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<jackcom> ruby have concept of nested function?
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<jackcom> hello
<jackcom> :)
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<hdm> anyone remember off-hand how to check the class name of a VALUE in an extension? strcmp("Something::Something", rb_class_name(some_obj)) == 0 seems like the wrong approach
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<rubybaby> that's cool
<hdm> RCLASS(obj) == RCLASS(class_val) my grep foo is failing
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<HarryKuntz> how is ruby used besides rails?
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<ja> for whatever you'd like, HarryKuntz
<ja> a lot of people use it for scripting things
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<ja> for the same things you'd use Perl or shell scripting, for instance
<ja> +for
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<HarryKuntz> but aren't rails apps technically scripts?
<ja> HarryKuntz: quoting Wikipedia: “The term "scripting language" is also used loosely to refer to dynamic high-level general-purpose language, such as Perl,[1] Tcl, and Python,[2] with the term "script" often used for small programs (up to a few thousand lines of code) in such languages”
<ja> “small programs”
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<ja> so that depends on your definition, but yes, Ruby is definitely a dynamic high-level general-purpose language
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<Yzguy> anyone have experience with the inifile gem?
<xybre> If you squint so is Java.
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<HarryKuntz> so is c but nobody uses c anymore
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<xybre> C doesn't qualify because it's low lvel, not dynamic, and compiled.
<ja> what xybre said
<Radar> HarryKuntz: Please change your name.
<HarryKuntz> Radar: are we not allowed to use our real names?
<Yzguy> When using the inifile gem, when you do like ini.write, it writes out the file, but all the comments in the original file are gone
<Radar> http://ruby-community.com/pages/user_rules#rule_2_10 "Using a sexually or racially charged nickname"
<havenwood> Yzguy: Have an inifile gem question?
<Yzguy> anyone experience that or have a solution?
<Radar> crap troll attempt is crap
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<ja> Radar: what if their name really was Harry Kuntz?
<Yzguy> ill get a gist of what im doing sec
<Radar> ja: What an unfortunate name.
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<Yzguy> so i'm just playing with it, but so the "original" is the actual file, the new one is what the output is after doing that ini.write
<Yzguy> all the comments go away, curious if there is a way to keep the comments
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<Yzguy> oh i think i see the solution
<Yzguy> on the initialize you can say :comment = "#", and i think it should recognize it
<ja> Yzguy: “Comment lines are ignored when parsing INI files.” — I’m not sure, but it could sound like comments aren’t even parsed and therefore cannot be written out again.
<Yzguy> yeah thats what i thought, lemme try this comment param real quick
<Radar> !ban HarryKuntz !T 1d
<ja> Spoiler: It won’t work. Sorry.
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<Radar> !ban HarryKuntz !T 1D
<Radar> Ruboto is offline. Sad.
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<ja> It’s completely ignored by the parser. :<
<Yzguy> lame
<ja> Yeah, indeed.
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<xybre> There's a few other ini parsers out there
<xybre> Most parsers ignore comments though, which can be troublesome.
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<ja> I can imagine it could also be troublesome to make a parser which preserves the comments.
<Yzguy> I'm basically writing a tool around VMware fusion to add port forwards, etc. Was nice having comments, but I guess I can do witout
<xybre> Nah, it's not hard, just lazy.
* xybre is lazy and writes parsers that ignore comments
<ja> Very well. Tedious, not troublesome, then.
<xybre> Yzguy: time for wiki docmentation that'll never get updated or read!
<Yzguy> :P
<Yzguy> its just for me
<Yzguy> I'm just gonna make a copy in the same directory so I can refer to it if necessary
<xybre> Doubly so then. Or you can put comments in your git commits.
<ja> Or on post-its.
<Yzguy> alrighty, well learning experience for all of us then it seems haha
<Yzguy> thanks guys
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<ja> np Yzguy
<Yzguy> I'm trying to get more into ruby and writing little tooling around stuff is what I'm doing to learn :P
<Yzguy> Wrote that the other day for work to help me look up people's accounts quickly in LDAP
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<ja> yay, colors!
<Yzguy> haha I'm a sucker for colors
<ja> colors are super great, I think
<ja> as is LDAP
<xybre> Yzguy: have you tried using environment variables for your credentials instead of hard coding them?
<Yzguy> there aren't any creds in there
<Yzguy> its an anonymous bind
<Yzguy> but yeah that's what I usually do for stuff, in that repo is some other stuff I've done and it's all environment variables
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<xybre> Yzguy: I see that, but there's "" where they would be hard coded
<xybre> Gotcha
<ja> maybe xybre meant `server` and `base`
<Yzguy> oh right
<Yzguy> yeah thats cuz I stripped out work specific stuff
<xybre> Yeah in this case `server` and `base`.
<xybre> `ENV['ldap_server']` etc
<Yzguy> Yeah I could do that
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<Yzguy> okay, got a rough sample. Any suggestions on making it better? https://gist.github.com/yzguy/ac27a68f218945693526
<Yzguy> I'm gonna variablize stuff later when I stick it in the actual other script but thats just the first pass
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<BLACK_POWER> waddup
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<Radar> !mute BLACK_POWER
<Radar> Oh right, the whole ruboto thing
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<xybre> Yzguy: why not wrap that in an object? You have everything you need, state&behaviour, and you can encapsulate it pretty easy.
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<Yzguy> ?
<ja> “variablize” — what a lovely word
<Yzguy> the hip people say it
<Yzguy> i want to blend in
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<xybre> Yzguy: yep, and you can even parameterize the filename if you end up wanting to reuse the same pattern for other files.
<Yzguy> I just did my :wq on doing that exactly :P
<ja> Really? I'm so anti-hip I haven't even noticed. Imma start using it now though.
<xybre> Yzguy: :D
* xybre variablizes ja
<Yzguy> "Yeahhh, this is all wrong. You gotta variablize everything....here, here, definitely here. Are you sure you're a developer?"
* xybre class variablizes @@Yzguy
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* ja constantizes xybre
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<Xybre> D:
<Xybre> Ech, looks weird capitalized.
<ja> hahaha
<ja> sorry, xybre
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<ja> it should've been all caps, xybre ʘ‿ʘ
<xybre> Technically, anything starting with a capital is a constant in Ruby, like class names and modules.
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<jackcom> ruby have a concept of nested function?
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<Radar> no jackcom
<jackcom> Radar: no :(
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<Radar> jackcom: Why so depressed about it?
<jackcom> nested function is very good
<jackcom> why ruby don’t have it?
<Radar> I honestly can't tell if you trolling or not.
<Radar> Explain why you think you need it.
<jackcom> because it is good for frame work.
<jackcom> Radar:
<Radar> jackcom: Ok, definitely trolling. You're doing a crap job of explaining yourself.
<Radar> Rails does fine without nested functions.
<blubjr> in ruby, i think you just use private methods jackcom
<jackcom> lol i m not troll
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<jackcom> private method?
<jackcom> i don’t know private method?
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<Radar> blubjr: what
<Radar> jackcom: What is the purpose of a nested function? Explain IN CODE why you would want a nested function?
<blubjr> as the solution of helper functions not polluting your namespace
<blubjr> implementation hiding
<jackcom> Radar: i can’t explain it because it is too complicated.
* Radar literally can't even.
<Radar> jackcom: Ok, definitely convinced you're a troll now. Putting you on ignore/
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<jackcom> no
<jackcom> i m innocent and kind
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<blubjr> radar: am i confused about something
<Radar> Sure you are.
<blubjr> what..
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<Radar> blubjr: "I am confused about something" "Yes, that is likely" "???"
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<Radar> I also appreciate that you pinged me just to tell me that you're confused about something without actually telling me about the thing that you're confused with.
<Radar> Almost like that you don't care that I have Real Work(tm) to be doing instead?
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<jackcom> Radar: you can hear my saying?
<blubjr> i was asking if i was....you didnt like my first answer and you didn't acknowledge my second
<blubjr> i thought maybe i misunderstood what you were talking about or something
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<blubjr> Radar: was there a problem with my answer, i thought it was pretty straight forward
<Radar> blubjr: Yes. I don't understand what helper methods have to do with nested functions at all.
<Radar> private methods are something completely different to what jackcom is asking for
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<blubjr> Radar: in languages that have nested functions thats normally where you put them, inside the function they're helping
<jackcom> yes right private method != nested function.
<Radar> Ok, I misunderstood.
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<Radar> (This is why I emphasise that people should show code)
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<Yzguy> getting a fusionmanage.rb:18:in `system': no implicit conversion of nil into String (TypeError)
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<Yzguy> nevermind i think i got it
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<rubyist007> hi is there a way to view list of required files in a ruby script
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<havenwood> rubyist007: See: $LOADED_FEATURES
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<rubyist007> thanks haven that did it
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<Yzguy> okay, this one i cannot figure out: https://gist.github.com/yzguy/ef854a5f870d32932303
<Yzguy> my thoughts have been its not interpreting one of the variables in the array, and looks at it as just []
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<mozzarella> I'd say it's not in the list
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<Yzguy> ahh its because im trying to open a file i dont have permissions to
<Yzguy> the inifile thing, don't have permissions to the @inifile is a NilClass because of it, and everything breaks
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<Yzguy> so...yeah the file path was in single quotes, and it didn't like it, so i put it in double quotes, it works great
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<devbug> Say I have an array: %w{foo bar quux}
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<devbug> What's the cleanest way to iterate it as:
<devbug> ['foo', 'bar', 'quux'], ['foo', 'bar'], ['foo']?
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<devbug> I basically want the opposite of tail/heading
<devbug> (recursively)
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<devbug> yeah, iteratively popping is fugly
<havenwood> >> a = %w{foo bar quux}; a.size.downto(1).map { |n| a.first n }
<havenwood> #=> [["foo", "bar", "quux"], ["foo", "bar"], ["foo"]]
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<ja> havenwood: how clever
<devbug> havenwood: oh that's delicious
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<cyberfawkes> ...
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<havenwood> !mute BLACKLIVESMATTER
<cyberfawkes> wtf...?
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<havenwood> cyberfawkes: Just ignore trolls.
<cyberfawkes> This is the only channel I've seen this happen in.
<cyberfawkes> I don't understand why.
<havenwood> cyberfawkes: One bored troll who logs in a few times a day?
<cyberfawkes> Yeah, but why #ruby?
<cyberfawkes> Seems like an odd choice.
<havenwood> cyberfawkes: Over 1000 people.
<cyberfawkes> That would be a good reason.
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<xybre> cyberfawkes: chan list
<xybre> Yeah havenwood got it.
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<Yzguy> finish v1 of my fusionmanage thing!
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<cyberfawkes> Excess flood?
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<shevy> there can never be too much flood cyberfawkes!
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<Guest47729> Radar, jackcom : Ruby can achieve nested functions by the use of blocks/lambdas/procs. If you assign the proc to a variable it can be called. Sure the syntax isn't quite the same, but it effectively achieves the same result. Ruby is flexible and can probably do a lot more that you can't in other languages. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you are trying to achieve, but I feel that this is a version of what you are looking for - perhaps
<Guest47729> there is a better way to solve the problem
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<shevy> Guest47729 hey what IRC nick is that
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<Guest47729> shevy: am tjad, but ns doesn't want me back yet :-(
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<tjad> ^^
<shevy> yay you abandoned the army of guests \o/
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<norc> So. Is there a more elegant way to do this?
<norc> self.sequence_name = opts[Rails.env.to_sym] if opts[Rails.env.to_sym]
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<apeiros> just `self.sequence_name = opts[Rails.env.to_sym]`, assuming self.sequence_name is nil before and setting it to nil again won't hurt.
<apeiros> WHITEPRIDE: 30s to change your nick
<apeiros> !ban WHITEPRIDE !P unacceptable nick
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<apeiros> damn netsplit. ruboto of course is on the other side.
<apeiros> and slow chanserve
<apeiros> -e
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<adaedra> Bonjour
<apeiros> moin adaedra
<apeiros> oh
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<adaedra> That's a nice hat you have.
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<apeiros> *had
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<apeiros> netsplits. and it seems ruboto is still stuck on the other side.
<adaedra> FreeNode's still having splits? Not good.
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<cyberfawkes> adaedra: that's quite odd.
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<cyberfawkes> we were talking about that earlier.
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<adaedra> .... and parts.
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<adaedra> apeiros: do you know on which server ruboto is connected on?
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<shevy> parting always makes me sad
<shevy> we are dying!!!
<shevy> only 883 left
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<maloik> people have been saying ruby is dead for so long, it's about time to let it go shevy
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<shevy> maloik lol
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<shevy> there was that rails-hype peak
<shevy> afterwards it semi-declined to the initial value, which increased a tiny bit - http://goo.gl/dP1YsR
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<shevy> Only perplexing thing is why python had more success than the other scripting-family languages
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* apeiros knows he can count on shevy to raise the halsbe peak when it's ready ;-D
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<apeiros> +hype
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<shevy> hehe
<jackcom> i think that lua is more difficult than ruby?
<shevy> making a language is very hard, see Araq with nim
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<alcy> apeiros: hey, around ?
<shevy> though nim seemed more interesting to me than python
<jackcom> what is nim?
<jackcom> i heard it firstly
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<apeiros> alcy: for a couple of seconds.
<shevy> jackcom yes yes yes ;) http://nim-lang.org/ the syntax can be peculiar... proc unsafeScanf(f: File, s: cstring) {.varargs, importc: "fscanf", header: "<stdio.h>".}
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<jackcom> there is old saying that ‘go through one way’.
<jackcom> shevy:
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<alcy> apeiros: umm, regarding our conversation yesterday about yield...I am implemented times using each (5.times { .. } ) at https://gist.github.com/alcy/9a2da91b4b5fb240aec1
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<apeiros> alcy: ah, that'll take too much time. sorry. I'm hungry. gotta get something to eat. maybe later.
<apeiros> else there's plenty of capable people here :)
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<alcy> apeiros: cool
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<alcy> hey folks, can someone take a look at this https://gist.github.com/alcy/9a2da91b4b5fb240aec1 - I am implementing the times method using each. It works fine. Any suggestions generally ?
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<yorickpeterse> Anybody here using OpenDNS?
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<yorickpeterse> If so, what does this produce: require 'socket'; IPSocket.getaddress('cats.local')
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<shevy> maloik damn... we are down to 762
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<driftig> Ruby is going to the shitter. Write a book and exit.
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<driftig> \(^^)/
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<driftig> "[Global Notice] We are again experiencing connectivity problems to some servers due to DDoS attacks."
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<shevy> driftig do you have anyone in particular in mind :)
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<driftig> shevy: Golly, no. :)
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<Andrevan> Hey, anyone want to take a crack at a VCR question? Trying to connect to an XMPP server running locally using the xmpp4r gem. Under the hood appears to be Net::HTTP but VCR won't pick it up in rspec
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<nehaljwani> Hi! Can anyone help me with this: http://pastebin.com/gpsRxFzt
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<adaedra> hectortrope: that too many people try to join at the same time. Easily triggered during netsplits.
<nehaljwani> Hi! Can anyone help me with this: http://pastebin.com/gpsRxFzt
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<hectortrope> thanks adaedra
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<nehaljwani> Someone help me :'(
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<apeiros> nehaljwani: sorry, not looking at pastebins.
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<nehaljwani> apeiros: should I share on gist then?
<nehaljwani> okay
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<apeiros> preferably
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<apeiros> nehaljwani: can you load https://rubygems.org in a browser on that machine? any proxy settings?
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<nehaljwani> apeiros: no proxy settings and yes, I can load that in browser
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<apeiros> no further idea then. sorry.
<nehaljwani> apeiros: even if I want to use proxy, I have tp specify the ip address
<nehaljwani> the domain name doesn't work
<nehaljwani> I am able to ping the domainthough
<nehaljwani> so no problem with my DNS server
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<nehaljwani> apeiros: why would it fail at getaddrinfo()
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<arup_r> Ok, a Question. If I do Array#dup or Array#clone, it doesn't do deep copy. Then what way I can do a deep copy https://gist.github.com/aruprakshit/f470e73ec1e6a3d3213a'
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<tobiasvl> arup_r: page not found, but you can use something like the gem Rubyworks Facets, which has a deep_clone method. or you can dup each member yourself and save.
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<arup_r> I had ` at the end of the link.. mistyped
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<arup_r> tobiasvl: you mean x = [a.dup, b.dup] .. ok
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<tobiasvl> oh lol. I could have noticed that stray ` myself :P
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<arup_r> yeah, After Enter I saw it
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<apeiros> arup_r: generally wanting to have deep_dup is indicating that you're lacking a proper class
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<arup_r> apeiros: The thing came from Rails, but to understand it I boiled down to simeple ruby gist.. :)
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<apeiros> arup_r: doesn't really change anything about what I said, though.
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<tobiasvl> oh
<tobiasvl> but in rails I think you have your own deep_dup/deep_clone
<tobiasvl> in ActiveRecord
<tobiasvl> maybe #RubyOnRails can help you with that
<tobiasvl> the fact that something is from Rails is usually a pretty relevant piece of information that you shouldn't remove from your example :P
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<arup_r> nah, they can't help.. I worked around it.. I asked them and they said it is a big question.. I wanted to know #deep and #clone does or not..
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<arup_r> But now I gt the answer
<arup_r> so all is well
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<arup_r> apeiros: I'll think with the advise you have given to me.. nothing coming to my head for now why my approach is wrong, but I'll think
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<shevy> thinking is good
<shevy> but overrated
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<apeiros> shevy: do you think that?
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<ytti> python has 'pexpect' best i've found so far for ruby is 'greenletters' and it seems largely unmaintened
<ytti> anyone can suggest some other library to try
<apeiros> ?toolbox ytti
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<apeiros> oh damn, ruboto still off
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<shevy> apeiros haha yeah... I think so
<shevy> but I try hard not to think
<apeiros> shevy: so if you thought that - maybe it's overrated? ;-p
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<apeiros> ?toolbox ytti
<apeiros> there we go :D
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<ruboto> ytti, https://www.ruby-toolbox.com is a website which lists lots of gems, topically organized
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<ytti> apeiros, thanks
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<apeiros> ytti: also, you might get better answers by explaining what pexpect/greenletters actually do
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<ytti> apeiros, they are 'expect' libraries, to expect input from PTY and act on it
<ytti> apeiros, essentially programmatically do something 'interactive'
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<ytti> https://github.com/abates/ruby_expect this looks best for my use, what i found
<ytti> not thrilled about API though, but features are good
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<ytti> particularly concept of 'any' and 'all'
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<ytti> https://github.com/wuest/expectr - this seems to miss ability to wait more than 1 string and act differently depending on what occurred
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<apeiros> ytti: there's an expect library in stdlib
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<ytti> yeah but it also does not support expecting >1 string
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<apeiros> >1 string? you mean multiple responses?
<apeiros> ah
<apeiros> well, I guess that's what is assumed that you'll add via code? :)
<apeiros> shouldn't be difficult…
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<apeiros> (though, then again, I guess I'd not even use a library for something like what expect does…)
<norc> I actually wonder how you typed that hellip.
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<apeiros> opt-.
<norc> Things I learn. o_o
<apeiros> dad's in publishing. gotta now such shit ;-)
<norc> Heh.
<apeiros> "how dare you write three dots! don't you know that spacing is completely off with those?!?"
<apeiros> (not really)
<pontiki> last expect script i wrote in tcl...
<apeiros> oy
<apeiros> o/ pontiki
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<shevy> good old tcl
<shevy> the language of the dinosaurs!
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<ytti> apeiros, actually if the API Doesn't allow it, it gets complicated
<ytti> apeiros, you have to trap the timout, and it'll make your program run slower
<ytti> apeiros, you need to offer this feature in the library itself to make it work well
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<driftig> ./ seems so much more appropriate than o/
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<shevy> do you have a mini head or something
<shevy> we don't get to do O/ either!
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<driftig> shevy: Like I'd literally wave at you niggaz.
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<driftig> shevy: Only Marc Andreesen gets to do that.
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<apeiros> !kick driftig watch it
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driftig was kicked from #ruby by ruboto [watch it]
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<driftig> apeiros: The hell.
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<apeiros> yeah, that's what I thought too.
<shevy> yeah the word was a dead-give away
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<driftig> Well, I'm black.
<driftig> And it wasn't intended to cause harm …
<driftig> Next time I'll just say Rubyists.
<apeiros> good. I trust it'll remain at a kick then.
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* driftig eyes apeiros.
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<yorickpeterse> driftig: being black doesn't give you an excuse to use "niggaz" or any other slang
* apeiros was about to write:
<apeiros> > while "I'm black, therefore I can say niggaz" may work well in meatspace, it doesn't in irc. even if I knew you're black I couldn't tolerate it.
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<driftig> apeiros: I could keybase.io prove it!
<apeiros> you're missing the point
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<driftig> apeiros: But the point is, I don't understand why it's such a burdened topic.
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<apeiros> in meatspace, all people have to do is look at you.
<apeiros> in irc, that simply doesn't work.
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<driftig> I know that there's a certain random person who joins with the n*g*e* handle, jumbled up in some sort of way.
<driftig> Without even a chance to contribute they're auto-banned.
<apeiros> if you wish to discuss it: #ruby-banned is the place. this isn't.
<driftig> Even Obama used it.
<driftig> apeiros: Fine, fine.
* driftig continues writing his Ruby book.
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<apeiros> or #ruby-community, if you want to have a go at the policies.
<driftig> apeiros: only if you're in there <3
<apeiros> I'm in all of them.
<driftig> sec
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<shevy> apeiros is in ALL THE CHANNELS
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<apeiros> only some ~20
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<driftig> How does one focus on life whilst being in 20 channels?
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<driftig> Once I connect to IRC, I have to cycle /window next until sessions are cleared.
<apeiros> but the 20 channels are life…
<apeiros> irc mostly fills the idle cycles of my meatcpu
<driftig> i want the dell xps 15
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<driftig> but i have some custom design ideas i'd like dell to implement first beforehand
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<driftig> like the webcam, it needs to be in the centre of the screen.
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<driftig> sigh, good systems are so hard to find
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<pontiki> one needs must have something to do while $compiling
<driftig> get with the times, amazonaws compilations, local binary installations
<driftig> save your SSD
<pontiki> some things still take time. in many cases, it's paint drying for me
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<driftig> we love watching warning flags fire off the screen
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<havenwood> good mornin'
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<driftig> havenwood: related to morningwood?
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<centrx> Sick joke
<driftig> centrx: not really.
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<pontiki> havenwood: thanks for the regexp the other day
<driftig> morningwood is a real handle.
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<driftig> guess he left irc.
<driftig> nice guy...
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<new_student> Hello, I am trying to install a bundle in Windows 10, but it keeps throwing me error. Can anyone please help? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/73515b9366e6391b4087
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<gregf__> >> char_weight = [*?a..?z].zip([*1..26]).to_h;%w{knowledge hardwork attitude}.each{ |w| p [w, w.chars.inject(0){ |s, c| s+=char_weight[c] }] } # for a moment i thought this couldn't true, but it apparently is
<ruboto> gregf__ # => ["knowledge", 96] ...check link for more (https://eval.in/476997)
<new_student> This error does not arise if I use the same command inside cygwin
<gregf__> *be
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<pontiki> new_student: this seems like the classic problem with windows and using rubygems. let me see if i can find the fix for it
<havenwood> pontiki: You're welcome! You sparked my interest to write a script to automatically create a Regexp that matches a number range from zero to x. (Still working on it.)
<gregf__> new_student: it says you cant access https://rubygems.org/specs.4.8.gz
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<new_student> gregf__: I can, I think it is not able to resolv rubygems.org
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<new_student> pontiki: what is this classic problem?
<pontiki> new_student: see if this helps: https://gist.github.com/luislavena/f064211759ee0f806c88
<gregf__> new_student: pontiki has a solution ;)
<pontiki> it has to do with SSL certs
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<new_student> pontiki: I think it is not able to resolv rubygems.org
<gregf__> new_student: can you ping it?
<new_student> gregf__: yes, I can!
<new_student> as I said before, if I install ruby in cygwin
<new_student> the problem goes away
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<new_student> but I doesn't want to follow non standard ways
<pontiki> cygwin includes all the appropriate certs
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<pontiki> new_student: the de facto standard is to develop in ruby on a *nix machine
<new_student> pontiki: I know. I would prefer that. This is for some windows guy. (Plus I am in IT, so sucks to be me)
<pontiki> what's the issue with being in IT?
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<apeiros> havenwood: I guess I shouldn't go looking where mine is to do that? :D
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<havenwood> apeiros: Ooh, I'd love to see it! :)
<apeiros> damn
<havenwood> haha
<apeiros> now I have to go dig :D
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<toretore> "you have been sentenced to 5 years of windows" "nooooooooooo"
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<apeiros> havenwood: I actually think rewriting it will be faster than search… :-S
<toretore> "what did i do to deserve that?" "you used kde"
<havenwood> apeiros: i know that feeling
<pontiki> first thing i do (well, did) when i got handed a windows box was install cygwin
<new_student> pontiki: followed the wiki, didn't help
<apeiros> havenwood: let me give it a shot. maybe I can do it in a reasonable time.
<pontiki> new_student: seems like a poke at rubyinstaller issuse list might be in order, then
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<new_student> pontiki: I used the same installed in a different computer and it worked there
<new_student> behind the same internet connection
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<new_student> so it doesn't seem like installer's issue :'(
<new_student> how do I debug then
<maloik> anyone happen to use shout-irc? a (self)hosted open source irc client
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<pontiki> same windows 10? same rubyinstaller?
<new_student> pontiki: yes
<pontiki> i have no idea
<new_student> inside a fresh vm, that is
<maloik> oops this is not ot channel sorry
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<pontiki> a fresh VM of what OS?
<new_student> Windows 10
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<pontiki> then you have a great comparison to find out what's different between them
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<pontiki> but i couldn't possible know from here
<new_student> Well, I don't know what to compare!
<pontiki> neither do i
<new_student> pontiki: the same thing happens if I install git
<new_student> on git pull, it says, unable to resolve github.com
<new_student> but I am able to ping
<new_student> and when I install git using cygwin
<new_student> it works
<pontiki> how many ways can i say i can't help?
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<jhass> pontiki: 42
<pontiki> step out the back, jack
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<pontiki> make like a tree and leave
<pontiki> find a new tree, lee
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<pontiki> get on the bus, gus
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<pontiki> it's beyond the pale, gail
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<pontiki> toss a new line, stein
<pontiki> get off my toe, joe
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<pontiki> dunno if i can come up with 42, jhass
<jhass> I'm sure you already did if we would check your entire channel history
<pontiki> probably so
<pontiki> unusually unhelpful mouse
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<apeiros> havenwood: kk, I think I've mostly got it again. except for some rough edges.
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<driftig> did you just write that? :(
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<apeiros> barely any testing. I wouldn't be surprised if there's still plenty of cases this fails :D
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<apeiros> driftig: yes
<apeiros> ugh, there's some leftover code…
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<driftig> i love it when someone years more active in skillset than i am writes a program for the same case set as i would.
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<driftig> the elegance in their implementation, the simplicity in their style.
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<driftig> it's art that's often left unseen.
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<driftig> but this, i don't know what to call it.
<driftig> i think a lot of people just refactor, refactor, refactor.
<apeiros> oh, and bug. forgot a -1 in the second segment (the one with [1-9]\d{0,n})
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<apeiros> hm, there's some things wrong with this. but one can get the gist of the idea. I'll update in a bit.
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<Porfa> yeah yeah it’s Porfa, AKA the Crude dumb miner yeah!
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<driftig> what do most people use as a profiler?
<driftig> rb_profile_frames? stackprof?
<pontiki> nice, apeiros :)
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<apeiros> pontiki: still quite buggy :(
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<shevy> thouh shalt love thy bugs!
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<driftig> shevy: Do you drive a chevrolet?
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<droptone> Here's possibly a simple question: I have a .each loop and, based on a condition, I want to do either arr["a"].each do... or arr["b"].each do....
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<droptone> Is it possible to put that within an if? Such as, if this > 1; arr["aa"].each do |a|; else; arr["bb"].each do |b|; end
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<droptone> Or do I have to put both .each loops in seperate sections of the if condition, replicating all that code?
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<jhass> droptone: arr[this > 1 ? "a" : "b"].each do
<apeiros> nested methods would sometimes be nice…
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<apeiros> nested = ->(){}; nested.() is somehow less nice.
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<jhass> or to_iterate = this > 1 ? arr["a"] : arr["b"]; to_iterate.each if you prefer. Or key = this > 1 "a" : "b"; arr[key].each
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* teclator back
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<droptone> jhass: wonderful, thank you.
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<gregf__> >> this=[0,1]; a,b= 0,1; arr = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]; this.each{ |i| p arr[i.zero? ? a : b ].select(&:even?) }
<ruboto> gregf__ # => [2] ...check link for more (https://eval.in/477055)
<gregf__> droptone: ^^ # what jhash said.
<gregf__> haha, hash # jhass
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<apeiros> pontiki, havenwood: sorry, got distracted. probably still got bugs, but nicer output and a couple of bugs removed: https://gist.github.com/apeiros/30109161e3c2d118dd37
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<apeiros> and I'm pretty sure this could be simplified. at least I'm quite sure my old solution was ~20 lines, not ~50 (+ the quantifier/charclass methods)
* apeiros afk
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<pontiki> ta
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<gregf__> apeiros: is that like (0..10).to_regex?
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<shevy> driftig I always get that too! or chevy chase or something
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<tuelz> how do I use send with the append operator?
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<tuelz> Instance.instance_method_that_returns_an_array << object is what I'm trying to achieve, but the Instance is of a variable class
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<tuelz> nevermind, I just had a typo
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<Luyin> hi, I'm setting up redmine on my computer. while installing some gems, I got this message: "rdoc's executable "rdoc" conflicts with /usr/bin/rdoc | Overwrite the executable? [yN]" is it save to say yes?
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<jhass> I wouldn't overwrite it
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<Luyin> jhass can you tell me why, or is it just general caution?
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<jhass> your /usr/bin/rdoc probably comes from a package of your distribution
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<jhass> I would always prefer files from packages over untracked things installing files to the global system
<Luyin> okay, thanks
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<norc> Just started booting my first real gem, and was wondering about best practicing about loading the files inside.
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<jhass> I've seen two schools, have all requires in alphabetical (or the right order when there are interdependencies) in the main entry point of your gem, or have each file repeat each require it depends on at the top
<jhass> personally I prefer the second approach
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<jhass> well, some also autoload or even Dir[...] { require ... }
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<norc> jhass: Mhm. That second approach has that neat effect that you can also require parts of the gems without potentially polluting namespaces (or possibly spend much time booting larger classes)
<norc> So it doesn't sound too bad
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<jhass> yeah
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<pontiki> i prefer to put requires where used
<pontiki> even if they're used in multiple classes
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<Andrevan> Hey, anyone want to take a crack at a VCR question? Trying to connect to an XMPP server running locally using the xmpp4r gem. Under the hood appears to be Net::HTTP but VCR won't pick it up in rspec
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<jhass> wat?
<jhass> xmpp4r is using BOSH or what? that would be really odd
<norc> Okay... so apparently HighLine doesn't let me validate against q.in = (0..(1.0/0.0)) easily :<
<Andrevan> jhass: xmpp4r has an HTTP Bind client
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<jhass> and you're sure you're using it? (and why are you anyway?)
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<Andrevan> jhass: I'm only using the HTTP Bind client in the test case because I want to use VCR to record the ejabberd server so it doesn't need to be running when I run my build.
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<kollapse> Hi. I'm setting terminal titles using print "\x1b]2;TITLE_HERE\x07" in ruby but the title stays the safe after the script execution. I actually have to press Enter or Ctrl+C to reset the title. What can I issue inside ruby to ensure that the title gets reset correctly upon termination ?
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<jhass> Andrevan: I'm not sure that's a good approach in the first place. The edge case behavior of both might very well differ, leading to bugs in the real code you don't discover in your specs or vice versa
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<Andrevan> jhass: Not sure what you mean, but it's a perfectly fine approach in my book. VCR records the behavior of the server. I write an integration test that exercises the various routines, e.g. register, join a chat, receive a message. Then VCR records the HTTP responses and I can run against the fixtured data instead of the live server.
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<Andrevan> jhass: ejabberd is a mature server program and it's unlikely to change, but I don't want to have a dependency on running it for CI, etc.
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<jhass> Andrevan: except that for the real server you use another underlying protocol essentially
<Andrevan> jhass: the alternative is stubbing out the responses from the client wrapper, but that makes the test brittle and dependent on the order I call it in implementation.
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<Andrevan> jhass: xmpp4r has a drop in HTTP replacement for the XMPP client
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<jhass> Andrevan: yes, but you don't want to stub your calls to xmpp4r, meaning you want to do integration tests including what xmpp4r does for you. So you don't actually test what you use in production
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<Andrevan> jhass: I want to use VCR to record production jabber data that I will hit with Jabber::HTTPBinding::Client. In real life it uses Jabber::Client, but the code is the same and the interface is the same. I can refactor the xmpp4r code and it will still hit the same fixtured test VCR data
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<Andrevan> jhass: if I stub the calls to Jabber::Client I need to assert that all of the test doubles behave a certain way in a certain order, and if I refactor the implementation I need to rewrite the stubs
<jhass> you're just repeating what you said previously completely ignoring my point, I see no further point in this conversation
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<Andrevan> jhass: hmm, I thought I was explaining myself. I asked for help with a technical problem - VCR doesn't intercept the Net::HTTP call in Jabber::HTTPBinidng::Client. I didn't really need a design critique of my decision here since that part is not going to change -- I just don't understand why VCR can't see the Net::HTTP call
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<jhass> and I replied with why I think that you waste effort in even trying to make it work, whatever the issue is
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<Andrevan> jhass: fair, but I don't agree. If you're interested in trying to debug the technical problem we can keep talking.
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<Andrevan> jhass: I would rather have a test that exercises the implementation more or less fully with the exception of the drop-in HTTP adapter, than one that exercises no part of the underlying implementation because it's all stubs
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<Andrevan> jhass: think of it like using headless Capybara instead of Chrome. THe server on the other side is the same but we talk to it in a different way in test. It's still the difference between an integration test and a stubbed out unit test
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<Andrevan> jhass: the larger issue is that VCR usually just automagically picks up all Net::HTTP calls. I know it's set up because if I make a get to google.com that gets picked up, but the call inside xmpp4r is ignored
<jhass> Andrevan: if you ever tried to port say a selenium backed project to poltergeist, you would know exactly what I mean
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<jhass> the edge case behavior is so different, and it's not even close to being as different in the backend implementation
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<jhass> anyway, as said I see no real point in continuing that discussion
<Andrevan> jhass: I've worked on projects that used selenium, poltergeist, capybara-webkit, cucumber, etc. The browser drivers do behave differently, but there's still value in them.
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<Andrevan> jhass: The solution is probably to use a custom test proxy like puffing-billy, but before I bite that bullet I was going to try to get VCR to work.
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<Andrevan> jhass: the behavior of the xmpp4r HTTP version versus the XMPP is actually more or less the same. The HTTP one is a little better for test cases because it returns things like status codes, so it's more Rails controller-y f
<axsuul> If i'm simply just trying to require 'logger' but it says cannot be found, is there something wrong with my ruby installation?
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<jhass> axsuul: maybe, how did you install it?
<axsuul> it just randomly happened
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<axsuul> using rbenv
<nofxx> How to group a flattened array into groups of X items?
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<jhass> nofxx: each_slice
<nofxx> jhass, ty!
<jhass> axsuul: huh? you mean you can no longer reproduce it?
<axsuul> means i never had this issue before today
<axsuul> didnt mess with ruby installation
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<jhass> axsuul: don't use Ruby, so no idea where the install base is, but check lib/ruby/2.2.0/logger.rb is still a thing?
<jhass> any other stdlib requires failing?
<jhass> er, don't use rbenv I mean
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<norc> Is there an elegant way to overwrite a string A with a smaller string B, starting at index n of A?
<norc> Just can't find a way without using B.length
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<norc> DOH.
<norc> Nevermind.
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<norc> >> "Q-Q-Q-Q".gsub("-").with_index(1){|_, i| i.odd? ? ":" : "."}
<ruboto> norc # => "Q:Q.Q:Q" (https://eval.in/477082)
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<norc> So obvious but didn't know that gsub returned an iterator. :)
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<VeryBewitching> G'day folks.
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<new_student> Hi! Which library is used by ruby/rubygems to download stuff from rubygems.org ?
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<jhass> Net::HTTP I'd guess
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<new_student> jhass: Is there some config file which is read by Net:HTTP which override system DNS configuration?
<jhass> I don't think so
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<VeryBewitching> new_student: Use your hosts file if you want to override DNS
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<jhass> or just a (logging/intercepting) proxy if you want to get hold of the request
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<new_student> VeryBewitching: I am trying to understand why this is happening: http://fpaste.org/295244/44865679/
<new_student> See Line 22
<VeryBewitching> Yes.
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<VeryBewitching> One thing I would like to mention before we continue talking about this, I have no experience but bad ones running Ruby on the Windows OS
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<VeryBewitching> Others may be running it successfully, but I have as of yet to know anything but pain trying.
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<new_student> VeryBewitching: I am stuck at the very first stage
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<new_student> The strange thing is, if I use cygwin, it doesn't cry
<VeryBewitching> Yes, cygwin provides it's own C library environment.
<new_student> Specifically, which C library would ruby be referring to
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<VeryBewitching> Well, if you're running a Windows binary of Ruby, it's linked against the Windows MS provided C library.
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<VeryBewitching> Under cygwin, it's GNU libc
<havenwood> new_student: RubyGems doesn't respond to ICMP echo requests so it's not pingable.
<new_student> havenwood: that is not the issue. I pinged just to show you that my DNS servers are functioning fine but ruby is not able to resolve rubygems.org
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<VeryBewitching> new_student: Use nslookup
<new_student> VeryBewitching: nslookup succeeds too
<norc> new_student: Have you wiresharked it yet?
<havenwood> new_student: What version of RubyGems?: gem -v
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<havenwood> gem -v #=> 2.5.0
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<new_student> norc: yes, I did, and during the gem command, no DNS requests are being made
<new_student> havenwood: 2.0.15
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<havenwood> new_student: Does updating RubyGems itself work?: gem update --system
<havenwood> new_student: 9Newer Ruby ships with newer RubyGems but you can update it independently.)
<new_student> havenwood: it just says: Latest version currently installed. Aborting.
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<norc> new_student: Have you flushed your DNS cache?
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<new_student> norc: yup, I have
<new_student> I did ipconfig /flushdns
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