<veerasarma> ok thanks i will use and try
<veerasarma> Unhandled rejection Error: Expects a int64 as a string. Got 820196 at Function.exports.Memo._createClass.id.value (/var/www/node_modules/stellar-base/lib/memo.js:91:29)
<veerasarma> i got the above error when run this
<veerasarma> var transaction = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account,{fee:100, memo: StellarSdk.Memo.id(820196)})
<veerasarma> it is correct or need to change anything
<sacarlson> I've only ever used text so I'm not sure. you can still put numbers in text
<dzham> Maybe you need to make 820196 into a string, like the error message says? :)
<veerasarma> oh ok i'll try
<veerasarma> thanks its working when change it to string
<veerasarma> :grinning:
<veerasarma> We are developed our site in PHP code
<veerasarma> but the stellar API in js-sdk so we don't have a idea how to integrate these process on our site
<veerasarma> anybody have the idea for this
<regisg27> @veerasarma: You can create an api with a nodejs server & js-stellar-sdk , then you can query this server from you php code with a php http client like guzzle.
<veerasarma> fine and thanks
<jed> Veerasarma what are you building!
<sacarlson> veerasarma: and maybe depending on what you are doing you website can do transactions from the user side to horizon and you can get the results on you php side with restclient or other method available on php http://phphttpclient.com/
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<scott> horizon deploy is going out. Contains the link changes discussed last week.
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<brian.ebert> On this page:
<brian.ebert> sorry. I'll begin again
<brian.ebert> Wait...I think I understand
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<brian.ebert> One more question: it appears I don't need to include the sequence number of the funding account if I'm creating a new account. I've been using the sequence number when creating a payment from one account to another. Why the difference?
<bartek> > Sequence number: Each transaction has a sequence number. Transactions follow a strict ordering rule when it comes to processing of transactions per account. For the transaction to be valid, the sequence number must match the one stored in the source account entry when the transaction is applied. After the transaction is applied, the source account's stored sequence number is incremented by 1.
<brian.ebert> OK, call me stupid (it wouldn't be the first time) but I still don't understand. The sequence number is from the source account, so how is it different draining the source account to pay an existing account v. draining the source account to fund a new account?
<bartek> > it appears I don't need to include the sequence number of the funding account if I'm creating a new account you need to add current sequence number to every transaction. you only include sequence number of source account. please ask if you have any other questions.
<brian.ebert> I can assure you I am not including a sequence number when I create and fund a new account.
<bartek> can you share your code?
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<bartek> for example in your snippet this line: `server.loadAccount(fundingAccountAddress)` is responsible for loading current sequence number from the network.
<brian.ebert> OK, thanks. That clears it all up!
<brian.ebert> Although even with the mystery solved. So if I wanted to, could I call server.loadAccount when making a payment?