azonenberg changed the topic of #scopehal to: libscopehal, libscopeprotocols, and glscopeclient development and testing |,, | Logs:
<_whitenotifier-c> [starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+5/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-c> [starshipraider] azonenberg 681db6f - Added simulations for new probe rev
<_whitenotifier-c> [starshipraider] azonenberg 22328a2 - handheld-resistive-probe: v0.8 board targeting oshpark stackup
<azonenberg> also finally used the $10 oshpark gift card i got at defcon like two or three years ago lol
<monochroma> XD
<azonenberg> like, the defcon we went to together
<azonenberg> remember that pcb reversing challenge?
<azonenberg> yeah, it was a prize from that lol
<azonenberg> Probe PCBs from multech are here
<monochroma> the "final" ones ?
<azonenberg> yes
<monochroma> :D!
<azonenberg> they also included what appears to be 1:1 copies of the photomasks
<azonenberg> which is newq
<azonenberg> new*
<monochroma> :o
<azonenberg> PCBs fit the old rev shells nicely, except of course the SMA doesnt fit because of the lack of a cutout
<azonenberg> i might try and machine one in temporarily for a test
<azonenberg> assembling one now
* monochroma gets andrew a file set
<azonenberg> Board is out of the oven, waiting for it to cool
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<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 1546623 - OscilloscopeWindow: add channels to menu when reconnecting to saved scope. Fixes #98.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #98: When reconnecting to a scope via a save file, channels are not added to the "add channel" menu -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg dd47991 - Oscilloscope: load nickname from save files
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] tomverbeure commented on issue #115: Linking liblxi -
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<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±20]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg 0de150e - LeCroyOscilloscope: added more sample rate data
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg 8ca8a3b - Unit: added sample rate
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg b4766b8 - Oscilloscope: Added APIs for querying sample rate and memory depth (cannot set yet)
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-0/±5]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg f36e9bc - Double clicking timeline now brings up "timebase properties" dialog with configuration for memory depth and sample rate. Displays legal settings and highlights current config, but can't change yet.
<azonenberg> Well that was long overdue
<azonenberg> now to add config
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<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±15]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg d60ba09 - Oscilloscope: Added SetSampleRate() and SetSampleDepth(). Fixes #22.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #22: Add APIs for setting capture depth -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 4c0cd92 - Timeline: don't enter drag state when double clicking
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg a7fbfc0 - TimebasePropertiesDialog: implemented ConfigureTimebase(). Fixes #13.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #13: Add UI for selecting capture depth -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg opened issue #116: Add timebase configuration to save files -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg 940a2b2 - LeCroyOscilloscope: implemented SetChannelOffset. Fixes #113.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal] azonenberg closed issue #113: Implement LeCroyOscilloscope::SetChannelOffset() -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 42ce800 - Stats now follow waveforms when moving between groups. Fixes #5.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #5: When a channel is moved between viewports, statistics should follow -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg c4f8708 - Stats now follow waveforms being copied between groups, not just moved
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<Degi> Huh cool, from eurocircuits you can order a single 4 layer PCB for 2800 €
<Degi> Has any of you ever had problems with conductive anodic filamentation?
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<azonenberg> lain: did you see the chip Degi linked?
<azonenberg> thoughts?
<lain> fusb302b?
<lain> I've got it in my parts library
<lain> I haven't used it but I plan to use it for all usb-c PD stuff
<azonenberg> it is apparently source-sink capable
<azonenberg> might be usable for the active probe interface to negotiate alt modes?
<lain> yep that's what I planned to use it for, alt mode stuff
<lain> actually let me make sure this is the same one, there were a few with similar part numbers
<azonenberg> what i mean is, it can be a host or device
<azonenberg> i wasnt aware of any good cheap host side chips for PD/alt modes
<lain> yeah I believe this is the one
<lain> you should be able to exchange any PD packets you want afaik
<azonenberg> which brings me back to my original goal of being more usb spec compliant
<azonenberg> and negotiating the alt mode over CC instead of the usb2 bus
<azonenberg> we can still keep a usb2 channel active for talking to probes for config
<azonenberg> if so desired
<azonenberg> although i would personally prefer to just use i2c or something
<lain> are you familiar with the usb billboard class?
<azonenberg> no
<kc8apf> there's OSHW and firmware for fusb302b:
<kc8apf> Jason's a really cool person too
<azonenberg> even better
<azonenberg> interesting
<azonenberg> seems useful
<lain> iirc it's a way for a usb device to indicate some human-readable stuff if it fails to enter alternate mode, or its alt mode is not supported
<azonenberg> so we could print an error if someone plugs our probe into a PC
<azonenberg> sounds handy
<lain> so you can maybe use that to pop up a message like "oi, this is an oscilloscope probe ya dummy"
<azonenberg> "why the heck did you just plug a scope probe into your laptop? WTF were you expecting to happen?"
<sorear> "if you are attempting to debug your laptop, the probe is connected backward"
<azonenberg> lol
<lain> haha
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<azonenberg> also, new rev probe shells are on the way
<azonenberg> with the cutout for the sma bottom side
<azonenberg> (although i did machine one of the current rev for testing)
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<electronic_eel> azonenberg: so the probe pcbs came in? did you already build one for testing?
<Degi> Lol I just randomly stumbled on that chip and didn't bother to read beyond "USB PD" and "I2C" but nice that it can do so much
<Degi> Huh cool this super thin tesla coil I made a long time ago actually works, neat. Measured 4-5 MHz resonance with my scope depending on position... AWG feature is useful!
<sorear> it's difficult for me to believe you have NOT destroyed a significant amount of test equipment with the coil
<Degi> Oh I'm powering it with a 1 turn loop with the scopes AWG
<Degi> Well I have another tesla coil that when you place a CFL on it it just makes a hole in the glass
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: Yes it came in, i built one, and i machined the enclosure to fit the SMA
<Degi> Heh apparently theres an overtone at 12.5 MHz
<azonenberg> i need to spend more time characterizing it
<azonenberg> initial vna measurements yesterday had a high degree of variability
<azonenberg> and were also affected by the lack of a proper test fixture with a well matched connector transition
<Degi> Tesla nunchucks
<electronic_eel> hmm, you already wrote last time that you had high variability in the results and some wobbling in the connectors in the probe
<electronic_eel> did you think about any options to improve the retention of the probe pin in the mill max connector?
<electronic_eel> how about a small fr4 strip, glued to the back of the probe, which has some plastic cylinder or blob on top
<electronic_eel> the fr4 strip acts as a spring and presses the plastic cylinder onto the probe pin, pushing it upwards a bit
<azonenberg> my plan was and continues to be a tiny dot of adhesive
<azonenberg> probably purple, i think is the weakest, loctite? on the front side, not the electrically mating surface
<azonenberg> that is not the cause of this variability though
<electronic_eel> ah, what do you think causes the variability?
<azonenberg> i basically just need to sit down and collect more data
<azonenberg> probably tonight
<electronic_eel> ok, cause yet unknown
<azonenberg> in particular i want measuremetns across a termination
<azonenberg> not open circuit like i have been doing
<azonenberg> i didnt get just a vertical shift
<azonenberg> it actually substantially changed flatness
<azonenberg> (with all of these designs)
<azonenberg> so i need to understand that too
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: did you see all of the ui and performance work i've been doing on glscopeclient the last few days?
<electronic_eel> I saw it but I must admit I didn't set up scopehal yet for use with my scope. I also didn't dive into the code yet,
<azonenberg> ah ok
<azonenberg> suffice it to say there's been major ui updates. timebase config finally works for example
<azonenberg> at least on lecroy scopes, the APIs are there for the other drivers but the functions are all stubs
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: also i got about 1.6 GHz -3dB bw on the last test of the current rev probe
<azonenberg> vs 1.77 for the old rev
<azonenberg> the old rev seemed to be flatter probing across a 50 ohm load so i'll be doing the same with this probe tonight
<electronic_eel> these were both models with 3 resistors?
<azonenberg> this is comparing the current rev with the 6 resistors and final probe shape
<azonenberg> vs the old version reworked to have a 6 resistor footprint and a closer ground location
<azonenberg> i expected slightly higher L from the further ground on the new probe
<azonenberg> the new probe was flatter though
<azonenberg> +/- 1 dB to 1.26 GHz
<azonenberg> vs the old one peaked at +1 dB at 500 Mhz under the same conditions
<azonenberg> like i said, less flat into the coupler vs across a terminator
<electronic_eel> but if you say that the results were very variable and you don't know the reason for this, there might be some measurement error
<azonenberg> no the results were fairly consistent for one exact setup
<azonenberg> i just noticed large variations among apparently similar setups
<azonenberg> e.g. if the ground lead was on the inside or outside of the sma barrel
<azonenberg> i need to find a more stable fixture to probe on because i dont trust the original fixture i built for this purpose
<electronic_eel> ah, this was the problem were you said that soldering the connector to the back substantially changed things
<azonenberg> yeah. among other things
<azonenberg> i'm very much looking forward to the new oshpark'd probe rev
<azonenberg> i expect high loss from the enig but good, flat performance
<electronic_eel> hmm, is there something like your probe characterization board commercially available?
<electronic_eel> or something that can be repurposed?
<electronic_eel> something with known s parameters and stuff
<electronic_eel> so that you don't have to redo your board without exactly knowing where the fault ist
<azonenberg> Well i've been building test fixtures for the new SMA connectors i can probably use
<azonenberg> and going back and forth w/ sonnet support to get my field solver models to more closely match the real world measurement data
<azonenberg> there's a lot going on here and lots of things are changing, i have two boards already in the pipeline with improved configs
<azonenberg> Also (fyi lain) i just got off the phone w/ lecroy service
<azonenberg> remember we were talking the other day about cpu upgrades for the scopes etc?
<azonenberg> turns out there *currently* is not a mobo upgrade option available
<azonenberg> however one is in the pipeline
<azonenberg> i talked to carrie at service and she's gonna give me a call back in a few days with the part number and anticipated pricing, as well as some idea of when it will be available
<azonenberg> as hilarious as it sounds this would be a great excuse to get glscopeclient running on windows
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: did you hear my crazy idea?
<Degi> Because the scopes run windows?
<azonenberg> i want to run glscopeclient *on the scope* connected to localhost
<azonenberg> and outperform MAUI
<electronic_eel> hehe
<azonenberg> i can't do it on my current scopes because they're ivy bridge CPUs from 2012 that predate GL 4.x so no compute shader support
<electronic_eel> how would you get the raw data?
<azonenberg> electronic_eel: i'd use VICP to
<azonenberg> lol
<electronic_eel> hmm, didn't you say that the network wasn't the limiting factor?
<electronic_eel> so it wouldn't be faster than running it remotely
<azonenberg> Correct
<azonenberg> but it doesnt matter
<azonenberg> the point would be for the luulz
<azonenberg> i did a test a while ago using my 2014 era desktop running 10/100 protocol decodes, two eye patterns, two bathtub curves, etc at 100 updates/minute on 5M point waveforms
<azonenberg> on two channels of 10/100 ethernet
<electronic_eel> for real lulz: hack the interface to get the raw data
<azonenberg> by comparison, MAUI ran at 160 updates/min just displaying waveforms with no processing, and 18 updates/min with a single eye pattern
<azonenberg> so if i can get better than 18 updates/min running on the actual scope displaying a single eye, i will be faster than lecroy's firmware on the same hardware
<azonenberg> that, and seeing glscopeclient on the actual scope would just be cool
<electronic_eel> if everything in the lecroy sw is built using dlls, com and similar, isn't there some interface you could hack in?
<azonenberg> Yes there is almost certainly a COM and/or DCOM interface i could hook into that might be faster than SCPI. but that's something for much later
<azonenberg> even if i was just using scpi, if i can run faster than their firmware on the same hardware it would be cool :p
<Degi> Hmm what is the thing with eye patterns that they are apparently hard to compute?
<azonenberg> probably the CDR PLL
<azonenberg> but could be just their software being slow and unoptimized :p
<Degi> Hmm did you use GPU computing when you got 100 updates per minute with 5 MSamples?
<azonenberg> only for rendering, which wasnt a big portion of the overall time
<azonenberg> all of the PLL and eye integration was done in software
<Degi> Ah
<Degi> Hm yes, eye integration on the GPU should be much faster.
<azonenberg> it's not very parallel actually
<Degi> Qh<
<Degi> *Why
<Degi> Because of the CDR pll?
<azonenberg> because the CDR frequency can shift if you track low frequency noise in the signal etc
<azonenberg> so you cant trivially data parallelize it
<azonenberg> while you could divide the data up into chunks, the act of doing so would require a mostly linear traverse over the waveform
<azonenberg> the actual integration costs almost nothing
<Degi> hm yeah
<azonenberg> preliminary vtune results suggest it's memory bound
<azonenberg> I would love to do this, it's a huge portion of my cpu when doing this benchmark
<azonenberg> but so far i havent even found a good way to multithread it
<azonenberg> much less gpu
<Degi> Oh well
<bvernoux> azonenberg, next step is to push scopehal... to Qt ;)
<bvernoux> Will be really an amazing step
<bvernoux> to avoid such X11 stuff not portable
<bvernoux> Qt is clearly the solution for all platforms
<bvernoux> and I'm pretty sure your opengl stuff does not requires any change as Qt support OpenGL natively
<azonenberg> i'm not doing any native x11 stuff, i'm using gtkmm
<azonenberg> i'm not porting everything to a new ui toolkit, and from what i hear qt has some nasty licensing issues lately
<azonenberg> the issue i'm having is related to how x11 window managers handle "fullscreen" windows and the choice of widget toolkit is irrelevant
<azonenberg> i know how to do what i want on windows, all i need is WS_EX_POPUP and maybe WS_EX_ALWAYSONTOP and i should be OK
<azonenberg> i just don't know the relevant style bits for x11 and how to set things up
<azonenberg> actually i think it's WS_POPUP not extended? it's been a few years
<azonenberg> WS_POPUP | WS_EX_ALWAYSONTOP should do what i want
<bvernoux> I have no idea how work X11 so I cannot help on that
<azonenberg> basically the problem is that the window manager sees the app as being "on top of everything else"
<azonenberg> which is what i want
<azonenberg> but it needs to know that the protocol decode and history windows are part of the app, and not other background windows
<azonenberg> set_transient_for should do that
<azonenberg> and it works fine when focus is on the app
<azonenberg> but when focus is on one of those windows the others show up behind the app
<bvernoux> maybe you could ask that on some ML with linux guru
<bvernoux> what is the way to do it
<sorear> if you're truly memory bandwidth limited multithreading won't help
<azonenberg> sorear: let me rephrase
<azonenberg> i think i'm currently memory latency limited
<azonenberg> and so if i multithreaded i might be able to block on multiple fetches at once
<azonenberg> and get higher throughput
<azonenberg> the challenge is that the integration of the pixel data has to be atomic and atomic increments tend to be expensive because they force serializaiton
<bvernoux> azonenberg, good news is soon I will reinstall a clean XUbuntu 18.04LTS on my main PC ;)
<azonenberg> one possibility is to have a separate copy of the eye for each thread then stack them in post
<sorear> ah yes
<azonenberg> which i tried and got worse performance, but i didn't optimize it too much
<azonenberg> as performance was within acceptable limits at that point
<bvernoux> azonenberg, as I will receive next week a new 1TB SSD and so my current one will be dedicated to native Linux ;)
<azonenberg> So i reverted those changes
<azonenberg> actually sorry it wasnt worse performance, it gave incorrect output
<azonenberg> and i didnt feel like debugging
<sorear> I mean, if you're reading data 64 bytes at a time and reading it exactly once there's not much to be gained
<sorear> maybe be clever and combine multiple postprocesses into one pass over the data
<azonenberg> the other problem is theres not much you can do wrt vectorization
<azonenberg> because the access patterns are so random
<azonenberg> there's also lots of interpolation and other stuff going on
<azonenberg> if you have ideas on how to tune it have a look at lib/scopeprotocols/EyeDecoder2.cpp in the Refresh() function
<azonenberg> The loop on lines 377 - 436 is ~all of the run time according to vtune
<sorear> roughly what is the throughput currently, and where do you want it to be
<sorear> what's the typical range of m_width and m_height
<sorear> offsets and durations, which are always 1 for analog data: 16 bytes per sample
<sorear> analog capture data: 4 bytes per sample
<sorear> is this a "someone help me budget" situation or have I missed something important
<sorear> getting rid off the offsets might also make that loop much more optimizer friendly, most of the variables in the body become effectively induction variables
<azonenberg> durations are 1, offsets are index of the data for analog data
<azonenberg> for the clock, that's not necessarily true
<azonenberg> the clock also normally has a different time scale than the waveform because the clock is interpolated to sub-sample precision
<azonenberg> It's currently fast enough to keep up with the scope, this is more "faster is always better but i've run out of easy optimizations"
<azonenberg> making it faster isn't a priority right now
<sorear> i'm not suggesting to get rid of the offsets and durations on the clock (a digital signal)
<azonenberg> There is a general plan at some point to special case "dense packed" waveforms
<azonenberg> in which offsets are 0...N and durations are always 1
<azonenberg> and allow some filters to skip certain processing
<azonenberg> this may be able to benefit from that
<azonenberg> but i need to keep the generality because i cant assume sampling rates are uniform on everything
<azonenberg> width and height is the size of the eye pattern
<azonenberg> so on the order of a few hundred to low thousands of pixels each
<sorear> low thousands * low thousands * sizeof(int64_t) runs a good risk of blowing cache
<azonenberg> even the waveform wont fit in cache
<sorear> waveform doesn't need to fit in cache since you're accessing it in a single sequential pass
<azonenberg> 5M points * 32 bit float = 20 MB for a single eye pattern's input
<azonenberg> oh you mean the buffer being accumulated
<azonenberg> yes
<sorear> and that should be >> 10 GB/s on server hardware
<azonenberg> memory performance was actually really low during these tests. like i said i need to do more profiling and analysis to see where my bottlenecks are
<azonenberg> but i think i was latency bound because of lots of small fetches
<azonenberg> and not making good use of bandwidth
<azonenberg> if there's a way to coalesce several fetches i think it could be improved a lot
<sorear> well as I was saying you also have 5M points * 2 * 64-bit int for the offsets/durations
<azonenberg> Yes. There's definitely room to add optimizations for dense packed inputs
<azonenberg> this all the way back to the start because of things like the differencing filter etc
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<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4]
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg 802ce42 - WaveformArea: can now drag channels between waveform areas. Fixes #6.
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg closed issue #6: Allow drag-and-drop for reordering channels within a viewport / between viewports -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg opened issue #102: Dragging a channel to the right/bottom of the current waveform area should create a split -
<_whitenotifier-c> [scopehal-apps] azonenberg labeled issue #102: Dragging a channel to the right/bottom of the current waveform area should create a split -
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