havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules & more: http://ruby-community.com || Ruby 2.2.3; 2.1.7; 2.0.0-p647: https://ruby-lang.org || Paste >3 lines of text on https://gist.github.com || log @ http://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
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<shevy> good old webchatters with their very real questions
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<Ox0dea> shevy: How do I invoke the instance methods of a singleton class?
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<shevy> hey
<shevy> use class methods man
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<shevy> Ox0dea you missed norc
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<shevy> <norc> shevy: Im using Ruby extensively. Im just spending some time getting to know the internals bit by bit.
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<shevy> he has lots of real questions
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<BraddPitt> can someone explain the difference between bundler's rake install command and `gem build *.gemspec`?
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<Ox0dea> BraddPitt: If "build" and "install" are synonymous in your dictionary, something's gone awry.
<Ox0dea> > real questions
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<BraddPitt> wasn't sure if they did different things, since the output is different
<Ox0dea> shevy: How goes the C learning?
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<havenwood> BraddPitt: Build and install with bells and whistles and optional heel symbol versus simple build-only.
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<havenwood> BraddPitt: Building a gem doesn't install the gem.
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<shevy> Ox0dea I dunno... 2015 is almost over already...
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<pipework> Thank Matz for that. Hopefully we all get a great Christmas present from him.
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<shevy> yeah
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<Ox0dea> >> Time.now.yday / 365.0
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 0.7835616438356164 (https://eval.in/449246)
<Ox0dea> pipework: matz is to blame for the year being ~78% over, you say?
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<pipework> Ox0dea: It was a safer person to thank than any one diety.
<Ox0dea> matz isn't a deity, you say?
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<pipework> Ox0dea: He's not just one.
<Ox0dea> If you mean he's *the* one, the matter is concluded.
<Ox0dea> "d | Convert argument as a decimal number." -- `ri sprintf`
<Ox0dea> >> '%d' % '0x0dea'
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "3562" (https://eval.in/449250)
<Ox0dea> Is that an oops?
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<Ox0dea> It bit me with an "octal" number in a string. :<
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<tlolczyk> Is there some sort of library that allows me top mount a volume ( linux ) without doing a popen/exec/system?
<Ox0dea> tlolczyk: There's a FUSE wrapper?
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<tlolczyk> Ox0dea, Sorry I forgot to mention that I will be running the script as root.
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<Ox0dea> tlolczyk: More illuminating would be why you can't shell out.
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<tlolczyk> Ox0dea, I want to write a script that, given a partition name "/dev/sdf1", mounts that partition someplace, reads "/dev/sdf1"/etc/fstab mounts those partitions in the right place, then bind mounts the appropriate pseudofilesystems and chroot to the mount point. It doesn't make sense to shell out.
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<c_nick> i have a job in team city (builin n release tool) it launches something and returns successful. so in this job i dont have the actual status of the job whether its successful or not.
<c_nick> I need to trigger another job post this. Any suggestion what would be the best way forward wrt implementation?
<c_nick> brb
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<Outlander> anyone see any issues running the same ruby app in amazon aws us-east-1 region vs other regions? specifically in a vpc vs not vpc? Start up of the ruby app is much slower, even on the same AMI
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<finisherr> How do I call a class as a method?
<finisherr> I’ve seen this before, I think in nokogiri
<Ox0dea> finisherr: Pardon?
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<finisherr> Where you run something like ClassOrModuleName(param)
<Ox0dea> That's just a method.
<Ox0dea> Methods can share names with classes.
<finisherr> I’ve seen helper methods like that
<finisherr> Ah, interesting
<finisherr> didn’t know that
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<finisherr> Cool thanks
<Ox0dea> Happy to help.
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<Ox0dea> finisherr: I probably shouldn't show you this, but here it is. https://eval.in/449354
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<finisherr> I was thinking of something like: http://www.nokogiri.org/tutorials/parsing_an_html_xml_document.html
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<Ox0dea> You found Nokogiri!
<Ox0dea> Here's what's going on: https://eval.in/449355
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<finisherr> Yeah
<Ox0dea> The "trick" is to realize that `::` and `.` are equivalent for invoking methods.
<Ox0dea> But forget you read that. :P
<finisherr> yeah, maybe it’s not idiomatic
<Ox0dea> >> 'foobar'::size
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 6 (https://eval.in/449356)
<Ox0dea> It's ghastly.
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<finisherr> In some cases it migth be considered sugary though?
<finisherr> ha
<Ox0dea> Oh, certainly.
<Ox0dea> Ruby is easily the sweetest language, in that sense.
<finisherr> yeah
<Ox0dea> finisherr: To cap the thing, here's what you were looking for: http://git.io/vC0Nx
<finisherr> I’ve been doing a lot of Chef cookbook work and it’s really opened the doors for me. A lot of the flexibility got on my nerves at first. Just takes some getting used to.
<finisherr> Yeah! That’s what I was looking at
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<finisherr> I have a particular situation where this might make sense
<finisherr> thanks
<Ox0dea> I guess it's "good" insofar as it makes folks such as yourself dive a bit further to figure out what's going on.
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<Ox0dea> Still, invoking `Nokogiri.HTML` as the convenience method seems the best of both worlds.
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<warriorkitty> Inside Ruby's source code, in file main.c is a line: "#undef RUBY_EXPORT". What does it do?
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<Ox0dea> warriorkitty: Ruby can be used from other C programs.
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<Ox0dea> Ruby itself, however, is not such a program, so it shouldn't export the things it otherwise would when used as an interpreter.
<warriorkitty> Ox0dea: Seems reasonable, thank you.
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<warriorkitty> I'm diving into source code. :D
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<Ox0dea> Yay!
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<Ox0dea> `grep -R -A5 '#ifdef RUBY_EXPORT'` if you want to see where all it participates.
<Ox0dea> It's not terribly interesting, mind.
<warriorkitty> Hah, I was just googling grep functionalities for this. :D Thanks!
<warriorkitty> I hate the capital R and r inconsitencies.
<Ox0dea> Yay, Unix!
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<Ox0dea> I only used `grep` because I knew you'd likely recognize it; do yourself the favor of upgrading to `ag` (the_silver_searcher). :P
<Ox0dea> It's recursive by default, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
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<warriorkitty> Well, I was learning PHP's source code through the software called... Just a min.
<Ox0dea> A masochist, eh?
<warriorkitty> hahahaha
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<warriorkitty> lxn or something like that. Web app, which understood all the macros and was capable finding definitions and implementations.
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<Ox0dea> warriorkitty: You want ctags.
<Ox0dea> And an editor capable of incorporating them, I suppose.
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<warriorkitty> Well, I have ctags vim. :D
<Ox0dea> Then you're good to go.
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<Ox0dea> <C-]> on any identifier that tickles your fancy.
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<awk> guys, what is the best way to do this.. I want to replace 000_blah.csv / 0001_blah1.csv ... I'm trying to use gsub to remove just the 000_ (so digits underscore) and the csv .. I tried if tableName =~ /[d+]/ a = tableName.gsub /.*_|\.csv/'' else a = tableName.gsub /\.csv/,'' end return a
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<Ox0dea> >> '0001_foo_bar_baz.csv'[/_(\w+)/, 1] # awk
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "foo_bar_baz" (https://eval.in/449369)
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<Ox0dea> It works because '_' is in \w and '.' isn't.
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<Sam_Gerber> Hi there, very stupid question from total noob here, but I don't know the right words to use to search for this online. What do you do in the class definition to determine the value an object will return if a user inspects or puts the object without calling one of its methods or accessing one of its attributes?
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<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: If your object is passed to Kernel#p, its #inspect method is used, otherwise its #to_s.
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<Sam_Gerber> Thank you, I'll try to see if I can understand the implications:)
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<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: In the broadest possible strokes, #print and #puts are intended to be read by users, whereas #p is almost always for debug printing.
<Ox0dea> Thus, you want the gritty details in #inspect, and something nicer to look at for #to_s.
<eam> >> p p p p p to_s
<ruboto> eam # => "main" ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449381)
<awk> Ox0dea: thanks, sorry I missed your reply, I landed up doing this gsub(/^[a-zA-Z]_|\.csv$/, '')
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<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: What he's trying to say is that #p returns its argument, whereas #print and #puts return `nil`.
<eam> oh, I had a message?
<eam> it's a good one; I'm proud of myself
<Ox0dea> awk: Using #gsub for matching is ungood, but okay.
<Sam_Gerber> yes, that part I understand. I'm just having an issue with a class I've made that inherits from String. I can do pretty much everything I want to with the class, but the string is stored an accessed as an instance variable, and putsing printing inspect the object itself just yields an empty string. Where can I see the implementation of the String class?
<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: It's implemented in C.
<Sam_Gerber> augh
<Ox0dea> You could always check out Rubinius' implementation?
<awk> Ox0dea: what is the reason for that
<awk> I would like to learn
<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: In any case, you probably shouldn't be inheriting from String.
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<eam> Sam_Gerber: I'm curious, care to share code?
<Ox0dea> awk: Well, the "sub" in #gsub is "substitution"; you're carving the marble rather than picking a statue off the shelf, as it were.
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<Ox0dea> You want to extract some portion of the string, not remove the bits in which you're not interested. They ultimately amount to the same thing, but one is much clearer and intention-revealing than the other.
<Sam_Gerber> It's super messy and I'm sure completely rudimentary, it's the second problem from exercism.io https://eval.in/449383
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<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: How come you're inheriting from String? Does Strand need ~170 instance methods?
<awk> Ox0dea: interesting thanks
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<eam> Sam_Gerber: when you redefine initialize() you cause the original initializer for String to not becalled
<eam> Sam_Gerber: try adding "super" at the end of your initialize
<Ox0dea> Y U DO DIS?
<Sam_Gerber> Ox0dea, nope, certainly don't. I think I only really ever used length
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<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: Well, you're using #each_char there.
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<Ox0dea> But you're invoking it on the instance variable that contains a String, not the Strand itself.
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<eam> yeah, Strand doesn't need to inherit from String to use string like methods
<eam> but as a learning exercise, why not?
<Sam_Gerber> that makes sense
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<Sam_Gerber> ok, I feel bad spamming so much here on such basic stuff, I'll try to search around more about it on my own. I really appreciate everone's time in reading and helping, though. Cheers.
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<Ox0dea> Sam_Gerber: Do you know about the Koans?
<eam> >> class Thing < String; end; x = Thing.new "thing"; class Thing2 < String; def initialize x; end; end; y = Thing2.new "thing"; class Thing3 < String; def initialize x; super; end; end; z = Thing3.new "thing"; [x,y,z]
<ruboto> eam # => ["thing", "", "thing"] (https://eval.in/449384)
<Sam_Gerber> downloading them now, thanks Ox0dea
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<Ox0dea> Huzzah!
<eam> well now what are we going to talk about
<Ox0dea> My implementation of Strand? https://eval.in/449386
<Ox0dea> Alternatively, cat tag.
<Sam_Gerber> eam, yes, that's exactly the behavior I was trying to figure out
<Sam_Gerber> thanks
<eam> np
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<eam> >> String, Fixnum = Fixnum, String; 1.class
<ruboto> eam # => /tmp/execpad-5dbaf82b7e16/source-5dbaf82b7e16:2: warning: already initialized constant String ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449388)
<eam> ugh, ruboto you and warnings
<Ox0dea> Wat.
<Sam_Gerber> thanks for the cat tag...it's much nicer. I'm going to disappear for the next bit reading about super and zip
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<eam> >> $VERBOSE = nil; String, Fixnum = Fixnum, String; 1.class
<ruboto> eam # => String (https://eval.in/449390)
<Ox0dea> >> require 'fiddle'; magic =->o { Fiddle::Pointer.new(o.__id__*2)[4,4] = [Fixnum.__id__*2].pack ?Q }; str = 'foo'; magic[str]; str
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 541368550 (https://eval.in/449392)
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<eam> >> rand(2**31).instance_eval { object_id === self * 2 + 1 }
<ruboto> eam # => true (https://eval.in/449395)
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<Ox0dea> What're the odds? ;)
<Ox0dea> >> '\\a'.tr '\\a', ''
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<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "\\" (https://eval.in/449396)
<Ox0dea> Hm, I don't think that's right.
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<Ox0dea> x.tr(x, "") ought to be "" for all x, no?
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<eam> Ox0dea: looks like \ is meta to tr
<Ox0dea> eam: Aye, but only for '^' and '-' if the documentation is to be believed.
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<Ox0dea> `tr -d '\\a' <<< '\\a'` is empty, and it seems like Ruby ought to behave like its namesake in this regard.
<eam> yeah, this is odd
<Ox0dea> Easy enough to conclude that the bug is in the documentation.
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<eam> so, the docs conflict
<Ox0dea> Only insofar as they don't mention '\' itself as being a metacharacter, I suppose.
<Ox0dea> >> '\\a'.tr '\\\\a', ''
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "" (https://eval.in/449405)
<eam> tr definitely supports \a as the escape for bell
<Ox0dea> It's nothing to do with the 'a'.
<eam> oh wait, it's using "" in the examples
<eam> perl tr allows escapes for those sequences
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<Ox0dea> Why should "" matter?
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<Ox0dea> >> '\\' == "\\"
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => true (https://eval.in/449406)
<eam> well "\a
<eam> >> "\a".size
<ruboto> eam # => 1 (https://eval.in/449407)
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<eam> >> "\a".ord
<ruboto> eam # => 7 (https://eval.in/449408)
<eam> bel char
<eam> '\a' is two characters
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<Ox0dea> >> '\\:'.tr '\\:', ''
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "\\" (https://eval.in/449409)
<Ox0dea> Better?
<eam> seems like a bug
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<Ox0dea> >> '\\:'.tr ':\\', '' # Definitely.
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "" (https://eval.in/449410)
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* Ox0dea wonders how tr_trans() came to be 243 lines long.
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<Ox0dea> Jesus, there's even a `struct tr` type for this monstrosity.
<eam> Ox0dea: I think the parsing rules for \\x in tr are reversed
<eam> the backslash is escaping the rightmost character
<Ox0dea> I'm not sure I follow.
<Ox0dea> I'm always using an even number of '\'s.
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<eam> ok I got it
<eam> The backslash character can be used to escape ^ or - and is otherwise ignored
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<eam> so it's being ignored, yeah?
<Ox0dea> Then why does double-escaping do the "right" thing?
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<eam> I'm guessing "can be used to escape ^ or - or \\" is more accurate
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<eam> no, that's nonsense
<Ox0dea> Aye, I'm pretty sure the code *and* the documentation are wrong here.
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<Ox0dea> tr_trans() may well be the longest method implementation in MRI, and there are no occurrences of '-' or '\\' in it, so I'm gonna bail.
<eam> yeah I don't see the ascii ordinal value either
<Ox0dea> You're sick.
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<Ox0dea> Spoken like somebody who's been there, I suppose.
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<shevy> you two are like brothers!
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<Ox0dea> >> "\a".tr '\\a', ''
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "\a" (https://eval.in/449430)
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<Ox0dea> Worth a shot. I concede that I have no idea.
<Ox0dea> shevy: [k- is usually around about now, no?
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* eam ^C's the build and adds --disable-install-rdoc
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<shevy> dunno, Singaporean time zone
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<Ox0dea> eam: Did you find where '-' gets interpreted?
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<eam> trnext()
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<Ox0dea> Hey, there's '\\' too.
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<yorickpeterse> morning
<bougyman> yes, yes it is.
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<shevy> translate for me my pretties
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<[k-> now we know shevy thinks canton7 is pretty!
<canton7> pffft
<[k-> Ox0dea isn't here :(
<[k-> :(((((((
<[k-> shevy whyyyyyyyyyy
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<shevy> <Ox0dea> shevy: [k- is usually around about now, no?
<shevy> like 5 minutes ago really
<shevy> that translate is yoda speak :)
<norc_> More like 50 minutes.
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<norc_> [k- might have a bad memory, but your sense of time is worse!
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<[k-> my sense of time is pretty bad too, i can miss a whole day at times
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<[k-> shevy: im coding, im coding!
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<norc_> shevy: Here is my professional translation. He or she wants File.open to do things.
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<Couch> Can anyone help me fix this newbie problem ?: http://pastebin.com/SpdjuR7B
<ruboto> Couch, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/ad501dfda17a9829af9a
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<Couch> why thank you ,ruboto
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<shevy> norc_ well it was cross-referenced in File#unlik
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<shevy> erm
<shevy> File#unlink
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<shevy> Couch munge_boolean is not known to the class
<shevy> try if "include PuppetX" in your class will fix this error
<Couch> shevy, indeed, what is the correct way to call it? I tried PuppetX.munge_boolean, which also did not work
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<shevy> yes, you'd have to do a def self.munge_boolean for the API example you gave
<shevy> but simply include the module, you have done so before right?
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<Couch> shevy, include PuppetX solves it, but is there no other way ? It doesn't feel right
<yorickpeterse> heh, File#unlick should be a thing
<Couch> aha
<norc_> shevy: On a more serious note, do you still want to know what the ticket is about?
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<Couch> including a module in a class that is inside that module's namespace feels wrong
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<Couch> after including PuppetX, PuppetX::BooleanProperty::BooleanProperty exists
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<shevy> norc_ the yoda translate said that matz approved of the second change, I still don't know about File#unlink
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<shevy> Couch module_function could be used, but it makes the method private
<shevy> but it really depends on how you want to use the API
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<shevy> if you just want to add methods to your class, then you can do so via a module, and use "include" or "extend"
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<Couch> shevy, thanks!
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<norc_> shevy: I suppose its just about that code example where they do Tempfile.create { |f| f.unlink } -- which would only work in Win32 if FILE_SHARE_DELETE is passed in CreateFile.
<norc_> From what I can gather at MSDN anyway.
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<norc_> shevy: And the japanese patch just provided that functionality to Ruby.
<norc_> but idk
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<shevy> well windows
<shevy> we adhere to the lowest common denominator!
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<norc_> shevy: Nothing wrong with Windows. Except when you want to do anything Ruby related.
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<bougyman> and give microsoft all your datas.
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<T1loc> hello !
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<T1loc> i've a little problem
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<adaedra> ?ask
<ruboto> Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question, and if anybody can help, they will likely try to do so.
<T1loc> I try to find if a value is include in my array. If true I want to find the next value
<T1loc> but My code doesn't works :/
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<T1loc> For exemple if I start to 100, I want to get the 102 value.
<T1loc> and If I start to 103 I want to get the 104 value
<T1loc> to take (not to get :))
<canton7> T1loc, you should probably learn about the difference between numbers and strings
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<T1loc> ok :)
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<craysiii> D:
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<musicmatze> Ho
<musicmatze> Hi* #ruby...
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<musicmatze> Can someone tell me how to sum up the values in a hash like this: { <date> => <array of int> }
<musicmatze> result should look like: { <date> => <int> }
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<musicmatze> I could loop through each pair and put the result in another hash, but that looks rather non-rubyish...
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<craysiii> >> ['1', '2', '3'].map(&to_i).reduce(:+)
<ruboto> craysiii # => undefined local variable or method `to_i' for main:Object (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449581)
<craysiii> oops
<bougyman> missed a :
<craysiii> >> ['1', '2', '3'].map(&:to_i).reduce(:+)
<ruboto> craysiii # => 6 (https://eval.in/449582)
<musicmatze> craysiii: so I would still do a Hash#each_pair, right=
<craysiii> my keyboard shift key has been giving me some trouble on certain keys
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<craysiii> yes
<craysiii> Hash#each should suffice though?
<musicmatze> k... and I can put the result right back in the same Hash object I'm iterating with, can't I?
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<BustyLoli-Chan> can anyone tell me where ruby gems are installed
<bougyman> in GEM_HOME
<craysiii> back again with the name huh lol
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<BustyLoli-Chan> echo $GEM_HOME returns nothing
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<bougyman> BustyLoli-Chan: try 'gem environment'
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<bougyman> you'll see a section called Gem Paths
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<BustyLoli-Chan> thank you!
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<BustyLoli-Chan> has anyone here used jekyll before?
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<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: just ask
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<BustyLoli-Chan> We have a bunch of web server files that are hosted on a github repository
<BustyLoli-Chan> one of the machines on our network then somehow takes that repository and hosts it locally
<BustyLoli-Chan> I want to know if it's possible to have jekyll do this for multiple branches of that repository
<BustyLoli-Chan> that way we can have a live branch and a testing/dev branch
<TTilus> why jekyll?
<BustyLoli-Chan> I don't know
<BustyLoli-Chan> Some other guy set it up
<BustyLoli-Chan> and he was the system administrator guy before he left
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<TTilus> ah, you mean the "web server files" in "a github repository" is essentially a website written in jekyll?
<BustyLoli-Chan> prettymuch
<BustyLoli-Chan> I think the github repo is the jekyll source
<TTilus> prolly
<TTilus> can you log in "one of the machines on our network"?
<BustyLoli-Chan> yeah
<BustyLoli-Chan> currently I'm on the web server
<TTilus> locate the clone of that gh repo
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<TTilus> (that's prolly how the pages end up there)
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<TTilus> what you prolly wanna have is several clones of the repo, side by side
<TTilus> each clone has different branch checked out
<TTilus> and hooks/whatnot set up for pulling from gh and regenerating static site
<BustyLoli-Chan> I see
<BustyLoli-Chan> the problem is, I'm not even sure this is the actual box that is pulling the repo
<BustyLoli-Chan> what do you think the best way to find the repo would be?
<TTilus> you have a problemn
<BustyLoli-Chan> like I can ssh to several machine
<BustyLoli-Chan> *machines
<ghr> BustyLoli-Chan first place I'd look is in the crontabs
<BustyLoli-Chan> is my best option just to run find / -name "reponame" ?
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<TTilus> there's no easy general way to find out something like that
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<ghr> might be fetching the repo every hour or whatever
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<TTilus> to be sure whats happening, i'd start with tracing back the path of http request that displays the site in your browser
<TTilus> check the ip/name of the host
<TTilus> log into the host
<TTilus> check who listens http(s) there
<TTilus> check the conf there
<TTilus> etc
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<ghr> +1
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: usually `locate reponame` does better job and faster than find
<TTilus> (once you get there and if you need it)
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<BustyLoli-Chan> I can't find the repo on the web host
<BustyLoli-Chan> which is strange because I know this is the box that hosts the website
<TTilus> you are likely to find the repo path (or subpath) inside webserver conf as virtualhost root, since jekyll by default spits the generated site inside the repo
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: just do careful step-by-step
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<BustyLoli-Chan> like I found the actual web directory
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: who listens http(s) on that box?
<BustyLoli-Chan> is there an easy way to check that?
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: do i need to google that for you?
<TTilus> ;)
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<BustyLoli-Chan> apache 2 listens to http and https on this box
<err_ok> Is there a way of writing def self.types<<(t) to define the behaviour of the array append method?
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<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: ok, then go find apache virtualhost config for the particular hostname you are interested in
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<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: and then go look at the path where it serves from, because it might be inside the repo root you are looking for
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<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: it is highly likely that it'll be /clone/of/the/gh/repo/_site/
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<BustyLoli-Chan> this apache server doesn't even look set up....
<BustyLoli-Chan> what the hell is going on here
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<techYJ> 81589
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<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: sometimes ppl have evil habits of sprinkling configs all over the place, you could try `grep -rin the.host.of.the.site /etc`
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<BustyLoli-Chan> it says it's serving out of /var/www
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<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: and it is?
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<BustyLoli-Chan> but there's no like _config.yml in the root of the server
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: i mean like if you see legit site stuff inside and when you edit something there it changes
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<BustyLoli-Chan> yes
<BustyLoli-Chan> that happens
<BustyLoli-Chan> but if you change something on github it will overwrite the local files
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<BustyLoli-Chan> AFTER jekyll builds it somewhere
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: then jekyll generation output dir is not default
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<BustyLoli-Chan> "somewhere"
<TTilus> BustyLoli-Chan: i'd first look crontabs and git hooks
<TTilus> s/look/look into/
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<BustyLoli-Chan> I tried chrontab -l
<BustyLoli-Chan> and it just says no chrontabs for "user"
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<BustyLoli-Chan> so if this is a bust
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<BustyLoli-Chan> how hard would it be to set up jeckyll on my remote machine and have it pull from the fit repo?
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<BustyLoli-Chan> *git
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<tobiasvl> BustyLoli-Chan: just set up a crontab for the user then
<tobiasvl> crontab -e
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<BustyLoli-Chan> I want to talk to the guy and figure out what machine does this already
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<BustyLoli-Chan> so we don't have two separate machines doing it
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<norc_> So why does irb start screwing up when I start pasting somewhat longish lines?
<norc_> Line breaks just are not displayed properly
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<norc_> Oh. This could actually be my terminal emulator being too fast. :o
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<norc_> So I am currently looking at UnboundMethod - what is this useful for?
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<adaedra> >> class Foo; def bar; end; end; Foo.method(:bar) # here is one
<ruboto> adaedra # => undefined method `bar' for class `Class' (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449731)
<adaedra> uh
<adaedra> >> class Foo; def bar; end; end; Foo.instance_method(:bar) # here is one
<ruboto> adaedra # => #<UnboundMethod: Foo#bar> (https://eval.in/449732)
<adaedra> silly me :p
<norc_> adaedra: And that could be useful how?
<adaedra> If you need a reference to an instance method without attached class yet
<adaedra> s/class/object/
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<adaedra> you can then bind it to an object which gives you a callable method
<norc_> adaedra: You just described what an UnboundMethod is - but what is this useful for?
<norc_> ÖP
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<norc_> adaedra: Sounds to me like a mixin can solve the problem if you need shared functionality.
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<adaedra> Not for shared functionality only
<adaedra> For later call, like you have the method and the object you have to call it on is dynamic
<adaedra> A different way of doing send() with a variable as first parameter
<[k-> you cant just bind a method to any object
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<[k-> it's like sticking your organ into someone else's body
<[k-> the body will reject it and start attacking the foreign organ!
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<adaedra> There's a limit on what you can bind it
<norc_> It has to be kind_of which means its even less useful than a Mixin.
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<norc_> http://pastie.org/10478479 -- I mean this is the dynamic dispatch that you were talking abotu adaedra
<norc_> (Maybe not the most creative example...)
<[k-> Unbound methods are copies of the original method
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<adaedra> The bind is done on an instance
<[k-> (this is from the docs since i last saw it)
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<[k-> that means that you can actually use unbound methods to save a method before you actually alter a method
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<[k-> the unbound method can later be restored into the class when needed to
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<[k-> a useful example could be (...someone think of one please)
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<norc_> Heh.
<norc_> I mean I found one posting stating that this could be useful for embedded systems with limited memory. Not that Ruby would be my first pick there though....
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<shevy> guys
<shevy> I love you
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<adaedra> ?guys shevy
<ruboto> shevy, Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
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<norc_> adaedra: Still, I could just rewrite my snippet to include it on the singleton_class of the instance.
<norc_> adaedra: Unless shevy meant guys.
<norc_> And shevy does not love the girls here.
<shevy> can I not love the guys :(
<adaedra> meh and meh
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<adaedra> let me poke shevy
<[k-> i thought shevy was pranked
<shevy> I just got home again so I am not quite here yet... it's damn cold outside
<adaedra> He can let me do it, for all the times he bothers me with his baguette
<[k-> and someone just came and went: hey, this is a chatroom (channel*), let's just type this love you message
<norc_> adaedra: http://pastie.org/10478495 this is what I meant
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<[k-> wow such introspectable
<shevy> [k- yeah!
<[k-> very big word
<shevy> it's the biggest channel I am in on freenode
<norc_> [k-: It is a brilliant Module is it not?
<[k-> i think it is the only channel you are in
<shevy> I find this ugly:
<shevy> class << foo
<[k-> it's the only channel you are in!
<adaedra> Funny, modules' UnboundMethods do not seems to have limitiations on what they can bound to.
<norc_> adaedra: As opposed to what the docs say you mean?
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<[k-> >> {}.ancestors
<ruboto> [k- # => undefined method `ancestors' for {}:Hash (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449746)
<shevy> can an UnboundMethod be bound to an UnboundMethod?
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<[k-> woooooo so deep, but no
<norc_> shevy: Hey, dont be hating on my code.
<adaedra> shevy: yes, can even be bound on itself.
<[k-> whattttt
<[k-> this is deep recursion here
<adaedra> >> module Foo; def bar; "hello" end; end; m = Foo.instance_method(:bar); m.bind(m).call
<shevy> cool
<ruboto> adaedra # => "hello" (https://eval.in/449750)
<shevy> infinite itself
<shevy> norc_ not the rest, only the "class << foo" part
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<[k-> since classes are open, they can be redefined at any point in time
<[k-> even UnboundMethods
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<shevy> norc_ how about this: http://pastie.org/10478503
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<shevy> oh wait
<shevy> I forgot your rescue....
<shevy> ah well, I am still not quite awake
<[k-> shevy: your code is horrible
<shevy> hah
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<[k-> i do not see the aesthetic improvement you vowed to bring to us
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<EdwardIII> heh looking into ruby i found out i could do this: https://gist.github.com/EdwardIII/87c436c204098d3ce0e9
<norc_> shevy: Ok, I was gonna do foo.singleton_class.send(:include, Introspectable) - but I guess that does about the same thing. :-)
<EdwardIII> that's cute
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<adaedra> >> dice = (1..6).to_a; Fixnum.instance_method(:times).bind(dice.sample).call { puts "hello" }
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<shevy> there is .singleton_class again... I have no idea who made this popular. I swear I have not seen it in the past
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<ruboto> adaedra # => hello ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449759)
<norc_> shevy: Oh that is just me. Ever since I found out about it Im using it left and right - even in our production code powering our space rockets.
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<shevy> EdwardIII yeah accessors or rather writers (setters); you can also use: attr_writer :name
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<Ebok> Quick question: in making an array of stop_words, I would prefer to use the %w{words,words,words} however some of the listed words are ruby commands such as : if when while do etc... so they are automatically highlighted due to not being outright listed as a string "do". Is there a shorthand way to make this worK? Or should I stick with a full literal array?
<shevy> ruby has a space rocket command now
<shevy> ->
<EdwardIII> so 'def name=(name)' is operator overloading. but is_old_enough_to_drink? is not? that's just a convention?
<shevy> nono
<norc_> That looks more like a weapon rocket. The space rocket has been there for a long while =>
<shevy> it's a method name called "name=" the = is part of it
<[k-> it is not overloaded
<[k-> methods are just overwritten
<shevy> the ? can also be part of the name EdwardIII
<EdwardIII> ok maybe operator loading doesn't mean what i think it means
<shevy> and a trailing ! too
<shevy> so you could have: def name?; def name!; def name=
<norc_> I would like to have a leading ? in my method names.
<bougyman> no
<shevy> >> ?a
<ruboto> shevy # => "a" (https://eval.in/449763)
<shevy> norc_ well you could cheat via define_method() and .send()
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<shevy> obviously bougyman is not happy with leading ? in method names :-)
<adaedra> >> def +@; "Hi!"; end; +self
<ruboto> adaedra # => private method `+@' called for main:Object (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449764)
<[k-> >> ?a??b:?c # Warning :(
<ruboto> [k- # => /tmp/execpad-f0d910a55a35/source-f0d910a55a35:2: warning: string literal in condition ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449765)
<adaedra> ahah
<norc_> shevy: If my production code becomes completely and utterly maintainable now, you will have to take responsibility.
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<norc_> unmaintainable I meant...
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<adaedra> -> is for the stabby lambda
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<shevy> norc_ just remove all your code :)
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<norc_> There. You are hating on my code again. :(
<EdwardIII> but shevy how come ".name" = works? i.e. with the space?
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<[k-> in shevy's mind, only haskell is the best code;
<shevy> the ruby parser was written in hell
<EdwardIII> shevy: i'd understand if .name=() works, but it's the .name = () that i'm interested in
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<EdwardIII> i bet you guys have a lot of experience with ruby eh?
<[k-> EdwardIII that is known as syntatic sugar
<[k-> ruby actually converts it to name=
<EdwardIII> ok
<EdwardIII> but when you say def [] that's real operator overloading, right?
<[k-> well, it calls name=
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<norc_> EdwardIII: No.
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<[k-> no, overloading refers to a method doing different things for different input types
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<[k-> def [] is just one method
<[k-> but in java, overloaded methods are tons of methods
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<workmad3> [k-: it still gets called operator overloading, rather than polymorphic method overloading
<EdwardIII> heh right ok maybe it's a terminology thing
<[k-> the Runtime just decides which actual method to called
<EdwardIII> i consider operator overloading to mean "make an operator in the language that usually does something e.g. + do something else"
<EdwardIII> but i know in java/c# operator overloading means like function (int a), function (string a) etc and it matches them based on the arguments
<EdwardIII> well, method overloading, not operator overloading
<norc_> Oh!
<shevy> EdwardIII you could also do: .name = 5
<[k-> well, if you look at [] or + in a very general sense
<[k-> yes, they are overloaded
<shevy> the parser just won't care about the ' '
<EdwardIII> that's what operator overloading means in perl, right?
<shevy> take this strangeness:
<shevy> >> 1_2_333
<ruboto> shevy # => 12333 (https://eval.in/449776)
<norc_> [k-: Possibly UnboundMethod could be the closest thing to actually do overloading in Ruby!
<shevy> look! it killed off the _
<workmad3> EdwardIII: exactly... operator overloading is generally taken as "Make a thing that looks like an operator, e.g. +, have different behaviour", while "parametric method overloading" (sorry, I meant parametric, not polymorphic earlier) means "a different method gets called based on the parameters"
<EdwardIII> yep
<shevy> paramedic!
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<EdwardIII> ok good so randall schwartz doesn't have to come around and punch me in the mouth
<workmad3> [k-: i.e. you're using 'overloading' to just mean 'parametric method overloading' ;)
<[k-> (technically they are not, because the definition of + is attached to an object, and and object can only ever have one +)
<workmad3> [k-: and ruby doesn't support parametric method overloads
<[k-> if you look at Haskell's Typeclasses,
<[k-> workmad3: hang on, i already knew those!
<EdwardIII> then i will go blind with madness because of their beauty?
<[k-> indeed, such beautiful typeclasses
<EdwardIII> so this is probably +bworthy but, do you guys sort of like/love the language?
<[k-> Well, that is overloading, you know, types and what not
<[k-> and you can also make the + do different things
<EdwardIII> or do you think "well i'm in bed with ruby now, so i'll use it, but i'd rather be coding in x?'
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: I like ruby, which is why I keep at it
<[k-> adaedra and shevy here refuses to use anything else
<EdwardIII> well ##php is pretty busy with people kepeing at it ;)
<EdwardIII> bit not because they like it
<adaedra> [k-: what?
<workmad3> shevy would use something else, if it was 'less bad' than ruby :)
<EdwardIII> man i am typing like an infant today
<[k-> and yorickpeterse just comes along and writes a new language!
<EdwardIII> i like the language from what i've seen so far, but i have some reservations about rails
<adaedra> [k-: what shit are you saying about me again?
<[k-> :>
<yorickpeterse> [k-: ?
<[k-> :/
<EdwardIII> the only thing about the language that concerns me a little is the amount of stuff you can do without getting an exception
<norc_> >> :o
<ruboto> norc_ # => :o (https://eval.in/449782)
<[k-> we are talking about languages here
<EdwardIII> like how with the default hashes if you access a missing array key it's hunky dory
<shevy> I will use something when it is elegant
<workmad3> >> {}.fetch(:whatever)
<ruboto> workmad3 # => key not found: :whatever (KeyError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449783)
<workmad3> EdwardIII: :P
<adaedra> >> {}.fetch(:a)
<ruboto> adaedra # => key not found: :a (KeyError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449784)
<norc_> EdwardIII: Seeing how you come from Java, Im not surprised that you have to wrap a function call to print something in a catch block.
<adaedra> too slow
<[k-> >> [1,2,3,4,]
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<ruboto> [k- # => [1, 2, 3, 4] (https://eval.in/449785)
<norc_> EdwardIII: Or expect to rather.
<EdwardIII> norc_: i'm not coming from java
<[k-> trailing ,!
<EdwardIII> but i am familiar with it
<shevy> and ideally, it should be simple too
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<norc_> EdwardIII: Oh. Nevermind then! :D
<workmad3> adaedra: :)
<EdwardIII> i found python's exception-happiness kind of useful
<[k-> traaaaaillllling commmmnaaaaaaa
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<shevy> python has weird stuff
<shevy> decorators... I still have not understood why they are used
<EdwardIII> like felt like it simplified writing correct code
<adaedra> [k-: trailing comma is nice.
<EdwardIII> shevy: what would you do for similar functionality in ruby? just have a func call or whatever wrapping the return contents?
<norc_> EdwardIII: I almost puked today when I was forced to throw an exception to control the program flow today.
<EdwardIII> heh
<loocash> hi, what is the best way to make a ruby binding for c++ library?
<norc_> (ActiveRecord::Rollback is the culprit here)
<workmad3> EdwardIII: ruby can frequently expose two different ways of doing something, like `hsh[]` and `hsh.fetch` which basically give you control over whether you care about a particular condition, which I quite like
<[k-> the Ruby mantra is not to use exceptions as control flow
<adaedra> loocash: have a C interface
<norc_> loocash: Just use the C binding
<EdwardIII> norc_: pretty much every framework i've seen uses that when they say, control form validation
<[k-> (exceptions are slow in ruby)
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: e.g. if I really need a hash key set, use `fetch`, if I don't care and want to provide a default, use `[]` (or even `.fetch(:whatever, default)`
<EdwardIII> [] or || heh?
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<norc_> [k-: exceptions are slow everywhere.
<[k-> ◻
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<EdwardIII> the reason why this concerns me is because it feels like PHP's whole policy is "continue program execution at ALL costs"
<EdwardIII> which ends up producing loads of bugs in weird places that are hard to track back unless you're very strict with your defensive programming
<[k-> this is why to not use exceptions as control flow
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<norc_> EdwardIII: They want the millions of badly written applications to work, despite idiot programmers fiddling around with them.
<[k-> that is the web
<norc_> Its a pretty neat concept.
<norc_> Developers get the feeling "it just works".
<[k-> look at the state of html
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<Ebok> I'll ask again. If I want to have the %w(turn these words into an array) but one of the words is an active ruby word such as 'do' or 'while' is there a command I can use to ignore the words alternative meaning?
<workmad3> EdwardIII: PHP can be even worse than that... it can sometimes ignore all of your defensive programming and continue to produce shitloads of bad bugs based on compile-time options and magical globals
<shevy> >> %w( turn these words into an array do while )
<[k-> Ebok, that depends on your text editor, not ruby
<ruboto> shevy # => ["turn", "these", "words", "into", "an", "array", "do", "while"] (https://eval.in/449788)
<adaedra> >> %w(do while if what is the problem here)
<ruboto> adaedra # => ["do", "while", "if", "what", "is", "the", "problem", "here"] (https://eval.in/449789)
<Ebok> Oh
<Ebok> Huh
<[k-> if your text editor does not support it, it would mishighlight the words
<shevy> Ebok see, all Strings. Unsure what you mean with "alternative meanings" for a string...
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<shevy> do you use notepad!!!
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<Ebok> Actually, that simply wasnt the result when i ran the code.
<[k-> ruby does not confuse the meanings
<shevy> aha
<Ebok> I was working within a cloud9 project
<shevy> some strange editors do things behind the scene
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: rails doesn't have that sort of problem though... it doesn't just gloss over errors and continue execution, you do actually need to handle them or let them flow up... it's just when you get down to things like form validation, you can frequently either ask for a simple boolean or use exceptions to control flow, and the convention tends towards not using an exception
<[k-> in Haskell, exceptions can only be handled in the IO monad, so it's no exceptions if possible!
<Ebok> And... it fired this time. I suspect I had another error going on, my bad.
<[k-> all our erroring code in one place
<[k-> how nice
<workmad3> EdwardIII: e.g. take saving a model... `some_model.save` will return a boolean based on validation, `some_model.save!` will raise an exception on failed validation... both of them will raise exceptions if the database screws up or goes away, unlike a lot of PHP programs which will end up just continuing in that scenario
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: personally, I find frameworks and languages that only provide exceptions to control fairly normal flows (such as validating user input) to be more annoying :)
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<shevy> the bot downloads on rubygems.org are strange
<workmad3> bad user input != exceptional circumstance... it's about as normal as you can get, users are untrustworthy and useless! (I <3 you really, users)
<shevy> I could swear there is some difference in bot behaviour... either they measure size of a project, or they measure other-downloads count, but whatever it is, I could swear that projects that have been downloaded more often than other projects, also get in more downloads lateron, even very rapidly so like 1-3 hours after a new gem push release
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<workmad3> hmm, lunch time
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<caliostro> yes
<[k-> ha! now i know when workmad3 has lunch!
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<[k-> and it is the same as adaedra!
<Porfa> hmmm any particular command to see whats inside a variable?
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<adaedra> what now
<adaedra> Porfa: in what context? irb/pry: just type it, otherwise, p
<[k-> Porfa, binding.local_variable_get(:my_variable)
<Porfa> oh sorry i forgot that (..) I'm in irb
<[k-> binding always works!
<[k-> adaedra: are you going for lunch sooooon
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<[k-> workmad3 has gone already!
<jmtorresg> Hey guy! Just a quick question: why do so many people in the Ruby community seem to use Macs? Do they have advantages over other platforms when programming in Ruby? (Not trolling, just genuinely curious about that)
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<adaedra> [k-: why do you ask?
<adaedra> jmtorresg: personal preferences.
<[k-> because workmad3 has gone already!
<adaedra> Why should I care?
<[k-> i didbt say you should care
<[k-> but i did care.
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<jmtorresg> adaedra: no technical reason at all?
<[k-> you are commiting a logical fallacy
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<adaedra> jmtorresg: for me it's that at least. I like OS X.
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<adaedra> [k-: and you're comiting annoyance.
<Porfa> i use mac because its light, aluminum and the battery lasts a lot. and the equivalent built quality with dell latitude or hp elite book's would cost the same or even more than a mac...
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<Porfa> but I'm not a ruby user, i just like to hang out with these guys
<adaedra> Poor girls.
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<[k-> Porfa: dell xps 13 is better than a macbook!
<adaedra> wow
<jmtorresg> Porfa: Me neither, but I got a Macbook as well. Just curious as to why virtually every guy I see talking about Ruby on YouTube uses a Macbook
<adaedra> such troll
<[k-> and cheaper too
<jmtorresg> I don't see that in other programming laguage communities
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<[k-> does them use windoze
<jmtorresg> Being more acquainted with the Python guys in general
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<jmtorresg> Although I prefer using Linux for programming
<Porfa> [k-: looks amazing that dell
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<Porfa> is it built on anything other than plastic?
<Porfa> the keyboard looks nice too
<Porfa> and if i can downgrade that from windows 10 it's a really nice laptop for that price
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<EdwardIII> i mean the thing is, one typical use for me is when i'm working on a lower level object where, say, trying to get a user that doesn't exist is exceptional. then in the higher level object it's not exceptional, it's normal. so i use exceptions that way
<[k-> Porfa: asus ux is a metallic build
<EdwardIII> different from form validation
<[k-> not sure about dell xps 13 though
<EdwardIII> but in php that method would just return 'null' everywhere
<Porfa> wow, that's not "mac" at all ;)
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<caliostro> My own is an old Toshiba A200
<caliostro> 2GB of RAM
<caliostro> with ubuntu 12.04 installed
<EdwardIII> one other thing about ruby... this is more of an inherited opinion, but that the lack of initialising a variable in a form way is a bit meh
<EdwardIII> e.g. my $person = new Person rather than just $person = new Person
<[k-> i want to get a chromebook, but those might not be enough to compile haskell code!
<EdwardIII> meaning you can get a nice handy "tried to use uninitialised variable $person" later down the line
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<EdwardIII> [k-: you could buy the pixel heh
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<[k-> it's so exxxxx
<EdwardIII> yeah it's very expensive for what you get imo
<EdwardIII> i like the display though
<EdwardIII> (i use a mbp)
<EdwardIII> (so i should have been coding in ruby for years ;)
<Porfa> that asus goes up to a nice 1300 USD, same as a macbook..! it all comes down to personal preference i guess… and when i come to think about it, the real machine i use to run my code is a AMD athlon 1.2 or something, with 2gb ram..! i just use the macbook with the text editor
<[k-> but that asus looks so damn hot
<EdwardIII> i find big ram is good for running tons of vms, and the high res display enables lovely text rendering
<Porfa> i just ssh to that old baby and act like a foo in front of rib, and foo i get
<[k-> so shiny
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<EdwardIII> plus osx - i can use brew and get my toolchain up and running with minimal pain, but i can also plug my laptop into hdmi and it works with no kernel recompiles
<Porfa> yes it does.. and the display.. damn i wonder how many errors i i would see there
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<EdwardIII> oh so many errors
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<EdwardIII> high res display reduces bugs by 47.32%, of course
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<Porfa> i won't do this because it would change my whole workflow.. but that new iPad pro 13" + external keyboard… haha
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<EdwardIII> wrap your athlon/2gb up in a vm, build with vagrant, job done
<EdwardIII> throw that old thing away and run it locally
<Porfa> EdwardIII: it's also running an instance of own cloud for the company
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<EdwardIII> haha ok maybe don't throw it away then
<Porfa> hahaha :D
<EdwardIII> one of the things i hear a lot is that ruby takes the best of perl
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<EdwardIII> but to me that would mean "use strict;" type behaviour being on by default?
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<shevy> EdwardIII you can run via -w
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<shevy> if you use modules and classes then you can't do much wrong really
<shevy> the typical ruby program can't be compared to the typical perl atrocity
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<shevy> in ruby people would typically not do any of this
<shevy> they'd start by: class Bla, or perhaps a toplevel namespace
<shevy> I mean this is classic perl spaghetti code
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<certainty> or "use strict;" isn't one of the best things of perl
* certainty hides
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<shevy> you kinda have to be strict to avoid too much spaghettification
<shevy> let me show you the typical PHP in bioinformatics
<EdwardIII> shevy: there's some beautiful code in perl though
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<shevy> yeah well
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<shevy> you can write well-structured code in any language but some languages make it easy to write awful code
<shevy> you could of course literally copy the two examples given above in ruby
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<shevy> it would still be cleaner in ruby :)
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<adac> Does someone know how to delete a key in redis?
<EdwardIII> shevy: most of the stuff i've seen uses the Moose object system in perl - like the Catalyst mvc framework
<EdwardIII> i learned a huge amount from the perl community
<EdwardIII> they were knowledgeable about smalltalk and lisp and stuff that i didn't know about at the time
<EdwardIII> and they always make you read Object Thinking which i thought was pretty fantastic when i read it back in the day
<shevy> yeah we all have nostalgia about the year 2000
<shevy> I learned regexes through a perl book back then too
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<shevy> the rest of the world moved on so only nostalgia was left
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<adac> ah it seems to be just del
<shevy> eam here is a perl guru
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<[k-> shevy still cant learn haskell :/
<shevy> haskell is really hard
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<shevy> my brain is more suited for objects
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<shevy> I still have not understood what a monad really is either even though it was explained many times
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<yorickpeterse> a monad is a burrito
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<certainty> shevy: well then don't focus on trying to understand monads. Just use them and learn all the other valuable things that come with haskell.
<[k-> when you use them, intuition will come with it
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<fxxck> ruby regex is PCRE, right?
<shevy> certainty well the monads just stand out, the rest isn't that much easier :)
<shevy> certainty I am sure scheme is much easier than haskell!
<bougyman> no
<bougyman> it's oniguruma, fxxck
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<shevy> fxxck are you norc?
<certainty> shevy: depends on how you define easy. But yeah most lisps are computationally very simple. (Also semantically)
<fxxck> no im govt
<fxxck> and fxck, cyber_police, etc
<fxxck> if I need to do really complex parsing, should I abandon regex and use something like parslet?
<certainty> shevy: but really I don't think that haskell is any harder to learn. It just happens to have that reputation
<bougyman> regex is not capable of parsing.
<bougyman> utilizing regex in a parser is sometimes sane.
<bougyman> but other parsing methods will be more efficient, usually.
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<EdwardIII> shevy: there's an element of truth in what you're saying but really you've got the wrong end of the stick i think heh
<EdwardIII> your opinion reflects popular opinion
<EdwardIII> and it's definitely true that perl isn't popular any more
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<EdwardIII> but there's a lot of really smart people doing really good stuff there
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<fxxck> i have word lists that categorize words, and i need to categorize sentences based on the structure of the sentence's words and their categories
<EdwardIII> not CGI.pm horribleness
<fxxck> seems like parslet would be a lot easier
<bougyman> sounds like it.
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<fxxck> yo, perl is def not dead
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<certainty> it just fades
<shevy> yeah there are fossil coders using it
<certainty> out
<bougyman> fxxck: so where's perl 6?
<fxxck> on my machine right now
<fxxck> its pretty great
<shevy> sleeping?
<shevy> ok ... * ChanServ has kicked fxck from #ruby (Banned: troll)
<shevy> I can now see why :)
<EdwardIII> a lot of top people seem to hate perl6
<fxxck> yeah thats old
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<shevy> perl6 should have been out in 2005
<EdwardIII> my biggest gripe with perl6 was not having sensible defs for passing by ref or value and making you handle that
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<EdwardIII> er perl5 sorry
<certainty> i have no idea about perl6. My gut feeling is, is that probably is not a bad thing, because perl seems to have become irrelevant most of the times
<certainty> that's true at least for me
<shevy> this chart is not ideal http://goo.gl/yRzGQB but the general trend seems to be quite correct IMO
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<fxxck> yeah but in perl6, everything is an object the same way that ruby does it. immutable strings and nums...
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<certainty> so what? welcome to the modern age
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<shevy> slight decline for php, ruby and perl, moderate increase for python - all of which may be relative, considering that there should be more programmers in 2015 than there were in e. g. 2000
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<certainty> why would I pick up perl now instead of all the other PLs that have been developed
<fxxck> python will die when julia thrives
<shevy> and TIOBE for the ultimate truth :) http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html
<EdwardIII> right
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<fxxck> perl 6 will live on when 5t06 doesnt suck so much
<bougyman> I don't see python death happening.
<fxxck> 5to6*
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<bougyman> the scientific community has volumes of math and sci libs in python that work perfectly well there.
<shevy> yeah, python is now one higher step in the league above the other scripting languages
<EdwardIII> i remember reading a HN article years ago talking about perl to python to ruby, it was great
<fxxck> julia can inline c, fortran already. when it can inline python, there will be no need
<bougyman> plus the wonderous ipython integration.
<fxxck> and yeah, julia can run in pynb
<fxxck> already
<EdwardIII> along the lines of: perl was great but the refs thing sucks, saying "but look anything can be a reference" is not an excuse, python was better but the lack of blocks causes issues, then ruby came out, fixed these things and was great
<shevy> it's hard for programming languages to really die, it's more like a declining trend but over a time span of 10 years, one can definitely notice certain trends
<fxxck> yeah btu SciRuby isn't exactly a landslide victory, eh?
<shevy> ruby has other problems such as awful docs!
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<fxxck> and stupid naming conventions for libs
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<shevy> which libs
<bougyman> IJulia <-> IPython already exists.
<certainty> there are naming conventions?
<fxxck> almost all of them
<fxxck> gems i mean
<shevy> gems are picked by +100000 different gem authors
<fxxck> lack of, like perl I can just Net::IRC or whatever
<fxxck> in Ruby, there is Cinch
<shevy> Net::IRC is an integrated part of perl when you download the source?
<fxxck> or XML::Simple, and Nokogiri
<fxxck> no i meant third party, like gems
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<ytti> i understand the complain, there probably is net/irc though
<ytti> but that type of naming implies one is formal/standard
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<shevy> fxxck well gems were an afterthought
<fxxck> yeah i guess so
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<certainty> guess what. I can search for the things
<shevy> people can use all sorts of different namespaces, but whoever is the first to define one, wins
<certainty> type in irc and see all the libraries that relate to that term
<shevy> I got mad when someone took over class Configuration!
<shevy> get out of ma namespace bro
<certainty> you will be probably presented with some infrared stuff, but our brains are good at disambiguating
<EdwardIII> heh yes in perl
<EdwardIII> i can make Net::Bungholio
<EdwardIII> and release it pretty quickly
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<EdwardIII> then i would be the internet's foremost authority on network bungholio access protocols
<fxxck> arent you already?
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<shevy> EdwardIII yeah, similar with gems. I'd love if namespaces would have more way to control them in ruby
<shevy> for instance, a way to restore to the corelib namespace
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<shevy> so that I don't have to use modified core classes by other people's ruby code
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<shevy> or same-named gems able to coexist
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<certainty> require "somegem", ns: "Foo"
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<EdwardIII> shevy: riiiight this was one of the things that stood out to me when i was reading one of the intros to ruby
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<certainty> require "something", hide: [:Foo, :Bar, :Baz]
<certainty> ?
<fxxck> what if gems were only accessible from rubygems as a hash id, and we could alias any name to any hash?
<EdwardIII> that ruby's (i assume) most popular framework does some pretty extensive monkey patching on the stdlib
<loocash> hi, when I have a c++ library and I want to make a ruby binding for it then I should have a c api. Could someone give me a simple example of how to connect a piece of code written in C++ to ruby through c api? thanks.
<shevy> certainty dunno, I think require will stay as it is but perhaps some more advanced import-like system or something could be used
<shevy> another thing I wanted was to be able to control the main namespace upon load-time
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<shevy> if someone calls it module Foo, I want to be able to rename it to module Bar
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<shevy> but we have ruby 3.0 for all sorts of crazy ideas!
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<shevy> like frozen strings!!!
<c355E3B> ok guide
<c355E3B> you may also just want to read the headers
<shevy> loocash hanmac here maintains rxwidget ruby bindings to the C++ api, he knows a lot about C++
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<funkenstrahlen> hey, will 'spec.required_ruby_version = '~> 1.9.3'' in my gemspec require 1.9.3 and higher?
<funkenstrahlen> or only 1.9.3?
<funkenstrahlen> I want to accept 2.0, 2.1, ... and up also
<c355E3B> ~> locks to 1.9.3
<funkenstrahlen> c355E3B: so I should use '> 1.9.3' ?
<c355E3B> yeah
<funkenstrahlen> c355E3B: ok thank you!
<c355E3B> well => i think, you want 1.9.3 right?
<havenwood> >=
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<funkenstrahlen> havenwood: right of course
<funkenstrahlen> another question: I read a config file on start via JSON.parse(File.read(client_secret_file_path))
<funkenstrahlen> how can I write such a config file to disk?
<funkenstrahlen> or better use yml?
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<funkenstrahlen> so in other words: best practice for using config files?
<c355E3B> JSON#generate yields a string
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<c355E3B> funkenstrahlen: what kind of app is this?
<fxxck> ive been in starbucks long enough to have heard all these shitty tracks before
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<havenwood> funkenstrahlen: The stdlib has PStore (Marshal) and YAML::Store if you need transactional writes to disk.
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<havenwood> funkenstrahlen: File.write(client_secret_file_path, content.to_json)
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<funkenstrahlen> havenwood: so content should be a hash?
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<havenwood> funkenstrahlen: It can be.
<funkenstrahlen> content will have to contain 4-5 parameters
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<EdwardIII> hey
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<EdwardIII> the reason why i brought up perl was that i was interested in ruby's lack of "my $var" or "var name;" syntax
<EdwardIII> whaddya call that? declarative variable initialisation?
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<certainty> i have no idea
<adaedra> It's variable declaration, no?
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<ddv> sugar
<ytti> EdwardIII, those are for scoping in perl
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<ytti> EdwardIII, in ruby scope depends on variable name
* adaedra drowns ddv in sugar
<ddv> sugar is bad for you
<EdwardIII> *too much
<ddv> adeponte
<ddv> err, adaedra
<adaedra> Poor adeponte
<ddv> didn't want to drag adeponte into this
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<fxxck> is ruby gluten-free cuz I only hack on organic, gluten-free, non-GMO, non-subsidized, non-fat languages
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<adaedra> &ri Gluten
<`derpy> No results
<certainty> EdwardIII: how does my scope in perl?
<adaedra> Seems safe
<fxxck> k, thats good
<wnd> I like to declare variables because I make typos and "use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all';" catches large number of the kind. Sometimes I wish Ruby would allow me to do the same.
<ytti> { $poo = 3 }
<ytti> is visible outside scope
<EdwardIII> certainty: it declares it in the scope of the current block (i think)
<ytti> { my $foo = 3 } is not
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<EdwardIII> hah poo, you say?
<certainty> ytti: oh i see. thanks
<EdwardIII> whereas without 'var' it's globalish, right?
<EdwardIII> like with JS
<EdwardIII> er without' my'
<ytti> yeah
<ytti> so all 'foo = 3' in ruby are as if my $foo in perl
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<eam> wnd: I wish ruby allowed it as well -- its scoping syntax is super clumsy
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<EdwardIII> wnd, eam: is ruby -w not similar?
<ytti> my is not really about declaring, it's about scoping
<ytti> in dynamic typing (And weak in case of perl) declaring is kind of moot point
<eam> for example, how many ruby people know what a semicolon does inside of || ?
<wnd> ytti, true
<eam> EdwardIII: no, not similar at all
<eam> take for example a simple block scope in ruby:
<EdwardIII> it just stopped me having a file saying only "puts not_initialised"
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<eam> >> y = 5; 1.times { |x| y = 6 } y
<ruboto> eam # => /tmp/execpad-df4f2a35f831/source-df4f2a35f831:2: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting key ...check link for more (https://eval.in/449829)
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<eam> >> y = 5; 1.times { |x| y = 6 }; y
<ruboto> eam # => 6 (https://eval.in/449830)
<eam> in perl, you'd use my() to scope the y local to the block
<eam> in ruby, the syntax for this is strained |x;y|
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<eam> and not generally applicable
<Diabolik> if im editing 30k database records, what is faster and more efficient than .each?
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<eam> you can't warn on this, since it's not necessarily an error
<fxxck> wait |x;y| makes y locally scoped?
<eam> see? No one knows this
<certainty> Diabolik: updating them using SQL
<fxxck> thats awesome
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* certainty knew this
<eam> >> y = 5; 1.times { |x;y| y = 6 }; y
<ruboto> eam # => 5 (https://eval.in/449831)
<certainty> but has forgotten about it
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<eam> I'm also cranky about the lack of block scope around a ton of ruby constructs, like if/else
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<EdwardIII> eam: hmm so... in ruby y = 3 is not synonymous to my $y = 3 at all then?
<EdwardIII> or... it is?
<ytti> yes it is
<EdwardIII> right ok
<EdwardIII> that example was helpful
<ytti> the y inside the block did not change hte value of y outside the block
<eam> EdwardIII: in ruby, the first assignment kind of acts like a weak form of declaration -- but because it's not an explicit statement of scope it can't guard against reuse
<eam> EdwardIII: and, block scope in ruby is different than you'd expect from other languages like C or perl
<eam> ytti: it did change
<eam> you need to use |;y| to avoid change
<EdwardIII> eam: overall would you rather spend your days writing perl or ruby? or other?
<eam> EdwardIII: these days I write about 1000x more ruby than perl
<fxxck> perl
<fxxck> ez
<EdwardIII> eam: but which do you prefer?
<eam> tough question :)
<eam> ruby has a lot of benefits over perl as well
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<certainty> of course the correct answer is miranda
<eam> I think I prefer perl though
<workmad3> >> y = 5; 1.times { |x,y| y = 6 }; y
<ruboto> workmad3 # => 5 (https://eval.in/449832)
<workmad3> eam: they sorted out the block scoping with ^ a while back
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<workmad3> eam: or are you talking about when it's not a parameter, so you're relying on the closure aspect of a block? :)
<eam> workmad3: yeah after 1.8 I think? But you need ; if you want to avoid params
<eam> workmad3: yes
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<certainty> workmad3: yeah the latter
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<EdwardIII> eam: the funny thing with perl is that although it lets you write disgusting code, the perl coders i've met have been some of the smartest people i've met and they have also written some of the most beautiful expressive code i've seen
<eam> in 1.8 even || vars would stomp on outer scope
<workmad3> eam: I think they backported that fix into later 1.8.7 releases, but yeah it was a problem before then
<fxxck> thats something that worries me about perl6, is that there are going to be rubyists clogging up CP6N with ruby-ized perl code
<eam> I'm cranky about stuff like the complete lack of scope for things like begin blocks, or conditionals
<workmad3> fxxck: how about not worrying until it's released in a decade or so? ;)
<EdwardIII> heh who's writing begin blocks?
<fxxck> its out now...
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<fxxck> not cp6n, but perl6 is out and usable rn
<EdwardIII> eam: total curiousity, i promise this is not something i'm going to do, but can you hack the symbol table in ruby as you can with perl?
<eam> sure
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<batu> sdf
<workmad3> fxxck: oh, fair enough... I stopped paying attention to perl6 years ago :D
<fxxck> i'll write that down
<havenwood> fxxck: Christmas
<fxxck> havenwood: yeah but rakudo is usable right now
<ruurd> perl? isn't that that language that looks the same before and after uuencoding it???
<fxxck> there are real projects already happening
<havenwood> fxxck: Just not released.
<EdwardIII> eam: what do they call it? i googled "hacking the symbol table in ruby" but it just referred me to loads of docs on :symbols
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<workmad3> 'The design process for Perl 6 began in 2000.' haha
<havenwood> Ruby 2.3 and Perl 6 on the same day.
<eam> EdwardIII: it's done through methods like instance_variable_set
<fxxck> does 2.3 have anything good?
<eam> or define_method
<havenwood> workmad3: And it's been scheduled for release every Christmas! :P
<EdwardIII> this kind of leads me onto an actual real question
<havenwood> This Christmas is the one!
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<certainty> because every day is Christmas when perl6 is out
<eam> >> define_method :foo, ->{"hello world"}; foo()
<ruboto> eam # => "hello world" (https://eval.in/449833)
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<workmad3> havenwood: haha
<EdwardIII> in python, if you want to make an api return a response from a fixture or you want to see what happens when you run your test on leap year you use @patch to swap-out the underlying obj
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<EdwardIII> i've seen vcr for ruby which i will definitely be using
<EdwardIII> but like... what's the standard practice here?
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<fxxck> "how come ruby can't" => "there's a gem for that"
<EdwardIII> in symfony/swing you use a whole big fat DIC framework so it's easy to swap out collaborators under tests
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: there's not exactly a standard practice, as it depends a fair bit on what you want your tests to achieve... on the one hand, you have tools like webmock and fakeweb (and vcr built on top of webmock), which stubs out the net/http library, letting you inject faked responses and prevent actual API access... some people will write a wrapper around the actual network requests, test that hitting the re
<workmad3> al API (normally with sandbox creds or similar) and then stub out their client in other tests for speed...
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: and sometimes, if you're developing the API and the client in tandem, it might make sense to just bring up your API as part of your test suite, and run your client tests against that version of the API
<EdwardIII> what if you wanted to see what happened when you ran your test on the bonus day in a leap year?
<EdwardIII> is the stubbing part i'm interested in
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: well, once you can inject fake responses into the net/http stack, you can pretty much fake anything you want... so you can easily inject responses that have feb 29th in them and make sure your code works correctly
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: whether that's going to represent the actual behaviour of the API at that point is another question
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<EdwardIII> workmad3: not in terms of API responses, i mean like if your method uses d = Date.parse(Time.now.to_s)
<catphish> does anyone know if it's possible to use ECDH in openssl within ruby?
<catphish> (specifically, as a server)
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<EdwardIII> perhaps something like Time.any_instance.stub(:foo).and_return(:return_value) ?
<workmad3> EdwardIII: oh... there are two thoughts on that front... one thought is basically "Stub out Time.now to return the date/time you want" (there are libraries like TimeCop that support that)... the other thought is that relying on Time.now directly is an implicit global dependency, you should try to make it explicit and pass in a timesource or similar to your methods, so you can easily test by simply injecting
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<workmad3> an arbitrary time in
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<EdwardIII> workmad3: ok cool thanks - and this kind of goes back to the earlier conversation with eam about hacking the symbol table :)
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: the exact syntax for stubbing/mocking will also depend on the library you use. rspec, for example, would have `allow(Time).to recieve(:now).and_return(...)`
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<EdwardIII> workmad3: ah and that will patch Time?
<EdwardIII> neato
<EdwardIII> this looks pretty good
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<EdwardIII> i'm going to go back into +b territory i think but - do you think there's any inherent danger on doing this? rather than having a big DIC framework liek symfony/swing do?
<workmad3> EdwardIII: if you wanted to patch Time globally, you can also make use of ruby's open classes - `class Time; def self.now; "The end is now!"; end; end`
<EdwardIII> liek/like, damnit
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: again, differing views, at least in the rails world... some people (DHH included) think that there's no point in having a big DIC framework, and if you want/need to alter some behaviour like that, just monkeypatch or similar... I personally don't like using a framework to wire things together for me, but I'll tend towards being able to inject dependencies rather than rely on them being globally a
<workmad3> vailable
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<EdwardIII> then have a factory function to save you having to type out the collaborators you're injecting in each time?
<workmad3> e.g. `def do_something(param, time_source: Time)` is perfectly valid ruby, letting you call that method like `do_something(:foo)` or `do_something(:foo, time_source: FakeTime)`
<EdwardIII> yes
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<EdwardIII> there was a lot of overhead and extra complexity with the DIC
<EdwardIII> but it did have some advantages too
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: it helps that in ruby, you always use the method `new` to create instances, rather than a special syntax construct... so you can also monkeypatch `new` to inject things, if you want
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<EdwardIII> it was nice seeing exactly what the collaborators were at a glance, it made you extremely aware when you were getting a bit greedy with responsibilites and it made test subs in unit tests very very easy indeed
<workmad3> EdwardIII: it's not unheard of to inject a specific instance into a rails controller by doing `allow(SomeClass).to receive(:new).and_return(some_fake)` for example
<workmad3> EdwardIII: yeah, that's exactly the sort of reasons given for heading that way :)
<workmad3> EdwardIII: it's just not a monoculture of 'DIC everything!' in rails like it can sometimes seem in java :)
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<EdwardIII> yeah
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<EdwardIII> sometimes it felt like you were breaking your balls pretty hard 100% of the time just to get a benefit 6% of the time
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<workmad3> and 'poor mans DIC', where you set up ad-hoc dependency injection if you need it is easier in ruby too, so it tends to be broken out as needed
<workmad3> the above examples, of injecting or overriding methods if required, are a real PITA through the java reflection APIs :D
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<EdwardIII> well usually you'd mock the whole object and inject it through the constructor, and the mock would basically be an instance of the real object but just have 1 method mocked, that was fairly easy
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<EdwardIII> mock spec object or something
<EdwardIII> but yes probably the reflection aspect of that was a pain for the mocking library author hehe
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: yeah, it's been figured out... but it's normally more painful IME :)
<workmad3> EdwardIII: and that's assuming you only want to do that in a test, rather than something like correct a bug in a library you don't control
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<EdwardIII> i've run into some swines of issues with JS due to monkey patching though
<EdwardIII> where other lib authors have been a little monkey-patch happy
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<EdwardIII> a personal favourite was when someone patched jQuery.load(function(){}) to squash all errors
<workmad3> oh sure, it's a technique that has potential issues if you misuse it or overuse it
<EdwardIII> that really had me scratching my head heh
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<workmad3> but then, that can be said of pretty much any technique ;)
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<workmad3> and monkey-patching is a tool of last resort, IMO... but it's a pretty life-saving one if you end up with it :)
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<EdwardIII> yeah it's flexibility vs correctness i guess?
<EdwardIII> "correctness"
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<havenwood> EdwardIII: Call it Freedom Patching and it'll work better. Ruby does have Refinements as well now for locally scoped Freedom Patching.
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<richard4> Hello
<havenwood> richard4: hi
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<workmad3> EdwardIII: I see that as a weird dichotomy, personally... it's almost like saying "This thing you're doing isn't getting correct results, even though it's the thing ensuring you get correct results. The incorrectness isn't a 'visible' incorrectness"
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<EdwardIII> haha
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<richard4> is $stdout.sync = true is similar to fflush in c?
<EdwardIII> i like havenwood's description
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<EdwardIII> locally scoped patching... that would solve so many issues
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<EdwardIII> who was it that was saying they didn't see the point in decorators?
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<EdwardIII> shevy: that's quite a decent use of decorators. in python for say, a unit test, you can say @patch('some.object', spec=whatever, other=stuff) and then python does the patch when it enters your method, then undoes it when it leaves your method. that's a pretty handy thing
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<[k-> refinements...
<[k-> read havenwood's link!
<[k-> (they are implemented in ruby actually)
<[k-> so it's not special syntax!
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* EdwardIII reads
<EdwardIII> after this i promise i'll stfu and build something
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<funkenstrahlen> hey, I call 'auth_code = gets.chomp' and get 'podcast-to-youtube.rb:33:in `gets': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - upload (Errno::ENOENT)
<funkenstrahlen> whats wrong?
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<funkenstrahlen> what has gets to do with files?
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<funkenstrahlen> I only want to read from command line
<havenwood> funkenstrahlen: "Returns (and assigns to $_) the next line from the list of files in ARGV (or $*), or from standard input if no files are present on the command line."
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<EdwardIII> heh i didn't realise you had $_ in ruby
<havenwood> funkenstrahlen: Try: STDIN.gets
<havenwood> EdwardIII: Many perlisms!
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<fxxck> rubyists dont like perlisms for some reason
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<[k-> i would mention yorick again but he would be angry for many pings
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<fxxck> yorick is too busy parsing xml anyways
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<[k-> well actually, he is waiting for his new carbon x1 to arrive
<fxxck> i want to get the Chromebook Pixel 2 next
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<[k-> give me your old chromebook pixel 1 :>
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<imperator> anyone up for some peer review? https://github.com/mrbrdo/vcr/tree/threadsafety
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<imperator> part of a code bounty to add thread support for vcr gem
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<imperator> seems to work, just want to see if there are any obvious issues
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<fxxck> i dont have a pixel, ive got the newer acer one
<fxxck> the first pixel wasnt worth what they were charging
<fxxck> im shocked people fell for that shit
<catphish> is there a likely timescale for ruby 2.3?
<fxxck> xmas
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<havenwood> catphish: Here comes Sana Claws.
<catphish> lol
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<catphish> i'll probably have to backport what i need for now :)
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<[k-> has the world suddenly gone flat and bright?
<[k-> do you like the new github [build: pass] [code coverage: 99%] and all those other newly designed tags?
<[k-> yorickpeterse: ^
<funkenstrahlen> havenwood: thanks. STDIN.gets fixed my problem!
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<yorickpeterse> [k-: what the fuck are you on about?
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<edp1> hi
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<edp1> I got the exact same error as DomT4 -> https://github.com/flori/json/issues/229#issuecomment-68802010 but I don't know how to apply the patch as I execute $ bundle install --path foo/bar to install install bundle
<edp1> do you know how can I make it ?
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<jhass> edp1: you need to find a git repository that has it applied (possibly just flori/json? didn't read the full thread)
<jhass> edp1: then just use the git/github option to gem in your Gemfile
<jhass> (and possibly branch option)
<edp1> jhass: ok I understand I will try that thank you
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<[k-> yorickpeterse: that vcr github link sported the new badges
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<karapetyan> hello
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<karapetyan> https://projecteuler.net/problem=44 but let's assume we have only 1 chance run application (and can't set limit for 5000 elements)
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<karapetyan> is my algorithm very very bad? :)
<havenwood> imperator: I was going to suggest `warn` in place of `STDERR.puts` so it doesn't print if warnings are disabled like with -W0. I wasn't sure if the goal is to print anyways but thought I'd mention.
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<jhass> karapetyan: the problem from last time is still present, but we can try https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagonal_number#Tests_for_pentagonal_numbers for now
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<havenwood> imperator: No issues jump out at me. Neat!
<imperator> havenwood, thanks
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<imperator> i'll mention the stderr thing
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<karapetyan> jhass: but now i don't calculate twice ? yes, i have tail and there some double-calculation
<imperator> havenwood, actually, where do you see that?
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<jhass> karapetyan: well I think the problem is meant to be solved without knowing the range you have to consider
<karapetyan> jhass:
<imperator> havenwood, thanks
<karapetyan> jhass: yes, i want to solve it without range.
<havenwood> imperator: no prob, any time
<jhass> karapetyan: and my ruby implementation of my algorithm from last time takes just 5 seconds here
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<karapetyan> jhass: cool.
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<karapetyan> jhass: your algorithm uses some limits?
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<jhass> no
<jhass> just two hashes and the above test to check for pentagonality
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<jhass> if unknown yet
<karapetyan> jhass: ok
<karapetyan> jhass: so, where is my mistake?
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<jhass> by now in the whole approach, kinda
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<jhass> you try to precompute stuff instead of doing calculations as you need them but only if you didn't cache their result yet
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<jhass> it probably would even perform acceptably without caching using just the efficient pentagonality test
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<jhass> and not repeating combinations of course
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<prefixed> is it possible to include private mthods in modules?
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<ishikawa91> yes
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<prefixed> how
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<ishikawa91> in your module
<ishikawa91> put private
<ishikawa91> and then any method you declare after it, will be a private method for that module
<karapetyan> jhass: eh, actually i got so much troubles with that code. Seems i haven't enough experience for that
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<prefixed> why is it possible to use private methods outside a module / class in ruby?
<jhass> karapetyan: so want to see my solution?
<karapetyan> jhass: no :)
<karapetyan> jhass: after... )
<ishikawa91> outside a module or class? What are you trying to do?
<to_json> prefixed: ideological reasons. Ruby largely doesn't prevent you from doing anything
<jhass> karapetyan: ah, kinda sounded like you gave up :P
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<prefixed> to_json sounds smart
<to_json> i'm not
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<gregf__> ishikawa91: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/424dae3a3de47a411774 <== something like that?
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<karapetyan> jhass: actually i feel stupid :( i spent about 2 days on it. And now. i feel if i remove this code i can't write it fast again
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<gregf__> oops , prefixed i meant :|
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<ishikawa91> gregf__ thats how you do it. But only the public methods in the module Foo can access the private methods, not the class Bar
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<ishikawa91> and instead of writing public, just move def foo to before the private line
<ishikawa91> then have foo call bar
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<yardenbar> Hi all, where can I find the documentation for Logger 'daily' rotation? when the rotation occurs and such..?
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<ytti> https://www.yubico.com/github-special-offer/ - might be relevant to some
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<jhass> that's still running? also you're late
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<shevy> ruby runs forever
<shevy> ytti are you coding in Helsinki?
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<caliostro_> what is the difference among + and << in string concatenation ?
<shevy> I swear this came up like 3 days ago :)
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<shevy> += will create a new object, << is just appending to your string object (if you have a string there that is); you can query this by calling .object_id
<ytti> shevy, i moved to cyprus in may
<shevy> cool, so hot!
<newdan> Is there a place where I can read what's on the schedule for Ruby 2.3?
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<shevy> hey... we are using ruby 2.3...
<ytti> shevy, but yeah, lived in helsinki for 15 years or so
<shevy> ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [i686-linux]
<shevy> no wait
<shevy> you are right
<caliostro_> shevy : thanks
<shevy> we are using 2.2.3 sorry
<ytti> but i'm mostly network monkey, only develope to make my life easier
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<newdan> shevy: lol np had me worried that I forgot how to read for a second
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<shevy> haha yeah... I usually glance at the changelog https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog
<shevy> there were some minor changes, for instance, the ruby-ftp module got a few new methods
<shevy> then there were some changes related to the upcoming string freezing stuff
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<shevy> and some superhuman changes by Koichi Sasada which I don't understand (it's above my level)
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<adac> How to compare two sets?
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<slash_nick> adac: compare how?
<adac> slash_nick, in terms of if they contain the same elements
<adac> exactly the same
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<slash_nick> adac: [1,2,3] & [3] #=> [3]
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<slash_nick> >> [:foo, :bar, :baz, "bang"] & %w{ bang }
<ruboto> slash_nick # => ["bang"] (https://eval.in/449921)
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<adac> [1,2,3] & [3] #=> [3]
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<agent_white> Moin
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<prefixed> yo. why is this retuning a "undefined method `build_exclude_list' for class `Module'" error? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/d9290c204d37fae27fb1
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<adaedra> because it's not a class method
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<prefixed> what does that *even* mean? I am using the notation given in this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/318850/private-module-methods-in-ruby
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<adaedra> The method you define is not a class method, which would be defined by self.xxx
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<prefixed> ok. that makes sense
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<adaedra> You're defining A#b and make A.b private, if you prefer this notation
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<adac> How can I copy/clone a set object So the objects are different objects?
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<adac> arr2 = arr.inject([]) { |a,element| a << element.dup }
<adac> think this ways it wors
<adac> works
<adac> got to go have a nice time guys!
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<platzhirsch> Wow, JS doesn't have a method_missing method *cough* JS sucks *cough*
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<tubbo> lol
<platzhirsch> So you can't write magic code that is hard to understand
<tubbo> platzhirsch: challenge accepted... http://www.jsfuck.com/
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<platzhirsch> tubbo: oh, well JS is already screwed
<platzhirsch> no reason to set the dead horse on fire
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<tubbo> in all seriousness though i've been really happy with the latest JS news
<tubbo> there seems to be an effort in making it suck a little bit less to write in JS all the time
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<shevy> oh the nodehirsch... I miss the old platzhirsch ...
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<platzhirsch> lol
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<platzhirsch> tubbo: yeah, ES6 is... great
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<pocketprotector> i am starting to get the hang of this
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<pocketprotector> i wish chef would use pure ruby, instead of a DSL
<pocketprotector> What IDE's do you guys use? I am using sublime text to help me with the auto-complete
<bougyman> vim
<pocketprotector> auto-suggestion i should say
<pocketprotector> I also use vim. are there any special configs i should use for vim?
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<balazs> Hi, how do I truly detach a forked process ? I want it to keep running even if the parent process exits.
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<dorei> balazs: oh, you want to make it a daemon, i'm pretty sure that there are specialized gems for this task
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<eam> there are definitely gems for this, but the short answer is: double fork, setsid, close inherited descriptors, cd /
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<pocketprotector> eam: is your name have anything to do with the artist?
<pocketprotector> s/is/does
<eam> the artist?
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<eam> it's my initials
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<pocketprotector> look up a documentary on PBS called the painter and the architect
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<pocketprotector> or architect and the painter i forget
<eam> oh Ray Eames
<pocketprotector> thats the lady
<pocketprotector> aka wife
<eam> huh, I'll watch it
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<pocketprotector> sorry, i totally misspelled Eames
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<shevy> Games
<shevy> try ita gain
<platzhirsch> EEmes
<platzhirsch> waht
<karapetyan> jhass: your algorithm uses math formula?
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<jhass> karapetyan: my implementation does the pentagonality check with the inverse function (that's all the function at wikipedia is)
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<jhass> if that returns an integer result it is a pentagonal number
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<karapetyan> jhass: ehm don't understand math at all :(
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<shevy> 2 + 2 = 5
<karapetyan> jhass: x = y(3y-1)/2 if x == integer then x == pentagonal?
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<karapetyan> shevy: 1984
<jhass> karapetyan: yes
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<jhass> well, no
<pocketprotector> if 2 + 2 = 5, then 1 + 3 = 6
<tubbo> karapetyan: you know you're talking to us on the world's most expensive calculator right? :P
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<tubbo> Cmd + Space, type in your math problem ;)
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<jhass> karapetyan: that's actually not the inverse function but the original one
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<jhass> karapetyan: x is P(n), y is n
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<shevy> yo people... did you know that sheep can program?
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<shevy> this is a sheep-loop: http://shevegen.square7.ch/screenshot.png
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* bougyman watching S6E1
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<kgirthofer> shevy: needs an escape dog
<shevy> hah
<karapetyan> jhass: ok, show me your code! :D
<karapetyan> please)
<shevy> it's genius though... they are just following the leader-sheep... and the next one is just following the prior sheep... etc...
<karapetyan> jhass: but if possible without math tricks)
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<jhass> I only have one version
<karapetyan> only hardcore, logic + code)
<jhass> no real math trick
<karapetyan> jhass: no math formula )
<karapetyan> jhass: ok :)
<jhass> karapetyan: http://p.jhass.eu/3.rb
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<kgirthofer> shevy: shrodingers sheep. they are all the leader sheep, while also they are all the prior sheep
<shevy> lol
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<karapetyan> jhass: so, what you can recommend me? i am junior developer with huge problems in math and understanding algorithms. Now i see your code and have no idea how it works. Especially if it contain nested loops etc.
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<adaedra> karapetyan: get used to it. Read some, Write some, Read on the background, etc.
<jhass> karapetyan: don't focus on math then, get great at other stuff. Don't do euler, do ruby warrior, codewars & exercism
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<karapetyan> jhass: i do ruby warrior then.
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<shevy> I do ruby ninja
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<pipework> I do ultimate ruby ninja warrior
<jhass> where are the pirates? I demand more pirates! And zombies. And cats.
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<shevy> you can be a cat jhass
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<adaedra> ?cat
<ruboto> I don't know anything about cat
<adaedra> You don't?
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<dbz> Hello
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<shevy> ?adaedra
<ruboto> don't be mean to adaedra
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<adaedra> In a general way, don't be mean to anyone.
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<shevy> ?anyone
<ruboto> Just ask your question, if anyone has or can, they will respond.
<shevy> this bot will one day hold all the knowledge in the world
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<ruby-lang509> r
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<jhass> s
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<ubuntu___> hi
<jhass> hi
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<ubuntu___> Hi Mr jhass I an ur fann
<jhass> well, that was quick
<jhass> what did I do to earn that honor?
<ubuntu___> You are a great ruby developer I know ur git
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<ubuntu___> Ur reply is my onor
<ubuntu___> honor*
<pipework> all ur git r no to him
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<ubuntu___> I want to know ur age? 40 + and so ur very experienced?
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<ubuntu___> or just 30's and started very early
<ubuntu___> hello pipework
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<ubuntu___> ruby === best proh=gramming but only few use it correct?
<ubuntu___> all use java and c++
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<ubuntu___> no reply ok then byee
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<jhass> a good programmer has patience
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<ubuntu___> but I am not even a programmer so i learn patience
<pipework> And a good coffee pot.
<ubuntu___> why coffee pot?
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<jhass> it helps with the patience
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<ubuntu___> all programmer drink coffee?
<ubuntu___> I never drink coffee I just drink milk
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<ubuntu___> cofee is bad to health
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<ubuntu___> its kind of toxic right?
<A124> Anyone ever create some sort of own database? (I mean the thing that manages database itselt, not a schema) Wonder what to look for and how to implement certain stuff, how to save and load B-trees and all.
<jhass> everything is toxic in the wrong amount
<jhass> milk too
<A124> ubuntu___ Milk is bad too.
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<A124> Its acidic for human body.
<ubuntu___> ok
<jhass> milk is fat, sugar and protein
<A124> I drink both, but limit as much as possible.
<jhass> too much of it is like fast food
<A124> And antibiotics, hormones, etc.
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<A124> Trace elements mater. Because trace today is a lot.
<ubuntu___> ok and how many hours top level programmers slee[p they stay online whole nights??
<jhass> sounds like you believe in homoeopathics :P
<A124> Top level programmers enough to be fresh.
<ubuntu___> No I dont be;ieve in any homeopathics
<A124> Most 6-8h
<ubuntu___> A124: thats too much right
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<A124> How clear your mind is is more important then time.
<ubuntu___> Ok
<A124> It makes up quadruple.
<ubuntu___> Ok
<jhass> generalizing such stuff is worthless, everybody is different
<pipework> ?ot much
<ruboto> much, this seems to be off-topic. Please move your discussion to #ruby-offtopic, to keep this channel free for Ruby related topics. Thanks!
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<ubuntu___> ok ruboto
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<jhass> ?justabot
<ruboto> I'm just a bot. You don't need to address me.
<ubuntu___> wow
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<kristian_> hi
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<jhass> tubbo: haha, yeah read that story
<kristian_> I'm on a fresh Linux Mint install ... I will be using jekyll and friends, but perhaps not much more
<kristian_> I just got ruby-full from repos
<jhass> tubbo: it gets ugly when they claim to be able to treat things like cancer
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<kristian_> I'd like to be able to just install gems as a regular user
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<pipework> kristian_: You can do that with setting some environment variables.
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<kristian_> pipework: good
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<kristian_> should I get RVM?
<bougyman> for what?
<jhass> kristian_: echo "install: --user-install -n ~/.bin" > ~/.gemrc
<pipework> I'd go for ruby-install and chruby instead of RVM, but what yo uhave works.
<jhass> kristian_: most likely don't need RVM no, with ^ just add ~/.bin to your PATH then
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<kristian_> jhass: should that do it?
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<jhass> that'd be all, if that's what you mean
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<kristian_> it works
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<kristian_> seems like I should make a ~/.bin/ though :)
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<kristian_> ah, it made itself ... amazing
<kristian_> thanks, jhass
<jhass> yw
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<shevy> tubbo the power of believe
<tubbo> jhass: that's just evolution man
<tubbo> natural selection
<jhass> dunno, defective animals don't tell other animals to die
<tubbo> jhass: false.
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<tubbo> i mean they don't tell anyone anything because they can't speak but what about that worm that implants itself into a grasshopper and makes the grasshopper drown itself?
<jhass> ... inside the same species
<shevy> you and your zombie worms
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<ishikawa91> call of duty black ops 267 nazi worm zombies :O
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<clebrun> what should I name a function that takes a product hash and a block, searches through the hash for strings and returns the a new product hash with mutated strings?
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<pipework> clebrun: Name it after what it's intention is, not what it does.
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<clebrun> pipework: thanks for reminding me to kiss.
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<clebrun> fix_product_strings it is...
<shevy> def cleanup
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<pipework> clebrun: Are you actually mutating the instances of String or are you modifying the instances and returning new instances of String?
<clebrun> modifying and returning new, sorry. didn't make that clear
<pipework> If the prior, might wanna add a ! to the method so that people know something possibly confusing is going on.
<pipework> Ah good.
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<shevy> "Agile is a hammer"
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<shevy> "You are the nail"
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<shevy> hmm
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<shevy> some blogs are so violent
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<meoblast001> hi. if i get Net::SMTPFatalError (550 5.1.1 <my@email.address>... User unknown, is this more likely to be an issue with the email address or the SMTP server?
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<BraddPitt> its an SMTP server error, meoblast001
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<meoblast001> ah okay. thanks :)
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<meoblast001> BraddPitt: but then it would be safe to assume the SMTP server is being reached?
<jhass> whether it's a configuration issue or not depends on how sure you are it exists
<jhass> or should exist
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<kristian_> hi again
<kristian_> it all works now, and I added the environment -- cool!
<jhass> meoblast001: it successfully connected, yes
<meoblast001> okay thanks. then i'll have to see why it's not reaching the email address
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<meoblast001> also in other things, long time no see jhass
<jhass> not on me
<jhass> but yeah, hi ;)
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<meoblast001> not on you?
<jhass> you stopped visiting, not me :P
<meoblast001> oh lol
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<meoblast001> okay it works.. the email address was actually screwed up.. but i should be catching this exception anyways
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> been out of the loop for a while:
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<kristian_> when I install a gem, I get "WARNING: You don't have /home/kristian/.bin in your PATH gem executables will not run." ... but they seem to run fine?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> really hoping I'm not accidentally starting a flamewar, but: is rbenv still the go-to ruby-installation-manager?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> vs rvm, or, idk, a new one altogether
<adaedra> that's all matter of preference
<workmad3> I prefer chruby with ruby-install
<adaedra> me too
<shevy> source!
* jhass kicks shevy
<shevy> truth!
<ELLIOTTCABLE> one particular problem I had with rvm for the longest time, and am now happy to escape from:
<workmad3> shevy: ruby-install == source but without needing to remember the configure options :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> ‘global’ packages; that is, ones I want installed in every single ruby, updated in every single ruby, etc; so no matter which ruby I'm working in, they're available system-wide.
<jhass> kristian_: what's the exact entry in echo $PATH ?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i.e. when I install something like heroku-toolbelt globally, I don't want that command disappearing if I switch Rubies.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> does any of the options handle that well right now? :x
<jhass> nope
<workmad3> ELLIOTTCABLE: no... but if you're on a mac, you can install the `brew-gem` extension and have homebrew install them systemwide
<ELLIOTTCABLE> also! hi, shevy! :D
<workmad3> *on a mac and using homebrew
<ELLIOTTCABLE> workmad3: oooooh.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> workmad3: I'll look into that. That sounds perfect.
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<shevy> hey ELLIOTTCABLE
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> shevy: long time no see.
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<shevy> you abandoned ruby!
<workmad3> I had to hack foreman slightly with that, but otherwise it's been pretty good for systemwide ruby tools :)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> shevy: A little. >:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I still love Ruby more than almost any other language, but I've been working on the same damn Omega Project for the last five years, and haven't really had much time for working on new side-projects in different fun languages.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> the languages-I'm-desperate-to-learn-asap list is *also* as long as my arm right now, and that will probably take precedence over coming back to Ruby, when I *do* start on new projects. /=
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> workmad3: do you *also* use chruby and/or rbenv?
<workmad3> ELLIOTTCABLE: yeah, I use chruby for version switching, and ruby-install for installing ruby
<ELLIOTTCABLE> i.e., it looks like brew-gem completely ignores/avoids those, and uses the system Ruby. does that work well?
<workmad3> for the stuff I want systemwide, it works well yeah
<ELLIOTTCABLE> excellent. thanks.
<workmad3> ELLIOTTCABLE: apart from, as I said, a slight need to hack the foreman binscript (basically to stop it from trashing the chruby-set GEM_PATH and GEM_HOME env vars)
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<ELLIOTTCABLE> workmad3: did you fork it and submit those fixes? :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if not, wanna /msg me the specifics? :P :P
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<workmad3> ELLIOTTCABLE: I didn't, and sure :)
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<BraddPitt> how can I test a method that loops, expecting user input, until 'exit' is typed?
<kristian_> jhass: echo PATH just gives me "PATH"
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<jhass> kristian_: $PATH
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<kristian_> bash: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/home/kristian/tex/bin/x86_64-linux/:/home/kristian/.bin/: No such file or directory
<kristian_> ah
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<jhass> mmh, dunno
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<jhass> maybe it chokes on the trailing /
<kristian_> yes
<kristian_> that's what I think, too
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<baweaver> Dam?
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<kristian_> hurm
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<kristian_> removed the /'s and reloaded, problem persists ... but now I know where the problem is
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<jhass> kristian_: yeah that part is not what I meant
<jhass> kristian_: my initial suggestion was echo $PATH, you did echo PATH and I corrected the PATH to $PATH
<kristian_> sorry
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<kristian_> I'm tired :)
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<kristian_> I think the answer may be in my ~/.profile
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<jhass> well, is anything actually not working? else just ignore the warning
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<kristian_> stuff seems to work okay
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<shevy> yay!
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<t0code> anyone got some time to help a noob on some basic code?
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<jhass> ?ask
<ruboto> Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question, and if anybody can help, they will likely try to do so.
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<t0code> just need corrections on syntax...do i post code here directly or link?
<shevy> paste it onto jhass!
<jhass> ?gist
<ruboto> https://gist.github.com - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
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<t0code> just trying to figure why its not accepting my arguments correctly. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/38f8bc5ae92503987247
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<shevy> if you change all_accounts to ALL_ACCOUNTS wherever it occurs, does your code work?
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<jhass> shevy: no
<shevy> btw you can move things such as acct_input = gets.chomp into your class
<jhass> t0code: which method of your class gets called when you call .new?
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<shevy> t0code yeah, use @acct_input rather than all_accounts
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<t0code> well i assume it would move through the firstCheck method authomatically?
<jhass> t0code: why?
<t0code> because i called the class...
<shevy> t0code entry point for a class is at "def initialize", so you have to define it and pass through it
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<jhass> t0code: well, what tutorial are you following?
<t0code> just finished the codeacademy one on ruby and realized i didnt retain as much as i should have so just doing my own project and came here for help first...:p
<jhass> maybe redo the part about classes ...
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<jhass> because tbh. your assumption shows quite some lack on a rough idea of their purpose
<shevy> t0code add def initialize, in def initialize call that second method
<jhass> ?styleguide
<ruboto> I don't know anything about styleguide
<jhass> ?styleguides
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<odigity> If I'm inside a module that's going to be included in a class Foo::Bar::Baz, is there an elegant way to extract the second segment of the namespace (Bar in this example)?
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<jhass> mmh, I think self.class.name will have the full name, though it sounds like an ugly assumption that will add an unnecessary tight coupling
<BraddPitt> odigity Class.ancestors
<BraddPitt> will return an array of the ancestor chain
<jhass> BraddPitt: which has nothing to do with the namespace
<BraddPitt> oh right
<BraddPitt> modules
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<BraddPitt> derf
<jhass> odigity: so, why?
<odigity> jhass, I know it's tight coupling, but it's a temporary solution and is based on assumptions that hold true within my project for now. going to refactor it later
<BraddPitt> uh
<odigity> jhass, it's a long story
<BraddPitt> what about self.class.name.split("::")
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<odigity> BraddPitt, I'm about to try: self.to_s.split('::')[1]
<jhass> BraddPitt: that's what I suggested ;)
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<Ox0dea> odigity: https://eval.in/449998
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<jhass> no, don't realy on to_s
<BraddPitt> sorry jhass didn't read above
<jhass> Ü rely
<odigity> jhass, ok, then: self.class.name.split('::')[1]
<jhass> heh, how did I do that
<odigity> I mean, self.name, since self is the class
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<stannard> This just cost me 4 hours of my life: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/mathn/rdoc/Fixnum.html
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<stannard> idk why stdlib of all things is overriding methods of core classes
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<jhass> hope you learned about Method#source_location in the process at least :P
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<jhass> but yeah, mathn is a weirdo
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<eam> whaaaat is that
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<jhass> haha, you never encountered mathn?
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<eam> nope, and I don't think I want to
<eam> warn('lib/mathn.rb is deprecated') if $VERBOSE
<eam> heh
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<slash_nick> ... why not just adhere to the correct order of precedence?
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<slash_nick> parens, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, no?... weird
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<clebrun> decided to go with map_product_strings
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<clebrun> I like that way better
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<shevy> giving things names is one of the hardest thing there is in programming
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<clebrun> Is there a better way to do that?
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<slash_nick> shevy: and most fun?
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<shevy> nah, names are overrated
<shevy> my favourite variable is still _ but it's not exactly a meaningful name now is it
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<caliostro> hi there!
<caliostro> what a fantastic language
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<jhass> hi
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<hal_9000> who here was at rubyconf in 2008?
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<kristian_> I get this error: /usr/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll-last-modified-at (LoadError) -- is it a jekyll thing or ruby?
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<jhass> https://rubygems.org/gems/jekyll-last-modified-at appears to be a gem, did you install it?
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<shevy> kristian_ this means you have not installed this gem
<kristian_> ah
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<kristian_> the name was so weird I thought it was something else
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<shevy> <shevy> giving things names is one of the hardest thing there is in programming
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<shevy> I assume the author wanted some jekyll addon
<kristian_> yes
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<kristian_> I'm not dissing anyone :)
<shevy> there are countless gems containing "jekyll" as part of their name :\ https://rubygems.org/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=jekyll
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<platzhirsch> hyde
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<shevy> hidehirsch
<shevy> dr. jekyll and mr. hyde - good cop, bad cop
<shevy> I don't even know what jekyll is
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<pipework> shevy: How are you so often completely oblivious to the rubygems ecosystem?
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<pipework> I bet shevy's google search history is like, 20 searches, max.
<BraddPitt> ahahaha
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<adaedra> Too busy doing static builds of his ruby.
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<jhass> shevy is the kind of person that would stick to fortran unless forced to learn something else ;)
<pipework> And even then, wouldn't use anything resembling a library.
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<shevy> pipework I dunno, I usually look at gems that seem really useful to me, such as kramdown or coderay
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<pipework> shevy: You should subscribe to rubyweekly.
<shevy> jhass nah, fortran has awful syntax
<pipework> Expose yourself to more tools that might be useful.
<shevy> pipework I can't keep up with mailing list!
<pipework> But ultimately it'll just waste your time.
<pipework> shevy: It's a newsletter not a mailing list, per se.
<BraddPitt> is there a comprehensive tutorial or documentation for the curses gem?
<shevy> I am already watching cat videos on youtube
<pipework> Read what you want or don't.
<BraddPitt> https://github.com/ruby/curses shows literally no info and has no wiki :(
<shevy> newsletter, mailing list, same thing! I grew up in the phpBB era!
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<pipework> BraddPitt: Curses upon the ruby curses library!
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<shevy> BraddPitt I guess they were just happy to get rid of it
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<shevy> it would be ironic if the github wiki would have more information than the old stdlib for curses had
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<pipework> shevy: would it really be irony?
<shevy> does anyone here still use curses?
<shevy> pipework yeah
<shevy> because it would mean that github works better for documenting stuff... but I actually don't like the github wiki, it feels so clunky
<pipework> shevy: I don't think there will be any intentional use of the opposite of what was intended.
<BraddPitt> or cna anyone recommend a good wrapping lib for curses?
<pipework> Amusing, but not ironic.
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<pipework> BraddPitt: I've looked for a number of them and found a number of them but haven't found anything that stands out and away from the rest.
<diegoviola> what's the equivalent of for i in range() in ruby?
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<BraddPitt> kind of my experience pipework
<pipework> diegoviola: diegoviola Enumerable with a Range object
<BraddPitt> maybe i just wont use curses and do my own repl type thing
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<pipework> Look at #up_to as well.
<shevy> go use curses, it's like the ultimate bootcamp, then you know why this name was picked
<shevy> did I already mention that naming stuff is hard?
<acidrainfall> Bahahaha
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<BraddPitt> i hear curses is pretty fucking irritating to use
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<acidrainfall> That would be an understatement
<shevy> try to code a dungeonhack clone in ruby-curses
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<BraddPitt> ok yeah fuck it
<BraddPitt> i won't die if my terminal application scrolls
<BraddPitt> instead of redrawing
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<adaedra> There are better ways than plain curses
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<pipework> adaedra: What complete and useful alternatives are there?
<diegoviola> ty
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<adaedra> I don't know them exactly, sorry
<pipework> lul
<shevy> lol
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<adaedra> Been some time since I played with terminals last
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<jhass> diegoviola: or simply Fixnum#upto / Fixnum#downto
<jhass> or possibly even #times
<pipework> Didn't I say look up #upto?
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<pipework> I dumbed and said up_to
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<shevy> yeah, your brain corrected a typo it thought to exist
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<ghq> Are all blocks in Ruby passed to methods as proc objects?
<kristian_> shevy: jekyll is good fun if you want to make a website
<shevy> hmm
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