havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules & more: http://ruby-community.com || Ruby 2.2.3; 2.1.7; 2.0.0-p647: https://ruby-lang.org || Paste >3 lines of text on https://gist.github.com || log @ http://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: Oh, idk I'm an amateur programmer I just like to mess around with whatever it useful
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: But my main language is python I'd say
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<VeryBewitching> krobzaur: Which window manager?
<krobzaur> VeryBewitching: TotalSpaces2
<krobzaur> VeryBewitching: I used OSX =)
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<VeryBewitching> Oh, I see.
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: Why do you reckon a mutative loop would be the best approach?
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<VeryBewitching> I thought MacOS had it's own native pager.
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: Because it was immediately obvious to me that it would get the job done lol
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: Not saying it is objectively the best way to accomplish the task
<Ox0dea> Fair enough.
<krobzaur> VeryBewitching: It does but its sucks
<krobzaur> VeryBewitching: And I switch between different display setups a lot at work, home, etc and it always fucks up all my windowx
<krobzaur> VeryBewitching: I got tired of fixing them so I'm writing this script
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: I'm willing to take constructive criticism. I am here as a student seeking knowledge
<Ox0dea> ?code krobzaur
<ruboto> krobzaur, We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: I shall be happy to provide it. :)
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<Ox0dea> I should mention at the outset that I'm entirely unfamiliar with TotalSpaces2.
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<krobzaur> lol doesn't matter the API is super simple
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: If you'd rather not bother to pare your code down to a minimal demonstrative example, a prosaic description of what you're doing might suffice.
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<krobzaur> Its that first .each loop at the top
<krobzaur> This function is declared as a static method inside a class so I can access it from the cli
<Ox0dea> krobzaur: I trust you're not on Ruby 2.3?
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<krobzaur> no 1.9 i think
<krobzaur> Ah 2.0 actually
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<Ox0dea> How come `#has_value?`? Is the key not deterministic?
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<Ox0dea> Ah, well, I suppose those values show up under different keys.
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<krobzaur> It does have the display name set under a deterministic key
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<krobzaur> I suppose I should just directly check that key
<krobzaur> instead of using has_value
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<Radar> !rule1
<Radar> Whoops
* Radar disappears back into the shadows
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<krobzaur> I think I might be able to use the "find" or "select" methods to return the display_id I'm looking for but what I have gets the job done
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<jackcom> casual = names.map {|name| extract_first_name(name) } <— what something map do?
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: Well, will `display_list` only ever contain those two displays?
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<Ox0dea> Ah, never mind. That was supreme derpage.
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: Actually, yes it will only contain these two. All this stuff gets called from another script that checks the display setup beforehand. It only ever gets into this function if the display setup matches my setup at home
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: Which by nature only contains the two displays with the two names that are hardcoded into that snippet i posted
<Ox0dea> Well, given that you're repeating every aspect of the script for both displays, it'd make sense to extract everything out into a method and just invoke it twice.
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<Ox0dea> s/twice/conditionally/, I suppose.
<krobzaur> Ox0dea: mmm true good point
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<Ox0dea> It's regrettable that you can't "add" negative desktops. :P
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<Ox0dea> Would clean up that conditional quite nicely.
<krobzaur> lol
<krobzaur> That would be nice
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<Ox0dea> Alas, it expects an unsigned int: http://git.io/vBSCu
<flavi0> is it possible to use multiple attributes in a group_by block? i want to group by year month and mday of a date, but not by time. it looks like group_by calculates some hash, so what i'm trying is just to build the sum of those 3 inside the block. is that reasonable?
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<Ox0dea> flavi0: Sure, use an Array.
<Ox0dea> `group_by { |d| [d.year, d.month, d.day] }` or some such.
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<krobzaur> Ox0dea: I didn't even think to look I just kind of assumed haha
<flavi0> Ox0dea: cool, let me see. i'm very new to ruby, come from c++. ruby seems really nice and idiomatic to me.
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<Ox0dea> krobzaur: I mean, I pretty much knew what I was gonna find, but I figured I'd check. :P
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<Ox0dea> flavi0: You might also consider #strftime: `group_by { |d| d.strftime '%Y%m%d' }`
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<Ox0dea> That's probably more aligned with how you want to access the groups anyway.
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<flavi0> Ox0dea: yeah it works nice, but i'm doing #{date[0]}/#{date[1]}/#{date[2]} now. this is inside slim.
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<flavi0> Ox0dea: this way i'd get the string right? i still need to be able to access the single elements. in that case array?
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<flavi0> Ox0dea: anyways, works nicely. merci!
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<Ox0dea> flavi0: `date[0..2].join('/')` is a slightly cleaner way to say that, but you won't be able to "access the single elements" regardless of how you specify the predicate, since they'll just be keys of the Hash that #group_by returns.
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<agent_white> Hey folks! I'm adding in a plugin ability to my gem, but am running into some issues moving in the code. It worked fine outside of the gem structure where I tested it, but once I tossed it into the gem things aren't working. https://github.com/jakenotjacob/vapebot/commit/54842408bdd25c4fa8559d7cb046fff0690d0083
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<agent_white> Here's my commit with the code, and a "test" plugin tossed into the plugins folder. I'm expecting to get a hash with the plugins loaded when I call "plugins()" inside my Bot class, but it's empty.
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<agent_white> Let me know if there's more code I should provide!
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<agent_white> I have a feeling it has to do with $LOAD_PATH.
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<jhass> agent_white: Dir[] is relative to the current working directory, not the current file
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<agent_white> jhass: Aye, so I moved my plugins/ dir from the root dir, into lib/vapebot/plugins/
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<jhass> yes, obviously
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<agent_white> jhass: First, is that a bad idea? Should the plugins directory be in the root directory? And second, so... I'm still lost.
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<jhass> do you know what the current working directory of a process is?
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<jhass> personally I dislike enumerating files on the FS for require and rather list them explicitly
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<agent_white> Yep! Same current directory as the directory of the shell that ran it.
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<jhass> so
<jhass> then it should be clear?
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<jhass> also why it's a bad idea to rely on it at all in a gem
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<agent_white> Ohhh
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<agent_white> jhass: Thank you :D
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<rbenv-will-kill-> So I am having trouble gettin rbenv properly configured. I seem to have 2 versions, when I am in my shell I installed 1.9.3. when I tried to run i got an error saying version not installed. but it was installed in /usr/local/var/rbenv/version. now when I do ruby -v it says `ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin15]` when I do 'rbenv versions' I get `1.9.3` as the only one installed. Why is there this discrepancy?
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<jhass> rbenv-will-kill-: because you use rbenv :P
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<jhass> more seriously, what does type -a ruby report?
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<rbenv-will-kill-> ruby is /Users/ME/.rbenv/shims/ruby ruby is /usr/bin/ruby
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<jhass> in that order? mh
<rbenv-will-kill-> yes
<jhass> can you -v the full path of both?
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<jhass> /usr/bin/ruby -v and the other too
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<rbenv-will-kill-> ruby 2.0.0p645 (2015-04-13 revision 50299) [universal.x86_64-darwin15]
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<rbenv-will-kill-> is usr/bin/ruby
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<rbenv-will-kill-> ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin15]
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<rbenv-will-kill-> is the other one
<jhass> so we found a third version!
<jhass> I think you somehow managed to install 2.2.3 and label it as 1.9.3
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<jhass> as to how you did that... idk
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<rbenv-will-kill-> so usr/bin/ruby is installed originally on mac
<jhass> yeah
<rbenv-will-kill-> the rbenv version I meant to install is the 2.2.3
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<rbenv-will-kill-> and the other one is what my shell is using
<rbenv-will-kill-> hmmmm
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<jhass> "the other one" is which now?
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<rbenv-will-kill-> that is the /usr/local/var/rbenv/version)
<jhass> so my guess stands, you managed to install 2.2.3 and label it as 1.9.3 ... somehow
<rbenv-will-kill-> no I did rbenv install 1.9.3 earlier today
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<rbenv-will-kill-> but when i did rbenv shell 1.9.3 it said not installed
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<jhass> well, nobody here really uses rbenv and there's no help channel for it. I guess your best bet on getting support for it is opening an issue on github. Or just trash it and use chruby + ruby-install
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* Ox0dea seconds that motion.
<rbenv-will-kill-> i have no attatchment to rbenv, chruby is a better bet
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<rbenv-will-kill-> other than its making me crazy
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<jhass> chruby is like 200 lines of shell script or something, easier to debug and grasp :P
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<rbenv-will-kill-> thanks for your help jhass :)
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<jhass> yw
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<nchambers> is codeacademy.com recommended for ruby?
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<Ox0dea> No.
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<nchambers> what is then?
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<blubjr> hi ox0dea
<Ox0dea> Hello, blubjr.
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<nchambers> thanks
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<Ox0dea> nchambers: Codecademy might at first "feel" effective because of the immediate feedback, but you're likely to come away from it not having actually learned much.
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<nchambers> fair enough
<nchambers> tis a shame because I enjoy interactive methods
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<Ox0dea> The Koans provide a much more hands-on sort of interactivity.
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<Radar> nchambers: there is also http://tryruby.org/levels/1/challenges/0
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<blubjr> b
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<blubjr> oops
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<blubjr> @_@
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<Ox0dea> I should just set up a trigger, huh?
<Ox0dea> You've "b<CR>oops"ed three times in as many days.
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<blubjr> its c-x b <ret> to switch back to the last buffer i was looking at and i keep missing the x lately i guess....its very embarrassing
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<Ox0dea> C-Q for me.
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<Ox0dea> Your fingers must hate you so hard.
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<blubjr> its not so bad
<Ox0dea> I just did it a few times and it sucks way bad.
<blubjr> with control on caps lock ?
<Ox0dea> Yeah.
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<blubjr> eh
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<Ox0dea> Have you been using Emacs since it was Constantly Swapping?
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<deepu> hi, I'm a newbie .. I see a code like this Squares.new(2).square_of_sums. Is 'Square' a class and 'new' is a method inside that class? What is 'square_of_sums"?
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<blubjr> no im just a babe
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<Ox0dea> blubjr: Then why not use Vim emulation?
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<blubjr> i used to, but i decided to stop fighting it a few years ago. its simpler this way
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<deepu> anyone?
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<Ox0dea> deepu: That code isn't great, but `Squares` is indeed probably a class which has had its `new` singleton method (elseways called a class method) redefined to provide custom initialization, and then `square_of_sums` is an instance method, invocable on instances of `Squares` created via `new`.
<Radar> deepu: ?anyone
<Radar> Oh, I guess ruboto doesn't have that fact.
<Ox0dea> You keep doing it backward.
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<Radar> Yup.
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<Ox0dea> deepu: Is it the distinction between class and instance methods with which you're having trouble?
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<deepu> Ox0dea: yes
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<Ox0dea> deepu: This'll be a stretch, but are you familiar with singleton methods?
<deepu> Ox0dea: ys
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<Ox0dea> deepu: Yay! In that case, a class method is just a singleton method on an instance of the Class class.
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<deepu> Ox0dea: ok.. I am reading about it now... you pointed me to correct direction.. thank you
<Ox0dea> deepu: Happy to help. :)
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<Ox0dea> deepu: Given `class Class; def foo; end; end`, what're some objects on which I could now call `foo` without running into a NoMethodError?
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<deepu> Class.foo?
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<Ox0dea> deepu: Nah, I would've had to say `def self.foo` for it to be callable like that. Have another go?
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<deepu> Ox0dea: Class.new.foo
<deepu> Ox0dea: Class.new.foo/
<Ox0dea> deepu: Aye, that's one way.
<deepu> Ox0dea: thank you sir
<Ox0dea> >> class Class; def foo; 42; end; end; [Array.foo, Hash.foo, String.foo] # deepu
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [42, 42, 42] (https://eval.in/477643)
<Ox0dea> deepu: See what happened there?
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<Ox0dea> `foo` became available on *all* instances of the Class class.
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<deepu> Ox0dea: yes...
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<Ox0dea> Because I defined it as an *instance method* on Class. If I'd defined it as a singleton method, it would only be available on `Class` itself as `Class.foo`.
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<BraddPitt> Measuring time complexities, how can we determine the added complexity for sorting an array?
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<Ox0dea> BraddPitt: Have you been tasked with not ignoring the coefficients?
<BraddPitt> I'm sorry?
<BraddPitt> oh
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<BraddPitt> I think I see what you're saying
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<pontiki> this probably only affects me, but when i'm running minitest, it turns the mode line in any active emacs buffer green or red. and it never turns it off, ever. anyone know how to reset the color of the mode line?
<pontiki> alternatively, how do i tell minitest to stop doing that?
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<blubjr> pontiki: (set-face-background 'mode-line "colour")
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<lxsameer> I'm looking for mail server in ruby, is there any ?
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> there is a gem called "mail" but I don't think it is a server
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<shevy> huh I look at perl 6
<shevy> unit class Pod::To::HTML::Renderer is Pod::To::HTML::InlineListener;
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<shevy> what is that... they don't rename a namespace there or?
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<apeiros> what the heck? I thought there was a const_added in ruby? o0
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<shevy> a hook?
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<apeiros> shevy: yes, similar to method_added
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<apeiros> hrm
<apeiros> ok, I can hook into creation of classes using Object.inherited. but I can't hook into creation of modules :-|
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<yorickpeterse> morning
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<apeiros> moin yorickpeterse
<Muz> Hi, anyone know of any useful libraries, or methods in std-lib; that'll parse Strings like "1h", "20m" or "45s" etc into Integer values? I could write one; but why reinvent the wheel.
<apeiros> aaand it seems Module#autoload does not use Kernel#require (neither Kernel.require)
<apeiros> Muz: maybe chronic
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<apeiros> ?toolbox Muz
<ruboto> Muz, https://www.ruby-toolbox.com is a website which lists lots of gems, topically organized
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* apeiros afk
<Muz> Ta, will give chronic a look
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<Muz> I know about Ruby Toolbox, but it didn't seem particularly appealing to trawl through anything Time related if someone knew of something off the top of their head :)
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<Muz> Chronic seems more Date orientated than anything.
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<borkdude> why do I get different results when using openssl from the command line and from ruby in this example? https://gist.github.com/borkdude/982399425b62335aa222
<borkdude> never mind, we needed hexdigest
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<ljarvis> Muz: yeah chronic probably won't help much here, I would do it yourself
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<ljarvis> >> "1h 20m".split.each_with_object({}) { |v, h| h[v[-1]] = v.to_i }
<ruboto> ljarvis # => {"h"=>1, "m"=>20} (https://eval.in/477729)
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<vikas027_> How can I access all items corresponding to a 'login' field, like 'xyz123' in my case ? Forgive my ignorance on this. I've been assigned a task and trying to learn to manipulate hash in ruby. This is my code and the output https://dpaste.de/YLZV
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<gregf_> vikas027_: do you mean you only want to extract the key :login and its value from the array?
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<gregf_> vikas027_: if you google for it you would save yourself time and also learn ;)
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<gregf_> >> data = [{:login=>"abcd", :foo => 1, :bar => 2}, {:login=>"xyz123", :foo => 2, :bar => 3 }]; [ data.map { |h| { :login => h[:login] } } ]
<ruboto> gregf_ # => [[{:login=>"abcd"}, {:login=>"xyz123"}]] (https://eval.in/477743)
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<vikas027_> gregf: I tried google and I am able to iterate selective elements but not all elements corresponding to a key ':login' I am trying your code now
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<vikas027_> gregf, ruboto: Using you codes, only values of ':login' is in the output. I am looking to access all elements corresponging to the key ':login'.
<gregf_> vikas027_: theres many ways to do what you want :/. but yeah, a hash has unordered keys
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<vikas027_> gregf: Please help me with one of them :)
<gregf_> vikas027_: in the data you pasted, :login 'is' a key, and "xyz123" 'is' a value. unless you've not understoon what a hash is :|
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<gregf_> *understood
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<vikas027_> gregf: Yes, I got that
<gregf_> ok, to make a long story short. you get an array of hashes. like so, ; [{:login=>"abcd", :foo => 1, :bar => 2}, {:login=>"xyz123", :foo => 2, :bar => 3 }]
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<gregf_> what do you want to filter from the data?
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<vikas027_> gregf: In this hash of arrays, I want to take all the elements into an array. Something like this {:login=>"abcd", :foo => 1, :bar => 2} which is usually shown when using '.first' method
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<vikas027_> for the first array
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<gregf_> No, its not a hash of arrays. its an array of hashes
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<vikas027_> I am sorry, I meant that only
<gregf_> ok, so next. so convert a hash to an array. why?
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<gregf_> what are you trying to achieve?
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<gregf_> if got other things to do unfortunately, so you'll be quick and to the point i'm afraid :|
<gregf_> *need to
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<vikas027_> gregf: I may be wrong, but I guess it would be easier for me to fetch and manipulate values
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<gregf_> nothing is difficult in Ruby. you can do whatever , provided you know what you want to achieve
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<gregf_> fetch and manipulate what? ok, o put it straight. what do you want to end up with?
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<vikas027_> gregf: Yeah, I am learning. My ultimate goal is to use these values in GitHub API calls
<gregf_> vikas027_: use what values please? i'm begging with you :|
<shevy> lol
<shevy> these values man
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<gregf_> haha, shevy HALP
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<vikas027_> gregf: For example, I would get values like url, type (https://dpaste.de/YLZV) and search the corresponding data in other hashes available from application
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<ljarvis> vikas027_: for a specific login?
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<vikas027_> gregf: So, if I can filter out these values based on the the key ':login', I will try use them in code
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<ljarvis> vikas027_: data = array.find { |h| h[:login] == "abcd" }; data now has all information for the login "abcd"
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<vikas027_> gregf: I am sorry. As I said, I am new to ruby. Forgive my igorance on this. I've got a new project at my office, in which they use only ruby. If there was an option, I would have used shell in conjunction with ruby and do the tasks
<gregf_> vikas027_: does that solve your problem?
<gregf_> vikas027_: i can understand you are new. everyone starts from scratch. you're guys will give you the time to learn ;)
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<gregf_> so as ljarvis has said. you get logins and based on the login you get the other values, like so : logins = [:abcd, :xyz123]; [ logins.each { |l| data.find { |h| h[:login] == l }} ]
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<gregf_> vikas027_: how to intend on using the values later?
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<vikas027_> gregf, ljarvis: I got this https://dpaste.de/izOj
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<vikas027_> gregf: I am slowly climbing step by step. Once I am confident handling this array of hashes, I will think of the next level
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* maloik grumbles about wanting to go climbing
<vikas027_> gregf: By far, I have been able to use Ruby Net::LDAP library and octokit gem to query and pull information from AD and GitHub
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<gregf_> s/to/do you/
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<vikas027_> gregf: Thanks a ton for your time. This is exactly what I was trying to do
<gregf_> vikas027_: pp is for printing to the stdout. so please delete it and try
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<vikas027_> gregf: When I deleted pp, I just got this #<Sawyer::Resource:0x007fb3b6977a90> not the hash
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<gregf_> puts is for a string, p, pp and inspect are for serializing objects
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<vikas027_> gregf: https://dpaste.de/711O Not sure what I am missing. I will not bother you guys more, will read docs and Google it out. At least, now I know what to look for.
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<konstraint> Why does Ruby use a global import/require table?
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<konstraint> It would be nice if required files were only visible to those requiring them
<konstraint> Makes for things being unexpectedly visible in areas of the application
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<gregf_> vikas027_: its not that we dont want to help. youre keeping us in suspense ;). btw, that paste is empty
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<gregf_> btw, i may be wrong with that p, puts. but yeah, puts is for string. both seem to work :|
<vikas027_> gregf: I know you are helping me out. But I am unable to ask the exact questions. It is my bad. - https://dpaste.de/nyz9
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<gregf_> vikas027_: right, so i guess abc is array of Sawyer::Resource objects. what of you do this: abc.find { |h| h[:login] == "abcd" }.class
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<atmosx> hello
<shevy> yo dr. atmosx
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<vikas027_> gregf: I got this - Sawyer::Resource
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<atmosx> shevy: not yet
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<atmosx> shevy: I have an exam at 8th december (1 week). I'm actually ready to commit suicide, but it's okay. I think I'll get through it (hopefully).
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<gregf_> vikas027_: brill. what does this return: p abc.find { |h| h[:login] == "abcd" }.methods
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<vikas027_> gregf: I got this https://dpaste.de/roJN
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<gregf_> vikas027_: its almost as this: Sawyer = Struct.new(:id, :name); i = 0; data = Array.new(3){ Sawyer.new(i+=1, [*?a..?z][0..3].join) };p data; p data.find { |s| s[:id] % 2 == 0 }; # array of Sawyer objects
<gregf_> vikas027_: good. so you've got an Sawyer::Resource objects and you can call those methods
<gregf_> s/an/a/; s/objects/object/
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<vikas027_> gregf: What does this means s/an/a/; s/objects/object/ .Sorry, did not get that... seems like a unix sed command
<vikas027_> :)
<TTilus> vikas027_: that's a correction to previous message by same author
<TTilus> vikas027_: and yes, syntax is sed-inspired :)
<vikas027_> TTilus: got it
<gregf_> yeah yeah, its sed ... for now. please run this: methods = [:login, :avatar_url]; methods.map { |m| abc.find { |h| h[:login] == "abcd" }.send(m) }
<vikas027_> TTilus: thanks
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<vikas027_> gregf: I got no output
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<gregf_> put a p before methods.map please
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<vikas027_> gregf: Just got this -- [:login, :avatar_url]
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<XenuLives> What does class Foo < self do?
<jackcom> python vs ruby, they have little differenc?
<gregf_> vikas027_: ok, one last suggestion and i'm done :|. abc.find returns an array of objects that were filtered. filtered = abc.find { |h| h[:login] == "abcd" }; puts filtered.map { |f| f.login + " " + f.avatar_url }
<gregf_> jackcom: cmon man. python is a reptile and ruby is a precious stone :|
<jackcom> 8)
<jackcom> what you mean?
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<gregf_> oh, syntax wise you mean..... kinda
<jackcom> oh
<jackcom> great
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<vikas027_> gregf: I have this https://dpaste.de/eYnR :(
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<XenuLives> Or is class Foo < self equivalent to class Foo << self ?
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<jhass> no it isn't
<jhass> XenuLives: what it does (whether it makes sense at all) depends on what self is
<jhass> so where you found it
<gregf_> vikas027_: then try this one last time: puts filtered.map { |f| f[:login] + " " + f[:avatar_url] }
<XenuLives> jhass: It's a class def inside another class
<jhass> XenuLives: so class Bar; class Foo < self; is a silly way to write class Bar; class Foo < Bar;
<jhass> XenuLives: classes are just objects (instances of the class Class) assigned to constants
<jhass> self inside a class definition is said object too, so class Bar; Bar == self
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<vikas027_> gregf: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError)
<vikas027_> gregf: I got the above error
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<XenuLives> jhass: Thought so. There's so much bad code like this out there
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<dagerik> im getting Nov 30 13:29:20 git mcollectived[25700]: /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file
<dagerik> Nov 30 13:29:20 git mcollectived[25700]: from /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'
<dagerik> Nov 30 13:29:20 git mcollectived[25700]: from /usr/sbin/mcollectived:7:in `<main>'
<jhass> dagerik: looks truncated on the right
<dagerik> `require': cannot load such file -- mcollective (LoadError)
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<jhass> how did you install it? how did you install Ruby? Do you have multiple Rubies installed? Did you recently update Rub?
<jhass> *Ruby
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<dagerik> jhass: debian 8 which has ruby ruby 2.1.6p336 (2015-04-13 revision 50298) [x86_64-linux]
<dagerik> yes recent uprade from debian 7 to 8
<jhass> pretty confident Debian won't install Ruby to /usr/local
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<dagerik> jhass: okay I think I installed it manually
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<TTilus> ive got debian 8 and system ruby is ruby 2.1.5p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
<jhass> okay, that's 1 out of 4 questions
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<jhass> I think gitlab has their own channel?
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<jhass> I'm not really up to reading through all that and guessing what things you might have done, whether it's really related at all and what you might have missed from it
<dagerik> how can I uninstall a ruby install that I manually installed?
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<dagerik> cd ruby-2.1.6
<dagerik> ./configure --disable-install-rdoc
<dagerik> make
<dagerik> sudo make install
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<TTilus> dagerik: you prolly don't need to
<dagerik> k
<jhass> you can't cleanly
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<jhass> that's why we use packages, version managers and shit
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<TTilus> dagerik: if you absolutely want to give it a go, have a backup and see .installed.list in your build dir, http://serverfault.com/questions/146511/uninstall-ruby-from-source
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<TTilus> dagerik: debian system ruby prolly works just fine for you
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<TTilus> dagerik: if it doesn't for some weird reason, use a special manager which can install (and uninstall!) multiple rubies cleanly side by side
<TTilus> dagerik: your options are plenty, i personally use chruby
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<shevy> dagerik you can compile into a versioned prefix for instance, then nuke the directory if you no longer need it; this is ultimately what rvm etc.. also do, they will use some prefix into your $HOME directory somewhere
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<shevy> dagerik another possibility would be http://porg.sourceforge.net/ but if you only need it for one program then that is rather overkill
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<shevy> hmm
<shevy> I like this in python:
<shevy> import sys, urllib2,re, dateparser,json
<shevy> They even don't use any '' or "" there
<jackcom> shevy: you can do python?
<shevy> I can do hello world
<shevy> but only in python 2.x
<jackcom> oh great
<jackcom> you are really genious
<shevy> jackcom are you still failing to learn ruby?
<jackcom> i m here
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<shevy> yeah
<shevy> you still are
<jackcom> yes
<shevy> is it not awful?
<jackcom> i don’t know word of stop and give up
<jackcom> ruby is not great. i think so.
<jackcom> C and Assembly is better than other.
<adaedra> You don't like it, it's different.
<shevy> assembler
<shevy> you don't write that jackcom come on
<jackcom> adaedra: yeah, ruby is not bad :)
<jackcom> ruby == python == perl
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<jackcom> there is no difference
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<adaedra> Stop saying nonsense.
<jackcom> yeah sir adaedra 8)
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<gregf_> jackcom writes haskell *shudders*
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<Ox0dea> jackcom does not write code.
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<Ox0dea> I've never seen evidence to the contrary, in any case.
<jackcom> anyway, ubuntu terminal show little data comparing mac terminal. then how can i do?
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<Ox0dea> > Never forget that a human being with technology is exactly like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine.
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: Have you read The Unabomber's "Manifesto"?
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<jackcom> Ox0dea: i don’t know
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<jackcom> :(
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<shevy> jackcom can you not program in your mind alone?
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<jackcom> yes
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<jackcom> i need help from skilled programmer.
<jackcom> shevy: :)
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<shevy> come on
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<Ox0dea> I genuinely believe that a ban of some duration would do them good.
<jackcom> :(
<jackcom> what you mean? Ox0dea
<jackcom> i don’t want be baned.
<shevy> don't bane him!
<Ox0dea> It'd either kindle the fire necessary to get you to actually try to learn the language, or else it'd tempt you to move onto greener pastures. Either is an improvement on the present state of affairs.
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<jackcom> ok Ox0dea i will study ruby hard
<jackcom> from now
<jackcom> :(
<jackcom> don’t ban me :(
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<gregf_> jackcom: you can choose only one: either you can be 'banned' or you default to 'baned'
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<jackcom> :(
<jhass> jackcom: if you want us to believe that, the next 100 things you say must be ontopic questions related to an actual problem you have while learning Ruby
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<gregf_> cmon man, being banned from ruby is better than being a bane to ruby :|
<jackcom> i want learn ruby hard
<jackcom> ok
<jackcom> jhass: i understand it
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: Do you have Ruby installed?
<jackcom> yes
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<jackcom> Ox0dea: :0
<shevy> is this really the truth
<jackcom> :)
<jackcom> ruby 2.2.0p0 (2014-12-25 revision 49005) [x86_64-darwin14]
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<Ox0dea> jackcom: Do you know how to save a Ruby program to a file and execute it?
<gregf_> heh
<jackcom> ruby hello.rb
<jackcom> Ox0dea: :)
<Ox0dea> jackcom: And, finally, do you know how to make your editor do that at the press of a button?
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<jackcom> yes i use ms word for coding. :)
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<shevy> lol
<jackcom> microsoft
<shevy> you really wanna get baned
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<blubjr> hi shevy
<shevy> hi jrblub
<jackcom> microsoft word is really good
<shevy> libreoffice is about as good now
<jhass> enough of that
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<jhass> !mute jackcom
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<Ox0dea> Danke.
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<jhass> -.- did the guys let the list run full again
<Ox0dea> SNR goes down considerably every time they start.
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<azgil> admni chepushili kakieto. snachala rasgovarivaut a potom banyt
<azgil> nafya trolley kormit
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<yorickpeterse> azgil: English
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<azgil> ok
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<shevy> lol
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<shevy> random people speaking cthulhu here
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<vasilakisfil> hey.. how can I figure out how much system memory a ruby array with N elements requires ?
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<Ox0dea> >> require 'objspace'; ObjectSpace.memsize_of [1,2,3] # vasilakisfil
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 20 (https://eval.in/477837)
<vasilakisfil> is the value in bytes ?
<Ox0dea> Yes.
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<shevy> hmmmm
<shevy> >> require 'objspace'; ObjectSpace.memsize_of [1,2,3,3,2,1]
<ruboto> shevy # => 44 (https://eval.in/477838)
<shevy> it eats my RAM!!!
<Ox0dea> KRI optimizes for very tiny arrays.
<shevy> big data wants big arrays!!!!!
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<Ox0dea> Did you mean sparse matrices?
<maloik> store it in mongo
<maloik> no sql no problems
<vasilakisfil> so if I do ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all/8/1024/1024 I get how many mbs my ruby program eats ?
<Ox0dea> vasilakisfil: That would be a very rough approximation, sure.
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<Ox0dea> ♫ "Mo' SQL, mo' problems" is true, 'cause the mo' SQL for me the mo' problems for you. ♫
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<maloik> hihi I can see your little music note there... a while back my irssi on a work box would have barfed because of encoding
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<vasilakisfil> Ox0dea I have a rails console open to my test app and I get 9mbs how shold I interpret that ? :)
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<Ox0dea> vasilakisfil: Seems a little low. :P
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<greister> How to set a custom user agent in ruby?
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<adaedra> Depends of your HTTP library.
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<greister> May I use open method?
<adaedra> open-uri?
<greister> yes
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<Ox0dea> I think not.
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<Ox0dea> Oh, never mind.
<Ox0dea> greister: You can pass a Hash of headers as the second argument.
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<greister> 0xx0dea,ok. I try it.
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<shevy> how is ruby positioned in regards to audio-libraries? I searched yesterday and got quite a lot of results with python, using numpy and scipy
<shevy> like decibel calculations
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* shevy starts to spank the channel
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<adaedra> o_O
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<ddv> nice shevy
<ddv> go on
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<shevy> lol
<shevy> I noticed you people were falling asleep
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<shevy> hmm let's do some fancy TIOBE magic again http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html
<shevy> if we add all scripting languages... so... we say... these be... python php javascript ruby perl ... lua
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<shevy> huh perhaps R as well
<shevy> 14.35% hmmmm
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<adaedra> Part of me that cares about TIOBE
<adaedra> 0.00% hmmmm
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<shevy> the numbers seem a bit weird
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<shevy> don't most C hackers also use e. g. perl?
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<adaedra> no.
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<jhass> ?offtopic
<ruboto> this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related problems. Thanks!
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<Bish> silence is offtopic?
<Ox0dea> Yes.
<Ox0dea> The silence must be Ruby-related.
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<shevy> usage of ruby is offtopic!
<centrx> ruby rub ruby roob robey rib BBBQ
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<ziggles> Anyone know how to have file path spaces escaped? File.join('some lib') # => #<Pathname:/Volumes/code/my_app/some lib>
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<jhass> ziggles: what's your actual problem?
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<jhass> escaping the spaces is the solution you think you need to it, there's probably a better way
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<ziggles> jhass: My problem is that i just discovered a bug when my script tries to access files with a space in the path name. I thought that File.join was the preferred way to build up a path
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<jhass> it was
<ziggles> I could manually escape the string after joining but i feel like it's probably handled by Ruby some how
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<jhass> I'm not aware of a Ruby function for file access that would choke on unescaped spaces
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<ziggles> spaces in paths are a pet peeve of mine... but on OSX it's sometimes unavoidable when the system creates a path :/
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<Ox0dea> ziggles: Still, they shouldn't be posing you a problem in Ruby.
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<ziggles> Ox0dea: Unless i'm using the wrong method of generating a path, they are
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<jhass> ziggles: how about you show some actual code with some actual error message?
<Ox0dea> ziggles: Are you interpolating these paths into shell commands or something?
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<ziggles> Ox0dea: yeah that's exactly what i'm doing
<jhass> so add some quotes around that
<jhass> rule number one of dealing with your shell in a programmatic way: quote everything
<jhass> but ideally you would just bypass your shell altogether
<havenwood> >> require 'shellwords'; Shellwords.escape 'eek these spaces'
<ruboto> havenwood # => "eek\\ these\\ spaces" (https://eval.in/477885)
<jhass> use the array form of system/spawn
<havenwood> ^
<jhass> havenwood: too early
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<ziggles> jhass: jesus christ. i dont know how i could have overlooked just quoting the string
<jhass> havenwood: don't show the ugly solution until we convinced them of the proper one
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<havenwood> jhass: I thought the convincing had happened! :P
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<jhass> ziggles: please do yourself a favor and look into the array forms of system/spawn
<jhass> don't invoke a shell if you don't need it
<jhass> and in 90% of the cases you don't
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<jhass> yes, system takes the same forms
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<ziggles> jhass: thank you for the help and the education.
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<shevy> spawn is faster than system?
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<jhass> shevy: they do different things
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<shevy> hmm... "otherwise, the operating system may accumulate zombies"
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<adaedra> You know what is a zombie?
<shevy> something that wants brains
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<adaedra> So no.
<shevy> its documentation is a bit sparse: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.3/Process.html#method-c-spawn
<shevy> "spawn has bunch of options to specify process attributes"
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<adaedra> There are aspects which are not really ruby-related.
<adaedra> Like zombies.
<shevy> there are zombies in the documentation!
<jhass> shevy: look at Kernel#spawn
<adaedra> All of this should make more sense with knowledge one process management and things related.
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<shevy> zombies there as well
<adaedra> Yeah?
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<Bish> >> [(0.0)...(0.3),(0.3)...(0.7),(0.7)..1.0].bsearch { |x| x.begin >= 0.4 }
<ruboto> Bish # => 0.7..1.0 (https://eval.in/477916)
<Ox0dea> Bish: Superfluous parens for days.
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<Bish> Ox0dea, pardon?
<Ox0dea> Bish: You didn't need any of those parentheses.
<adaedra> >> [0.0...0.3,0.3...0.7,0.7..1.0].bsearch { |x| x.begin >= 0.4 }
<ruboto> adaedra # => 0.7..1.0 (https://eval.in/477922)
<Bish> >> [0.0...0.3,0.4...0.7]
<ruboto> Bish # => [0.0...0.3, 0.4...0.7] (https://eval.in/477923)
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<Bish> :o why am i always doing this
<Ox0dea> Stahp.
<Ox0dea> Why would I lie to you about something like that?
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<adaedra> To spread cahos.
<adaedra> chaos.
<Ox0dea> Bish: You generally need them for enclosing a Range itself, but not its constituent parts.
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<Bish> im doing it because i usually do 0..x.method
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<Bish> but can you actually help me, doing that bsearch correctly, i might be stupid
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<Ox0dea> >> 0..2.succ # Bish
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 0..3 (https://eval.in/477928)
<adaedra> shevy: here, a 5-second zombie. https://gist.github.com/adaedra/f302093d957376aed686
<Ox0dea> `..` and `...` bind quite loosely.
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<shevy> adaedra lol
<shevy> adaedra you still have control over that zombie
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<adaedra> Oh, I could totally end it after the wait. But if you look with ps during the sleep(3), you'll see a process in Z state, zombie.
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<Bish> halp
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<adaedra> ?
<Ox0dea> Bish: Your code is fine?
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<Bish> >> [(0.0)...(0.3),(0.3)...(0.7),(0.7)..1.0].bsearch { |x| 0.4<=x.end }
<ruboto> Bish # => 0.3...0.7 (https://eval.in/477945)
<Bish> :o that's it, right?
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<Ox0dea> Looks fine?
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<Ox0dea> Maybe you want `#cover?`?
<Bish> what does cover do!?
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<adaedra> No &ri today ♫
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<Ox0dea> Bish: #cover? and #include? are just slightly more pleasant ways to check whether a given value occurs within some Range.
<Bish> yeah but it's too slow
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<Ox0dea> Huh?
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<Bish> well, it is for me :D
<Ox0dea> #cover? just checks that the value is gte #begin and lt(e) #end.
<Bish> *checks cover*
<adaedra> Get down Mr President!
<Ox0dea> But, sure, if you have the domain knowledge to do one comparison instead of two, your code needs no improvement.
<Bish> i have a huge array of ranges, and i need to search them faster than i do already
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<Bish> (i use find right now)
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<Ox0dea> Are they sorted?
<Bish> nope
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<Ox0dea> Why do you have a huge array of ranges?
<Bish> because im st00pid
<Ox0dea> >> Errno::EDOOFUS
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => Errno::NOERROR (https://eval.in/477951)
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<adaedra> Seriously?
<shevy> lol
<Ox0dea> BSD thing.
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<shevy> that's funny... doof also is a german word
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<Bish> wow, it actually works
<shevy> your ruby skills are getting better and better by the day Bish
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<Bish> yeah, isn't that cooL!?!
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<adaedra> At least someone who is improving.
<Bish> im the best arooound~ ♫
<Bish> seems a little bit faster now
<shevy> Bish hey ... isnt that from a movie
<adaedra> But I guess that looking at TIOBE index everyday is not the best way to improve ruby skills.
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<shevy> if they'd eat more baguette they'd become wiser
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<Bish> ruby gettin' higher, and assembly, wut
<Bish> i want high languages and improve them with assembler, wham
<Ox0dea> Bish: Guess where I'm hiding the number of fucks you should give about TIOBE?
<shevy> Bish yeah they seem to have a hard time breaking into the top 3
<jhass> Ox0dea: the same place you store your vacuum?
<Bish> i don't i just google'd it because adeponte
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<Bish> adaedra, *
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<adaedra> oui ?
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<Bish> how on earth is assembly #11
<Ox0dea> Why shouldn't it be?
<Bish> because people don't use it, that's why (inb4 they use it, it's not what i mean)
<Ox0dea> > People die when they are killed.
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<shevy> embedded I guess
<Bish> the ranking is because of popularity, isn't it?
<Ox0dea> Nobody knows.
<Bish> embedded really gets done in asm? i really doubt in
<adaedra> s/knows/cares/
<Bish> most parts will be c
<Ox0dea> Bish: Are you guessing?
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<Bish> im not guessing, im just saying there are more kids willing to "vote" for python than assembly
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<Bish> this is a subjective ranking by someone who thinks "yeah java is important"
<Bish> and ofcourse it is.. but this is stupid, as stupid as i am
<Ox0dea> Someone needs a cuddle.
<Bish> im not mad because my programming language isn't on the list, im mad because it's totally pointless
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<shevy> Bish it's also not that far off here, at #13 http://spectrum.ieee.org/static/interactive-the-top-programming-languages-2015
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<blubjr> obviously embedded uses assembler..
<Ox0dea> Bish: Sounds like you need some Gandhi in your life.
<Bish> shell comes right after sql hrm hrm
<Bish> ofc embedded uses assembler, but not as much
<shevy> constraint programming
<Ox0dea> Bish: Not as much as what?
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<Bish> as much as peecha chakka no wookie boonowa tweepi solo ho ho ho
<Ox0dea> Oh, hey, you are retarded.
<Ox0dea> I thought you might've only been pretending.
<Bish> thank you!
<Bish> i actually googled that comeback, because im not fluent in jabba
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<Bish> i just can't see whole chips getting written with asm, even small ones
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<Ox0dea> Why should your lack of insight have any bearing on what is actually true?
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<Bish> never claimed i was an expert on this, but still, i feel if assembly was that popular, more people wanted to talkw ith me about that topic
<Bish> but they don't
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<mg^> I write MIPS assembly on occasion
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<mg^> and occasionally Z-80
<mg^> it's just not usually worth talking about :)
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<Bish> well, do you do it for a living?
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<mg^> Nah, hobby. Was going to try to turn it into a living, but decided that firmware programming was not my thing
<Bish> see. that's what i meant.
<Bish> and what platform doesn't have a c compiler, ofcourse you do the high-performance stuff in assembler, but i just don't see it as high in the ranking as someone else
<mg^> I mean, I enjoy it to some level, but the places that pay for it are not where I want to work
<Bish> where do you want to work
<mg^> I
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<Bish> self employed :D?
<mg^> I'm working where I want to work :)
<mg^> No, I work for a SaaS startup
<blubjr> bish bursts through a door, all the embedded hackers look up, bish says you could just do this in c, everyone stands up and cheers
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<mg^> Most of my job can be described as "making software play well with others" :-)
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<Bish> blubjr, are you one of those hackers?
<Bish> and i never said something like that, you're turning my words
<Bish> and why are you so mad, i just said assembly is not as popular as in that ranking
<mg^> Essentially I spend most of my day taking the output of one things API, munging the data, and stuffing it into some other things API. Not something that's fun with assembly!
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<Bish> grab a coffee dudes, i love assembly
<eam> so, TIOBE is based on search engine queries, right?
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<eam> it's not a measure of how much something's used as much as a measure of how often people have questions about the thing
<Bish> i have no clue, and i also have no clue why people enrage when i say something like that :o
<jbrhbr> eam: i was trying to catch you the other day— do you know of any other weird things like that [true or false] problem you mentioned last week?
<eam> unsurprising that assembly ranks high in terms of searches, considering it's almost entirely just domain specific knowledge
<Ox0dea> >> [p 1] # jbrhbr
<eam> jbrhbr: sure, the and/or/not parses weird in a few other contexts
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => /tmp/execpad-53867c82ff3d/source-53867c82ff3d:2: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keywor ...check link for more (https://eval.in/477957)
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<jbrhbr> eam: i mean aside from those, i noticed they are broken all over the place after you clued me into it :)
<Bish> and i've seen embedded developers, but i haven't seen embedded developers who do assembly
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<Ox0dea> jbrhbr: "Broken"?
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<eam> >> def f(x);x;end;"f(true)!f(not true)!f((not true))!f not true!f (not true)".split(?!).map { |exp| begin; eval exp; rescue Exception; "busted: "+exp;end }
<ruboto> eam # => [true, "busted: f(not true)", false, "busted: f not true", false] (https://eval.in/477958)
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<jbrhbr> Ox0dea: `x or y` is not a proper expression in the sense that it can be used where any other expression can, without parens for parser disambiguation
<Ox0dea> jbrhbr: But that's also true for method invocation, as I recently demonstrated.
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<jbrhbr> Ox0dea: can you share your example? not sure i saw it
<Ox0dea> >> [p 1] # jbrhbr
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => /tmp/execpad-eda3c22f6b22/source-eda3c22f6b22:2: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keywor ...check link for more (https://eval.in/477959)
<jbrhbr> yeah
<jbrhbr> Ox0dea: good one
<eam> jbrhbr: there's some other fun around when -@ is a method or not
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<jbrhbr> the puts one looks reasonable
<eam> >> class Fixnum; def -@; 7 end end; [1, -1, - 1, -1 - 1, -----------------1]
<ruboto> eam # => [1, -1, 7, -2, 7] (https://eval.in/477960)
<Bish> Ox0dea, do you hate me now :(?
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<Bish> fun fact: the bsearch thing is so much faster, that the working queue eats my ram, and crashes :(
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<jbrhbr> eam: thanks
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<jbrhbr> eam: can you explain what's going on in that -@ example? i don't know what -@ is but it loads like you're overriding unary negation for integers?
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<Ox0dea> jbrhbr: Just so.
<eam> yeah, sometimes unary - is a method and sometimes it is parsed as part of the numeric literal
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<eam> -7 is a numeric literal, no method invocation
<eam> - 7 is a numeric literal of 7, with the - method applied
<eam> x = 7; -x is the latter as well
<jbrhbr> yeah i get it now
<jbrhbr> that possibility seems so distant that i didn't consider it
<Ox0dea> Why?
<eam> everything is a method, except when it isn't
<jbrhbr> it's just very asymmetrical
<jbrhbr> @Ox
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<jbrhbr> if there are any syntactically valid ways to express unary negation, then one would expect that overriding unary negation would impact all of those cases
<jbrhbr> not selectively
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<eam> yeah it's a bit of a wart
<Ox0dea> There is an inherent ambiguity that matz had to resolve one way or another.
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<eam> well, you could argue that "-" should never be part of a literal
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<jbrhbr> performance posse would probably argue against that
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<eam> I doubt that parsing literals is a significant part of any ruby runtime
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<Ox0dea> eam: But then how would we represent -7 in the case of an overriden Fixnum#-@?
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<eam> Ox0dea: un-override it
<eam> "it hurts when I do this"
<jbrhbr> :p
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<jbrhbr> i don't understand the 7 problem
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<jbrhbr> if you really wanted to override -, you wouldn't make it return the literal 7
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<jbrhbr> it's just contrived to show the inconsistency
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<Ox0dea> "Inconsistency" is the wrong word, in my opinion.
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<jbrhbr> another way would be to not allow overriding of any of those base expression operators, if the expression parser isn't going to honor them
<Ox0dea> Do you have me muted?
<jbrhbr> no
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<Ox0dea> We don't run into any of these problems if we properly pad our operators.
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<jbrhbr> i don't doubt that they are easily avoided
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<Ox0dea> When we don't pad them, the parser has to disambiguate somehow, and the current approach is hardly the worst.
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<jbrhbr> my inquiry isn't about working around them though— i'm just curious about the cases where the parser might surprise me
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<eam> welp, freenode had a bit of a burp
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<eam> not sure if this got through, but: the real question, I think, is whether to apply unary - when parsing a literal in exponent form
<eam> >> 1e-2
<ruboto> eam # => 0.01 (https://eval.in/477975)
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<eam> should that be passed through the unary - method?
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<mordocai> Anyone have a good idea for calculating how many calendar days intersect a time range? I found this http://goo.gl/3cO6AY but I don't particularly like the presented solutions.
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<mordocai> If that's too confusing I can write up the real world problem i'm trying to solve.
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<jbrhbr> eam: i got it at least
<jbrhbr> :)
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<eam> rad
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<shevy> triangle!
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<blubjr> hi shevy
<shevy> what's with you blubjr man
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<blubjr> what..
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<shevy> you greet me all the time!
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<blubjr> oh sorry....its just saying hi
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<shevy> I wasn't even asleep in between the two greets
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<blubjr> i was..
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<slash_nick> hey shevy...what's your favorite planet?
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<slash_nick> mine's the sun... if you stare at it will burn your eyes
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<eam> the sun isn't a planet
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<slash_nick> eam: https://screen.yahoo.com/harry-caray-space-infinite-frontier-000000505.html ... i work with a guy that reminds me of that character _EveryDay_
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<shevy> slash_nick tough question
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<shevy> slash_nick guess my answer is kinda lame ... earth :\
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<eam> how do you organize a space party?
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<shevy> I'd love to have some cameras put on the other planets and watch through them how things are on the surface there
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<slash_nick> eam: i give up, how?
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<veloutin> eam: you planet?
<slash_nick> aw damn
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<eam> ding ding ding
<slash_nick> ba dum tssss
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<eam> how do you put a baby alien to sleep?
<shevy> chop the head off
<eam> daaaaamn
<shevy> I saw what they can do in Alien I!
<eam> slow down there sigourney
<shevy> since that day I refuse to eat salad
* slash_nick adds sigourney to hilight words
<slash_nick> doubt that'll ever come across my screen again
<eam> you gotta admit almost anything she's involved in is worth paying attention to
<jbrhbr> can you guys suggest some kind of xslt-like json schema gem where i can define a schema and then validate some json against it?
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<jhass> jbrhbr: http://json-schema.org/
<jhass> there are a couple of gems implementing it
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<jbrhbr> cool, thanks
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<mobson> I have been trying to find a way to make a complete copy of an array in a loop that I can change and then reset each loop
<mobson> but when a do a2 = aoriginal and change the array it changes the original
<mobson> so I am using a.join("-").split("-")
<jhass> mobson: call .dup
<mobson> I tried that and it didnt work
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<jhass> mmh, does Array implement clone properly? I hope so, try .clone if you want a deep copy
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<mobson> ok I will try that thank you
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<Papierkorb> >> a = ('a'..'d').to_a; puts a.zip(a.clone).map{|(l, r)| l.object_id == r.object_id}
<ruboto> Papierkorb # => true ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478008)
<Papierkorb> >> a = ('a'..'d').to_a; puts a.zip(a.clone).map{|(l, r)| l.object_id == r.object_id}.all?
<ruboto> Papierkorb # => true ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478009)
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<Papierkorb> >> a = ('a'..'d').to_a; puts a.zip(a.dup).map{|(l, r)| l.object_id == r.object_id}.all?
<ruboto> Papierkorb # => true ...check link for more (https://eval.in/478010)
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<Papierkorb> Array#clone isn't that amazing jhass :(
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<jhass> meh
<Papierkorb> mobson: try: the_copy = the_array.map{|elem| elem.clone}
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<blubjr> as a kludge you could serialise and unserialise it
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<Ox0dea> blubjr: Why's that a kludge?
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<CamonZ> hi
<CamonZ> what are some example repos of bad code?
<CamonZ> oss
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<Ox29c1> CamonZ: For why?
<CamonZ> I want to analize them with codeclimate
<Ox29c1> You shouldn't analize things in public.
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<CamonZ> Ox29c1: that makes absolutely no sense
<Ox29c1> CamonZ: "Analize" probably doesn't mean what you think it means.
<CamonZ> *Analyse :)
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<Ox29c1> I've written what is arguably the most atrociously bad Ruby code in existence, but it's not in a repo of its own.
<eam> I've got some bad ruby code
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<Ox29c1> >> (___=->_,__=''{__=_[$.]+__; _[$.+=$$/$$]?___[_,__]:__})['ZnomaC']
<ruboto> Ox29c1 # => "CamonZ" (https://eval.in/478013)
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<CamonZ> eam: PERL? :)
<eam> I ported it from perl
<Ox29c1> See also: VIM, JAVA, and UNIX.
<eam> without changing the code much
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<eam> the original perl was similarly bad
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