eam # => /tmp/execpad-ced249f786d8/source-ced249f786d8:3: syntax error, unexpected keyword_rescue, expecting ...check link for more (https://eval.in/450118)
eam # => /tmp/execpad-9dee561db904/source-9dee561db904:3: syntax error, unexpected keyword_rescue, expecting ...check link for more (https://eval.in/450119)
ugh, maybe I shouldn't have downed that pitcher
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let's say I have two arrays, like [1,2,3] and [2,3], how can I find if there's a sequence between the two?
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hi all
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diegoviola: Sequence? Same elements occurring in the same order?
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err, I mean, I'm trying to find a missing number in an array, or lowest common denominator
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I think I found a way
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array = [1,4,3]; a = (1..4).to_a; a - array #=> [2]
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it's stupid but it does what I need
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i am trying to install the gem airplay, it has some dependency contradictions.. i am not sure if it's because of stuff i've done in ruby from some time ago
>> a = [6,4,1,5]; b = [3,5,6,2]; (a + b).uniq.sort == [*1..6] # diegoviola
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what is wrong with return if self.name.present? then self.name else self.location_name end
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replacing then with ; fixes it but i dont understand why
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Oog: You've got that all on one line, then?
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You might consider using the ternary operator for such cases.
moin ladies, gentlemen and all other fine hackers
Ox0dea yeah i know about that. was just curious about this
reading online this this should work
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Oog: Your source is mistaken.
That's Python syntax, not Ruby.
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so is there no then keyword in ruby?
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>> if true then "yo" else "no"
certainty # => /tmp/execpad-bd43b40af718/source-bd43b40af718:3: syntax error, unexpected keyword_rescue, expecting ...check link for more (https://eval.in/450187)
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Oog: There is, but its effectively useless.
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i wonder why so many talks/papers oppose Haskell with "real world needs". As if that was a contradiction
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for real world needs one can just use ruby
* shevy
copies certainty from above
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that's stupid. That's if I said that ruby is good for webapps but for all other apps we need to consider a different language.
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or better yet, ruby is good for embedded DSLs but for all else you need to consider a different language
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Hi, please can someone assist... https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5dc3dd5221060733169b on line 4, I have a VALUE that I must increment I have tried a few different ways, but what I wan't is for ID to be incremented everytime I run this function .. ID is currently set to "0.succ"
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awk that doesnt look valid
dont you mean #{0.succ}?
also prone to SQL injection
also, .... yeah that
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not worried about SQL injection, this a basic script I run once off to do some data manipulation
TomyWork: let me try
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TomyWork: nobody is going to use this, it isnt public its for some data manipulation im doing.. the database is going to be blank too
I like booby tables
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just trying to increment that ID
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I'm writing an .erb with quite a bit of code in it. In order to make the erb's ruby code distinguishable from the code around it (which is also ruby due to it being a Vagrantfile), i'm putting <% ... -%> around every line of it instead of only where it's required. Good idea or bad idea?
that's a personal call.
there's no technical argument either way. if it looks good to you, no worries.
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the plan is that other people can read it well :)
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"firstdayonthejob has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)" :D
in general I found erb code very ugly, similar spaghetti code to php atrocities
shevy well it's a template, you have to compromise
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shevy: nah
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shevy: the same is true for haskell, so why the distinction
anyway, that just struck me as odd. Nevermind
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haskell is a very academic language
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i'd say every PL is somewhat academic
maybe except basic
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that must be how it found its way into oracle databases, next to sql :P
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oh you didnt mean plsql
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nope :)
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how dare you!
speak of the devil
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<shevy> this is weird - when Ox0dea is on lately, [k- is not
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i has skool
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[k-: I actually did it. I ordered the book. :<
For the second time in my life Im buying an actual book.
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good book?
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That remains to be seen.
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you got us all in suspense now, what book?
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Ruby Under a Microscope
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Ruby Under a Stone
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shevy, will you be hating my code today?
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I still don't think you are actually using ruby :)
haters gotta hate
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Im actually curious what makes you say that.
did you say what book i got reset
I made sure I told everybody while you were gone.
To increase the suspense even more
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Ropeney_ <norc> Ruby Under a Microscope
aww shevy
norc: i heard number 2 came out?
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no worries, you're reserevoir
ah too early
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no worries, your reservoir is not in danger
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you ruined the joke didn't you?
totally :(
that's my superpower
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that's more useful than the superpower of being able to finish a bottle of coke through a straw in your nostrils in less than 30 seconds :P
At least with that you can show off
well, there are certain comical duos where one is always ruining the other one's joke (and gets hit/kicked/etc because of that)
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Laurel and Hardy
certainty and yorickpeterse
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for one. Many Osaka comedians, also
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one is the "straight guy", the other is the "idiot"
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much hitting with foldable paper fans ensues
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Ox0dea :(
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Osaka comedians?
Oxdea is a comedian?
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did you get his nick wrong [k- :)
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that's like calling your girlfriend by another name!
no, they was not meant to be his nick
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there is no link between the two people
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what's the gender neutral possessive pronoun?
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0x0dea... "Sinhala lith digit four". Looks like a honeypot with a spoon in it for me, at least the Unicode letter does
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certainty: I believe so, try #english
certainty: yes
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thanks :)
certainty: one's
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try #english because people here don't speak it!
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Please can some regex guru help me here... I am returning a a whole bunch of values for SQL... what i'm working from in my paste is 'eachRow' and I'm doing some subsitution.. What I need to do is the following, anytime it finds a string it must put a " in the begining and the end ... but only for strings going into the DB so I', using gsub(/[\z,a-zA-Z]/, '"') I can use $ for the other in the sub too.. the proble
m I face is that it must only be between ,'s unless it's already wrapped in "blah, blah" for example.. VALUES (45,'active',NOW(),0,1,""ubsistence farmers, fishers, hunters and gatherers","Subsistence farmers, <---- that example because someone did farmers, fishers, .... in a csv file it already wrapped it with "" .. Hope I made that clear cut of code https://gist.github.com/tripolitrax/fe02742954b7d43fb8a6
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... maybe I'm dumb, but... why not write a quote() function, then call it only if the first char of the string matches " or ' ?
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*not matches
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awk: use a prepared statement and bind variables
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hi guys, I'm having a piece of code that is calling IO.popen a lot of times to execute commands. I want to migrate this to eventmachine using EM.popen. The problem is: the commands must be executed sequentially and if something goes wrong, it should be aborted. The problem I have, is that I don't know how to make it go sequentially. I was hoping somebody can steer me in the right direction
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the reason it should be in eventmachine, is because it's already present and now these IO.popen calls are blocking the EM
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TvL2386: so you want to do other stuff while those are running?
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jhass, definitely!!!!
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mh, dunno eventmachine but that it would block the event loop sounds weird
anyway, does it have a way to wait for a thread without blocking the event loop?
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if so you could just stick to IO.popen and spawn a thread where you do your stuff sequentially
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jhass, gonna check if it really blocks the process
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jhass, yeah putting this "IO.popen(['sleep','120']) { |out| puts out.read }" in, blocks everything
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that EM.popen still would is weird
jhass, I'm not saying that!!!
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oh, misread I guess, sorry
no worries :)
well, do the next one the success callback or whatever?
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I'm having a hard time to untangle the current code to fit in such a scheme.... I'm kind of hoping if there is a way to just execute something in EM and kinda stall the execution until it is finished
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my google searches lead to em-synchrony
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I don't follow, now do you want other stuff to continue to happen or not?
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you just kinda said both
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yeah, I understand... This app consists of multiple parts... The other parts are running fine but are blocked by this part.... This part may be blocked, that's fine, as long as it doesn't block the other parts
if you can still follow lol
well, so you have an array or something of the commands to run, right?
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I'm having multiple parts... 1 part is handling a socket that is unrelated to this part executing commands.
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jhass, what I'm actually doing: check if dir exists, call git pull or git clone, chdir into there, check if some subdir exists and call git pull or git clone..... etcetera.... it's cloning / pulling a lot of repos that are sub repos
do they actually need to be the same process at all? maybe you actually meant to write two programs?
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jhass, good question!
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let me digest that...
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like, is there any interaction between the two at all and what does it look like
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or is there any global state both refer to
(and what would that look like)
except for the time :)
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what's up everyone?
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rain clouds :/
jhass, well, based on any updated files in the git pull, some other part will start executing.... I'm conveniently using the EM as a scheduler and uses the integrated logging that's in there as well... Main thing is that it's quite handy to make this thing a single gem that's easily distributed
jhass hah same here but I have to stay outside for 2 hours soon :(
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TvL2386: well, from what I've gathered so far your options are to untangle your code into something like the command pattern that you can use to build a sequential chain of commands from, see if you can join a thread with EM and if so just spawn one doing the sequential stuff or do the same conceptually but writing a helper script so you can launch it as a single external process
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shevy: stay outside
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they plan to gather datasets for some rural area nearby to vienna... and I have to record some crap
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you're outside recording? Sounds like active record
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since shevy hardly comes outside I think this is a healthy thing for him
i heard rumors about shevy being an outdoor freak. Climbing buildings and making selfies on top of them
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darix, so there is "notify". It makes use of growl, but isn't growl a 3rd party app on windows or is that the name of the native notifications?
sjums: I already typed the search for you. documentation reading i leave to you.
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guys im still struggling .. I need to go through a file (I wrote a script to download a google sheet to a csv), the csv has headers and values.. I use the header for a SQL insert statement and the values as just that. The problem is in the sheet if someone writes ... Hello, how are you doing ... it comes down as "Hello, how are you doing" .. perfect this will insert into a SQL query perfectly. however, if someon
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e writes .. Hello .. or .. How you doing .. it doesn't contain " " around it so it will not work. I need to find a way to wrap strings so something like gsub(/[^a-zA-Z]/ '"') for example <-- that example is actually overwriting the first line eg: Hello becomes "ello ... so I need assistance building a regex that will loop through all the csv's and the ones that don't already have "" around the string to add, but
leave the ones that do... I don't want to wrap numeric values though..
if you knew it would be nice if we could share knowledge :) how to use the gem I'll read about myself, ofc.
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awk, isn't all the fields in the cvs per default strings? So in theory all strings should be wrapped in "". So if someone writes "ello" the content of the string will be "ello" and not ello.
sjums: you are wrong on the csv
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then what is right? :)
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nvm.. I'll just stop talking. Nothing is right anyway!
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sjums: it doesn't seem to be that way with Google Sheets and using the google drive gem to download and export to csv
it seems only if someone uses a , it then add's the "" so I need another soolution
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awk, there's a gem called csv_parser. Is that possibly something for you?
awk: sounds like you should be using the csv library from the stdlib to read your file
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workmad3: thats great and it reads it as an array or hash and has the " " around the values, when I write it to a file its gone ;(
nnot allot of examples on that gem
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awk: err... the CSV library correctly removes " quotes from around the value... are you sure you're not getting confused with IRB then displaying strings with "" around them?
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awk: also, you shouldn't be trying to quote values yourself for SQL... read up on prepared statements
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awk: e.g. `[["hello", "world"], ["quoted,", "unquoted"]]` is the output of a quick CSV file I just created... *none* of those actually contain a " in the string value
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s/output/IRB display of the CSV parse
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workmad3: you right..
its just the hash / array showing them
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its just the hash / array showing them
erp sorry
*sigh* :(
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then let me move away from CSV and try find a way to use gsub and replace
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I didn't follow the conversation, but that sounds so wrong...
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awk: did you look into bind params/prepared statements yet?
I think you're completely ignoring that advice
awk: you really should parse a CSV using the CSV lib... and send the data to the database via prepared statements or, at a minimum, the database-driver provided SQL escaping, and not hand-roll this stuff
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awk: apeiros gave it two and a half hours ago already, please consider researching it, it's the correct solution
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workmad3: I dont want to send the data my mysql YET... I have many scripts that pass directly to mysql... my problem here is the google sheets layout and having certain things with a , wrapped with "" and other strings not
inserting into the DB is the easy part.. this is difficult, i
awk: the CSV library handles that
awk: seriously... what google sheets is giving you is correctly quoted, valid CSV... the CSV library parses it correctly... doing it yourself will either re-implement the CSV library or do it wrong
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workmad3: but I have to do a million modifications before I take th 'few' fields that are in the sheet.. I have major SQL that I have prior to adding this last little piece.. where all I pass at the end is #{sqlValues})
most likely the latter, given you try to do it with regex, which is hard to get right
on another note: most dbs can load csv directly
the problem is the sqlValues the stuff im describing above, not the 99.9% of the SQL stuff that the file already has in it, .. truncate, foreign keys off etc etc
I doubt you really have a million modifications
awk: I think you
're trying to find a reason to not learn the proper way
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sometimes people will get stubborn if you offer them a different path to a possible solution
because they are so invested in their current thinking
unless you're cutting away *a lot* of data, it's probably faster and easier to load the csv directly via db mechanisms into a temp table and then do what you need there
ddv: I think that's even got a name
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it's called the apeiros-paradox
j/k :p
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hah :D
apeiros: it's a form of sunk-cost fallacy, I believe :)
awk: so, instead of spending countless hours here trying to get somebody to code up the solution you imagine, how about you start describing your actual problem. What's your actual data, what's your RDBMS, what's your driver library, what's the modifications/operation you need to do
workmad3: ah yes
apeiros: listen i don't want this to turn into an argument you can assume what you want... the way the code is written requires me to regex / gsub and im needing help with that... csv has an option to force ALL output with "" not just fields...
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awk: *shrug* it's your time and pain
awk: we need to verify your claims
you're getting a lot of quite experienced people telling you you're almost certainly doing it wrong. up to you what you make of that.
ok, thanks
'the way the code is written' <-- oh look, there's code forcing this route... if only there was some way to... I don't know... *edit* that to change how things work?
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workmad3: I heard there are these "programmers" (or something?) doing that, maybe we should try and find one?
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anybody knows a good channel?
jhass is anybody
nobody knows a good channel!
apeiros is nobody
jhass: and people say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :)
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I have no idea what you're talking about!
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what is the difference between ~> and >= in gem version specification
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prateekp: basically ~> allows you to constrain the version parts that are drawn into consideration in the comparison. e.g. ~> 1.1 would allow any version within 1.1
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>= 1.1 would for example allow 1.2 where ~> 1.1 would not
jhass: Which one should I use and why? (alias or alias_method)
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hx___: alias_method generally
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I think alias_method is more popular for its semantics
since it makes a copy you can do things to the old one afterwards without screwing up the copy
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* jhass
hands jokke a /
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jhass: but alias_method can only be used inside modules and classes. just found out.
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hx___: The main thing to consider is that alias is a keyword (and thus the behavior depends on the lexical scope), while alias_method works at runtime.
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jhass, I've now used a Fiber. In my command execution cycle I now call fiber.yield EM.popen(.....) and in the callback, I call fiber.resume. This seems to work great
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interesting, thanks for the follow up
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yw! Thanks for helping me! It was very easy to implement. Just put the code in a @fiber = Fiber.new { ... } and replace "IO.popen([command])" with "Fiber.yield EM.popen([command], MyObj, self)". The MyObj calls the calling object in it's #unbind method to inform it is done and what the exitstatus was. The original object then calls @fiber.resume to continue with the next command
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ok, I used CSV .. I pushed it into my File.open and I just used gsub and removed the [] ... all done all working, thanks for the direction
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which you didn't take at all ..
well, not our problem
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Hi all, how do I include a Builder::XmlMarkup within another Builder::XmlMarkup??
I've got a big document that gets generated and I've split out some of the blocks into separate functions that return XmlMarkups, and I want to then include them in my main document
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hj2007: So `undefined local variable or method `invoke_command'` or another method?
So I'm trying to include a Builder::XmlMarkup in another Builder::XmlMarkup
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but instead of what I expect of <a><b>..</b></a>
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I get <a:<b> ...</b>/>
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havenwood: not the "invoke_command" itself but the method name that I'm passing to it as the first parameter. Though when I do <Object_name>.methods I can see that method listed.
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is there some other way than self.class.new in order to create new object?
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dorei: what do you mean?
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tobiasvl: i have a def y inside a class X and i want inside that def y to create a new object of X
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dorei: X.new? :D
was just going to suggest that
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but i change the name of the class
that needs changing too
if i change even
k > j
why can't you use self.class.new then?
tobiasvl: i looks ugly :p
so no reason then
i'm using that but i wonder if there's something more beautiful
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dorei: how about this? const_get("#{self.class.name}").new
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+1 tubbo xD
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dorei: you could always map an emoji symbol like a beautiful bird or a snowflake to a method, because utf-8 characters can be method names. then all you'd have to do is something like
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There goes my contrast…
when did we make #ruby-lang invite only?
gnufied: it was merged with #ruby :D
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#ruby-lang is deprecated afaik? 3months maybe?
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gnufied: somebody has been living under a rock
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it was merged into #ruby like...months ago
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yorickpeterse, he he, yeah was out of these things for last couple of months.
dorei: you can leave out the "self." :)
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no you cant!
or maybe not :P
gnufied: it should redirect you to #ruby if they set it up correctly
class is a keyword, remember
gnufied: you will only see the "invite only" bit if you are already in #ruby
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darix: redirect won't happen if you're already in the target, get a invite only message then
jhass: isnt that what i just said?
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aw, too slow
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was typing it up while you were and didn't check before pressing enter, sorry
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ha! a slow jhass!
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What's the difference between private & protected methods in ruby?
private -- only belongs to /me/
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protected -- belongs to people in my family, (my descendents)
[k-: What do you mean by belongs to?
gnomex: private methods can only be called without an explicit receiver
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gnomex: protected methods can only be called by instances of the same class (maybe also ancestry)
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you can bypass both using Object#send
apeiros: Why can't I call protected methods outside the class? They're still being called by instances of the same class, are they not?
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not if you're calling an instance method outside of the definition of that class..
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gnomex: please make a concrete example. use gist to paste it.
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apeiros: For protected methods, what do you mean by they can only be called by instances of the same class? A method will always be called on the instance of the same class.... I'm confused.
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gnomex: class A; protected def foo; end; end; class B; def call_foo(x); x.foo; end; end; B.new.call_foo(A.new)
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an instance of class B calling foo on an instance of class A.
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so no, a method is by far not always called by an instance of the same class.
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apeiros: Outside a class definition when we invoke a method on an object. Who is the method being called by?
apeiros: For example, 'somestring'.upcase, who is the method 'upcase' being called by?
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apeiros: Outside a class definition, protected methods can't get invoked. But I'm just confused because self is still the object itself right? The object is calling the method.
again, please gist an example
are you sure you can't invoke a protected method outside of a clads definition?
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that almost certainly is as restrictive as private
oh wait, i put the is after
Hi! I'm installing something that installs net-ssh, but it requires ruby >= 2.0. I have 1.9.1 and 2.0 installed (ubuntu). How can I "tell" to the "gem install" command to use Ruby 2.0? I don't have rvm
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[k-: don't understand :)
karapety_: try spaces = %i[left forward right back].map { |sym| warrior.feel sym }; if !spaces.any?(&:enemy?) { ... }
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[k-: ok.
you are writing way too mucj
very verbose
think higher level
that is what ruby is for, programmer happiness
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[k-: can't
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karapety_: Does it pass the third level?
havenwood: yes.
karapety_: nice
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i gave you the starting code, now you just have to repeat the pattern!
think map, any?, all?, reduce
[k-: i'try
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not each and other low level methods
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well im going to sleep now, good byes
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[k-: thx, bye
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karapety_ less code is more
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sleep? what time is it over there?
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Likely very easy question: If you are persisting a value that must be a member of a list of things (i.e. %w{this that the other}.include?(value)) and the value is only for internal use, is it more common to persist this value in all caps or as a symbol? Or some other method I'm not familiar with?
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Hi, I'm trying to gsub, but in an indepotent way. 'https://?.bar.com'.gsub('bar.com', 'foo.bar.com'). If I run this multiple times I get https://foo.foo.foo.bar.com etc
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well, find a regex that doesn't match the replaced result
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for example using a negative lookbehind assertion
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Guest50: You can use %i in place of %w for an Array of Symbols.
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Guest50: It's more common to see ()s or []s instead of {}s for that notation.
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havenwood: Maybe I confused it by my explanation. I'll just give an example: So I have a user that can wants notifications, either daily, hourly, or constantly. So for this user preference, would one generally store :daily, :hourly and :constantly or would one persist "DAILY", "HOURLY", or "CONSTANTLY"?
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This is a style question more than anything.
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Guest50: Not all-caps Strings.
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Guest50: Symbols.
havenwood: Not all lowercase either?
lowercase is completely acceptable
i assume you mean to store it in a database?
ishikawa91: Correct.
Guest50: Say more about what you mean by persisting them?
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you can either store them as strings in the database, or you can have a join table where the join would be on notification_id or something
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Sorry, I know that this is likely an opinionated question, but I'd never seen anyone's opinion on it.
and have a notification_rate table that contains the different rates
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Guest50: We just need to figure out what you're asking. I was on the wrong track.
ishikawa91: In this case, that would be overkill.
Guest50: Postgres?
or just keep it simple and store "daily", "hourly"in a column
MySQL for now.
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bubu: you know, you're allowed to ask questions about it ...
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ah well, timing
havenwood, ishikawa91: Thanks for the input.
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did you figure what you need to do now?
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ishikawa91: Yup, just really looking for _some_ sort of opinion. I've got it from here.
alright, cool
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What are the conventions for specifying the version of an application I'm developing? I'm using bundler and want to access my application's version number from within my code...
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joncol: SemVer
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joncol: if your application is packaged as a gem, you can ask gem for the version
you could also create a module within your app that contains VERSION="1.0"
if you try to do foo = super(text), foo will be nil
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oh wow, netsplit. No wonder why nobody answered my question before.
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when they remove the checks for block_given
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I'll try again:
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I need a bit of advice. I've quit my job, and I've been asked to document a sinatra web application I've written. Is there are the current smart ways of documentation? Still rdoc? Speaking in general terms
graingert: what do you mean deprecated?
toretore: I don't have a polaroid camera. Can I take a phone picture and then photo copy my phone's screen?
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I want to scan a string with an expression and get an array of all the matches. when I use scan with capturing groups through I get a multidimensional array. Here's the regex and string http://regexr.com/3c00u, what's the best way to solve this?
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here's the array I get when I run it through ruby's scan: [["10 s", nil], ["10k", nil]]
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graingert: i think you're confused as to how super works. if you call `super` it will call the parent with exactly the same arguments, including the block
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is anyone here familiar with celluloid? #celluloid seems pretty dead...
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i want to know how to shut down my actors cleanly so i don't get "Couldn't cleanly terminate all actors in 10 seconds!" every time i quit
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i have some long sleeps that i've refactored `wait_time.times { sleep 1 }` hoping this would give each actor a chance to respond, but it would be helpful to know if there was a way to check if an actor has recieved a shutdown signal so that i can clean it up
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i don't really understand exactly what the problem you're having is though
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and i don't really know much about celluloid either
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i don't either... to both of those
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it sounds like either 1) your actor doesn't have any shutdown logic or 2) it blocks and isn't able to respond to a shutdown signal in time
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toretore: true... so i should have cleared up the block problem by breaking the sleeps into multiple 1 second sleeps, no? and the shutdown logic would just be with the finalizer method?
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hololeap: gist the code?
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any pointers how i can do const_get and spawn a class in the right namespace?
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Q: I had thought ruby ditched patchlevels after 2.0.0, however for ruby 2.2.3 I see the version as 2.2.3p173. Pointers to finding out more about that p173?
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TvL2386: Ruby 2.2.3 happens to be patch level 173 but the patch level isn't part of the version.
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TvL2386: When Ruby 2.2.3 was released there had been 173 patches since Ruby 2.2.0.
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* tvon
tips his fedora
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Question. So in this example: http://pastie.org/10481865 If I uncomment that puts, the output of this function actually changes
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like the return value changes..... I understand there is a return .. unless .. else .. end, set of control statements goin on there, but why does the puts before everything change the output?!
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V1s1ble: puts changes base_directory somehow. what is it?
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toretore, it pumps a bunch of stuff through there... /home/cassius/webspace/jekyll-foundation to start with. But if I puts twice, they're equal...how can puts change something like that. The .class is a string...unless it's string function is a lambda or some rubbish
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V1s1ble: if it's really a String, then that's not possible and something else is going on
what are you leaving out?
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That's literally the only code I change....I add that puts and all the output paths change...it's straight off jekyll master...actually never mind...I think I found a better place to make the changes I need
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what's up ruby, have you guys heard the latest Carly Rae Jepsen?
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no please share it
I used to program in ruby once that's why I'm here
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BraddPitt: it's on the internet everywhere, on web on iTunes on bing
yeah it sucks man
i don't believe that
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when I was programming computers with ruby there were these great dramas all the time
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do they still happen
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just an example, ruby skrillex would be a communist and where is he now
Hi guys, i have a rails question, i am trying to pull an object that has a one to many w/ subobject - but i only want it to return one of the subobjects (basically the last one)
I did this and i see the query works @servers = Server.joins(:heartbeats).where('servers.last_heartbeat = heartbeats.created_at')
?rails nullwarp
nullwarp, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
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aw crap sorry
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that's okay, you can stay
I would suggest a database
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I just checked, and self is 'main' in a Rakefile. also, printing out self.methods doesn't reveal a method called 'task'. So how come I can call task in a Rakefile and it works?
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oh hoho odigity you got yourself a pickle there. see you can call methods on objects and not know where the darn thing is!
it's why we keep coming back
I'm aware that I *can* remain ignorant. I'm trying not to.
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odigity: because `task` is a method included into Kernel.
ah ha -- .methods() doesn't show private methods
my suggestion would be to fire up gdb and break in MRI's method call dispatch and see where it's coming from
because when I print self in my Rakefile, I do get main. but you're saying I also have access to the methods defined in the scope in which load() is called...
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odigity: the reason why you have to define tasks within a Rakefile is because (i believe) Rake prepends its own DSL module prior to loading your Rakefile. so, you're still in the 'main' scope, but Rake has injected its own methods into 'main'.
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tubbo, is there a straight-forward way to determine what those methods are? The RDoc for Rake::DSL doesn't even have basic info: http://www.rubydoc.info/gems/rake/Rake/DSL
odigity: and the reason it can do that is because it does a Kernel.send :include, Rake::DSL right before it loads your Rakefile, which when you use `load` is basically the same as just copy/pasting the code inside your file at the point you ran `load`...so it gets all of the "current" scope.
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odigity: you mean the DSL methods?
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Unraveling ruby magic is consistently a frustrating experience.
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odigity: you're the one who's "trying to understand the context", and now you're complaining that it's frustrating?
Hello, is this the proper channel to ask general Ruby questions/problems?
:P you create your own problems!
jchu4483: sure is
tubbo, I don't understand you. are you discouraging me from trying to understand how the core tools work?
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hey all, I've got (what I hope is) a very simple hash question
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odigity: one does not reach enlightenment overnight... maybe tubbo's suggesting you practice using the language instead of getting hung up on understanding it
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odigity: no, but i am discouraging you from complaining about the things you're trying to learn.
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I've got a big ol' hash of hosts (keys) and various properties about the hosts (values), and I'm searching the hash-values for a string and returning the key which matches
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basically like this: hosts.select{ |m, n| n.run_list.include?('recipe[bespoke::mysql_master]') }
It's a form of feedback. Every community that cares about it's future should care about the learning curve.
I'd like to add each key that matches to a new hash, and then delete the key from the old hash
is there a method that does that for me?
odigity: it just sounds a little pretentious, that's all.
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rubbed me the wrong way
the .select! method seems to nuke the entire hash except for the keys that match, which is... the opposite of what I want
* slash_nick
sure doesn't want to know everything a ruby interpreter knows
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law: use each_with_object
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I have a beginner-level question: How do I check and return any 2 elements of an array that sum to 0? I think I should the array's index to loop through each element - but I don't know how to get past the 2nd element, i.e, go beyond from 3rd element +
I guess I'm still not understanding wtf is going on with each_with_object. I don't want to feed a bare array (or a bare hash) to it, I want my previously-existing hash 'hosts' to run it.
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why not use each then?
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because every time I find a Hash that has the string I'm searching for, I want the key deleted from the original Hash
basically, I'm searching for all hosts in my environment htat have a certain 'run_list' property, and I want to build a new hash of ONLY those hosts. I then want the original hash to no longer have those hosts
I want 'hosts.size' to be '35' in this case, not '1' (as I know already there's only one host in there that matches n.run_list.include?('recipe[bespoke::mysql_master]'))
hosts.keep_if{ | k, v | v.run_list.include?('recipe[bespoke::mysql_master]') }
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check out that gist, I do exactly that
law: each_with_object(o) will yield o along with each (k,v) and return o. that's it
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that does... the same thing as before. I'm left with JUST the results of my search
Dumb question. I'm trying to install a gem into my current directory, but it's trying to install it into /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 (OSX), so I get a permissions error
Not sure if I should do sudo because it seems like it wants to put it in my home instead of the current project?
Oh ah you want to chuck out the one that matches right?
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but the installation of a gem always goes either (a) system-wide or in (b) user home dir if --user-install is used
I want two hashes - one that has just the results of my search, and the original hash which has the contents of the new hash subtracted from it
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where 'the new hash' is the results of my search
shevy: ahh that's normal? haha. I come from node.js where everything goes into ./node_modules
yeah; I think bundler manages gems additionally somewhere else
Should I even install anything onto my local machine then? or just stick it into Gemfile and call it a day?
newhosts = orighosts.keep_if{ | k, v | !v.run_list.include?('recipe[bespoke::mysql_master]') }
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alasi no idea about bundler sorry, I am just using normal gems alone, bundler is sorta the advanced-gem-management thing
so is Bundler the only platform which uses Gemfiles?
alright good to know, thx
I think so, "gem" itself is older, bundler came lateron mostly from the rails ecosystem since they wanted a better way to handle multiple versioned gems, presumably so that the casual user does not have to do much gem-shuffling on his own. I myself am happy with gems alone :)
booyah, that's what I needed toretore, thank you
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law: but do you understand it?
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regrettably, no
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toretore nice
i could have given you that in the beginning, but you should come to the solution by yourself
now you'll paste that in some file and forget about it
believe me, I'd rather learn to fish any day, but I'm under the gun on this, so I greatly appreciate you giving me the fish
(to mix a metaphor)
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spank him with the herring
now go find the bbq to cook it on...
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why would you do 'hosts.keys', for instance
iterate over the keys
because you shouldn't mutate a collection while iterating over it
delete matching key from hosts and put in new hash
shevy yes well that is about the extent of my Portugese sorry...
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mine's not much better! though I could sing some capoeira songs for a while
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they responded, I said DAWWWW and sent them the Spongebob clip with the world's tiniest violin
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so law did you have a looksee?
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Hi, I'm having problems setting a shell environment variable in a Rakefile. I want to do something like sh "export VERSION=1.0.0" because I'm calling another rake project which builds the artifact and does a version = ENV['VERSION']
_aeris is now known as _aeris_
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ruurd: yes, and this does almost exactly what I want
regrettably, computers never do what you want them to do, they only do what you tell them to do
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if we are going to sing, can I suggest we take notes from Carly Rae Jepsen?
that new album is amazing
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love it to pieces - most of my docs in 1 place
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and shows you the ruby source when you double click on a method
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Twi7ch if you invoke rake from rake can you prefix VERSION=1.0.0 right before the rake invocation?
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why did they make rake when there's make?
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make is awful, especially when it comes to whitespace vs tabs
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maven? ant? sbt? cmake?
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dorei: surely that can't be the reason
I'll see your make and raise you a configure...
ruurd: apples and bananas my friend
ruurd: and all those are also questionable
gulp? grunt? bower?
if I have my main ruby app running, and I want to execute a shell command in the background which is a constantly running process and I want to periodically send commands from my main ruby app to that shell process, should I use named pipes or a loop with popen3?
can I even do it with popen3?
they drive me bonkers. with the exception of maven that is
ruurd: I don't know what those things are, but I bet they're terrible
man 3 popen3
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if you use Process.spawn you get the PID too
seems to me that everybody is inventing their task processing wheel
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drbrain can you send commands to a process with only knowing its PID? I thought you needed named pipes for that
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I'm no ruby expert but that's set difference
so, end of the day, my boss wants me to have an 'intelligent rebooter' script for each of our environments. And, since we use Chef, he wants it A. written in Ruby, and B. to query Chef to get all the node information
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hashone.reject_if{ | k, v | hashtwo.has_key(k)}
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a rebooter is 'intelligent' if it knows it has to reboot certain hosts FIRST, then wait for them to come back. So, I need to be able to parse through a massive Chef-node hash of all our shit, and find the hosts we're interested in rebooting FIRST
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once those hosts are rebooted, we wait for them to come back. Once they're 'back' (defined as 'port 22 is contactable'), we can continue with rebooting the REST of the hosts in the environment
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I think it's about the third dumbest thing I've ever seen in my career, but $boss is $boss
and yes, it's ghetto-fabulous. I'm working on getting it into an 'it works for me' state, then making it suck less
that above pile o' crap at least definitely connects to a host, and definitely reboots it
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right now, the singleton_sort method (which is what I've been working on with you guys) isn't doing quite what I expected. It's pulling EVERY host that matches the string we're comparing it to, and for the initial sort I only want it to pull ONE host
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the above is *weeks* of work on my end, and frankly I'm just sick of the whole mess
Given this line: ` _, @type, @amount, _, @ref = string.split(',')` - Is the _ just used as a dummy or is something else happening there?
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in this case, IMHO, shell is totally the better way to do this. The ruby-approach is 75% of the way towards making a monitoring system, and it's the equivalent of using a steam-powered platinum-covered jackhammer to swat a housefly
a housefly that needs swatting maybe a couple times a year
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whats the ; [ h['a'], part?
in terms of the syntax
in IRC we can't type newlines, so ; replaces the newline
in IRC we can't display multiple values, so I put h['a'] and h.find { |k, v| v == 2 } in an Array so you could see both types of search (since I wasn't sure what you wanted from your question)
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whats the .method to apply a users input to the latest place in an array?? .push?
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drbrain as per my popen3 question, how can I continually read input while occasionally sending commands to the pipes? Seems like I have to choose one or the other due to blocking
BraddPitt: you can use different threads for reading and writing
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or you can use select
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here's an example of something similar using select
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drbrain my previous nick, nateshiggers was not racist you're racist
take it back to reddit chinkymorrison
!kick chinkymorrison be gone
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