<hackerfoo> I'm trying to figure out why there are no RAM features set in fasm after this change: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs/pull/663
<tpb> Title: [WIP] reducing RAM primitives to DPRAM32/64 by HackerFoo · Pull Request #663 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<hackerfoo> Any tips?
<hackerfoo> It's weird, because the RAMs seem to have just disappeared entirely from ram_shifter_*1xs, but no errors. I can't find the INIT bit pattern either.
<hackerfoo> Maybe the problem is in Yosys, because the eblif looks different.
<litghost> hackerfoo: Does the eblif has the right blackbox's?
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<hackerfoo> I can't even find the .cname for the ram.
<litghost> huh, ya that sounds like a yosys bug
<litghost> did you update the cells_sim.v file?
<hackerfoo> There's no RAM .subckt
<litghost> So not a yosys bug, but a techmap issue
<litghost> Sorry*
<hackerfoo> I just did. I thought that was only for simulation?
<litghost> Yosys uses it for defining blackbox's
<litghost> Yosys tends to just eat poorly defined techmaps, something to watch for
<litghost> it will vomit in the Yosys log
<hackerfoo> Thanks. Now I see it in the eblif and fasm.
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<hackerfoo> I have RAM32X1S working on hardware!
<hackerfoo> Now I have to fix up the dual port RAMs.
<hackerfoo> RAM64X1D works, but RAM32X1D is broken the same way it was before. At least I fixed X1S.
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<elms> hackerfoo: woot! Progress
<hackerfoo> RAM32X1S now passes through VPR->fasm2v->Vivado->bitstream without errors. I'm going to load it and see what happens.
<hackerfoo> Doesn't work.
<elms> :/
<elms> hackerfoo: you can take it back to fasm and compare right?
<hackerfoo> Yeah, I could do that later, but I really want to get RAM32X1D working, which is what I meant to run through Vivado. It gives and error, though.
<hackerfoo> ERROR: [Vivado 12-2285] Cannot set LOC property of instance 'CLBLM_R_X11Y110_SLICE_X14Y110_RAM32X1D_CD', for bel C6LUT Element SLICE_X14Y110.C5LUT can not be used as a route-through for net CLBLL_R_X13Y110_SLICE_X18Y110_AMUX taged to C5LUT_O5 because a RAM or shift register is placed there
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<hackerfoo> The `_CD` seems weird. I can't find anything on it, except RAM128X1S_CD in clb_models.py
<elms> hackerfoo: Is that ganging the C and D LUTs?
<hackerfoo> That would be my guess, but I'm only using one.
<hackerfoo> It's using C and D, and not able to route that for some reason.
<hackerfoo> Oh yeah, I am using them both since it's dual port.
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/clb_models.py at 28c64dc905426c56210ce70bc53e0b8cc2a5a9dc · HackerFoo/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<hackerfoo> Ah, thanks. It's highly ungreppable.
<elms> agree
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/clb_models.py at 28c64dc905426c56210ce70bc53e0b8cc2a5a9dc · HackerFoo/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<elms> still doesn't help with that error. What is CLBLL_R_X13Y110_SLICE_X18Y110_AMUX in the design?
<litghost> The output wire from the slice
<litghost> From a slice
<elms> ok and it's trying to route through the slice used for the RAM. I guess I'm wondering if there is something the understand from what that net is the the design.
<elms> May be it doesn't matter, but it points to the RAM32x1D not correctly excluding that in VPR.
<hackerfoo> Funny, sometimes the error is different? ERROR: [Vivado 12-2285] Cannot set LOC property of instance 'CLBLM_R_X11Y110_SLICE_X14Y110_RAM32X1D_CD', for bel C6LUT Element SLICE_X14Y110.CFFMUX is not routable
<hackerfoo> Nondeterministic errors are never boring.
<elms> Are you just rerunning just vivado? or through VPR as well.
<hackerfoo> I re-ran VPR when it changed. It seems to be the same from just re-running Vivado.
<elms> good. place and route (eg Synthetic annealing) is pseudo-random. You can record the seed if you need to reproduce. I have not looked at how to do this with VPR.
<hackerfoo> Nevermind. The second one was my fault. I switched SPO/DPO to see if that had anything to do with it.
<hackerfoo> It's just me that's nondeterministic.
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/dram_shifter_32x1d.v at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<hackerfoo> It looks like what we're calling DPRAM32 is called RAMD32 by Vivado.
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<hackerfoo> It's something to do with the packing, because I removed the stub from RAM32X1D in the techmap and it works! Almost. The address is off by 5, but otherwise it works.
<hackerfoo> Somehow one of the SMALL bits are missing in the FASM.
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<hackerfoo> Holy shift registers, all of RAM{32,64]X1{S,D} work on hardware! Thanks for the help everyone.
<tpb> Title: [WIP] reducing RAM primitives to DPRAM32/64 by HackerFoo · Pull Request #663 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
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<tpb> Title: RapidWright/Unisim.java at master · Xilinx/RapidWright · GitHub (at github.com)
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<mithro> kgugala: did those examples for v2x help?
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<sf-slack2> <kgugala> @mithro Yes, they are. I'm still going through them. I'll have more time to work on that in a few hours
<mithro> kgugala: I need to do some more which are composite modules
<mithro> kgugala: and more tests for the association for clocked inputs / outputs
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<sf-slack2> <kgugala> + some that instantiate the above so we can test if the clock signals are correctly inferred in the top level
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<mithro> kgugala: So the is_registered function seems wrong
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> @mithro yes
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I think to solve this properly we should follow the connection path from considered input to the first $dff
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I mean the `is_registered` function should do that
<mithro> kgugala: You should be using yosys for this
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/run.py at dc45861228a81ade14f22d828856a575f9b471d9 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<mithro> # Find things which affect the given output
<mithro> # show w:*D_IN_0 %a %ci*
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> thanks, I was about to ask for an example
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> this is really helpful
<tpb> Title: Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite :: Command Reference :: select (at www.clifford.at)
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<mithro> kgugala: Things seem to work better when you do that reg change...
<mithro> kgugala: Looking at how we can make that warning an error
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> Yosys stops complaining about assigning a wire i always block
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<sf-slack2> <kgugala> @mithro can we assume the if an output is affected by an input, and the output has an associated clock, the input should also have this clock associated?
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<mithro> kgugala: Unsure
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I implemented such approach and it doesn't seem to break other tests
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I'll push that in a minute
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<mithro> kgugala: I pushed an update to how yosys runs
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<sf-slack2> <kgugala> yeah I see that
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> @mthro I see you push-forced the v2x-clock-tests
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> it conflicts with mine changes, I resolved the conflicts, but it'd be nicer if I rebase the whole thing
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> this will require push -f
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/vlog_to_model.py at dc45861228a81ade14f22d828856a575f9b471d9 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<mithro> kgugala: Were where your changes?
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> in dff_two_clocks (both verilog and golden_model)
<mithro> kgugala: I mean which repo were you pushing too?
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I just pushed the changes without rebasing
<tpb> Title: vlog_to_model: correctly handle clock association and multiple clks · mithro/symbiflow-arch-defs@ffbb1d4 · GitHub (at github.com)
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> it fixes the #667
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> ale also handles multiple clock association
<mithro> kgugala: You should push your version of my branch to another repo too
<mithro> Otherwise I can't access the commits
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> the changes you made there were actually doing the same I did (I defined the verilog outputs as regs)
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I just resolved the conficts there
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> @mithro the relevant change is in the commit I linked above
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> + golden model change so it fits what is generated by the script
<mithro> kgugala: Sure, but if you push to your own repo, then I won't accidentally push over the top of your changes :-)
<mithro> kgugala: I rebased your changes
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I see
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I pushed the dff_two_clocks golden model update
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> it's cosmetic
<mithro> kgugala: Why is your change needed?
<tpb> Title: WIP: v2x clock tests by mithro · Pull Request #664 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> it switches c1 and c2 for port b (it's cosmetic, but that was causing diff to fail)
<mithro> kgugala: Is cmake not running the golden model through xmlsort.xml ?
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> I generated new golden model with 'update_golden_model' target
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> @mithro, yes it is but it does not fix this:
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> - <port clock="c1 c2" combinational_sink_ports="o2 o1" name="b"/> + <port clock="c2 c1" combinational_sink_ports="o2 o1" name="b"/>
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> c1 and c2 are switched
<mithro> Ahh...
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> as I said it is cosmetic
<tpb> Title: Include the v2x model + pb_type xml files into VPR architecture XML file and check VPR can load it · Issue #668 · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
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<mithro> kgugala: I'll work on #668 if you are working on the v2x stuff
<sf-slack2> <kgugala> Ok
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<hackerfoo> How can I set a FASM feature based on the input to a mux in VPR? Do I need to use modes instead?
<hackerfoo> I can see the equivalent to what I want for <direct>
<litghost> You mean fasm_mux?
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/common_slice.pb_type.xml at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<hackerfoo> Thanks, I think so. Is the synax a list of "<input> = <fasm feature name>"?
<hackerfoo> And I guess "NULL" is a keyword for not adding anything.
<litghost> Yes
<elms> hackerfoo: I think that is accepted, but use `input : feature` as shown here https://github.com/SymbiFlow/vtr-verilog-to-routing/blob/master%2Bwip/utils/fasm/test/test_fasm_arch.xml#L146-L149
<tpb> Title: vtr-verilog-to-routing/test_fasm_arch.xml at master+wip · SymbiFlow/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)
<tpb> Title: symbiflow-arch-defs/common_slice.pb_type.xml at master · SymbiFlow/symbiflow-arch-defs · GitHub (at github.com)
<litghost> NONE is actually the keyword, not NULL
<litghost> Sorry, NULL is correct, opps
<litghost> Might be some errors at L306
<hackerfoo> elms: Why use `input : feature`? `input = feature` is used everywhere else.
<hackerfoo> If we're changing the syntax, I suggest `->` or `=>`.
<elms> Both are supported and I think we should go back and change existing uses.
<hackerfoo> Inconsistency is worst: http://i.imgur.com/vOWAAUK.png
<tpb> Title: vtr-verilog-to-routing/fasm.rst at master · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)
<hackerfoo> If we're going to change it, it's probably best to do in a single PR.
<hackerfoo> As much as possible, at least.
<elms> that's valid.
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<litghost> For now, stay consistent with the XML's around it. I believe ice40 is using the ":" and xc7 is using "=".
<litghost> hackerfoo: We cannot use ">" because XML
<litghost> hackerfoo: Much sadness
<tpb> Title: FPGA Assembly (FASM) Output Support Verilog-to-Routing 8.0.0-dev documentation (at symbiflow.readthedocs.io)
<litghost> elms: Yes
<hackerfoo> Can I use the output of a mux directly as the input to another? "Message: Syntax error processing port string 'B_DRAM.DI1 SLICEM_MODES.AI' (output from interconnect from parent is not an input or clock pin)"
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<litghost> hackerfoo: Nope
<litghost> hackerfoo: That's the reason for the "PARENT_DI" stuff
<litghost> hackerfoo: It is simply converting the input port to an output port
<litghost> hackerfoo: Or vise-versa
<litghost> hackerfoo: Been a while since I messed with this stuff
<hackerfoo> I guess I need an internal wire.
<elms> litghost: has there been any discussion around how to support different speed grades?
<litghost> elms: Funny that you mention it
<tpb> Title: PVT corner timing models · Issue #551 · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)
<litghost> elms: Speed grades are just another take on the corner analysis, kind of
<litghost> elms: If VPR supported multiple corners, and we could select which corners we used in analysis, that would cover speed grades
<elms> litghost: makes sense. Last week I thought about it and realized forking pb_types would be terrible. Do you think the difference in speed grades are uniform enough to have little impact on PnR?
<litghost> elms: Hard to say, I lack an intuition on that topic
<elms> If it just adds constants I would imagine little impact on the routing for example. It would impact fmax.
<elms> ok
<litghost> elms: Given that we are controlling the import, we can just emit pbtypes and rrgraphs at a particular speed grade, yes?
<elms> litghost: yes, but we would have to generate one for each grade which would be mostly identical except for the timing. Or just emit for 1 speed grade and say that's good enough for now.
<litghost> elms: I don't think we are going to be able to avoid that without a symbolic solution to https://github.com/verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing/issues/551
<tpb> Title: PVT corner timing models · Issue #551 · verilog-to-routing/vtr-verilog-to-routing · GitHub (at github.com)
<elms> litghost: I think this points to another aspect that could be optimized in the representation format. We will want an 1:N mapping for timing. Yes I agree about that issue. But I think as we look forward to other formats, it will be better to separate them to a separate data structure
<litghost> elms: Sure, which is what I mean by a symbolic solution, e.g. a side lookup
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