azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<azonenberg> lain: so i reproduced your weird eye issue
<lain> :o
<lain> is it a bit depth issue?
<azonenberg> I didnt say i fixed it
<azonenberg> i reproduced it :p
<azonenberg> i'm just starting to look into it, have to finish massaging some pending code changes and commit them first
<azonenberg> I'm working on like five things at once
<lain> :D
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<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±6]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 6ccc407 - WaveformArea: added more space for right side axis labels
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 6528cf5 - Stats frames are now properly hidden in new waveform groups without stats
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 83e8a0e - Protocol decoder dialog no longer blocks background waveform processing and rendering while displayed. Fixes #91.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #91: Protocol decoder dialog should not freeze entire UI when active -
<azonenberg> also idk if you've played with maui studio yet but it's quite fun. you can import "labnotebook" save files from real scopes then analyze them with a pretty good complement of software options on any of eight simulated scopes up to and including a labmaster
<azonenberg> interestingly the pam4 decode option is not included in the demo bundle
<azonenberg> pam4 analysis*
<azonenberg> its the only one i've found that isn't there
<azonenberg> SDA-II doesn't seem to support multiple eyes at all
<azonenberg> SDA-III does, but the UI is REALLY clunky
<azonenberg> its hard to describe, but i dont like how they did it at *all*
<azonenberg> you can use SDA to display eyes on MLT3 if you set the trigger levels right but all of the analytics assume NRZ
<azonenberg> So it can't measure opening etc
<lain> oh neat
<azonenberg> if you use the "automotive ethernet" option you can do full eye analysis but the eyes look different because it's not using the same analysis path as SDA
<azonenberg> and this options does not support multiple eyes
<azonenberg> as far as i can tell even with the simulated labmaster, it is not possible to simultaneously display two MLT3 eyes, e.g. tx and rx, and plot opening measurements on both
<azonenberg> also as far as i can tell it only lets you display multiple SDA eyes in the "q-scape" tabbed display mode
<azonenberg> which basically means you either have to tab between different lanes, or display two or more identical scope grids side by side
<azonenberg> there does not seem to be *any* way to have such a simple structure as two eyes side by side with waveforms and decodes around them
<azonenberg> oh and with sda + qscape, you have to have the eyes in the same region of the display
<azonenberg> you cant have one in the top right quad and one in the bottom right quad on the two views
<azonenberg> i'll grab some screenshots at some point of side by side comparisons
<azonenberg> but basically as long as you only use it in a few narrow configs, maui looks really nice
<azonenberg> but it's super constraining and not at all flexible if you want to adjust the UI to do anything but their canned workflows
<azonenberg> lain: so here's how the eye processing works now (scopeprotocols/EyeDecoder2.cpp:398 and so on
<azonenberg> Loop over all samples in the incoming waveform
<azonenberg> for each sample, find the offset to the clock (nominally centered in the UI)
<azonenberg> x position of each pixel is that offset converted to a pixel value
<azonenberg> y position is the actual voltage of the sample plotted just like in a normal scope view
<azonenberg> I think what's happening is that there's beats between the resolution of the eye and the resolution of the waveform, in both time and voltage
<azonenberg> i actually have a hack in EyeDecoder2.cpp:111 that helps
<azonenberg> i think the failure mode is if we skip two rows of pixels
<azonenberg> this is what the eye looks like without the hack
<azonenberg> maybe there's a way to interpolate to avoid this being needed
<azonenberg> here you can see we seem to have a pattern of 2 lines valid, 1 blank
<azonenberg> with this particular combination of eye size and adc range
<lain> just call it scanline simulation and ship it
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> So what i think i might do is antialias in both x and y
<azonenberg> rather than rounding and incrementing one single pixel i'll calculate coverage and spread the bump over 2x2 pixels
<azonenberg> the eye is int64 based to avoid numerical integration problems, but i think i can solve that by bumping the eye by (say) 10 instead of 1 counts per sample
<azonenberg> which will give me some resolution for AA
<azonenberg> To start, since the PLL provides some level of AA in the x axis, i'll only AA in the Y axis
<azonenberg> now this is what i get
<azonenberg> i think the AA is the right idea but some kind of interpolation is still needed because i still have 256 discrete Y values, they're just no longer at integer Y coordinates
<azonenberg> i guess one "cheap" option is to do a denoising filter on the eye after integration before displaying it
<azonenberg> but i dont want to obscure actual details with a median filter etc
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #93: Better handling of file loads when "load waveform data" is selected, but there's no waveform data in the save file -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #93: Better handling of file loads when "load waveform data" is selected, but there's no waveform data in the save file -
<azonenberg> and then we still have the weird vertical line down the middle at the zero point
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #94: Hide statistics when loading a save file that doesn't have them enabled -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #94: Hide statistics when loading a save file that doesn't have them enabled -
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Degi_ is now known as Degi
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<azonenberg> i now do two-way interpolation
<azonenberg> for each sample i round the x coordinate to the nearest pixel
<azonenberg> then i interpolate the fractional X position of the sample to calculate the actual voltage at that integer x coordinate
<azonenberg> Then i antialias that voltage between two adjacent rows of pixels
<azonenberg> full disclosure, i hate the rainbow color scheme but it shows off discontinuities in the eye nicely :p
<lain> excellent
<lain> hehe
<azonenberg> so i use it when debugging rendering artifacts
<azonenberg> next round of improvement is performance tweaks
<azonenberg> So let's see, right now i'm averaging around 10.5 ms per eye integration in this test config
<azonenberg> closer to 12ms early on, for some reason it gets a bit faster over time
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg cd646d0 - EyeDecoder2: interpolation fixes to reduce horizontal striation artifacts
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg 299eaac - EyeDecoder2: performance optimizations
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg 1fff87e - Bathtub plots are now properly shown as log BER rather than counts
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg ca98bf1 - Implemented rendering of log-BER plots
<azonenberg> it helps if i paste the whole url
<azonenberg> Probe dummy arrives tomorrow. Actual production probe boards shipped
<azonenberg> so probably 2 weeks until i get them given current fedex slowdowns :p
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<tnt> bathtub ? ... I just don't see it.
<azonenberg> tnt: its a cross section
<tnt> Oh, I'm way off ... I though that this was talking about they eye diagram with 3 voltage levels, but that's not it at all ...
<Degi> 10 ms to plot all the samples in the eye?
<Degi> Is there an official name for the bathtub plot? I can only find stuff about the failure rate bathtub curve
bvernoux has joined #scopehal
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<sorear> «BER versus phase bathtub plot» gets me a bunch of relevant results, but no other name
<Degi> Ahh it tries to measure the value at a position and then shows the error rate
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<bvernoux> First time I see this bathtub plot ;)
<bvernoux> I prefer eye diagram but it is an interesting plot too
<Degi> Huh I have no idea where to find 5 kV isolated 1:1 transformers for a power supply...
<Degi> Kinda wanna make a 1 MHz isolated probe
<bvernoux> it is opto isolator
<bvernoux> maybe using the one from AD for USB FS ?
<bvernoux> it have a BW of 12MHz at least
<bvernoux> what is hard is to find one for more than 100MHz BW...
<bvernoux> you want an Isolation Amplifier ?
<bvernoux> as I suspect you want something active maybe ?
<Degi> Does the usb isolator even have analog capability?
<Degi> And how to supply power, I'll need to find / build a transformer with 5 kV insulation heh
<Degi> Oh Digikey has good transformer search
<Degi> Well, good enough.
<Degi> Meh they need very low frequencies of like 100 KHz, maybe a planar transformer will work
<azonenberg> Welp
<azonenberg> probe dummies are out for delivery just in time for the actual probes to be on the way. Using UPS, we'll see if they are faster than fedex :p
<azonenberg> i already got a call about customs clearance which suggests they're moving along faster
<Degi> Yay!
<azonenberg> still have a bunch more work to do on the DDR RAM side of things
<azonenberg> but i have a long list of older relatively-easy tickets i'm trying to close out first
<azonenberg> probably ethernet autonegotiation, that seems like a pretty simple one
<azonenberg> i have a decode for it already but it's bitrotted
<azonenberg> so i have to do whatever refactoring is needed to make it work with current scopehal
<azonenberg> probably going to do one for SPI soon too because, to be honest, it's long overdue
<azonenberg> shows our priorities, having 8b10b and ddr ram decodes before spi :p
<Degi> Ah yes, "no clean" flux...
* Degi proceeds to clean off the flux
<Degi> How bad is the nub on vertically mounted pcb SMA conenctors?
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<azonenberg> you mean the unterminated stub on PTH SMAs?
<azonenberg> how far out does it stick past the layer your signal lives on?
<Degi> Like 4 mm
<Degi> The worst case is I have trace on layer 1 and SMA is directly on top of it
<Degi> I think ill dremel off the stubs
<Degi> And I forgot to remove the copper fill from around the center pin, I hope that isnt too bad
<azonenberg> So a 4mm unterminated stub
<bvernoux> azonenberg, I have seen announcement of a new PicoVNA 8GHz
<bvernoux> azonenberg, maybe it is good time to ask them to provide a decent PC APP ;)
<Degi> Huh the ground plane capacitance actually makes my very bad ltspice model look better. With 100 fF I had like 3.3 dB loss with 800 fF I have like 1 dB loss
<azonenberg> Degi: that's going to be a quarter wave stub around 15 GHz if my math is right
<Degi> Frequency of concern: 2.5 GHz
<azonenberg> so you'll get a null there, and rolloff towards it
<azonenberg> at 2.5 GHz it probably wont have too big an impact
<azonenberg> lambda there is 30 mm
<Degi> Ok ill still dremel it off I think
<Degi> You mean quarter lambda?
<azonenberg> yes
<azonenberg> no
<bvernoux> ha no it is PicoSource ;)
<azonenberg> sorry following two threads at once here
<bvernoux> I was confused by the photo with same case as PicoVNA ;)
<azonenberg> Degi: lambda = 12cm, 1/4 lambda = 3cm
<azonenberg> of course that's in air not copper
<Degi> yes ^^
<azonenberg> so there will be a bit of a scaling factor
<bvernoux> Degi, what is your simulation ?
<bvernoux> with Qucs it is quite hard to simulate correctly CPWG for FR405HR ...
<bvernoux> Mainly because of substrate caracteristics
<bvernoux> which are wrong it is not copper and not gold but ENIG ;)
<azonenberg> bvernoux: btw i'm still going back and forth with sonnet support to figure out the weird mismatches i was having with sim vs hardware
<azonenberg> latest data point: the response of my test thru line cleans up greatly when the bottom side of the sma is soldered to the ground plane
<bvernoux> I anyone have found Qucs substrate data for OSHPARK ENIG FR405HR thanks to share them ;)
<azonenberg> which seems nonsensical because there's so many vias there
<bvernoux> yes it is even worse with Qucs ;)
<bvernoux> But I see the main mistake is substrate info
<bvernoux> thanks to Darrell which have helped a lot about that
<azonenberg> Best hypothesis from sonnet support is that i might have some bad vias
<azonenberg> i'm going back and forth with experiments and reporting test results and making some progress
<bvernoux> Degi, I doubt ltspice can simulate GCPW correctly
<Degi> GCPW?
<bvernoux> Degi, where are substrate info ?
<Degi> Oh its FR4 and those values are guesstinmates
<bvernoux> Degi, it is what you are doing no ? it seems your symbol are Coplanar Line
<Degi> Yes, they are defined by impedance and delay
<bvernoux> T1, T3 & T2
<bvernoux> so you shall add Substrate details for those CPWG
<Degi> Lossless transmission lines because I assume losses to be relatively small
<Degi> How does that work?
<bvernoux> I do that with Qucs ;)
<bvernoux> I'm not sure LTSpice can do that
<bvernoux> and I can confirm substrate change all
<bvernoux> on my simulation I use Copper or Gold and it is clearly wrong for ENIG
<Degi> Well I think the only parameters I have is thickness and E_r and loss from internet searches
<Degi> Use nickel plated copper
<bvernoux> I do not have substrate details for nickel plated copper ;)
<bvernoux> I have not found Er for that
<bvernoux> as it seems not so simple
<Degi> Thats not a substrate
<bvernoux> it will probably requires a more complex simulation with 2 substrate
<Degi> Nickel has µ_r of 100-600
<Degi> No not substrate, youll need to include magnetic conductors with µr
<bvernoux> it is what you are doing with LTSpice ?
<Degi> No
<bvernoux> I never use LTSpice for GCPW in fact
<Degi> i didnt simulate the traces at all besides the delay and impedance of the transmission lines, I mostly wanted to simulate the sma
<bvernoux> i need er, tand, rho and D
<Degi> D is thickness? What is rho?
<bvernoux> D=rms substrate roughness
<bvernoux> in um
<Degi> oh
<bvernoux> rho=specific resistance of metal
<bvernoux> tand=loss tangent
<bvernoux> t=thickness of metalization
<bvernoux> h=thickness in meters
<Degi> Yes that doesnt ask for µr anywhere
<Degi> Which is important for enig
<bvernoux> and er=relative permittivity
<bvernoux> yes it is why I think it is not well adapted for ENIG
<bvernoux> Darrell Harmon told me results are bad on my measurements because of ENIG
<bvernoux> as there is Nickel mixed with Gold
<Degi> yes
<bvernoux> and results are very bad ;)
<Degi> I guess you didnt have any silkscreen there? I'm not sure in which order its fabricated...
<bvernoux> I have removed the silkscreen of course
<bvernoux> on whole trace
<Degi> hm yeah that was probably a bad idea
<bvernoux> silkscreen is not predictible
<bvernoux> and recommended to be removed to avoid even more loss
<Degi> Hmm
<Degi> It probably has less loss than ENIG
<Degi> If the plating is after silkscreen
<bvernoux> but just for fun my basic 9USD RF Attenuator bought on banggood =>
<bvernoux> is better than my FR408HR board with ENIG ;)
<bvernoux> and I'm using 26.5GHz connector haha
<Degi> Yes cuz it isnt coated in nickel
<bvernoux> I speak about ATTEN 0dB ;)
<bvernoux> Yes Darrell told me that too
<bvernoux> it is all because of ENIG
<Degi> Whats the loss on your board? How long is your trace?
<bvernoux> it seems the one from OSHPark is even worse than others ...
<bvernoux> But I cannot compare so far
<bvernoux> I have all sparam wait I provide the link
<bvernoux> I'm writing an odt document ;)
<bvernoux> to compare different boards ;)
<bvernoux> with all VNA measurements and results
<bvernoux> Spoiler: The cheap FR4 board is the winner ;)
<bvernoux> OSHPark 4 Layers ENIG FR408-HR is the looser ;)
<bvernoux> I speak about Insertion Loss only
<bvernoux> S11 is better with OSHPark board thanks to connectors ;)
<Degi> Oh well. I guess somebody only connected CLK, reset, rx and tx to the AVR lol. I should've added buttons and status indicators
<bvernoux> See my quick report here
<bvernoux> It is a draft mainly to have file links ;)
<bvernoux> In order to discuss about how to simulate "correctly" GCPW with Qucs (or other free tools)
<bvernoux> and also including test with different boards
<bvernoux> I will add more boards later
<bvernoux> also testing my "military" attenuators that I shall receive one day ;)
<Degi> Is that -20 dB at 1 GHz for S12?
<bvernoux> I'm very tempted to buy Agilent Keysight N8975AZ-K50 Low Noise Block Downconverter 36.5-50GHz GUARANTEED
<bvernoux> for future stuff with microwave radar ;)
<Degi> Ah yes 100$ PCBs
<Degi> Oh its a device
<bvernoux> you are reading my preview report ?
<bvernoux> I have tons of photo ;)
<bvernoux> will add later
<Degi> yes
<bvernoux> to do something like I have done for the cheap banggood attenuator
<bvernoux> I think it is a good format ;)
<bvernoux> feedback are welcome
<Degi> Kinda feel like my PCIe signal would look very rounded, if I had a good scope.
<bvernoux> the idea is to compare with same setup VNA, calibration different hardware which do similar things a bit like here with GCPW vs Attenuator
<bvernoux> SO anyone interested in improving Qucs stuff all is provided ;)
<bvernoux> Idea is to find good paramter for Qucs simulation to have something which is not too far from reality with different PCB
<bvernoux> The idea behind is to add more and more stuff like complex microwave filters to check how to optimize them ;)
<bvernoux> and to test them as far as possible up to 6GHz so far with my VNA but later(when I will have repaired my VNA and also received my KC908) I can also test up to 26.5GHz with my SA ;)
<miek> bvernoux: i got my JFW attenuators by the way. looks like they were never used, they seem to be new old stock that had sat on an MOD shelf for a while :)
<bvernoux> miek, ha nice I'm waiting mine too I shall receive 2 ;)
<bvernoux> miek, what is the ref for yours ?
<Degi> MOD shelf?
<bvernoux> JFW do lot of custom version in fact
<bvernoux> I will receive one which is not standard too
<bvernoux> I shall receive "JFW Industries Inc RF attenuator Model 50BR-001. 0 to 110db 50 Ohm 2GHz"
<miek> 50DR-045 - couldn't find it, but it's 50dB & seems to work well out to 2GHz
<bvernoux> and
<bvernoux> JFW Industries Rotary Step Attenuator 0-70db 2.4GHz 50DR-068 SMA
<bvernoux> this one is not standard
<bvernoux> miek, yes I expect they have a good margin it is why I will check that with my VNA up to 6GHz ;)
<bvernoux> I'm also waiting 6x "2.92mm Edge Launch Connector Southwest Microwave" ;)
<bvernoux> I really hope they are not fake as the price is amazing
<miek> Degi: ministry of defence
<bvernoux> 6x "2.92mm Edge Launch Connector Southwest Microwave" for 90USD Total is not the price for 1
<bvernoux> and they are new in description
<bvernoux> the bad things is they are shipped by USPS from USA
<bvernoux> so I have big chance to never receive anything
<bvernoux> USPS is so crappy for international shipping
<Degi> oof
<bvernoux> They have already lost my HydraNFC 1st batch !!
<Degi> Can you insure it or so?
<bvernoux> yes even when there is insurance they don't care and things are lost
<miek> hah, there's a little anti-tamper sticker on the box with what i assume was the original value under it: £413.51 each
<Degi> heh nice
<bvernoux> it is a real mess with USPS at least for international shipping and especially from Chicago IL
<miek> i paid £30 each :p
<bvernoux> they do not want to provide any update the tracking is a real joke
<Degi> can you use UPS or so
<bvernoux> miek, yes JFW stuff cost minimum 800USD
<bvernoux> miek, I have called reseller in France to ask details and they told me the lowest price is 800Euros ;)
<bvernoux> Degi, I have relaunched production of HydraNFC in USA again but with UPS that time with insurance
<bvernoux> Degi, Thanks to MacroFab for their very good customer support
<bvernoux> Degi, they told me tons of package was lost by USPS and it is a real mess
<bvernoux> They plan to simply remove that option for International SHipping
<Degi> Meh ill just keep using jlc then lol... I think I never had packet loss from china yet.
<bvernoux> this Keysight N8975AZ-K40 is very nice ;)
<bvernoux> I have not found the price for a new one
<bvernoux> I have an offer at 800USD on Ebay ;)
<bvernoux> I suspect such stuff cost more than 5KUSD ...
<Degi> Hm it doesnt seem to have a refclk input
<bvernoux> new
<bvernoux> the inside is just beautiful ;)
<bvernoux> it has an internal LO of 44.5GHz ;)
<miek> i'd be surprised if it's anywhere near as cheap as 5K :D
<bvernoux> yes there is no refclk in :(
<bvernoux> miek, I suspect it is even more than 5KUSD new but I have not found a price it is always wrote "call for price" ;)
<bvernoux> like always that means the price is >5KUSD ;)
<Degi> Hm it says 54.5 GHz on the package
<bvernoux> ha yes it is not the same
<bvernoux> K50 vs K40
<bvernoux> so yes 54.5GHz ;)
<bvernoux> even better haha
<Degi> Ah i see
<Degi> I misread that for k40 lol
<bvernoux> I was more interested by K40 in fact
<bvernoux> mainly to study ADAS stuff ;)
<bvernoux> and other Radar things
<Degi> Lol 44.5 GHz +- 50 MHz
<Degi> Is that the car thingy?
<bvernoux> but latest version for ADAS use 77GHZ ;)
<bvernoux> so it is too far ;)
<bvernoux> maybe K80 ;)
<Degi> You can get ICs for that on mouser iirc
<bvernoux> yes need to check but it will be not same quality ;)
<Degi> On no
<bvernoux> anyway to downconvert 77GHz it is not easy
<Degi> MOQ 3000
<bvernoux> and not cheap ;)
<bvernoux> I have searched also a mixer but it is out of reach
<bvernoux> especially when that exceed 20GHz ...
<bvernoux> yes the chipset is interested but I want to debug the signal with my SA too ;)
<Degi> Huh I want the chip I just linked... Sadly making a PCB for it would be pricy as hell
<bvernoux> or even more with my VNA ;)
<bvernoux> to downconvert in 1GHz - 6GHz range ;)
<bvernoux> Degi, in fact all is integrated
<Degi> Digikey seems to have some mixers
<Degi> The antennas are integratedß
<bvernoux> but yes even if you need to route 2mm to the antenna it is tricky at 77GHz ;)
<bvernoux> yes at such freq all is integrated
<bvernoux> in order to be "low" cost for PCB design
<bvernoux> ha yes nice mixer
<bvernoux> IF DC to 12GHz is nice
<bvernoux> LO is hard to find ;)
<Degi> Hm?
<Degi> It says 26 GHz
<bvernoux> a good LO from 29 to 43GHz
<bvernoux> ha yes even nicer
<Degi> I find the 1057 nicer...
<Degi> Has IQ outputs
<Degi> And apparently the LO is doubled?
<bvernoux> good luck to find a LO from 40GHz to 85GHz which does not cost >1KUSD ;)
<bvernoux> yes on 1057 is suspect there is a freq doubler inside the mixer
<Degi> Meh use mixers as frequency multipliers
<bvernoux> HCM1057 cost is about 100USD per unit
<Degi> yes
<bvernoux> I was thinking it will be more expensive
<bvernoux> if you can find a good LO for it ;)
<bvernoux> which is 100USD ;)
<bvernoux> It clearly need a GPSDO source ;)
<Degi> yes
<Degi> Strontium lattice clock
<bvernoux> I do not imagine to put something with 0.5ppm ;)
<bvernoux> at the end you are totally off ;)
<bvernoux> with crazy jitter haha
<Degi> Hmh?
<monochroma> cesium fountain clock or bust
* Degi lols in strontium lattice clock
<bvernoux> HMC1057 is clearly a must have for ADAS 77GHz ;)
<Degi> I mean if you want a low jitter RF LO, a hydrogen clock would be enough probably
<bvernoux> it shall be very nice to test that to see how communication is done between cars ;)
<Degi> It communicates between cars? Isnt that just distance sensing?
<bvernoux> it is planned also for communication IIRC
<bvernoux> 1st use case is Radar + Communication
<bvernoux> as there is tons of channels
<bvernoux> I think today it is only planned to do radar anyway
<bvernoux> even ST has released a Radar STRADA770M ;)
<bvernoux> it is a preview
<bvernoux> they have very good engineer which know very well microwave they are not only doing some STM32 MCU ;)
<bvernoux> I have read ADAS 24GHZ is cancelled
<bvernoux> as the accuracy is not very good compared to 77GHz
<bvernoux> so it seems everyone has jumped to 77GHz for ADAS stuff
<bvernoux> have
<Degi> Silicon Radar has a 110 GHz chip in development with onboard antennas
<bvernoux> ha nice
<monochroma> (ooo i didn't know they had gotten to CS atomic clocks, that's adorable! )
<bvernoux> ha yes nice chip-scale atomic clock !!
<Degi> Heh yes they cost like 2k
<bvernoux> I want that to replace my TCXO ;)
<bvernoux> Microsemi produce one version ;)
<Degi> Why do UAVs need atomic clocks... lol
<bvernoux> ha bad Microsemi has been bought to microchip !!
<Degi> Lol I like how they show an arduino at 1:34
<Degi> Hm there are ones for 2-3k usd somewhere too
<bvernoux> ha yes 5KUSD ;)
<bvernoux> ±500ppt ;)
<bvernoux> it is not a typo ;)
<Degi> 100 ppt heh
<Degi> Is cheaper too
<bvernoux> It is clearly impressive Atomic Clock of that size
<bvernoux> ha yes even better the one from Abracon
<Degi> Ohh you can control the frequency with a voltage by 500 ppba
<bvernoux> but spec is wrong ;)
<bvernoux> Frequency Stability: ±0.10 ppb
<bvernoux> is th best
<Degi> hm yes 100 ppt
<Degi> "Linearity: 5"
<azonenberg> Probe dummies came in
<bvernoux> 50ppt ;)
<bvernoux> SA.31m
<bvernoux> 1376USD ;à
<azonenberg> the PCBs fit the shell perfectly but the sma connector does not fit on the bottom
<azonenberg> i have enough clearance on top but i need to make room on the bottom
<bvernoux> azonenberg, do you have photo ?
<Degi> "...for audio equipment..." lol
<azonenberg> i'll take one shortly
<azonenberg> on phone
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #95: Make eye pattern shading selectable linear or logarithmic -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #95: Make eye pattern shading selectable linear or logarithmic -
<bvernoux> azonenberg, yes great
<azonenberg> so you can see the bottom side of the sma doesnt have enough clearance
<azonenberg> but otherwise they fit great
<bvernoux> ha nice
<bvernoux> the case is 3D Printed ?
<bvernoux> it look like quite "dense" and we do not really see layers like on a 3D Printed part
<Degi> I think its sintered powder
<bvernoux> ha yes we see a texture like powder
<bvernoux> but very clean
<bvernoux> also the PCB is RO4350B ?
<azonenberg> the case is MJF which is a selective sintering process similar to SLS
<azonenberg> but instead of rastering a laser beam, it inkjet deposits binders then uses a heat lamp to do the actual fusing
<azonenberg> i've had better results with this than SLS
<azonenberg> for parts that have high aspect ratio holes inside them
<azonenberg> the actual PCB is RO4350B, these are nonfunctional dummies made from FR4
<azonenberg> just for fit testing the enclosure
<bvernoux> ok
<azonenberg> but yes, FDM is not a process i am a fan of
<bvernoux> I do not really see what is wrong in fact
<azonenberg> the problem is that the SMA is supposed to be recessed into the shell so only the threaded part sticks out
<azonenberg> the bottom side "legs" collide with the enclosure
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> there's an opening but it's too small
<bvernoux> are you sure it is not an issue with tolerance with the process ?
<bvernoux> part is a bit smaller than what is expected on STL file ?
<azonenberg> no i went back and checked
<azonenberg> the cad model is wrong
<azonenberg> the clearance is like half what it should be
<bvernoux> ha ok
<bvernoux> and how it is in hand ?
<bvernoux> and also in the handle
<bvernoux> I need to buy some probe handle I do not have any ...
<azonenberg> it feels ok although i havent glued the pcb in, it fits a bit loosely on one side
<azonenberg> so it can fall out if not glued
<azonenberg> so i havent poked too much with it yet
<azonenberg> it fits the bipod nicely although i only have one of them
<azonenberg> i guess you missed when the enclosure prototypes came in
<azonenberg> i actually made three of them
<azonenberg> this one, one out of acrylic photopolymer that was much more expensive and also i didn't like the texture of as much, and one out of this material with thinner walls that felt too flimsy
<azonenberg> i like the slightly rough texture, it sits better in the hand
<bvernoux> yes rough texture is nice for hand I think too
<bvernoux> the PMK 893-250-00T seems expensive
<bvernoux> do you have found it at good price ?
<bvernoux> I expect something like 10USD max for that as it is just a plastic stuff not movable ...
<azonenberg> It's steel filled plastic and i was quoted $48 each for the positioners
<azonenberg> Which is why i only included them on the pro edition probe. I can't afford them otherwise
<azonenberg> I do plan to make my own 3d printed version cheaper at some point, but not for the KS
<azonenberg> the pico branded version is much cheaper but i havent found a tetris sized one cheap
<azonenberg> i also want to figure out something else, like a helping hand style ball joint, for more flexibility
<azonenberg> the bipods are cheap but a bit limiting
<azonenberg> incidentally lecroy sells the exact same bipod for $101 lol
<azonenberg> at digikey. Tequipment has it for "only" $89.12
<azonenberg> looks to sell the PMK version for 27.50 EUR
<azonenberg> plus VAT and shipping, but given the 250 USD shipping from PMK that might still be a better option
<bvernoux> yes interesting
<bvernoux> the Pico seems to be the best for price
<bvernoux> but they are not compatible with your probe ?
<azonenberg> the pico branded positioner you probably see for 25 USD or so is too tight
<azonenberg> the tetris version is about 1mm wider opening
<bvernoux> ha ok
<azonenberg> it fit my older version probes
<azonenberg> but not this one
<bvernoux> The idea for Probe Positionner is it work for different stuff
<bvernoux> like standard Oscilloscope Probe and your probe
<bvernoux> it seems it is the case for PMK
<bvernoux> Batronix sell it as 2-FUSS-TETRIS
<bvernoux> for 27Euros
<bvernoux> 27.5Euros it is the one you say
<azonenberg> yes
<azonenberg> if it's specifically labeled as for the tetris series, it's the right one
<bvernoux> it is crazy to see all those different price for the same things ;)
<azonenberg> ok i just ordered a couple of the latest version of the shell
<azonenberg> with the new cutout for the sma
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> what is the delay to receive it ?
<bvernoux> as a nice update on the KS will be welcome ;)
<_whitenotifier-c> [starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-c> [starshipraider] azonenberg c2dc538 - Updated probe shell design with notch for SMA connector bottom side pins
<azonenberg> i should have it by the 27th or so. but i will probably do an update in a day or two with where i am now
<azonenberg> showing the dummies
<bvernoux> ha niec
<bvernoux> nice
<bvernoux> about 75% reached
<azonenberg> Yeah
<bvernoux> missing something like 1KUSD
<bvernoux> in 17days it is clearly very good
<bvernoux> with 17 days to go
<azonenberg> yeah somebody bought the pro version today which helped bring it up a ton
<bvernoux> yes it is clearly a very interesting package for the pro
<bvernoux> for 550USD
<bvernoux> I think COVID-19 does not help ...
<azonenberg> Yeah agreed
<bvernoux> I will have speak about that at my work but so far all is done in remote(@home)
<bvernoux> It is very interesting to probe RF on circuit
<azonenberg> I'm planning on doing at least one more spin after the KS to fine tune even more, but i need to characterize this rev and probably upgrade sonnet first
<azonenberg> i think i can push this design a lot further than i'm running it now
<bvernoux> I think your shall speak about that as there is no keyword for RF PCB probing...
<bvernoux> For example to caracterize 2.4GHz Wifi/Bluetooth Antenna with a Spectrum Analyzer
<bvernoux> as the probe go to 2GHz it is clearly usable for 2.4GHz for WiFi...
<bvernoux> it is just an example
<bvernoux> as it is often not convenient at all to check such small Antenna with UFL connector ...
<bvernoux> It will be interesting to see the effect of probe on different Antenna too
<azonenberg> this probe actually drops off a fair bit right past 2 GHz
<azonenberg> i want to figure out why
<bvernoux> in worst case it can be great to tune other stuff <2GHz ;)
<bvernoux> 2.4GHz will be nice anyway ;)
<bvernoux> (I always want more ;)
<azonenberg> lol who doesnt want more bandwidth
<Degi> Just cut a SMA cable and remove some shielding and use that as a probe lol
<Degi> 50 ohm loading
* monochroma has some plans for 60GHz testing in the near-ish future
<bvernoux> monochroma, what are the plans for cheap 60GHz testing ;) ?
<monochroma> less direct probing, but qualcomm makes some front end ICs for 60GHz WiFi applications
<bvernoux> A fun experimentation to detect electronic devices ;)
<bvernoux> From the guy which develop Deepace stuff ;)
<bvernoux> His blog is very interesting
<monochroma> :o
<bvernoux> Yes I translate it to english as I'm not fluent in mandarin ;)
<bvernoux> But the translation is not so bad I think for majority of stuff
<bvernoux> The Coupler Antenna is nice too
<bvernoux> I plan to have one with a good RF Shielding Box ;)
<bvernoux> it is a must have when you have do not have an anechoic chamber ;)
<bvernoux> Especially those who think COVID-19 comes from 5G tests ...
<bvernoux> I love the reduction rate in % and not in dB ;)
<azonenberg> wait what
<bvernoux> they have forgotten to shield the bottom ;)
<azonenberg> "avigation"
<miek> that's because the covid towers are mounted high up
<bvernoux> haha
<azonenberg> "ecology: normal"
<azonenberg> not sure what that is supposed to mean
<bvernoux> haha
<bvernoux> it means it is not too toxic ;)
<bvernoux> it is not a good farady cage anyway
<azonenberg> they have a plausible looking shielding plot at the bottom. this might actually be a reasonable price per square meter of rf shielding material if you wanted to build your own small faraday cage?
<bvernoux> faraday
<azonenberg> i havent looked into what it costs in bulk
<bvernoux> but they missed the bottom ;)
<azonenberg> i dont mean using it as is
<bvernoux> where RF enter
<azonenberg> i mean cutting it up and using it as a raw material
<monochroma> knockoff faraday cage: Friday cage
<bvernoux> ha yes maybe if it is not fake ;)
<azonenberg> lol well thats a whole other situation
<bvernoux> they say it is silver fiber anyway ;)
<bvernoux> 100%
<azonenberg> i read it as silver plated cloth
<azonenberg> but no idea how thick the silver is
<bvernoux> yes so not 100% silver ;)
<bvernoux> the graphic with attenuation
<bvernoux> is not clear
<bvernoux> does it means it attenuate -50dB ;)
<bvernoux> not really
<bvernoux> as we do not see with and without ;)
<miek> i was thinking it could be neat for a collapsible dish antenna
<bvernoux> I think the quality is not that good ;)
<bvernoux> it seems they sell that against mosquito ;)
<bvernoux> it is why there is Canopy in Application ;)
<azonenberg> well, just make sure to turn the fan off so you don't die :p
<azonenberg> is that still a thing?
<bvernoux> this one is better as shield is also on bottom ;)
<azonenberg> (in korea i think?)
<bvernoux> but the fun is they speak about RF shielding ;)
<bvernoux> this one is specified => Radiation reduction max to 56 dBm with test report
<bvernoux> the the graph is intended to be attenuation in dB with this shielding
<bvernoux> they have forgotten to add anti COVID-19 ;)
<bvernoux> as in theory silver shall kill bacteria and virus ;)
<bvernoux> I have just discoverd a very very cheap RF switch ;)
<bvernoux> Amazing the price
<bvernoux> it cost less than a capacitor ;)
<bvernoux> Unit Price => US$ 0.05841
<bvernoux> bye
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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