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<ruby-lang198> ||= will only set the value if it is nil or false. is this recommended when declaring a variable for the first time in general in ruby?
<ruby-lang198> (also, am i using that operator correctly)
<ruby-lang198> thx
<ruby-lang198> finally
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<ruby-lang198> if i'm checking for truthiness
<ruby-lang198> can i use weight &&= weight < 60
<ruby-lang198> to check for nil AND test the weight?
<ruby-lang198> the &&= operator isn't easy to google lol
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<havenwood> ruby-lang198: If you know you're declaring it for the first time use just `=` instead.
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<havenwood> ruby-lang198: &&= as you showed would set `weight` to `true` or `false` depending on whether `weight < 60`, which you'd probably not want to do
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<baweaver> probably want some ternary action there
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<jonadab> This has got to be some kind of FAQ, but I can't seem to find the right search terms: I installed a gem (terminal-size) as root, and I can use it as root, but I can't use it as non-root. Is that normal?
<jonadab> Surely I have done something wrong.
<jonadab> /usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:135:in `require': cannot load such file -- terminal-size (LoadError) from [snip] `rescue in require' from [snip] `require' from [my code]
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<jonadab> Whereas, if I run the same script as root, it reports (correctly) that my terminal is 132 x 51.
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<jonadab> All my experience with is for naught here.
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<havenwood> jonadab: require 'io/console'; STDOUT.winsize
<havenwood> jonadab: io/console is in the stdlib
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<havenwood> jonadab: As far as the root user, how'd you install Ruby? Do you have only one Ruby installed?
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<jonadab> I installed ruby using apt-get
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<jonadab> which ruby says /usr/bin/ruby regardless of whether I'm root or not.
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<NetSage> that sounds right but I missed everything before this. What's the issue?
<jonadab> io/console seems to work, though.
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<jonadab> NetSage: I installed a gem as root, can't require it as non-root.
<jonadab> This is on Devuan jessie.
<jonadab> /usr/lib/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:135:in `require': cannot load such file -- terminal-size (LoadError) from [snip] `rescue in require' from [snip] `require' from [my code]
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<jonadab> io/console will meet the immediate need for finding terminal size, but in the long term I am definitely going to need to be able to install modules in a way that results in being able to use them while not running as root.
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<NetSage> just chmod the gem permissions.
<jonadab> Oh? Where're they stored?
<jonadab> I suppose I can find / | grep terminal-size
<jonadab> Ah, /var/lib/gems/2.1.0
<NetSage> use the command gem environment
<jonadab> Ah, quite.
<jonadab> Yes.
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<jonadab> Yep, chmod -R ugo+r works.
<jonadab> You'd _think_ that would be automatic, but whatever.
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<NetSage> I agree it's odd but was the easiest solution I could think of :D
<jonadab> Thanks, both of you.
<jonadab> Now I can get on with the business of learning to actually use this language.
<jonadab> It's been on my to-learn list for like ten years, so.
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<jonadab> Maybe I'd have gotten to it sooner if I hadn't got sidetracked learning C (which is a horrible language to work in, especially pre-ANSI K&R C, but I was so interested in that codebase...)
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<t3ra_> ?ask
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<t3ra_> ask?
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<afisher> Hi. I've been trying to fix up a whole lot of rubocop violations in a puppet module. I started with 532 and I'm now down to just 1.
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<afisher> I'm a ruby novice though, and don't really understand the fix I need to make.
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<lupine> afisher: just replace "reduce" with "each_with_object". If you believe rubocop, anyway
<lupine> wonder what hte justification for that cop is
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<afisher> lupine: Hi. It's not a 1-to-1 replacement here
<elomatreb> Maybe it complains about is because of the explicit return? each_with_object would be a little cleaner I'd say
<elomatreb> afisher: Could you link your gist again?
<afisher> sure
<afisher> and thanks for taking a look
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<afisher> elomatreb: great! thanks
<elomatreb> btw, If you disagree/don't like a rubocop rule you're free to turn them off, especially more opinionated ones like this
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<afisher> sure. i don't like turning them off because I don't understand them though.
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<afisher> But most importantly, I'm trying to make sure I'm not breaking anything!
<afisher> The project I'm working on had a *lot* of rubocop violations. What could possibly go wrong?
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<afisher> The project has only very recently been adopted by the voxpupuli team. I'm trying to bring it in line with all the other voxpupuli puppet modules.
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<elomatreb> Consistency is important, agreed. But the rules enforced by rubocop weren't dictated by some divine entity
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<elomatreb> afisher: For that first case (using the return of a regex match) there is a better alternative at least
<elomatreb> RegExp#match can be passed a block that is called with and only if there are matches
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<elomatreb> But for the others you're probably right
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<afisher> elomatreb: Thanks.
<afisher> As in ...
<afisher> %r{INSTALLED PACKAGES, CHANNEL (.*):}i.match(set) { |m| channel = m[1].downcase }
<elomatreb> Pretty much, yeah
<afisher> wicked.
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<elomatreb> afisher: You sure m[1] is correct though? I only see one matching group in the regex?
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<elomatreb> Scratch that, misremembered what MatchData#[] does
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<afisher> elomatreb: So it is ok? Would you mind if I ping you on the github PR I'm about to create?
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<elomatreb> m[1] will return the content of that matching group, yeah
<elomatreb> afisher: I wouldn't mind taking a look, but I'm no Ruby pro either
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<afisher> elomatreb: is the PR. Thanks again.
<afisher> You might claim to not be a pro, but it's all relative! ;)
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<elomatreb> afisher: Taking a look now!
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<jeffreylevesque> If line 6 errors but still echo's, will my assignment to 'test_join' still occur -
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<jeffreylevesque> I mean will the factor.core still echo the assignment to my variable 'test_join'
<afisher> jeffreylevesque: Having a look now
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<zmo> hi! I'm trying to write some tests using rspec, and I'd like to know if there's a way to launch a debugger when a test fails, so I can introspect what went wrong?
<zmo> (it's for a patch I'm writing for gitlab)
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<flying> hi ruby I'm coming from a background in java to learn ruby but I'm having some trouble to understand attr_accessor
<flying> can you help me?
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<elomatreb> flying: The key thing to understand is that things like the attr_* functions are just functions that get executed, not a language keyword or something like that
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<elomatreb> attr_accesor defines two methods: One to read the corresponding variable, and another one to set it
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<flying> ok I'm trying to do some test :)
<flying> why I have the error... undefined local variable or method "mark"?
<ruby[bot]> flying: we in #ruby do not like, I reposted your paste to gist for you:
<ruby[bot]> flying: loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
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<flying> ok thanks
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<elomatreb> flying: Two things:
<elomatreb> 1. If you want to create a string, you need to wrap it in quotes. Like so: "mark".
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<flying> yes I tried using the quotes... same error
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<flying> I still have that error
<elomatreb> Can you show me your version with quotes?
<flying> all the rest is the same
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<elomatreb> This will still error, but now you get a different error, right?
<flying> yes
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<flying> I have undefined methos 'name='
<flying> *method
<elomatreb> This is because you don't have the accessor defined for the name variable
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<elomatreb> Add `attr_accessor :name` to your class
<flying> but name is a def and not a variable...isn't?
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<elomatreb> Once you assign something using = "something", your class will have a instance variable called `@name`
<elomatreb> (The @ denotes that it's an instance variable)
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<flying> it still doesn't work
<elomatreb> We're probably misunderstanding each other, let me write up a small example
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<flying> thanks for the help but you say: = "Mark" # Use the method `name=` to assign something
<flying> but name is a variable and not a method
<flying> am I wrong?
<elomatreb> This is one of the tricky parts of Ruby
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<flying> really I can't understand... name is a method?
<elomatreb> It's a method, with the name `name=`, but the language allows you to write the method with spaces before and after the `=`
<elomatreb> One moment please
<flying> ok
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<elomatreb> flying:
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<elomatreb> In Ruby, everything you can call on an object (from the outside) is a method, there are no properties or things like that
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<flying> so in ruby everything is a method?
<flying> doesn't exist varaibles?
<flying> a = 10 a is a method?
<elomatreb> In your example, a is a variable
<alfiemax> in ruby everything is an object
<elomatreb> some_instance.a = 10 would be calling the method `a=`
<flying> ok and when a is a method?? can you change a = 10 to get a as method please?
<elomatreb> You can do that, but it's probably not what you want
<elomatreb> If you say "a = 10", you create a local variable called a, with a value of 10 (which is a specific instance of the class Integer)
<elomatreb> If you're getting started, has a decent Ruby course
<flying> I was studying on pluralsight
<flying> I don't know if it more or less better than but I was confusing about these things with ruby... method, variables and attr_accessor :)
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<elomatreb> It can be really confusing if you're coming from other languages, yeah
<flying> yeah
<flying> I have experience with bash
<flying> java
<flying> I'm very confused
<elomatreb> But once you understand it, you realize how nice and powerful Rubys ways are
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<flying> I found some videos on youtube but they made me much more confused :)
<flying> your help has been very useful :)
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<flying> so attr_accessor hasn't any default value? I have to set that object each time I create a new class?
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<NetSage> php lol
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<jamlee> hi
<jamlee> have any book about the Automatic Work ?
<elomatreb> flying: No, attr_accessor by itself does not set any default value (technically, it doesn't even create the variable until you assign it)
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<elomatreb> You usually set things like defaults in the initialize method of your class, the Ruby equivalent of a Java constructor
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<flying> has the initialize method the same name of the class like in java?
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<elomatreb> flying: No, it's literally called `initialize`:
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<flying> ok
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<flying> person = class test .......
<flying> is that correct in ruby? so I can assign to a variable "person" the result of a class?
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<Papierkorb> flying: What are you trying to do? Creating a anonymous class?
<flying> just testing locally ... I'm learning ruby :)
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<flying> reading doc.. watching some videos on pluralsight, youtube :)
<Papierkorb> flying: Fire up `pry` and just type "class Foo; end" and see what it returns (See the "=> .." line below)
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<flying> pry?
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<Papierkorb> like irb, but actually good. just install it through "gem install pry"
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<flying> I'm a mac
<flying> let me check if I can install with brew
<Papierkorb> gem install.
<Papierkorb> it's a ruby tool.
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<flying> ok
<flying> ok installed :)
<red-lichtie> Hi, I am trying to install a "ruby gem" and it fails while building the native extension. How can I modify the Makefile so that it doesn't get replaced? Is there a preserve option or something?
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<flying> result = class Foo; answer = 5*5; end
<flying> simple question... why I should use a class to run code if I can do the same without it?
<Papierkorb> flying: Because you're not doing OOP otherwise.
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<flying> yes but in this case I don't create any object.. isn't?
<Papierkorb> flying: For small-ish scripts, people don't care. Applications are a different matter.
<flying> result in this case "I think" is a variable.. so I'm assigning to a variable the value of a class
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<Papierkorb> flying: You do. Everything is an object in ruby, including the topmost one where you end up first, commonly called "main"
<Papierkorb> flying: Look at the line below in pry. What does it say?
<flying> [2] pry(main)> class Foo; end
<flying> => nil
<flying> this one?
<Papierkorb> flying: What is `nil`?
<flying> it meqns null
<Papierkorb> well, yes, but in the sense of "no object"
<Papierkorb> That's what the class operator returned
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<flying> but if I want to use a class should I create a new object ?
<Papierkorb> But you can access the class by its name, in this case, "Foo".
<flying> like in Java I mean
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<Papierkorb> Yes, of course
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<Papierkorb> You instantiate classes to get an brand-new instance (object) of that class
<flying> ah ok ok so result is the object instantiated from the class Foo
<flying> right?
<Papierkorb> of `class` you mean? Well, what did it return again?
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<flying> result = class Foo; answer = 5*5; end
<flying> I mean in this case
<flying> result is the object instantiated from the class Foo
<flying> am I right?
<Papierkorb> That code will run, but doesn't make much sense
<Papierkorb> Not at all
<Papierkorb> You're opening/creating the class Foo, run "answer = 5*5" in its context, and end it
<flying> I got 25 as result
<Papierkorb> Yes due to internal reasons.
<Papierkorb> Still, it's wrong.
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<flying> ok thanks :)
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<Mrgoose2> Anyone know how I can use a module method from irb?
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<matthewd> Mrgoose2: The same way you use any other method... call it on an object that it's defined on
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<Mrgoose2> , i have a generators.rb file setup like this.. i run 'irb' and then i do require './generators.rb' and it returns true
<ruby[bot]> Mrgoose2: we in #ruby do not like, I reposted your paste to gist for you:
<ruby[bot]> Mrgoose2: loads slowly for most, has ads which are distracting and has terrible formatting.
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<Mrgoose2> then i try to call Common::PKI::Generators::generate_serial
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<Mrgoose2> and i get an error
<matthewd> Yeah.. that's not how you use a method defined inside a module
<Mrgoose2> NoMethodError: undefined method `generate_serial' for Common::PKI::Generators:Module
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<Mrgoose2> ahhh
<Mrgoose2> well that would explain it
<Mrgoose2> How would i go about using a method defined inside a module? From what ive been able to gather online it was always just ModuleName.methodname
<matthewd> You need to include the module somewhere, or define the method as a class/module function ("self.")
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<Mrgoose2> hmm
<matthewd> If you've got an example of something implying ModuleName.methodname, I can maybe help clarify what it meant
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<Mrgoose2> the example i saw uses 'def self.methodname'
<Mrgoose2> as you described
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<Mrgoose2> assuming I dont use 'self.' you mentioned 'you need to include the module somewhere' . Would that be doing a 'require' ?
<matthewd> No, that would be doing an 'include'
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<a1fa> ruby-pcap must be the worst documented gem. is there anything else out there?
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<Mrgoose2> matthewd: thank you very much
<Mrgoose2> require './generators.rb' , include Common::PKI::Generators , Common::PKI::Generators::generate_serial
<Mrgoose2> works
<ropeney> lol
<Mrgoose2> no good?
<matthewd> That's not doing what you think it is
<Mrgoose2> hmm
<matthewd> require './generators.rb'; include Common::PKI::Generators; generate_serial
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<matthewd> Your version happens to work because when you include something at the top level (you generally never want to do that in a real program, though it's fine for irb experimentation) it becomes available on every object... including the Generators module
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<Mrgoose2> ah ok. Do you happen to have any recommended books/material for learning ruby? I'm familiar with other languages but just getting started with Ruby and have mostly just been playing around trying to find my way around
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<dtscode> hey guys! I'm fairly new to ruby, and just setup nginx/passenger/sinatra/slim. Currently I'm trying to write a little webapp in Sinatra that works fine except for one part. In this gist: if the passed browser does not exist in the list of browsers, it should return "BROWSER is not a
<dtscode> recognized browser". It appears to be completely skipping that check (as you can see from the following curl calls). any ideas?
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<ropeney> dtscode, you might want a return before the string in that check
<dtscode> ropeney: why do the others not need a string?
<dtscode> err
<dtscode> ropeney: why do the others not need a return?
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<ropeney> because they are the last resolved expression of the method
<dtscode> ah
<ropeney> in your check it makes a string, then ditches it continuing
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<dtscode> hmmm
<dtscode> I didn't peg ruby as the kind of language to work that way
<dtscode> thats really cool
<dtscode> reminds me of haskell
<ropeney> so fixed it?
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<dtscode> trying it right now
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<matthewd> Mrgoose2: No up to date suggestions, sorry. Pickaxe & the poignant guide worked well for me, but I don't know what the current standard recommendations are.
<dtscode> yep that worked. thanks ropeney!
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<ropeney> np!
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<kingkong-> hi all. on debian wheezy, i installed rvm rails but see thats security risk to install it as root. "rvm explode" is enough to revert it ?
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<havenwood> kingkong-: rvm implode
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<havenwood> exploding rvm would leave a mess
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<a7d7p> Following directions to install Rails (I’m new to this), and I had Xcode installed from before (not sure I ever used it). Typed “gcc” and ended up accepting terms of use, but it ends with “Clang: error: no input files” ? Any suggestions? I have Xcode in my apps folder (Mac)
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<dtscode> that error means clang wasn't given any files to process
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<havenwood> a7d7p: Try: gcc --version
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<a7d7p> havenwood: I get… Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/Applications/
<a7d7p> Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.38)
<a7d7p> Target: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0
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<havenwood> a7d7p: Looks good!
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<dtscode> is there a function I can call in ruby that generates a unique file in a certain directory (unique in the sense of its name)
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<havenwood> tabakhase__: oops, sorry - misstell
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<kingkong__> havenwood thanks you. :) i was meaning rvm implode. i dont know why i wrote explode :d
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<_sfiguser> which is the fastest way to write a loop of 1 to 10 ?
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<_sfiguser> can i do like: (1..10).each do
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<_sfiguser> ...
<_sfiguser> end
<_sfiguser> ?
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<matthewd> _sfiguser: Fastest?
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<_sfiguser> matthewd, yes i mean shorter to write
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