<raymens> I'm running a standalone node
<sacarlson> maybe your not pointing your app at your instance of horizon?
<raymens> That's correct, I'm using the ruby-stellar-base connected to the core :)
<powderfan> Question: I know how to do a path payment (at least in theory), but how am I supposed to find possible paths and exchange rates?
<sacarlson> powerderfan I wrote a very primitive function for mss-server that just looks for all offers of an asset from ether any issuer or point at a issuer's asset offers. but horizon might have better tools for that now
<sacarlson> I haven't been able to keep up with what's available on horizon
<raymens> So, I switched it to Postgresql. Now all tables do get filled etc. There seems to be a problem with SQLite
<sacarlson> maybe it just needed a full database reset it sounds like
<raymens> I've tried that multiple times
<sacarlson> I still use sqlite don't have any know problems at this time
<raymens> And the stellar.db did get created. It didn't get modified from that point forward though. Using the same config
<sacarlson> I'm not sure what version of stellar-core your running but I'm presently on b2b1ae0c700c5576eabacf54cba3ee0e8a4e10cc
<sacarlson> we would also have to see your configs, but if it works with postgress and you can live with that go with it
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<sacarlson> I almost have my supper crapy client almost working. it at least spits out the envelope data for both payment and create account but fails to send the transaction to the server
<sacarlson> I don't see any errors in the console only warnings so I must be brain farting again
<jed> Raymens can you file an issue if you haven't already
<raymens> jed I'll check if I can reproduce it again and if so, I'll create one
<raymens> What's the easiest way to force something being written in the SQL db?
<raymens> By stellar-core
<jed> something should be written there every ledger close
<raymens> Oh yeah I forgot :)
<jed> are you saying there is *nothing* in the DB?
<raymens> I was checking if I had the same problem on Windows. But problem I had before was on a Ubuntu VM. I'll check and see it I can reproduce it in the VM
<raymens> Nope, it does work as intended now with SQLite. No clue what might've happened
<jed> weird ok
<sacarlson> I love those things that just fix themselves
<raymens> UI of the year award ;)
<sacarlson> ha ha
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<raymens> What do you use to package the compiled stellar-core to a debian file?
<scott> @powderfan: I just pushed js-stellar-sdk 0.2.15, which includes the bugfix for the link helper bug you found. Thanks again for the report!
<powderfan> Wow, this is great, thanks!
<powderfan> Any idea on my question concerning possible payment paths?
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<scott> I don’t fully understand what you’re asking regarding payment paths. If you’re talking about exposing how much of a given asset an account has issued, I wouldn’t expect that in the near term. The solution isn’t trivial given how the stellar-core db is indexed, so I need to work with the core guys to see if I can get schema changed or go down the route of importing that information into a horizon-m
<scott> By “near term”, I mean “in the next couple of days”. It’ll probably be something that I get around to over the next couple of weeks
<sacarlson> raymens I have simple tools to package deb files that I've used before. I might be able to write a script the would package it. but the problem being it changes too fast to be worth it
<raymens> sacarlson Yeah that's why there are Continuous Integration/Deployment services that do that automatically. Stellar uses it to build the docker images
<sacarlson> ya that would be cool to auto create a deb file
<sacarlson> but other problem is that it compiles into a big package of like 100meg I think
<sacarlson> not a big problem
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<sacarlson> my build is now up to 162.3 MB
<raymens> That's not that big right :)
<sacarlson> bigger than most but in todays world with fast internet I guess it's ok
<sacarlson> hay I got my supper crapy client working !! ha ha
<sacarlson> not sure why I had to take the console print out to make it work
<powderfan> @scott: thanks it is not super urgent. I was referring to >Question: I know how to do a path payment (at least in theory), but how am I supposed to find possible paths and exchange rates?<
<powderfan> ah ok, didn't see this, sorry! Is there already support for it in stellar-sdk?
<scott> Not yet, I believe. Not sure who is going to be doing it, but I’ll make sure it ends up in our next sprint
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<powderfan> @scott: the link helper works fine now, thanks!
<scott> sweet! happy to help
<powderfan> I'm almost done with my migration, and everything seems to work on testnet. On live net I can query my account and transactions, but when it comes to sending a transaction I keep getting `tx_bad_auth error`. Sounds like something's wrong with my signature, but I use the very same code and keys as on testnet.
<powderfan> Or is it supposed to work only after official launch next week?
<scott> By default the client libraries are configured to work against the testnet only. Each network has a passphrase that is used in signature generation to keep them separate. When running in against the public network you need to call `Stellar. Network.usePublicNetwork()` prior to signing transactions (assuming you’ve imported the SDK into a var named `Stellar).
<scott> This scheme prevents someone from replaying transactions destined for one network on another network
<scott> they’re the same node, shouldn’t matter which one you use
<powderfan> ok. this is the envelope_xdr from the errormessage: AAAAAMZspzKlbN/4LYG6wZN380wCORoUzCcpMlYMiUSXJ9a1AAAAZAAGPkYAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA33K5RRMepccHX+kyj0ls1z1411T6uXhAYF/l6puSl7wAAAAAFEP9AAAAAAAAAAABlyfWtQAAAEC76wZ9hCL5xM2oNiKsiRtIsxTwWJaL4BtFomGT+EbFLZsEA1OmoT6QRLcd8nbs3HKjrxVy5d37nSQ5O/59srkI
<powderfan> is that the blob you asked for?
<scott> yep! let me check it out for one sec, see what’s wrong
<powderfan> this is my account sequence from account_single: 1757320228896768
<scott> yeah, it looks correct to me
<scott> let me check out the server logs, see if it gives me anything
<scott> it’s perhaps a stellar-core bug, we’re looking into it
<powderfan> ok, hope it's nothing severe so close before launch
<scott> I
<scott> It seems that non-validating nodes have an edge case where an account will get stuck in this state until you restart stellar-core
<scott> I’ll ping you with the issue when I open it