Sure thing.
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<kashyap> Oh, that fails spectacularly
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<Ox0dea> kashyap: You're likely missing some dependencies.
<kashyap> Yeah, getting them. . .
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<dragonkh> hi - I'm trying to follow a simple C extension tutorial - I made the C extension and the extconf.rb and ran it and it produced a Makefile - which I ran successfully which it produced an .o file and a myext.bundle - the instructions say I can now fire up irb and require 'myext' however it does not find it
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<Ox0dea> dragonkh: How about `irb -r ./myext`?
<kashyap> Ox0dea: How on earth did you figure that dep. (Asking this as someone who only occasionally use Jekyll, maybe you memorized most stuff).
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<Ox0dea> kashyap: therubyracer is the most popular gem for providing a JS runtime.
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<dragonkh> Ox0dea, what should it be loading? the myext.bundle or the .o file ?
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<Ox0dea> And V8 is the most popular of those.
<Ox0dea> dragonkh: I'm not sure why you're getting a .bundle and not a .dylib, to be honest.
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<dragonkh> ok well your suggestion worked
<dragonkh> I'm on OSX
<dragonkh> if that helps
<Ox0dea> I know.
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<dragonkh> its pretty old - but it does seem to work
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<Ox0dea> dragonkh: Yeah, your error was only because `require` couldn't find your thing in $LOAD_PATH.
<kashyap> Ox0dea: Ah, I see.
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<Ox0dea> dragonkh: When your extension is installed normally (as part of a gem), it'll be discoverable by the RubyGems system (and thus `require`).
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<Ox0dea> You circumvented that by telling `irb` to look in the current directory, which you could also have done with `irb -I . -r myext`.
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<dragonkh> Ox0dea, I found the issue: ruby -e "require 'rbconfig'; puts RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'];" produces bundle not so
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<Ox0dea> dragonkh: Nah, that's not an "issue", per se; dynamic libraries usually have a .dylib extension on OS X, but .bundle is apparently kosher too.
<dtordable> where a guide to learn Ruby as a PDF format is?
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<Ox0dea> dtordable: Should I phone the authorities?
<dragonkh> Ox0dea, well apparently you can set the value of DLEXT to .dylib or .so instead and its something to do with the LLVM gcc or rvm
<dtordable> Ox0dea: why?
<Ox0dea> dtordable: Well, did or did you not just ask >1k people to aid and abet you in the infringement of copyright?
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<eam> Ox0dea: he may not live somewhere that criminalizes the sharing of information
<Croves> What's the convetion behind using { } or `do...end` ?
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<dtordable> Ox0dea: but for learn I need to read!
<Ox0dea> dragonkh: It's to do with the C compiler, yeah. That'd be Clang, in your case, but it still seems a little weird that it spit out a .bundle.
<Ox0dea> Croves: Use Weirich's rule.
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<Croves> Ox0dea Thanks!
<Ox0dea> Croves: Sure thing. Ya gonna adopt it?
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<Croves> Ox0dea You mean this? The style guide suggests using {...} for single line and do/end for multiple line blocks.
<Ox0dea> No.
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<blubjr> yuck
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<Croves> Well, probably I'll adopt it then... if it's what the community uses most
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<dtordable> Ox0dea: so there's no pdf about?
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<hxegon> dtordable: pdf of what? that rubyinside page?
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<dtordable> hxegon: learn Ruby...
<Ox0dea> Croves: I guess I should clarify that I'm proselytizing a bit; it's not what the community uses most, but I think it should. :P
<kashyap> Ox0dea: Sorry to bother again, so I installed that and several other deps, now I'm stuck at "/home/kashyapc/.gem/ruby/gems/jekyll-lunr-js-search-0.3.0/lib/jekyll_lunr_js_search/search_entry.rb:8:in `create': cannot load such file -- jekyll/post (LoadError)"
<Croves> hehe
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<Croves> Ox0dea But anyway, it makes sense what he's said
<Ox0dea> If Weirich's rule doesn't "fit" a particular chunk of code, there's probably some room for refactoring.
<kashyap> `gem i create` didn't fix that
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<Ox0dea> kashyap: `create` is the method that failed, not the file that couldn't be loaded; that'd be "jekyll/post".
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<Ox0dea> hxegon: Why?
<kashyap> Duh, dense me
<hxegon> Ox0dea: I have no idea.
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<kashyap> Hmm, there's no such valid gem as jekyll-post. Not sure if I can resolve these deps by hand (already installed a ton of them)
<kashyap> I see an issue reported in jekyll github: The "jekyll serve" command reports error "cannot load such file -- jekyll/post (LoadError)". . .
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<kashyap> Just that it's buried somewhere deep in https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues
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<C0r3> Which is the best hosting service for a portal built in Ruby on Rails?
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<Ox0dea> kashyap: The gem is just "jekyll".
<centrx> C0r3, That's a pretty general question
<kashyap> I swear I already installed it, /me retries.
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<kashyap> No dice, still complains: `create': cannot load such file -- jekyll/post
<Ox0dea> kashyap: Hm, this is kinda weird.
<C0r3> centrx: But is there any suggestions... Like, if you were to host it then where would you host it?
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<kashyap> Just wanted to submit a drive-by patch to another website, and here I'm shaving yak after yak
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<centrx> C0r3, Digital Ocean or AWS - that's if I wanted an instance with a real machine (IaaS)
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<Ox0dea> kashyap: Jekyll's main file contains `autoload :Page, 'jekyll/page'`, but there is indeed no such file.
<centrx> C0r3, You can also use a service like Heroku or Engine Yard, which offer a Rails platform (PaaS)
<C0r3> centrx: Thank you!! I was looking at Heroku.
<mary5030_> hope someone can help me out here, how do i turn this object to hash? #<struct IpAllocation ip_address="1", dedicated_service_net_vlan_number="2", interface_updates=[], new_vlan=false>
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<C0r3> centrx: I'm really new to Ruby... I used to work on Laravel built in PHP. Now I want to build web apps in Ruby. I've heard of Rails but never used it. Did you ever use Laravel or any similar Framework??
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<centrx> C0r3, I've used CakePHP. Rails is much nicer
<centrx> C0r3, also FYI #RubyOnRails is the Rails channel
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<mary5030_> centrx: i get undefined method to_h' for #<IpAllocation:0x101012d48>
<mary5030_> it is for a newer ruby version?
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<C0r3> centrx: Thank you...
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<centrx> mary5030_, Looks like it was introduced in Ruby 2.0
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<mary5030_> i am using 1.8.7
<centrx> mary5030_, Also it's for the class Struct, is this "struct IpAllocation" a custom class?
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<mary5030_> :(
<centrx> mary5030_, Yeah highly recommended you upgrade to 2.0 or higher. 1.8 is EOL
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<mary5030_> it is this
<mary5030_> IpAllocation = Struct.new(:ip_address, :dedicated_service_net_vlan_number, :interface_updates , :new_vlan)
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<mary5030_> any other solution to this anyone?
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<mary5030_> how do i turn this object to hash? #<struct IpAllocation ip_address="1", dedicated_service_net_vlan_number="2", interface_updates=[], new_vlan=false>
<mary5030_> ^
<centrx> mary5030_, You can do: my_struct.each_pair.map.to_h
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<centrx> or actually in 1.8 would have to be
<centrx> Hash[*my_struct.each_pair.map.to_a]
<centrx> something like that
<Ox0dea> 18>> foo = Struct.new(:a, :b).new(1, 2); p Hash[foo.each_pair.to_a] # mary5030_
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => {:b=>2, :a=>1} ...check link for more (https://eval.in/463214)
<Ox0dea> Oh, hey, I forgot 1.8 didn't maintain insertion order on hashes.
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<mary5030_> thank you all so much
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<mary5030_> i will check these out
<Ox0dea> mary5030_: But really, upgrade. :P
<mary5030_> lol not up to me this one
<mary5030_> i would if it was though
<mary5030_> :)
<centrx> mary5030_, put it on the list, 1.8.7 was released May 2008 and retired June 2013
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<mary5030_> lol
<mary5030_> yes
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<|RicharD|> hi guys
<centrx> hi
<|RicharD|> I've a command line program done in ruby
<bougyman> ok
<|RicharD|> and from ARGV i get the command with all parameters
<bougyman> go on ...
<|RicharD|> like --remote=something
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<bougyman> i'm smelling some OptionParser needed, here.
<|RicharD|> how can I catch this --remote=something easily ?
<kashyap> Ox0dea: Yeah, I'm going to bail out for the night, and ask the relevant folks to take a look at it.
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<bougyman> require 'optparse' then use OptionParser
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<|RicharD|> oh ok
<havenwood> |RicharD|: Or use an option parsing gem like Slop: https://github.com/leejarvis/slop#readme
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<al2o3-cr> Yeah, slop is a nice gem :)
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<bougyman> i have nothing against slop, but if you can avoid gems, do so.
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<|RicharD|> ok
<|RicharD|> thx
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<purplexed-> I'm having trouble creating a new rails application with "rails new <name>". I've found several places that says delete the Gem lock file - but I can't find out where that file is. Where do I look (linux)
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<al2o3-cr> ?rails purplexed-
<ruboto> purplexed-, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
<centrx> purplexed-, Gemfile.lock
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<Calyd0n> hello
<havenwood> Calyd0n: hi
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<Calyd0n> Any body know if their is a way to convert ruby to exe on linux ? I already tried RubyScript2EXE and Ocra but it failed.
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<havenwood> Calyd0n: You can chmod +x and use a shebang on your first line to just run a Ruby script as an executable. Or do you want it to run when Ruby isn't installed?
<Calyd0n> I want to run it on windows machin without ruby installed
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<havenwood> Calyd0n: I'd suggest giving Traveling Ruby a look: http://phusion.github.io/traveling-ruby/
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<havenwood> Calyd0n: Or Releasy: https://github.com/Spooner/releasy#readme
<Calyd0n> ok thanks i look that
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<|KKK|> what is the most important Ruby concept to know?
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<shevy> be nice to cats
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<ericwood> |KKK|: blocks
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<drbrain> ericwood: nice pun?
<ericwood> oh my gosh
<ericwood> yes I did that intentionally
<dtordable> hello, anyone!
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<newdan> dtordable: Did you have a question? Or just saying hi?
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<Radar> looks like just saying hi :P
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<havenwood> Everyone in my office is discussing star wars "Recommended minimum episode viewing order" now after I chuckled out loud from the nice Figure 1.1. on page 33.
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<imperator> viewing order? ep 4 followed by ep 5. the end.
<shevy> here seems to have been a first attempt to starwars all the things https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/6f/4f/4c6f4f9dedbfeba22175d9ba28bf035c.jpg
<shevy> if I would have any artistic skills myself, I'd draw a real starwars reference
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<havenwood> imperator: :D
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<OmegaA> Hello :) Not sure if this is a Rails issue or Ruby, but I have a class in a module and when I try to reference it I get a NameError exception. Not really sure what's causing this, but it's ptting a thorn in my side!
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<shmilan> OmegaA: post your code via gist and I'm sure someone will help
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<OmegaA> Not gist, but it works ;)
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<svkurowski> How can I change which language Ruby uses for Month and Weekday names in DateTime::strftime
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<OmegaA> ...to add insult to injury, ApplicationCable::Channel TOTALLY EXISTS
<OmegaA> Ruby is starting to stretch my willpower :D
<havenwood> OmegaA: s/Ruby/Rails
* OmegaA assumed they were syntactically and behaviourly identical. >.>
<havenwood> OmegaA: Whatcha using channels for? Or just exploring?
<OmegaA> Mostly exploring atm.
<OmegaA> Potentially using AC for a pet project, but just trying to work out how they work right now.
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<havenwood> OmegaA: What's the error?
<al2o3-cr> svkurowski: %^B %^b %^A %^a ?
<havenwood> OmegaA: I'd suspect a fix along the lines of: class Connection < ::ActionCable::Connection::Base
<al2o3-cr> svkurowski: ignore that
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<OmegaA> Would the fact that ApplicationCable::Connection isn't referenced by any other part of my app make a difference? I notice I have a class (in app/channels/message_channel.rb) that inherits from AC::Channel
<meatchicken> if I have an array of hashes - [{name:"apple"},{name:"orange"}]
<meatchicken> how do I collect all the unique names?
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<al2o3-cr> meatchicken: array.map { |hsh| h[k] }
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<havenwood> meatchicken: You want to show the matching Hashes as the result or just the unique values?
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<meatchicken> havenwood, unique values
<meatchicken> I think I got it though
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<meatchicken> what al2o3-cr showed
<meatchicken> and just .uniq at the end
<havenwood> meatchicken: Ayup.
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<al2o3-cr> meatchicken: array.map(&:values).uniq
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<al2o3-cr> flat_map ^ meatchicken
<OmegaA> I don't quite understand how Rails is choosing to load files. >.>
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<havenwood> meatchicken: ::Connection
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<havenwood> meatchicken: Oops misstell. Sorry about that.
<OmegaA> xD
<havenwood> OmegaA: ^
<OmegaA> The class is named ::Connection, I just misspelt the .rb file >.>
<OmegaA> Is that significant?
<havenwood> OmegaA: If you're interested in Channels you might like: http://www.phoenixframework.org/docs/channels
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<OmegaA> If it is, someone is getting stabbed.
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<OmegaA> <insert angry, yet thankful curse words here>
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<OmegaA> And then I realise I forgot to configure redis! :D
<OmegaA> At least AC is working now :)
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<OmegaA> Thanks, anyway
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<harly> question: i'm using validates_numericality_of on a field called age. which works if age is set to say 5, or string "5". but when accessing in both those cases it returns what is passed, being the Integer or String. Is there a convenient wayt o make it return always an int, without overriding the accessor to do age.to_i ?
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<darix> harly: it is a validator
<darix> not a cast
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<harly> sure. i don't expect the vaidator to do what i'm asking. but is there something else?
<eam> to_i is how you do to_i
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<eam> can you not just call that?
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<harly> well i'm using attr_accessor's atm. so there's no method for each of the attributes. so i want to avoid creating them.
<harly> or should I just let it be whatever it is, and only cast when I care?
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<harly> if someone else were to do person.age they might get a string. that seems poor. is my only choice to implement def age do age.to_i end ?
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<centrx> harly, Is this a database field or something?
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<harly> no. I'm experimenting with using ActiveModel::Validations in ruby, iwthout rails.
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<harly> really just trying to find a laconic way to define a simple model using attr_accessors and validators (and maybe cast...ors?) and have it be a little flexible on what those fields are set as. without having to implement each one.
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<bnagy> harly: did you look at Struct?
<shevy> attr* only do the simple things
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<shevy> attr_reader :foo is: def foo; @foo; end, no other modifications
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<shevy> you could go the activerecord/rails route and also extend with custom methods, like attr_integer :foo or something
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<al2o3-cr> is it true rails is slowing dying?
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<shevy> it slowed down its dying?
<centrx> al2o3-cr, Rails is just not in super-fad mode
<shevy> javascript kills everything
<centrx> al2o3-cr, It's still the best non-bleeding-edge framework available
<harly> :w
<harly> :st
<shevy> vim!
<al2o3-cr> centrx: without a doubt
<harly> oh hey, irc isn't vim :)
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<shevy> vim fiddles with the brain :>
<al2o3-cr> can't wait for ruby 3 (seriously gonna piss myself)
<harly> pointer-focus strikes again
<al2o3-cr> i got a feeling it's going to be awesome
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<shevy> what awesomeness will ruby 3 include?
<al2o3-cr> well looking at streem the concurrent model
<al2o3-cr> *concurreny
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<shevy> well streem is not ruby
<al2o3-cr> he ain't prototyping streem for no reason shevy :p
<shevy> he very well could :)
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<shevy> I think mruby has a much higher priority
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<al2o3-cr> when i see mruby i think lua
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<shevy> lua is so small
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<shevy> let me see at mruby size...
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: about ~100kb
<shevy> wha
<shevy> how do you get this
<shevy> mruby-05.11.2015.tar.xz 297K
<shevy> lua-5.3.1.tar.xz 221K
<al2o3-cr> shevy: Lua is smalllll :P
<harly> bnagy: i hadn't. but it doesn't look like it does anything about forcing types. i guess i'm just thinking about it the wrong way. spoilt by perl's context flexibility.
<shevy> bit smaller yeah
<al2o3-cr> shevy: i might be going of 5.2
<shevy> ruby has really gotten quite big
<shevy> ruby-2.2.3.tar.xz 10M
<harly> :st
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* harly sighs.
<shevy> lol harly
<al2o3-cr> :P
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<shevy> don't let the emacs users see this, they may be tempted to make a joke
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<harly> never tried that operating system. :)
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<shevy> emacs is really huge ... emacs-24.5.tar.xz 38M
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<havenwood> shevy: The "can an editor open its own source code" challenge.
<sidearmsplit> I’m trying to generate several gigabytes of data (preferably in JSON), anyone have any ruby libraries to recommend?
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<sidearmsplit> I like faker for generating the data in the documents, but simply calling it and pushing it to my DB with a times interation is very slow
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: what OS you on?
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<shevy> al2o3-cr linux
<al2o3-cr> shevy: flavor?
<shevy> al2o3-cr it was slackware but all but glibc was compiled anew from source
<al2o3-cr> shevy: so what you using now?
<al2o3-cr> shevy: you're a secret MS user ain't you...
<al2o3-cr> shevy: jk
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<shevy> al2o3-cr as said, it was slackware some months ago; it's some custom LFS right now mostly. for the most part I just try to have everything available even if I don't use it (e. g. the whole stack of gnome and kde)
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<shevy> slackware mostly because it gives very little headache to start with
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<shevy> if gobolinux would not have died then I'd use it, there never was a better thing of beauty :(
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: i should read the full sentence
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<shevy> al2o3-cr are you writing for any ruby projects as of late?
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: No, i only code for fun :p
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<shevy> hmm
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<al2o3-cr> I'm a kitchen fitter by trade lol
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<shevy> ruby is programming for the masses
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: so is python, perl (used to be), php (your friend) and assembly (jk) :P
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<snockerton> ruby is programming for non-ass-holes
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<harly> i dunno. i've seen some judging stares behind hipster beards. j/k :)
<snockerton> this is one of the friendliest channels on freenode
<shevy> al2o3-cr python yeah, not sure about perl in 2015 really
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<snockerton> #perl is full of pricks anyways
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<harly> perl died in 2005. 10y on there's the occasional "perl 6 will fix everything" crazy person, and then a lot of ops scripts lying aorund.
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<shevy> al2o3-cr although the graph is not quite accurate, I think the overall trend is ok: http://goo.gl/6SnpLK
<al2o3-cr> shevy: perl6, though never really tried it
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<shevy> python gaining quite a bit, php losing a tiny bit, ruby gaining a tiny bit, perl dropping a tiny bit
<shevy> harly yeah sorta
<blubjr> perl 6 has a lot of nice metaprogramming stuff i head
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<shevy> al2o3-cr yeah I think perl 6 will stop the decline but I am not sure if a huge surge of interest will happen again, the landscape is different, a lot more competition
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: i don't doubt it will, but don't tell perl that :)
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<al2o3-cr> they will go ape shit
<shevy> snockerton what annoys me in #perl is that announce-bot ... I guess I could block it in xchat but I am so lazy that I never bother
<al2o3-cr> shevy: its a weird eval bot too :p
<shevy> "cake-hacker version 1.25 released!"
<shevy> "pidgeon-chainsaw-massacre version 2.5 released!"
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<shevy> yeah, perhaps I should open a PR for ruboto to also spam announcements :)
<al2o3-cr> shevy: you've not a writ a plugin yet?
<harly> #perl has a bot that announces perl module updates? :)
<al2o3-cr> harly: also #perl6 :)
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<harly> wow. that's like. the selfie crazy person who actually has no life.
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<al2o3-cr> best bot on irc is phrik <3
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<al2o3-cr> although using supybot/limnoria
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<shevy> al2o3-cr I have not written a plugin yet no, I usually just write things that are of imminent importance to local (nearby) problems
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: delve deeper :)
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<shevy> I don't have the time! time disappears way too quickly
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<shevy> al2o3-cr I'd like to have some thousand code monkeys to implement all my ideas
<eam> >> Time.new.freeze
<ruboto> eam # => 2015-11-04 23:44:35 +0000 (https://eval.in/463256)
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<havenwood> Nooo, now that time is frozen I'll *never* get off work.
<havenwood> Could we please unfreeze time for another hour?
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: what does grep NR_write /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h say on your box
<al2o3-cr> change to 32 if 32
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<havenwood> RubyGems 2.5.0 Public Service Announcement: gem update --system
<al2o3-cr> done
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<havenwood> gem -v #=> 2.5.0
Psyq has quit [Quit: Conversation terminated]
<havenwood> Gem::Licenses::IDENTIFIERS.size #=> 301
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<eam> gem -v #=> 1.6.2 # hmmmm
<shevy> oh cool a new rubygems?
<shevy> eam you damn fossil!
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<eam> don't blame me blame the distro
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<shevy> get it while it's hot
<eam> that's rhel's 1.8.7 which isn't used for anything other than confusing the unwary
<shevy> haha
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<al2o3-cr> ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-linux]
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<al2o3-cr> 2.5.0
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<shevy> yeah
<shevy> I updated as well
<shevy> now we only have to wait for xmas for a new ruby
<al2o3-cr> :)
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<al2o3-cr> well you can get the -dev
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<al2o3-cr> Lua 5.3.1 Copyright (C) 1994-2015 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
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<al2o3-cr> Lua is nothing but tables and the other 7 datatypes :)
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<shevy> Let's shorten that
<shevy> Lua is nothing
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: come on you can't say that :p
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<shevy> I just shortened your sentence
nettoweb has joined #ruby
<al2o3-cr> :)
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<shevy> al2o3-cr the creator of gobolinux is one of the core maintainers of luarocks
zylogz80 has joined #ruby
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