havenwood changed the topic of #ruby to: Rules & more: http://ruby-community.com || Ruby 2.2.3; 2.1.7; 2.0.0-p647: https://ruby-lang.org || Paste >3 lines of text on https://gist.github.com || log @ http://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
<al2o3-cr> >> SuperTux88 << still play that shit now
<ruboto> al2o3-cr # => /tmp/execpad-85704917d00b/source-85704917d00b:2: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting key ...check link for more (https://eval.in/456616)
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<zenspider> al2o3-cr: you might want to cut back on... whatever
<pipework> Or take more, depending on whatever it is that whatever is.
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<Dairenn> Anyone have a good example of getting STDOUT and/or STDERR from IO.popen into logger?
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<al2o3-cr> Dairenn: IO.popen('program', 'args1', 'args2'], err: [:child, :out]) # something like that
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<Dairenn> Cool, thanks. I think that puts me on the right path.
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<al2o3-cr> Dairenn: takes a block or assign to a variable as necessary, your choice
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<paracr4ck> Hey everyone
<paracr4ck> I am wondering the point of this syntax, it appears in some of the ruby-doc.org examples
<paracr4ck> ::Kernel.whatever
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<paracr4ck> does ::Kernel.whatever just access the whatever method explicitly through the included Kernel module?
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<Ebok> The Kernel module is included by class Object, so its methods are available in every Ruby object. <---
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<paracr4ck> Ebok: but if I used ::Kernel.sleep isn't that the same as sleep
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<I> hey
<I> I need help
<I> hello?
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<I> how do I fix this error
<I> Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
<I> I have no idea what to do
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<Guest9632> ?
<Guest9632> anyone?
<Guest9632> ...
<Guest9632> no one?
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<Guest9632> helllo
<Guest9632> why..
<Guest9632> hello?
<imperator> Guest9632, just hopped on, what's your question?
<imperator> oh nm i see
<Ox0dea> paracr4ck: https://eval.in/456623
<imperator> what gem are you trying to install?
<imperator> and on what OS?
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<Guest9632> I'm following this tutorial
<Guest9632> and i'm at the part where it says
<Guest9632> bundle install
<Guest9632> at the bottomish of the page
<Guest9632> but it's giving me a really crappy error
<Guest9632> stackoverflow is no help
<Guest9632> windows 10
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<Guest9632> d
<Guest9632> d
<Guest9632> d
<Guest9632> dd
<Guest9632> Your Gemfile lists the gem sqlite3 (>= 0) more than once. You should probably keep only one of them. While it's not a problem now, it could cause errors if you change the version of just one of them later. Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.......... Fetching version metadata from https://rubygems.org/.. Resolving dependencies.... Using rake 10.4.2 Using i18n 0.7.0 Installing json 1.8.3 with native extensions Gem::Ex
<Ox0dea> You're everything a decent netizen shouldn't be.
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<imperator> Guest9632, you're using the ruby installer for windows right?
<Ox0dea> >> [Object.include?(Kernel), BasicObject.include?(Kernel)] # paracr4ck
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [true, false] (https://eval.in/456624)
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<Ox0dea> >> Object.instance_methods.size
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 56 (https://eval.in/456625)
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<Ox0dea> That's quite a lot of inherent behavior, and you don't always want it; BasicObject is a convenient barebones "template object".
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<paracr4ck> Ox0dea # I was thinking that it was a way to make explicit the module that owned the method(namely sleep())
<Ox0dea> paracr4ck: Sure, the prefixed :: can also be used for disambiguation.
<paracr4ck> Ox0dea: Ahhh awesome, I was seeing it in some Rails codebases as well, thanks!
<Ox0dea> It explicitly tells the constant resolution chain to begin at the top.
<paracr4ck> Ahhhh ok
<Ox0dea> >> module Foo; class String; end; String == ::String; end # paracr4ck
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => false (https://eval.in/456627)
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<Ox0dea> The LHS there refers to Foo::String, which isn't the same as the one provided by core.
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<Musashi007> does anyone here ever stream their ruby work?
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<paracr4ck> Musashi007: for example on Twitch?
<Musashi007> yes
<Ox0dea> Musashi007: http://i.imgur.com/2GOpAWD.gif
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<paracr4ck> Musashi007: I have seen some rare streams but I probably wouldn't myself
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<al2o3-cr> IT crowd
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<al2o3-cr> moss funny gut
<al2o3-cr> *guy
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<shevy> *but
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<al2o3-cr> shevy: why you try to come with a knockout blow, when the time is gone?
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<Ox0dea> Attempting to support `%D` in addition to `%d` is making parse.y my arch nemesis (again).
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<Radar> Use a regex.
<Ox0dea> > parse.y
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<Radar> > facetiousness
<Ox0dea> Well, one of us has clearly misinterpreted the other.
<bigmac_> how do i include all special chars to this...
<bigmac_> [('a'..'z'),('A'..'Z'),('0'..'9')].each
<Ox0dea> bigmac_: `[33..127].map(&:chr)` will get you every non-control character.
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<Ox0dea> *(33..127)
<Ox0dea> And, well, 32 isn't a control character, but you probably don't want it.
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<Ox0dea> Radar: To clarify, I'm trying (again) to add %d[] numeric array literals to Ruby.
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<Radar> Ox0dea: I see.
<Ox0dea> It's easy enough to define it in terms of the existing productions, but %D[] for interpolated numeric arrays is complicating things.
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<Radar> I don't mess about in Ruby code because I have an IQ about 50 points too low for that sort of thing.
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<Radar> Best of luck though!
<Ox0dea> I don't think anybody would ever actually use the latter, but the current naming scheme practically necessitates its addition. :/
<Radar> What is this new addition improving exactly? Do you have a "before" and "after"?
<Radar> twee
<Radar> Whoops
<Ox0dea> %d[1 3.14 2ri] > [1, 3.14, 2ri], in my opinion.
<Ox0dea> It's the same benefit gained from %i, really.
<Ox0dea> Sometimes you know you intend to bang out an array of symbols; it's nice not to have to hit the commas.
<Radar> I see
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<EllisTAA> i wrote an add method that adds two numbers together. it doesn’t work for all numbers, but it’s close. can anyone think of a better way to write this? https://gist.github.com/ellismarte/bf24eb70725fa76cc18c
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<shevy> al2o3-cr I don't have timestamps, it's all neverending IRC flow for me here :)
<Radar> EllisTAA: what is that method even doing
<Radar> EllisTAA: Are you intentionally trying to write a really complicated method to do the equivalent of a + b?
<EllisTAA> Radar: yeah it’s supposed to do a + b, i figured it would be a good interview question
<Radar> EllisTAA: Done. Now can I be hired?
<EllisTAA> lol
<EllisTAA> you can’t use the addition operator
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<Radar> how about pairing on some real code?
<EllisTAA> well i figured this could be the technical phone screen that i can’t seem to pass
<Radar> None of this pseudocode bullshit
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<Radar> If I got told to do this in an interview, I would get up and walk out.
<Radar> I might even flip a table before I left.
<Radar> There is no reasonable employer who will ask me to add two numbers together without using the addition operator.
<Radar> If you want to know what I'm going to be like as an employee, let's pair on an actual problem you're having _right now_
<Radar> because, in reality, that is what I'm going to be doing with you every day
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<Radar> and we'll very quickly (I mean, less than an hour in) be able to figure out if we like each other or not
<Radar> And without using "+", srslyT?
<Radar> -t
<Radar> Done.
<EllisTAA> Radar: the other day they asked me to wriet a method that told whether a string of parentheses is balanced e.g. “)(“ would you say that’s just as stupid
<Radar> yes
<EllisTAA> lp;
<Radar> These crap coding interviews need to stop.
<Radar> Pair with people on real problems for 30mins and see how they go
<Radar> It's getting utterly ridiculous.
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<EllisTAA> would u be down to pair sometime this week?
<EllisTAA> meh nvm
<Radar> "Here, let me prove how smart I am by proposing an unrealistic problem with unrealistic restrictions"
<Radar> why nvm?
<EllisTAA> i assumed u r busy
<Radar> pah
<Radar> I likely have time this Saturday
<EllisTAA> what kind of question would u ask in a pairing session?
<Radar> Saturday at ^ that time
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<pipework> EllisTAA: Ones related to the problem at hand. Something with inherent real value in an actual project.
<Radar> I would ask you to write some application code and then observe what you do.
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<Radar> I'd probably use https://gist.github.com/radar/3037d4c5f8d3240afd43 as an example, since I think you're planning on doing Rails stuff
<EllisTAA> Radar: as awesome as that sounds, my gf is only in town for 1 day this weekend so i’m going to have to pass
<Radar> EllisTAA: np
<Ox0dea> EllisTAA: More supportively, you've at least demonstrated that you could implement Bignum addition if you had to.
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<Radar> EllisTAA: Following weekend is the same kind of deal, so if you have time then I'd be up for that,.
<Ox0dea> EllisTAA: A more worthwhile "simple" problem like this would be to define #even? and #odd? given only #zero?.
<EllisTAA> Radar: yeah i would be excited if the interviewer asked me to pair on that
<Ox0dea> The Peano axioms essentially prove that 1 + 1 == 2; why not translate them to Ruby?
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<EllisTAA> Radar: cool i will message you this week just once i figure out my schedule
<Radar> EllisTAA: ok :)
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<Radar> Oh, and I also have a day next week. The 3rd of November for me. Let me get the everytimezone for that too.
<Radar> Oh, that's the 4th there, sorry.
<EllisTAA> cool
* pipework sells Radar a public calendar
<Radar> I've got a reminder in now to see if you've got that sorted by Friday this week.
<Radar> pipework: hah. I don't even know when I'm available most of the time :OP
<pipework> Radar: :D
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<Radar> Next Tuesday is a public holiday here so that some horses can run around in circles.
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<shevy> you australians are so weird!
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<lemur> sounds like a roundabout way to get time off Radar
<Radar> lemur: nuck nuck nuck
<Radar> oops, sorry nuck!
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<baweaver> every time.
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<pipework> The biggest difference between Australians and Americans seems to be that us Americans prefer to make the things that can kill you, Australia just has them naturally occurring everywhere.
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<pontiki> lol, so true, pipework
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<shevy> koalas riding on kangaroos swinging deadly spears
<Coraline> Don't forget the drop bears.
<pipework> Coraline: And please, don't neglect the hoop snakes. They really hate that.
<Coraline> Of course
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<Coraline> But see both of those things are totally plausible given the variety of Australian animals that actually do want to eat you.
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<Ox0dea> "Hoop snakes" == nostalgia: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/DKyqSy1NcGY/hqdefault.jpg
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<Coraline> Australia is beautiful though. I was lucky enough to be invited there last February for RubyConf.
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<shevy> it's not over yet
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<Ox0dea> > 57,034 bounties were claimed over a six-month period
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<Ox0dea> Well, that settles that: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/603b000
<Ox0dea> I agree with the end of the shortref: booo.
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<djellemah> I'm trying out some ideas related to thread-safe memoisation and single assignment. There are (of course) some interesting interactions between memoisation and .freeze. Anybody know of gem(s) which override .freeze to achieve something useful? TIA.
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<certainty> moin
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<Ox0dea> djellemah: Could you clarify?
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<Ox0dea> Are you wanting to thaw an object and modify it while presenting a "frozen" facade?
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<djellemah> Ox0dea: Part of it is: def some_value; @some_value ||= calculate_the_value; end doesn't work with a frozen object - obviously. But in sense there's no reason it shouldn't work because memoisation doesn't change the state of the object, it just caches a calculated value based on the state of the object.
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<Ox0dea> djellemah: That's a reassignment, though?
<Ox0dea> I'm missing this relationship you're seeing between frozen objects and memoization.
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<Ox0dea> djellemah: Sorry, I see where I derped; you want to be able to invoke #instance_variable_set on frozen objects, if I'm not mistaken.
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<djellemah> Ox0dea: Yup, that's pretty much it. With some additional wrinkles cos, well, I'm trying out ideas ;-)
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<Ox0dea> djellemah: Aye, I can appreciate that particular itch.
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<Ox0dea> djellemah: https://eval.in/456705
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<Ox0dea> Fiddle lets you muck about in an object's raw memory, and from there it's just a matter of flipping the FL_FREEZE flag.
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<Ox0dea> I should also clarify that `^= 8` actually toggles the flag; you'll want `&= -9` for idempotent thawing.
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<djellemah> The real-world driver is I that at one point I had to parallelize several queries in an existing codebase. I tried using .freeze to see if there was any thread-unsafety in the execution paths, but there was memoisation.
* djellemah reads about Fiddle
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<dreinull75> yikes, how do I require a gem only on jruby or mri?
<TomyWork> is there a way to next the outer loop from a nested loop?
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<TomyWork> the array.each kind of loop
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<ljarvis> TomyWork: set a boolean flag or use throw/catch
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<ljarvis> I would probably separate the second loop into a new method and just use next
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<dreinull75> ok found it, thansk
<nemo_> which is the best book to start with algo and datastructures
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<apeiros> TomyWork: there's a good chance that there's a way to write the code better so you don't have to resort to next in the first place
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<TomyWork> apeiros sorry, the outer loop isnt a loop, but an iterator where i need to pass false in this case
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<TomyWork> "next false" so to speak
<TomyWork> but i'll probably wrap that loop's body in a method and return false
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<apeiros> man, writing this git support tool proves a lot harder than I imagined.
<norc> Hey folks. Can I somehow give a capture group a name to reuse it in the same regex?
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<norc> Ohh nevermind. Finally found it. \k :)
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<adaedra> apeiros: make a hg support tool.
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<norc> Meh this is slightly disgusting. Is there a way to pre-define a capture group outside a regex?
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<apeiros> adaedra: we don't use hg at work
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<adaedra> cd apeiros; hg up joke
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<apeiros> adaedra: make a PR to fix my joke detector
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<adaedra> :3
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<norc> Is there a more elegant way to do this regexp? http://pastie.org/10508485
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<norc> (I want to define the pattern for each house number variant extra, so its easier to find and change if need be)
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<apeiros> norc: matching house number formats? aaaahahahahaha, good luck.
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<apeiros> house numbers are seriously fucked up. even in my own tiny country which is otherwise heavily regulated.
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<norc> apeiros: It is actually specific to just the city we operate in. :)
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<apeiros> there's plenty of cities with more people than my whole country :)
<norc> apeiros: I mean yeah, in reality there is a few more exceptions, but I was just wondering whether this way of compositing a regex is a good idea.
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<apeiros> norc: you can also compose regex. i.e. you don't have to use string parts.
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<apeiros> >> a = /foo/; b = /bar/; c = /#{a}|#{b}/ # works
<ruboto> apeiros # => /(?-mix:foo)|(?-mix:bar)/ (https://eval.in/456822)
<norc> Oh now that is neat. :)
<apeiros> that even preserves flags which can be different for the subregex.
<norc> Gets even better, and its not even christmas yet.
<apeiros> >> a = /foo/i; b = /bar/; c = /#{a}|#{b}/ # works
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<ruboto> apeiros # => /(?i-mx:foo)|(?-mix:bar)/ (https://eval.in/456828)
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<apeiros> /(?i-mx:foo) vs /(?-mix:foo) from before. the ?i-mx says "with flag i, without m and x"
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<TomyWork> apeiros what's a git support tool?
<apeiros> TomyWork: a tool to support our git workflow
<TomyWork> ah
<TomyWork> so you're not using git-flow?
<apeiros> stuff like ensuring that each branch has an owner, no feature branch gets too old, no work is performed on pure merge branches etc.
<apeiros> no
<norc> apeiros: I am so amazed now. For such a long time I refused to use slightly larger regular expressions because of maintenance - being able to compose them like that makes them manageable it seems.
<apeiros> norc: for larger expressions, //x is also very helpful
<TomyWork> our team might soon(tm) be deciding on a workflow, so i'd be interested in yours :)
<apeiros> allows multiline regex and comments in them
<TomyWork> so far i only know git-flow and "meh, we'll just release master once in a while"
<apeiros> TomyWork: iirc we're relatively close to git-flow.
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<norc> apeiros: Also a nice tip thanks. :)
<apeiros> TomyWork: we're still working on finding our workflow, but for the moment it's roughly like this:
<apeiros> TomyWork: we the following branch types: base, release, epic, sprint, feature, bug. I think base/epic/sprint might become a single type. we have a branch naming convention which is mostly PREFIX-TICKET-OWNER-DESCRIPTION.
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<TomyWork> not PREFIX/....?
<apeiros> prefix identifies the branch type, single letter. e.g. f- for feature. ticket is the redmine ticket number. owner is the initials of the owner. e.g. SR for me. description is just a free form descriptive text. so a branch might be f-1234-SR-new-mail-texts
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<apeiros> we create one or more new acceptance branch from a base branch (usually master). we merge all features which are ready to be tested and release that to our acceptance env. an accepted feature will go into the epic branch the feature belongs to and the feature branch gets deleted.
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<apeiros> once the deadline for an epic hits, epic goes into a release branch, gets staged, tested and then merged into master
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<apeiros> I'm pretty sure I left out tons, but that's about the outline of how we organized our workflow.
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<apeiros> one thing I'd love to find is a way to archive tags. we only tag versions (releases), and we already have >500.
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<colegatron> sorry, I am not used to ruby, only treaking vagrantfile. can someone tell me (or point me to any doc) the difference between variables 'aws' and 'override' in this piece of code: https://paste.debian.net/318131/ ?
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<apeiros> colegatron: they're both local variables. they're arguments the block passed to the `provider` method takes.
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<colegatron> apeiros: mmm ok, I thought override was some kind of reserved word
<apeiros> no. and if it was, it could not occur there.
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<colegatron> apeiros: ok, makes sense. I think I will need to find time for a very-quick-tutorial-and-overview of ruby. but I am not going to develop on it, only to understand what I read. any advice about a light-but-complete tutorial?
<apeiros> not really. but I think understanding ruby (and most languages actually) without having written it is quite hard
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<nemo_> nemo
<adaedra> ah, seems we found nemo.
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<schaary> hey - I have two strings: a = "abcdefg" and b = "1234" and I'm looking for a effective way to produce c = "abc1234" - so I want to replace the suffix of a with b. I know, that b is always shorter than a. Ideas?
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<apeiros> schaary: and what's the rule for the offset in a to start with b?
<apeiros> so that the string remains at the same length?
<AxonetBE> what is the best solution to save hardware information of our users and make queries on this info?
<AxonetBE> inserting this info as a string object in a mysql column seems not a good idea for me as we can't easy query this values?
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<schaary> apeiros: the end of b "starts" at the end of a - when both string have the same length, then c = b
<apeiros> ok, still not sure I understand this right, but assuming I do:
<apeiros> >> a = "abcdefg" and b = "1234"; a[-b.length..-1] = b; a
<ruboto> apeiros # => "abc1234" (https://eval.in/456858)
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<skinux> I'm having trouble installing RoR on Windows
<skinux> Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - SSL_connect retur
<skinux> ned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (
<canton7> that's an issue with gem, not RoR
<canton7> if you go googling it, there are tons of results
<schaary> apeiros: that's exactly what I am looking for - thx!
<skinux> Okay, well how do I fix it?
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<unshadow> So, I made this: https://gist.github.com/bararchy/2662376a0a0858362f61 to benchmark hash functions, it seems HMAC is much better (time wise) then md5 and sha256 with long strings (8,000 char length and up), do you guys know of a better hash function then HMAC ?
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<adaedra> Wasn't md5 supposed to be in the bottom of the trash bin
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<unshadow> adaedra: it seems that for short strings it does a nice job (again, time wise, not security)
<napcae> its still ok for creating hashes
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<norc> >> (-> {}).is_a? Proc
<ruboto> norc # => true (https://eval.in/456886)
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<norc> Why is a lambda a proc? I mean there are some important subtle differences to it.
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<norc> Or I guess this is just me being so confused how and why "return" behaves so differently in a lambda than in a proc or block.
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<workmad3> >> (->{}).lambda?
<ruboto> workmad3 # => true (https://eval.in/456892)
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<skinux> How do I fix the Gem installation error about SSL?
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<norc> workmad3: Oh I know. It just gave me the impression that if a lambda is an object of Proc, that the behavior is the same.
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<workmad3> norc: yeah, it's not the best way to have proc/lambda differences IMO... but it does lend more to the idea that you should focus on behaviour rather than whether an object is of class X or Y in ruby, IMO :)
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<norc> workmad3: Fair enough. :)
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<colegatron> apeiros: tnx. sorry for the delay ;-) I'll read a book when I've more time. tnx
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<norc> I have a string and want to split it the first time a non numerical character is encountered if it starts with numerical characters, or the first time a numerical character is encountered if it starts with non-numerical characters.
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<norc> Aside from simply testing against two regular expressions and then splitting, I cant find an elegant one liner for this.
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<apeiros> norc: if you always want 2 strings as a result, use .match(regex).captures
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<apeiros> though, actually, might need a .compact too if you want to keep the regex simple :)
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<norc> Ok. So ever I figured out how neat regex can be, I also start to figure out how little practice I have
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<norc> http://pastie.org/10508863 - Can someone tell me why this fails to match the second example?
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<norc> It seems like some part consumes the end of the string before \z is reached, but I cant figure out why
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<norc> Ok yeah nevermind. This is not what backreferences are. :-)
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<jhass> norc: yup, backreference are not for reusage of a pattern but for expecting an already happened match to appear again. Check http://regexcrossword.com/ for some practice ;)
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<norc> jhass: Heh. It is extremely interesting that you can use the backreference inside the same regex though.
<norc> I mean I can see this being handy another way
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<norc> I shall take a look at that website tonight thanks. :)
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<crime> >> (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.select{:even?}.first(3)
<ruboto> crime # => [1, 2, 3] (https://eval.in/456995)
<pagios> hello community, http://pastie.org/10508903 can anyone help?
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<crime> >> (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.select{|c| c.even?}.first(3)
<ruboto> crime # => [2, 4, 6] (https://eval.in/456998)
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<jhass> pagios: gem install sinatra-websocket ?
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<pagios> yep it worked thansk
<jhass> crime: the shortcut is .select(&:even?)
<crime> AH
<crime> i was literally just about to ask you
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<crime> >> (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.select(&:even?).first(3)
<ruboto> crime # => [2, 4, 6] (https://eval.in/457002)
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<crime> can I use that &: syntax anywhere a block is expected?
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<jhass> yes, note that the syntax part is &, :even? is just a symbol
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<crime> yeah I know, & is alt syntax for a hash?
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<crime> or is it trickier than that?
<jhass> huh? no
<jhass> hashes have nothing to do with this
<crime> block
<crime> i mean block
<crime> havent had my coffee yet
<jhass> not quite no
<jhass> & passes a proc as a block
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<crime> ah
<jhass> >> [1, 2, 3].select(&proc {|n| n.even? })
<ruboto> jhass # => [2] (https://eval.in/457003)
<jhass> it has the side effect of calling to_proc on its argument first
<jhass> Proc#to_proc just returns self
<jhass> but Symbol#to_proc returns a handy proc for us
<crime> so does it have to be a symbol or can it be a variable too? anything that has .to_proc should work then, right?
<crime> an @ for example
<jhass> yes
<jhass> >> @foo = :even?; [1, 2, 3].select(&@foo)
<crime> ruby really *does* love me
<ruboto> jhass # => [2] (https://eval.in/457008)
<crime> that is rad
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<prateekp> /msg NickServ identify rajnigandha18
<jhass> prateekp: new password day \o/
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<prateekp> does the gem total downloads the correct metric
<prateekp> because when i push a new version, the downloads increases each time
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<canton7> pragmatism, protip: set your irc client to authenticate using sasl, so you don't have to type the nickserv identify by hand (and risk sending everyone your password ;)
<prateekp_> hello
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<canton7> prateekp_, ^ rather
<prateekp_> hmm yeah
<prateekp_> sorry for that mistake
<jhass> prateekp_: you did realize you pasted your password to the channel?
<prateekp_> hmm the password was bit wrong, so its k
<prateekp_> ok*
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<jhass> let me guess, swap n & j?
<prateekp_> haha
<prateekp_> not exactly
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<prateekp_> :)
<prateekp_> anyways
<prateekp_> it will pass out in the logs
<yorickpeterse> I'd still change your password
<jhass> seriously change it
<prateekp_> how to change it
<prateekp_> ?
<prateekp_> i got it
<Pupp3tm4st3r> hi
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> maybe someone can help me
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> for Icinga2 I downloaded the following ruby script: https://github.com/hggh/phantomjs-nagios/blob/master/check_http_load_time.rb
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> /usr/local/lib/ruby/2.2.0/time.rb:596:in `xmlschema': invalid date: nil (ArgumentError)
<Pupp3tm4st3r> from /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http_load_time.rb:172:in `<main>'
<Pupp3tm4st3r> when I want to use it I get the following error
<Pupp3tm4st3r> as above...
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> in the original script its 171 not 172
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> maybe its obvious to see for an experienced ruby "user"
<jhass> so hash['log']['pages'][0]['endedDateTime'] is nil for you
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> correct
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<pagios> http://pastie.org/10508953 <--- what could this be related to? i am querying sinatra
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<jhass> Pupp3tm4st3r: contact the author of the script, you have a case the author didn't expect/handle. Nothing we can do about
<Pupp3tm4st3r> jhass: I already did that - no reaction
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> I had the hope someone here would say: aaah thats obviously this or that
<Pupp3tm4st3r> ;)
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<jhass> well, the obvious part is that hash['log']['pages'][0]['endedDateTime'] is nil
<jhass> run it with -v3 for some debug output
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<prateekp> jhass: govt_official helped me save my password
<prateekp> :)
<prateekp> thanks govt
<prateekp> :)
<Pupp3tm4st3r> unfortunately verbosity doesn´t give any useful hints.. (just shows the used script with parameters and then again the error)
<Pupp3tm4st3r> maybe the author will read my posted issue someday...
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<Pupp3tm4st3r> but thanks :)
<jhass> prateekp: make sure to also change all other accounts you used the same password for
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<prateekp> ok jhass
<jhass> and yeah, get a proper client and do SASL auth so this can't happen again ;)
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<prateekp> hmm right
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<yorickpeterse> good ol' hunter2
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<crime> i wish the webchat would regex that sort of thing in the input area
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<yorickpeterse> well it does
<yorickpeterse> it just shows as ******* for others
<yorickpeterse> :>
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<fschuindt> good morning
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<fschuindt> there's a clever way to do it?: expected_structure[expected_structure.index("BUDGET_YEARS")] = project_budget_years (I want to replace the element with value "BUDGET_YEARS" by the project_budget_years value)
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<jhass> don't see anything beyond using another datastructure
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<jayforsythe> Question: Are blocks objects?
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<apeiros> hm, little patience…
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<KrzaQ> Can I force Array's zip to always take the size of the bigger array?
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<apeiros> KrzaQ: no
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<KrzaQ> hm
<KrzaQ> very well
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<KrzaQ> Is there a better way to resize an array other than pushing nils into it in a loop?
<apeiros> ary.concat(Array.new(padding_size))
<apeiros> alternatively: ary.fill. sadly it's a bit cumbersome to use for padding.
<eam> surely ary[size]=nil is the fastest?
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<KrzaQ> is it size or size-1
<caliostro> hi there!
<apeiros> eam: oh, nice. but yeah, size-1. and not to forget to check whether it's actually smaller.
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<apeiros> that's almost certainly the fastest.
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<apeiros> so: `ary[size-1] = nil if ary.size < size`
<adaedra> a simple ||= wouldn't work?
<apeiros> gotta change my Array#pad now :D
<apeiros> oh, actually that deals with non-nil padding too
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<adaedra> wait, wouldn't work if ary[size-1] would be false
<jhass> adaedra: well, you'd figure out the smaller first
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<jhass> [a1, a2].min_by(&:size)[[a1.size, a2.size].max - 1] = nil unless a1.size == a2.size
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<apeiros> eam: ary[size-1] was ~1.6x faster to pad an array from 3 to 1000 elements for me.
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<eam> nice
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<apeiros> and ~25.4x faster than padding_size.times { ary << nil }
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<mrgrieves> hi, could someone provide some advice on how to make max to pick 11 instead of 7 here http://pastebin.com/HUzGqfDv
<ruboto> mrgrieves, as I told you already, please use https://gist.github.com
<adaedra> ?botsnack
<ruboto> nomnomnomnom
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<jhass> mrgrieves: .max_by(&:size) ?
<apeiros> sounds more like they want natural sorting
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<apeiros> which - again - reminds me that I still have not released my sorting gem with natural sorting included.
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<jhass> upcoming world record attempt: listing the most items apeiros hasn't released yet
<apeiros> ah right, I remember why. I still don't know how I want to set up a generic API for transliteration.
<adaedra> jhass: :')
<apeiros> jhass: does "updated" count against "released"?
<apeiros> because I did release the sorted gem.
<mrgrieves> jhass: that won't do the trick if I have 13 and 12 where I want 13 to be max
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<apeiros> oh, actually "sorting"
<jhass> so natural sorting indeed
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<jhass> mrgrieves: ^ got a term to google there
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<apeiros> mrgrieves: I think there are gems which implement natural sorting.
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<mrgrieves> thanks guys let me take a look
<apeiros> ?guys mrgrieves
<ruboto> mrgrieves, Though inclusion was probably intended, not everyone relates to being "one of the guys". Maybe consider using "folks", "all", "y'all", or "everyone" instead?
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<TheNet> does anyone know if open-uri verifies ssl certs by default?
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<skinux> Is JRuby language actually different from Ruby or does it just provide access to some Java stuff while using Ruby language?
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<centrx> skinux, What do you mean by language? It's Ruby
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<centrx> skinux, There are some differences around the edges, but it's the same syntax, keywords, base objects, etc.
<havenwood> skinux: JRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language on the JVM.
<mg^> It's a Ruby interpreter implemented on the JVM
<skinux> I'm just asking because, for example, Jython is a bit different from Python.
<mg^> damn, beat me by 2 seconds :)
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<centrx> Jython doesn't even have the word Python in it, so obviously...
<skinux> So, using JRuby I could use the literal Ruby language and be able to use Swing for example?
<T1loc> hi
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<T1loc> Someone know why : irb > 200*1.1 => 220.00000000000003
<T1loc> ?
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<havenwood> skinux: Yup, swing away!
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<havenwood> T1loc: Floats!
<skinux> How about using JavaFX GUI Toolkit with Ruby language instead?
<T1loc> hum ok ! thanks for the links
<skinux> Also, is JRuby any faster than Java?
<havenwood> skinux: For JRuby-specific questions there's a #jruby channel.
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<skinux> Oh...didn't know that.
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<skinux> It actually sounds good, because a lot of people don't like Java and love Ruby. So if I can use Ruby and also have the benefit of using JavaFX/Swing GUI development that would be pretty cool.
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<centrx> It sure dang would!
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<skinux> When I mentioned Jython vs Python, it's because Jython is Python implemented on JVM, but instead of "Object" in Jython you have to use "PyObject"
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<skinux> Therefore, it's not completely using Python on JVM because in Python you wouldn't put "Py" before "Object"
<havenwood> skinux: Rails for example runs quite well on JRuby. It's real Ruby.
<skinux> Okay, so no syntax and type name changes because it's using JVM...?
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<colegatron> Hi people. Maybe you can help me. I am not used to ruby, but it is a pure ruby problem: I have this code : https://paste.debian.net/318179/ and I want to know if passing the 'override' variable to each config.vm.define block I can set up a different override.ssh.username inside every vm.define block and expect each block use the right username value
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<colegatron> wow. one long line. sorry.
<colegatron> Hope I explained it well
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<apeiros> why is it that pastie.debian.net wants a client cert? o0
<jhass> apeiros: doesn't here
<jhass> apeiros: sounds like your NSA proxy was messed up :P
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<havenwood> The website "paste.debian.net" requires a client certificate.
<colegatron> uh? really?
<jhass> not here
<apeiros> oh, right, paste, not pastie.
<adaedra> works for me without cert
<apeiros> havenwood: you shouldn't use the messed up nsa proxy either then!
<adaedra> (Firefox)
<jhass> colegatron: I only see one override variable, so I don't quite follow your question
<apeiros> yeah, it works without cert, but it asks for one
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<caliostro> what do u think about byebug?
<jhass> caliostro: it integrates well into pry-byebug
<colegatron> jhass: tnx for the answer. Let me explain: I see the config.provider gets the aws and override variables as arguments
<caliostro> jhass, ok
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<colegatron> and seems the override variable does not changes during all the vagrant.configure("2") block.
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<colegatron> I need, on every config.vm.define set a different username to each server
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<jhass> colegatron: you might be better up in #vagrant
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<colegatron> jhass, they did not answer. this is a ruby language question, not about vagrant :)
<atmosx> hello
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<colegatron> my question is: if I rewrite line 52 into : config.vm.define :tribasedev, autostart: false do |tribasedev, override| I understand I am going to pass the override variable to that block
<colegatron> is my assumption right?
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<Guest5455> greet
<colegatron> jhass: is my assumption right?
<skinux> Umm...does JRuby Windows installer install JRuby as 'ruby' or 'jruby' by default? Because I just installed JRuby and I already had Ruby installed.
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<jhass> colegatron: that's specific to what vagrant does, so not a ruby question
<jhass> colegatron: vagrant decides what arguments are available there
<jhass> you only decide to give them a name or not
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<colegatron> jhass: but override is there (it is used on config.provider block), so I can pass it to the config.vm.define or not, right?
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<jhass> colegatron: no, that's not a valid assumption
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<jhass> colegatron: .define and .provider are different methods, they can and not unlikely behave differently
<colegatron> oh, sorry, I see, you are right.
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<colegatron> jhass: yup, it is not a ruby question, my fault :-) thank you anyway
<jhass> no worries, yw
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<Guest5455> is there any site that has a complation of ambiguity in ruby lyntax?
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<Guest5455> i would be very thankul is sb knows one
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<shevy> don't think there is any single resource for that
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<Guest5455> thanks , i won't mind if they are dispernd on the net
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<Guest5455> any one?
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<centrx> Huh?
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<shevy> he just hopes for too much
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<Guest5455> :\
<Guest5455> shevy , you naild it sir :\
<shevy> Guest5455 there are also new changes lately such as foo.?lala.?lele, it's hard to keep up with stuff: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/trunk/ChangeLog#L31
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<shevy> Guest5455 ambiguity will result whenever there is more than one way to do something. so we have {} for blocks and hashes, we have do/end and {} for blocks ... we need to distinguish between ? used as ternary, method name and now also that strange .?bla thing
<shevy> there was once a cool twitter message about the ruby parser
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<shevy> I can't find it right now
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<shevy> perhaps eam remembers
<Guest5455> shevy , i was actually on it before gettin on the channel; what i have been lookng for is (ideall) a site that tells what are the ambiguity of ruby , and how the parer overcmes them
<Guest5455> :)
<Ox0dea> Guest5455: Why?
<Ox0dea> >> p {}.class
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => NilClass (https://eval.in/457240)
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<Ox0dea> A pretty common source of "strangeness" results from parentheses being optional for method invocation.
<Ox0dea> That particular ambiguity led this poor fellow down quite the rabbit hole: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/11621
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<shevy> Guest5455 yeah, it's a parser straight out from hell :) one tangible goal was for flexibility, another one for user's happiness
<eam> perl distinguishes between {} the hash constructor and {} the code block by prepending a +
<shevy> oh yeah, parens can also be weird
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<Ox0dea> eam: We get to use unary + for better (read: probably worse) things in Ruby.
<shevy> I have had surprises when I had (made up now) things such as: if ! foo.include? 'bla' and ble.select {|e| e < 5 } && false or yodeldodel > 1 # this is also totally made up
<Ox0dea> >> class Hash; alias +@ invert; end; +{a: 1, b: 2}
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => {1=>:a, 2=>:b} (https://eval.in/457252)
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<shevy> Guest5455 you need to keep in mind that 80% of Ox0dea's code solely aims to play around with the existing ruby syntax
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<Guest5455> Ox0dea, i have heard there are many ambiguity in ruby, and it has reall frgihtend me because i want to use it in a rather hueg proj
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<shevy> keep things simple. define what should be used. -> result: less problems
<agent_white> shevy: That's wierd syntax. What do you propose?
<Ox0dea> Guest5455: Cool. Ruby does not go out of its way to pull the rug out from under your syntactic feet.
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<Guest5455> shevy , sir, is LR schem the best way to go ?
<shevy> what I propose? I say don't add this syntax. but it's not my language
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<apeiros> ambiguity can create hard to spot problems, but IME rarely does so.
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<agent_white> shevy: I thought it was wierd... but if Person.feet exists, then Person must exist... if Person.feet.shoes exist...
<Guest5455> >> print /l/
<ruboto> Guest5455 # => (?-mix:l)nil (https://eval.in/457256)
<agent_white> shevy: It is... wierd.
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<agent_white> shevy: I agree :) So, don't try to "fix" anything?
<Guest5455> print /l/ - 5
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<shevy> yeah ... cat.?fur.?legs.?tail
<Ox0dea> Guest5455: You're just being goofy?
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<Guest5455> no sir
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<Ox0dea> Do you need to do subtraction on regular expressions in this huge project of yours?
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<agent_white> shevy: Yeah... that is confusing.
<agent_white> shevy: :P Maybe there's no fix. But fun that you brought it up.
<moty66> how can I translate strings inside a model? I want to translate CONDITION_TYPES in this case
<agent_white> Cool to see Ruby questioning that regardless!
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<shevy> agent_white not if fixing results in trade offs or side effects that are orthogonal. it's funny because matz complained about C++ complexity and explained the ruby philosophy in 2003, and many changes that happened in the last ~13 years are really really strange ... like the -> operator ... http://www.artima.com/intv/ruby.html
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<Guest5455> Ox0dea, no sir i wantd to nive an exampe of a less-nspected case
<Ox0dea> Guest5455: But there's no ambiguity in your example.
<Guest5455> Ox0dea, thanks sir, but how?
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<shevy> moty66 what does "translate" mean
<shevy> do you want to translate this into spanish
<moty66> I18n
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<shevy> unicode!
<Guest5455> Ox0dea, what abou L.getInt /e/ -5
<moty66> i tried to use I18n.t but I don't know how to add these strings in the en.yml file
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<shevy> Guest5455 what should this be, that's invalid
<jhass> moty66: I18n.t("a.b.c"); -> en:\n a:\n b:\n c: "foo"
<moty66> do I have to add them under the model section or I have to create a new section, something like
<moty66> myform:
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<moty66> then underthan i add the types
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<Guest5455> shevy , sir, why ?
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<jhass> moty66: sounds like something that should be mapped in a view helper btw, but #RubyOnRails territory anyway
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<Guest5455> i guess it is actually correc, syntaciclly
<apeiros> Guest5455: you can omit all the "sir" in your messages. it's not necessary here.
<moty66> jhass: thanks, I'll ask them
<apeiros> (even might offend some mams)
<Guest5455> apeiros, sorry
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<apeiros> no need to apologize. I assume you just wanted to be polite, and that's appreciated.
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<Guest5455> i actually used it as a gendr-agnostic honorific; sorry again
<shevy> Guest5455 yeah it can not be valid
<Guest5455> why?
<shevy> what should it be?
<Guest5455> won't it be L.getInt(/l/) - 5
<Guest5455> ?
<shevy> the ruby parser is clever but that would be mystery guessing
<Guest5455> i mean, is it run-tme err or a comple-tme err?
<shevy> I assume it will be a syntax error
<apeiros> there's no compile-time
<Guest5455> thanks
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<shevy> sir apeiros holds a lot of knowledge
<Guest5455> :)
<apeiros> and `L.getInt /e/ - 5` is valid syntax
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<apeiros> it's interpreted as `L.getInt(/e/ - 5)`
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<apeiros> which then will raise a NoMethodError because there's no Regexp#-
<Ox0dea> But there is a compile time...
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<apeiros> o0
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<Ox0dea> YARV is a bytecode interpreter.
<agent_white> shevy: Thanks for the article :)
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<shevy> cool ... so you can get it to work Guest5455, just define Regexp#-
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<Guest5455> :)
<Guest5455> i'm actually rather frihtgend by the fact
<apeiros> Ox0dea: true, but that's transparently implemented. to the user it's an interpreter.
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<Ox0dea> apeiros: Sure, but "compilation error" is still a thing: http://git.io/vW6UQ
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: outside of directly invoking yarv?
<Ox0dea> Hm?
<apeiros> manually compiling sequences et al
<Ox0dea> I would if I could. :P
<apeiros> via RubyVM
<Guest5455> because it was not how _i_ thohugt it would work: ( L.getInt / e ) / -5
<apeiros> I mean, can a compile error happen from ordinary code which does not use RubyVM? because afaik it can't. but maybe I'm missing something?
<Ox0dea> apeiros: I'm sure you'd have to go *well* out of your way to even approach running into that macro, but the point stands that it's there.
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* apeiros ponders to just call that "leaked abstraction and it's still an interpreter" :D
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<apeiros> but yeah, I guess it proves your point
<Ox0dea> And that'd be fair.
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<Ox0dea> I fully appreciate the pedantry of my opposition.
<apeiros> could also make the argument that MRI is but one implementation
<apeiros> and compiled/interpreted isn't a language attribute
<Guest5455> how could the / be made not to wokr as a rgexp begin ?
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<apeiros> (and stuff like bytecode vm's blur the line anyway)
<apeiros> Guest5455: spacing. L.getInt/5 - 5
<apeiros> Guest5455: spacing. L.getInt/e - 5
<Guest5455> thanks a lot
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<Guest5455> apeiros, they will be rgex otherwse?
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<apeiros> Guest5455: spacing. L.getInt / e / -5
<apeiros> whoops? where did my rewrite go?
<Guest5455> thanks a lot
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<apeiros> alternatively use the named method for /: L.getInt.div(e).div(-5)
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<Guest5455> apeiros, i'm actually doig a tortue test on the syntac :)
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<Ox0dea> >> ->_{}::[] rescue $!
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)> (https://eval.in/457278)
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<Ox0dea> Pop quiz: where does the argument go?
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<Guest5455> i'm a human bein, do i'm not sure i can get what the abov means :)
<Guest5455> *so
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* apeiros has no idea what a tortue is
<shevy> a Torte!
* Guest5455 corrects it as torture
<shevy> your spelling is a torture!
<apeiros> ok, in that case, I don't know what a torture test is.
<Ox0dea> "Make it hurt."
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* agent_white doesn't want to know
<shevy> lol
* apeiros doubts syntax has feelings
<shevy> you write code. it pains you to write the code. torture.
<Guest5455> apeiros, i meant the syntax-analyzr
<agent_white> But "7 8 9" apeiros! 9 has no more feeling at all!
<apeiros> reading is usually more where the pain is for me with code
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<Guest5455> the one that makes an AST
<apeiros> 7 should not eat 9.
<apeiros> that's mean.
<Guest5455> the one that makes an AbSyT
<Ox0dea> Guest5455: From which language(s) do you come to Ruby, if you don't mind my asking?
<Ox0dea> > AbSyT
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<Guest5455> :)
<adaedra> Not using AbsSynTre
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<Guest5455> i have not used anything other than C for 12 yrs or so
<Guest5455> probably much longer
<shevy> yeah
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<shevy> becoming a fossil programmer is not a good thing
<shevy> but these types do keep perl alive!!!
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<pard> actually i have never done a byte of perl, let alone a while file
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<rnelson0> Hi all. I'm trying to write a ruby gem, probably very poorly, but even before worrying about implementation details, I'm struggling with a class name that doesn't appear to be recognized in all files. Gist at https://gist.github.com/rnelson0/8570f2706d48fa8bed04
<pard> i have been doing it as a mere sourc of inocme
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<shevy> Ox0dea does not believe you pard :(
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<rnelson0> er, uninitialized
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<pard> shevy , why not?
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<Ox0dea> pard: You've been writing C in a professional capacity for "probably much longer" than 12 years or so?
<shevy> pard because people are very sceptic on the www
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<agent_white> Same in Roman times though
* agent_white reads from his book of Guess
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<pard> Ox0dea, actually not in a pro manner; i've been doing SysC which i guess is not even C
<pard> i'm EE
<pard> i mean
<pard> i come from EE
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<zotherstupidguy> is there a way to figure out if a certain date belongs to the current week? using Date or Chronic?
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<apeiros> zotherstupidguy: with a little math and wday, that should be trivial
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<zotherstupidguy> apeiros thanks of the hint ;)
<apeiros> depending on what you define start/end of a week, the math may be more or less involved.
<drbrain> zotherstupidguy: get the week number from today and the target week
<drbrain> I think it is #cweek
<zotherstupidguy> dbrain example?
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<pard> i believe being scptic is the way to go ; the reason i joind this hannel is i've recenly been very scepitc about whether ruby might treat some cod e in an other way than i do
<drbrain> >> require 'date'; d = Date.today - 8; Date.today.cweek == d.cweek
<ruboto> drbrain # => false (https://eval.in/457294)
<apeiros> drbrain: need to check the year too, though
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<drbrain> ah, yeah ↑
<apeiros> but yes, that's probably easier than using wday
<apeiros> is cweek iso8601? in that case, .year won't cut it
<apeiros> ah well, .strftime("%G%V") both and compare that.
<apeiros> hm, docs don't tell which week standard cweek uses.
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<Ox0dea> pard: You pay sufficiently distant attention to detail as to have it be the likelier cause of any syntactic troubles you might run into. :P
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<Ox0dea> > For all its power, the computer is a harsh taskmaster. Its programs must be correct, and what we wish to say must be said accurately in every detail.
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<Ox0dea> If you write code like you've been writing here, you're gonna have a bad time.
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<pard> Ox0dea, you're right, looks like my typo's have a higher prob to get on me than any other thnig :)
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<pard> sorry for all the typo's, i was on a touch dev and it was causing all the crap i wrote
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<pard> thanks :)
<pard> thanks all
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<zotherstupidguy> funny thing, in arab countries start of the week is sunday not monday :)
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<adaedra> Isn't it also the case of some english-speaking countries?
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<zotherstupidguy> adaedra, name one?
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<apeiros> usa
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<zotherstupidguy> really!! i didnt know tht
<apeiros> not sure, but I think so
<zotherstupidguy> i think not
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<adaedra> That's what I was reading.
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<adaedra> I found a map once, can't find it
<zotherstupidguy> sure!
<adaedra> "Although this is the international standard, countries such as the United States still have their calendars refer to Sunday as the start of the seven-day week." - http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/days/
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<apeiros> oh wow, saturday as start of the week…
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<adaedra> >> Time.now.monday?
<ruboto> adaedra # => true (https://eval.in/457296)
<adaedra> >> Time.now.wday
<ruboto> adaedra # => 1 (https://eval.in/457297)
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<zotherstupidguy> apeiros someone had fun programming international bank transactions :)
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<apeiros> that's trivial
<adaedra> Time is an horror to deal with.
<apeiros> it's not like machines bothered about workdays
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<zotherstupidguy> so i guess ruby is following japan's week numbering!?
<apeiros> adaedra: but IMO almost only the IO with humans part
<adaedra> >> t = (Time.now - 24 * 60 * 60); [t.sunday?, t.wday]
<ruboto> adaedra # => [true, 0] (https://eval.in/457298)
<adaedra> see, sunday as first day.
<apeiros> zotherstupidguy: or usa's
<adaedra> apeiros: for the horror to manage? Leap years, leap seconds, to start with.
<apeiros> as shown by the map, usa indeed has sunday as start of week.
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<Wompy> /msg nickserv register josjs wompy
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<apeiros> leap years are trivial. leap seconds are a matter of definition. i.e. whether you have an "idealized" time or using actual time (which can be confusing because the diff between two dates with time 00:00:00 can have a single second offset due to leap seconds)
<adaedra> Wompy: Try again
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<adaedra> \o
<eam> and you can never tell time more than 6 mo in advance with 1s precision if you're using leap second adjusted time
<apeiros> right
<apeiros> dst falls into the same category of annoyance as leap seconds - not predictable.
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<apeiros> also means that some datetimes are ambiguous (before or after dst change?)
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<apeiros> and that's an actual problem. we had inserts fail with the error "ambiguous time"
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<eam> yup, subject to the whim of law
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<eam> was it 2007 when the US passed a law changing when DST occured?
<eam> that was a fun year
<apeiros> there's countries where dst start is defined by the president each year.
<apeiros> fun too.
<apeiros> means you have to keep your tzinfo file up to date :)
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<eam> that's terrible
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<Ox0dea> ~ $ pacman -Si tzdata | grep Date
<Ox0dea> Build Date : Sun 04 Oct 2015 06:05:57 AM EDT
<Ox0dea> It's gonna be okay.
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<Ox0dea> (Probably.)
<apeiros> anyway, most issues when dealing with time is a matter of definition. like "adding 1 hour" - does that mean that the hour indicator of the clock changes by 1 no matter the duration? or the time 3600s later, accounting for dst, leap seconds etc.?
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<eam> until the next bit of legislation, presuming you don't need to tell adjusted time further out than whenever the next law is passed )
<eam> :)
<apeiros> and the silly thought some people harbor that "months" is a duration unit. it's not. it's an interval.
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<Ox0dea> >> -> x {}::[] rescue $!
<eam> but time itself has scaling issues, what with its dependence on the velocity of the earth
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)> (https://eval.in/457299)
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<Ox0dea> eam: Do you know where to put the missing argument there?
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<Ox0dea> It looks like it's permitting two separate calls to #call.
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<Ox0dea> That is, two separate calls in the same "sequence point", for lack of a better term.
<eam> no clue
<Ox0dea> Be that way.
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<eam> >> z = -> x {}; z::[] rescue $!
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<ruboto> eam # => #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)> (https://eval.in/457300)
<eam> what exactly is ::[]
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<drbrain> .call
<Ox0dea> Oh, I only pestered you because I recalled you being intimately familiar with Ruby's wonkiness in this area. :< My bad.
<drbrain> Ox0dea: you put it after []
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<Ox0dea> drbrain: Not inside?
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<drbrain> apparently?
<drbrain> I get a SyntaxError if I put it inside []
<drbrain> but I'm still not sure if I'm reading this correctly
<apeiros> Ox0dea: you defined the proc to take an arg
<apeiros> and since it's a lambda, it wants that arg
<Ox0dea> >> ->x{x}::[]42 # Holy shit.
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 42 (https://eval.in/457301)
<eam> amazing
<apeiros> `-> x {}` # <- x is the arg
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<apeiros> and :: is the same as .
<Ox0dea> Okay, yes, I see it now.
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<apeiros> i.e., foo[a,b] -> foo.[](a,b) -> foo::[](a,b)
<Ox0dea> I was conflating `.()` with `[]` for some reason..
<drbrain> apeiros: the weird part is that ::[42] gives SyntaxError
<apeiros> drbrain: because you call the method by name, not in the sugared form
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<drbrain> ah
<drbrain> right
<apeiros> >> ary = [1,2,3]; ary.[](0,1)
<ruboto> apeiros # => [1] (https://eval.in/457302)
<eam> >> ->_{_}::[]->_{_}::[]->_{_}::[]->_{_}::[]->_{_}::[]42
<Ox0dea> Yep, all squared.
<ruboto> eam # => 42 (https://eval.in/457303)
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<Ox0dea> This language, honestly.
<drbrain> because of the :: (.)
<drbrain> syntax so complex it looks simple
<apeiros> heh, yeah
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<apeiros> whitequark had a story to tell in that regard
<apeiros> so sad he left ruby :(
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<Ox0dea> drbrain: Sure, I knew about :: being an alternate method invocation operator.
<Ox0dea> That `proc.(foo)` is another way to say `proc.call(foo)` is what cluttered my thinking.
<banister> apeiros what language is whitequark using now?
<apeiros> banister: no idea. that guy moves so fast :D
<banister> apeiros how do you know he left? curious
<apeiros> Ox0dea: ah well, .() != .[] :)
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<Ox0dea> Indeed not.
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<drbrain> Ox0dea: me too
<apeiros> banister: he's not in #ruby anymore. iirc he said something in that direction. I don't think he completely left it. but it's only a small side thing for him as far as I understood.
<apeiros> but in case of proc, .() == .[]()
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<apeiros> hm, actually [*args] and .[](*args) are not equivalent. former can't take a block. latter can.
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* Ox0dea has been nerd-sniped.
<Ox0dea> There probably aren't any good reasons to pass a block to Fixnum#+, though.
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: nerd-sniped?
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<Ox0dea> !xkcd 356
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<shevy> Ox0dea is no longer communicating with us earthly people
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<shevy> he is talking in code and instructions!
<shevy> here is the xkcd link: https://xkcd.com/356/
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<Ox0dea> It's all instructions at the bottom.
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<shevy> physicists are geeks
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<Eiam_> hmm, I have an array of true & false values. I want to check if any value in the array is true. I could do [true,false,false].include?(true) . I could also do a set like [true,false] & [true]. However, since I want to drop that into an if, the second could return [] which would be true, which isn't what I'd like. It feels like I should be able to have .any? do this for me, but it requires a write a block which seems silly to say [true,false,false].any?{
<Eiam_> |x| x}
<Eiam_> am I missing some more obvious way to do this ?
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<workmad3_> Eiam_: ary.any?
<workmad3_> >> [false, true, true].any?
<ruboto> workmad3_ # => true (https://eval.in/457308)
<Eiam_> wat
<workmad3_> >> [false, false, false].any?
<Eiam_> how didi miss it can do that
<ruboto> workmad3_ # => false (https://eval.in/457309)
<Eiam_> (im staring at the documentation too)
<Eiam_> lawl
<Eiam_> Ruby adds an implicit block of {|obj| obj} (that is any? will return true if at least one of the collection members is not false or nil.
* Eiam_ facepalsm
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<ja> :D
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<Eiam_> okay well at least I feel better that its just implicitly doing what I already thought it
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<Ox0dea> Eiam_: You indicated that you're looking for an explicit `true`, though.
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<Eiam_> Ox0dea: it should still evaluate in the if though
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<Ox0dea> Eiam_: I'm not sure I follow.
<Eiam_> >> [false,false,true].any? ? true : false
<ruboto> Eiam_ # => true (https://eval.in/457310)
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<Ox0dea> >> [1,2,3].any? # Eiam_
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => true (https://eval.in/457311)
<Eiam_> oh, thats right. yeah that would be bad
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<Eiam_> Ox0dea: probably just saved me from an annoying bug in the future =)
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<Ox0dea> Might well have done. :P
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<Eiam_> hrm
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<Ox0dea> Eiam_: If you're sure you need explicit `true` and `false` values, then your original intuition was correct.
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<ruby-lang993> Hi all, I have a simple query: What is the best way to check if an Input == String/Integer class?
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<centrx> ruby-lang993, my_input.is_a?(String)
<ruby-lang993> for ex: If input != String, puts "Not a string!"
<ruby-lang993> centrx, thanks!
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<Ox0dea> ruby-lang993: Be advised that #is_a? observes inheritance.
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<Ox0dea> >> class Foo < String; end; Foo.new.is_a?(String)
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => true (https://eval.in/457314)
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<havenwood> >> class Foo < String; end; Foo.new.instance_of?(String)
<ruboto> havenwood # => false (https://eval.in/457315)
<apeiros> Ox0dea: lol @ nerd snipe xkcd
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<Ox0dea> apeiros: It's one of the better ones. I never did figure out how many points for linguists, though.
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: I think randall is quite approachable. ask him :D
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<CooloutAC> hello all, how do I put spaces in a symbol?
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<Ox0dea> >> :'like this' # CooloutAC
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => :"like this" (https://eval.in/457316)
<CooloutAC> tks
<Ox0dea> yrwk
<Ox0dea> Or whatever.
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<CooloutAC> hmm i'm trying to do 'The harder they come': 5 telling me syntax error
<CooloutAC> oh
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<CooloutAC> i put colon in front telling me same thing
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<havenwood> >> {'a space': true}
<ruboto> havenwood # => {:"a space"=>true} (https://eval.in/457317)
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<Ox0dea> >> RUBY_VERSION # CooloutAC
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "2.2.0" (https://eval.in/457318)
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<havenwood> 21>> {:"a space" => true}
<ruboto> havenwood # => {:"a space"=>true} (https://eval.in/457319)
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<havenwood> In Ruby 2.1 you can do it thusly ^.
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<havenwood> CooloutAC: You're going to give those Symbols a stomach ache putting spaces in them.
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<linocisco> hi all
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<CooloutAC> ok ya i had to add the rocket
<havenwood> linocisco: hi
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<linocisco> i am not going to request for debate. I would honestly like to know what is pros and cons of Ruby compared to other languages as newbie
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<Ox0dea> linocisco: You had the same question almost a year ago. :<
<shevy> damn you have a good memory Ox0dea
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<Ox0dea> The Internet's is even better.
<havenwood> linocisco: have any particular languages in mind to compare it to?
<linocisco> Ox0dea, 128 SSD RAM ?
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<linocisco> havenwood, php, python , perl and java
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<shevy> ruby is very terse
<shevy> ruby is slower than java
<havenwood> linocisco: etc
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<eam> ruby has a warmer mouthfeel, perl has fruity overtones and php pairs well with dog turds
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<shevy> lol
<oddjob> hey all. question. How can I check if a return has two strings, but only check if both strings exist? Example. foobar.include? "apple" && "orange" - My issue is sometimes apple or orange wont exist, so it will return true
<linocisco> shevy, if slower, why should we use? sorry for idiot question
<shevy> linocisco if speed matters, use C not java
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<jhass> oddjob: "a return"?
<shevy> if it does not, why bother with details that are irrelevant to solve any given problem
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<bootstep> Hi, is there a way in ruby to parse a date time string without a timezone into a datetime with a specified timezone, autodetecting DST?
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<oddjob> jhass: sorry. the "return" is from a command that is executed and processed. I was still speaking in my own terms, not ruby ;(
<Dairenn> eam: Hah
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<jhass> oddjob: so what's the ruby term?
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<ruby-lang186> can you modify a class @hash value in a class method? for some reason im having trouble...
<jhass> ?code ruby-lang186
<ruboto> ruby-lang186, We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
<oddjob> jhass: its just a function that is returning a long string
<jhass> oddjob: foo.include?("apple") && foo.include?("orange")
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<oddjob> jhass: oh, thats it? I just have to use the include on both sides?
<jhass> sure
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<oddjob> jhass: .include? "foo" && "bar" that would only work if I knew they would always both exist?
<bootstep> ie. I want something like DateTime.parse "2015-08-1 10:00", "Europe/Rome" to result into "2015-08-1 10:00 CEST" and DateTime.parse "2015-12-25 10:00", "Europe/Rome" to result into "2015-12-25 10:00 CET"
<bootstep> Is this possible?
<oddjob> jhass: otherwise .include? "foo" && .include? "bar" ?
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<jhass> oddjob: that's the same as .include?("foo" && "bar"). ("foo" && "bar") will always evaluate to "bar", thus it's the same as .include?("bar")
<ruby-lang186> not sure why its so spaced out
<oddjob> jhass: thank you very much
<jhass> ruby-lang186: because you use tabs instead of spaces for indentation
<Ox0dea> ruby-lang186: Because you're using hard tabs and should stop.
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<jhass> ruby-lang186: @items[key] = 1
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<jhass> ruby-lang186: or just @items[item] = 1 in fact
<ruby-lang186> oh
<ruby-lang186> thanks
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<jfk> Can somone explain how tests are automatically run by sublassing Test::Unit::TestCase?
<linocisco> havenwood, shevy what is ruby specifically used for ?
<havenwood> linocisco: programming
<havenwood> linocisco: making programmers happy while programming
<jhass> jfk: it probably keeps track via the inherited hook
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<ruby-lang186> can you work with booleans within a hash?
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<jfk> jhass: So it uses reflection?
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<jhass> kinda, that term is somewhat uncommon in the Ruby community. Most would call it metaprogramming I guess
<jhass> ruby-lang186: sure
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<jhass> ruby-lang186: a hash can have any ruby object as keys and values, including other hashes
<ruby-lang186> jhass, is the syntax diff?
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<ruby-lang186> o really?
<jhass> nope
<jhass> really
<ruby-lang186> so i can call a method as a value?
<jhass> a method on its own is not a ruby object, but there's a ruby object representing one and you could use that
<jhass> though you're better off with a proc or a lambda
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<ruby-lang186> ok thx
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<jorb> anyone an help me figure out why github-markup gem isn't working?
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<jhass> ?ask
<ruboto> Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question, and if anybody can help, they will likely try to do so.
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<Ox0dea> >> {BasicObject.new => 42} # jhass
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => undefined method `hash' for #<BasicObject:0x40ee81b8> (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457327)
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<jfk> jhass: It can't use the inherited hook because the inherited hook is run before the instance methods get defined. I just realized this.
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<jorb> my github-markup always fails like so.. http://pastebin.com/raw?i=Y4J0LfPH
<ruboto> jorb, we in #ruby do not like pastebin.com, it loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting. Please use https://gist.github.com
<jorb> ok robot.. that was what raw dows
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<jorb> does
<jorb> yes i'm talking to a bot
<jhass> jfk: it can remember the class and get the instance methods only just before it's time to run
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<apeiros> jorb: you need to install an actual markup parsing gem. like redcarpet, maruku, rdiscount or whatver github-markup accepts.
<apeiros> probably documented
<jhass> apeiros: see my link
<apeiros> jhass: oh, for some reason I thought you were still responding to jfk
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<jorb> def though i installed that but apparently not
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<jfk> Ox0dea: What does at_exit do?
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<Ox0dea> jfk: It registers a block to run before the program terminates.
<jfk> Ox0dea: Does it have to be inside the class?
<Ox0dea> jfk: No, #at_exit is a Kernel method.
<jfk> Ox0dea: Oh...okay...
<Ox0dea> jfk: By which I mean it's available from virtually anywhere.
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<jfk> Ox0dea: yeah.
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<Ox0dea> But why not take advantage of the fact that you've got the class variable in scope?
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<Ox0dea> There's #class_variable_get if you want to put it elsewhere, but I can't think of a particularly good reason to do so.
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<jorb> apeiros:thx
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<jorb> also needed to install ruby-dev
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<jorb> must have been in a hurry last time i needed this ....
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<jfk> Ox0dea: This could be one way to run the methods: https://eval.in/457330
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<Ox0dea> jfk: That works, but are you sure it's what you're wanting to do?
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<Ox0dea> `@@klass` will only be the most recent subclass when the exit handler runs.
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<jfk> Ox0dea: Yeah. I'm not sure. I just wanted to see how methods could potentially be run automatically. This seems to be one way...
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<Ox0dea> jfk: It's how virtually all of the unit testing libraries do their thing, at any rate.
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<dnomyar> retry
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<Ox0dea> __goto__
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<agent_white> Any list of a few ruby gems that I should checkout for learning 'proper' layout of a gem? I've just seen many do things different ways... /lib/gemname.rb files only having "'requires'" inside, other doing something different... blahblahblah. Just looking for a few gems to mimick for good gem structure :)
<apeiros> agent_white: none. use guides.rubygems.org
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<apeiros> as for good gem structure - care about the result. my paradigm is that any individual require will require all its dependencies on its own. i.e. require 'foo/bar' will always mean you can use all of Foo::Bar without an additional require.
<agent_white> apeiros: Thank you :) I've followed that but it doesn't go as 'into it' as I'm aiming.
<agent_white> apeiros: Ahhh okey doke!
<apeiros> s/gem structure/require structure/
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<apeiros> since autoloading is now threadsafe and no longer on the deprecation list, I also started experimenting with top levels autoloading sublevels. but mostly for things where it'd actually be costly to pre-require.
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<agent_white> apeiros: Crap. Restarted my window manager and lost the chat. WOuld you mind re-pasting what you just said?
<apeiros> autoloading limits exploration quite a bit. stuff only appears once it's used.
<apeiros> irclog ;-p
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<agent_white> apeiros: Ahhh I hope I got it going with irssi... shame on me if not. :P
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<agent_white> apeiros: Yeah I'm just noticing that my code for this IRC bot... is not good. I'm passing instances to modules and it's ugly looking. Thinking my whole structure needs to be fixed (starting with not 'requiring' mixins and figuring where to 'include' instead?) -- Probably makes no sense, I'm terrible at explaining things. https://github.com/jakenotjacob/vapebot -- Here's my code if you care to peek.
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<agent_white> I just know that the fact I have to pass the 'primary' class instance to each module shows I'm doing things VERY wrong.
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<jhass> ?logs
<ruboto> You can find a log of this channel at http://irclog.whitequark.org/ruby/
<apeiros> agent_white: in vapebot.rb, I'd define the module Vapebot and use it as the home of the docs of that module.
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<apeiros> agent_white: `#!/usr/bin/env ruby` only belongs into executables. not in any file in your lib.
<agent_white> apeiros: Ah ok! So I'd only need to require the 'main class' in that file? And okey doke! I was wondering about that...
<agent_white> require "vapebot/bot"; module Vapebot; def self.run; Vapebot::Bot.run; end; end;
<apeiros> agent_white: as an example of how I do it: https://github.com/jakenotjacob/vapebot/blob/master/lib/vapebot/connection.rb uses IRC::Server and IRC::Channel, so it should require those.
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<apeiros> agent_white: with my old style I'd have all the requires you currently have in vapebot.rb too. with my new style I'd use autoloading. I'm not sure yet whether I like that.
<agent_white> apeiros: Ah alrighty :) Yeah I have no preference at all... just was trying to figure out the best way to do it, dove into a buncha github projects and found a few that did it this way so I followed.
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<agent_white> apeiros: Awesome! Just what I was loooking for. I appreciate the help :))
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<agent_white> Also, on that note... this project is basically to make a factoid bot for a channel. Have some authorized users who can add factoids, and mask factoids usable for authorized users(prolly one group, 'admin' or whatnot)/everyone else. Would SQlite even be overkill since there's not too many relations involved?
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<agent_white> I was aiming towards just using `sdbm` since it's built-into ruby, and a simple key-value lookup seems like it's suffice...
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<g105b> Can someone help a newbie Ruby dev build a project (trix)? I'm running Ubuntu 15.10, and following the commands (https://github.com/basecamp/trix#building-from-source) I get an issue with the `bundle install` command: https://gist.github.com/g105b/054e917e791b8b64bed3
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<apeiros> agent_white: sqlite is barely ever overkill
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<agent_white> apeiros: That's what I was balancing... I know, as it's namesake says, it's VERY lightweight. But just was unsure if relations were even needed... hell I could store it in a text file I spose ;P Just wasn't sure the 'best fit'
<apeiros> best fit is what takes the least effort.
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<apeiros> it's not bad if it's not actually a good choice. it helps encountering issues with least-effort solutions. helps you with your choices in the future.
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<agent_white> Good deal :) I'll tinker a bit more with the sqlite gem. Just was turned off by having to use SQL queries directly.
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<apeiros> oh with sqlite, I'd use at least sequel (not necessarily the orm)
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<agent_white> So far I've just used sql directly... not fun :P That's why I was looking into using sdbm instead.
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<ytti> darfk, use sequel, it's greeeeat
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<agent_white> ytti: /me sips coffee
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<New_to_Ruby> Hello
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<jhass> hi
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<New_to_Ruby> How are you <jhass>?
<jhass> no need for smalltalk ;)
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<crime> shoot, I hear smalltalk made quite the influence on ruby
<adaedra> No need for <> either.
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<adaedra> crime: nice.
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<crime> ;)
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<apeiros> crime: #ruby-offtopic is the smalltalk channel. though I guess there's #smalltalk too. but no idea whether you can have smalltalk there…
<crime> i was just trying to be punny for a moment
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<New_to_Ruby> Sorry. I'm starting my 2nd week of teaching myself Ruby and have a question. Is it possible to add variables if I used $stdin.gets.chomp.to_i to get the input? The code I have treats them like strings.
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<crime> New_to_Ruby: you could do like: while line = @stdin.gets.chomp.to_i puts line end
<crime> but .to_i should convert those strings into integers already
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<New_to_Ruby> That's what I thought, crime. When I puts " You gave me #{x} and #{y}. Together they equal #{x + y}." it isn't adding the user inputs.
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<New_to_Ruby> So "Give me a number"
<New_to_Ruby> number = $stdin.gets.chomp.to_i
<jhass> ?code
<ruboto> We can't help you without your code, please post it to https://gist.github.com
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<crime> could you paste your code on pastebin or something and show me?
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<New_to_Ruby> Ha
<New_to_Ruby> yeah
<New_to_Ruby> sorry
<crime> or github or wherever
<New_to_Ruby> un momento
<crime> yeah np, itd just be easier to see it
<agent_white> apeiros: Oh woops, misread your response. So you would recommend sqlite at least?
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<apeiros> agent_white: I would recommend using sequel if you use sqlite.
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<apeiros> sequel is a database adapter
<ruby-lang993> New_to_Ruby, you can also use rubyfiddle.com for small-scale code, I use it a lot
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<agent_white> apeiros: Oh!!! Thought you were sounding it out haha. I'll look into it, thank you! Prior to that though, was it a 'decent' idea to checkout a key-val store like sdbm? Or was I aiming for trouble?
<crime> repl.it is really cool, similar functionality
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<shevy> takes quite a while for me to load up repl.it compared to e. g. gist or pastie
<apeiros> agent_white: as said, go for least effort.
<apeiros> if you think sdbm will be less effort than sqlite, then go for it. try it.
<apeiros> you can always "go bigger"
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<agent_white> apeiros: Alrighty :) No rush for this project anyways. Just for learning purposes. Maybe I'll try each just to see.
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: https://eval.in/457377
<apeiros> agent_white: there's also pstore in stdlib which might be simple.
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Your code is correct; you just need to be practicing in a better environment.
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<agent_white> apeiros: I did glance into that... but forgot to go back. Thanks for the reminder :) That might be better than sdbm.
<New_to_Ruby> I see. I am using Notepad++ and cmd. Which environment do you suggest?
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Anything that doesn't tell you your code is wrong when it isn't?
<apeiros> agent_white: I have no idea which is better :)
<crime> New_to_Ruby: what do you get when you run that code wherever you are?
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<crime> and when you are putting in the input you are just typing the number and not the number in quotes, right?
<Ox0dea> agent_white: Hash + Marshal = the simplest thing that could possibly work.
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<crime> redis + msgpack isnt terrible either, but thats just me
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<New_to_Ruby> Before if I inputted 1 and 2, it would say the total is 12. But now it is giving me the correct answer. I have no idea what changed.
<crime> thats string then
<crime> "1" + "2" is "12"
<New_to_Ruby> Because I was getting 12, that lead me to believe I hadn't correctly converted to integer. And no, I was not using "", crime.
<crime> huh
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: You don't know which method you used to convert your input strings to numbers?
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<shevy> he writes magic code!
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Do you have something with which to hit yourself
<Ox0dea> +?
<shevy> haha
<shevy> take a cat
<New_to_Ruby> There are a few empty beer bottles to my left.
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Grab one.
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<New_to_Ruby> Done
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<shevy> here is the problem - no beer
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: You have committed the cardinal sin of posting an image of text. Do you know what you must do?
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<crime> block out the haters?
<New_to_Ruby> Did I mention I started a week ago?
<apeiros> repent and repost
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<apeiros> (as text, oc)
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: In all seriousness, you weren't converting your strings when you got "12", and you were when you got 3; what changed?
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<ruby-lang993> New_to_ruby, post your code from your text editor to Rubyfiddle so we can see you changed in your code
<ruby-lang993> posting the outputs from powershell doesnt show what you changed in your code
<shevy> oh dear
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<New_to_Ruby> You see, here's the thing. I kind of updated and saved in the editor before pasting it in fiddler. I couldn't tell you what changed. So, new guy mistake. Lesson learned.
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: I'm asking you to retroactively solve the mystery.
<ruby-lang993> Crtl + Z?
<New_to_Ruby> Okay
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<New_to_Ruby> Holy canoli. I didn't think the editor would go back that far.
<crime> the power of ropes
<New_to_Ruby> I definitely did not convert the strings to integers
<crime> aha!
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: But then you did, right?
<crime> we've all done it before
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<New_to_Ruby> I did, 0x0dea.
<ruby-lang993> Tune in next week to see how Sherlock solves his next mystery of string interpolation
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: How did you do it?
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<crime> Ox0dea has got that socratic method down so tight
<New_to_Ruby> But then I tried defining a method called input because typing $stdin.gets.chomp.to_i for each variable was a pain. That didn't work. http://rubyfiddle.com/riddles/f26ac/2
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Once again, your code is fine: https://eval.in/457379
<New_to_Ruby> brb switching environments
<Ox0dea> Right?
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<New_to_Ruby> Imagine how much quicker I could progress if the editor wasn't giving me crap. I've probably spent a 1/3 of my time on issues that weren't issues.
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<crime> i use nano and rubocop and irb and thats it. it CAN be done
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<New_to_Ruby> I started with vim, which I loved. Is Komodo reliable?
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<ruby-lang993> https://c9.io, I use this to practice, Cloud IDE
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<ruby-lang993> since i can't install an IDE at my work computer
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<New_to_Ruby> That cloud ide looks cool. I'll give that a try.
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<New_to_Ruby> Thus far I've tried Sublime, vim, and notepad++.
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<crime> if you like vim and can use it easily, that's a good choice
<crime> lots of plugins and advanced functionality
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<crime> but ultimately its about comfort
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<agent_white> I got pink dsa/pbt keycaps last week for my keyboard :) Very comfy.
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<New_to_Ruby> Maybe you can clear something up for me. What's a better way of doing this? https://eval.in/457382
<shevy> New_to_Ruby you are asking for user input 3 times
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<shevy> you don't use any methods
<karapetyan> simples way convert integer to array? each digit to separate element of array?
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<karapetyan> arr.to_s.split(//)?
<crime> >> 456.to_s.split('')
<ruboto> crime # => ["4", "5", "6"] (https://eval.in/457383)
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<karapetyan> oh sorrt 5251.to_s.split(//)
<karapetyan> ok
<karapetyan> thanks
<karapetyan> thanks
<crime> and then if you need each number as a number, just do .to_i on each one
<crime> yeah np
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<crime> oh, you could also do 456.to_s.chars
<momomomomo> or just divide by 10, that's the leftover, then mod the original by 10 and that's the last number
<crime> >> 456.to_s.chars
<ruboto> crime # => ["4", "5", "6"] (https://eval.in/457384)
<momomomomo> >> i = 456 / 10; j = 456 %10; puts "i: #{i}; j: #{j}"
<ruboto> momomomomo # => i: 45; j: 6 ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457386)
<crime> oo yeah, thats cool too
<momomomomo> do this recursively, and your'e done
<crime> where'd ya learn that?
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<momomomomo> a programming abstractions class or something
<crime> thats cool, that seems like something one of those old school programmers would come up with'
<Ox0dea> > #gets looks to argv for variables.
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: I am genuinely interested in how you came to believe something like that.
<momomomomo> crime: but yeah, to_s and to i is much easier just to get it done :P
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<New_to_Ruby> Believe something like what? 0x0dea
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<riceandbeans> I have an array that I want to turn into a comma delimited string, but I don't want quotes inside, how would I do that?
<crime> i suppose
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: That #gets has anything to do with ARGV.
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<Ox0dea> >> %w[foo bar baz].join(',') # riceandbeans
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "foo,bar,baz" (https://eval.in/457387)
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: I suspect you are being taught Ruby by somebody who hates Ruby. :P
<New_to_Ruby> Oh. When I originally tried to run the code I didn't have the argv.clear and was recieving a message stating 'gets' was an undefined method. I Googled the message and found someone on stackoverflow who said gets looked at argv before user input.
<riceandbeans> I have like ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].map(&:inspect).join(',')
<Ox0dea> riceandbeans: Why?
<apeiros> New_to_Ruby: gets is actually ARGF.gets. you probably want to explicitly use $stdin.gets
<riceandbeans> but it's coming out as 'foo','bar','baz'
<riceandbeans> I want 'foo,bar,baz'
<New_to_Ruby> I originally went through Code Academy, then read Why's_, and am now going through Learn Ruby the hard way. 0x0dea.
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<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: I'm going to cry.
<momomomomo> >> ['"hello"', '"there"', "123"].reduce([]) { |ary, elem| ary << elem.gsub(/[\"\']/, ''); ary }
<ruboto> momomomomo # => ["hello", "there", "123"] (https://eval.in/457388)
<riceandbeans> Ox0dea: I saw it on stackoverflow
<New_to_Ruby> lol
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<ruby-lang993> Dont do LRTHW, its essentially a line by line translation of Learn Python the Hard Way
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<momomomomo> >> ['"hello"', '"there"', "123"].reduce("") { |str, elem| str += elem.gsub(/[\"\']/, ''); ary }
<ruboto> momomomomo # => undefined local variable or method `ary' for main:Object (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457389)
<riceandbeans> if I have no clue, that's my first place to search
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<Ox0dea> Ruby really is the new PHP.
<momomomomo> >> ['"hello"', '"there"', "123"].reduce("") { |str, elem| str += "," + elem.gsub(/[\"\']/, ''); str }
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<ruboto> momomomomo # => ",hello,there,123" (https://eval.in/457390)
<Ox0dea> momomomomo: Stop?
<momomomomo> ah shieze, leading ","
<New_to_Ruby> Outside of googling error messages, you are the first people I've come to with questions.
<danneu> riceandbeans: consider just using a csv serializer
<Ox0dea> The problem is that riceandbeans is invoking #inspect for no apparently good reason.
<danneu> classic mistake: 'csv is easy, i'll just write my own serializer'
<danneu> ^ look for the meta joke
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<apeiros> Ox0dea: if ruby is the new php, and the new ruby will be as much more polished as ruby is more polished than php, then I won't complain about that :D
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<adaedra> I've got a very good serializer: File.open('/dev/null', 'w')
<apeiros> adaedra: isn't that a lossy compressor?
<riceandbeans> I don't understand what inspect is
<apeiros> the compression rate is awesome, though
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<riceandbeans> so I don't understand why I'm using it incorrectly
<adaedra> apeiros: who cares, it's webscale!
<agent_white> riceandbeans: A wat... ["foo", "bar"].join(",")
<agent_white> Is that what you want?
<Ox0dea> >> ['foo'.length, 'foo'.inspect.length] # riceandbeans: Why the difference?
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [3, 5] (https://eval.in/457391)
<New_to_Ruby> So, 0x0dea. What would you suggest I use to learn Ruby?
<Ox0dea> agent_white: Yes.
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Get a proper environment and do the Koans.
<danneu> riceandbeans: inspect was actually a good strategy. i recommend your original solution so that you can assume each csv column is wrapped in '"'
<danneu> inspect escapes inner quotes for you
<adaedra> I was confused for a second: "But, CSVs are with ;", then I remembered.
<agent_white> riceandbeans: Think smaller. You have an array of strings, you wanna join them together with a comma. Thus, the above.
<Ox0dea> danneu: riceandbeans specifically mentioned their desire not to have quoted strings in the result.
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<danneu> fun times with CSV
<New_to_Ruby> I will do that. Seriously, thanks people. It's been a humbling, terrifying experience coming here.
<New_to_Ruby> I'm going to go and spend some time with KOANS.
<Ox0dea> danneu: The customer is always right, especially when they don't know how wrong they are.
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: Honest question: why all caps there?
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<crime> New_to_Ruby: we are always willing to help someone willing to learn
<riceandbeans> so I should take out the inspect and just do .join?
<Ox0dea> ?try riceandbeans
<ruboto> riceandbeans, Why don't you try it and see for yourself?
<danneu> riceandbeans: what is the end goal here?
<Ox0dea> danneu: Chaos.
<agent_white> riceandbeans: I answered you already above, too.
<danneu> i recommend array.join(',') if you're not the one that ever has to parse it
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<Ox0dea> >> [1, 2, 3] * ?+
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "1+2+3" (https://eval.in/457392)
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<Ox0dea> That's my recommendation.
<crime> did Zed write LRTHW before or after the Rails-ghetto debacle?
<agent_white> Ox0dea: Ooo! That's fancy :) I like it.
<riceandbeans> >> ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'].join(',')
<ruboto> riceandbeans # => "foo,bar,baz" (https://eval.in/457393)
<apeiros> riceandbeans: I'm somewhat amazed at "I came up with foo.map(&:inspect)" combined with "I don't know what inspect is" - how did you think of using inspect in the first place then, not knowing what it is? o0
<New_to_Ruby> 0x0dea I visited the Koans site and before typing that message the last thing I saw was "WITH THE NEO RUBY KOANS".
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<ruby-lang993> New_to_ruby, also visit codewars
<Ox0dea> New_to_Ruby: But it's not in all caps...
<New_to_Ruby> Thanks, crime. I may be back after spending a few days with Koans.
<ruby-lang993> its like game version of giving programming challenges you can practice
<riceandbeans> apeiros: I said, I had no idea, thus I googled 'stackoverflow ruby convert array to comma delimited string'
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<New_to_Ruby> 0x0dea It was in all caps in one place on their site, which is what I saw. So that's how I typed it.
<apeiros> oh, copypasta. I see.
<crime> New_to_Ruby: I'm sure I speak for the whole channel when I saw you are welcome anytime, the koans are a lot of fun too if you keep your head up
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<Ox0dea> /part #php
<riceandbeans> apeiros: when has copypasta ever failed before? :P
* agent_white puts channel on slow-mo
<apeiros> riceandbeans: every time?
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<riceandbeans> when I have no idea, I always check stackoverflow first
<ruby-lang993> you can practice Ruby and gain "honor points" for prestige
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<ruby-lang993> imo, its actually pretty addicting
<apeiros> riceandbeans: that's a good idea. but mindlessly copying a solution from there not so much.
<crime> I'm gonna start on codewars I think, looks fun
<ruby-lang993> very fun, crime
<riceandbeans> apeiros: well I didn't completely mindlessly do it
<Ox0dea> >> ['foo'.length, 'foo'.inspect.length] # riceandbeans: Why the difference?
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [3, 5] (https://eval.in/457394)
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<danneu> >> ['foo', 'bar,baz', 'qux'].join(',')
<ruboto> danneu # => "foo,bar,baz,qux" (https://eval.in/457395)
<riceandbeans> apeiros: I actually read the core lib for the inspect function and map funciton
<riceandbeans> I still didn't understand though
<danneu> >> ['foo', 'bar,baz', 'qux'].map(&:inspect).join(',')
<ruboto> danneu # => "\"foo\",\"bar,baz\",\"qux\"" (https://eval.in/457396)
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<ruby-lang993> You can choose to view the solutions to a problem anytime, but the site shames you and makes you forfeit honor, so you feel extra motivated to solve the problem of your own accord
<danneu> riceandbeans: look at the two examples to see why .inspect was used
<banister> >> a = []; a.push(a); a.flatten.count
<ruboto> banister # => tried to flatten recursive array (ArgumentError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457397)
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<Ox0dea> >> (a = []) << a; a[0][0][0] == a
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => true (https://eval.in/457398)
<crime> Enlist as a Sign Up button is genius
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<ruby-lang993> crime
<Ox0dea> punishment
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<crime> yo
<adaedra> ga
<ruby-lang993> www.codewars.com/r/jXq9dQ, can you sign up with this link?
<ruby-lang993> This is my referral link, so I get honor for inviting people, serious business
<danneu> anyone buying anything from amazon soon? got some special links for you, too
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<crime> oh
<crime> uh
<crime> i already signed up
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<Ox0dea> Shucks.
<crime> sorry i didnt know
<crime> i would have if I had known that, honest
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<crime> danneu: you dont jet.com yet?
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<danneu> livin abroad
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<adaedra> “Looks like you're outside of the US” – Racism.
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<crime> man itd really be nice to have an irb session docked into the window on codewars
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<danneu> reminds me of that website that got recently hacked because they acidentally pushed that debugger-repl-on-error-page business to production
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<shevy> noobs
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<danneu> riceandbeans: consider sidestepping csv nonsense altogether and use json, if possible
<Ox0dea> danneu: Did you mean YAML?
<apeiros> did you mean xml?
<danneu> i meant EDN
<apeiros> BER?
<Ox0dea> EDN is quite nice.
* apeiros googles edn
<havenwood> apeiros: Clojure
<danneu> it's Rich Hickey's serialization
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<danneu> he just happened to write an eval fn for it they call clojure
<shevy> cool one more format
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<havenwood> apeiros: that's the one
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<apeiros> \uNNNN - so no 4byte unicode
<crime> s expressions is really the only way though
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<shevy> good(old(lisp
<miah> why not EBNF?
<Ox0dea> crime: You're not wrong, but we needn't use () as the only delimiters.
<crime> ))
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<crime> shevy dont
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<crime> that unevenness will stick with you forever
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<Ox0dea> shevy didn't even wrap it.
<ruby-lang996> can someone help me figure out why this isnt working properly?
<crime> I have a file that contains lines upon lines of )))))s to balance me out
<crime> i look at it now and then when i feel bad
<danneu> ruby-lang996: line43?
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<momomomomo> ruby-lang993: !ask
<jhass> ?ask ruby-lang993
<ruboto> ruby-lang993, Don't ask to ask. Just ask your question, and if anybody can help, they will likely try to do so.
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<danneu> yall got the wrong ruby-lang
<jhass> er, 96
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<jhass> ruby-lang, get a proper /nick!
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<danneu> i think it's a nonce that's inc'd every Q they ask
<momomomomo> oh this is #ruby
<ruby-lang996> danneu: just a typo in the gist file. thats not the issue
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<momomomomo> what's the 'to get good answers' command jhass
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<slash_nick> /nick?
<jhass> momomomomo: ?answers
<momomomomo> ruby-lang996: ?answers
<Ox0dea> >> 1 == "1" # ruby-lang996
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => false (https://eval.in/457400)
<momomomomo> fix your bot
<momomomomo> ?answers
<ruboto> How to ask the right questions to get you the right answer: https://www.mikeash.com/getting_answers.html
<momomomomo> see that ruby-lang996 .mn .mn
<jhass> momomomomo: recognize patterns?
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<ruby-lang996> ?answers
<ruboto> How to ask the right questions to get you the right answer: https://www.mikeash.com/getting_answers.html
<momomomomo> read that
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<crime> so I'm doing codewars now and stuck on my first puzzle, that last word is somehow not getting changed: https://eval.in/457401
<crime> no clue why
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<ruby-lang996> whats ?answers?
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<adaedra> ruby-lang996: read what ruboto said.
<crime> its an article about asking questions
<crime> ruboto has commands for links that get posted alot
<crime> ?experiment
<ruboto> Please use your local irb or pry (see ?pry) to experiment, ruboto's eval functionality is for demonstration purposes only.
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<adaedra> ?botsnack
<ruboto> nomnomnomnom
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<crime> ?skynet
<ruboto> I don't know anything about skynet
<crime> good
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<apeiros> it's pretending.
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<danneu> ruby-lang996: try gets.chomp.to_i
<crime> ?prime_directive
<ruboto> I don't know anything about prime_directive
<apeiros> don't trust it
<crime> concerning
<crime> ?three_laws
<ruboto> I don't know anything about three_laws
<miah> do you think bots involved with skynet would just tell you that kind of information?
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<`derpy> No evil bot plotting in this channel. Nuh-huh.
<ruby-lang996> danneu: that was it. thanks
<momomomomo> >> puts ENV['HOME']
<ruboto> momomomomo # => /tmp/execpad-222aec541742 ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457402)
<danneu> ruby-lang996: credit to Ox0dea
<apeiros> I actually enjoyed how asimov dissected the three laws in his later books.
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<Ox0dea> >> 'Tomorrow is going to be raining'.gsub(/[aeiou]/i) { $~.begin(0) + 1 } # crime
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => "T2m4rr7w 10s g1415ng t20 b23 r2627n29ng" (https://eval.in/457403)
<Ox0dea> But please ignore me.
<apeiros> particularly funny was the one where the robots evaluated what constituted to be human, and concluded that by all going definitions, they were human.
<crime> ugh
<crime> i like the perliness
<Ox0dea> Me too. <3
<crime> but i dont like that I didnt think of that
<Ox0dea> Me neither. :(
<jhass> crime: you insert more than single letters, so the indexes of your target shift
<Ox0dea> jhass: Mutable strings are bad, you say?
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<crime> oh
<apeiros> mutable strings are love, mutable strings are life.
<jhass> Ox0dea: maybe, didn't fully make up my mind yet
<adaedra> yay for mutability?
<Ox0dea> It's a hard problem.
<crime> so should I work from the back then?
<jhass> immutable strings are slow
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<jhass> crime: or build a target array to join
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<crime> i feel stupid doing these problems
<crime> but i guess thats the point
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<jhass> >> 'Tomorrow is going to be raining'.each_char.map.with_index {|c, i| "aeiou".include?(c.downcase) ? i+1 : c }.join
<ruboto> jhass # => "T2m4rr7w 10s g1415ng t20 b23 r2627n29ng" (https://eval.in/457404)
<jhass> and yes, that's terribly inefficient
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<ericwood_> but it's beautiful :')
<danneu> crime: in my experience people have a harder time writing easy to understand code than they do golfing code into one-liners
<jhass> could be an interesting code golf variant actually, write programs that hit a defined runtime as close as possible without using sleep or anything like that
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<crime> my solution https://eval.in/457405
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<jhass> "List the first 20 prime numbers, every 5 seconds one"
<crime> >> 5.responds_to?(:seconds)
<ruboto> crime # => undefined method `responds_to?' for 5:Fixnum (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457407)
<crime> hm
<jhass> you just wrote Crystal :P
<crime> i was just checking
<crime> to see if that was a thing
<jhass> in Ruby it's an ActiveSupport thing
<jhass> .seconds that is
<jhass> .responds_to? is still Crystal, Ruby is respond_to?
<crime> OH
<crime> i see what you mean
<crime> *whoosh*
<crime> I can definitely solve that though
<jhass> without sleep!
<crime> oh
<crime> ok then
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<adaedra> But sleep :<
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<crime> I can still do it
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<crime> there's really no prime? thats slightly obnoxious
<Ox0dea> >> require 'prime'; 17.prime?
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => true (https://eval.in/457408)
<crime> jhass, is that allowed?
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<jhass> yeah
<crime> k
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<jhass> but you're only allowed a busy loop or Time.now, not both
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<crime> i gotcha
<crime> dont worry
<crime> oh wait
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<crime> whatever lemme write it first
<crime> i'll fix it after
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<yxhuvud> jhass: hmm. speaking of crystal, just got my earley parser to correctly recognize input. (yeah, it is not very useful until the recognized items can be made into a syntax tree, but still)
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<crime> mm
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<crime> jhass I'm stuck
<crime> I have my list of the first 20 primes and all that
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<jhass> I never said I'm sure it's solvable :P
<crime> but it dumps them all in the first second
<crime> well it is
<crime> obviously
<crime> if you can say it you can do it
<Ox0dea> Wat.
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<crime> thats turing, baby
<jhass> the idea was more to make the computation of each prime so expensive that it takes as close to 5 seconds as possible
<crime> oh
<Ox0dea> crime: The Halting Problem would like a word with you.
<crime> I was trying to attach an enumerator to Time.now.sec
<crime> which does not work icymi
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<crime> without sleep this is pretty hard
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<Ox0dea> crime: Use base-1.
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<Ox0dea> And this: /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/
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<waxjar> crime, when you're done, can you square a circle for me? >:)
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<crime> I speak perl and *that* befuddles me
<jhass> I guess I'd try to construct something that iterates through 1..n where n is chosen so that it the iteration takes 5 seconds - the time it takes to check each for prime
<apeiros> Ox0dea: prime number detecting regex? that one's fun
<workmad3_> waxjar: be specific - it's squaring a circle with straight-edge & protractor that's provably impossible :P
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<Ox0dea> apeiros: That's the one.
<jhass> then track an index and a counter for the prime
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<jhass> repeat 20 times
<Ox0dea> crime: Use that regex and something *way* more complicated than "1" as your tally mark.
<apeiros> Ox0dea: took me a bit until I figured how it worked :)
<crime> gonna paste my 3 lines:
<crime> require 'prime'
<crime> primes = (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy.select(&:prime?).first(20)
<crime> while primes.length > 0 do puts primes.pop; sleep 1 end
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<jhass> >> require "prime"; Prime.first(20)
<ruboto> jhass # => [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71] (https://eval.in/457415)
<crime> arent you fancy
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<Ox0dea> >> require 'prime'; Prime.each.take_while { |p| p < 9001 }.reduce(:+)
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 4673790 (https://eval.in/457416)
<apeiros> jhass: at lease use a better generator than the default…
<jhass> apeiros: too verbose
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<Ox0dea> >> require 'prime'; Prime.include? Enumerable
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => (https://eval.in/457418)
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<Ox0dea> What happened there?
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<crime> wait can Time include Enumerable?
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<crime> that may be progress
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> hi folks
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<adaedra> Oh no, a fire dragon.
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> adaedra: I'm just a plush of a dragon! :P
<adaedra> I feel safer already.
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> lol
<jhass> crime: what would Time#each do?
<crime> so I can do class Time; include Enumerable; end; but what then?
<crime> nothing, its fixnum
<crime> i mean Time.now.sec
<crime> I havent tried it as a class method
<jhass> crime: Enumerable needs #each defined
<crime> oh
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<Ox0dea> `Prime.include? Enumerable` doesn't terminate.
<Ox0dea> >> require 'prime'; Prime.ancestors
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => [Prime, Enumerable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject] (https://eval.in/457419)
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<ruboto> crime, we in #ruby do not like irccloud.com, I reposted your paste to gist for you: https://gist.github.com/3e62fd8e7020f7ea57e3
<ruboto> irccloud.com has no syntax highlighting, distracting formatting and loads slowly for most.
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<crime> you ARE skynet
<Ox0dea> crime: #each should yield successive elements.
<crime> it sort of does
<havenwood> >> require 'prime'; Prime.include? 2
<ruboto> havenwood # => true (https://eval.in/457420)
<crime> depending on when you call it
<workmad3> jhass: what's the challenge? to insert a 5s delay between printing the first 20 primes without using Time.now or a sleep?
<crime> maybe if I sleep in that call
<crime> workmad3 you can use sleep
<crime> cant
<crime> i mean
<workmad3> jhass: require 'prime';ps=Prime.take(20);ps.each{|pr|p pr;(10*10**7).times{}} <-- on my machine, that achieves it
<Ox0dea> havenwood: Oh, that's interesting.
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<ruby-lang996> is it ok for a method to call itself within itself assuming you dont achieve your desired results?
<adaedra> ruby-lang996: a method calling itself? It's called recursion.
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<ruby-lang996> ok. is recursion something to be avoided?
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<adaedra> no, it's a common pattern.
<workmad3> ruby-lang996: recursion is fine, just make sure it terminates
<crime> some type of progress with jhass challenge: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/39246930572a7873a01d
<ruby-lang996> well im having trouble an input method that checks for a valid user entry working the first entry but not accepting it after i call back on itself after...
<Ox0dea> crime: https://eval.in/457425
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<pipework> ruby-lang996: You can use it, but I caution you to know what you're doing when you use it.
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<jhass> workmad3: ^^
<jhass> crime: no sleep!
<pipework> ruby-lang996: code please.
<crime> i dont need your rules
<jhass> workmad3: though the actual challenge (well, its spirit) is to make the computation of the nth prime take as close to 5 seconds as possible
<crime> Ox0dea: it fires the block continuously though, not once per second
<crime> my idea was to execute the block only once per second, and automatically once Time.now.sec updates
<Ox0dea> crime: I was showing you how to properly implement #each on Time, for some definition.
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<crime> but jhass that problem does not produce portable solutions
<Ox0dea> Solving jhass's challenge with direct time manipulation is dumb.
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<crime> jhass' challenge is dumb
<crime> i said it
<jhass> of course it is
<Ox0dea> Not using three consecutive Ss when the opportunity presents itself is dumb.
<jhass> that doesn't make it uninteresting :P
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<Ox0dea> !define goddessship
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<ruby-lang996> get_input is the problem i believe
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<jhass> Ox0dea: you'll like German. Schifffahrt
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<Ox0dea> jhass: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch has four consecutive Ls, but it's otherwise unremarkable.
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<crime> 'otherwise unremarkable' might not be an accurate description
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<Ox0dea> I don't follow.
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<workmad3> crime: what else would you remark about it?
<workmad3> I mean, it's not as long as 'Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu'
<crime> it's quite a remarkable word
<adaedra> Looks like a basic case of "coding by banging head on keyboard"
<crime> very big
<adaedra> (Also known as "writing in german")
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<workmad3> crime: I've already given you bigger :P
<crime> yeah
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<adaedra> It's not the size that matters.
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<crime> whats an easy to fold < into an array? I want [1,2,3,4] to give back true, and [4,3,2,1] to return false
<workmad3> adaedra: the common saying of something that lacks size...
<adaedra> workmad3: I've been taught to write short names, yes.
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<workmad3> crime: you could check `ary == ary.sort`
<workmad3> but that's a bit inelegant :)
<crime> its for codewars so I want it to be more clever than that
<crime> yeah
<drbrain> crime: look at #each_cons
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<crime> hm, there's an idea
<workmad3> crime: if you want smarter solutions, think them up ;)
<crime> I thought [1 < 2 < 3 < 4] was pretty clever for what im doing
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<Ox0dea> crime: You should implement chained comparisons!
<Ox0dea> Python has them; why not Ruby?
<zenspider> argh. drbrain how do I gem install racc on 10.11 w/o disabling asr ?
<zenspider> it's blowing up installing in /usr/bin
<zenspider> is there a flag where I can say stfu and finish and not worry about the cmdline?
<crime> -q?
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<zenspider> was that to me?
<Ox0dea> crime: For inspiration: https://eval.in/457433
<zenspider> drbrain: ooh. -n ~/Bin ?
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<drbrain> zenspider: I guess, I'd not encountered that until you mentioned it
<zenspider> only will affect ppl using stock ruby (only me?). :)
<zenspider> -n works
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<drbrain> probably
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<zenspider> it was blocking my release process for ruby_parser
<zenspider> seems fine now
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<Fire-Dragon-DoL> syntax question! I noticed there are some classes that allow you to do: YourClass(foo) (call the class like a method), how to recreate that behavior?
<pipework> Fire-Dragon-DoL: They're just methods.
<zenspider> def Float(n); ... end
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> pipework: mh but they also allow you to do YourClass.new(somestuff) or YourClass.someclassmethod
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<pipework> Fire-Dragon-DoL: two separate objects.
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<workmad3> Fire-Dragon-DoL: you can have a method with the same name as a constant, ruby can figure out the difference
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> workmad3: oh thanks, wasn't aware of that
<workmad3> (constant takes precedence though)
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> I thought they would conflict
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<workmad3> Fire-Dragon-DoL: it's fairly common to call a method with a name like Foobar a 'constant method', but they're no different from any other method
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> ok, I thought there was a secret syntax like operator overloading inside the class itself
<workmad3> Ox0dea: chained comparisons were fun :)
<ruby-lang996> program ideas for a beginner to test my skills?
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<shevy> go write what you need to solve ruby-lang996
<zenspider> fairly common? I've _never_ heard that term
<zenspider> ruby-lang996: exercism.io
<pipework> Me neither.
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<Fire-Dragon-DoL> ruby-lang996: web scraper: get every information of a website of your choice, organize it into files (like json files) and output some stats in another json
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<workmad3> zenspider: hmm, fair enough... not as common as I thought then (I've encountered it in a few places though, trying to remember where)
<zenspider> and it isn't precedence either. the method MUST be invoked with parens. it's just syntax
<zenspider> (syntax that bugs me, for the record)
<ruby-lang996> exercism.io ya?
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<ruby-lang996> Fire-Dragon-DoL - sounds fun. no idea how to go about doing that but ill dive in :p
<workmad3> zenspider: heh :) ok, I take the hint... it's too late in the day for me to be on IRC and I should shut up :)
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<zenspider> not hinting that at all... just being pedantic because of ruby_parser
<Fire-Dragon-DoL> ruby-lang996: few suggestions for Gemfile: HTTParty, nokogiri, optionally ActiveSupport
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<Fire-Dragon-DoL> ruby-lang996: if you feel into database stuff you can always try ActiveRecord, but it's not really in the scope of the excercise, and saving JSON file (JSON.pretty_generate) allows you to deal more with Ruby
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<Guest81> Hi - can I get a hand with writing Rake "rule" tasks ? does someone have a few minutes spare?
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<crime> if I want [1,2] == [2,1] to be true? how can I tell if an array is the same set as another array
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<darix> crime: order matters for array
<crime> i know, but I want set equivalence
<crime> I know that that expression is false
<darix> crime maybe use Set class
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<crime> !
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<crime> i didnt know that was a thing
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<darix> >> a = Set.new ; b = Set.new ; a << 1 ; a << 2 ; b << 2 ; b << 1 ; a == b
<ruboto> darix # => uninitialized constant Set (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457438)
<darix> >> require 'set'; a = Set.new ; b = Set.new ; a << 1 ; a << 2 ; b << 2 ; b << 1 ; a == b
<crime> gotta require 'set'
<ruboto> darix # => true (https://eval.in/457439)
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<crime> yeah i got it
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<crime> thank you
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<crime> i never saw Set class before, must have missed it
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<shevy> ruby is huge
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<shevy> you are excused for not knowing everything crime
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<crime> yeah its a departure from other languages I've used
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<crime> its not critical cuz its codewars, but if someone wanted to look at https://gist.github.com/anonymous/868600af5bc470f06a2b because they love me and tell me what I'm doing wrong, that'd be awesome
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<crime> ignore line 15, that is an artifact from a previous revision, does nothing now
<crime> just noticed that
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<Ox0dea> > the method MUST be invoked with parens
<Ox0dea> >> Integer '42'
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => 42 (https://eval.in/457440)
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<crime> are you talking to me or...
<Ox0dea> Did I quote you?
<crime> no... sorry
<crime> i misunderstood you
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<Ox0dea> crime: The most blatant faux pas in your code is a fixation with explicitly mentioning `true` and `false`.
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<Ox0dea> `condition ? true : false` can just be `condition` most of the time.
<crime> lua-isms, i suppose
<crime> im trying hard not to write lua in ruby but sometimes it just happens
<Ox0dea> crime: There's a very efficient arithmetic approach to that problem.
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<baweaver> Also using set for compare there is kinda anti-intuitive.
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<baweaver> and brings another object into memory for no good reason.
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<baweaver> >> Set.new([1,2,3,3,3,4]) == Set.new([1,2,3,4])
<ruboto> baweaver # => uninitialized constant Set (NameError) ...check link for more (https://eval.in/457441)
* baweaver sighs
<Ox0dea> If `n` is a "descending number", then there is no solution; otherwise, find the point at which the number first "ascends" and swap the culprits.
<crime> yeah
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<baweaver> >> require 'set'; Set.new([1,2,3,3,3,4]) == Set.new([1,2,3,4])
<ruboto> baweaver # => true (https://eval.in/457442)
<crime> oh
<crime> i see what you mean
<Ox0dea> >> require 'set'; Set[1,2,3]
<ruboto> Ox0dea # => #<Set: {1, 2, 3}> (https://eval.in/457443)
<Ox0dea> Sexy syntax is best syntax.
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<bigmac__> are there any cuda gpu modules for ruby that are working
<baweaver> I was just going off of their code there
<crime> Ox0dea: thanks, didnt know you could do that
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<Ox0dea> crime: Virtually any object can have its own #[] method; it's just another operator, really.
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<shevy> \o/
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<shevy> here is how you can define it crime: class Foo; def [](arguments_go_in_here)
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<crime> so []= then too
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<Ox0dea> Indeed.
<crime> and =, ==?
<Ox0dea> No, not assignment.
<baweaver> honestly though it'd likely be cheaper to make a list of all possibilities
<baweaver> instead of going through every number
<Ox0dea> But #== and #===, absolutely.
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<Ox0dea> Or, y'know, do it right?
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<crime> baweaver: I thought about that, but it's going against other solutions on codewars, and I havent looked at them yet but I want mine to appear clever
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<baweaver> crime: bad idea
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<baweaver> clever is evil
<crime> think so?
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