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<jazzonmym111nd> {}, fork {}. they're part of ruby but they're unlikely to be what you want in a webapp.
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<jaequery> Celluloid, i think i need to modify my class to include the Celluloid library
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<jaequery> which i dont want to do, i want the async to just work anywhere like a helper utility
<jaequery> so, am i asking for too much? wanting an async library that works for webapp, in a fashion like, async do { .... code .... } ?
<Papierkorb> jaequery: Use fork{} if you're using a forking webserver or{} if you're using a threading webserver. If unsure, fork.
<jaequery> im using passenger phusion
<Papierkorb> jaequery: What are you trying to do? For what?
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<jazzonmym111nd> it forks, and you're gonna collect zombies unless you use Process.wait() at which point you're not async anymore.
<Papierkorb> Most likely, you'll want to have a worker process outside the webapp anyway.
<jaequery> just send out emails without blocking the page
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<jazzonmym111nd> in webapps people use sidekiq most of the time.
<jaequery> yeah i understand sidekiq is what most uses, it's just i wanted something that works in the fashion i described above
<jaequery> i know im picky but i have a lot of other node.js guys with me asking for same thing
<Papierkorb> jaequery: What you described above won't work with an external worker
<Papierkorb> Which is common place to have in Ruby-webdev-land
<eam> jazzonmym111nd: you can always call wait non-blocking
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<jaequery> so, what i asked above is not possible? even for my use case?
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<Papierkorb> jaequery, jazzonmym111nd you can also use Process.detach() to not accumulate zombies
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<jazzonmym111nd> eam: maybe, i think it will always depend on what the web server will do.
<eam> or just fork { fork { } }
<Papierkorb> jaequery: You can fork{}. If you're sure you know about the consequences
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<Papierkorb> Having a track record of all async jobs ran in a database is actually really nice
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<jaequery> i dont know basedd on what you guys said, im a bit weary on using forks
<Papierkorb> huh?
<jazzonmym111nd> fork isn't a good idea imo, especially in a rails app but if your application is small and the web server doesn't kill the fork, it could work. it'd be a shabby solution tbh.
<Papierkorb> Well, you may have to fix stuff like database connections (if you need that) after forking
<Papierkorb> jazzonmym111nd: The wanted solution is already shabby anyway
<eam> any time you fork, flip a coin and maybe your objects with shared state will all get jacked up
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<jaequery> so, if i were to use sidekiq, do you think its possible for me to create a helper utility method to do what i want? def async &block ?
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<jazzonmym111nd> yes it's possible.
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<Papierkorb> jaequery: No. How do you think would the code inside the block be sent to the worker process?
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<lupine> well :D
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<jazzonmym111nd> def aysnc(&block); { include Sidekiq::Worker; def perform(*args);*args); end; } something like that *might* work.
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<Papierkorb> Except for completely insane RubyVM::InstructionSequence hacks
<lupine> or just eval
<lupine> or, um, what's it called
<Papierkorb> jazzonmym111nd: Nope.
<lupine> that insane remote ruby thing
<al2o3-cr> Frankel
<Papierkorb> lupine: drb
<lupine> yeah, that piece of insanity
<Papierkorb> lupine: But that does RPC, not code distribution
<Papierkorb> So kinda like JSON-RPC
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<lupine> expect it uses Marshal under the hood, at least from memory
<lupine> except*
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<jaequery> sorry guys, so what was the verdict? was it possible to do or , not possible to do
<jaequery> i need to head out in a bit so just wanna get some quick closure to this if possible
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<ninja007> Hi
<ninja007> I’m new to Ruby language,
<jazzonmym111nd> welcome
<ninja007> and some inherited legacy code here for help:
<ninja007> if ( name[0] != ?_) ....
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<ninja007> what the ‘?_’ mean?
<ninja007> should it be something like ‘_’ the single char underbar?
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<jazzonmym111nd> was that code written for ruby 1.8?
<ninja007> I can guess that it compares the first letter of name variable to underbar char.
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<ninja007> @jazzonmym111nd, yes
<ninja007> the code was developed in 2011.
<ninja007> or earlier.
<jazzonmym111nd> 18>> ?a
<ruby[bot]> jazzonmym111nd: # => 97 (
<jazzonmym111nd> 18>> ?_
<ruby[bot]> jazzonmym111nd: # => 95 (
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<raldu> wow
<jazzonmym111nd> same as String#ord.
<ninja007> sorry, what’s that?
<lupine> could be rewritten as if name[0] != '_' in ruby1.9
<jaequery> @jazz, so i take it , what you described is not doable? as per papierkorb said?
<ninja007> then what does ? in ruby 1.8 mean?
<lupine> in ruby1.8, anystring[x] returned a fixnum
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<lupine> and ?<anychar> returned a fixnum
<lupine> those were the bad old days
<jazzonmym111nd> jaequery: yeah it wouldn't work, because a job class is initialized in a different process responsible for running jobs.
<ninja007> oh, in 1.8, then name[0] retruns a fixnum instead of char?
<lupine> yep
<raldu> is ?<char> construct outdated now? this is the first time I am seeing it, and I couldn't find anything related in the v2 docs.
<lupine> yeah, I wouldn't use it these days
<lupine> not least because it confuses new rubyists in a way '_'.ord would not
<ninja007> and also the ?<char> returns a fixnum too, so the above compare is compare two fixnum,
<jaequery> oh that is a bummer :(
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<ninja007> instead of a real char to char compare, right? :)
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<jazzonmym111nd> ninja007: right.
<jaequery> okay, i guess i'll just try sucker punch then
<ninja007> I’m on a Centos 6 box, and the ruby is still 1.8.7
<jazzonmym111nd> if you're running on >1.8 now you can just say name[0] == '_'.
<ninja007> Got it.
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<ninja007> the question mark puzzle me — not easy to google it. Thanks a lot to all.
<jazzonmym111nd> yw
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<lupine> only in ruby < 1.9
<lupine> in modern ruby, ?_ would return '_' it seems
<lupine> and '_foo'[0] would return '_'
<lupine> so it still works, just for different reasons
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<lupine> is it a perl operator?
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<havenwood> lupine: maybe from Smalltalk's $ char literal?
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<lupine> mm, doesn't seem to be a direct perl copy
<ratatine> Is there a way to do string interpolation referencing a nested hash? Like puts "Value: %{w}" % { a: { w: "one", x: "two"}} ?
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<jazzonmym111nd> ratatine: dont think so. why cant you just say "%{w}" % hash[:a] ?
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<ratatine> jazzonmym111nd, I have a nested hash coming from a rest API. I want to display a form of a subset of the data, grabbing fields from multiple levels. I thought I'd create the form with formtemplate = <<-eos ... and put in all the fields where I want them and just pass the hash to it.
<ratatine> Would be about the most slick way of rendering out the data in a human readable output.
<jazzonmym111nd> you could just use pretty print
<ratatine> Everywhere else I turn people are all "oh use awesome print" but that just does what pp does.
<ratatine> ugh
<ratatine> Not you too. ;)
<ratatine> I don't want to display the whole json document. Jut subsets.
<ratatine> And I'd like to do so without a massive list of puts statements formatting each line individually and a bunch of each clauses parsing out the nests.
<jazzonmym111nd> well, String#% won't work with nested hashes like that, unless you are explicit about which subset you want. pretty print works well if you just supply subsets too.
<jazzonmym111nd> >> "%{foo}" % {foo: {bar: 1}}
<ruby[bot]> jazzonmym111nd: # => "{:bar=>1}" (
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<jazzonmym111nd> so it kinda works.
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<ratatine> pp from what I've seen just gives me a lint for json. is there a method I missed?
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<jazzonmym111nd> >> pp {foo: {bar: 1}}
<ruby[bot]> jazzonmym111nd: # => /tmp/execpad-2f33c9f132b8/source-2f33c9f132b8:2: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}' ...check link for more (
<jazzonmym111nd> >> require 'pp'; pp {foo: {bar: 1}}
<ruby[bot]> jazzonmym111nd: # => /tmp/execpad-778747681fac/source-778747681fac:2: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}' ...check link for more (
<ratatine> this is my json:
<ruby[bot]> ratatine: we in #ruby do not like, I reposted your paste to gist for you:
<ruby[bot]> ratatine: loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
<ratatine> Thank you ruby[bot]. You're so kind.
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<ratatine> So pp would display that in a linted style which is unsuitable for sending to a user.
<ratatine> Users don't speak json afterall.
<jazzonmym111nd> im not sure, you might just have to write a small parser that creates a digest of it that's readable to a human.
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<ratatine> Guess so. My hope was I could do something like puts "Location: %{geolocation}{country}" % jsondata
<ratatine> Except my format string would be a long report style string created with formatstring = %{...} ....
<ratatine> Thanks for your thoughts though.
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<jazzonmym111nd> i don't think String#% is that sophiscated.
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<jazzonmym111nd> ratatine: you could write an ERB template
<ratatine> Never heard of it. I'll google it. Thanks.
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<ichkv> hi all, this channek been any body from speach russian; also writing only english? Thnks
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<ichkv> *chanel
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<ichkv> ok, Thank you
<jazzonmym111nd> hm no sorry
<jazzonmym111nd> no one in that channel
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<ichkv> pretty... default me search on jabber (xmpp)
<ichkv> but in "*" info after 11-12 years very minimal and only from beginners
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<jazzonmym111nd> yeah, might not be a ruby channel for russian
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<ichkv> so, me login in to, but nobody them
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<ichkv> so guys, if your using linux and beginners/middle RoR then me been pair question from your :)
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<eam> good evening, how are your rubies
<jazzonmym111nd> shiny
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<ichkv> what?) me? my english-skill tell as reading man pages linux (read but easy writung)
<ichkv> *writing
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<ichkv> anybody sing nginx + unicorn? me configuration as instructions, but itsnot deploing
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<domgetter> Anyone know what the time complexity of Array#min(n) is?
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<domgetter> sorry, Enumerable#min(2)
<domgetter> Enumerable#min(n) (I must be tired)
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<domgetter> Does Ruby sort the sequence with quicksort?
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<baweaver> &ri Enumerable#min
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<baweaver> so yeah, quicksort whenever domgetter shows back up
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<naviaa> Hi all, as a starting programmer i'm interested in pair programming. What resources/articles are a "must-read"? How do I get started?
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<Burgestrand> naviaa Oh, that's an interesting one. I worked for a company for 5 years that did (almost) exclusively pair program, but unfortunately I'm not aware of any resources around it. I'm assuming you're googling around by yourself, so a keyword that you could expand your search with is "mob programming". It's probably going to give you even more questions though. :)
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<Burgestrand> naviaa (and frankly this channel is for ruby questions, so it's possible this is a bit off-topic)
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<Burgestrand> >> "Hello!"
<ruby[bot]> Burgestrand: # => "Hello!" (
<dminuoso> Burgestrand: I consider programming methodologies to be within the scope of this channel.
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<Burgestrand> dminuoso Arguably they could be within the scope of all programming channels, or none, I don't make the rules so I'm trying to communicate my uncertainty!
<Burgestrand> dminuoso But that is good to know. :)
<naviaa> Burgestrand: thanks for that keyword, never connected that to pair programming :) Is there a channel for pair programming?
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<dminuoso> Burgestrand: As long as you stop discussing "slightly" off-topic stuff when someone brings up a ruby question it doesn't really matter.
<dminuoso> It's normal in this channel.
<Burgestrand> dminuoso Yeah, I agree, a programming-related discussion is no worse than a quiet channel.
<Burgestrand> (and a programming-related meta-discussion, haha)
<apeiros> your discussion of what's ontopic is offtopic, please move it
<apeiros> j/k ;-)
<Burgestrand> ;)
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<Burgestrand> naviaa I don't know one! I guess this channel is as good as any. :)
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<Burgestrand> naviaa Thinking on it a bit, I think the best resource I had was practice. Are you searching for resources because you want to pair program with somebody, or just to educate yourself?
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<naviaa> Burgestrand: both actually. From what i read, pair programming is a wonderful way of exchanging experience. I'd like to try it, but i don't know if i'm good enough, what programs ppl use to engage in pp, and how/where to start.
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<shortCircuit__> hi
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<shortCircuit__> I have a question, presently, I have an api, which returns a json and the json contains a link to the next page .. now when I had nodejs, I had a promisified method, which would take the page_index as parameter . then after the first call I would have [0..page_num].map(callApi) .. In ruby how do I do this recursive retrival without recursion ? just the same thing , but that everything will be synchronous and no promise
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<apeiros> shortCircuit__: what do you have so far?
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<Burgestrand> naviaa It can definitely be a wonderful way of exchanging experience, and there's no experience requirement or "you must know this" part of it. Most people do some form of pair-something in school from working on assignments and whatnot, it's not that much different so it can be quite natural even for the first time.
<rafadc> naviaa, there is no such thing as good enough for pair programming. We pair some time in our job and the best approach IMHO is getting rid of al those "I'm worthy", "He think's I'm stupid"... as soon as possible :D
<rafadc> That is just getting in the middle of getting something done
<rafadc> If you want to self critizice yourself, believe me, you will find a readon.
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<rafadc> (reason)
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<Burgestrand> naviaa It's completely OK to grab a friend, sit yourself behind a computer together and work on a problem without anybody telling you how to work correctly. :)
<Burgestrand> s/yourself/yourselves/
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<naviaa> Thanks for the encouraging words :) I don't work in an environment where can (pair) program. Is there a site where ppl go to start or coordinate to pair program?
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<naviaa> i.e. i don't have friends which whom i can pair-program.
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<Burgestrand> naviaa I'd recommend programming meetups, if there are any in your city, you ought to be able to find somebody there that don't mind pairing.
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<Burgestrand> There's probably online tools for pairing too, but frankly I'm not too keen on remote pairing. To me the communication part about it is very important, and in-person communication has less friction than remote
<Burgestrand> (you can very much still pair program online if you want to, that last part is a very subjective personal preference)
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<naviaa> Burgestrand: I think i'll try it nevertheless, thanks for the warning though. The easiest way to share a dev environment i know of is a shared tmux/dtach session over ssh. Is that the preferred way in your experience?
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<Burgestrand> naviaa Yeah, that'd probably do just fine, and then have some way of audio/video communication in a side-channel (e.g. Skype, Google Hangouts, Discord). Remote pairing does have increased risk of both people accidentally trying to type at the same time :)
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<naviaa> thanks for the pointers and encouraging words, i hope to dip my feet in the pp pool soon.
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<rafadc> shaed tmux is nice but I found the learning curve very steep for a lot of people. To be honest in my company we just share screen using hangouts and don't switch to much from driver to copilot
<rafadc> (to much/ too much)
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<naviaa> rafadc: does that mean you git push/pull everytime you do switch?
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<rafadc> no, just when we change. that is why we don't do it so often. We rebase our branches before merging to master to keep story readable so a couple of commits there make no harm
* shortCircuit__ is back
<shortCircuit__> apeiros I will write and get back
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<Guest49142> hi
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<Guest49142> i have arr = [ {}, {}, {a,"b"=>["1","2"]}....{}] how do i access all hashesd where "b"[0] => "1"
<apeiros> Guest49142: { |hash| …test your hash here… }
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<Guest49142> apeiros: yeah. my question is more about how do i check "first" element of "b" ??
<Guest49142> that specific part only?
<Guest49142> i am doing this for google map api json["results"][0]["address_components"].select { |x| x["types"][0] == ["administrative_area_level_1"]} which do not work
<Guest49142> that x["types"][0] is wrong.
<apeiros> how do you figure that that's the part which is wrong?
<shortCircuit__> I have this .. but the code is not good .. and also the recursion doesn't end :'(
<Guest49142> apeiros: nvm. .include works.
<apeiros> Guest49142: that does test something else, though.
<Guest49142> no.
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<Guest49142> x["types"].include? "string" works.
<shortCircuit__> I can separate out the two .. like separate the fetch from insert and then use a loop, that would take the recursion out
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<apeiros> >> ["some", "string", "array"].include?("string")
<ruby[bot]> apeiros: # => true (
<apeiros> >> ["some", "string", "array"][0] == "string"
<ruby[bot]> apeiros: # => false (
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<apeiros> Guest49142: not "no". yes. they do test entirely different things.
<apeiros> whether that's what you need is another question. but it's certainly not what you *said* you need.
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<Guest49142> :-(
<Guest49142> I am doing HTTParty inside my rails model. how do I take care of the security?
<Guest49142> its calling .get to get a json returned by google maps api.
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<phone> is there method overloading in ruby?
<shortCircuit__> nah
<phone> def func end; and def func(arg) end; both are considered to be method overriding
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<shortCircuit__> method overriding is for two classes I guess. but I think the last one with shadow the former
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<shortCircuit__> you can have optional arguments tho
<shortCircuit__> def func(args = nil) end;
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<phone> If parameters are different still they are in method overloading
<phone> it's different from python
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<phone> or any other languages
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<shortCircuit__> o.O
<phone> method should have unique name
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<shortCircuit__> in a given namespace .. right .. but there is nothing preventing you from rdefining .. that is how monkey patching is done
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<phone> good
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<phone> ruby instead supports this: *args
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<shortCircuit__> you could do that instead of optional arguments . depends on the use case
<phone> optional hash
<phone> def func(a:1,b:2) end
<shortCircuit__> o.O what is this
<phone> this is hash
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<shortCircuit__> anyway I gotta worry about handling cursors in returned result of an api .. maybe I have to use an Enumerator
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<phone> you can achieve this question in this way
<shortCircuit__> plz help
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<shortCircuit__> which question, how can I achieve that with that
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<gener1c> meh
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<gener1c> how do i do testing on event driven stuff?
<phone> I don't even understand shortCircuit__'s question. :)
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<shortCircuit__> the question is I have this code .. how can this recursive part be improved .. this can lead to an stackoverflow
<gener1c> ah sorryz
<shortCircuit__> I don't think ruby does any tail call optimization .. not sure
<dminuoso_> shortCircuit__: Ruby has the capability, and it can be enabled.
<dminuoso_> shortCircuit__: Look at RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_option
<shortCircuit__> ow .. ok . but can it be done without that .. and will tail call optimization be helpful in this case
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<mobile> lazy stuff?
<shortCircuit__> yeah lazy stuff
<dminuoso_> shortCircuit__: Word of advice, use public_send over send every time.
<mobile> instead of recursion
<shortCircuit__> ok
<shortCircuit__> the @config is an openstruct
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<shortCircuit__> mobile , I understand, but how
<mobile> I don't know further. i just started to learn ruby
<shortCircuit__> ah .. same here
<shortCircuit__> :D
<mobile> maybe there's lazy thing.
<dminuoso_> shortCircuit__: The thing about send is that it lets you call private/protected methods and thus breaking encapsulation. You should never want this, so by using public_send you sign the class invariant contract.
<dminuoso_> shortCircuit__: And prove that you are not peaking into a classes implementation.
<shortCircuit__> hm. ok understood :)
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<shmulik> hi guys, who know 3des encryption ?
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<shmulik> i need to change padding method from pcks5 to iso9797-1
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<elomatreb> shmulik: Why are you using 3DES anyway?
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<marchelzo> hello
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<shmulik> for encrypt user data in gsm ota message
<shmulik> elomatreb for encrypt user data in gsm ota message
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<marchelzo> say you have an array of paths, some of which may refer to non-existing files. how do you get an array of strings containing the contents of all of the existing files?
<marchelzo> without filtering the array by checking whether the files exist
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<marchelzo> no ruby rockstars around?
<elomatreb> marchelzo: {|p| } or something in that nature
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<marchelzo> elomatreb: won't that throw an exception if one of the files doesn't exist?
<elomatreb> Probably. You could use a guarding rescue clause to handle that
<marchelzo> what would that look like
<elomatreb> So: {|p| rescue WhateverExceptionThisThrows }
<elomatreb> The array would then contain nil for those paths where the files do not exist
<marchelzo> now what happens if it throws?
<marchelzo> oh
<marchelzo> is rescue used a lot in idiomatic ruby code?
<elomatreb> Rescue yes, guarding rescue (with the rescue after the code) not so much, because you can't to proper handling
<marchelzo> is non-guarding rescue just like 'catch' is other languages?
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<elomatreb> Basically yes. begin ... <some code> ... rescue ExceptionClass => e ... <handle e> ... end
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<elomatreb> A guarding rescue is equivalent to this, with the "handle e" part just returning nil
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<marchelzo> i see
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<Dysp> Hi there.
<marchelzo> elomatreb: how do you when it's appropriate to return nil vs. throwing an exception
<marchelzo> e.g., [1, 2, 3][100] yields nil, as does 'test'[100], but it would seem equally logical for them to throw.
<Dysp> I need some advice on how to overcome a problem. I need to do a rolling average. How would you guys do that? I cannot wrap my head around it.
<marchelzo> whats a rolling average?
<elomatreb> marchelzo: A generally accepted rule of thumb is to only raise exceptions if it actually is an error condition, whereas nil is used where it is an acceptable value indicating nothing
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<elomatreb> shmulik: I don't know the specific answer to your question, but you could try reading the docs for the Ruby OpenSSL binding:
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<Dysp> marchelzo: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Lets say we average over 2 numbers. 1+2/2 = 1,5. Then 2+3/2 = 2,5. Then 3+4/2 = 3,5 etc.
<Dysp> Oh, and the commas should be dots.
<Dysp> 1.5, 2.5, 3.5
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<elomatreb> Dysp: If you have an Array, there is this method:
<marchelzo> so what should the result be?
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<marchelzo> why do you have 5 numbers but end up with 3?
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<Dysp> elomatreb: Beautiful!
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<elomatreb> Enumerable is a really nice module, actually worth reading the docs for it just for methods like this one
<Dysp> marchelzo: If you have a big array of data and you want to find the highest data point, you could just do array.max. But what if the data range contains invalid data points where there is an abnormal high max value? To assess this you can do a rolling average over maybe 10 numbers.
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<Dysp> In that case you 'normalize' the fluctation and can easier find a proper max value.
<Dysp> Did that make sense?
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<marchelzo> and then you take the max of the rolling averages?
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<Dysp> Exactly
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<Dysp> :)
<marchelzo> ok, sure.
<marchelzo> so in your first example, you omitted the 4.5 (i guess it was part of the "etc.")
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<marchelzo> its omission confused me, but i see what you mean now
<marchelzo> each_cons is very neat. i'm going to steal it.
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<Dysp> Yeah.
<Dysp> Steal away!
<marchelzo> elomatreb: do you ever wish that something that returns nil threw an exception or vice versa?
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<elomatreb> marchelzo: Me personally not too often, but I'm reasonably sure it's definitely a thing that happens
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<marchelzo> i'm working on a programming language, and i'm really unsure of how to design the built-in functions and standard library interfaces
<marchelzo> exceptions vs. nil vs. some kind of sum type like Some(x)/None
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<marchelzo> having everything return Optional values is super cumbersome when you know that it won't fail, but makes it easier to chain potentially-failing operations together
<elomatreb> An example from ActiveRecord (Rails) for the Ruby conventions (not rules!) is the `find` method. Regular find just returns nil if there is no match, whereas `find!` will raise
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<marchelzo> interesting
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<incog> freenode is spying on you: Head over to #antispammeta @ freenode & type ;investigate & your usual nick to see a snitchbot spam your info
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<marchelzo> how swag is that?
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<apeiros> marchelzo: it doesn't look like ruby?
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<dminuoso_> apeiros: It doesn't even parse in Ruby.
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<gener1c> how do i do continuose unit testing in ruby?
<gener1c> i wanna tdd a little
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<gener1c> do i use rspec or unit/test and what do i run em with?
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<gener1c> test/unit*
<dminuoso_> gener1c: An example could be github/travis
<gener1c> yeah well travis is online
<gener1c> i want to tdd
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<gener1c> or test before i push
<gener1c> if you want
<gener1c> i can just run watch rubyscript
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<gener1c> for the test/unit
<gener1c> but i assume there is something more fitting than my homebrew hack
<elomatreb> apeiros, dminuoso_: marchelzo said earlier they were designing their own language and wanted to take some inspiration from Ruby
<canton7> gener1c, then follow tdd. Have a test suite. When writing a unit, write the test first. Run it. Make sure it fails. Write the unit. Make sure the test passes. Commit
<canton7> doesn't really matter what unit test framework you use
<dminuoso_> elomatreb: Ah.
<gener1c> and waht about a watchdog
<gener1c> so the test will run only on something i have changed and not the whole thing canton7
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<dminuoso_> gener1c: travis ci lets you automate build/tests on each commit.
<gener1c> yeah but thats server side i mean dev side
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<gener1c> i can write a commit hook
<canton7> gener1c, why would you need that? you should be able to run your whole test suite in a few seconds, or you can usually specify a particular class of tests to run
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<apeiros> elomatreb: aha
<canton7> having the test suite run automatically sounds like a PITA - it'll run when you're in the middle of changing something, and see a syntax error (because you haven't finished typing) as a test failure
<gener1c> canton7: because i want to focus on the unit im developing canton7 and not the whole class
<dminuoso_> gener1c: You can also use branches properly then.
<canton7> gener1c, tell your test runner to just run that unit's tests, then
<dminuoso_> gener1c: keep a development branch where you push (and let travis ci integration do its magic)
<dminuoso_> gener1c: and then rebase/merge into a master/release branch
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<canton7> gener1c, but a bunch of passing tests is fine - your test suite will give details about failures (which you care about), and passes (which you don't, really)
<canton7> so having a bunch of passes for other units isn't an issue
<dminuoso_> gener1c: if you are still interested in your mentioned approach
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<gener1c> dminuoso_: you are missing the point here i think.
<canton7> dminuoso_, testing on commit kinda defeats the point of tdd
<gener1c> thanks canton7
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<dminuoso_> Ah.
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<gener1c> so canton7 how do i run a test on filesave? simply use gulp"?
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<canton7> again, I don't think you want to do that
<gener1c> why? it would save me the hassle of retyping the command again and again
<canton7> if you're anything like me, you'll save multiple times while writing the unit. Each save will trigger a test failure
<canton7> is pressing the 'up' arrow and pressing enter really so hard? :P
<gener1c> hehehe
<gener1c> maybe i should write a vim macro :P
<gener1c> ESC:^ in my case
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<dminuoso> Mmm, is there some idiomatic way to define a class instance variable in a base class for derives classes?
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<agent_white> Mornin'
<dminuoso> As a contrived example of what I would like to do:
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<dminuoso> >> class Base; @foo = []; def self.add(o); @foo << o; end; end; class Derived < Base; add(1); end
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => undefined method `<<' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) ...check link for more (
<dminuoso> Now it's clear why this does not work.
<dminuoso> Obviously I could do something like:
<dminuoso> >> class Base; def self.add(o); @foo ||= []; @foo << o; end; end; class Derived < Base; add(1); end
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => [1] (
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<dminuoso> In a Ruby world without public/protected/private inheritance, it's probably better to hide away a Base classes internals anyway..
<dminuoso> What do you think?
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<dminuoso> Though the moment add is called, then @foo is defined even for Derived.
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<jokke> can someone help me out with yard? i tried the @!macro definition and i think it's very cool but i miss being able to customize the output of the macro sometimes. is this at all possible?
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<DaniG2k> hello all. I'm trying to make a really simple gem but am getting an error when trying to require it from irb
<DaniG2k> LoadError: cannot load such file -- korean_name
<DaniG2k> its a super simple gem right now, just trying to get it up and running
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<DaniG2k> i ran bundle install, I have a korean_name.gemspec file and a korean_name-0.1.0.gem file
<DaniG2k> and I ran gem build korean_name.gemspec
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<DaniG2k> am I missing something?
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<Biciato> Hi people
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<Biciato> can someone help me ?
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<dminuoso> ?help
<ruby[bot]> You can find an overview of my commands at
<dminuoso> mmm
<dminuoso> Biciato: don't ask for help, just tell us about your problem.
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<Biciato> is there a problem to ask a "logic" problem here ?
<Biciato> just to know
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<dminuoso> Biciato: Ask.
<dminuoso> Worst is we tell you to ask somewher else.
<dminuoso> But asking to ask, and then asking to ask some more is just pissing me off.
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<Biciato> i'm new here, that's why i'm asking
<Biciato> but anyway
<SeepingN> <Jeopardy>
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<Biciato> all i want is delete the second char from a string but that string is inside an array
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<baweaver> dminuoso: watch it
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<dminuoso> baweaver: My apologies. :-)
<baweaver> Biciato: just the first element of the array?
<Biciato> is the only element of the array
<baweaver> Ok. To start, how would you get the first element of an array?
<baweaver> or rather, what have you already tried?
<Biciato> ["AsQs"] is my array and i need to delete de first "s"
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<dminuoso> Biciato: How do you access that string? :)
<SeepingN> Some call it..... Tim?
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<Biciato> by index
<Biciato> ??
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<dminuoso> Biciato: Right, You just refer to the string. You can then use str.slice!(n) to remove the nth index.
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<baweaver> &ri String
<baweaver> that may be of some help as well.
<dminuoso> baweaver: Am I forgiven now? :S
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<baweaver> They'll look up to the ops and yell "forgive us!" and we'll look down and whisper "no"
<baweaver> jokes aside, not a problem
<baweaver> just be sure to be nice.
<dminuoso> I'm nice. Mostly.
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<baweaver> It's the mostly part I was after you on :P
<baweaver> (well, that and I can't help but quote Rorschach)
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<Biciato> i'll try
<Biciato> thankx
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<Biciato> hey dminuoso , it's not removing the nth index but keeping
<baweaver> &ri String#slice!
<baweaver> notice what each slice! call returns
<Biciato> yeah , it is removing
<Biciato> my mistaken
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<Biciato> thankx
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<Biciato> thanks
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<kx> can you do partial array comparisons e.g. [1,2,3] == [1, _, 3] without gems?
<kx> as a one liner
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<chris2> >> data=[1,2,3]; pat=[1,nil,3]; pat.each_with_index.all? { |a,i| a == nil || pat[i] == data[i] }
<ruby[bot]> chris2: # => true (
<kx> that's a cool idea, thanks
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<chris2> or use :_ or something
<bmurt> hey ya'll, question for ya.. im using the aws ruby sdk (specifically ec2's describe_key_pairs and create_key_pair, but when a key isn't found in the query or if there's a duplicate key, i get one of two exceptions: Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidKeyPairNotFound and Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidKeyPairDuplicate respectively. how can i get this to "retry" vs hit the exception and exit
<kx> yeah, probably better to avoid future wtfs
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<JeanCarloMachado> cler
<JeanCarloMachado> sorry :P
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<baweaver> &ri Array#===
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<baweaver> so only range redefines that to includes. Hrm,
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<petercooper> possible variation to keep all the data on the outside
<petercooper> >> [1,2,3].zip([1,nil,3]).all? { |a,b| b.nil? || a == b }
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<ruby[bot]> petercooper: # => true (
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<dminuoso> baweaver: IPAddr does something similar too.
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<dminuoso> >> [[1,2,3],[1,nil,3]].transpose.all? { |a,b| b.nil? || a == b } # petercooper
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => true (
<dminuoso> >> [[1,2,3],[1,nil,3]].transpose.all? { |a,b| !a&.==(b).nil? } # petercooper
<ruby[bot]> dminuoso: # => true (
<dminuoso> for extra sillyness points.
<kx> :)
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<petercooper> haha very smart
<kx> cool stuff
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<dminuoso> petercooper: actually strike that last one
<baweaver> >>class Array;def ===(o)o.each_with_index.all?{|x,i|x==:*||self[i]==x}end;end; [1,2,3] === [1, :*, 3]
<ruby[bot]> baweaver: # => true (
<baweaver> boom
<baweaver> though not suggested to actually do
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<baweaver> You _could_ abuse the array initializer too, but that'd be a longer mess.
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<petercooper> if we're getting silly, another suggestion just for fun..
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<petercooper> >> a=[1,2,3]; b=[1,nil,3]; a|b.compact==a
<dminuoso> petercooper: Im thinking how to make some fun on that condition like I tried.
<ruby[bot]> petercooper: # => true (
<petercooper> it has a few flaws of course ;)
<petercooper> s/few/thousand
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<baweaver> If you use a Hash instead you can treat it like an array and intercept anything that returns :* to return an object with == defined that'll always be true.
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<baweaver> Hashes are really freakishly powerful, especially when you combine with lambdas
<dminuoso> Don't see a way how I could use the safe navigation operator to get rid off that ||
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<baweaver> ^ that's how you properly abuse a hash
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<dminuoso> baweaver: That is hilarious.
<baweaver> I'll change it up a bit later to be like a deep select instead
<baweaver> but the gist of it is that it abuses the fact that lambdas can be called with :[]
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<arup_r> I am writing a little wrapper of Stripe for my own project use. So what I don't like is `_load` . I have to do it like that, because there is a 2 way we can stripe subscription object with subscription_id or without ( when it is the first one ). Any idea how can I improve the Subscription class?
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<baweaver> Just inline it in the initialize
<baweaver> also customer.customer?
<arup_r> ok, but I need to comment on the code to tell others how it works. Is that fine?
<baweaver> Yeah
<baweaver> that's a good reason to use comments
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<baweaver> anything that's not immediately apparent should probably have a comment explaining so
<arup_r> hm. ok feels like I becoming a programmer .. thanks baweaver :D
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<baweaver> all things in time arup_r
<arup_r> hmm customer.customer i didn't notice.. that is ugly too
<baweaver> Might call it something like stripe_customer instead
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<baweaver> it's a bit towards Hungarian notation, but I find it nice to be able to quickly find what's mine and what's not.
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<arup_r> you mean the local variable or the attr_reader?
<dminuoso> arup_r: also remove that silly underscore :)
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<dminuoso> arup_r: It's private, people can't call it anyway without intentionally breaking encapsulation.
<baweaver> Anything that references a literal stripe customer object
<baweaver> but send is so much fun :D
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<baweaver> anyways, the reason I'd do that is so whenever errors come in it's pretty clear that it's a stripe_customer object that's causing the error instead of my implementation of it.
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<baweaver> Though this may also be a good use for SimpleDelegator or Forwardable
<baweaver> that way it can just pass through all methods to the stripe object by default except for what you override in the class.
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<arup_r> yeah, I can see what you mean. So should I rewrite ? :)
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<baweaver> if it works, it works
<dminuoso> arup_r:
<baweaver> don't burn too much time trying to refactor for an ideal case.
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<dminuoso> arup_r: ^- that actually is one of the more crucial resources for programming
<dminuoso> One of the valid xkcds to actually post from time to time
<arup_r> ok
<dminuoso> If it saves enough time later on in maintenance or usage to compensate for the effort spent rewriting, do it. Otherwise not.
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<SeepingN> or makes it less prone to errors
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<dminuoso> SeepingN: I consider that to be effort in maintenance. :p
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<JackMc> Hey, I'm trying to decrypt a Blowfish string with an IV, key, and some ciphertext. I have not much knowledge about this text other than that I have some Python code that can decrypt it.
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<JackMc> I want to get it working in Ruby, but the OpenSSL module with a shit ton of different settings doesn't seem to work.
<JackMc> Has anyone here done this before?
<dminuoso> Look what I found :-)
<baweaver> beat me to it
<JackMc> haha thanks dminuoso but I tried that :\
<dminuoso> JackMc: Okay, recognizing that this is from Ruby 1.9 times, what issues did you have?
<JackMc> I have tried all the strategies suggested in the top 10 Google results :p
<dminuoso> Great, means you're worth my time!
<dminuoso> :-P
<JackMc> Let me reproduce it again
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<baweaver> y'might toss it up on a gist too when you get it
<JackMc> I definitely will, this is a hell of a rabbit hole, been my last 8 hours :)
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<JackMc> Here's an IRB session with what I tried and the results dminuoso
<ruby[bot]> JackMc: we in #ruby do not like, it has no syntax highlighting, distracting formatting and loads slowly for most. Please use
<baweaver> naggy bot is naggy
<adam12> lol
<JackMc> It does have syntax highlighting though mr bot
<JackMc> But I'll throw it on gist
<baweaver> done
<JackMc> Oh plus irb(main):011:0> cipher ='bf-cbc')
<JackMc> To initialize the cipher :)
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Just so there is no confusion. Are you sure about the BF-CBC cipher?
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<JackMc> dminuoso: Yeah, that's the one the reference Python code uses. I can throw that up on gist too if you'd like
<dminuoso> JackMc: Sure, why not.
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<JackMc> 👋
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<Guest26977> Can somebody get me this book for free:
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<JackMc> Lol
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<dminuoso> JackMc: So before we start chasing different problems. What problems did you experience?
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<JackMc> dminuoso: tried things like encoding everything and combinations thereof into ASCII ("data size not multiple of block size"), change padding to 0 (garbage output), running stuff like .pack("H*") on the data (misaligns it), reconverting to Unicode at the end (no change)
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Alright. So let's start with the data you have.
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Im seeing URI parsing and forced encodings, and after 8 hours you've probably arrived at the "I'll just try things until this works" - so I'm curious about the original form of the data.
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<JackMc> The URI parsing is cause this stuff actually comes from a web app - but I feed the output of that URI parse into the python and it succeeds
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<JackMc> But the person gave me three numbers: an IV (12345678), a key (16 characters) and after receiving output from the app it gave me a blowfish encrypted blob
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Alright.
<dminuoso> JackMc: Im curious, how do you set the key?
<JackMc> The unencrypted data looks like IP=blah USER=blah2 OTHERINFO=blah3
<dminuoso> Sad panda, I was more hoping for your credit card details.
<dminuoso> But fine.
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<JackMc> The cipher.key = "notthekey" above is doing that I think
<dminuoso> JackMc: Curious because I'm getting exceptions on the key length there.
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Though based on your snippets, you naughty. You forgot to initialize your cipher as a decrypt cipher!
<dminuoso> 22:48 < JackMc> Oh plus irb(main):011:0> cipher ='bf-cbc')
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<dminuoso> It should be cipher ='bf-cbc').decrypt
<JackMc> Yeah it's actually a 16 character string. I can DM it to you cause the resultant data isn't actually sensitive (a UUID and an IP)
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<dminuoso> That explains it. :-)
<JackMc> Yeah I did that in my actual code unfortunately:(
<dminuoso> JackMc: You can send it to me via DM if you like.
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Let's get some things out of the way:
<dminuoso> JackMc: force endocing these first two strings to ascii is not necessary
<dminuoso> The reason is even though they are UTF8 strings, they are using the ascii compatible set, so their codepoints will be ascii codepoints still.
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<dminuoso> JackMc: Im really unsure where the problem is. IV could be wrong, key could be wrong, or the data is not interpreted correctly here
<dminuoso> But that should work.
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<JackMc> Sorry dminuoso I got a phone call
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<dminuoso> Not an issue.
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<dminuoso> Im about to crash, so..
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<JackMc> Thanks so much for your help dminuoso <3
<JackMc> Sorry I had to dip out - family called
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<bodgix> Hi. I'm testing the main/entry script with rspec. How can I stub a global method? I've tried expect(Module).to receive and expect_any_instance_of(Module).to receive but they didn't work
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<baweaver> define global method
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<baweaver> you could always do a `p self.class` to see where it's binding.
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<bodgix> global as in defined outside of all modules with def in the script.rb file
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<baweaver> probably Kernel then
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<baweaver> do the self.class thing from above to be sure.
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<bodgix> tried expect(Kernel) and expect_any_instance_of(Kernel) but didn't work
<bodgix> fwiw I could stub puts in the same spec file by expect_any_instance_ok(Kernel).to receive(:puts)
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<baweaver> self.class
<baweaver> find that
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<bodgix> good point.: Object
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<baweaver> Try that then
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<bodgix> thanks baweaver. It worked
<bodgix> Don't know why I thought it was a Module. Seemed to make more sense
* baweaver shrugs
<baweaver> who knows.
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<patrick99e99> hey everyone.. I am trying to install 2.2.5 via rvm, but I keep getting dyld: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime
<patrick99e99> it also says Libraries missing for ruby-2.2.5: /usr/local/opt/gmp/lib/libgmp.10.dylib. Refer to your system manual for installing libraries
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<havenwood> patrick99e99: which OS/distro?
<patrick99e99> mac os x, 10.11.6
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<havenwood> patrick99e99: try?: brew install gmp
<patrick99e99> havenwood: ahh.. thank you! works now.
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<havenwood> patrick99e99: you're welcome, happy hacking!
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<havenwood> oops, misstell >.>
<baweaver> somehow this does not surprise me in the least
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<ruby-lang873> O great Ruby wizards - I pose a hopefully simple Ruby question which your 'umble narrator cannot solve thus far.
<ruby-lang873> The method is: # Determine the percent byte usage # def percent_bytes(fs_info) (100.0 - (100.0 * fs_info.bytes_free / fs_info.bytes_total)).round(2) end
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<ruby-lang873> It always returns a fractional part. I want to truncate it. If I replace the round(2) with trunc, I get NaN "not-a-number" errors. Help O Great Ruby gurus.
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<havenwood> >> 100.0 * 0 / 0 # ruby-lang873
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => NaN (
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<ruby-lang873> havenwood > /dev/null
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<Papierkorb> ruby-lang873: Just not pass an argument to #round?
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<ruby-lang873> Papierkorb - thankyou for your response. I had tried .round() s well but it gave a "NaN" as well.
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<havenwood> ruby-lang873: Don't divide 0.0 by 0! :-)
<havenwood> >> Float::NAN.round(0)
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => NaN (FloatDomainError) ...check link for more (
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<havenwood> ruby-lang873: You'll get NaN if both `fs_info.bytes_free` and `fs_info.bytes_total` are zero with the code above.
<havenwood> >> (100.0 - (100.0 * 0 / 0))
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => NaN (
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<ruby-lang873> havenwood, fs_info.bytes_total can't be zero.
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<ruby-lang873> #{blahblahblah.round(0)}
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<baweaver> ruby-lang873 can't or isn't?
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<baweaver> there's a large amount of difference between those two
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<baweaver> verify that your assumption is correct
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<grill> is this a hash or an array? {:level=>"1", :stardust_cost=>"200", :candy_cost=>"1", :total_powerups=>"1", :total_stardust=>"200", :total_candy=>"1"}
<al2o3-cr> grill: former
<havenwood> grill: Ask it: {:level=>"1"}.class #=> Hash
<grill> why does ruby tell me it's an Array when i use .class on it?
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<havenwood> grill: Is the Hash you showed us in an Array, and that Array is what you're calling #class on?
<havenwood> >> [{}].class
<ruby[bot]> havenwood: # => Array (
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<grill> looks like it
<grill> odd
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<grill> mm. i see where it all went wrong. thanks
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