All of the power, none of the elegance?
crime: You're... in #ruby?
meanwhile, in langs without destructuring, you feel like a dingus with your intermediate value you have to manually assign apart
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Ox0dea: ? was i getting too far off topic?
crime: No, I meant to indicate that "Perl-y Lisp" is a decent first brush at succinctly describing Ruby.
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id say its more of a perly lisp, and id also argue that theres a difference, because ruby has a consistent model of computation and perl less so
a lispy perl is just higher order perl, which theres plenty of crap on cpan for
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but a perly lisp has convenient variables already set, and a way to interface with the code that is consistent all the way down, which ruby has
Ox0dea Perl-y Lisp with a health dose of Smalltalk?
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misread you
colstrom_: Just so.
s/all that/yep
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smalltalk died an unjust death
cog vm tho, that cog vm
i was real excited about Cardinal as well, before it died
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And thus we have my journey FROM Perl and Smalltalk, TO Ruby. I picked up Lisp later, but use it alongside Ruby.
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my first language was lisp, then perl, lua, and now ruby
emacs killed lisp for me
after a while anyways
@crime Smalltalk isn't dead! It's... as alive as it ever really was. Probably moreso now, if you count people using it. Pharo and such!
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So much conceptual beauty.
Wrapped in a development model that just... never caught on.
And we're all poorer for it.
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i tried a while back to get pharo to compile and never could
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One day... maybe one day, I'll bring those things I loved from Smalltalk's tooling to Ruby.
i got squeak running after that and quickly realized I don't know the first thing about smalltalk programming
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I really like reading about it, and you know what else I've found, there's another language that has a really interesting model that is worth trying to learn from
really fascinating architecture, clean code most of the time unless you're reading tk junk
documentation is p terrible, though
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it passes the tests, but it still takes too long to run somehow. I'm able to run even large numbers in subsecond time, and they are taking more than 6000ms to test 4 numbers each under 10000
pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
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thank you ruboto
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I call the initialize method on the class just once in my initializors folder
It appears my events are getting listened to (logged) twice though
ruby-newb: The actual #initialize method on the singleton class, not #new on the class itself, yes?
How come?
How come what?
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I guess I'm just wondering why you chose the most confusing name possible.
Well, I wrote this when I was first learning ruby, so I didn't think much of it
The name does make sense, all confusion aside
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I suppose I'll change it, but was just wondering if have picked that name could explain for why the listeners appear to be getting initialized twie
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ruby-newb: Co-opting #initialize for your own purposes is confusing, and it may well indeed explain the strange behavior you're seeing.
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It'd be easy enough to debug-print `caller` to determine whence you're being invoked a second time.
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sl33k: toolbox also includes some metrics in its overview which can help with the decision.
but generally, there's no guarantees.
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truth be told, i know this friend from Java world...either way I'll rather use a Hibernate or Spring library than his code. Why? I have assurance of continuality maintenance from last two than some individual
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yeah unfortuantely that's hardly guarenteed, it's a price you have to pay and a chance you have to take
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i wish i had moretime for oss at the moment :( *still* no internet in the new place even after 5 weeks
oh wow, that's fucked
thanks for toolbox link...looks better
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yeah, been working at family/friends/coffee shops :(
ljarvis: i hope to start doing OSS earlu y next year
sl33k: great!
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just a lot of stuff to take in first >-<
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hello folks
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Is there a way to specify a quantifier for a regex group before the group?
I just feel like it decreases readability so much to have this at the end.
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norc: no
quantifier comes after the quantified element
you'd have to write your own engine, or a "transpiler" (yay, buzzword!)
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apeiros: Fair enough. I mean with your tip from yesterday regarding /x it is not such a big deal, because with good indention and commenting I can work with it.
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norc, just wondering but why do you want this besides readability? I think it's unavoidable that regexes are already unreadable either way
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not "unreadable", but as in a sense, you need to 'parse' it with your mind in order to make sense of it
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for the amount of information a regex contains, I find them actually quite readable
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I've seen tries of more readable expression engines and the result was not pretty (stuff like "3 times 'x', 3-5 times 'z'")
I mean they looked nice for tiny expressions. but anything reasonably complex simply exploded.
Honestly anything that approaches complex is often easier handled with a proper parser.
honestly, you're wrong ;-)
Possibly. :)
I have just seen Perl programs. So maybe Im just branded in a bad way here.
I mean yes, there's cases where people try with insanely complex regex where I'd agree a proper parser would probably be better.
apeiros: So it comes down to what you and I consider "complex" :)
but parsers are complex themselves too and come with their own set of problems.
regex have the advantage of being rather compact, which gives you a large amount of locality. that helps a lot with understanding what's going on.
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one of my largest regexen is for email validation, covering most of email address BNF (deliberately left some stuff out because I don't want that to be valid - like multiline addresses).
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you could write that with a parser
but I think it'd be a *lot* more pain.
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apeiros: But yeah, this is not what I meant when I said complex. :)
the domain part btw. is [^@] because there's a separate test for that
Gotcha. It is an interesting example to look at though.
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But it shows that what I have been doing yesterday (splitting my regex into the smallest parts, and interpolating them into the next logical bits again) was not wrong. :)
yes, IME that's quite a successful strategy.
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it also allows testing the small chunks individually.
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apeiros: Yeah. Definitely beats http://pastie.org/10510639 (that is what AddrSpec apparently yields after all interpolations)
granted, if you wrote it by hand, you'd probably drop all the (?:-imx…) parts
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*sob*, rugged docs wrong, or I can't read.
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Hi there! I'm new to ruby and I'm working on a small project where I'm building a connect four clone for in the terminal. I was thinking of using (n)curses to make the UI more usable. My question is: would this be to hard for a beginner and which curses library would you recommend?
I see that the original stdlib library has gone stale
is it stale good to use?
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i can found a lot of tutorial on ruby and tcl tk integration
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I'm not necessarily looking for a full on GUI solution, I still want the program to run in the terminal
Thanks though
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Look for this book, "Build Awesome Command-Line Applications in Ruby"
You will go deep into writing ruby command line application, using OptionParser and Gli
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mbrownes: i've used ncurses
it was some years ago, but the libraries were abandoned and outdated
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did you use a ruby wrapper or the native library?
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yeah curses still has some commits from this year
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what is the advantage of using Fiber over Thread ?
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that question makes as much sense as asking "what's the advantage of eating an apple over a pear?"
fibers and threads are different. which one you should use depends on what you want to do.
well.. the shape of the apple makes me feel more comfortable, pears are insane
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the main difference is that threads are preemptive and fibers are cooperative
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and apples are tastier
ljarvis: lies!
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actually I don't even know.
don't remember when I last ate a pear.
same tbh
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but i eat apples, so logic
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hm, nice. just realized that this test app doesn't need to use rails. at all. so plain gem. yay :D
that's what you call success
i understand
and finally finished one part of my git tool - I can now check whether an acceptance branch contains commits which are "problematic" (read: not coming from another branch, not just a merge commit, and change something else than just Gemfile & Gemfile.lock)
i am new to this concept, i've never found it in othere languages , os ,...
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caliostro: quite a couple of languages implement concurrency in one way or the other. and your OS certainly does.
though, php and javascript don't.
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(unless you count webworkers, but I'd like to pretend that webworkers don't exist)
pear > apple
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(and I'd like to pretend PHP don't exist)
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oh how I'd like to be able to pretend php doesn't exist…
luckily it only resurfaces only every now and then anymore.
adaedra: JS has some form of concurrency tho in form of the event queues
norc: nope. all concurrency happens outside of js.
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there's no way to concurrently run *js code*. (insert webworker comment)
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apeiros: I just meant stuff like XHR (granted, it is just a simple form of cooperative multitasking) - so there is *some* concurrency at least. :)
norc: but XHR is not javascript code running concurrently.
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The pain you get for real concurrency with shared resources is immense though.
but you could implement an event system like what js uses with fibers quite easily (I once did with threads, then realized I could have just used fibers - so stupid)
Doesnt Ruby have a GIL in the MRI to prevent real parallelism?
norc: it prevents more than 1 thread being active at once... you could still have parallelism at a higher system level by having multiple ruby processes
workmad3: I think the only instance where you can actually interrupt code is through some immediate events which need to get processed immediately.
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norc: concurrency doesn't require interruptible code... it just means two 'things' can be ongoing at once, e.g. while one 'thing' is waiting for an ajax response, another 'thing' could be responding to an event
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workmad3: no, JS can't even be concurrent.
norc: a GIL prevents in-process parallelism
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a mistake surprisingly many people make
apeiros: so you're saying than you can never have an ajax request waiting while other events happen?
you can offload work to an external party which probably even does it in parallel
workmad3: no, I say ajax is not *js code* being concurrently run
it's work offloaded to an external party. outside your js runtime.
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and the response has to wait for the JS runtime to signal the ability to process it (i.e., no code running anymore)
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apeiros has a point here. ajax does just a call to the XMLHttpRequest API of the browser. When its done, the browser then inserts an event into the JS event queue
hmm... I'd still argue that semantically, that's concurrency in your JS app, because conceptually your JS code is waiting on the response to an ajax request (so things are progressing there) while other things can occur
but I'm not particularly invested in that view, so feel free to knock it down ;)
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workmad3: given that a JS usually consists of more than JS, I'd agree. but JS itself is not capable of concurrency.
i.e. *js app* is concurrent. *js code* is not.
apeiros: ah, there's the difference... I see concurrency as a property of a system, not at the code level :)
in that case, anything which can be embedded can be concurrent.
which makes the distinction somewhat pointless IMO :)
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apeiros: I'm not sure which distinction you're referring to there
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apeiros, of course you can make 'concurrent' requests, or so they will appear to be. JS works with an event-loop-model
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in 2.0, this won't work def _l(l,L) print l, L end _l /l/, 12
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i'm not sure why
because it actually works in the prev versoins
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am i maybe doing sth in a wrong way?
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pard: 'SyntaxError: (irb):1: formal argument cannot be a constant' <-- seems pretty clear why they finally got around to disallowing it
oh thanks
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i'm not sure though as why this won't work too def l_(l,_l) print l, _l end l_ /l/, 12
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pard: needs a ; to terminate the def statement
workmad3 # => /tmp/execpad-bb49f54954f6/source-bb49f54954f6:2: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEN ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457697)
workmad3: Which ambiguity does that help solving though?
norc: statements need either a newline or a ; to terminate... def l_(l,_l) print l, _l end is a statement
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Good point
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Hopefully some day I might not be terrible at all of this. :(
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hey! just wondering.. is there any performance/memory difference when you have defined a class inside another class vs a class inside a module ?
and instantiate the inner class of course
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vasilakisfil: Use what makes more sense, and worry about performance after: a) you have written functional code, b) written tests, c) profiled, and d) deduced that this is a bottleneck.
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Yeah that's what I do.. but I was just wondering..
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vasilakisfil: From what I understand about the object model it should not make a difference either way though.
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vasilakisfil: To your question though: class Foo; end -- this creates a new Class, and adds a constant ("Foo") to the constant table of whatever "self" is in that context.
(Someone correct me if Im wrong here)
vasilakisfil: So based on your question, there is no difference.
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def l ( _12 ) print _12 end ; 5 / l 5
what might be wrong?
i mean
why SyntaxError: (irb):2: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '('
* pard
is actually highly baffled
I'm not even sure what this code is supposed to do.
Also, give real names to your arguments. What is "_12" supposed to mean.
norc, thanks but could not find list-op ;sir, as for what list-op means, in l 12, 12 l is a list-op
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am i being a nitpicker?
and what is l 12, 12 l
looks like a palindrome to me
shevy , i meant l 12, 12
l is calld a list-op
ok that is l(12,12) right?
yes sir
ok ma'am
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well it's a method call
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you are right, the tables don't mention rules for ()
yes :\
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i'm trying to unravel the reason sth lik 5 / l 5 won't work
i have been told it is because / takes precedenc over list-op , so it actually becomes ( 5 - l ) 5
pard: If you repeadedly refuse to read the answer you have been given already, Im not sure shevys response will help you.
pard how can it become ( 5 - l ) 5
where is the /
sorry i meant /
shevy: Today I learned something bizarre.
For real!
norc does it have something to do with cats?
It can.
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>> def cats(a) end; cats(not true)
norc # => /tmp/execpad-59afbbbc3b79/source-59afbbbc3b79:2: syntax error, unexpected keyword_true, expecting '( ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457745)
I actually stared at this for a good minute, until someone here explained it to me.
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norc, by 'list-op' i mean an actuall op , not a list of op's, and i could not find it in the links i was given; my apologies though, i should have clarified it
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pard: Have you tried looking for yourself?
i did ; no avail :\
looks like an anomaly
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pard: Well, given the data you have, Im sure you can quickly test that one case for yourself.
i will :)
norc right, I think someone here mentioned that once... eam probably, he is a parser-guru (in perl)
>> def l(_e) _e end; print l 5, l 5
pard # => /tmp/execpad-11ee811382a2/source-11ee811382a2:2: syntax error, unexpected tINTEGER, expecting keywor ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457753)
shevy: You mean he wrote an LALR parser using nothing but regular expressions?
pard did we not start with that syntax error yesterday :D
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norc I dunno... perhaps he did in the past when he was using perl. he is much older now, like larry wall's younger brother
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ruby people tend to do extremely weird stuff when they are bored
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pard: If you really want to write unreadable code, I recommend you give perl a try. You will have much better success there. ;-)
no ; it was the L.getInt /e/ - 5 thing (for which i was given an answr)
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* pard
is going to do a parser-on-chip, in SysC
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Anyone have issues installing gems because of SSL errors?
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skinux: ^
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gem -v?
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mmh, weird
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well, then I don't know. The common problem there was an old rubygems versions with an outdated cert bundled
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Hi, I use rbenv and am working on an upgrade mechanism for ruby versions through puppet. I am wondering how I can check which ruby unicorn, rails and my gems are currently running under
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I believe this is the gem it's trying to run rubygems-update-2.0.3.gem
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Or install
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skinux: how come?
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I don't know. The main goal is to install rails
nzst: not sure there's a way beyond /proc/<pid>/exe
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skinux: but what lead you to that assumption?
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there is anything else then nokogiri for parsing HTML page?
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I'm tired to fighting with nokogiri installation process.
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izzol: Oga
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Successfully installed oga-1.3.1
finally :-)
havenwood: thanks, I'm going to try it.
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it has been pointed out that I might not "translate" from gzip format, I'm not really sure how to implement that then...
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\x1f\x8b you gettin gzip
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Are there any EventMachine users here?
marahin if you accessing an api have a look at how the response needs to come back in doco
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hughjasss: can you point me in some direction? I don't really get what you just said
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marahin give me 5 seconds ill load it up
hughjasss: thank you very much
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marahin is this api publically accessable?
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hell, I think so?
no keys needed?
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let me check, maybe it's my browser's session that allows me to access it
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im getting []
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hughjasss: indeed I just noticed it, when I create a new browser session it responses with "[]"
my guess is its a private/protected api and you need to pass over an access key in the headers or similar
i logged in steamcommunity.com, however I am currently logged off - I guess session stores something that still allows you to access API but doesnt keep you logged in
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hughjasss: well shouldn't I be available to look up the access key from chrome devtools?
not necessarily
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it depends how the api is secured
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my suggestions are to get a api client like postman and play around in it then convert it ruby code once you understand it better
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Is there any recommended way of defining in-place an object with a specific method `update`? Something like a local lambda only used for one thing? I could do `Class.new { def update; ...; end }.new` but that doesn't look very nice.
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Maybe I cannot even declare a class in a function...
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god these Postgres people really think of everything
I wonder if Pg can also do my laundry
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yorickpeterse: I think that's on the roadmap for 9.7
create extension pg_laundry;
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How do keyword arugments work? Does ruby take a hash and create local variables with the same name as hash keys?
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Local variables are basically "indexes" so to speak
So for example
def some_method(foo); foo; end
could basically be replaced with
def some_method(0); 0; end
IIRC keyword arguments map to local variables in a similar way, though MRI does use a Hash internall to store the keyword arguments
* internal
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when passing keyword args, we're actually passing a hash right?
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Don't fully remember how MRI implemented it from the top of my head
asad_: Essentially, yes, but not technically.
Ox0dea: Is there a good article online on how keyword args work technically?
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Ox0dea: I couldn't find anything.
asad_: The source is authoritative.
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asad_: For YARV, they are indeed parsed and converted to the internal hash structure, and from there "injected" into the local variable table, more or less.
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Ox0dea: What about the default keyword args in a method definition? Does ruby internally create local variables with those values initially?
asad_: Yes.
Ox0dea: The default args in a method definition look like a hash. Is it a hash?
asad_: It's not a Hash at the "Ruby level" at the time you define the method, but it so very quickly becomes one under the hood that the distinction is of little consequence.
This "problem" is also present for the Gem::Specification class, but it at least returns `false` rather than looping forever looking for a module in the primes.
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is .include? not a general method?
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It's an instance method on Class and Enumerable.
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s/Class/Module/, technically.
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Prime and Gem::Specification both have Enumerable mixed into their singleton classes, which makes for this unfortunate ambiguity.
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`Prime.include?(Enumerable)` "should" be true, but so should `Prime.include?(17)`.
Only the latter is the case at present.
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hah epic contradiction
I guess it won't do your laundry after all
If have a file hashes.rb with a simple hash declared in it (not in a class) and I include it with require './hashes.rb' How do I access the hashes declared in hashes.rb?
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Is it possible?
a coding thuna!
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thun several ways; a very simple and primitive one is to make your hash a constant like HASH = {}
shevy: It's a config file used in another project. Was trying to just quickly parse out some of the hashes.
a better way for longevity of code is to namespace everything; put it into a module or class, use @ there even on the module/class level, use class/module methods to access/manipulate it (or also put it into a hash constant residing in your main namespace)
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Can I get access to those variables without changing the original hashes.rb?
thun: Are they local variables?
you can also use $hash which is a sure sign that you did not know of alternatives
filthy dollars
we chould propose ? for global variables in ruby
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No, I've done way worse than that
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I made a singleton class called Global that uses method_missing and a mutex to hold universally accessible things
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mg^ I like the name Global
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So I can do things like Global.foo = "foo" and then access Global.foo later in another thread...
thun this is a cool line here: require '.\hashes.rb'
Ty ;)
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Ox0dea: How do you mean? I am looking for a quick hack
thun: Reconsider.
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This is a piece of throwaway code, I did not write 'hashes.rb' and can not change it
But I need to programmatically loop over the hashes
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Is this homework, by chance?
I am moving a bunch of variables to another app and might have to do it every now and then.
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> This is a piece of throwaway code
Yes... it is middleman code to generate other code
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But if somone changes the original hashes I will have to re-run
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Lol yes
Who is "someone" in this context?
Ok so you've got this hashes.rb that someone else writes. You need to get at the contents of that, take the data stored in the hashes, at put it somewhere else. That's a correct summary?
mg^ Ys
I do not maintain hashes.rb
`eval(File.read('hashes.rb'))`, and may the fates frown upon you.
Lol perfect ty...
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Ox0dea: I don't know any ruby. I have a python background. I don't know how to do that. I figured I would just need to write one line of code to call that method.
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Ox0dea is such a stalker
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Of myself...?
of everyone
Hello everyone
what is it ?
do I have to stalk you now where you stalk others
pard: Just visit the link?
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pard: I just thought it was humorous that you linked me to an article to which I linked somebody else not terribly long ago.
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Ox0dea: Is this not all I need to call that method? `Emoji::Extractor.extract()`
pard finally he added the explanation, he had me wonder as well ;)
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sorry i'm so slow getting things
txtsd: No, because #extract is an instance method, so you need an instance of Emoji::Extractor.
Looking at the constructor, you'll need to provide the desired size of the resultant images and in which directory you'd like them placed.
Emoji::Extractor.new(42, '/tmp/foo').extract! or some such.
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what matters is now i have it , gsl
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shevy , reading it ?
Extending a class like: class Person;attr_reader :sex;end; class Woman < Person; attr_reader :name;end ... is a violation of the Liskov principle right?
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Liskov Sub Principle to be more precise.
Ox0dea: I would never have worked out that format. Thanks. Where should I actually call this from though?
Ox0dea: I need to change that EMOJI_TTF variable to point to a custom location, so I can't use the official gem.
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txtsd: Just redefine that constant.
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I'm having some problems with some code (https://github.com/frozenfoxx/hack-doom/blob/master/certain/lib/libcertain.rb). I need to be able to fire off a system command and capture/process its output/input in realtime. I've tried a variety of methods like IO.popen("command") and such but either they all exit early, don't seem to respond to stdin, don't output stdout, or similar. I've gotten somewhat there with Open3.pipeline("command") but don't know
txtsd: You'll get a warning, but it won't be the end of the world.
I'm sorry for bugging you folks with it but I'm kindo f at my wit's end, I'm just not really sure what I need to do. The affected code is in line 23 on that file.
yeah sounds like a job for popen, you can assign to stdout stderr etc..
shevy: When using IO.popen("command") it just terminates early, don't know why.
I hate how much code one has to write compared to system() or `` there :(
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shevy: Thanks, I'll have a look at this too. If it helps, I'm basically wrapping up a CLI server so I can hand it off to websocketd.
shevy: That means I need to be able to grab certain lines of output based on regex to call other commands to send over the websocket, and capture/process commands from stdin over websocket to determine how to pass it to the cli server.
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I have been looking for a way to keep score in a procedural ruby app. All I can find are OOP references. Has anyone ever encountered a problem like that?
shevy: looks like this should help me get rolling, so I'll let you know what happens.
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shevy are you able to point me in the right direction with my question?
U probably know resources that I dont
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I couldn't execute it on eval.in because it forks, but playing with it locally should get you headed in the right direction.
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Ox0dea: thanks, I'll try this one, too.
When you run it, it'll wait for your input; lines containing "echo" will be sent to `sh` and the result displayed, and all other lines will be ignored.
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Ox0dea: that's awesome, definitely something I can use!
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Ox0dea: I'll give it a try as soon as food's over.
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I should probably eat myself.
I'm rolling; food if I don't get all Strings.
>> [*ObjectSpace.each_object].sample 3
Ox0dea # => ["'", "test_files", " super \"You don't have write permissions for the \#{directory} directory.\" ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457992)
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txtsd: I'm afraid it's working fine here. :<
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How can I do a reverse each_index in Ruby? array.reverse.each_index doesn't do the trick.
Ox0dea: Some env settings perhaps?
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txtsd: God dammit. I was right the first time; the version on RubyGems doesn't have Extractor.
millerti: (array.size-1).downto(0) do |i|
How is it working for you then?
The `gem` command must be doing some caching that got in the way.
jhass: Ok. I wasn't sure if there was a better way...
txtsd: It's working because I installed from source.
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Oh alright. I'll do that then. I replace the *spec and *gen with the actual filenames, right?
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txtsd: Well, it'd work fine with the asterisks in this case, but sure.
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txtsd: I apologize for making this so much more trouble than it might've been.
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Ox0dea: I had globbing turned off so the asterisks weren't working. I finally found a reason to enable globbing lol.
And don't worry about the trouble. Just as long as I can get this done.
txtsd: *All* globbing?!
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can i pass block to array.include?
Yep. I was trying to learn zsh and shell concepts by making my own zshrc.
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txtsd: Fair enough, but ditching globbing altogether is absurd. :P
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karapetyan: No, you want Array#any?.
I just couldn't find a reason to use it. Plus I liked not having to quote my URLs.
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txtsd: Yeah, you'll have to manually install that; Gemoji doesn't specify it as a dependency.
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Ox0dea: From source? I have it installed via `gem`
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txtsd: Oh, sorry; I just assumed you were getting the LoadError that I did.
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Anyone know how to install ruby-prof in Ubuntu 15.10? I trued using gem, but it complains that it doesn't have dev tools, although I have installed ruby-dev. And apparently, apt-get no longer has a ruby-dev package I can get from the Ubuntu repos.
millerti: I use chruby and ruby-install for managing my ruby versions.
Not the distro repos.
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if i iterating array using select and condition fails. What i should return from block to return nothing in select? '' ?
nil ?
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karapetyan: Either falsey value will do.
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Ox0dea: are you using it on the correct font file though?
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txtsd: I can't say whether we have the exact same one, but I'd imagine we do.
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So since Ruby has a GIL, does it have some convenient IPC functions? For instance, can I easily launch a child process and communicate with it using queues?
Ox0dea: If I can do this without celluloid that'd probably be better, it just seemed like it'd be a better way to do concurrency. That said, if I can't get this done in it then I'd prefer to have something that works in an ugly way than a pretty way that doesn't work
For some reason, `parse!` isn't being called in time for `@strikes` to get initialized.
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I've no idea why a slightly different input font file would cause that to happen.
frozenfoxx: The POC was more meant to indicate how to use Open3 for basic "command and control"; $thing you described would certainly benefit from not blocking, so you'll want to marry the two.
Ox0dea: Agreed, I'm playing around with it a little bit and think I might have this working.
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millerti: There is no such thing in stdlib (well, there's IO as mentioned above, you would still need to serialize your objects though). Also keep in mind the GIL does not affect multiple processes, only multiple threads running within the same process.
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I've done multiprocess Ruby before, where one Ruby program calls via popen another and communicates via stdio. I was just wondering if anyone had streamlined it.
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Ox0dea: I've been looking at that line, but I have no idea what to make of it.
what's the defacto way to determine if a mechanize response is html?
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!page.kind_of?(Mechanize::File) ?
Ox0dea: Can you try running it on the ttf I queried you?
Ox0dea: yeah, the more I work with this the more I think it'll work. Thank you so much! Thanks to you, too, shevy, I'll give the links you sent me a closer look later as well
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Ox0dea: At the risk of being dumb, is there a good quick way to signify the end of input? I'm thinking in the while loop just a "while res = o.gets || res != 'quit'" or something?
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Grr. I'm trying to use ruby-prof, and it keeps producing bogus dot files.
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Ox0dea: OH! And one more question (because I apparently take tips from the Steve Jobs of "one more thing"), the new thread is reading from "i" which is mapped to stdin which means ANYTHING in my program that interacts with stdin SHOULD be interpreted by that thread, yes?
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millerti: there are a couple of parallel each / parallel map gems. I vaguely remember being dissatified with them. Yeah I know, not helpful :-|
frozenfoxx: Well, that loop should terminate when there's nothing more to read, but that'll never happen if the source is a stream.
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djellemah: The reason I ask is mostly so that I don't keep reinventing the wheel.
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Also, I wish there were an equivalent to sympy for Ruby.
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frozenfoxx: Kernel#gets actually reads from ARGF, which is essentially $stdin if you didn't leave any filenames in ARGV.
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txtsd: Same error for that TTF.
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Ox0dea: Good stuff, I think I understand. As I'm testing it out here it's working nicely. This also means that, nifty as Celluloid is, I probably won't have to use it and less external dependencies makes me a happy camper.
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Ox0dea: I've had little sleep, so I'm going to mulligan my Engrish.
Ox0dea: anyway, thanks so much, I've beat my head on that for three weeks now trying to figure out how to make it work.
frozenfoxx: It's much fewer abrasive if you interpret it as a Game of Thrones reference.
Ox0dea: Am I SOL then? I just want to extract the damn PNGs :(
Ox0dea: I'm that horrible heretic that doesn't like Game of Thrones. Please don't make me Sean Bean!
djellemah: There's also a C version of sympy called symengine that has been made into a Ruby extension, but it's incomplete.
txtsd: I mean, do you want the older TTF for which it works just fine?
(See query.)
Ox0dea: No, I need the new emojis from the most recent version.
frozenfoxx: He lives!
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frozenfoxx: blasphemy! Your punishment is to be every Sean Bean character in every film and show he's ever been in!
txtsd: I suppose your only option is to file an issue with ttfunk, then. :<
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workmad3: in that case, quoting Black Death, "victory is mine!"
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frozenfoxx: you mean Stewie Griffin.
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hey all I am doing an ssh.exec!("") and I have an awk string that I want to run but I can't seem to escape it in such a way that ruby and awk both understand
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pipework: no, he says it right before he's got his limbs pulled off at the end of the movie.
frozenfoxx: it was a joke
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pipework: sorry, it didn't come across that way with text. :/
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frozenfoxx: If someone says that Family Guy says anything original, it's either a joke or a reflection of their lack of a worthwhile educational background.
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mbrune: try using %q[…]
>> %q[ this is a string that can have ", ' or {} inside it ]
drbrain # => " this is a string that can have \", ' or {} inside it " (https://eval.in/458010)
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Ox0dea: thanks for that thaw code using Fiddle, it gives me one way of doing what I want. Now, all I have to do is resist the many temptations down that road ;-)
djellemah: Sure thing. That particular rabbit hole does indeed run quite deep. :)
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I seem to have Ruby 2.1.5p273 (which I just downloaded yesterday), which contains a CA certificate issue. How do I update so this issue is resolved? Do I have to download and install Ruby again?
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drbrain: Thoughts on `Prime.include?`?
I found documentation for update fix versions online, which shows 2.0 and 2.2, but not 2.1
Ox0dea: ?
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Ox0dea: you might get better performance by divmod each prime with value
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Really, `Prime.include?` is hardly the best way to check for primality, but it should at least not lie.
↑ yes
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Gem::Specification is another such "enumerable class", but its finitude absolves it somewhat.
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Using ObjectSpace to find the classes which include Enumerable leads to a bad time if you've required 'prime'.
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Ox0dea: I'm willing to bet that most sentences involving "Using ObjectSpace" lead to a bad time.
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pipework: Wrong channel?
Ox0dea: No, why would you think that?
[12:12:38 PM] <Ox0dea>Using ObjectSpace to find the classes which include Enumerable leads to a bad time if you've required 'prime'.
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pipework: The part where you don't think it's great that we *can* analyze the entire system threw me off.
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Ox0dea: Oh, it's not that it's not great, just that bad times are had.
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> Terrible, yes, but great.
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ObjectSpace is Voldemort confirmed.
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He who shall not be introspected?
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stop peeking at inside ruby!
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reminds me of a bug where you could crash ruby by using ObjectSpace to find the String gsub was using to build the result string and adding characters to it
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or something like that
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Umm..apparently gem is set to use JRuby,how do I set it to use regular Ruby?
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skinux: are you using rvm?
Not unless it's doing it automagically
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hah I once had fun with jruby too and installed into /usr prefix, then I wondered why ruby no longer worked
sounds like you were asking for trouble.
I installed JRuby after I installed Ruby, but on Windows, I didn't set any custom locations.
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pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
but when I go to the redis server the only key there is "test"
any ideas?
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is there a way to call a ruby file from another file and pass variables along with the call?
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I have basic programming experience... By 'basic' I mean it literally and not the language 'BASIC'.. :P I have prior experience in PHP and now I wish to migrate to Ruby. Can anyone guide me the right way??
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C0r3 write as much code as possible in ruby
start with something small that you would do in php
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shevy: I used php for developing web apps. Also use a framework.
shevy: Can you please tell me any nice example tasks that can help me enhance my Ruby programming skills?
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C0r3: Scratch an itch.
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C0r3 well do you have irb running locally already; if so start it
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targaf: Could you elaborate? The broadest applicable answer is "yes, structure your code appropriately".
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targaf: yeah, use a pipe and stream the data
shevy: I don't even know what is IRB. I'll give a search..
it's a bit weird though, I would not write it like that, but it's cool that it is a single .rb file
but anyway, work through the chapters first!
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shevy: The entire website is a single .rb file???
he wrote it in 2003 or so if you look at the copyright notice :)
shevy: I can't believe..
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by the way C0r3 also read this short interview - it is also very old but this is the best difference between ruby and e. g. python, the philosophy: http://www.artima.com/intv/ruby.html
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shevy: Hang on I'll make a note of all the recommendations...
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shevy: Tell me more.
the interview is really short, it's like only 8 paragraphs in question-answer style
dunno... both articles linked above actually originated from 2003 :\
one thing that you should later learn is how to write a .gem file yourself for your code to distribute it
I'll check that. I noted it down.
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Okay.. How much time should I expect to get a grip over Ruby? If I have 1 year of programming experience. And you can see my code at www.github.com/Qumonto/usersys
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I feel the Ruby community is more friendly than the PHP community. Is it always like this?
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did ruby ever ship with a static web server?
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ruby -run -ehttpd
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mozzarella: For example, current dir on port 8080: ruby -run -ehttpd . -p 8080
so, it loads the "un" file and executes "httpd" as code (which calls the httpd function)?
C0r3: Your experience should speed up learning nicely. Can't say what a grip on Ruby is or how long it might take you. It's a nice community!
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mozzarella: method, yeah
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why are niggers racist?
!mute ni291187
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Does Rails have it's own version of Ruby packaged???
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skinux: no, as in rails runs on whichever ruby you have installed
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Hmm. I installed needed packages using command-line, but RubyMine keeps saying their missing and fails to install them.
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It's trying to install debase, but it says it cannot install dependency debase-ruby_core_source
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It shouldn't be trying to because both are already installed.
skinux: maybe try in the jetbrains support email
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Yeah..so I can wait a day or two for them to reply.
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skinux: just suggesting an avenue that might be of help to you; that's a product-specific integration. You probably need to ensure that you've got the right ruby environment configured for rubymine
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Honestly I wish I knew how to develop extensions to Eclipse, so I could create my own custom "IDE".
I don't use an IDE for ruby
only for c++ and java
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I was just thinking maybe I should just use Sublime Text or Notepad++ and either Gradle or Maven individually instead of using RubyMine
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skinux: some people like IDEs, some people like text editors, it's all preference
try sublime text, it's nice
try notepad++ if you are on windows, and try to stay as simple as possible. ruby is simple, one should not need eclipse for it
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I prefer IDEs, but if I can't get an IDE to work with me then I'll use a text editor, ruby/rails themselves, and whatever other tools needed via command-line.
skinux: that's generally the way of things
Sublime Text 3 or death
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IDEs are not that great for Ruby because it is a dynamic language
I like IDEs, for one thing because I don't have to learn all the commands of various things.
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I use vim + syntastic
I often see a lot of people (coworkers included!) who spend more time fiddling around with their IDE to run commands like "git commit" or Rake tasks.
ruby -e "require 'date'; puts Date.rfc3339('2009-04-04T09:51:28+00:00').strftime('%Y/%m-%B/%d-%A/%H-%M')" > Why does this print 0 for the minute and the hour value?
Like, how hard is to tab over into the terminal and run the commands?
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or just stay in the terminal and use vim
or emacs if that's your thing
svkurowski: Is this an interview question?
I'm trying to batch process a bunch of files
svkurowski: It's because you're using Date and not Time.
svkurowski: Date is for days, months and years.
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I could handle these things just fine with nil checks but it will look ugly. So I'm trying to simplify things a bit for the user.
dreinull75: "foo"[3] is nil, though, so what do you want it to return?
A user-friendly error message, it seems.
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The problem ist that I'm working with DB associations. If they are missing there's a problem. So I want to tell the user to check their data. If not just spit out some Strings with data.
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it seems the best you could do is guess at where the error occurred
I'm using these method calls in slim templates so there is not much room for logic
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Either the contents of the string or the argument to String#[] could be the source
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Is there a way to create wrapper methods in the simple delegate subclass for the methods concerned? If nil, return some message, if valid forward them?
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dreinull75: Do you know about Module#prepend?
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Ox0dea: yes
Ox0dea thought maybe there'S a simpler method
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in a more controlled environment this looks straight forward :)
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Ah, here comes the ruby expert
New_to_Ruby: hi
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New_to_Ruby hey you are no longer new
you were here yesterday too!
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yay \o/
I am trying to get my head around why when defining a method I would pass it an argument.
how do you define a method without arguments Less_new_to_Ruby
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def method_name rather than def method_name(arguments)
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the second one accepts arguments, the first one does not
Less_new_to_Ruby: Use just a method if that suffices. Choose the simplest thing.
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I'm doing the koans and am seeing methods defined with arguments and they're throwing me off.
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I'm at the point where (8 days in) I feel as though I should be past the basics. I feel a little dumb for being hung up on, what I think, seems like an easy enough concept to everyone else.
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it's just a method
you bind code into it
when you invoke the method, that code is run
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I understand it better after reading and trying this example. http://goo.gl/bUKt0h
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is there a way to toggle between instance variables being writable or readable?
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You can freeze instances, but instance variables can always be reaffected.
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can I create my own accessor methods?
of course
how would I create a write method?
attr_reader, attr_writer, attr_accessor for default behavior, otherwise define `name` and `name=(_)` to your convienence
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def foo=(i); @foo = i # TheNet
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dreinull75: Still about?
Ox0dea kinda, doing the Javascript tour now
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I should really check out opal
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dreinull75: Well, I decided to go all out on your crazy nil-monitoring idea: https://eval.in/458098
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Ox0dea: wow, I tried something similar via the initialize method but probably called super too late.
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Ox0dea I'm going to study this tomorrow, I'm falling asleep. Thank you for looking into it.
dreinull75: Sure thing. I would actually advise you to forget all you witnessed here today.