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<dfockler> Sequel has a pretty simple to use ORM system
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<pontiki> ohai
* pontiki waves o/
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<havenwood> pontiki: \o
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<shevy> hey pontiki where have you been the last 3 years!
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<pontiki> in fucking minnesnowda :()
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<pontiki> :(
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<rails897> hi!
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<rails897> I'm trying to create an enum on Rails and I'm getting this error "You tried to define an enum named "status" on the model "Post", but this will generate a class method "public", which is already defined by Active Record."
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<rails897> What does that mean?
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<havenwood> ?rails rails897
<ruboto> rails897, Please join #RubyOnRails for Rails questions. You need to be identified with NickServ, see /msg NickServ HELP
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<shevy> pontiki aha so you are now snowtiki
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<pontiki> no, not yet, thank the norse all-father
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<t0code> whats the proper way to modify a value in a hash?
<t0code> hash.[key]=value?
<eam> hash[key] = value
<shevy> t0code interesting how you used the . there :)
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<t0code> when passing the key in which to adjust, do you have to initialize the corresponding name within the method for it to pass?
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<t0code> nvm ;p
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<BraddPitt> short of using ncurses, is there a simple library to make an interactive repl that can accept user input, selection and screen redrawing?
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<eam> what's selection?
<eam> if you just want a simple repl, readline oughta do
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<shevy> hmm
<bnagy> there were a ton of things like that
<shevy> screen redrawing
<bnagy> highline, is that the name?
<shevy> BraddPitt so you will go the curses way!
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<BraddPitt> :(
<BraddPitt> I mean like the ability to use arrow keys for option selection and stuff eam
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<BraddPitt> perhaps im not using the right words to describe this
<bnagy> that's going to be way harder
<bnagy> do selections with numbers
<bnagy> turns out puts `clear` works in irb :P
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<BraddPitt> hmm
<bnagy> which is cute
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<BraddPitt> doesn't work for me bnagy
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<eam> BraddPitt: it should, clear just prints an ansi escape sequence
<bnagy> you're probably on !unix or !bash
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<BraddPitt> yeah
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<BraddPitt> cmd+L on osx
<bnagy> works on osx
<eam> BraddPitt: it oughta work on osx
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<BraddPitt> weird
<eam> BraddPitt: puts "\e[H\e[2J"
<BraddPitt> worked
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<eam> clear|xxd
<BraddPitt> system('clear')
<eam> maybe you have something odd preempting clear
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<shevy> lol
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<shevy> you two are like an interactive script
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<shevy> readline is nice on linux, every ruby repl can happily have a history that way
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<BraddPitt> I just think it would be nice to redraw the screen so I could, in essence, have different windows or "tabs"
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<shevy> yeah
<shevy> I still want a RubyOS too
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<BraddPitt> ahaha
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<shevy> like, everything that you want to do, be made available
<shevy> and ideally in a nice to read ruby API
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<arup_r> shevy: o/
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<t0code> is this correct syntax?
<t0code> $newAcct.each {|key,value| puts "#{key} #{value}" }
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<drbrain> t0code: you probably want to use @ (instance variable) instead of $ (global variable)
<BraddPitt> globals :(
<BraddPitt> but otherwise yes t0code
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<t0code> noted. was just testing something using global.
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<t0code> im getting and "undefined method end" error...
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<BraddPitt> post full code in gist t0code
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<bnagy> t0code: fix your indenting
<bnagy> then you'll find your bug
<bnagy> depending on your editor you can probably find a ruby formatter that will work with it
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<bnagy> eg line 58 looks suspicious
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<BraddPitt> t0code small nitpick: use snake_case for variable, argument and method names and CamelCase for class/module names
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<t0code> i think ive messed it up more...
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<drbrain> line 20 looks suspiciously under-indented
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<drbrain> line 25, 46 look suspiciously over-indented
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<drbrain> t0code: ↑
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<t0code> hmm
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<decaff> quick question, what does the "<<" operator do?
<decaff> I've tried googling but google doesn't pick up those symbols, apparently neither does SO
<drbrain> decaff: what's on the left-hand side?
<drbrain> what type?
<decaff> a method
<decaff> devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:account_update) << :name
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<drbrain> probably an Array, so << appends :name to that Array
<decaff> normallly that would be left-shift no?
<havenwood> decaff: Check?: devise_parameter_sanitizer.for(:account_update).class
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<drbrain> for Array it appends an item, modifying the LHS, for String it concatenates
<drbrain> for integers it is left-shift
<decaff> ahh, alright, that makes sense
<decaff> devise must have an array of parameters to sanitize, thanks
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<Ebok> Hey. I've a rather simple question. I have to create a method that delivers a float unless its a round int.
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<Ebok> Is there a simple way to look at a float, and if its a num.0 return an int?
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<Ebok> <_< my gut feeling is to look at it as a string[-2..-1] == ".0"
<Ebok> However that feels sortve wonky
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<monoprotic> Ebok floats arent represented exactly and so you may get something like 2.0000002 after an operation. you may want to check if the value is within some small deviation from an integer instead
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<bnagy> return f.floor if f == f.floor; return f
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<bnagy> second return is redundant, I guess
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<Ebok> I'm going to look up #floor now
<Ebok> Nah. See I cant round the answer at all
<bnagy> it doesn't
<Ebok> floor rounds it down to the nearest int
<bnagy> it returns an int if it's say 2.0, otherwise it returns the float
<bnagy> which is what you asked for
<Ebok> Oh
<Ebok> I misread your answer slightly. Thanks
<bnagy> np :)
<bnagy> note what monoprotic said though
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<bnagy> for most uses you might want to return an int if it's within some epsilon (that you choose) of the whole number
<Ebok> Yeah. If I was writing this for me, I'd definitely be looking at the be_within() variables
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<Ebok> However, the method needs to match something given to me, rather then something I'm doing on my own
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<Ebok> so floats that cascade into tiny values need to match their tiny floats
<Ebok> ^_^
<monoprotic> for example if you have `f = 129.95 * 100`, bnagy's thing will return the error-y float of 12994.9999999 rather than 12995
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<Ebok> Yeah.
<Ebok> Appreciate the help ^_^
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<monoprotic> np
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<Ebok> Does anyone here know how to use cloud 9? c9.io ?
<monoprotic> i used it once
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<Ebok> That's probably not going to help. I enjoy the thing mostly, since I'm on like 4-5 computers a day.
<Ebok> However, every now and then I end up highlighting my code with this strange orange cursor
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<Ebok> And I have no idea how to make the highlighted areas stop being orange. Its like I added a comment, or claimed authorship or something.
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<Ebok> Hm
<Ebok> Might be a Read/Write claim
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<Ebok> yup
<Ebok> Need to figure out how to turn that off now >_> lol
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<monoprotic> is the editor set to public maybe?
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<Ebok> nope
<Ebok> I managed to at least hide most of it
<Ebok> There is still a cursor claim, but that's tiny and ignorable
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<monoprotic> :\
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<quazimodo> possible to run zeus in a shell script?
<quazimodo> i keep getting bash: zeus: command not
<quazimodo> found
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<quazimodo> in fact i'm doing xterm -hold -e "/bin/bash zeus start" & from within my shell script. So i think chruby isn't setting up my paths
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<postmodern> quazimodo, you probably want 'bash -c "..."'
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<quazimodo> postmodern: i'lltry
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<postmodern> JUSTICE
<quazimodo> hrm
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<postmodern> quazimodo, check `man bash`, "path foo" will expect foo to be a file in the $PWD
<quazimodo> no that's not it
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<postmodern> quazimodo, oh also bash -l -c "..." that way login configuration files get loaded
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<quazimodo> hrm
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<quazimodo> postmodern: geting there :)
<postmodern> quazimodo, also there's chruby-exec
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<postmodern> quazimodo, also make sure you don't override PATH anywhere in your shell config
<postmodern> quazimodo, otherwise it will reset the inherited PATH
<postmodern> it sucks that shell is this complex, but it is what it is
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<quazimodo> postmodern: no idea how to use chruby-exec in this instance
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<quazimodo> now to invoke an interactive shell
<baweaver> !mute NotASpam
<baweaver> just in case ;)
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<quazimodo> postmodern: xterm -hold -e "bash -i -c 'zeus start'" &
<quazimodo> that's working
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<postmodern> quazimodo, awesome
<postmodern> quazimodo, different distros use different .bashrc files
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<postmodern> quazimodo, ubuntu will not load anything else unless it's an interactive shell
<postmodern> quazimodo, fedora/redhat will load different config files if it's -i or -l
<postmodern> yay cross compatibility
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<quazimodo> woo
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<ivanskie> whats the offtopic channel again?
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<ivanskie> whats it called rather
<ivanskie> had to re-install my textual
<havenwood> ivanskie: #ruby-offtopic
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<ivanskie> thanks
<havenwood> you're welcome
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<certainty> moin
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<Tariq_> Hi
<Tariq_> Is anyone here?
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<Tariq_> I have an image that I have cropped in memory using RMagick, but when I try to turn it into a blob and then save it onto the file into the Parse database
<Tariq_> It raises an error about there being null bytes
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<Tariq_> Hello?
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<certainty> hello
<Tariq_> hi
<Tariq_> hello certainty
<Tariq_> can you help me?
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<Tariq_> Please?
<certainty> hello Tariq_
<certainty> i don't know
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<Radar> Tariq_: no code == no help
<certainty> show the code and the exact error message
<Tariq_> Alright
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<Tariq> Here's my code.
<Tariq> When I turn the cropped image into a blob
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<Tariq> It gives me a null_byte error
<Tariq> stripping out the null bye using regex gives me an error about the "file name" being too long
<Tariq> the "file name" being that blobby nonsense
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<Tariq> I want to upload the cropped image over to the Parse database
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<Tariq> Also, the website is based on Sinatra
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<Tariq> if that can help you any
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<Tariq> Hello?
<Radar> Tariq: Can you save the image locally somewhere and verify that it's actually a proper image?
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<Radar> Tariq: Patience, young grasshopper.
<Tariq> Okay, I don't know how to save an image locally
<Radar> File.open("blah.jpg", "w+) { |f| f.write(@image.to_blob) }
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<Tariq> let me try that
<certainty> fixing little syntax errors is left as an exercise :)
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<Radar> certainty: certaintly.
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<Tariq> wher is it actually going to save at?
<certainty> so does the error occur in #to_blob or in Parse::File.new?
<Tariq> It occurs in Parse::File.new
<Radar> Tariq: Same directory your sinatra app is running in
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<Tariq> Ah
<Tariq> I found it
<Tariq> Yeah it looks like a valid image
<Tariq> It's cropped too.
<Radar> Ok, so that's fine.
<Radar> What parse gem are you using?
<Tariq> Parse-Ruby-Client
<Tariq> I believe the old one
<Tariq> not the most recent one
<Radar> Not found
<Radar> try again
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<Tariq> That's odd, I was able to gem install it
<Tariq> this is the one I'm using
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<Radar> Potentially old.
<Tariq> It is
<Tariq> There is a more recent version
<Tariq> but I didn't want to use it because it seemed there's a lot of changes
<Radar> Changes can be for a good reason.
<Radar> Changes can be for a good reason.
<Tariq> Yeah, but if those changes include bugs
<Radar> Whoops
<Radar> And if they don't contain bugs?
<Tariq> I won't like those changes
<Tariq> I mean
<Radar> What if they contain compatibility fixes for the API?
<Tariq> It's not released yet
<Tariq> If it's not released.
<Tariq> then they aren't confident in it
<Tariq> Anyway
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<Radar> All yours certainty. Home time for me.
<Tariq> Hm
<Tariq> So you are saying just upgrade to the latest version
<Tariq> and see what happens?
<certainty> Radar: have fun :)
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<certainty> Tariq: that's worth a shot
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<Radar> > gets error with old gem
<Tariq> Give me a second.
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<Radar> > refuses to even try upgrading to new gem
<Radar> > (even after suggested to do that)
<Radar> gnight
<certainty> Tariq: also if that doesn't help please annotate the gist with the full error message and backtrace
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<Tariq> ok
<Tariq> same exact null error
<Tariq> edidint in full error message
<Tariq> and backtrace
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<Tariq> Edit complete
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<certainty> hmm that's strange.
<Tariq> Do I need more annotations?
<certainty> also no application trace. Is there more?
<Tariq> Where would I find an application trace?
<certainty> should be all in the output
<Tariq> ah
<certainty> can you rescue exceptions in block and start a pry session in the rescue clause?
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<certainty> then investigate the exception's #message and #backtrace
<Tariq> I just posted the application trace from the terminal
<certainty> i'm unsure if that error really happened in Rack::Utils.bytesize
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<certainty> because you don't have much of a body, since this is a redirect
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<Tariq> Okay, so how would I write a resuce exception in block?
<Tariq> and where would I put it?
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<certainty> which is line 45 of the walk_images controller?
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<certainty> you wrap it with begin #yourcode rescue => ex binding.pry end (you need to add pry to your gemfile)
<Tariq> :body => IO.read(@image.to_blob)
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<certainty> ah
<certainty> could you try IO.binread please?
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<Tariq> doing so now
<certainty> &ri IO#binread
<`derpy> No results
<certainty> &ri IO.binread
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<certainty> oh it accepts a filename
<certainty> that's wrong
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<Tariq> String contains null byte
<Tariq> same exact error
<certainty> yeah that's expected
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<certainty> wait why are you even reading this?
<certainty> just pass in the body
<certainty> the blob i mean
<Tariq> Uh, it got submitted
<Tariq> Let me check my database to see if it got through
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<Tariq> I guess I did IO.read because it worked when I was uploading files directly using HTML5
<Tariq> so I thought I had to do the same when I cropped the image
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<Tariq> But I guess it was unnecessary
<certainty> yeah
* certainty was confused
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<certainty> should've seen that earlier
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<Tariq> It is odd to know that all files really can be reduced down to unreadable characters
<certainty> hmm?
<Tariq> When I exported that image to a blob
<Tariq> and then puts that blob out
<Tariq> I got a bunch of weird characters
<certainty> of course it did
<certainty> it's not text
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* certainty feels trolled
<Tariq> Well, no
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<Tariq> I mean
<Tariq> I was surprised it could even attempt to output text
<Tariq> but
<Tariq> I shouldn't be surprised.
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<Tariq> Anyway, thanks certainty for catching that error
<certainty> yw
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<Tariq> Cropping is now fully implemented
<Tariq> Thanks certainity
<Tariq> Bye
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<Melpaws> ….
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<certainty> .
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<toy> hi can any one please help me with this error Error(404): #RubyOnRails Cannot send to channel
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<certainty> toy: you must register to be able to join #RubyOnRails
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<toy> yeah it is giving me too many accounts registered ..how can i delete or get the name of existing accounts
<certainty> no idea
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<toy> okie
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<shevy> toy #freenode should be able to help for questions like this too, if you can not find it in the freenode FAQ
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<toy> yeah thanks shevy ..registered and i can send the message
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<shevy> now you are part of the fightclub!
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* adaedra waves hello
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<adaedra> weeeee
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<norc> shevy: I wrote a line of code today.
<norc> Can you believe it
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<adaedra> norc: congrats. How do you feel?
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<norc> Pretty hungry actually
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<certainty> norc: one line?
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<certainty> task so simple, turned out to be a one-liner in ruby
<certainty> :D
<norc> That could be a useful metric for the complexity of a problem. Ruby LoC.
<norc> I am sure someone in controlling would approve of this.
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<izzol> hello
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<adaedra> Ok, so I found in not so old code that I coded a Hash#fetch! to get a hash value or raise if not found... So, exactly what Hash#fetch did already.
<adaedra> I don't even know what I was thinking then.
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<workmad3> adaedra: maybe you were thinking "I want to raise an exception, and ! means 'raise an exception'!"
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<adaedra> maybe
<workmad3> (it doesn't, but people seem to think it does :( )
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<dEPy> yo
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<dEPy> I have a (well not yet) simple cli app that requires login. Then based on the role of logged in user I wan't to restrict what he can or can not do.
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<dEPy> So.. Should I after login based on the user role return an instance of specific client like AdminClient, ExpertClient, CustomerClient... ?
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<dEPy> I'm just thinking that if I do that, and if I expose my 'api' to a web app then calling wrong method on the client will just tell you the method does not exist rather than the fact that you don't have permission to do that.
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<tagrudev> dEPy, maybe try #RubyOnRails
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<dEPy> this has nothing to do with rails
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<certainty> shevy: what's wieder boden?
<certainty> erm, wiener
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<toy_> for the beginer ruby which is good resource ?
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<Porfa> heya
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<norc> workmad3: Rails does that all over the place, guess thats how it becomes popular.
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<lamer14449036960> x
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<jhass> y
<dagda1> does anybody know where the .rbenv log is?
<dagda1> I am having trouble installing a ruby version
<lamer14449036960> rvm ?
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<lamer14449036960> ruby version manager ?
<dagda1> I'd rather not uninstall everything
<jhass> ?
<dagda1> thanks, I'll check that out
<shevy> certainty lol no idea
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<deepak> hi
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<jhass> hi
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<shevy> you scared him away jhass
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<jhass> looks like it
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<jhass> so what's wiener boden? sounds like cake
<Porfa> do i save my methods in a .rb file? if so, how do i "load" that file when i start a new script?
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<Porfa> require 'wtv.rb' ?
<Porfa> load…
<jhass> require_relative "wtv" most likely
<Porfa> hmm
<jhass> later when you learn about classes and proper project structures you'll put your classes each into its own file
<jhass> and have folders for the namespaces etc.
<jhass> but for now ^ is fine
<shevy> jhass I honestly have no idea... but that could actually make sense. I don't know of any sweets like that though, the only one I know is the "Sachertorte", wikipedia-quote "invented by Austrian Franz Sacher in 1832 for Prince Wenzel von Metternich in Vienna, Austria"
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<shevy> Porfa always save code you may reuse one day in .rb files \o/
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<Porfa> i've been working weeks on a simple script that goes do somethings in some supplier website. that took me weeks, because i had a lot to learn, but yesterday, i've been able to make a new script, based on the the old one, that does the same thing but for a different supplier that has different conditions etc etc… but like, 80% of the code is the same.. so I'm wondering if i can do (i guess is what you said shevy ) put that 80% code in indepe
<Porfa> files, and just "code" what i need, I'm tired of copy pasta.
<shevy> keep things simple
<shevy> if you see code that can be re-used, the best thing is to usually put it into a separate (or same-named) module
<Porfa> i read a new word here, "module" hmm
<shevy> that, or you would subclass... but modules are somehow much easier
<Porfa> ok
<shevy> Porfa you should create a gem, all by yourself, without any helper code. that way you learn most, including the structure of the files
<Porfa> i'll learn that then
<shevy> it does not matter how small the gem is, just publish one
<jhass> shevy: they don't really know what require does yet, sure you want to throw them into gems?
<shevy> you need to "sign up" once at https://rubygems.org/ afterwards you can push gems from your local hdd to the remote gem repository
<shevy> yeah
<jhass> nonononono
<jhass> you don't have to publish a gem
<jhass> not at all
<shevy> I want to gem install Porfa's gem!
<jhass> it will give you zero benefit at this point
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<jhass> Porfa: forget about gems for now, shevy is just giving random advice without really looking at the situation
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<shevy> I am absolutely sure that Porfa will learn a lot that way
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<shevy> what name would you give to ruby code that does this: move/copy .mp3 files from a voice recorder?
<jhass> download_recordings
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<maloik> could argue that how you get the recordings is irrelevant
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<maloik> and as such call it `recordings`
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<maloik> going even further, the "how" could be an argument, i.e. `def recordings(downloader = VoiceRecorderDownloader)`
<maloik> I'm sorry... last day at the job :D not much to do anymore
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<jhass> as I know shevy it's probably a name for a ruby script, not a method
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<V1s1ble> So I have a monkey patch for Jekyll...I originally just hacked on the gem manually in ~/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/jekyll-2.5.3. I've removed the things I needed to modify at put them in a gist: https://gist.github.com/sumdog/ba0b72d12995dd185303
<V1s1ble> I tried just putting them in as a Jekyll plugin, but it doesn't load my plugin early enough for it to be useful
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<V1s1ble> What's the best way to apply my patch? I noticed jekyll uses :autoload for most of its classes...is there a way to place my monkey patch in such a position that it will get autoloaded
<jhass> V1s1ble: I'd probably fork and use a Gemfile with github:, git: or path: option
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<V1s1ble> jhass, eh I don't want to fork. I want to make this eventually available for everyone
<jhass> also look into why you need the patch, if it's a bug try to upstream it, if it's a missing feature try to get upstream support etc.
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<V1s1ble> jhass, it was added in for "security" ... git hub pages specifically
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<V1s1ble> it use to work..there is a bug...they have no interest in "fixing" it
<V1s1ble> Jekyll cares more about github pages support...if a feature probably won't be allowed on ghp, they don't bother
<V1s1ble> :(
<jhass> got a link to an issue?
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<V1s1ble> jhass, my comment is at the bottom. If you look at my patch, it removes the security from the sanitize function. I mean I should make a patch that runs my version if safe mode is off I guess, and I may eventually, but just for now I'd like to get it working for people other than myself
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<V1s1ble> jhass, Is there anyway to insert a monkey patch just for the executable?
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<jhass> I don't follow
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<jhass> ruby -rjekyll -rpatch -S jekyll perhaps?
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<EdwardIII> hrm looking at some devise code and inside a class i see enum role: [:user, :vip, :admin], but when i try that i get ndefined method `enum' for User:Class
<shevy> jhass yeah I guess that name is short enough
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<maloik> I don't understand your first line in the issue... are you saying you put the shared components into a plugin or..?
<jhass> EdwardIII: old rails version?
<V1s1ble> jhass, So when I run "jekyll", it will use that monkey patch I shared on its own classes?
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<jhass> V1s1ble: maybe, maybe not
<EdwardIII> jhass: ah it's a rails thing, not a ruby thing?
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<jhass> I don't know enough about its architecture
<jhass> EdwardIII: yes
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<jhass> activerecord specifically
<EdwardIII> ok then
<EdwardIII> i was just playing around trying to figure out what values like User.roles.admin returned
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<EdwardIII> i shall play around in the rails console
<maloik> V1s1ble: did you look into git submodules? I've honestly never worked with them, but perhaps they can offer a solution?
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<maloik> you'd add the shared stuff to a submodule (i.e. separate repo) to manage it in one place, then just include it in the different repos representing the jekyll sites
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<V1s1ble> maloik, I don't think that applies in my case. A fork would make more sense. I don't want to touch the actual Jekyll code. I just want to monkey patch their existing stuff
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<maloik> I'm talking about your own project, not the jekyll changes
<V1s1ble> I do use github subtrees for some projects, but that wouldn't make sense in this context
<maloik> using the submodules, you'd actually have the shared components in the source dir and thus the "bug" wouldn't occur
<V1s1ble> maloik, yea I don't want to go down that route. I'd rather fork instead
<V1s1ble> maloik, that makes more sense if you're like adding an ansible role to your project, which I did in vSense
<maloik> I have no idea what ansible roles are or what vSense is
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<maloik> either way, if forking jekyll works for you, go ahead :)
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<V1s1ble> I wouldn't expect you to. It's a small personal project of mine
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<deepak> I get this error when dividing two float type values "coerce must return [x, y]" Anyone, who can explain whats going wrong, stuck with this for the past 3 hours
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<bnagy> deepak: they're not floats
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<deepak> I did a varname.class and found that to be float
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<bnagy> well they're not _both_ floats :)
<bnagy> do you have the exact line and the exact error?
<deepak> I'll check and get back to you
<deepak> Yup I do
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<deepak> Job EventReport#generate (id=7) FAILED (0 prior attempts) with TypeError: coerce must return [x, y]
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<jhass> ?code
<ruboto> We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
<deepak> I'll put it up on gist in a while
<deepak> and send you guys a link
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<bnagy> my handwaving guess is that it's something that's like a float but with incomplete coerce
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<bnagy> or the operation is more complex than just a/b
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<bnagy> maybe something got promoted to bignum or something? :\
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<jhass> or a proxy, coerce isn't called through method_missing iirc
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<ljarvis> wow sidekiq dropped celluloid, big change
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<maloik> yea... that speed increase though :o
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<shevy> cool... floats can be promoted :)
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<shevy> and then from bignum to infinity!
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<ljarvis> yeah massive increase
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<bougyman> option parser question. I have an 'optioner.rb' that I use in my binaries, which sets a Module instance variable as @opts = OptionParser.new do { blockthings }
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<bougyman> can I re-open that @opts instance and add things to it, then reparse?
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<bougyman> qthe answer to my questions is yes-ish
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<ljarvis> bougyman: yes you can use parse multiple times
<ljarvis> but you'll need to catch the exceptions
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<joncol> Is Celluloid a good choice for making a server? Does anyone know of any JSON RPC gem that works well with Celluloid? I've done some experiments with EventMachine, and there's the "rjr" gem that supports JSON RPC well there. I also want to get a feel for Celluloid, since that seems a bit more "active"?
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<blackjid> hi!, is there any way to pass dependencies to a Rake task but without failing if the dependencies doesn't exists?? I need to pass an array of dependencies but not always all of them are going to be available...
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<joncol> blackjid: Doesn't "begin; require ... ; rescue LoadError; end" work?
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<mikecmpbll> ehh, if I load IRB from a directory which is a symlink, File.directory?("../other_dir") returns nill where `cd ../other_dir && pwd` works.
<blackjid> mmm, don't really know... I was trying to do taks :mytask => [ns:task1, ns:task2]... where would you put that begin resque block?
<mikecmpbll> i find that odd.
<mikecmpbll> returns false**
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<joncol> blackjid: Do you want some of those :mytasks to require stuff that potentially might not be present? And fail silently (ignore) if that's the case?
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<mikecmpbll> is there any way i can know which will work as a system command, in ruby?
<blackjid> joncol, exactly... to wierd?
<blackjid> *too
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<joncol> blackjid, no it should be just like the RSpec rake task at: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/docs/command-line/rake-task
<joncol> k
<mikecmpbll> oh it's just `cd` behaving weirdly
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<blackjid> nice!, thanks, i'll try that
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<snebel> Hi @All
<snebel> looking for a good gem to interact with git binary...
<snebel> looks like there is many options
<snebel> lack of documentation...
<snebel> any advice?
<jhass> rugged is fairly popular, though it's libgit, it doesn't shell out
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<snebel> thank you jhass
<snebel> I'll take a look so
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<maloik> time to sign off of this server, changings jobs o/ see you in a week or two
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<bougyman> hrm.
<bougyman> I had this problem once before and solved it.
<bougyman> rvm alias create default <ruby>
<bougyman> % rvm alias create default ruby-2.2.3 14:40:06
<bougyman> default is a full ruby name and can not be used as alias name.
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<bougyman> I can't seem to get rid of default with rvm alias delete default (which succeeds), but the 'default' is still there in rvm list
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<zenguy_pc> can someone see if they can run this please https://rubygems.org/gems/email_crawler/versions/0.1.1
<zenguy_pc> i install via gem and i get an error when i try to run it
<jhass> zenguy_pc: which error?
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<zenguy_pc> /var/lib/gems/2.1.0/gems/email_crawler-0.1.1/bin/email-crawler:62:in `<top (required)>': undefined method `empty?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
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<jhass> well, I guess it's broken
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<acidrainfall> Anyone -- Highest rated Ruby book on Safari?
<zenguy_pc> wrong chan
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<yorickpeterse> acidrainfall: there are a lot of people in this channel from different timezones, you won't always get an answer within 4 minutes of asking a question
<yorickpeterse> not getting an answer usually means nobody knows of one
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<dstarh> I'm trying to do a very simple statement using the tiny_tds gem and it segfaults when trying to execute the query. anyone seen anything like this? I haven't used the driver in a while and the only thing major since then is the upgrade to el-cap on osx
<eam> also, not many people might have answers regarding the contents of a pay-walled garden
<yorickpeterse> dstarh: you might need to recompile it
<dstarh> yorickpeterse i've uninstalled and reinstalled both free_tds and tiny_tds
<dstarh> that was my first thought
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<Tariq_> Hello
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<acidrainfall> yorickpeterse: Yeah, I know
<acidrainfall> That's typical for IRC
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<Tariq_> hey
<Tariq_> I am getting some weird errors while connecting to an external database
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<Tariq_> Trying to get the code snippet right now
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<Tariq_> Here is my code snippet
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<yorickpeterse> Tariq_: `self.table_name = 'foo'` is the right way I believe
<yorickpeterse> instead of `set_table_name`
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<yorickpeterse> unless it's the other way around
<Tariq_> Okay, let me try that
<Tariq_> It works
<Tariq_> Huh/.
<Tariq_> That was really odd.
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<yorickpeterse> IIRC set_table_name was deprecated or something
<Tariq_> I guess that makes sense. When I researched it, they mentioned set_table_name
<Tariq_> they must have done so before the deprecration.
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<Tariq_> Why did they deprecate it anyway?
<yorickpeterse> not sure
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<Tariq_> If it works, it works
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<Tariq_> Interesting, the SQL query that it generates is: 'Select Foo.* FROM Foo'
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<Tariq_> But yeah, thanks yorickpeterse
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<EricMoore> serious question here did you enjoy the first time your mom gave you a blow job?
<adaedra> !mute EricMoore
<EricMoore> :(
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<platzhirsch> random
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<[k-> arbitrary
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<acidrainfall> Bizarre?
<mhall> Hello. How do you install a local gem using its gemfile, *and* all the dependencies? When I tried it I got the UnsatisfiableDependencyError from gem install --local
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<jhass> mhall: try gem install bundler; bundle
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<nofxx> mhall, rake install after that
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<mhall> Yeah... I'm trying to do it on a non-dev system
<mhall> Where the bundler is likely not present
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<jhass> mhall: it should be present on production. In fact its purpose is to synchronize the environment of your application between the two
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<nofxx> mhall, bundler is (if the gem isn't decades old) a depency too problably
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<adaedra> my gems don't depend on bundler :x
<nofxx> mhall, a modern Rakefile: require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
<nofxx> adaedra, ah, I really enjoy the tasks
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<workmad3> nofxx: you only need that as a development dependency though, not a hard dependency ;)
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<workmad3> nofxx: most gems won't have a runtime dependency on bundler
<nofxx> workmad3, yup... dev dependency*
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<becks1> hi
<jhass> hi
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<becks1> !list
<jhass> watcha want to list?
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<jhass> still the weirdo
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<jhass> been doing that for days in random channels
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<adaedra> too bad it's "!list" and not "?list", could have been a fact
<adaedra> ?list
<ruboto> I don't know anything about list
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<shevy> he just likes lists
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<ghr> Anyone know of some exemplar libraries that provide a cli (without a cli gem like thor)?
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<shevy> I dunno? does bin/rack count?
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<ghr> shevy yeah, that's the kind of thing I'm looking for
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<dfockler> rake just uses OptionParser
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<dfockler> which is built-in to Ruby
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<dfockler> or in the stdlib
<ghr> Yeah I'm familiar with OptionParser, but just looking at how you handle errors and general structure
<ghr> just looking for a few more
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<dfockler> https://github.com/ruby/rake/blob/master/lib/rake/application.rb#L175 This is rake's exception handling code
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<shevy> oh OptionParse my old nemesis... you could also try things like slop from ljarvis here
<shevy> there is also get_opt_long or something like that
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<ghr> I quite like optionparser :) I'm looking in to e.g. whether you should handle errors in bin/command (like in that practicingruby article) or whether your bin/comannd fille should just be a shebang and My::CLI.new(ARGV).start (like rack)
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<ghr> and in the case of the latter, how to handle errors, where to grab hold of ENV vars (e.g. is it okay to put them in MyApp::SomeClass) or is it better to grab them as early as possible in the cli initialization and pass them through as opts
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<shevy> I always get annoyed by that so I let the lib/ sub files handle those things, and bin/bla just delegates to the part
<shevy> like NameOfGem.run(ARGV) as part of bin/bla or something
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<shevy> I know of other people who have a several hundred lines of code bin/blabla
<ghr> yeah, yuck
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<drbrain> all my gems have NameOfGem.run ARGV in bin/executable
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<shevy> \o/
<A124> Anyone has idea how do I figure out simplest which DB backend GDB uses?
<shevy> ghr let me look at how rack does it
<A124> And/or which one is used by MRI.
<ghr> drbrain cool. got a repo url for one that you suggest I take a look at/
* A124 corrects, meants DBM.
<shevy> ah they don't even handle ARGV... it's just bin/rackup with this Rack::Server.start
<ghr> ah yeah. I need opts
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<ghr> well, I'd like to know how to handle the ops in that format :)
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<ghr> cheers :)
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<drbrain> I use OptionParser
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<ghr> yeah I'm fine with OptionParser. stdlib and works :)
<glasshole> anyone else eat boogers
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<ghr> drbrain in https://practicingruby.com/articles/building-unix-style-command-line-applications he mentions "Regardless of how these exceptions are labeled, it's important to note that I intentionally let them bubble all the way up to the outermost layer and only then rescue them and call Kernel#exit. Intermingling exit calls within control flow or modeling logic makes debugging nearly impossible and also makes automated testing a whole lot harder."
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<drbrain> and I make as much use of OptionParser's argument-validation features as possible: https://github.com/drbrain/drbdump/blob/master/lib/drbdump.rb#L289
<drbrain> Integer there makes sure the count parameter isn't a float or a string, etc.
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<ghr> What about if you get an exception during some calculation while the program is running?
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<ghr> not that familiar with tcpdump but I don't know, say it comes back with some value that you can't parse?
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<drbrain> you get a runtime error and ruby terminates
<ghr> or I guess if you were connecting to an API and the API times out / fails?
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<ghr> ah cool, that sounds like it probably covers anything that couldn't be caught by validating the options
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<ghr> thanks for the help. much appreciated :)
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<drbrain> I rescue and handle as many errors as I can
<drbrain> and I consider such crashes bugs
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<ghr> I'm thinking mostly like API errors. – user does /blah create 'Thing'. All valid syntax, except user doesn't have permission
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<glasshole> yield instead of rescue
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<shevy> glasshole hey good old gateway chatter, still not using ruby?
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<glasshole> i always use ruby i have a rails app on my server running right now
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<bougyman> i'm sorry
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<pipework> you are forgiven, miaow go and stop sinning.
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<ducklobster> is there any way to simplify / compress the following statement: myhash[:size] = myhash[:size].to_f
<tubbo> gateway chatter?
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<tubbo> are you literally on a gateway2000?
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<shevy> I am too scared to click on that
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<jhass> ducklobster: no
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<ducklobster> jhass: thanks
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<Ben_1> Hi
<jhass> hi
<Ben_1> im trying to install redmine with gitolite but a problem appeared and my error.log says that that gem: loofah-2.0.3 could not be found
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<Ben_1> I'm wondering because bundle install returns this Using loofah 2.0.3
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<jhass> how did you install Ruby?
<Ben_1> I already updated and cleared my gems but that changed nothing
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<pipework> jhass: Usually in a drunken haze.
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<jhass> so helpful
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<pipework> You asked :(
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<Ben_1> jhass: rvm
<shevy> hahaha
<hectortrope> /query manitu
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<shevy> /query hectortrope
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<jhass> Ben_1: generate a wrapper for bundler (rvm help wrapper) and replace the call giving the error with the wrapper /../../.rvm/.../bundle exec ...
<__chris> is it possible to include modules into a class that is already instantiated
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<jhass> __chris: yes, include into the class will update all instances, extend will include into the objects singleton class. However both are most likely anti patterns
<Ben_1> jhass: how should I replace that call? Redmine is a software to install and I'm not aware with its source code
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<__chris> so if i have `foo = test.new` how would i include a module into foo? something like `foo.include SomeModule`
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<__chris> (i know this is bad practice but Im trying to hack something in for a spec)
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<jhass> well, for all instances or just that particular one?
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<__chris> just one
<jhass> simply call extend then
<jhass> &ri Object#extend
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<__chris> ahh thanks :D
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<jhass> Ben_1: neither am I
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<jhass> given you mentioned gitolite it sounded like you had some rake task to call in some integration or whatever
<jhass> oh well
<jhass> also
<jhass> ?crosspost Ben_1
<ruboto> Ben_1, Please do not crosspost without at least telling so and mentioning provided suggestions and their outcome in all channels. Experience shows that people don't do either, and not doing so is considered rude.
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<hectortrope> /love shevy
<hectortrope> :)
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<shevy> aaah it's time for Ben_1 spanking :)
<jhass> nope, already over, you're too late
<Ben_1> sry :P
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<Ben_1> but I recognised that this is a ruby developer chan and maybe in #bundler this question is better placed
<jhass> actually #redmine
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<Ben_1> jhass: you're right but there is nobody who answers
<jhass> so what call is producing the error?
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<Ben_1> one moment I will pastebin the exception
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<shevy> just handle the dependencies
<ruboto> Ben_1, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/9d4035450bbaaa632771
<ruboto> pastebin.com loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<shevy> if a gem is installed, it should work
<Ben_1> shevy but it does not
<shevy> loofah-2.0.3 so loofah gem
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<Ben_1> that's right and it is already installed
<jhass> Ben_1: that's not directly answering my question, but so it's actually passenger giving you the error
<jhass> that would've been good to put into your question
<jhass> how did you install passenger?
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<Ben_1> wait I will descripe my situation exactly
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<Ben_1> Redmine was already running and I placed the gitolite plugin in plugins directory and then redmine stopped working.
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<Ben_1> redmine is placed in /usr/share/redmine and owner is the user redmine
<Ben_1> but the .rvm dir is placed in /hoome/Ben/.rvm
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<jhass> Ben_1: does bundle list include loofah?
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<Ben_1> yes
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<Ben_1> jhass: Bundle install and Bundle list both are showing loofah (2.0.3)
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<jhass> I think your passenger is using a different ruby or gemset than what your shell is currently at
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<Ben_1> jhass: but how? I thought maybe redmine user have its own gemset but in /home/redmine there is no .rvm dir
<jhass> what's rvm current printing while bundle list has loofah?
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<karapetyan> jhass: hi :)
<karapetyan> is my code ok?
<jhass> why don't you ask the channel?
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<Ben_1> rvm current returns ruby-2.2.1
<Ben_1> jhass: and gem env returns INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /home/Ben/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1
<jhass> Ben_1: bundle show loofah?
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<Ben_1> lol no, I typed "rvm current" xD
<karapetyan> hi, folks! is my code ok for ruby warrior lvl 4 https://gist.github.com/karapetyan/3f170ca9268eba26269c ?
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<Ben_1> but wtf
<Ben_1> bundle show loofah returns Could not find loofah-2.0.3 in any of the sources
<jhass> uh
<jhass> full output of bundle install ?
<Ben_1> but how can bundle install using loofah 2.0.3 but bundle show can't find it
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<jhass> yeah, that's weird
<Ben_1> it's exciting xD
<jhass> maybe you ran both in a different environment?
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<Ben_1> jhass: aaah no I was in the wrong directory. I repeated the command
<Ben_1> now it returns /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/loofah-2.0.3
<jhass> mmh
<jhass> that's bad
<Ben_1> yah
<jhass> run gem install bundler
<gizmore> module Kernel; def; method_messing; "MEH"; end;end
<jhass> and check rvm current is still nice
<eam> meh-thod missing
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<Ben_1> maybe I should remove all bundler and gem stuff and install it again
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<jhass> Ben_1: doubt it'll help, usually people repeat the same mistakes in such attempts
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<Ben_1> jhass: so now I've installed bundler via gem, whats the next step?
<jhass> run bundle again
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<Ben_1> u mean bundle install? this returns Using loofah 2.0.3 again
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<jhass> do you add any sudo or something behind the scenes? I don't understand how it even could install to the system ruby this way
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<jhass> also please confirm rvm current is still pointing out the RVM ruby and not system
<shevy> Ben_1 you use debian?
<Ben_1> first I moved to redmine user via su - redmine then ran bundle install
<Ben_1> shevy: rasbpian
<Ben_1> so yes
<jhass> yes what?
<Ben_1> this yes was placed for shevy, yes, raspbian is a debian based distribution
<shevy> perhaps this is what confuses since you have /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/ and also gems in your $HOME dir at .rvm
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<jhass> Ben_1: you know, it's kinda hard to follow what you're doing where and what the state of your system is
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<jhass> you probably have a /usr/bin/bundle or /usr/local/bin/bundle using your package manager installed Ruby 1.9
<Ben_1> yaah I know that, but I'm not so experienced in ruby applications. redmine was my first try and I failed xD
<shevy> karapetyan you really should use def initialize when you write a class
<jhass> you got that either through running gem install bundler as root or installing a package
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<jhass> you should have RVM installed to the user you want to run Ruby under
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<karapetyan> shevy: can i? i am not sure ruby warrior allows it ) https://www.bloc.io/ruby-warrior/
<karapetyan> shevy: but thanks, i'l try
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<jhass> if that RVM install is properly activated and bundler is installed into it, so gem install as the same user, bundle should point to $HOME/.rvm/.../bin/bundle, overriding the global on
<shevy> I have no idea what it allows or not, you simply should use def initialize, it's your usual main entry point to a class
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<jhass> one
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<jhass> shevy: I don't think that's helpful, if you have no idea about the environment simply stay shut
<shevy> jhass if you got a problem, redirect to /dev/null
<Ben_1> aah it looks like I installed rubygems with apt-get, maybe later I installed it with rvm too so now I have two installations
<jhass> as said, a properly activated RVM should take precedence over all of that, it shouldn't matter
<Ben_1> this installation of redmine is several months old so I don't know in detail what I've done at that time
<jhass> weirdness only happens if you randomly do things as root and different users
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<jhass> or rvm current says system
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<Ben_1> so rvm ist installed under my user Ben but redmine is running under user redmine. could this cause problems?
<jhass> that that ever worked is weird in the first place
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<Ben_1> maybe some months ago I ran bundle install with sudo I don't know
<Ben_1> how could I fix this if that's the case?
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<jhass> install RVM under the redmine user and best update your passenger install to that user, or run redmine as Ben
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<jhass> in general for a RVM setup to work well, pick a user, not root, and do everything with it
<jhass> if you switch users or use sudo, you do it wrong
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<Ben_1> mh maybe I will make a ruby user or something where all my ruby applications run
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<jhass> there's the option to do a global RVM setup, but that's even harder to get right
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<Ben_1> aah rvm will use /usr/bin/ruby and /var/lib/gems
<jhass> no
<Ben_1> I've removed gems fromm apt-get
<jhass> only if you do rvm use system
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<Ben_1> maybe I've used sudo
<Ben_1> I will remove all
<Ben_1> and reinstall
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<Ben_1> think that's the best solution
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<darix> .oO( i would start with understanding your problem )o
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<baddeveloper> Has anyone worked with the new Mongo driver, version 2.1.1? I'm having some issues with connection strings: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/375b7337ece846bd8e2a
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<shevy> Ben_1 say when the problem goes away after you did the reinstall, however had I would first dry-test singular gems and see whether they will work
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<t0code> when you create a new instance of a class does it process through every method after initialize or must you call subsequent methods?
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<pipework> t0code: The only method that is called that you have to care about is #initialize
<workmad3> t0code: are you asking if all the methods in a class get called automatically when you create an instance?
<shevy> t0code it will only jump to the methods that you did put into initialize
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<jhass> well, what would be the point of creating a class or methods at all when it would always call them? that would amount to same as having all code being at toplevel, no? And how would it automagically call methods with arguments?
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<t0code> so are most functions performed outside of a class in most cases? in other words i want to be defining my method outside of the class structure? <new
<jhass> I don't know how you jump to that conclusion...
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<shevy> t0code depends on how you want to structure your class really
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<t0code> suppose im having a hard time conceptualizing when in my code i want most of work to be handled or if i should even be worrying about such a thing
<t0code> where*
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<shevy> initialize is your main entry point right t0code?
<jhass> do you have a small script (< 100 loc) that you've written without classes? Maybe we can rewrite it using classes proper
<t0code> shevy, yes.
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<t0code> jhass, i actually don't. i think ive got it in my head that function should be counching within classes is most cases. i could show you one that i wouldnt mind having broken down into a more efficient/accepted structure.
<shevy> t0code alright, so let's say you have a class called CreateDirectories which will create some directories. Now you can define an array that holds all the directories that you want to create, then you start to write def initialize, and inside of def initialize you could delegate to a method called "def create_directories" that will simply iterate over that array, and create a directory unless it already exist
<shevy> s, using fileutils
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<jhass> t0code: I suggest you write one before spending more time on learning classes
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<jhass> t0code: learn using classes, methods and objects before defining your own
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<shevy> t0code if you want to hint towards the usage, you can make create_directories private, and also show a help-section when your class is invoked without any argument (or perhaps better, if you invoke it via --help argument)
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<jhass> and having tackled a problem before will be immensely be more useful to see different solutions to than somebody else's code
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<t0code> understood.
<CooloutAC> hello all i have a beginner question
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<centrx> ?ask
<ruboto> Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question, and if anybody can help, they will likely try to do so.
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<CooloutAC> ya sorry trying to paste my code i'm failing this lesson lol
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<jhass> ?gist
<ruboto> https://gist.github.com - Multiple files, syntax highlighting, even automatically with matching filenames, can be edited
<centrx> Soon you will be a winner
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<t0code> jhass, when you say use classes,methods objects before defining my own...do you me the inherent ones that come built into Rails or what
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<t0code> not sure what you mean by that
<jhass> t0code: no using. Everything in Ruby is an object. gets method call, "foo" object, 1 object, "foo".upcase method call on object
<jhass> use the classes that Ruby ships with and their methods
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<t0code> got you.
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<t0code> got any recommended sites/literature/videos you suggest to beginners?
<CooloutAC> i have ot make a method that takes a single integer parameter and return true if number is evenly divisible by 3 false if not
<riceandbeans> how do I get system memory information in ruby?
<jhass> t0code: chris pine's learn to program is generally recommended
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<jhass> CooloutAC: sure you're supposed to return the string "true" instead of the literal true?
<t0code> ruby specific?
<jhass> yes
<CooloutAC> oh
<jhass> t0code: well, it uses Ruby
<CooloutAC> jhass: haha tks that did it ty
<shevy> riceandbeans you can use `` if you have commandline programs
<jhass> riceandbeans: shell out, sadly
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<jhass> CooloutAC: now every expression in ruby has a value, what do you think are the possible values of the expression n % 3 == 0 ?
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<CooloutAC> jhass: huh?
<riceandbeans> this is with regard to windows
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<jhass> CooloutAC: say I would do result = (n % 3 == 0), what possible values would result have?
<CooloutAC> jhass: i'm sorry man i'm very noob you solved my problem though ty.
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<CooloutAC> jhass: true or false right, ihad to remove the quotes
<CooloutAC> a value not a string
<jhass> a string is a value ;)
<shevy> riceandbeans there is probably some commandline program in windows to show that, then you can also use it from within ruby scripts
<jhass> CooloutAC: so, result may be true or false, right. When is it true, when is it false? For which property of n?
<CooloutAC> jhass: umm
<CooloutAC> jhass: tks for the help lol
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<jhass> CooloutAC: we can cut 4/5 of your method, I'm trying to lead you there ;)
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<CooloutAC> jhass: you lost me
<jhass> well, if you're not trying I have to spoil it I guess
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<jhass> it can be just def by_three?(n); n % 3 == 0; end (replace ; by newlines)
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<CooloutAC> the lesson is for return
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<CooloutAC> jhass: you lost me again, tks for pointing out my error though
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<jhass> return is implicit at the end of a method
<jhass> the elsif is redundant, if the first condition is false it must be true so a simple else is enough
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<CooloutAC> ok so i can end it all before the elseif
<jhass> if true_or_false; true; else; false; end is redundant, just return true_or_false directly
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<CooloutAC> jhass: ok so this works too http://dpaste.com/38WHPPE tks for the tip.
<clebrun> how would I do files.map(&:File.extname) ?
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<jhass> CooloutAC: you pasted the link from earlier
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<CooloutAC> oh
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<baweaver> clebrun: use a block
<baweaver> shorthand doesn't work like that
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<jhass> clebrun: .map(&File.method(:extname)), but not worth it IMO, just .map {|f| File.extname(f) }
<CooloutAC> sorry i changed it to this now http://dpaste.com/0W1JEGB
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<clebrun> that makes me a bit sad... oh well, thanks baweaver, jhass
<CooloutAC> tks for the help
<jhass> CooloutAC: that will return nil, not false if it's not divisible by three, got too loose tests there I guess
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<CooloutAC> hmm
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<slash_nick> def by_twelve?(n); by_three?(n) && by_four?(n); end
<shevy> hah
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<CooloutAC> jhass: http://dpaste.com/19HXAR2 what about this
<jhass> that works for sure, but 23:09 <jhass> if true_or_false; true; else; false; end is redundant, just return true_or_false directly
<CooloutAC> jhass: i don't know what that means
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<jhass> >> def a(n); if n == 1; true; else; false; end; end; def b(n); n == 1; end; [a(2) == b(2), a(1) == b(1)]
<ruboto> jhass # => [true, true] (https://eval.in/451693)
<slash_nick> CooloutAC: the variable true_or_false will either evaluate to true or false... so `return true_or_false` is the same as `if true_or_false; return true; else; return false;end`
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<dstarh> tried to use tiny_tds for the first time in a while to connect to our sql server db and i'm getting a segfault on dead simple query. I've changed to different versions of freetds not making any difference
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<dstarh> the last time it worked was pre - el cap upgrade which is the only thing I can think of different between now and then
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<dstarh> i've uninstalled and reinstalled both freetds libs and the tinytds gem
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<CooloutAC> slash_nick: I don'[ get it
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<CooloutAC> I'm just gonna move on to the next lesson tks for the help
<t0code> what does "class/module name must be CONSTANT mean?
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<workmad3> t0code: means you need to start a class or module name with a capital letter
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<t0code> lolol
<t0code> thanks
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<jhass> because constants are defined by starting with a capital letter
<workmad3> t0code: starting with capital == constant in ruby
<workmad3> jhass: I was getting there :(
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<jhass> happens
<CooloutAC> jhass: are you saying I don't need the words return?
<CooloutAC> jhass: like this? http://dpaste.com/2KZ4YST
<clebrun> ruby has implicit return
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<clebrun> so last value in a block is return value
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<CooloutAC> clebrun: like this? http://dpaste.com/2KZ4YST
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<clebrun> CooloutAC: should work
<clebrun> but there is a better way to do it
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<CooloutAC> ok tks for the help
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<clebrun> CooloutAC: def by_three?(n); n % 3 == 0; end
<clebrun> because that already return true or false anyway
<jhass> clebrun: scroll up, already gave them that 20 minutes ago
<CooloutAC> ya but i think the point of this lesson is to know what return is.
<clebrun> jhass: don't be silly i don't know how to scroll
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<CooloutAC> jhass: ya but i could actually understand clebrun lol
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<CooloutAC> i have to learn to get the answer to my questio and then run from this room before my head explodes
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<clebrun> CooloutAC: understanding return is ruby is understanding that you almost never need to use it
<jhass> def by_three(n); return n % 3 == 0; end works too, but the return is just redundant and bad style there
<clebrun> CooloutAC: IMHO
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<CooloutAC> jhass: ahh ok
<CooloutAC> i think that was the way they probably wanted me to do it
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<CooloutAC> lol why is that bad style
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<jhass> because the return keyword there is not needed, it's redundant noise
<t0code> im returning an error '+' method initialize...mind telling me whats wrong here?
<CooloutAC> jhass: yes but its to learn what it is
<CooloutAC> but that is the way they wanted me to do it i believe. thats much simpler
<jhass> t0code: what is @this_game += supposed to do
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<t0code> increment an array one to keep a unique instance of there game to check for loading
<jhass> avoid globals and be pedantic about correct indentation
<jhass> which array? there's no array ever assigned
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<jhass> I don't follow
<CooloutAC> so you meant the return is implied including the false or true
<t0code> the global?
<t0code> $gameInstance
<CooloutAC> but I guess they want me to write it out to understand whats going on, but in that one liner not the way I did it.
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<jhass> CooloutAC: the == returns true or false already. and the value of the last expression of a method is its return value
<CooloutAC> ok i see
<CooloutAC> well so i kept chipping away at my original code, that was fun
<jhass> t0code: but I didn't ask about $game_instance << @this_game
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<jhass> I asked about @this_game +=
<CooloutAC> jhass: tks for the help man
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<CooloutAC> now I get it
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<shevy> t0code you don't really use @thisGame; assign it to some value, if you need to do += 1 then you clearly want to use it as a counter
<t0code> i suppose @thisGame should be set to the current length of $gameInstance
<t0code> ?
<jhass> I don't know
<jhass> I really don't know what your intention is there
<VeryBewitching> Can anyone provide a link with an example (or even better, a gem) for an implementation of traits in Ruby?
<jhass> besides
<jhass> ?styleguides t0code
<ruboto> t0code, here are three popular styleguides, you should read and follow at least one: https://github.com/styleguide/ruby https://github.com/bbatsov/ruby-style-guide https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/style/ruby
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<t0code> ill check them now. thanks
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<shevy> t0code if you use a class already, then why do you also use a $ global variable
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<havenwood> VeryBewitching: I'm curious how you're planning to use them?
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<havenwood> VeryBewitching: https://github.com/txus/traitor
<VeryBewitching> havenwood: It's purely out of interest at the moment. I've been reading quite a bit today and came across modularity and traitor
<VeryBewitching> Ya, his examples fail.
<havenwood> old gem
<havenwood> unmaintained
<VeryBewitching> *nods*
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<clebrun> sorry, what are traits?
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<clebrun> nvm, googling
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<clebrun> ty havenwood
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<havenwood> clebrun: np
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<adaedra> havenwood: looks interesting
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<based_pdev> why is [4, 0] == [] but [5, 0] == nil? http://i.imgur.com/1AdePvO.png
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<drbrain> based_pdev: 4 is at the end of the list while 5 is out of bounds
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<based_pdev> isn't it 0 index?
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<drbrain> yes
<based_pdev> so 0,1,2,3 ; 4 is not out of bounds?
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<drbrain> you can insert at 4
<drbrain> (same as append)
<drbrain> there might be some more-official reasoning for why the index after the last item is treated this way
<drbrain> but that's how I think of it
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<based_pdev> i see. i'm going through ruby-koans and thought i'd lost my mind
<drbrain> yeah, it's kinda weird
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<haylon> Hey everyone! Using the Thor gem, how do I preserve my newlines in the long_desc? All the lines keep mashing up on each other and becoming one line.
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<idefine> hi, I'm using squeel to dynamically construct a query. I'd like to OR multiple query.where{} together is this possible? it currently appends the clauses as ANDs
<idefine> noob here
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<ochkoffein> idefine: it's at least possible with the Sequel.expr from the doc
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<ochkoffein> idefine: but isn't it possible by just doing a X.where(...).or(...) ?
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<idefine> ochkoffein: do you know if I constructed a query in Arel would it map to the ActiveRecord models?
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<ochkoffein> idefine: nope, no idea
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<haylon> Hey everyone! Using the Thor gem, how do I preserve my newlines in the long_desc? All the lines keep mashing up on each other and becoming one line.
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<BraddPitt> haylon can you post code? Are you using \n?
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<haylon> BraddPitt its in Unix return characters, I imagine \n. i'm not explicitly specifying it
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