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SweetSoulBro hey man how do you do
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I'm frustrated. Can someone take a look at some code I'm doing and tell me 1. What I'm doing wrong and 2. How to do what I want to do?
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what exactly does ASLDotNetHandler do for SOAP4R?
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SweetSoulBro the best you can do is put code onto a pastie like gist.github and link to #ruby so that someone can look at the code, ideally also write in that pastie what does not work exactly
SweetSoulBro: There are some people who know Ruby here.
you probably have a string somewhere there rather than an integer
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Where, in the get_heat?
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nah, get_heat will return only numbers
I don't know how you get to that undefined method part, but evidently you can not have a number as it would work otherwise, ^^^ see what ruboto returned
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look at the line where it occurs, the ruby parser should tell you which line it is
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C:/users/ORIGIAN/Dropbox/gunbot/plasmahandgunclass.rb:61:in `get_wattage': undef ined method `-' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
That's the error I get.
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so you have a nil object
but all those @size = nil into def initialize
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and ensure that @heat has a proper value or whatever variables are used on line 61
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I did.
Heat has a varible of 0
ok so if @heat would be 0, then any - 5 number deduction would work, so it would be -5 then
But it isn't.
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I think it's saying the - is undefined.
which..is even odder.
you have some nil object there
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In wattage?
Wattage is nil
I don't know where you have it
to be honest, your code is not the cleanest right now ;)
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can you try to redo the class, but add variables only step-by-step?
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like start with @heat and ensure that it works; you can use pp to inspect; require 'pp' at the top
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I know it works.
It works when it picks one that doesn't subtract from heat
I tested that
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you use get_wattage
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but get_wattage can return either a String or a Number right?
hmm and perhaps nil too
It should return a string
What I'm trying to do
is after it returns that string
ok so you are sure that it should return a string
but there are cases where it will not
execute that math problem.
for instance, you use: @heat = @heat - 6
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and if @heat is a number, it will return that number
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and in the line above, you use: "15 kW(1d8)"
so it will return a String
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ruby will return the last statement of a method if you omit return keyword
SO it's upside down?
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take those two lines here:
"35 kW(2d8)"
@heat = @heat - 6
simply switch them
@heat = @heat - 6
"35 kW(2d8)"
everywhere you use them and it should work, or at the least be consistent with the rest of your if/else clauses
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still crashed.
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adm001mi: Ah, so you have a Ruby selected with RVM but it looks like /usr/bin/ is ahead of RVM in your PATH.
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adm001mi: echo $PATH
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adm001mi: If it was as RVM wanted it it would start with something like: "/home/adm001mi/.gem/ruby/2.1.5/bin:/home/adm001mi/.rubies/ruby-2.1.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/bin:..."
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[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" >> ~/.bashrc is what I apparently use...
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stack overflow is down :o
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adm001mi: Let's go to RVM to get it working. It's shell at this point.
adm001mi: The #rvm channel I mean.
havenwood: aight, thx so far
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adm001mi: np
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Hello ! can anyone point me to docs on what Foo.new({->var}) would do? I’m mainly curious about what the curly braces inside the new method and -> do with var
I can’t find anything about it in the Class docs
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anyone here use ruby linting?
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I have simple values ["a", "c", "f']. How do I sort it?
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mallu: what did you try?
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Hey, I run an irb session with IRB.start_no_setup. Before or after that, I would like to define a function which should be accessible from the IRB shell directly (without prefixing with module or class name). How would I do that?
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Oh I see, it is executing in 'main', so I just def the function before calling start
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if i have an object, Something.name, how can i call it this way, Something.call(some_variable) , where some_variable is "name"
jaequery: Something.send(some_variable)
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Radar: for sorting I tried this File.open("/stack_names.json", "w") do |f|
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mallu: We don't know what stack_names.json is.
but I am getting undefined method `sort' for #<String:0x000000013c94b0> (NoMethodError)
stack_names.json I want to create that file
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stack_names is of type string ? which doesn't have a sort method?
I want to sort stack_names array and wrote that to /stack_names.json
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it seem slike interpreter is telling you that stack_names is of type string
so error must before that line
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stack_name is a json !
so I need to sort it
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hi graffix
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I am trying to setup the code here https://github.com/jeroenr/awection, I’m just trying to get it working locally in a vagrant vm, I have the server running, listening at port 4000, and I have the app running listening at port 3000
but when I try to connect to the app I get an error
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undefined method `websocket_endpoint' for AuctionEngine::App:Class
I know absolutely nothing about ruby
I googled the error, but I can’t find anything relevant
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it’s running on sinatra, with thin webserver
I see it’s giving me a method undefined error, but I’m not sure why it would be undefined, I pullled the code from github and followed all the instructions to get it running
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If you call a bare method in a ruby program, what is the receiver of the method?
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heck I don’t knwo, kind of why I was asking
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what would this denote inside of a erb template <%= websocket_endpoint %>?
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finisherr: self
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finisherr: which is "main" at top level
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apeiros: Ah that makes sense.
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Is there a way to force strings that rails retrieves from the db to utf8 in order to avoid issues with non-english chars in a global scale? I tried in /config/application.rb to add the line config.encoding = "utf-8" but it did not make any difference. The only solution that works iss to use string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) . Does anybody have anything else to suggest?
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how do i check if a predicate returns true for every element in a sequence
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like every in lisp
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blubjr: Array#all?
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naftilos76: I recommend you try asking in #rubyonrails since I suspect this to be ActiveRecord specific.
yes thank you
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hello, how can i receive an argument/parameter from a websocket request?
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ocx: I don't even know where to start at how much context you left out
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apeiros: i am sending from javascript a websocket request with some data, want to read that data in sinatra
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then you probably want to ask your question in #sinatra
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hi pard
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pard: you do know that replacing "g" with "'" is not really english?
does "require"ng a module pollute the scope it was imported in?
you can't require modules. require is file based.
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and the required file can add stuff wherever it wants, so yes, it can pollute existing scopes.
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are there any measures that can be taken so it won't happen?
ok , accept my apologies; i will use the correct spelling
no sensible ones IMO
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you can freeze a module. that'll prevent adding anything to it.
thanks a lot
so with every require a potential pollution entails
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i have another thing to ask; is this a correct piece of code: class L; include module; def l() 12 end end end
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i mean, is "modul" an obj actually?
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it's a local variable or method. since you opened a new lvar scope (class) and didn't assign to module, it can only be a method. so if the L.module exists and returns a Module, the code can work.
otherwise it's a NoMethodError
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or in case of L.module not returning a Module, it's a TypeError
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thanks a lot
i doubt if so much knowledge has been gaind through mere experience :)
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is there any site describing the ayout of the outpt Ripper produces?
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i'm baffled by all "nil" things it emits
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pard: don't bother using Ripper, it's terrible
it actually works across all implementations, and does so nicely
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yorickpeterse, thanks
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yorickpeterse, i can't help wondering still, what all the trailng "nil" in its produced arrays mean :\
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Those are just placeholders for nodes that are optional
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wait -- the creators list says you are its dev!
i'm honor'd
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yorickpeterse, may i ask you a few things through private messagng?
or is it cool to ask it on the channel?
pard: ask in channel
i reckon making a Parser calls for huge expertise
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i want to ask where have you acquird such expertise from
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(it is more of a Parser question, which is the reason i thought i should ask it off-channel)
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I've got a question: Why do i get rb:12 undefined method 'chomp' for nil:NilClass(No method error)? Even when i explicitly printed that object's class it said its "File" What gives? Gist: https://gist.github.com/chrislotix/f90a50c41d0b0030e41f
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chrislotix: what did you identify as a file? "f" or the result of "f.gets" ?
because you call chomp on the result of "f.gets"...
i just double checked and called it on f
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now i checked it on f.gets and it's indeed Nil, how come?
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My ruby -v is 2.1.5
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check out the possibilities for when gets will return nil: ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.3/IO.html
charliesome: you need to check for eof?
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that file handle returns null somewhere down the line. like so, current_file = open("foo.txt");while ( !current_file.eof); p current_file.gets.chomp;end
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charliesome: to get your error, try this: current_file = open("foo.txt");while (1 ); p current_file.gets.chomp;en
s/$/d/ ;)
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er, well s/charliesome/chrislotix/g; :|
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gregf_: i figured :) I'm gonna try it now
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chrislotix: that was for you. the filehandle returns a null when it reaches eof. dont you feel thats how it needs to be? you surely dont expect the file to grow magically ;)
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I took it from LRTHW, interesting that it doesn't mention that
chrislotix: just trying to pull yer leg ;)
chrislotix: me neither. I think gregf_ just misread.
aha, or that
gregf_: please don't use "troll" to pull a leg. it's something which can easily get out of hand.
So I have a library that interfaces with some really flakey piece of hardware (random timeouts, sometimes commands get mangled up a bit). I managed to catch all the cases and throw an exception in the correct places.
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apeiros: noted lol
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So whenever I have my program run with this library, random parts always throw exceptions. Is this a good use case to retry key sending these commands 2-3 times on these expected exceptions?
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As in begin; tries ||= 3; rescue FooError; retry unless (tries -= 1).zero?; end
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norc: sounds like you don't have much other choice. what you can try is to split up the full task you have to do into as atomic parts as possible. so you have smaller portions of code to retry.
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apeiros: I have Connection#execute, which basically takes a command, wraps it inside a protocol and transmits it. So it is a small singular point of entry that I can use here
"this Ruby bindings have provided first bridging step towards Ruby GPU computing."
so it comes down to .map{}.join or inject(""){}
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... or the thing that yorickpeterse just demonstrated
i8igmac: what kind of computing you want to do?
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i guess, generate hash's
canton7: it sure is elegant, but it doesn't deal with the trailing newline properly, specifically an empty array would result in a non-empty string
have you tried simply using a faster language than ruby?
that would make sense lol
catphish, right, that's the sort of explanation other people need
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catphish, map.join then
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i8igmac, you'll likely get a few hundred to a few thousand times speedup by going to something which compiles or jits (from experience with this sort of thing)
i8igmac, or write a ruby extension in C if you need ruby interop still
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I am too sceptical
you are one of the anonymous webchatsters
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You mean because I only use pastie and not my github gists with a picture and linked instagram with facebook?
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because you have no face and name :)
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But I do.
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yeah, somewhere outside IRC!
shevy: If my face was inside IRC my name would be Skynet. Would you prefer that?
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oh if it were up to me, I'd revert to good old IRC of the 1990s era
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is is possible to make extra initializers in ruby? ie class methods that can create an instance and have access to instance variables?
norc: No difference between C and Assembly, you say?
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catphish: `initialize': already initialized class (TypeError)
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You won't be able to simply delegate to #initialize, if that's what you hoped to do.
catphish: the common way is to have a normalized initialize and multiple class methods which normalize input to what initialize expects
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apeiros: thanks, someone here suggested a normalized initialize that optionally accepts a block and executes it
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Ox0dea: Well the differences are small at least.
and no, you can't have multiple initializers. but initialize isn't really anything special. Class#new is essentially `def new(*args, &block); obj = allocate; obj.send(:initialize, *args, &block); obj; end`
But that is just a personal opinion, and nothing I want to argue about.
norc: I'm not sure I follow.
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apeiros: that makes a lot of sense, perhaps the alternative is to make pairs of methods, ie a repacement for both new, and initialize together
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catphish: I dislike that option.
I far prefer normalized initialize.
so a custom "self.new_from_string" which calls #new then
though I usually omit the "new_" part.
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def self.from_string(str); …convert str…; new(…); end
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but you think a unified initialize is neater?
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as said, yes
It's scarcely an opinion.
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you're right, "convert(str)" was the step i was missing, i could make a hash which initialize can then use to populate the object
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so initialize (and hence new) always accept a hash, which things like from_string can make for it
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thanks for helping me think :)
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we train thinking here
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Ox0dea: what's it if not an opinion? :)
apeiros: Objectively sane.
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that's just your opinion!!!
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Ox0dea: Large parts of C can be mapped into machine code directly (OTCC demonstrates this, albeit with only a limited subset of C)
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opinions are like....
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norc: mov is Turing-complete; what's your point?
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As I said, I didn't want to argue.
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We'll still be friends when the dust settles.
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Ox0dea: Hey, what was that neat thing that was like &proc?
norc: Explicitly manipulating a stack with `goto` really is an entirely different experience to having your locals appear on the stack as you enter and leave functions.
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pipework: Hm? `&proc` is already a thing, but I don't know that it has any kin.
Ox0dea: I must be doing something unexpected.
I guess calling &proc twice in a method body doesn't do what I expect.
Any OS X users here? If so, does the following spit out your user/group IDs?: socket = UNIXServer.new('/tmp/test.sock'); socket.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_PEERCRED).unpack('iii')[1..-1]
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get 'foo' => "bar" # what is this? a lambda?
I seriously don't understand how people live without blocks. Is this a phase?
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hxegon: Welcome to the end of your search for your favorite language.
I don't always use blocks in my interfaces because it's sometimes hard for other people to get what's going on.
casuals. meh
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catphish: see my earlier post ;) it allows hypervisor access to the kernel so a VM runs at near native speed :D
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What's the most awesome thing you've ever done in Ruby?
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hello, a newbie question; in the sentence "config.vm.define :whatever do |server|" what is :whatever? a method? a function?
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:whatever is a symbol
what he said ^
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Everything after : is a "symbol" in ruby
Erik_Underline: is it fair to say a "symbol is a data structure?
capin: it's not really clear to me what it actually does though, seems to provide access to certain memory locations, and presumably also a way to access calls to change ring
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just realised this is #ruby :) im a little offtopic :)
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capin: I don't really know what that would imply
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but I understand ":whatever" is an object as well, isn't?
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colegatron: in that case I think its used like an option to config.vm.define
colegatron: but yes, a symbol is an object
capin: data structures are hashes and arrays, so no, it wouldn't be.
hxegon_, oh. it makes sense
hxegon_, I need, inside the 'define' block, to get in a variable, the string representation of the "whatever" option/symbol
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DeBot: g
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colegatron: you will also see these used as hash keys because they are more memory efficient to use than strings, + other reasons someone should enumerate
catphish: i think the take away is you can't use KVM in OS X (which really hurts the speed of the VM) almost to the point that it's not worth using
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capin: are you trying to use vagrant?
hxegon_, in this particular case is the name of the vagrant vm, but I need that name "whatever" into a variable
slash_nick: Well done.
capin: got confused sorry
capin: doesn't OS X have its own virtualization API? virtualbox support os x afaik, i assume it doesn't rely on soft emulation
colegatron: whats the :whatever in this case? have a bit of experience with vagrant
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not being able to use qemu could be annoying though
whatever is the name of the vm you are defining in the config.vm.define block.
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I need to take the name (whatever) to avoid repeat the text "whatever" all over the place inside the definition.
i'll have to write my own hypervisor one day :)
I mean : tmpName = letSayGetOption(0).from.define
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catphish: apple said they were going to expose the hypervisor in a recent version of OS X (don't remember off the top of my head) but i think the qemu devs still haven't written in support for KVM yet, and I'm not a fan of using vbox FWIW
colegatron: you could define the name outside the scope of the block and use it that way, but there is probably a better solution
capin: it won't be kvm, since kvm is specifically a linux module
capin: why not, out of curiosity? (I use vbox w/ vagrant on OS X)
capin: but i'd hope qemu would support apple's API at some point
hxegon_, I define lots of VM's in the same vagrantfile. and I do not want to work out of the scope if it is possible
catphish: ME TOO!
i use vbox for desktop VMs, always seems convenient
colegatron: ahh, I see. I only use one at a time.
i use kvm/qemu on the server side
colegatron: You want access to :whatever from within the #define block?
to the _string_representation_ not the object
I need it to use in the scripts I use for provisioning and other deploys that are fired once the vm is up
colegatron: Are you not creating these VMs dynamically in some sort of loop?
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Ox0dea, not at this moment, so no.
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Ox0dea, next iteration/feature will be inside a loop
colegatron: Then something like `config.vm.define(foo = :whatever) { ... }` will suffice.
You'll have access to `foo` within the block.
catphish: maybe we should go bug the qemu devs over at their irc server :P ..."hey man when yall going to get hypervisor support for OSX" :P
Ox0dea, OOOhhh nice
I'm going to play
Yay! <3
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Ox0dea, Aside the global variable this construction is correct, right? config.vm.define( $cI = :worker_swfdev, autostart: false ) do |server|
colegatron: It is.
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Ox0dea, great, it works. I've replaced the global var for a local one and it's almost ready to be converted in a loop to deploy servers :)
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colegatron: Huzzah!
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Ox0dea, as far as I understand the vm.server block on the following code (https://paste.debian.net/318887) should work even if for each vm I defined in the vagrant file
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I mean if I change what the vm.server block does for each vm
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hxegon: It's going to be a shitstorm until everybody goes to bed, and it'll be done five minutes later.
Ox0dea, yes, and if finally I put all inside a loop, the server.vm.provision would change aswell doing different things depending on a cI attribute
As an aside, I had "hxegon_" in my message line and it lost its highlighting when you changed nicks; I didn't know that would happen.
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but I understand, being the server.vm.provision inside the same .define block, will not have side effect or strange behaviors because ruby
Probably don't actually use that, though.
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Ox0dea: yeah, thats..... hmm
It's neat, but best to leave it at that.
In a method for JS(function is the proper term), Python etc, if you don't specify what to return, it'll return undefined etc but Ruby methods will return the result of the last evaluated expression, why is that?
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I get why ruby does it, but why not the other languages?
Erik_Underline: It's just another way in which they're inferior.
Even LOLCODE returns the last evaluated expression.
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Erik_Underline: In all seriousness, it's because Ruby was designed for programmer happiness; precious few other languages bother to take that into account.
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Erik_Underline: having to put in return statements everywhere is a given in any non-imperitave program
Is there any advantage to it?
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hxegon: Huh? All of the languages recently mentioned are imperative.
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Ox0dea: sorry, trying to express a not completely formed idea, give me a minute. Erik_Underline disregard what I just said
Erik_Underline: You have to use an explicit `return` if you want to return early (before the end of the method), and some argue that consistency must always be striven for.
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But Ruby methods are often "properties", and `return` looks awkward in that context.
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What do you mean with that ruby methods are 'properties'?
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Erik_Underline: class Sloth; def herbivore; return true; end; end
I see mthod 'grep'. Is there anything similar to "grep -v". Ie; exclude the pattern?
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Btw, what if there's no return written in a method, but you don't want the value of the last evaluated expression anyhow, what do you do then?
Erik_Underline: You make `nil` the last evaluated expression.
Erik_Underline: explicit returns have advantages, namely that you can never 'accidentally' return something from a function that you didn't intend to. In Ruby you can write a method that's meant for side effects but that accidentally returns something and if the stars align someone else in your org will start relying on it and that will be awkward and bad. But in general I like implicit returns
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Ox0dea: how do you do multiple pattern?
mallu: Regexp.union should suffice.
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Or just chain your invocations of #!~ with ||.
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gregf_ # => wrong number of arguments (0 for 2) (ArgumentError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/460307)
Ox0dea: ahh, whereas a lamda will give you an argument error when appropriate right?
hxegon: ^^
>> proc { |a,b| puts a + b }.call()
gregf_ # => undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/460308)
gregf_: You're being noisy. :<
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what is this -> BS
hxegon: -> is another way to create a lambda.
-> x, y {} == lambda { |x, y| }
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oh yeah! the other way is kind of cumbersome
I agree.
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Lambdae are better than Procs, and we get a sexy syntax for them to boot.
how do you sort this json file? ["a", "c", "f", "b", "d"]
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hxegon: its what Ox0dea said. lambda need the args, in a proc they aren;t mandatory. sorry about that Ox0dea . i know interrupting is annoying :|
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gregf_: No, you weren't interrupting; you were just making ruboto spew.
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sorry ruboto ;)
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are lambdas and procs interchangable with procs? can I just start spamming lambdas everywhere?
mallu: That's an Array.
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that first sentance lol
hxegon: ...
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Ox0dea: at least I'm honest
We've just discussed the primary difference.
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Ox0dea: alright alright, I'll stop with the stupid questions :P
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mallu: require "json"; p JSON.parse(%{["a", "c", "f", "b", "d"]}) <== like that?
hxegon: you need to be careful with Ox0dea. you could get lost ;)
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hxegon: #map expects a block and you gave it one.
Ox0dea: so did you but it returned a single value, is that because it's inside a function?
Ox0dea: or is it not a block in that case?
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is this rub & rails ?
ruby & rails
?rails GORDON6
GORDON6, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
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hxegon: I'm not sure I understand the question.
Your example demonstrates that `&` can be used to treat a Proc like a block, not the difference in return semantics between Procs and lambdae.
so Ruby is different than RubyOnRails
guys i m old school i just installed mirc
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i am amazed to see people are studying in here
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GORDON6: rails is a framework for ruby
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wow, I didn't realize return doesn't return from a proc. I suppose that's to allow stuff like
Ox0dea: I'm going to do some research on this and get back to you
hxegon: Sounds good.
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Ox0dea: ahh, the implicit return in the proc confused me. I get it now. I was didn't think there would be a difference between proc { |i| return i+1} and proc { |i| i+1 }
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Ox0dea: I now realize that is exactly what you were saying... I'll go in the corner now
hxegon: Be never ashamed of your own edification.
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how can i remove these silly "\xC2", "\xA0" from a string?
dorei: How'd they get there?
nbsp :p
i remembered
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lol: "I was didn't think there would be..." - hxegon 2015
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> Has anyone ever been far as decided even go want to do look more like?
string.bytes.select {|c| c < 0x80}.map(&:chr).join
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Sometimes I can't belive english is my first lang >.<
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with the second line you avoid creating the string if it's not going to be used, but then you have to write 'if DEBUG' after every debug message, which isn't very DRY
TheNet: Seems you know all you need to make the right decision.
use a gettext module for i18n and then the former isn't any more expensive :)
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Or just freeze it. :P
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fschuindt: Ah, well, you'll want to say `people.insert(2, *new_people)`.
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Without the * to "spread" the array into separate arguments, you'd insert an Array instead of its components.
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too slow :(
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Ox0dea: not quite sure what that's telling me
TheNet: It's telling you how many occurrences of that one String are alive in the system.
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Does anyone have an opinion on Ruby in Canada re: jobs?
I know Shopify uses it for their code base
Ox0dea: thank you again man, It workend :)
fschuindt: Happy to help.
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TheNet: I realize you probably can't freeze your debug strings by dint of their being dynamic, but look what happens if you can: https://eval.in/460347
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I refuse to join #rubyonrails, the last time I been there they asked me to STFU
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I won't join there ever again
diegoviola: Are you going to refuse to join #ruby if somebody here advises you similarly?
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Ox0dea: yes, I don't want to be in a toxic community
just allow Log.debug to take a symbol
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Log.debug :"my error message here"
TheNet is worried about an object being created at all.
objectitis - fear of objects
TheNet: And that's laudable, but having to tack `if DEBUG` on the end is largely just noise.
well it won't be created per call, right?
that's kinda the point of a symbol
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diegoviola good that the communities are different!
eam it's a log message so it'll probably be different each time
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ah. Make your logger method take sprintf style args?
have *it* do the dynamic bits
Yep, that'd be the best approach.
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Freeze the format strings, of course.
could I use a block?
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Ox0dea: btw, I bet ObjectSpace lies about how many actual copies of the strings it makes
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Log.debug { "this #{var} string" }
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eam: What makes you say so?
TheNet: You could, but why?
anyone know of if there's a better looking major mode in emacs for ruby than the stock one?
I mean, it works fine, I was just hoping for a LITLE more color
Ox0dea: it seems pretty simple, just curly braces instead of parenthesis
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Are you trolling...?
>> ObjectSpace.each_object(String).select { |s| s == 'foo' }.map(&:object_id).uniq.size # eam
Ox0dea: you'd have to inspect from outside ruby
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the more i watch these ad-hoc filter/select/map examples
havenwood: Control+x then Control+C
err, c
Yeah I think passing a block into Log.debug is the best choice for me
Ox0dea: actually I only see 3 copies, so hey
shevy: I don't care about these languages
riceandbeans: -UUU:----F1 *scratch*
riceandbeans: The plot thickens...
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then in Log.debug I can do something like "message = yield if DEBUG"
TheNet: def debugf(fmt, *args); sprintf fmt, *args; end; Log.debugf "my %s is %s!", "whale", "purple"
havenwood: in emacs, unlike where vi(m) with everything being relation to ed and piped through ed, most all commands are based off the alt, shift, and control keys
ed commands and essentially piped through ed
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havenwood: so there's notations like C-a or M-x (M is Meta which is alt), or S-whatever, in reference to key combos
diegoviola haha yeah me neither
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riceandbeans: I'm *mostly* just kidding (I sometimes get stuck in emacs).
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eam: isn't a block better
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is it Ok to create a new Proc?
TheNet: Aye, you were worried about object allocation, no?
if you're worried about creating strings, I imagine you're also worried about creating blocks
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havenwood: I'm not hating on vim, I just ended up trying out emacs a couple years back and growing to like it better than vim, they're both fine by me but I'm more fluent in emacs and I feel more comfortable in it
:P use what you like best and makes you happy
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and by the way, we're quickly approaching the "perhaps ruby isn't the right language for this kind of optimization" :)
eam: I'm more worried about string interpolation
TheNet: I recommend benchmarking the various options, given the particulars of your use case (which we really don't know0
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make sure your assumptions about cost are correct
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alright, thanks
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how does one create a gemspec.rz file, more importantly whats the easiest way to read the gemspec file
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from a discussion about why Array#[] can't necessarily give parse-time errors about x["oops"]: ObjectSpace.each_object(Array).to_a.sample.instance_eval { def [](*x); "loooooool what is going on"; end }
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riceandbeans: I usually vim and only dabble in emacs from time to time playing with Xiki. I've recently got re-interested after looking at the alchemist package for elixir but haven't had time to explore!
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elixir? you do erlang?
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bjhaid: A gemspec.rz file is Zlib.deflate(Marshal.dump(foo)), where foo is an instance of Gem::Specification.
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Ox0dea: I know
I was asking how to create it
but I think I have found my answer
bjhaid: The process is invertible.
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Ox0dea: the process is invertible but getting the specification from the gemspec is where I have been stucked
I would go with `gem specification some_gem.gem` for now
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bjhaid: Gem.latest_spec_for(foo)
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Ox0dea: can foo be a raw gem? like file on disk
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bjhaid: No.
so what I want is for a file on disk
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Hey guys, I’ve got an interesting question and altough this pertains to ruby with a persistence layer I think this is the best place to ask.
bjhaid: Are you sure this is what you need to do?
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Im creating a url shortening service and trying to generate the shortest possible url safe url
yes, so I have a rubygems mirror and I want to create spec files for local gems
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bjhaid: .gemspecs, or .gemspec.rzs?
Im planning to use SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 but I need to ensure that each ‘shortened’ url is unique
tref: why not just have an incrementing serial walking through whatever encoding you're using?
to use in generating the specs file for the rubygems mirror
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I was thinking of doing it serially
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I guess there’s no reason that I cant
bjhaid: But these local gems do have gemspecs, yes?
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they have gemspecs
if you need parallelism, just apportion out regions of the serialized space to each parallel entity
aka thread 1 gets to generate odd and thread 2 gets to generate even
eam: what im a little unsure of is how I would go about finding out what the ‘next’ entry would be serially
(use any modulous for any level of parallelism)
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lous? what's wrong with me
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no-time toulouse
tref: well, you have a set of valid characters, right? for simplicity's sake let's say that's "a".."z"
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Ox0dea: I don't know how to create the Gem::Specification from the gemspec, that was my initial question
yeah it would be A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “-” and “_”
sem: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, “-” and “_” (sorry forgot the name)
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so you need f(x) where x is your integer sequence and f(x) is the position encoded in your sequence
"a".."z" is base 26
bjhaid: Have you seen gem help generate_index ?
so it's pretty easy to write f
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A-Za-Z0-9-_ is just a larger base
would have a peek
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f(1) -> "a"
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f(26) -> z, f(27) -> "aa
or w/e
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>> 'z'.next
Ox0dea: thanks, that's what I have been thinking of how to implement
tref: well, do you know how to convert number bases?
by default Pony.mail uses sendmail?
eam: I dont
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Is there simple way of passing in some sort of hash path to a method so the hash inside the method can use it to access the value at that path?
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tref: if you look up how, and apply those principals to convert to base 55 you'll have what you need (I'm happy to help but, not sure I want to write the thing for you)
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is it base55? no, it'd be base64, right?
I think you can do base65 without padding
anyway, it doesn't really matter what characters you decide to map your sequence onto
jxl180: See #map: @server.datacenter_options.map do |dc|; [dc[:name], dc[:longName]]; end
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eam: I had something like that [*'0'..'9', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', "_", "."].sort! {|a,b| a <=> b}
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Ox0dea: Thanks!
tref: ok, so f(0) == "." right?
this is easy up to f(64), then at f(65) you need "0."
eam: yes
you can figure out the value in each place with div / mod 65
or powers of 65
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and the integer you have for each place (like [1, 0] in the above example for f(65)) you'd find with [*'0'..'9', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', "_", "."].sort! {|a,b| a <=> b}[x]
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[*'0'..'9', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', "_", "."].sort! {|a,b| a <=> b}[1] == "0" and [0] == "."
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eam: with your example it would be 64 I believe
hey, I'm trying to use mechanize to log into a microsoft (NTLM) authentication pop-up that goes through the browser (i.e "Authentication Required" popup) and I can't seem to get it right
I've tried things I found from stackoverflow
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I've even tried curl and postman, nothing seems to help
what did you try, can you link
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tried this, got the same error in the comment
when I try and find the authentication pop -up, i cant even find it on the DOM
eam: so in order to get the next value of say a http://short.url/A9 I could pop the last value (which is 9) and find its index in the charset ([*'0'..'9', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', "_", "."]) and increment it
is there a nice syntax to swap two methods without three alias_method invocations?
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tref: yes. more generally you probably just want to write an integer to base65, and base65 to integer method
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eam: hmm ok what might that look like and I’ll stop bothering you and take a swing at it :) You’ve been extremely helpful
tref: so, say I have f(12345)
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eam: where would the value 1234 come from?
I'm just making it up
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it's an integer that I want to convert to this base65 sequence
eam: ok
>> 12345.to_s(65)
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eam # => invalid radix 65 (ArgumentError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/460363)
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so unfortunately, ruby doesn't define large bases (because there's no agreemnt on what symbols to use, I presume)
but we've defined it, via that big [] above
so I need to know the 0..64 value of each digit, right?
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eam: yes
12345 / 65**3 is zero, so I have no digit in the 3rd place
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12345 / 65**2 is 2, so I have that_mapping_above[2] in the 2nd place, right?
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and then 12345 % 65**2 is 3895, which is what I have left over for the 1 and 0th place, right?
(sorry I'm being terrible with my off by one)
so 3895 / 65**1 = 59
yes I follow
so I have [2, 59]
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if I'm doing this right, which I'm not sure I am
then map [2, 59].map { |digit| that_mapping_above[digit] }.join ""
which should be the string representation
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going the other way, you need to map the single characters to the digit between 0..64, and then multiply by 65**(whatever place you're in)
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so this would be "1v" I think?
for 12345
yeah 1v
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eam: sorry forgot to sort it
yeah make sure you have a stable ordering :)
im using that_mapping_above = [*'0'..'9', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', "_", "."].sort!{|a,b| a <=> b}
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throw - in as well
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that will give me 65
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I think 65 characters is your max for url safe
base64 uses one character for pad
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I have to refresh my knowledge of base64 encoding
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what you're doing here isn't base64 btw
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It's called positional numbering.
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so I used rbenv, now I try out rvm
ha, I am so excited already
I let it install right now
I heard rvm can compile to binary or something like that and is faster then?
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String#next is super weird, depending on the contents of the string
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tref: Do you know how to convert to and from hexadecimal in your head?
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Or on paper or whatever.
Ox0dea: ha - no
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Ox0dea: could probably learn real quick
tref: Well, you should learn how to do that, and then extrapolate from 16 to 65, or indeed any n.
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utf-8 codepoint is hex
unicode code point
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tref: ∀ n ∈ ℝ: 10ₙ = n₁₀
Except, technically, n = {0, 1}, which saddens me.
Ox0dea: That’s a little beyond my knowledge
Ox0dea: not sure if you caught the beginning of this but were trying to make this url safe
tref: "10 in base n == n in base 10 for all n".
tref: So you choose a URL-safe "alphabet".
The alphabet for hexadecimal is "0123456789abcdef".
right which we defined as [*'0'..'9', *'a'..'z', *'A'..'Z', "_", ".","-"]
tref: Now learn how to convert to and from hexadecimal, and then use your alphabet instead.
I figured it out
i’m passing in an array looping through each item and grabing the value of the original hash until the array is empty, which leaves me with the value I want
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tref: Mind, hexadecimal is just another system of positional notation, so you're already good to go if you grok how decimal works.
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If you assign a lambda to a variable, is it still an anonymous function?
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hxegon_: Its name is still detached from its essence, which can't be said for methods.
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You can't get hold of a method without knowing its name.
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Ox0dea: makes sense
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what about methods without a name
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shevy: Could you provide an example?
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(See what I did there?)
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Ox0dea: what was wrong with the way we were doing it
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tref: You were missing the forest.
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Understanding how to convert to and from any base is something every programmer should.
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tref: Would you like a fish? :/
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let's be honest, fishing is an extremely unproductive use of my time
Ox0dea: do you have any 3's
but if it's fishing for compliments I'm gonna do it anyway
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tref: Please do take some time to understand how this works. https://eval.in/460371
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Ox0dea: No, sorry I’m vega
vegan* lol
Ox0dea ->
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shevy: That's not a valid method name in Ruby.
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you can .call it
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That makes it a method?
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one without a name
You don't usually troll...
You do usually troll...
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Happy Frejya's Day!
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and that name is a very strange one for the USA
shevy: UnboundMethod instances have names, they're just not bound.
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can I unbound a method from -> ?
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shevy: "Unbound" is an adjective, not a verb.
UnboundMethod doesn't have a constructor, so no, you cannot create one from a lambda.
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but a lambda is an object
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Ox0dea: going through your example. Excuse my ignorance but I’m having a hard time finding any information on the syntax you used: `while (number /= charset_size) > 0`
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the item's class ?
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itgold: what are you really trying to do because the question has shifted slightly
do you want to add a new attribute or method to all instances and future instances of a class?
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basically, extend the class definition
or are you just trying to add a value into a specific instance of a specific object
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I'm playing around with the logstash plugin that is pulling data from RSS feed and populates Elasticsearch index. For one of the feeds I have there is no property that it expects and it is pubDate. I'm trying to patch RSS plugin source code so if there is no pubDate property it just needs to ignore it
open up the class and add a method for pubDate that returns whatever you expect/want
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aha, let me check if I have this class
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effectively making it a runtime patch
you don't need the class source code
just literally define it in your code
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class Blah def pubDate :noValue end end
not sure I understand how to do it
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I have a variable called "item"
my understanding is I need to add pubDate to this instance somehow
add it to the class.
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class Item def pubDate :value end end
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variable isn't relevant, its the class of what it is
itgold: when you create a class.. re "defining" the class just adds into the class definition
so "class Test def hi puts "hello" end end" "class Test def hello puts "hi" end end" x = Test.new will give you x.hi and x.hello
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only need to define it once; not in a loop
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itgold, do you understand the relationship between Classes and Instances?
Jerrod: I think I do :)
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The class is a blue print object in which an instance is created from, if you want to add a property to an instance, add it to the class and it each new instance will be created with the new property.
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itgold: do your monkeypatch at load
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itgold: whats item.class say
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let me check
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I do need to have RSS::Rss::Channel::Item class in order to patch it, right?
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Can/do I have to upgrade gem itself? I installed a ruby version - is gem current then?
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what is the new gem version
latest one should be 2.4.8
current stable ruby
I use rvm
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to install bundler globally, I just run gem install?
here is how I get list of items: feed = RSS::Parser.parse(body) feed.items.each do |item|
no need for a -g switch, right?
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lemondom: Just: gem install bundler
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sounds like a module
I was hoping to add pubDate to every item object instance if it doesn't exists
I love bundler
I love Gemfiles and bundler
I just run bundler install and I am done
itgold: does item[:pubDate] or item['pubDate'] do something useful?
lemondom: RubyGems even supports creating/updating a Gemfile.lock from your Gemfile: gem install -g
no, I assume this is just suppose to be a property. This is how it is getting used: event["published"] = item.pubDate
havenwood: so it replaces bundler now?
lemondom: Then to be in the context of the bundle just set: export RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS=-
what does gem install -g? globally install ?
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itgold: there are no properties in ruby, only methods.
that is what I was missing
so item.pubDate is a getter or something?
havenwood: so I don't need bundle anymore?
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can I dynamically add a new method pubDate to every item that has no such method?
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djellemah: mmm I don't know that statement is correct?
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djellemah: objects have properties /attributes
djellemah: and methods are how you access them
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Eiam_: you mean instance variables?
Eiam: maybe he meant that when you access a property you do this trough method?
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djellemah: class Test def initialize @test = "hi" end end Test has an attribute, @test
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@test is not a method
Eiam: not accessible from the outside.
djellemah: if you define an accessor it is
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attr_reader :color
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unless (item.pubDate rescue nil).nil?
err, attr_reader :test
Eiam: attr_reader defines the method for you.
this is how I check if pubDate exists
itgold: item.pubDate if item.respond_to? :pubDate is probably the easiest
but can I then add it to this particular instance?
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djellemah: right, it defines a method.. to an attribute/property/.. instance variable =0
djellemah: thats not what hes trying to do. he knows pubDate doesn't exist. he wants to make it exist and do something
do what?
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just access it
event["published"] = item.pubDate
like that
So it it doesn't exist, nil is fine, right?
itgold: and what should pubDate return
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I want it to return empty something
nil to indicate state is bad but w/e
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empty string would work
so is that
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event["published"] = item.pubDate rescue nil will work, although the rescue is somewhat overkill
djellemah: that forces every instance to evaluate
oh, cool!
djellemah: you don't like monkeypatch as a solution?
I think this is exactly what I need
thank you guys!
rescue nil is required in every place some other code decides to access the non existent attribute
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it seems to solve itgold's problem without a need to understand classes / instances / monkeypatching
itgold: all RSS::Rss::Channel::Item classes will return :default_pub_date when accessed now
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but do I have to modify Item's class for this?
(you cannot SET a value, but atleast now your string comes from a known place)
itgold: which is what the example is doing on lines 23-27
yes. thats correct.
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the difference is, if LATER you need to access pubDate again, you have to start rescuing there too. and rescue for every access seems like an odd expense to pay but
* Eiam_
got it. And this way I don't have to use "rescue"
djellemah: I was reading through it, seemed like a possible solution
thank you, Eiam_
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djellemah: I figure I'm not the first person to have this question so I was wondering what peole were d oing
itgold: thats correct that you do not. It's all trade offs. djellemah solution does some things, not others. mine has its own trade offs.
using nil or empty strings or arrays to indicate state is "usually" a poor practice, because that state couuld be set ANYWHERE
Eiam: Somebody I know likes dotenv. I haven't really used it.
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djellemah: thanks.. so far it was the closest to what I was after.. scattered stuff in config.ru, sinatra.app and all my model/init.rb files so trying to centralize it in some places
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Rake defines a DB, but so does Models/init.rb
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and so does config.ru =0
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(all entry points into points of development or production!)
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itgold: Well, that was a weird error, but the RSS standard library has had this #pubDate method on Item since 1.8, so your error must be in another castle.
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itgold: Then you were mistaken in your conclusion that you were invoking #pubDate on an instance of RSS::Rss::Channel::Item.
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itgold: Oh, you'll want to remove Eiam's patch and try again.
how can we confirm that?
I didn't do Eiam's patch
Then it's confirmed.
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but :item => item.class prints out :item=>RSS::Rss::Channel::Item
when building a gem, is it possible to specify the output name?
what does respond_to do?
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itgold whether your object responds to the given method
hahuang65: Name your gemspec appropriately?
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Ox0dea: what do you mean?
hahuang65: How are you building your gem?
why respond_to(:pubDate) returns true but item.pubDate throws an exception?
> undefined method `pubDate' for #<RSS::RDF::Item:0x77913237>
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itgold: That was the error you originally mentioned.
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so I'm building it like `gem build my-gem.gemspec` and it outputs as `my-gem-0.0.1.gem` where I want to name it `my-gem.gem` without the version
itgold: Do you have an RSS:RDF::Item, or do you have an RSS::Rss::Channel::Item?
ah, maybe. So this is another type of class?
Is there any Ruby function that would give a result similar to mysql's "to_days" function (Days since year 0).
hahuang65: Why?
jericon: From what kind of input?
hahuang65 interesting. you can get rid of the version suffix if you assign .version = ''
but a trailing - will be kept :\
Ox0dea: this is going in a Dockerfile and I don't want to change the version number in the Dockerfile each time we upgrade.
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shevy: hmmm that might be okay...
let me check it again
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I'm seen :item=>RSS::Rss::Channel::Item
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Ox0dea: a dateTime. I'm working on a script to do some management in mysql with partitions. the partitions are done by to_days(now()) basically.
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hahuang65 you may possibly be the first one with such a request, you can file an issue request for being able to omit the "-version" suffix, or perhaps when .version = '' was set to empty specifically; issue requests can go to: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/issues
jericon: An instance of Ruby's DateTime, or?
Ox0dea: yes.
I can select that value from MySQL and store that in a ruby variable, but I was wondering if there was a function in ruby that would give me the same thing.
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but an error says: Error: undefined method `pubDate=' for #<RSS::RDF::Item:0x4468f24f>\n Exception: NoMethodError\n Stack: /opt/logstash-1.5.4/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-input-rss-0.1.4/lib/logstash/inputs/rss.rb:56
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why can't I do this to avoid this error: item.pubDate = item.pubDate rescue nil ?
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I want to initialize actually item.pubDate because it is used somewhere else down the chain
instead of doing event["published"] = item.pubDate recover nil
shevy: thanks :)
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probably I should do Eiam's solution to make it right
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itgold: You should determine why you have an RSS::RDF::Item even though your log says you have an RSS::Rss::Channel::Item.
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Something to do with the switch to Julian, I'm sure.
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Probably. I'll probably just use the first example you gave and add a -2 until I can figure out a better way to get it. Or just select it out of MySQL and use that value.
so it is just the matter of instance type that is getting used. I'm getting both types from different sources
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and the problem is only with this class: RSS::RDF::Item
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yeah, those types are different because your objects are different
gotta run
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Ox0dea: :item => item.respond_to?(:pubDate) resolves to false in case of this is RSS::RDF::Item
itgold: It seems the author of that Logstash plugin just didn't account for the fact that RSS::Parser.parse(foo).feed_type == 'rss', even if `foo` was actually an RDF feed.
yeah, I'd like to avoid introducing additional libraries
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so Ruby is a dynamic language, can I do this default value initialization?
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on the instance level
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itgold: `def item.pubDate; :whatever; end`, and may the fates have mercy on your foot.
that's a horrible suggestion
It's what the customer wants.
"how do I do this" ?
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even horrible would work for me, guys :)
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well, pretty sure they want to keep the data if present
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Oh, I forgot that part.
looks like a method_missing hook, meh
itgold: Are you sure you don't want to figure out why you're getting RSS::RDF::Items where you're expecting RSS::Rss::Channel::Items?
the rss stdlib is horrible, who did ever accept that in?
standards were lower 15 years ago :)
I would love to see a revamping of stdlib
Ox0dea: I think I've figured out. This method just accept both types. And it breaks on RSS::RDF::Items
Item or Items?
both exist
Items is a list of item variables
itgold: so the issue is line 74 errors if the datasource doesn’t have pubDate?
yes, if item.pubDate is undefined
and you can’t fork that code and submit a patch with a “.try(:pubDate) || Time.now” ?
or whatever the time should be
* er pubDate
fibbel: you checked activesupport is loaded?
itgold: That branch of the `case` statement wouldn't be executed if `feed.feed_type` weren't returning "rss" when it probably shouldn't.
ah jhass yes spoiled by rails
so this is ruby only?
I think this is ruby only
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itgold: okay, no method_missing magic after all, RSS09::Item and RSS20::Item alias date to pubDate, however RDF does define date too
itgold: so item.date instead of item.pubDate should work
and I'm looking at Ruby code second time in my life, so I'm just noob, sorry
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jhass, interesting, I can give it a try. But I believe it might depend on a specific rss feed that I'm working with. Some of them has pubDate some not
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yeah, I just explained why and that I think all of them have data and that pubDate is the same as date for all that have pubDate