azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
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<Degi> Huh theres regular pulses with approx 93 kHz on the rigol ADCs of 5 mV
<Degi> approx 130 mhz and they only last 200 ns
<Degi> meh the amplitude changes depending on setting, gotta be some adc thing. Not too bad
<Degi> Can see a trace only like 1/6th of the screen at 500 µV/div and 8 GS/s
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<azonenberg> also my simulation tweaks have managed to get a ~1.5 dB improvement in return loss on the SMA transition
<azonenberg> but that isnt enough to be worth respinning the board i think
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<Degi> Hm can I set the rigol to somehow show math in xy mode
<Degi> Hm when I do ./glscopeclient myrigol:rigol:lan: --debug I get
<Degi> When I add :5555 it just hangs at "connecting to VICP oscilloscope at ..."
<miek> it probably shouldn't be trying to use VICP
<azonenberg> miek: that's a non issue
<azonenberg> it's a cut and pasted log message that i forgot to change
<miek> ah right
<azonenberg> i fixed it like two commits ago
<azonenberg> but i might not have updated the submodules in scopehal-cmake
<Degi> Hm I mean a new window opens but it doesnt update the frame buffer
<azonenberg> Degi: have you tried wireshark?
<azonenberg> see what's actually happening
<Degi> Not yet. It turns all scope channels on and sets it to single shot mode
<azonenberg> (08:35:26) _whitenotifier-9: (notice) [scopehal] azonenberg 90b0216 - Fixed incorrect log message saying VICP instead of SCPI
<azonenberg> Degi: ok so it's connecting and doing something
<azonenberg> that is expected behavior so far
<azonenberg> Also you might want to reach out to @manelliandres on twitter
<azonenberg> iirc he has some patches for rigol support that haven't been merged yet
<miek> i would suggest turning on trace out for the transport now, but i can never remember the command :p
<azonenberg> or check forks on github and try and see if he has stuff
<azonenberg> miek: the general command is --trace CLASS or --trace CLASS::Function
<azonenberg> so --trace SCPISocketTransport is likely to be of use
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<bvernoux> hello
<bvernoux> for those who love review ;)
<bvernoux> I have wrote one for the RF Attenuator just for fun ;)
<azonenberg> bvernoux: wow that is a lot of solder on that board
<azonenberg> the smas are flooded in it
<azonenberg> did they have a monkey assemble it?
<bvernoux> yes ;)
<bvernoux> it is not quality soldering
<bvernoux> what is amazing is the loss
<azonenberg> the 20 dB has 3 dB of peaking at 6 GHz?
<bvernoux> why it is so good with such cheap PCB and low cost SMA connector and soldering ...
<azonenberg> Unsurprising since it's assembled with ordinary resistors
<bvernoux> yes
<bvernoux> anyway it is specified DC to 4 GHz
<bvernoux> only 20dB Attenuator is defective towards tolerance like described in the document ;)
<bvernoux> the other are quite good
<azonenberg> not a symmetric layout either
<bvernoux> yes it is a < 10USD board ;)
<bvernoux> I was expecting something worth in fact
<bvernoux> I have posted a review for the product ;)
<bvernoux> just for fun
<bvernoux> It is a reference for me of ultra low cost things ;)
<bvernoux> I'm waiting my nice mechanical attenuator ;)
<bvernoux> but they are specified only from DC to 2.4GHz or 2GHz
<bvernoux> JFW Industries Rotary Step Attenuator 0-70db 2.4GHz 50DR-068 SMA => This reference does not exist in fact ;)
<bvernoux> I doubt it is a fake as JFW do custom version for customer
<bvernoux> and the price for such Attenuator new is about 1KUSD ;)
<bvernoux> also bought this one
<bvernoux> JFW Industries Inc RF attenuator Model 50BR-001. 0 to 110db 50 Ohm 2GHz
<bvernoux> Very nice range 0 to 110dB -> 1dB Step ;)
<bvernoux> even if it is limited to 2GHz
<azonenberg> So i've done some more advanced simulations of my probe based on actual kicad exports and some tweaks
<azonenberg> i'm starting to get sim results that track reality more closely
<azonenberg> i still need higher version of sonnet to be able to do it right
<azonenberg> but i'm closer
<bvernoux> ha great
<bvernoux> what do you have optimized on sonnet side ?
<bvernoux> do you have applied some tricks ... ?
<azonenberg> The geometry i'm modeling is now closer to what's actually fabricated
<azonenberg> mostly
<azonenberg> It's not perfect, there's some mismatches still but i think at i know the source of them
<azonenberg> when i get sonnet gold i will be able to properly integrate s-parameter components right into field solver geometry
<azonenberg> and i wont have to split the design up into quite so many pieces which introduces inaccuracies
<bvernoux> yes clearly
<bvernoux> but sonnet gold cost lot of money ?
<bvernoux> something like 10KUSD I imagine ...
<azonenberg> More
<bvernoux> woo
<bvernoux> 20KUSD ?
<azonenberg> I estimate, based on their last published prices, it will cost me about 8 kUSD on top of what i paid for basic
<bvernoux> Maybe there is a possible deal with them ;)
<azonenberg> They are willing to negotiate especially with one-man shops
<azonenberg> they're a small business so they understand
<azonenberg> The sales guy is aware that i'm on a budget and looking to upgrade, and wants to work with me
<bvernoux> yes and you can bring them more and more guys
<azonenberg> we haven't sat down to actually agree on a price as i don't yet have the cash in hand
<azonenberg> The 8 kUSD delta is based on the pricing they had on their website before they took it down
<azonenberg> apparently - would you believe this - a customer complained that they published prices??
<azonenberg> i've never heard of a customer telling a vendor "we don't want you publishing prices" before
<azonenberg> normally it's the opposite
<azonenberg> So now all editions are $CALL_FOR_QUOTE
<azonenberg> the base price has not changed, it's just no longer published
<azonenberg> The last published prices, which i made a point of writing down, were $4625 basic, $8725 silver, $12495 gold, $27000 pro
<bvernoux> yes I like to see price online too
<bvernoux> what a stupid customer which ask to remove online price
<azonenberg> yeah i have no idea
<azonenberg> anyway, i paid a decent bit less than the advertised price
<bvernoux> maybe he resell it for double price ;)
<azonenberg> so i'm hoping for a similar level of discount on the higher versions
<bvernoux> yes clearly
<azonenberg> But until my budget recovers from buying the VNA it's not happening :p
<bvernoux> you can provide them the KS link and other details on project using it
<bvernoux> where you can advertise a bit that you have simulated the critical path with their tool ;)
<bvernoux> it is a win-win strategy like chinese guy says ;)
<azonenberg> also ~40% to the goal on the probe KS. I was hoping it would be building more momentum by this point but only have ten backers and several only wanted bare pcbs
<monochroma> :<
<monochroma> hmmm wonder if there is anywhere else it should be pushed for advertising :<
<bvernoux> it is a very specific market too
<azonenberg> now this is only week 1 of 4
<azonenberg> But most of those 10 were in the first few hours after i tweeted the link
<bvernoux> I'm not sure normal guys going in KS will think to find such stuff ;)
<bvernoux> it will be great to advertize that on specialized web site
<azonenberg> if you can think of places to push it, go for it
<azonenberg> lol
<monochroma> probably get a bunch of orders when the signal path does a review
<azonenberg> monochroma: that won't help the KS though
<azonenberg> The KS will end before i get boards back at the current rate
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<azonenberg> and i can't get TSP a board until i get boards
<azonenberg> it will likely help longer term sales
<monochroma> azonenberg: yeah :<
<bvernoux1> oups disconnection
<bvernoux1> yes on TSP it will be a must
<bvernoux1> or EEVBLOG ;)
<monochroma> nuuuu :P
<bvernoux1> even if EEVBLOG is less and less specialized
<azonenberg> if dave wants one of my probes he's gonna have to pay full price just like anybody else
<azonenberg> :p
<bvernoux1> I do not like the video since lot of month/years now
<monochroma> azonenberg: haha
<bvernoux1> not enough teardown ;)
<bvernoux1> yes he sell a defective 121GW multimeter ;)
<bvernoux1> do you have seen the debacle ?
<bvernoux1> it is not compliant
<bvernoux1> it fail some major test with safety
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<azonenberg> monochroma: i mean part of the problem is the more fundamental issue that even a low-cost probe isn't much use to someone without a >1 GHz scope
<bvernoux1> Joe Smith has destructed it
<azonenberg> that is a small pool of customers, most of whom bought OEM scope vendor probes
<monochroma> yeah
<monochroma> you don't usually buy a >=1GHz scope and not get full bandwidth probes with it
<monochroma> otherwise, what's the point? :P
<azonenberg> i'm targeting people like you
<azonenberg> who got ebay'd fast scopes with no probes
<azonenberg> i think that's the most sensible clientele
<monochroma> yeah
<azonenberg> but seriously how many people is that?
<monochroma> probably not too many
<azonenberg> My point exactly
<azonenberg> i was hoping to find at least a couple dozen though
<monochroma> hmmm
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<monochroma> ohhh i bet microwave ham radio people would be fairly interested
<azonenberg> feel free to share the link around if you have contacts in those circles
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<monochroma> i do not :<
<bvernoux> the hard part on crowdfounding is to do advertising, publications ...
<monochroma> yeah
<miek> probably worth putting a thread on the eevblog forum
<bvernoux> yes very good idea
<bvernoux> also the name of KS could be changed a bit
<bvernoux> as it is Oscilloscope Probe but also RF Probe ;)
<bvernoux> for spectrum analyzer it is useful up to 2GHz
<bvernoux> Spectrum Analyzer up to 1.5GHz are clearly more common/less expensive than Scope with 1GHz BW
<bvernoux> it can be also used with a SDR
<bvernoux> to probe things
<bvernoux> with a RTL SDR ;)
<bvernoux> It is why the title of the KS is maybe too restrictive
<bvernoux> if title cannot be changed maybe add use case for other stuff than Scope
<bvernoux> like Spectrum Analyzer, SDR
<Degi> Huh weird, methanol attacks the meter
<Degi> "will be dropping this meter from roughly one meter up" hehe
<Degi> Hm maybe tweet it on twitter again?
<monochroma> yeah keeping up momentum can be goodly
<monochroma> giving updates to the KS progress
<monochroma> etc
<Degi> Hm I once got a voltmeter to explode internally lol
<Degi> Dont try to measure the capacitor voltage of a flashlamp with a voltmeter lol
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<lain> mouser carries xilinx now :o