what a shame they have destroyed SMA & connector
I mean the connector itself on the thingie is fine but they couldve just unscrewed it
Do they sell the loose wires separately?
It seems the guy selling such things do not know what is it and destroy connectors which cost lot of money
I have already seen that with some SA too
bvernoux: no i dont think that's what it is at all
destroying the front connectors
SA? Spectrum analyzer?
yes Spectrum Analyzer
Like the cables or the SMA/N/BNC itself?
yes ;)
also on VNA
a lot of organizations, especially in academia, need to use equipment until it breaks and then throw it out
it is even worse as they are tuned for it
the cables? Atl east thats easily fixable
they cannot, per stupid policies, give it away or sell it
if they need to retire it while it still works, it has to be destroyed
Oh thats where I got a bunch of stuff from
azonenberg, yes it is same for big company :(
they prefer to destroy than to sell
You can just fish working stuff from trash under physics building
Once I saw 3000 V battery
so power cords lopped off, etc is standard practice
I dont think this is carelessness, i think it's deliberate destruction and the seller dumpster-dived this
it was the same at Safran DS
they have order to destroy
Which is nonsensical. I can understand zeroizing it, removing hard drives, etc
At my uni they arent allowed to sell and the equipment is carelessly dumped into the dumpster (sometimes typewriters) but often in good condition. Like this 520 MHz frequency counter had attachment cable, no scratches etc
most companies that sell products to DoD etc actually have a section in the manual describing how to wipe it before servicing or disposal
Degi: yeah i dont understand all of these wasteful practices
like yes it makes accounting a bit simpler as far as not needing to calculate how much you sold it for
Sometimes they put the stuff indoors if its nice stuff and then write a mail to some dept
I think they arent allowed to sell cuz its bought with taxes
like i said, stupidity of policy
as a taxpayer, i would want to see the opposite
yes but I doubt that will change :(
public funds shall be spent as efficiently as possible, rather than taking more tax money to fund your facility
if you have serviceable equipment you no longer need, you are legally *obligated* to sell it to the highest bidder
yes it will be great policy
and use the proceeds of such sale preferentially, then tax/grant funding only when surplus resale funds are exhausted
and avoid at maximum to put things in trash
all my hw are old things ;)
except my Picoscope ;)
and my Soldering Station haha
the only bad things about old HW is they are big, loudy, heavy and I'm afraid it will fail each day
as there is no warranty at all and potentially it could be hard to repair ...
But it's so cheap you can buy two and use one for spare parts for the other :D
but anyway still really better than new ones which are without any schematic ...
Poor TDS520, outdoing the SRAM battery by 15 years and now something is broke
that's what lain and monochroma did with their 5 GHz scopes (how many do you have total? two? three?)
Degi: i have no idea about PC interfacing capability on pre-Windows LeCroy gear
any LeCroy running MAUI or X-Stream should work with scopehal
Degi, I think it is better to spend money on Rigol scope than this old obsolete 1GHz scope ;)
WEll okay
Meh maybe I
'll wail in indecisiveness till blondel is finished
you hack to 350MHz ;)
Degi: if you have a bit more budget, more recent secondhand lecroy gear is very readily available on ebay as well
it is 8GSPS
unbeatable for 909USD
FW is a bit buggy IIRC
i see a DDA-5005A (5 GHz bw, 20 Gsps realtime, 200 Gsps equivalent time) for $1950
monochroma got one for a bit less i think
those run windows xp iirc and are known to work with scopehal
Degi, take MSO5074 for 999USD it is better to have 4 chan
I see a broken one for 1.2 k
the only advantage of those Rigol MSO is they are fully hacked
so for hobby it is perfect
The 5005A seems rly nice but seems to come all from USA... So 2k for that vs 900 for rigol...
with all free options
Wait What I need to pay 587 USD entry fees...
Degi, Main issue is if you have any issue with those old obsolete scope it will cost more than 2K ;)
Good point, rigol would have 2 years warrantly
and with windowsXP ...
HDD will die ...
I really think it is very risky to buy such old scope
and they have no option
Lol like the TDS520 with 5 year battery backed SRAM
yes the battery die and the things is not usable anymore as it loose calibration ...
Hm so 70 MHz MSO5072 can be hacked to 350 MHz?
yes and even more in theory ;)
it is 8GSPS ADC
200Mpoints also
all is SW
And 4 channels too?
take the 4 chan version as I think 2 chan have only 2 chan ;)
so 999USD ;)
Where do I buy that
for 4chan
it depends where you live
* azonenberg
didn't know 4chan sold oscilloscopes
from EU rigolna
Whas up with all these 2 channel scopes
* Degi
stacks 10 of blondel
2chan is too limited ;)
80 channel isnt :P
especially when 4chan cost just 80USD more
anyway I have an old RIGOL DS1102E with 2 Chan ;)
my 1st scope
and it still work nicely
for basic stuff ;)
My DS1102D failed a year or so ago
would turn on then randomly shut off, probably PSU issue
i gave it to somebody whitequark hooked me up with in seattle, no idea if she ever got it working or not
100MHz 1GSA/s with 2chan is clearly limited but it depends what you are doing ...
and yes that's what i'm looking forward to about BLONDEL. Having lots of slow channels i can use in combination with my higher speed scopes
Like the broken scope here has 500 MHz at 500 MS/s...
as a good point is to divide by 10
even if niquist say /2
Degi: if you want to buy Rigol in Germany, go to batronix
it is better to have 10points ;)
2.5 should be enough with a brick wall filter
Huh they have fancy pcb holders
yes or 250MHz but not more ;)
I mean the 500 MS/s scope actually seems to have 500 MHz, now its broke...
or doing sampling trick but it is not a scope
500MSPS is max 50MHz
some say it is ok to 100MHz
It can do ET sampling to 100 GS/s
But the actual ADC is 500
yes for ET sampling
Tbh in some cases it makes sense to have more bandwidth than sample rate, for example if you want to know the signal value accurately at a certain position
but it is not scope mode ;)
rigolna seems to be a bit cheaper...
check VAT price too
Well then its a raw adc idk
IIRC it is not included
Hm rigolna wants you to contact them for a quote if youre from not USA
Degi: if you have some time and want to lower the price a bit, use the lowest-competitor-offer of batronix: search around a bit for any lower price offer than batronix in europe. then send them a link/screenshot of the offer and they will give you the same price
I got my SA like 200 EUR lower because of that, there was a sellout offer at some dealer in sweden, I used that offer
In EU?
and bought at the lower price at batronix
Its currently 962 € with VAT and 809 without
I doubt there is such offer for the MSO5000
but it is a good point
Everybody else is at 962 € too even conrad
Wait thats the 2 ch variant...
I want the RSA3000 for that price ;)
na, forget the price search engines, you got to invest a bit of time to search for the smaller sellers
upgradable to 7.5GHz by SW ;)
Degi, the good things with the 70MHz version is probes are 350MHz ;)
as they have only 1 type of probes for all variant ;)
so all the HW are identical ;)
I see batronix => € 1,069.81 incl. 19% VAT
bvernoux: they might have just one type of probe, but this one type is shitty
electronic_eel, it works up to 350MHz anyway it is a passive probe
why do you say they are shitty ?
compared to other brand I will say of course ;)
Hm 5074 is 1069 € with VAT on batronix, batterfly has it for 1068 €, arrow for 1018 but I think thats without VAT, eleshop.eu has it for 1050 € with protocol analysis bundle
it works somehow, but attaching proper ground clips is not that easy. nearly no accessories. also high capacitance
Is protocol decoder bundle included in the hack?
it is 3 years warranty not 2 ;)
it is first time I see that
I know some guy, I think he is called azonenberg or similar, he currently develops better probes ;)
electronic_eel, ha yes of course ;)
1049 CHF which is 996 EUR on toppreise.ch but not sure if vat included
electronic_eel, but for scope probe they are correct anyway of course they are not ultra low capacitance it is just standard probes
and Rigol does not have 50Ohm input by default ;)
not on their scope
Do they have selectable 50 ohm?
the MSO5000 does not have 50 ohms?
I doubt even the MSO8000 have such feature
I think they have, just the lower ones don't
I disliked the standard rigol probes so much that I bought the RP5600A probes
as anyway all reseller shall have the offer with free bundle all options free
for serial decoders ...
but a full set gets pricy
ha it is included too
Geez 400 bucks for a probe
yes, now you know why I'm interested in azonenbergs passive probes
Is that an active probe?
no, passive 600MHz
now, go look what passive tek probes in that category cost
64 bucks for 200 MHz
Hm any upside to buying from batronix than eleshop?
Siglent have now a VNA up to 7.5GHz
a bit expensive >8K
last time i checked their VNA was limited to 3GHz
Degi: I don't know eleshop, but bought several times from batronix. batronix was fast and nice to work with
the SVA10xxX have amazing spec too
Like on eleshop they have protocol decoder option and 3 years warraants
also batronix is in germany, so lower shipping costs if you have to return something or similar
Degi: if you see some better offer somewhere, batronix will match that
Even things like extra features?
just send them the link or screenshot
I think so
How do I do that? Click request offer?
Nvm they have options bundle too
send them an email, add your postal address, and they will send you a full offer
does anyone have bought a Siglent SVA1032X ?
Nah I noticed that batronix actually has the better offer
It will be interesting to know if it is same HW vs the SVA1075X
hmm, didn't they introduce the 3ghz version first and the 7.5ghz version came later?
that would indicate that the hardware is different
ha ok Dynamic Range is a bit low
otherwise they would have started with the 7.5
between 60dB to 90dB ;)
so less than my HP 8753D ;)
electronic_eel, I suspect they have designed first the 7.5Ghz then the do different version and all is SW ;)
it is more economic for the production cost ...
it is the same for other vendor like Agilent ;)
from a marketing standpoint this is not how you do it. you release with a big bang and the top model to get all the pr
SA E440xB
they have same hw on lot of part
electronic_eel, yes it is why I ask as maybe the 7.5Ghz is different
woo sweep points are very limited
101 to 751 !!
I always use 1601 ;)
yes on the VNA ;)
I think they started with the 3ghz. they probably planned to do the 7.5, but couldn't get it to work from the start. then they released the 3ghz to get to market fast
I'm reading spec of SVA10xxX
RAM is pricy
Degi, it does not consume lot of RAM for 1601 pts ;)
later they improved their hw/sw so they now reach 7.5
it is something like 30KB ;)
in worst case
electronic_eel, yes I suspect that too
i replaced the hard drives in both of my DDA-5005s with SSDs, you can still download the software from lecroy and such
electronic_eel, anyway the dynamic range is not amazing
Hmm I should ground my shelf when I get this scope...
yes buy anti ESD stuff
it is always a good things ;)
Its kinda EMP deluxe when I play around with HV stuff on the ground floor..
I should get an ESD mat... Any recommendations? And any recommendations for a 19 V isolated PSU? My laptop PSU has some big voltage swing on the output relative to ground
electronic_eel, their SVA1075X is clearly not as good a PicoVNA
and more expensive
will be interesting to see a teardown of PicoVNA
Hm I kinda wanna design a bunch of probes...
Degi: if you wanna try your hand at a DC-100 MHz active probe, we need one for BLONDEL
With 50 ohm output? Specific input impedance or "as high as possible"?
"as high as possible" input, 50 ohm single ended output
for initial rev focus on getting the probe design itself to work and just run off a bench supply
we can make the fancy usb power version later
We can stick a betavoltaic into it
Is the output swing important? Should it be +- 5 V or is +- 1.25 V also ok?
I'd target lower, we dont want to saturate the input
+/- 1 give or take a bit is probably about right, we can run the frontend at ~unity gain then
The OPA859 seems kinda nice if +- 1 V input range is OK lol. Though I guess some passives should come before that
Nvm OPA656 looks better
Is there some input range we wanna have? Is +- 2.5 V good?
Or more like +- 1 kV?
I'd target significantly wider. We will probably want an attenuator on the input to lower loading. Say +/- 10V at least operating range, with damage threshold of at least +/- 20?
Hmm k. Any suggestions for R?
10 GOhm?
1M or even 100K input impedance is probably fine
+- 10V operating range? that sounds borderline unusable to me. you can't even use it on a regular 12v supply then
more like +- 50v to cover most common low voltage electronics stuff, including 48v supplies
ok that works too
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
We can have 20 0V
If we are going to have operating ranges above touch-safe levels then we need to start thinking about proper insulation etc
rather than some 3d printed plastic
Well we can advertise it as 30 V
I have no problem with designing a board capable of wider range, like you said we can always claim lower specs
yeah it will be controlled by the probe mcu
if we have a button there, we'll need synchronization between the mcus bidirectionally
so the probe can tell the scope you pushed the button and push the config to the gui
yes, why not? we plan to have usb there, don't we?
yeah i just mean it will slightly complicate firmware
not a reason to not do it
just a design consideration
I think planning the probes to be of use without BLONDEL on a conventional scope will increase sales significantly
yeah agreed
i think inexpensive high quality probes and accessories for existing scopes will sell well
And will be something we can use to fund R&D of the scopes, which *we* really want to be doing
but we have to pay for that somehow :p
Hm for universal, we could have a probe power & control hub
yeah we'd need to definitely have a standalone host to provide power etc
Variable gain: Is it OK to add after input stage or should input stage components be variable?
Ideally input stage variable, but i'm not sure. Havent put much thought into the active probe
variable gain on the input stage is better. maybe mux in different values?
If input stage 1:1 required, the input C will be several pF
Like 2 or so
hmm 1:1, not sure if we need that
Also each probe would have a varicap for compensation for production variations
if you really need very low voltage low freq stuff you are much better off with a special high gain probe
Hm k
We can do 10:1 and 100:1?
That sounds reasonable
Just ensure that if you set 10:1 it won't be damaged by out-of-range inputs
maybe something in between? lik 10:1 and 50:1?
clipping is ok, dying is not
I think Ill usea second OP amp for that then
you mean a 2nd stage or switching the one for the first stage?
A second stage tbh
hmm, if you attenuate 100:1 it won't be easy to get low signals back out of the noise
hmh not sure
Like how much noise do we have here vs rest of analog chain?
this is just a few 100 mhz, there should be muxes that work for that freq range
Meh I can just put a relay there
relay always works
just takes some space
At 10:1 we'd need I think 500 fF input capacitance
So here's the question, what bw do we want to target with this?
Not sure if a mux is suitable because the low side capacitance would be 5 pF
100 MHz?
more might be good if we can do it without much effort
Idk we can try
would be nice if it work for DUDDELL too
Thats 350 MHz?
the scope is planned for 250, but the probe should go a bit higher
Yeah. I want something for ZENNECK too that can do lower speeds as well, although i guess it's probably OK to have a low bw active probe and then the high bw passive probe
I think targeting something like the rigol crowd, with the 350mhz MSO5000ers, would make sense from a business perspective
Makes sense
But it has to be demonstrably better than oem passive probes
(and work with whatever inputs those scopes have)
yes, of course. I think they have 50 ohms
urgh. just checked the datasheet: the rigol MSO5000 just have 1Meg, no 50 ohms option