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<sacarlson> I can now do transactions using js-stellar-sdk to my mss-server but I still have one more problem with offline transactions. that being js-stellar-sdk needs to get sequence numbers from horizon. so a patch or some added function will have to be added for offline signing
<sacarlson> ya I think more than half but this part is getting slow for me as I suck at js
<sacarlson> not sure if I should write a function that will sign envelops or to patch js-stellar-sdk to just get it's next_seq from someplace else
<sacarlson> on my system I already can choose where sequence numbers come from in my configs
<sacarlson> but offline will be different you will have to remember your own last sequence number and increment your own local record of it as to what the next sequence will be for each new transacton
<dzham> no need for patching… check the format of what server.loadAccount calls the callback with
<dzham> account is probably just something like {address: ‘GS6AH2DY3D35JSAH….’, sequenceNum: 1354324524}
<dzham> so you can keep track of that locally
<sacarlson> ya cool no problem then
<sacarlson> so it allows manual seqnums already in the lib so I can go on to the next step, the sequence number is already recorded when the witness is done so then it's just a mater of keeping count of the transactions to add to that
<sacarlson> I'm also assuming that android runs javascript in almost the same way as a browser so I will develop to that point on my system when it works it will have to be ported to android
<sacarlson> if anyone else would like to do any of this feel free to step forward
<dzham> We’re kind of doing the same stuff already :)
<dzham> Although I’m more playing around with contracts right now
<sacarlson> then I should just kick back and let you finish it
<sacarlson> you have a better algorithum than what I already have?
<sacarlson> the system as far as I know works
<dzham> Not sure if there are any real business cases for these things though…
<sacarlson> how else can I hit the deserts in mongolia without internet and hope to buy a beer with my phone?
<sacarlson> or deep in for forest of the amazon. I might get thirsty
<dzham> True.. But, can you do that right now?
<sacarlson> we have to create the tools to make it posible
<dzham> If they don’t have the beer it doesn’t matter :)
<sacarlson> ok maybe they have some native drink that I will have to live with then, hay I'm thirsty I'll drink snake piss
<sacarlson> without the need for internet conectivity also makes for very fast transactions in the 1/20th of a second or less than a snap of your finger
<sacarlson> hay I'm thirsty I don't want to wait 10 second for my transaction to clear ha ha
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<sacarlson> also although my system as far as we know would work it still requires faith in a trust bot to lock the master signer from accessing his funds for some time window. I think it would be more secure if stellar or another network would add the feature of time locking account within the core. but in any case the algorithm doesn't change much
<dzham> In my case, what I do is, the account beneficiary doesn’t actually have any signing rights to the account. So for every action, he/she has to convince the witnesses/delegates/notaries.
<sacarlson> oh that would be cool I never thought of that. so it's a one way account
<sacarlson> convince the witness? the witness can see it
<dzham> We’re not doing exactly the same thing, so the terminology is off
<sacarlson> but the problem with that in my system is that it requires a differnet account for each person you plan to pay. oh but what if you give the people he seed of an account that you have prof is now locked
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<bartek> @sacarlson You can download your sequence number before going to Mongolia ;).
<sacarlson> yes the witness document already holds the sequence number of when it was locked
<sacarlson> I will take that with me to mongolia
<sacarlson> I also thought of one more thing as far as a trust bot chain that could make it require up to 19 trust bot signatures to unlock an account. the chain would also provide proof documents from each of them that the value locked in the account is true
<sacarlson> proof documents are only about 500 bytes long
<sacarlson> this is what is generated by the witness trust bot
<sacarlson> in this case the "seqnum":2418066587666, and it shows this account to be "timebound":1444648666 until this time, each signer and there weight is also recoreded and signed in the document
<sacarlson> I'm going to try hosting a world accesible trust bot from my home computer for people to try out. it will allow people to create a timebound locked account that they can play with and help prove it as valid
<sacarlson> problem is my system is on a dynamic ip so won't always work. does anyone want to donate some space on a amazon or other remote static server for it to run on?
<sacarlson> in anycase I seem to have the first prototype Automated Stellar Trust Witness now running on that I tested from my vpn from usa to thailand. I find it seems to NOT work with chrome but does with firefox browser. not sure why yet
<fim2> I would like to know who develop wallets to stellar and ripple. We need some good wallets who do not require KYC
<sacarlson> stellar at this time won't need any KYC
<sacarlson> for a wallet maybe your thinking of a gateway?
<fim2> yes but they are going to close down the wallets I was told
<fim2> no we soon have a gateway
<fim2> first we will ripple trade wallets but they implement KYC
<fim2> so we are looking for some new wallets or develop them selves
<sacarlson> yes I have a ripple account and they now require it but not here and no plan to any time soon that I know of
<fim2> yes agree but stellar are closing down the wallets soon
<sacarlson> there should be a method to pass bitcoin into stellar without any worry of KYC
<fim2> we need the wallets for digital gold
<sacarlson> the old network will be phased out over maybe years but you will be able to migrate to the new network when it becomes active
<fim2> will the new network have wallets
<sacarlson> are you a market maker for digital gold or a buyer?
<fim2> market maker
<sacarlson> yes the new network will have wallets if you want to call them that, they will hold any type of asset you desire to issue or buy
<sacarlson> yes you can issue them on stellar without KYC if you wish.
<sacarlson> if you don't like stellar there is also open-core that as far as I know is already live
<sacarlson> it too has no restrictions on KYC
<fim2> but the new wallets are somehow minimal wallets I guess
<sacarlson> you want them on your phone? we don't have those yet on the new stellar but will
<fim2> on the phone too would be great
<sacarlson> the wallet is just a webpage that controls passing assets or issueing assets. what do you want the walet to do?
<sacarlson> we are also working on phone apps that won't require internet conectivity to safely pass funds. but that's in the near future
<fim2> the same as ripple trade, but just more userfriendly
<fim2> when will stellar has the upgrade
<sacarlson> the market exchange tools are also in development but you can setup order to buy and sell any asset at any price
<sacarlson> they are doing final testing on the new stellar-core that is now running. it is rumored to be live to the public in as little as 2 - 3 weeks
<fim2> I am not an it-specialist myself. Maby some of your it person should talk to some in stellar
<fim2> sound good if ready in 3 weeks
<fim2> sorry need to go, but thank you
<sacarlson> well they have been pushed back many times so don't hold your breath but I play with the prototype and it looks cool to me
<buhrmi> cool is the prototype available for the general public
<sacarlson> yes at present it can be used by the public, it just hooks to testnet
<sacarlson> but it demonstrates the Automated Stellar witness bot that can be used in offline exchange
<sacarlson> dam I'm out of sync again. I'll have to write that auto reset for stellar-core tomaro if I hope to keep my site working 24/7
<irisli> i have a question about operations and want to make sure i understand them correctly. Is the following true? > Source account is optional on operations and will default to the transaction source account. In the case of a payment, an operation with a source account specified will send from this specified source account? If not, it will just send from parent?
<scott> yes, if the transaction has source account `a` and the payment has source account `b` and destination `c`, the payment will be from `b` to `c`
<sacarlson> yes very good explaination, I'll have to learn how you highlight the leters to make it very clear @scott
<scott> :) use backticks to surround the string `foo`
<sacarlson> `test`
<sacarlson> cool
<jed> sacarlson it is markdown
<sacarlson> I had to hunt on my keyboard to find them
<graydon> also _italic_ using `_underscores_` and *emphasis* using `*emphasis*` (I think!)
<graydon> yeah
<sacarlson> I came from IRC we had nothing
<jed> we have so much here:chestnut:
<graydon> I've been on IRC 20 years, I still kinda prefer it. but this is apparently more modern? :)
<graydon> anyway IRC had ANSI control codes! BBS kids insisted
<sacarlson> I still use pidgin I guess i must have very little highlight ability or no one ever knew how to use them in my groups
<sacarlson> dam I reset my stellar-core before I left to party but now it's still not synced
<sacarlson> I just reset it again
<sacarlson> maybe time for a full database reset
<sacarlson> or is my ISP just reseting my ip address more often today?
<sacarlson> some days it will go 48 hours before they change my address
<jed> if you use master. it gives a lot more info about where it is in the catch up process
<sacarlson> cool I see someone attempted to send a transaction through my mss-server not sure it worked as my sync was out
<jed> there is a more recent one now
<jed> just gives more info
<jed> so you can tell what it is doing
<sacarlson> this version has one of the last changes that showed progress at stuck levels. this verision has been a big improvment over the last few months
<sacarlson> even after the big flood of transactions in the present stellar database
<sacarlson> started full database reset it should recover in less than 60 sec
<jed> heh that is an awesome domain
<sacarlson> I guess that's puting myself down then since I live in asia
<sacarlson> it was few words that I could remember used in normaly as a cname
<jed> I meant| yeah you probably shouldn't use zipperhead
<sacarlson> but my| site has problems with virus protection on windows so to suit them I went with what I have
<sacarlson> people are more scared of those red screens on there computer than a bad dns name
<sacarlson> I'll setup a mirror site on| for those willing to take the virus risk
<sacarlson> so should it be| or what would you like me to call it?
<sacarlson> and I need a virtual server I'm looking now at €4.95 per month for 1 core 1tb bw. more than I need
<sacarlson> any one want to split it with me?
<sacarlson> the core will take the most, my app is small, it could run other apps along side it
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<irisli> I built a transaction using `new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account)` but I didn't sign it and I want to sign it in a separate step. How do I get the XDR of this unsigned transaction? Then can I use that and do `new Transaction(unsignedTx).addSigner()`?
<irisli> Ah, I think i figured it out. I did `transaction.toEnvelope().toXDR().toString('base64')`
<jed> yeah that is the way
<buhrmi> Split a 2.50 dollar monthly vps bill?
<buhrmi> Virus risk?
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<buhrmi> i'm on| loving it, super fast